HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-06-13, Page 565 S3P,aselyIN ' •antis' M� TS & SHOES W. TAYLOR& SON Our stock -for t1 a ppring and Summer is now complete, and will be found on inspection, to embrace the best makes in the Dominion, at the most reasonable rates, TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS, Re. on hand,. and for sale. at• low prices. Butter And, Eggs taken in exchange; Five -per oust off for cash.: A . VERY CHOICE Pure Bean -Coffee At 30 Gents per ik Ti �1 SUP1J.4IJ 17. • o- At the NOTED TEA, COFFEE and:SPICE HOUSE jC ASH FOR EGGS. Net to Town.Hall. G�•a A. SS .rT.,: 0,0 .,�. ThoIJIp$oll & Switzer ' K -STILL ..•w.E ..LIVE • And do business.more than ever:: ]3etterBargains than ever: M B30OTS .(az ` W S PET SONAL AND POLITICAL. ak pp Pp CREMISTS & DRUGGISTS, -S►.lbel t Street, Clinton. The public will find our stock of thmedic9 acoyplete, warranted genuine, and.ox TOILETSOS SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES ALPERFUMERY, INDRIES USUALLY REPT IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. 1.10:111 &Mt.if igflM�, D --------coo—�—. NEW E )1 V ' ,fEA .'oTrrs THE NILE, .&;PINE LA DXDDr BOQUET, and all of LunnN's ODORS. l•] A IIt BRUSHES, COMBS, TOOTH AND NAIL B I;USTTE`;, TOILET ,SOAPS,. COSMETICS,. 'titO, • climusT . AND DRUG(}IST„ CLINTON, OPT. jVffiVr A.I RI S 1CD IN THE MOST .FASHIONABLE. SHADES AND PATTERNS, USU•A LY •FOUND• ONLY T' CITIES: BpeciaTtiues in5 & 1Oct. Papers - * rNo • trouble to' show, _v✓neth• er. you purchase or not. VV 4H. SIMPSON, Clinton. WM-VT C÷C>0.13 .. ('OMPLET'E' ASSORTMENT OF • (11 SIESOMS' r cal Wornen's Good Prunellas for .60 c. 'Women'sLace Boots, $1., EE., Men's Lace'Shoes. $2. •'Don't buy another pair of Boots •until �' you sec our . new Spring Stock. Come one, come • all NO trouble to show goods. • pp gar WANTED,' A QUANTITY OF GOOD POTATOES; as tt1") ..Mite. .. uo [ $u T:xg STOVE ANII.': Tir Gut Just received, an immense stock of r�l �C H�rc�st 2'ools, Wa• rks;: Scythes; Moes; also a laige stock .of the CELEBRATED RE4HY - 1 I ID FAINT'S Suitable for farmers—and others'wishing to do own painting, rtilitulatilictellarinall chic fir rAgent for the cel&iii d ITAw1c E ;11rTLic S, DAVIS,. Clinton. 1�'E 1vOiTri1) CALL TII1;':LTTENTIpN ox' Harlauxd's improved Milk .lair. ..The latest and most convenient Oreani Separator out. Call and see them, and .Ieave your order early. 3tJS'T RECEIVED, A FINE STOOK OF Xrviit Took, likt Fords, Solthos. JIA12L:t Improved Milk Pan, Pat. Jntc 1t. .. Spades , Shovrel% Gardens Salto% 'Zoes, c eh ° '>ti "Oursteef BULDERHAtDWARE now ptPAINTS OIL a specialty. ' T,8.'ND 3311,013., Clinton. f!omlai•ising all tin; Newest •Style's in 1 1 • FRENCH & AMERIOA IN. TATS & ];3OIVNETS: Iii Chili and .Fancy Stlawvs. ' Flowers, Feathers, Tips, Pont. Poing, Ornaments, Laces, Ribbons, Silks and Satins: Ifavin'� bought. from. the.le'asl'ui .importeis• in -.the tutee, and at.price8Gthat we' ere enabled to-ofl'er'special :.value in the above lines. EMBROIDERIES, large stook to choose `from. Dims ' ORRNAainNTS, PASSEMENTRYES A D GIMP, Tl imirINGs. Full line of SPRING PRINTS and general assortment, of DRY GGOODS.. Hata.and Bonnets made over into all the leading styles: Apprentices wanted to learn the'straav•work. 11.'rBEE4LEY••&. SON, BEAVER BLOch. ow . for Bargainsin cots Shoes, Harness Trunks, JAMES TW.I1CHELL'S, tiVICTORIA BLQC-IC. IIavinkreceiiediny Spring and Summer stock of. Boots and Shoes, I woiil<l.call, tile atteutien of public •to the same. . 11W"10O.1i1E..cV'S1(11) B UTTON.1100TS, , ylver' tlouitied AS'iny(e'H rnims only $14. only • 'S, o: .13A x1 C1i.1f. IAG4i5 tN ltta.,ge varlet?i, 142E,N',5, .. 13O X'S' .aaltt . CHTL7aRL�'N'�S, Ir I tat aimosE'Ital, r re cheap accordintylys ,.. ,fp i 1fi 000• hunches hula land Pine it' Ohara• TRUNKS_ana yALIb1!dS, cry cheap.. El GT i;,5r for gaze cheap. •--7-.'ge1j11tttzel=-. lA-B II7'1 G-- —171 L'r5' chaeaper•than' ever.' . '. . . .. POWIS TO LET over' shop. BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN IN :: XCHAN.GE: Fon , DOOTS &SHOES, J0 T:WITC_IIELL, VICTORIA BLO .. CLINTON Cabinet Parlor firlliii_:Waromoilis, UNDIlliTAKI • The subseiiiler keens the i'uest - CASKETS:and COF'F'INS Always on hand. 3'uniira1s furnished fit{ the shortest hettee and lowest prices, + cALr. SOL1claVD.. , • tending tiintlertaicer, R•'EJT1i1TltltTtYI:.?LACE 0i'rosITE 'Ems Town 1AT a;. THOS. STEVENSON. A, 'Tory contemporary wails after Sir Charles Tupper, co per, "'Will,he no' me back again." We hops net, asthe times are too hard for Canada- .to indplge iu luxuries.. The Ontario government will open up 250 miles of new roads, in northern On- tario this year, and repair ,6Q0 miles of roads. The money expended in opening up that part ofthe province could not be put to better use. If that section is to compete • with the Northwest it must be easy of access. Digestion,to drse ies ofl thetBlues and bring color to your skin and temperament, cheer up your Liver with zo.ra.se, Itregulates the system, nerves and brain, makes •your eyes bright, your wont easy, While we in Canada ,have been coma plaiuing of rainy, cold weather, the. Eng- lish lament the prevalence of long+continu. ed drought. No such dry season, the cable, informs ue, has been known for over 6f. teen years, and the farmers' aro waterlog severely. • From present aspects, it is apparent that grain.growing on a large scale for exporta- tion is only likely to be very alightly if et 'all remunerative in the future. ()or farm. ere will therefore do wellto diversify their • crops to a much greater extent than, they have hitherto dope, and to look to other staples than wheat for their principal return, —Toronto News. . m. Enjoy the day. Life is short, . don't mope in the morning norlag at noon. Keep your Liver healthy, your Digestion- good with, zo- ?R•sA and you cap meet work. with a smile and your head never aches, your Appetite is good, your Digestion Strong. " An .electiye : Senate's and , "Recipro- city with the United State*" are two' cries, bold enough to bring fortune to the ban ners:of the Libdial. party, and -if persist aptly .advoceted without. ny-mincing.--of=— "".T terms, that result will be achieved. A polittcal . party to win: must probe the'.. pubhe mind and seek inspiration in the;'m •. drift of popular sentiment. $ir Ricbardl •' ' Cartwright did rightinputting out on, • the sea. of speculative enquiry and seek- ing a new volution to our political prob- • lams. The result will he pregnant with, good to the countrf at large by •quicken-• ing the public discussion of matters deeply; affecting the vitality: of our na- tional life.. From the tone of the dis. Mission, so far elicited, it is evident that no preponderating sentiment favors any one special sorption of the -problem, "What is Oanada'a future?" 'but the indications are that that result will be• . arrived at as the'consegnenoe of a rapid evolution,' precipitated by the exigencies of our commercial•policy and development. - -Exchange: NOTIri,icl CAN. `aiiPyLY the, place ok a •beautifulsilky head of natural hair. • It is in finitely more comfortable than switches," and other preparations of .the hair. of unknown foreigners. - Hair may be retained, beauti•' fled, and actually restored' by the use of Cingalese Hair 11enewer.. Sold -at 50 cents per .bottle. . H'on, Me.• Russ, Minister of Education, : hopes to be able to abolish intermediate ex- amrnations,. as they. have. outlived` their nisefulnese a .t. is deemed necessary; ; he said, in a ' recent speech,. `to erect some standerd'to represent graduation from a .high school,and to povide a•: distinct • end. for theJiigh •school course just as the B.A. . indicates the end of the: university_course, and he wouldendeavor to co-operate witk. theIinivereity so that graduation froin the • 'high school would be the same as•matricu- lation at the university. As to the school holidays, which interest teachers' • mid taught at:this.season of the year, Mr.Rgas promises 'that the: vaeatiori shall ,in future -.-be arranged to suit the varying conditions Of the different parts of .the proviuce. :In all probability, the: Minister'will bring in a Bill'•at •neat' session_ of the Legislature,' snaking these, changes, and also providing for . the siniplifcation • of the school. text books Mr. Rose s now • engaged in delivering. a series of addresses at the teachers' ipstitrite5 °His long experience enables tsars not only= to make his lectures . interesting„ but useful as well. The praoti cal hints on teaching will be a great help - to young teachers especially. • .Xies arra ••,"Ts.tncanY. "'the:nevv and exqquisite' little gern for the teeth and breath,: .has a laeautifully plated metal screw. top. Try, a sample... •• • • No phtlic man in this ' country bass • risen more rapidly 'in the last six .months. than . Sir' .Richard' • Cartwright. •Owing to the infemonif manner . in which he was: gerrymaudered.out of the House :and the incessant abase heaped amen :him by the Tory press be was for a time deprived . 'of his place as one of the lOremost states, men of this•country. In some.res.pectg he • is the first man in Canada. No other man L can handle figures' with. the 'same ability .. and clearness. His style'nf oratory•.is at once elegant and incisive. If at• times he . seems severe, his severity anew from .him downright honesty., He calls a lie a lie and a fraud n fraud: If he has given Sir John A. Maeconald some .very h rd hits at times it is because lig; Pioing .a; King. stonian. known more about the oi$tt}it'i3 . record than is known by triose oth men Theseverest thing Over saidm (srif- pared with what, ho kept book. Most heartilydd we congratulate our friitnds South anion on the high position and Splendid .ability of their. member. The tidies require a•man like Sir mc lard and we venture to prodiet that lie is going to wake up the peopib on financial tjuestions . before long;—Stratford Beacon: ' liatotasemis say so. Ur. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Ann, writes r '1 hem hesitate to recommendyofidElectric YOUR FACKT - *fan.Preakles, Sunburn,. Pimples, Black .Specks, Biot- clios, Sic.. can bo ronioveclin- stantly by applying 3=z,z,`s • Tan (it Freckle Lotion. Safe, Sure an Dilentiial. PRICE 2HC,,PER TT LE. Sold by all Druggist->• SHAKER • Bitters to inyrcustomers, they give entire sat - O isfaotion and rapid sellers d1 'Electric Bitters aro tho'purest and beet medicine kno'wa and SYRI 1 Cured Completely Serotina, •.iYypliliis, Cancer, Iweu!niutism, Paitarrh. tilcersand Skin and Blood Disease!) of deserlp. clop. $1000 reward to any_ chemstill who ll And, on analyais of 10bottles of Shaker Mood Syrup, ono particle of Mercury; iodide ofPotateiutu, or any mineral subb,. Mance. �• SOLD IBVERYWHERE.77 l':titt ' . 12,CUai' Bottle, or bis to $i.CD,, will positively cure Kidney And Liver cora. plaints. Purify the blood regulate the bow els. - No family can afferd to be without thein. They will save bundreds of dollars in (looter's bills everyyear. Sold ,at fifty cents a bottle by,,Watts & Co, lieeklents Arnica Salve. The best eavf, in the world for euts,bruisos, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,. fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all side' • eruptions, and pas tively cures pilon, or no pay required, It is guaranteed' to give perfect$atasfactlon. or money refunded. Brio 25 cents per box, Watts d; Co. • • • „.it: