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The New Era, 1884-06-13, Page 7
. - �'ERSO A i , IVI? k0LITI(,, - 1 h1*V," ,z _ '_ atH4' __ r_ --••�� Tharsda une, , - . r� G', , � , , - "i, {Wheat, scot old i1 a kir lr , "� .a ' . agcel i Aho Democrrat c nomination fereal; :' new • ,. �Q 05 a ,l qQ �� � , ���►, � ��' pp of which very, little doubt, is eutorta]ned, by Ir , old - 1 :0Q sk 105 oUt.?_� 4 ..�,.•., ,....,.., ^.�.� {3 blas wheat 6. * x. , ' r - those who alarm to be in a positiun to Speak. ' new . 1 00 a. l 05 __ ., ' Spring, The cot .milafonera appointed by.the On, ta.' Oath $' p 1 OG ��"" 1 VO, , Q 35 a 0 $Q ' xio (loreinment to. investigate the oopspiraoy Barley, .040 s 0 56 charges, announce a preliminary public msec. Peas • I CRUICKSHA-A- 8 - p po P k to r ° Q, 70 .a 9 7;r K_ ' - �e-� --- tp on the loth fust, for the purpose °f open �.. a ing the commission, Pdtatpes, " .. 4 T,U a 0 50 m The cause of woman suffrage has received Butter, 95 'Q 15 a 'U 16THE 1300T A "g1 a defeat in Oregon. A constitutional amend. Eggs, • , 0 1" a Q 111 e THE LOBS LIGHTNING , RIND ' HPANY1Ment givin women the ri ht to vote Was sub- ' , Q00 nGgg g •Flay., . 8OQ a cJ.4i0' . milted to the people .and lest in spite of the Sheep Aelts . q `'a , 0 75 DEALER I>v, ALL BINDS OF oat vl orons efforts made in its favor, Lamb'skins, , - Q 60- a 0 75. a. m Beef, . • 050 A 750 ■ ,0 -1 ,�1 l 1L1.a Mr.Haley and son, farmers, residingabout Wool" . two tildes from Brantford, In, the township of I.Q l6 a 0:18 �h]��Q(%](t, j� ,i>l�� Chlrn's it :Shoe, i i , ..�..,.,....__. .. I..� _. ,. � � � - r.. INCORPORATED 1818'., C ITAL STOCK dti'SO9 . thea snore Friday. A the aid olt struck BOU111. Brant, too shelter ander r} tree during a than. l $ ¢ p 1'alertr,.-la Clinton, on the`7tla fust;, the • i ��rrdl give the above reward to the first Berson who will plrove that a single building, has been ciall ,who sustained -ser (rna barn n bout liiir'iied in the Dominion of Canada: upon which rodemanufactured b : our Com an . have yy' l t K a wife of Mr, S„ {0, ferry, of Clinton High, S pr'� nr Sto'C WeI' p Y v the t�ody sad limbs, Sobool, of a daughter, /� w, assorted, ail d, 6 boon placed according to our rifles for the proteirton of buildings by pre by light, The Tory journals Whfoh have been leading. CerrrelrDrl<.-[u Clinton, on tbo 10th fns;, V - Hing, with Companys Guarantee,the secret soeleties' , m ,late �n Oral: de,partrn.ents crusade g U. the wife of Nit. ,Tole C,ailaader, of a daughter REMA�iKAB1�E FACT word Blake, on writhed dthat hagony was the honored w �e qR fir, w' Daliett, on the 23rd May, the , • d g m, Shipley,of a eon, AT GOODS ,MOLD CHEAT FOR CASH This Company have erected, millions And.'millions of feet of rod In, the last seven years ggleet at the banquetyof the Supregte Grand COPP,�-.Ia .Clinton, on the 8rd inst.., the • _ C. CRU 1 [~iNSHAN � ' (since incorporation, June, 1878) in, the Dominion. of Canada, and considering the, great Pain Lodge of the her ed. Order of {Porkmen at wife of Mr. C, Copp, of a eon, K, BRICK SLOG [s., CLTNTON $ Toronto the other evening, Msixow,--In Goderich township, on the •�•�-. - her of violent thunderstorms, and aha, almost daily occurrence of buildings struck and burned Pd by lightning, tllul is a wonderful showing, AT ALT, the Getman baths, DR, '�Alz 22nd May, aha ante of 1Vlr. tV, I4lelmon,. of a ( BnREWS KINnzzy Ctixs is the only treatment son. • • i AIANUFACJilREII% QF followed in curing the diffetient forms of CLINTO : . I ... . � .. WO kidney disease. Thalia hays attested Fluid Lightning, ' • ALL FIND'S OF CAPPER CABLE I,IQHTNING CONDUCTORS. its efficacy, and, are joyfully relating to their Thera are but few that have not suffered lalmogt to suffering friends how speedily` it relk-vee •the, toleraple pain from toothache, neurals14, or Itka scut ir`izbure Ornaments Weather Vanes, and. Electrical A pstatus. Sole ro tiara of the won. sins of these diatres i>x nom ]aintm; t Ca ;PaEIN"MIL. . . ins, To them such an inataut relief as 13iuid Light• . � LS e, p pp P fib. N n p /. g p. I . u ningt Is an Untold ble, 0 s9ing In time OI trouble, No die• ,,-..�,..�.�„_ 8ondaoting (class Ball. Special attention Given to thei realign of Conduotore on ChurOhee,Stjhool now hod at, any drag store, ralating:daren9tve medicines to betaken. tor. days. Ono r Hausman other public bail as. A good responsible party wanted in every, 41% County and, , , '. • application of Pluld Li htn[n aures. 8 id at Combo the above milia are to#nil o era " Township throughout the Dominion (none others need split to handle onr goods• write for Itis understood -that a meeting of the Sup, g h R a p fico and are prepared to (io all kinds of work i t farms and further information, ,:Ofitce and. Works -iso v$fng street, LONDON, ONT, re co rt Will a held at an earl da to d . and manufaetaring line,. - ROLL CA, RDMG, SPINNING o ho' OTUR. e• _ , WEAVING MANUFACTUR- s i ING in all its branches dope in ffrat-isless at THOMAS 0. .HEWITT, President, .and Manager. t rnaiu the validity of the Dom jou License Ximportaint Jndidat MIC ; trade, - EX A111 style and on as reasonable terms pe say mill iP the - - act, Whatever - may be the decision of, the of TWE40S. E FOR GODS -We have. this season. a very large stock . .Supreme Court at is alto ether likely „that the ' Ot` E. LANN4bS; BLANIRTS, YARN, SHIRTING STOOKING YARNSi. M■ $. $ I N=079 -&gent,. CLZ1T'TONa cess will u the. sod be eabmitted to the Jud- ` " ' - WINCEY+S, IVNION FLANNEL, SHIRTS,- DRAWERS, HORSE ,BLANKE y wall eRxchange them for WOOL and allow from TWO ' T_ THREE TS, ENTggo' • 1 inial committee r theImperial Priv settlement, PER L0- ABOVE THE iREGULAR Al1ARKET PRICE for aTl' ' I es to beeho ed at an f rate that the 0 Old . 4 dd D. c� VIL AGE LANDS Is White Bronze aFraud � JOHN ROSS :-� p y e=changed. . /, Centralizer" will be defeated' and that the re- '� - . wool so • . stilt will be a verdict for provincial rights all 11 A p TT -- RNER1S BRIM CLIS'ON, April 28,1884, °ver the Dominiop. - ! p t� M •��•• 'pT ?ter 7• •� 3IIt. A. II. LANDON, ■ U M ■ r p' A E R " 1tiQ14LEX vs.. lYlOR11 yY. Aur Mill has. been and is now tannin . I U R WOOL TO CLINTON . The Mail .declares that "all attempts at , , stead nd you can depend on stain DEAR SrR,—Did you the the inclosed testhuonial'or g o & Y l' getting your work vkc " 73amo&POR', ON.t1, y g NT. • weakening the structure n the s of roll ,- UNDER TWO ORDERS 1i$ADI9 BY' THE dobe and on short notice. ' Ss it a fraud? Yours ver, respectfully, CLINTON,, tion" are "treason to the interests of relfgi• U high Court of;0 atioe, Chancery Division; W. M. (IIkFI7r. „ made in 'the above action, dated the 20th No • This is to certify that I saw during the sat dmer.of . The subaeriber lies had many years' esperi- on. This is very.roagh Rn Sir,John agd 81r vemiror(1882 and the 2nd November ,I 82..t them w 1868, at the Schonburnn Palace Gardena _%t'Vienna encs ;and l;uarantees to RavO the basil oY eatis• Tupper, who have done more, by theirahame• will be's0ld icyPiTBLICAUCT ON the f° to , dQ�i l=�✓�S'idi~ '�W coOI�S ii_ RFi • AUS; �'r'p�, an equeatrlan statue of Prince doaeplt,._ ilii.,,....' . faotiort, 4essly dissolute admimstration,and the Rolfe . ing valuable properties at the ae .oral timwea o . . .hi* that time had stood exposed in the open air T of wholesale briber and usnr anon of covin and plkcee _hereinafter mentioned, by and' , ,. his season -than ever known before rn this art d f'the Count r - for 86 ears had said statue was cast of pure zinc, and ,PUMPS, TANKS, (~ISTE ,- i' TC„ Y p p P - y GI4E C 5 A PUL.. in appearance St was fresh and orfect B ' Made Hari put in on short. Holies, $Il Ord,jrs, Clal rights,t0 weaken the structure df Clonfed• the aPnFOb&tion Of 9IITHERLANn MAI ¢OataON, . AP - Es4Uixs', one of the blasters at Qodertoh of t11e • P: to a000m ieh, Still it would Hader have cf Judigatura for Ontario, ¢ir r CORBETT ' , i h BOLES. = Su H'Pon brol.e TWorks,• s nabli promptly attended to, Charges tea station than all its enemies Wolfed could hoe bu tome Court• y P Y g p P , Bridgeport,Conn, JOHN ROSS, Clinton, 1sT, At she Grand Union Hotel, in the + . .occurred to anyone but the Mail t6 call this Town of Vilnton. on Taeeaay the 0 -4th • BRtppEroar,;OT., Diay$, lSst. FOR SALE. ' treason to religion, day of June, 1884, at. Two o'clock p. in ^ Tilt. W. TI. G1EFI1i• _ _ -- , __ �_,,,-,_,•,,,,___ _ •,�_,• _• ,-- �__ ;.Tl'n follotving.is from J, W, Pto em of winni a former' Lots numbers 41 and 78, in the Maitland: Con, ___ _ _ DEAR Sia,,—Your card, A ri128, at hand, `lite' es i �' g Cee t - - _ ea er, 3fipwer ana•iHoy Hake, in spien•, grain buyer foe FVm, Gilleaby,:ofm11 cin aha (fir mics iy" a otYeY°the'Tov¢irship oY (3loderSelt; Oontut "'°" p p Y _ in umtal you refer to, atgaed by one Mr. Landon,' y � did -order, jest as ^sod as craw: Will be sold ! n'es.for many years muchafNicted with Oostvenees,Biliouse int 1'JO . . Oi 1A11d, more arises, in One loC. • -� rimand no fraud, the statue having been seen by , ossa, and ultimatel Dyspepsia. I suffered very much skid " ` g Y , . �.� him as stated, and also by thousands of other . Amerl- tried many dSRarent medicines, which -gave me oalR,tempor 2NIr. At the Same Yime and.plaice Lot L O' T enn tourists, and can be seen the sumo to -day. cheap.? JONH RIDOUTI Clinton. .ary relief and then as bad as ever again. I was recommend• number 25, in the'14th Concession of said town - If you or any of your customers wish to satisfy ed by a friend, who had boon restored to health by it, to try ghip.of Goderfelr; odntaining so aoreQ, more, or a' "' themselvesas to the utility and enuineness of'the T[c respeeay Cure, i did no, and it was not long be. s MISS GR.._, fareItel ltka,anewman,andlbavoeanytdelcehentheahh bias. —d- -, work; if they will take the trouble to come to Bridge- , 4 1 . i ` MUSIC TEACHER .CLINTON. erer'since,. I6ratcommentped•tahingltFebrnarg7t1, 1870, port, we would be pleased to show thorn what is being �' Sold bye.. Combe.,,, 3RD. At the snnne time and place, vil- ' done here slid think they will very quickly admit it Is -now forialuj 'alaro class, and Can take about four lege, Lots numbers 144 and 172, on the south side When found he was ' at the ,0 'Q' is no humbug, and yourself as an agent.for the goods more pupils., Lessons given at her residence, I10ron . The Hamilton Tory organ says the Libe•, of elle River TeesWater, and fronting on Clarin• /� y� 1� } . /.�A{ii HALL Or QnPi would be greatly benefitted by the visit here. ,$t., qr at the homes of pupils. Bost of references ns.tu a da Street, in alta. irillagt).Of. TCOaSVatOr., in filo _of themoo fittingSuiL1s 411a.IJ M M - FIS Yours &e. A. H. LANDON, her abilities as a teacher. , .. rats hate British connection and will'sev j - H,LR,a Loi* �) I—Orm`Q County of•Bruce, . . -Y of the firm Cf Parsons & Landon. emit. if they can.". Yes, we believe it. was Pia ties intending to purchase a Monument will. i Ti111llUer' 7 j1(l i�i`L1 h a Torp candidate in East Elgin who said 4Ttr. At Martini's, $otel; in the Village. turns out two doors north' of . the Grand Union iind it to their advantage to see our white ._ _ ` „ 'c: British Connection be datnAed',".'aIId .f113 .jaDungannon.. is84, ht Twodo'olook y In t- , Bronze before buying elsewhere.1 Hotel. ' :Come and see icn�] stock. of ' '�� tit f�111E SUBSCIIIBER iiEEPS. ON HAND AT ISiS leading organ of the party which declared West•ltalt oY Lot number Sevon' in the 6th con, J e, .` • X. GIFFIN, - AGENT, Uromi4o's Isaac street Clinton (near the Panning that if the National Policy injured. British. cession• eastern division,, o. the To`vaship ot- - Mill bactorYy) all ]duds of bane- >Zumher, Lath, ,, Ash lel_d, containing 100 adres,•.more.or lesd. ■ OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, Huron Strcet, &e. Patttea requiring such. will find it to their ad• dronnection then': so much the worse fur 1 O1Sntou. 0 doors Oast from D'r. Reevo's - • 4) e. W + van>+age to call kir him, •' , . $rrtish, connection. The Dant of .loyalty 6xlr. At S90anQreht,ts Noitil, in the oil;: Tweeds, S � � o W g� � w els ., orsted �Tr sena - • _ -- -- „� _ . ; JOSEP1i CIIIDLPY. Caricas rt}ceftall ';.frofn. such a lageofBelgyrave.on•7hurtsday,the Ztllh _ r^( a�1• g y party ard. any .of June.,1884, at'Ono o'clock'P.M;; the... and Sum mer -C, vercoatl n s !t.. J. B I D� D ii E Cr' U M B .E, TIIE SVELL-KNAwN STALLION each advocates: ' prOpert in alio Said villag°; oeclipied by DIr, ,. .1 udr tt as a hotel. eomprteing Village Lot, i - Th'e fact that'a colored roan alas appointed •arnmber 1:Ou alio inrt is aido ]n rho saulvilln o It h , Fits an,d nwork — .3ssh afecond , to uoa® temporary chairman of the Chicago eonven. and thO laud Occupied by the stables opposite e � Wath and Clock Maker .f .. p the of Lot 42, inthe8th concession o 7 k7� i t , l tion reminds atetis i the colored onenor n. s life toe uship of Witwanosb. and which may be A11 �Qa.'sir C.Ue.tz �,Sz't6ed■ S ON the UnitedStateais increasingat an enormous ship ,is follows: Cpmmtluain .ata Dint JEWELLER, tlEc., til ill stand for hiare5 at TIIEDB9LD'S 110'PN L,'(htto 'rate; and-'cbuld'alredd • hold the balsnce :of Oil the north q p 'a �� • �"� ' y oily limit of tae, Gravel Ztostd, bo-] �j1E? j,; I 8% a_ rts') ovoi'y' SATI'a16A4' .afternoon. , Terms'-,Ao . aweOn Bl s hav-ii� g the�.i own.' m atel-ial OPPOSITE TELE e11ARKLT, OL1NT/i.N , $ power. tine"of' the 'presidential: candidates Blyth and.'Whigham . distant ten rods; insure, �8: „ „ soutlrorlY direction from .the north -oast corner 1° ;dYDT: P.ER.DUE, may some day, be really a dark horse, lint of said lot, thende westorly. parallel with 1110. Ca,Zl ha,V'e. lt' :-made ��nd 1'Yzn�nec c�'n, . • •' Whore he keeps a select assortment of - lf'a colored man should ever be nominated he concession roan 8 rod:►, thence sonthei ly, pstill- l will never beeliected. elected: The white people don't let with the said gravel road 02 feet,:thencn $l� ort Y1 Qt1C ., ' • WATCHES, RLLER STEW E1A BAKER Y...Oare very`rnueh who act as: cllairme i of the e{teteily, 1rarallel with life saideoncessian road; ' . A CHES, CLOCKS, JEW Y, 'SlfYER- l AO the said „ravel i�oad. 8 rode,�thenee Northerly- • .GIVE Nil . A TIZI' 9 L ' WARE, . ' 'rkos.'DUNLOP. political conventions, but if a colored man. along Said i;rat-el roan U2 feet, to,thelilnee of , CFLARGrES 111ODFPATE. • Which we will sell at reasonable rates. � AS pieavnro in infonning thO people of Clinton shopld ever be nominated for"tho chief mag- begtunlnb. ... . HAS that - lie has,emmneucetl business for himself ill fstracy, party lines ,would ,be swept away nd• 11 . _ the building AdfoIIIII , theNEti• EAAoffice, w'here he, -the coutest•would.befought out on the' cplor 6TH. AA tlse..sumO time,atsa iablee; ilio • �1 _.'!1 , , r Repairing of a -very description roibptl • at will 4AKI, O'BUSTNESS Wall its branch- pro1,erty adjol.nlug t0 tho rontherl' u on the i M. +' ��-/�_&M. _ P g P P 2) line: y P tended to, and all woilt warranted. , os, and will lit) pleaaed.tc recoil e' a share of pntronago,. Said stables. lruott•n fornrer]y as'tlio'blcCariiae .:*._ ' 110HOt•ID9thathecan iv0satisYastitnttoallt•liefav r' • " • Hotel,. attd-detserlbadaaa'lart •. 1• y '; .. i : '~ J. 13IDDLECUTIBE. - m g r e . \h 7.. ), }attlaillS who oat fob. Bothwell to 1 OY t to said faltn Ctintou,Nov.1882. him withthotaanstom. BREADDslAVERislr, 11 ° m ' Lotnnmlict42,iutilebth°oneobrionoftileeaitl• OAK HALE., -:SMITHS '80, K_ :CL1�1 T Ie.TI usOof( otn ons for some tnita,ts grott,,,.Towlislitp of 1i'11,wano5la; eomui0n0111 ^on.the- • ' - a northerl I ,_ .TO . ung discontented atthe delay of the Govern'. ) limp oY-the gaid,gravr,'1 road, at tho, . HURRAH FOR THE 1 Tl,T ' 13' s,r a•tuT [.:I IM -4 -1'1V -SZ 'r meat iworosldibb 4n office forlih-h' ,- He o en;' south-eastcr]y cOrner of thopareol listly.abovo E1. 1 ex teases tlia'ust for the tnanne 'i h described, thouao southerly alOu^ thtl said grit•' HAND TTA7)l,. .. Y, p r n n ieh _ _ __.._ _ j , vel road G:3 feet, more oe l0$s, to clic parec0.orr 1 t` Old '1'J -acct roto" is now treating''hini. Sortie tinning 20 rods, owned by anO \Vtlll:uu Phomp•' r i- (lays ago 5u .John »tlered:AIr: Hawkins a pal- sen,tl.teneo weatetly 11)arallel•tvlth the sai[t Cdn- N j'j' ����-�'r P cession roAd Cightrotls,tkpneo northerly G3 feel : UU. �m` , �ACHMER� I11�LL4:I' t�yposttion,ofsoinekfn�fn�hohottli-lZ'est. j . _ . I. i marc or less, tO thO southwest Ctlrnel of the l • : H . B E A O O M ;. tinder lir. llufus latepltenson; 'blraiawltins; said It irt'el laitl3" ahave.desOLibed, thetics suet. i . � .. �INGH' SoM L'eots Arid Shoes of own maktAi I ot't1 c Ae°lined:to tiecept it; insisting; that his Serviceg crly i tr•41fol to filo sald ebueessiou road- el Itt . M ; , E . ._ . i , 1 rods, to th. 'rift gravel rOnQ ;and' P1ACe of lie- j , fultowing lord 0gdres;� to tbe'party entitled-1im to sometbing better, 10111 P.[UIIT-ftT.QN(,. NOty TS THE.•. g;Liuh)?z.. �' time to seemtr a burg;atn. Pins Ass Tinaa'CoAtts Doors.from ,....:.., ul,r,0 ni). 'tvherenpou Sar�ohnhinted-ihat•liisusefulness:. . nTu`rrlNrar .tT ROCK BOTT031 ftt'r : star's 1r:tRa70o•ns, Cauadlam6lalf irons,,.,,. 3.00 III). wa's now'gone and. that the.G> - D_eS11$S'�O; Call S eG`�11 c tt 1 . , ` P c .s i overnniont diel,p l `1 C 1tI0I1 tU alla StC)Cl% C�. MEc's to s, hili esuOetL•' 1;00Ta,11`0111....'.-4'.(]tl tIV Itot therefdre -feel bound to rt`e ide for;h mi " "' '0�'L. •�' I".. - Wy7�T_ ttlll �T7 �,1 Bov:v ]3uo's; from ...... ],n0.u1; , eh p _ . , .. T1tisprope'l•ty is1's 11111, i'rutti IlttlmesvilJc, ill. 11l. IJ 1 Aid 1l L'! i T An)k L'Otrrs, front .......t........,. 11,60 ftp -Such -is Cory �llttitudC. . , . .. JiHtt ulluut J �rtUCa from Clinton. About 80 a01'es : ' •' Iieuafring.T1'onq)tl.v Attended to ^„ , 111'0 r•.leamd.aud .alwoSt freo from stuilips, and- ' e Do.ire, to anuounen to the .n1 +lie It lin ' 1 , ' NN"ti ipeg, dune U. .Tbe Sub-Conitnitt "0• V10 b:llanco,is fillrl _.tnnb 1 ii T el . 1 1 t11at C as, Noiirmnnskip GirntauIced c 5 e e `vitt llttttlyvUOft. - . 0prued it shop for the 0onvouieu +• tl t tttn + alto F ' Uu Ot' nr tintl)Ci. The;huildin s that oll ll i �: ct• 01 1 s Inall , 1TOT'.-T, T.IT,..IIAMU T'73U'[LDI:�C, CLINTON. : ��%� ; 1 i et here.•Sesterilny anal S e c4 � 8t oY a 1, . �J rnSWI110rs. 0u HURON i4TRTET, ('L1NT0�, I hkor,y stdz1C11att tlttl; ItouaO, 25x 34 :tfra no arrr !!. t/ h �a':.: �� r .1, �F ��{/T . -- iet]scd the;ednstrtutron;rtnller tihe'<Lct of Ill &0x70, Anil' tt fitAbie 19 s' 0 c ' 4 � G ""In, "" .. f * , __._ ,' corporations• „rbe Centra� Union i,$ now fol ' ,hart sarin 'loauf:. h , s , zi Oil. n11r iig'sp Hurl .. - ar ' . �� y �veral2iT;t tr•larlin sprigt s . . I _ : eaua.itt�te(1 with a Dciaid af.otlie:ars`audzill.eG; llnivthrdu 1l tiuihrewises,-tlutl a,Ood wail act- f �earlV o osite the Commercial Notcl Valll�bl .FARM . FOR SALE. � . li)iNs alit, ilotlw. °1hore isitlso , .,et)t ) . 1 PP 1 , . - . tors. .lir, Bayley,•late 0f rico Ne}son lI'onti•' . t 1 ).caul- , �` -• , , , 01T)IRrtl, (-•ant Stch • of ,06tit luUTrlur tvees. , OE a l.� 111C�S .ISllitdi)1@' f I' G113'L _. tainet r, leas. Leen appour ,ed. ti avellrng aagent ' I SVhcre the to form branch unions. yteps are to be taken.. Y knia :Ct: �.; 4iT�,. G®N. U,•HUl.L.ETT,tlli�is'��1vse1zt5 r 1 tohbipgrain-to Clements Thus propertyleal)0uh1):ririlasi'routllidinCa-.r. . 1 , . , , 1 Gravel Mond to 0111tott, •1 full¢, ti taint, 'rho re0• America r - . ' , , 8 . Arlie, ,wit 9 miles tYd�n (Jliuttlu.. About u0 acres d:. '�yg'r SS Sys T LOW-DOWN 1 u p efct?ell. l he C•0wmit6ee UAaae3 , .aro, Ctcurntf anti ithO i v rr 1 n � - 4 . I�ASS�i 1 J.ro II ��O.1I N BIND R Acrty contain~ 1.11'aoros; yf �vhidb IOOare e1ctv,wi,w til t t I0 ac tt h In bush, ,.01) .. Aliso th t�••d�'y q ry� d�tn feltCed Ai1tl-uudertlraruetl; .Tice liuiid,nc� aro all in tesolnttotis. ooridemnuig� ill@ (,"V.1a. elevator, littrt'claylttitlhart.sandy IOam: Tho bnildfn' s : ' ... • 9 v':. ��� ': �Vu v� �d11�i1 _ .�•� i, - rood Order and coin ilo So as in , ` , i • re illation$ .. and a ). toyi l�! t17 •.° n Lboroon oonsist of••ari•ai• I I •(, -m.. A.- 'Ii' .. ' .: - o . e : cidd (au hr, sot a tat any tiwt. Also the 6 1 d t , ' c ludhrr a bi ac t, dw all g , ,. 1 p t [, D o rsa of .the .1 1l,t .lin„ house .Ux U, • �, r �' hr+ ,W lar' r with It Awall:7,ltrlten a �i �j� �t c o g e_ba )s, largadrivhtg shoo and stuhie, Le •islatul'e iu,reg. (I to the 0ktawa tertils. 11,U!elied. it frame barn GS�LL Frul "i t'A �]w �r I . . 7 all built un su1Sd stairs foinulatiou ftrtir.tt•o t o0X 0U, .with ib•Part sldi.te l't)rutdut bu w 1 �) t��,llil@d Gods - T } 1 a1 1 at lean ,c.. tidatrey and Toronto 1[OtverR, IlIa33seY• a , 1l, t: ter- gain has, fallen eopiop.Sly .in ;all parts of'the to 12 x ti0, all in Cain rc , t•' . . Harvester, also, the To • ' 'bd;lpithlarge bpnritig arCltgrd,�:Liberal terms. tyot'' province and thea spring , i 1#. �>-never-fai]Ing, l }. e r onto IEletated partletdam apply 6) e i territory. The crops A'eo in l S,ntreitm flows through thn]alid, alid thore.' r Is Stibo a g;o0d, well 00S4 to fire horse, aucl :It ' r, ,Av a font cut Binder, with yLcafcii:r.. 20• \iT ,'St°. 1;{itll',N 'tiLI,lON, splendid condition, and,pl'tlLliisC.well) �v_ s,.. , , . , .Y •... ... rellai�1: I, frtitt ti•er.�, kat Medd Q�-3`ti• 4t7�i 1XG�i,L�Ii F,. GROCER, C ;1Ir. Christian.l�.. floss, fattier of the lona: .e r tilt lits : ' 1.h ro )ah, 1 nits- arc iniac' . LI14] �'AN . , ries• attached:' Plows, beutilers Drills besiriir' . 1 11.•ot u0es it alit.. )tit - ; and Sharpen Raises. lost.(harbe a list fnvestfe fOcTtito one of .t - BANKRUPT SAJ * y ) h � a hA 1 1?.6•1x1,(275a • . - - .. Tho shop ~rigs ha attended -to by MR. DAVID a boy;.w.ho recently told a story at .Quinc `, Tue�u. Lots are taeaut, but ittic-c li••ibie fol' • w -- TMCOAT, who will bo there at gill times; and. , ' .. . ' Ill., which led t . authorities Io believ ' t 3 ofther.giirdoo ol• ltrlvatc rosidt ne(t lite edt�s in ' �Y XT e it'll ;alta tbl'. t in,. ! . , �i ;fir. rZs . will be Pleased t° have fanners call, he had Bean abducted g illa,�e of TerstvAtcr, ' . WITH•OUT':.RESER'VE� years ago. life . . .�". Ai.L KINDS OF RL••PAIRS REPT ON HAND. " I I._.. }coma in_Ylxiladeiphia. It was found Bret 1'.thli�(;1t:L.c •f: . • _ 1.OII • though.•the boy hall light eyes and a fair cam• I.lus ltrppeety is situate about 1A lnilald i'raul • Clinton. April 4, 18A4. lexfolt, lie l>brd 1i0 ethOr rC emblance t0• th f (lodOMch; ants about 2 miles franc the T.aw'ti' tl --------- Clic:� iilage af:Dungauuou; 'About 60 acres s a e r( B00 STS �1 8 . TI01 R:,_ long•lost son: Tiro rxperlbboe:OE )VIP ltgssts sleeted, asaCrestln]Ueieii, chi0itywith hOuilOck M A f�1 A , , , 4 T -A GOODS'. STOL.. IIfIPORTLIN I p A sad one, luring the years which have elaps. Ilia 10 fi"i beeOhj ttind:abont r) (bores of stash. NNOUN TENT ad since the disa 1 earance of -ite ,misein so . s fur tile most tart a tilt cam.- I P G Phere is a 1;¢ story frame dweliingt heubo, iu • .' •, .` .,Al' J .� �. 1 Ohfldt he tiva �eceived nea�l'ly g.00 colrlfiitlniaa ftrlr ropait, and a frame barn 4oxGo nearly nolo TO T1iE _ . .. ,_ , /Inya dafoul] relative t° lost boys from dlfierent'pat'ts' anti ]tt g;0at1 repair On thn.XiremieCrt... A suiullOI I F 'N ..LCCORDANOB FirITIJ*A IIE861,0,6 of the couotry.w'hioli have excited hope, only (reel( flows through tine:laws, and there is alsoWARNERS URONl to be followedb bitter disappointmeut..D r, t1900d well on rite promises. - ` " , Weir, , c of t 0rcdlrtora rife whole stock'of I!urnf- - y . - tore of the . ' , , Ross has also expended a fortune in endeA'vor• /I\HE SUBSCRIBERS IIA�'IN(i'BEEIN APl?CINT•a�i��' Fr an Sole Agonts for the well known GURNEY , _ ,1n to .Obtain sonic .traces Of Elie: - Th161,w , POY'ciClint6n acid tri0init Ilaviitg l MANUFACTURING COMPANY, u4 D,t111dAs desire to C i loved mresing, i1 O1N1,>rlsCs a vaatutbl0 (,auutry HUUeI pt's•, t' y, „ leen. %f s(]nl© yCu7'S with the fate fi171IESTATE..OF O, DIEHL & SONS one, n nes, iN the OnjOymont Af a•, - eali the nspec'tat attuution of Perinate tb their bein,•,'the Maly li'censod Hotel iii Lo Villaue�e' OF Irxodjrens' aitsl'f3, would annoii ircit• to tbo citizens of (Ilnton •and v%elni Will. Ile sold, col imenclug 'du ,iI1n1IR$J')AY , L. 51r,Jaha is a far seenig statdbman; in the The. I°tol b'i MMIlgv fa Of brlek,'twostories high, that he'*. i8 now 3howin , in. the - MAl` 22nd. .Tho steak includes '' house a few„ mont]is lig° he induced w, andln good re air. : . Rundas CORD BINDER wadi fi(tlshed;. nerarly n° p his mechanical mnjorftjr to vote down the ra ,9`160 itecailyingttit.gh•1)tlth in the?T0te1 Anti rho - BE"Rootil !3E'Cl3, YA1tl:Oil Si m;°.CII'ATIM- Aecompaug•]ug strrbies; is ample for the trans- ' ,r . ' s2 ciprocrty resolution proposed by the .Liberal :a,etton of a Brood V e hiss. , 1 j;ellYl�� �310CIi 11eXt , 1�40I' t . m�lUYling0.n a�G , S Wit/Elil, S "--"`r6is;uaohhro Lab been thoroughly tested during the h1DEllOAitiDl,' ItftfltlP'Al1Y, past season, and has given the boat of satisfaction, and •Oppositlon beoanse' there wait! no feeling favo. , .. '' y . •as several important improvements have Leen added And a geperal assortment,. all now and of ootl ruble to reciproci.tyiyk the ',Vnitad States, Thd . _&X--403Mr.J fl, I A 1 • • . ' R This PMPerty is u ori o main street Ili the o ai. a iloI . slid Canl ]10�,e otO0k .Of • , .I 1. g') , 1 . t, for ]st34, the subscribers fool Confidant they hand new workmanship. The stock den' Ifo seen at. any eub•commltteo Of the fl✓otrsO Of llepresentives village, waa Yortmeri: tag d tis a hotel end caul time ;tt rho ware roarn9 of QED. DIF,nrr da sox, at Nashlagton have ,agreed , to. re ort a o11 1)e macro avatiablc fair , n ' Victorla Street. Tef us• -•All auras under US cash , p r, P nry ordinar businoss )jT) L ;j IIASE y , q , IiA1LtJ FANCY CORDS - " ioY THE BEST CORD BIDDER over tbat amount 61x, fnonthii' ercdit On Up_ nIr Maybury 9 resolution relative to Canadian . A nose, O7 000npfed ibbi(IOnCe, Uy she ex• . . proved ;iolnt•,notes, 5 per cent per aunty n off reeiprvctty, that,"should the erceeutive tees fit lfeudlturo Of it gulall euTm+ tll'xel►airs, GHURUIT Ji(7t( '�, I3UBBFiR 73AL' ISS , cin the ,market, and as they do not intend to spend for Cash on all sums ever $5. to' entertain propositi for Erect ' '.. +' LS, xNsz; xxn . either time or money in travellin through the conn p • 00mme1eMa1 7h0' title t0, all alio parCY!!b i Just. 9Yh ALMMS, all hinds, CROQUET CANES BASKETS' travelling itttorocuree wilt►: Canada, such udr otiatiotte aro at Present under ease, brit ai�� eY _�__ , try, Choy are re ared to allow a tsconnt to rho par• ds .ilia Hallo% afdcl� fftust -be sold avtlltin ratite „ g Int l lassos erecta N11S17ELLANEOUB WOKS PISHTNG TACKLE . ho i rOseut year, and the partibttiaMtl o.t emelt IOLINS; . .. . uhssor, essil�ryu valour for ttitrso oxlrenses. Inland- %jtonth:;liZB 2s aft.C;~rCellenf, ehaytce jOr L>403e would ,1. be Viewed,wlth favor, The ttmeei- '1'oabOw'ill he f BL + tug urehaser will therefoio Bob it to tie to their ad• v tally stAtedat the sale,, ANIS .7300Ii»Sa CASiNET 11 R AMEN' ACCO1tDLONS can cottgYesstiicri mush be 'mrst;,ken, for Sir Thera will be n rlrNervad bid r: s . ' van ago, before purchasing, elsewhere, to call at our ,410Ild8 Ing to. purehase,alteccp; can c ngre Macdonald says therein isthke 1, fooling upon elicit or rp ot.prico XEMO, 130()n . PItor [+'Ii�MES : shop, and sou rho anaehlue now sot up. Examhr0it'at, _.:-, Y i g parcel, The purehA or wilt ire. re• . _ MOUTH OR0XA:I�'S leisure slid have,Mt,explained hr detall. k rr tea► amonj; their. poOple3 In calcar srd)rdls at the tiurrad tOltayteu psi cant gf his pn>anlse'mo- POCKET BOOS LADIES SQ,TCHELS COM ' ' d"t ' very momenllwliaa .the Atiieriaan People prbf• Ay ito the Vonder'4 8olicitorsall the day of (tale, . I KS I �S, Rvs�r 't ". -REAPERS, MOWERS, HAY AAK1;S, ' u fee the hand whotnheroi r` • p c the balance into (,curt within onainonth INKS,; NKSTANDS BERLIN WOOJL8 lt"IIV`E CHINA GOODS - vt a City of Llimher is Offered lot sale sn , al f lendship to Can• thereafter, wlthtlnt interost, when the pUrchns• SCHOOL BOOKS C ,. &(.., alwa a on kand, Irani best.makers, at lowest ratos T)1Ue, tt iii lots to snit 1,urehabers. The stock aaa, thri,Gauadian parliament )rudely thrusts ershell be entitled to d, eau e' ANV'ASSES TOYS, NOVEL'i'I.ES Y conveyance l e fro° frd4m SCHOOL SU'PPJ�aES ;fa11zBR0IDER'' SILT{S I) + Tory y: all other sxee a alt eons leases. MES, CTGAPILS includes Walnut,. Cherry, Blr:ttol'ritlt, Ash Pultu it back -and that is 'What Thr rt cats In 0th ' _____- P%tJ urS, 1t11R ifO IY,S, C'UJ"TT V� 1'U itS and Bass wood, _ _ of respects t110 contions gf sale shall ' , - _ _ _ .__ _ _ ... ._ ,' - etatesmanshipl Tt re a Betitnma eri article. ho aha standin� etlnaitions df the Chancery Di'• NO'S' P1 PLi2S� i; OSP,T.l:,IO 'ASS,ELS arc., dre, . .Ree., of aur own make kept'oq hand and made 6 order, . b0 th A pil iifgilt ditio s f th oe, ` 'LTN'a RT`taE =N'G l:'ar of th kir Ith col lays tt l l to 1ifRs9Rti. �tY Act, Rrvns or T1ACittNa itkpAratrcu Axn 'f(LAow• •-- W-_ ...- +---. -- r .. :....�. .,,",..... - C.lrirl aoS II) p • _ 1 tr , 1iyy Your 1�atronage rageetfull solibited. '1 wing had 10 ears,, experience •t ' ' " arrtrn wnnx' promptly attoaddd to; This 14raneh of the bitstuebe Will be att,0ritledl to . ' c LT alt imultd14 0ib1{eftOrs, QOde• y � y It,( iii erica In 1]USL» its rtslta), lit! (I at g loittly'reduced prices, utast ithount. tial),bIY 9sRs,Dlnirrt: tit larTsON, .Stllicitore,. Hit- - - , Balt Itheum, Pimplep or Blotches city, bo thucoa lil re. miltOtt, and tb the Velld0k,evolfeltors eri lt. neSJ, t111C1 as We l;t1y largt�lyr 111xV1nb twO retail Storos slid at c1a5e 11 ce5 V ' JO5I9I'IT CIIIDT,EX :. y e a pp 3t g y I)A,t(d Clod . C q m j 1 , i e al'O MILLER & TEDFORD. anavedb a. rn>era iicalioo ofTtc(Ire ors: Parke's Car- fit (44)(10114411 itb10 t0 Offel TIM C1i01(!k'ST ()O S Al LOWEST P r' r bblic CerAte to the part Aud n few (10808 of AIcCirO or's S PRIPM. 2 rioee8a•atreet. •opposite I+'ttir a rnii'i, Assigrnee in trust of the estdtg Apeedy Cilie for hopare b1004. Be Ahre and got the gcunine ' ' � ` 4• AtALOODISON, • Vinton. April, i-SS4. of Goo, D10111 4.- son. Prepared by,NcOregor d;, Parke, 8old at 2:, cents At :T. R. blABter at GOd6k1l. ALEX. • t"INdtori, blriy 2,y 1,9f1&, efth s' lung 6tore. • (111IiPe04V' k PnOubl,COT; 7C er>vEar Y3oalr. $Mice, W �ii�. . `"`""j 1'0ntiar'a +lrifCit0r9.' Olitrci & v It. Cottle Ar, Sort y _' . . • • • • t f ; . '. 7 . . I I . . . . . . . ,.. . . .. I . I � . . . . . . I � . . I li� y � o . I , .