HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-06-13, Page 13
---4441i$11.110 SCOTT
COmMissiOners ter lantagi0 and lltithithba,
• *VeJeg " ' TOM :Tfagi/;, CLINTON.'
Zigr000001141nflA otticr 014V40.
43,a. undeoigned et the Library
Bleca. $6 ' JAMES SCOTT.
your.maxt, oonsweita, TJAN)5i
Insumnge and. Cameral Agent. Honey to loan.
Ortags,.'llitAysit Boca, Olinten; Oat.
slums on good, mortgage geourity, moderate
atria! intermit-. U II4LEa Othaton,
.n H. DOWEILEY. Ma rh.lit C. R. £1. ENGLAND ,
Jt.a. Physieian, Surgeon; etc. Office and residenee
next Measpriai Rank, naarket equare, OlinteM
APP1116TON.OFFICE—AT Assn:war,
-Lima Qatari° streoLglinton,oplarsita the Engliah
(31211re1e Entrance, by side gate,
liFS taker.LT, Roome CENTRE X.1E10[1108 Tito% up
stairs, Ttattenbury Otreet,Cliaten:
•University,)Pbyeleian. Surgeon, &rt., residence at
Xs. Manniug'e, three doors east or the Temperance
Hall, Londesboro, Ont. . •
Uniaersity, Ptilladelphia, Member Id College of
Physicians arid. Surgeonsathitarle. Oilice at George
Grantham's, three doors north of the Peat Office,
ki MRS. Mona; aroprietor. Large and airy, cen-
trally situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot
air, large and well lighted sample rooms. Good eta -
at. par slay. '
. prow...outland, Dominion Land Surveyor,
Arobitect and Draughtsman, PERRIN Br,ocir,
Clinton. • '
for the County of Huron. 'Sales attended
to promptly. Charges moderate. Residenee
Albert St. Clinton. .
-alaurray Block, two dbors east of, Hodgens• en-
trance. Itaaidenee, opposite the Temperance Hall,
Huron Street,Sainten. 0410010nm, 8 a.m. to 6p.m.
-021. attended at theirown resideneeafneeeesary. Re-
siaence, John Robertson's, Enron Street, Cliaton.
Rica's 'mew method tauaitt, if. deshed.
wee" of the Homitale and Diepensaries, New York
Coroner !or the detuaty of Huren,Bayaeld, Ont.
1.4•TerentoUnivereity; member of tbethillegeofPhy
Mamie and Surgeons, Ont. Orrice a riesuoinica the
house formerlyoeenpied by Dr. Diem Albert street
aceoneheur,Lioentteof the College o fPhysioiam
and Bergman; of Loweralanida 'and ProviacialLieen,
Mate and Coronerf or thecountyoniuren: Oftlesand
residence,—The building formerly ()coupled by Mr
Thwaites, Huron street. .
Olinten,Jan.10,1871, .
V t' Hotel is new and has all the requirements
of a first -ens house. Large 8,nd airy roma,
elegant parlors, heated with not air, and in the
immediate vicinity of the G: T. B. depot. The
bar is well stockediVICilhia-ehoicest brands of
liquors and cigars. The travelling public may
rest smeared ef being well cared for at this house
SAMUEL PIKE, proprietor.
0. CARTWRitalIT, L. D. S.
of Stratford, will visit Clinton and be at
the Grand Union Hotel every seoond Friday in the
month,..where he will be' prepared to ettend patients
professionally. The administration of Nitrous Oxide
Gas, or Vitalized Air, given to patients when required
for the paittlese extraction of teeth. •
Hold the exclusive right for tb e county:Jot., tat .Hurd
process of administering chemically pare 'Nitrogen
Monoxide, which is the safest and best eastern yet dis-
covered for tho painless extraction of teeth. Charges
moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. °mot, BEAVER
BLOCK, over Thompson & Switzer's Grocery Store,
Albert Street, Clinton.
• R. +11.
SolicitorSupreme Court
&e.a. •
In myth every Thursday'. Calleetions and'
claims promptly and reliably attended to—
PRIVATE FUNDS to lend at lowest rate of
Thomple: TiiitLimy
_ .
Liverpool, and all points east. -how rates.
to Mani ba and points west. '
SerTroicuTs TO ALL POINTS. WEST, itt
lowest rates.1 _ •
!Air CALL before making arrangements
to any of these points.
• Toivn Agent G.T.E.
The Allan Line is taking Steerage passengers
from Clinton to Liverpool. ,Derry •
. and Glasgow, for $2315
Excursion Tickets, good let she Menthe,
• at low rates. Intermediate rates also
reduced. Aecoremodation good.
Sailinggevery Saturday
trona Quebec.
Passengers require tO leave ()buten at 4 p,
m., on Thuraslays, making direet tonneetion
With steamers at ()naafi.
Foil particulars and all information on appli-
cation to
• O. T. It. Agent, Clinton.
eturgeS' medetatc
• - •••-•••-• • --•••••••••••••-
VOL.la, NO., 22.
TERMS $11,40 Peg Ailment
IthinroirowLsi: SON
RORINI.P1004 -
Neuf Aoltertigemento.,
girl wanted At onee, apply te,AERS. THOS.
L1111111101 FOR SALE - About one hund-
red thousand feet of HEMLOCK LUMBER
all sizes, for sale vety cheap. Apply to JOHN'
SHANAHAN, lot 20, ord con, of, Hallett.
IleARDERs -TE OR POUR•respect-
able young men can lind comfortable board.
at reasonable rates, at MRS. Snursobvs, nearly
opposite the Model School.
VATANTED-SIX MEN of good address, With
V or without Much knowledge of beanies's,
cauhave steady employment at liberal salaries
by applying at Room 6, Gluon Emit HOTEL.
CLINTGar„ trust be of geod,. moral character.
orrent On easy tame. the Brick Store and
Dwelling in the Village of Baylield,lately occu-
pied by R. Barker- Good opening,for business.
Best etand in the Village. For particular!, 1111 -
ply to R. BARKER, Blyth.
13, House in the Town of Clinton. Contains 6
tamers; garden withfruit trees. Situateln good
locality and easily accessible. For further par-
ticulars apply at the NEW ERA office. or at the
Block, Clinton. 011
. Gentlemen, -We have to return you bur sin-
cerethanks for the prompt uhtnner in Which
you settled -the claim we had against your Corn -
„pony, caused by the death of my husband. -
Your Company are to bo congratulated upon
Raving such an (ancient agent as Mr, Manning.
The timely advice and aid which, he giyes when
it ismucli heeded, is a.t6Rt help. ”
DANIEL et/BEMIS, Guardian.
Zurich, May $6,1884.
Yr. •Jactsoll, -Agent, Cillt011.
• Throcgb ticketii.issued to any point in DA.-
LUNIBIA. •• • • •
Tickets to Donlon', CLEVELAND, BUFFALO,
•' Persons contemplating a Summer Tour on
the lake, call and ask for our Tourist Guide
Book, • ••
Clinton to Liverpoo/, •$25.15 •:
W. ACICSON,- Ticket' Agent.
G00D pAorr RAGE -For Horses and Cattle
on the Forks Farm, Maitland concession, Goile.
rich township. Apply to THOS. MAU. • A'
.910 DEBTORS—AnovERDuE Accouns
owing the undersigned, and."not settled at
once, will be , placed intotirt for colleetion.—
JOHN OUNINGHAME, CantOn.. • ' • '
• ' . . .
.ILO second-hand Refrigerator, in splendid order,'Ain-
erican inake,•for. sale cheap... Apply to6ILaS DAVIS.
Mamirioth Tin Shop Clinton. • • -
• •
' rIDICHAN11111ILL-Thoroughbred Durham'
.e_r Bull for service.' Lot 43.,Bayfteld conces-
sion, Goderich Township. Terms, $1 per cow
for the season. JOHN 0, ELLIOTT. •
.ciAVICIoN--Warning is hereby giVen against
NJ- trespassers upon the Finkle homestead, as
Rine guns are placed so that no one trespassing
.will Aewer' detection and prosecutiou. .TOS.
• LLANS al, Clinton.
subscriber keeps for service at his amen:uses
Lot 30, Maitland Concession Goderieh township,
(at*Holoreavillean goodThoroughbred Durham
Bull. Tarms, $1,50, with privilege 'of returning,
if neiessary. • CHAS. J. DISNEY, •
1. two Lotslor sale or VI refit. & utimber of fruit
treps thereon and a 'good atoll, The house contains
titree rooms and a kitchen: No. of lots 7 and S. Isaac
street. For further particulars apply to ARTHUR
MCRAE, Fair's:mill, or to MANNING de SCOTT.
TITOIMSE To RENT -The house and quarter
-11-.L acre garden on the fora of Mr. Jarelnies,
Huron Road, is offered to rent on -very reason-
able terms. • Plenty of .room and every conic=
nienee' for ordinary faintly. .Splendid. olialleo
fok :working man; Only 15 minutes walk from
town. Apply to ALBERT MAX; Huron road,
For sale a new COVERED BUGGY, piano
hos, flnishediri tho latest style, and of the very
Vest motorist. Also. a DEMOCRAT WAGGON
new, suitable for either single horse or team.
Both will be seld at &bargain, and neither have
yet been noed, T. C. DOHERTY, Clinton.
OIX CLOTHES FOR SALE. --I take all torte of
rags, clothes, carpets, and hope my old friends
will Save thini for me. I also take brass, lead and
copper. I am home on Mondays, . Any person -having
rags or track in my line certleave word. at my house,
and I will fetch it and atm value, and I also beg to say'
I have no business connection with a man named
liessim Papering, painting,. and jobbing of thot•sert
• • W. MARTEN, realer, Mox 64, canton.
QTRAYED CALVES. -grayed front cid
premises bf the subserlbor,' lot 36, Maitland'
con„ about th'first"of May, four calves about 8
nionthe old. two heifers, one roan, the'other rod
with a little brindle, the other two bulls, one
roan, the other red with white and red face.
Any one giving such information as leads to
their recovery will ho suitably rewarded'.
pi/AS. DISNEY,' Goderich township.'
Med Fils Gllaralltood,
1-1Avki .CorPoro nosE.'DY M1sS
• O'BRINE: YOu With FWD •
ollAndEs v,prty. MODERATE.
Ytetoria Street,- .iljatoo.
Putiolthron4 Wins
STATUTE LA/WM.-The fanning of the Be
line have fiuished their statute labor, sin
"they worked," and have oSade a good job
the road.
FOOTBALT.,-The boys of the 1.0t1/1 007I.
Maitland have purchased a football and o
genized a club. The quiet stillnees of t
summer evenings is now disturbed by su
exclatnatiOne as "Reid," Preekick, cbc.
Eimoonwra.---The following is the stand-
ing of the pupae of S.S. No. 4, for Uay. The
report is based on diligenee,ponctnality. and
demeanor, na
ee arranged n order of merit.
41h form, Ida Thompson, Emma Thompson,
Lucy Johnston. Senior. 3rd, Gab. Sprung,
.Day, Wright, Thos. and Berk MarphY. enter
3rd, H. Tebbtitt, Emma Sprung, A. Ball.
Second, L. Johnston, E. Murphy, A. Wright,
L. Churchill, D. Churchill. First, Gee, 11111,
Wm. Marion, L. Laithwaite, Chria. Sheppard.
A Hakim:iv FAMHat.--Mr. John P. Shields
has two brothers and two sister, three of
whom are married and have large fairilliee.
His father has three brothers and two sisters,
all of whom are married and have large fami-
lice UM, one having sixteen children, and
what is remarkable, there has not been, a
death 8.Mong all these people in 18 years.
Berzse,-Mr. Hiram White and his family
are highly pleased 'with the beautiful white
bronze beadmarker. Mr. Giffin., of Clinton,
pit up their little girl's last week, at Crati-
brook cemetery. A great many people have
gone to see it. Mr. Whitefield, near Cron:
brook, is not running his creamery
Crops in this locality look well.
TuoitansatITH. •
• Smoot, .11BrORT. -- The followingis the
standing of S.S. No. 4, for May. It s based
on good conduct and general proficiency. 4th
class; -1 Ira Johns'' Carrie Johns, J. 'Ovid.
Sr. 3rd clam, 1 F.L.14Peacock, 2 G. Layton, 3
G. @rich. Jr. 3rd elms, 1 H.E. Oriel; 2 A.L.
Johns,,L.E. Nett: 2nd class, 1 Mary Plows,
2; Gifford Crieh, 3 Chas. Layton.
of ORR'S.
l3nneys.--111r,.Logan, near Blyth, has rais.
ed his barn and is building ft stone basement
for stables ; Mr. Walter Sig& is doing the
mason work. „ Mr. James Lynn, ot the 8th
con., has the frame up for a large dwelling,
which will be very commodious. Mr. Geo,
Pierce, of Bushfield,has a stone basement
for a large residence; George hag Commenced
right, we will note his ampleyments later.
BL VTR. ' „ * •
Bitinvs.,•-•The Foresters!' picnic held in
Auburn, in Symington'e Grove, was a
very successful one. Mr. O. Harntitoh? of
Blyth, returned home last week helm Al-
goma. Recently; while everything vas
still. an • alarm of fire was heard, quite a
-number of the villagers turning out they
found it was simply a brush •pile burning
near a building. Quite a number of our
village folks attended -the Grangers' Pic..
nie.,••••jri..PortzStanley, en Tuesday. .„
• The annual meeting of the lot holders
of Blyth Union Cemetery was held on the
22nd May. Mr.. N. H. Young • was re-
elected trustee for Mather term. R. W.
Mitchell and John McMillan appointed
auditors for the doming:year. . The tr.'s*
surer's, auditors, and secretary's reports
were read and adopted. , The receipts dur-
ing the year ler, the sale of lots were 864,
and$5 for hay sold; making a total of $69.
Expenditures, balance doe treasurer,$3.82;
interest, $28 ; ou note, $16; fence chain;
$14; gate pins; .250;. total $61.5T. It was
deeided tharafter the lst day ofNov., the
price of lots be raised from the present
pike of $5 to $8. ' . • , •
• • litiminnsviLtn, ,
• Cones:RT.-n-0e people of this neigh-
borhood are • expecting -a musical treat on
the evening of the cantata Lost and Saved.
The adthissien is so low, Only 10 cents,
that..there is no doubt but what KIIOXIS
hall will be jamnied full on that night.
, liTANLET.`
litiss,Alice Higgins, whom we recently
mentioned as being in poor health still
continues very weak. •
..A. numberof the farmers turned Out on
Tuesday and gravelled the road fronf
J. Plewes', on the- Bayfield road, down
east to the river: • •
Last week as Mr. J. Junor was return-
ing from his weekly tour and nearly reach-
ed home, his horse, which he was leading,
pulled him backwards over the baggy, and
got away from him. With the exception
of one or two bruises he did not : reepive
mubh injury. t
EAST ;wAvtrotivomi. •
A meeting of the sUpporters of the Scott
Act was held in. , the Methodist church,
10th cot.; on Wednesday evening, for' the
purpose of organizing; Sze.
W. Eng. Robinson' has, undertaken.,to
clear up, a piece of rough land in bilDhl-
gee, owned by Mr. Baugh, of Blyth; he
will remeire his fondly and stook in the
, .
The Beaver cheese factory is thifisurn-
mer conducted by ttvoyery prepossessing
gout% ladies. This acebunts for the sud-
den interest in the factory which has been
taken by the young men 111 the neighbor-
is 'putting al better foundation, under his
barn, .Mrs. 5. .Love has considerably re-
paired hers. ' George Quinn purposes pat-
ting a new foundation under his barn
shortly.. - Erna Williams will raise the
frame work of a barn 44x80 on Friday.
Srox.-Mr. Alex, Dingwall bas been
suffering for $1. length of time from a corn -
plication or diseases; a short time since
took a tun for tho worse, and Medical
aid has given Up hopes of his recovery.
Mr. john Blackborough, Jr., suffered se-
verely from MI attack of cramps' a week
igo; .he had drunk old water when -in a
heated, condition. . Mr, Stonehouse has
been suffering from it cancer -wart On a
Anger of his tight hand; it is thought
thatto preserve the hand the ainputatten,
of the Anger will be neeemary.
LATE SevrizsG.-While most farritera
Wad of sowing their crops early, a farm-
er on the 9th con. of Hnllitt, con boast of
doing the Saline work late, be having only
put -in his oats last week; they are of the
brown variety.
Barm,-The sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be administered in the Pres,‘
by erre!) ebur011. Leehurn, en Sabbat
next, at 11 0.411, The usual preparate
servmes wx11 be held on the preceding
Saturday. Rev, Ur. Sabine, , Methodist
minister,_ will give a lecture on prohibi-
tion„in the temperance ball? on Friday
evening next; at 8 p. m.; a silver collec-
tion will be taken up to defray expenses.
Farmers are busily engaged in getting in
their root crops; the recent rains have
improved the crops wonderfully; the fall
wheat appears to be making lair progress.
1110311411QT TEMPEItAlVcifi X.011131E
'The. West Huron District Losine: I.O.G.T.,
met in IBYth on the 91h int, Every lodgein
the diswiot was well repreeented, Mr, W. IT:
Brett, of Eleaforth, DX., in the chair. The
following address of weleo e was read by Mr.
S. Grarey on behalf of Blyth LotIllet- •
To the 011icere and Members of Wort Ruron Lodge,
' Brothers and Misers -on bollard MAP10 LeatiANige
No. Sea, we extend you a most 'hearty welcome to
Blyth, and tract you will feel perfect] at h ,.
h amongst us as teraperanee workers, and co biberers
With OS in our noble caus
TY • the tem e* We are glad to ORY that
enamel sentiment has for years past taken a,
rrn hoId upon our village, and we Venture the man -
ion that our lodge has, in no Might degree, been the
means of arousing and developing that sentiment.—
Now when the "call to arms" Si heard throughout our
lana, when from the signs of the timee the day for
*anon has arrived, we sincerely .hope that -we will all
heartily and firmly unite in assisting to pot on and to
the liquor treMe by geouring the triumphant passing
of the Canada Temperance. Act, and in carrying Auk
fair temperan JO banner to a complete' and glorious
• —i.e.—.
Bainrs.-Last week, Mr. las: Cashel',
step -son of .T. B. Gilmore:section.looss on
the L.H. & B,. was married to Miss James,
of East Wawanosh, Mr. 3. Geddes, of
Morris, lost a fine colt early in the spring,
and has not yet got any trace of it. Mr.
Jas. 111cRea is down from Algoma and
speaks well of things there. Mr. John
Brandon and family left last week fox
the northwest. , Nearly every week this
season there has been taken out of Bal.
grave hem twelve to fourteen hundrcxl.
Oxen eggs,- besides other produce. Mr.
W. Grigg, ofjEast Wavvanosh, had ahem
staked in the field on Friday night; it
was nearly dead from loss of blood when
found. Thirty -Ave took the train for St.
THOMAS, on Tuesday. Mr. H. Montgom-
ery has arrived from Bruce,Alg6nla, where
he was all winter; he will take a better
half with him. Mr. James Tyner is now
opening out afurniture store; no married
man should show an assortment of cradles
without having one 41 his oirn house. A
good many went from here to the Forest-
er's picnic at Manchester, and were con-
siderably disappointed because prepara-
tions had not been made for as large a
crowd as turned out. .
G ODElti 110WATS111 P.
Thrtinvs.-,Mr. John Huge, of the 71h
con., lost a valbable brood mare last week.
Mr. W. Herbison continence& work in his'
creamery on Tuesday. Mr. James Steep,
Bayfield eon:, has a guinea ten which he
claims lately laid two egg.; in one day:
A. rumor -reaches un to the affect that Mr.
Salkeld, °lithe Lake shore roact,:hactsever-
al • battle wicintoialy killed, :but we have
been unable.to- learn anything.as to the
truth of it, . ,
On Timidity last a nuMber of farmers
residing along the Bayfield -road. turned
.out and gravelled that part of it running
from Plewes' corner on the 16th con. east
to the river. The Gaderich township
mers who gave theitassistatice_w.ere Jas.
Steep, J. P1eWeS,..11..11mior..and Craig,.
and tbe•Stapley ones, ' Messrs. R. and J.
Pearson, D. McTavish; Indis, Jae Mc-
Farlane, Malcolm, Findlay and Donee!'
McEwan, I). Ross. D. Butchart, A. Mc-
GrejOr, J. Lank G. and T., Baird, T. Fra-
zer, and C. Smith: The Reeve of Gode-
rich townah in paid $34 for the gravel and
shovelling ic, of Which' 178 'loads weM
put on. •
. A Petroha,contractor has,been :awarded
the cootract tor sinking a test salt well in
Wingham, which is likely to be successful.
'With the warm weather mere -angle bust-
iss appears to have quieted down con-
siderably, And although the farmers have
got through seeding, the majority: of theni
seem totbebusy at home watching their
Drops growing. • •
11 18 reported -that the Salvation. Army
re preparing for a great "charge" on this
sinful .town, and probably a lengthened
stay, for it is stated they lritend to build
a barracks and realm thing i lively for the
"heathen Chinee." •
Rev. 13.7. Cuyfer, of134field; appoint-
ed missionary to British Oolutebia, was
married this week to Ali& Sliller,of White-
church. The happy couple will have a
long wedding trip, and will start
ittecY for their new home and future field
Dr. Johnston, lately of 13elmore, has
:removed into ' Wingliam to practice his
"profession;" and has swunghisShingle'
on Edward streetlin rear of the town hall.
,This makes the 5th regular Medical prac-
titioner itt Wingha.122, and we predict, that
the late ,arrival will hold his own. " •
A, grand programme of races for the
celebration of Deminien day here is an-
nounced. The posters which are large '
and shewy, were,printed at the "Vidette"
office,. and are a well executed and credit-
able Job. 'The prizes are liberal, and
-Messrs: Dulmage & Roe e14pect to haYe
some fast horses on the Wing128111 track
that day, , •
There was an °letting run array inLolver
Wingham on Tuesday, of a farmer's teara
hitched to a lumber waggon, which was
run in among' the ssw loge, the team
breaking Muth but they Were caught at
the turn of the road at the hotel. The
man in the waggon took the little episode
very coolly indeed, keeping his place in
the waggon 1111 11 was thrown on the logs,
and then leisurely following his "wild
arab steeds."
The following itenis are purely Person'
al -Mrs. O. A.Mitelm1.1, wife of ev. G.A.
Mitchell, now of Niagara Falb South, for-
merly stationed at Wingham, was hero
last week visiting friends; She was the
guest of Mrs.Thos. tfolmes. Rev, G. 11.
Clornish was absent last week attending
the conference at Guelph) and this week
gees to London for the game purpose.
KW Louise V. Cornish left this week for
liamilton,Ladies College, and After the
graduating. ceremonies there, will go to
Burlington Beach; Grimsby and Toronto
for a summer vacation,:
It Marcum
R. Hasessees.
s. guest
Clinton Lodge was represented by Mesa& E.
13, Chant, Wesley Baer, and Mrs, Call, AlisMeDir
ing sethnWasOOtcTelateledeaIPgIt
be desired, though the meeting was interest.
ing and profitable, the businees traneacted re-
lating mainly to the inner, workings of the
different lodges in the district. Delegates re-
ported from the following, lodges ;--ZTOrth
Star, of Londesboro ; Maple Leaf, of Blyth ;
Clinton, of- Clinton; Huron, of Seaforth.;
Maitland, of Auburn; Leeburn, of Leelitut.
The reports from the various ledges shbwed a
steady inerease in publics mentiment favorable
to submitting the 'Canada Temperance.Act tn
this county. Theafternoon session had a
much largerattendance, and the reports of
delegates was continued, showing that *several
lodges had employed canvassers, who were ac-
tively engaged with the petitions and were
making satisfactory progress. The committee
on resolutions brought in their report. We
give only those of interest to the public, .
1. Resolved, that this District Lodge eor,
respond with the G.W.S. and request him to
bo -operate with the Dominion Alliance to se-
cure the services of a suitable lecturer for this'
2. That this lodge request all Good Temp -
lam in the district to wear a blue ribbonliadge
during the campaign, to be known as the
Campaign Badge. .
0, That each Subordinate lodge be requested
to itOld open meetings °nee a month mil use
1 every means to promote interest in this work.
n er tho head of miscellaneous questions
it was shown that the one great drawback to
the successful working of temperance lodges
was the unfaithfultess of some of ita,mgnhers;
those who, without any scruples, breaktheir
pledge and obligation. It was strongly urged
upon all to be true to ,pledges, and as an help
in this direction the blue ribbon badge to be
Urn oonstantly was recommended.
A question wise os to What shall be con.
sIdered_ a violation of the Good Templai';
pledge arising from the query "Is at a viola-
, tion of pledge to take a cigar over a bar in
.4 treat wheif liquor is drank?" After a adhe-
sion of over two hours, it was dechied to.be
violation. A number of questions relating. to,
the Seott -Act received attention, and it was
suggested that .canvassers take down the
names of those opposed to the act,, as well as.
onbtful ones, in order to get a deRnite idea of
the strength of both sides. Other business of
importance was transacted, and the meeting
closed with a hearty vote of thanks to the peo-
ple of Blyth for their hospitality to delegates.
There is not any doubt whatever but that
Blytb, as, well as other places, will giro a good
account of itself when polling day comes. --
The next meeting will be held in Seafurth
whenoalled by the Secretary.
in Clinton, 4m tilt) bah of June; 1801.
- • ,
lt,t.trtitXM'!ilyt SIVJ Ce4tItntreiTicairS.L9juitleill1"111.
0- 041.,• COPf:30
prayer_ meeting, "C:mCM
ducted by. Rev. D. .' eoetrei_. 7.
.• • • . . •
pall., Conference 'temperance meeting. addresses by Retn.V.
E- Nugent' .1'. W.Itohneu and .leeoPh ltInikbalo. ..
t. .
• , . ' ' Thursday, Tune 12th. •. •
, —
• '
. RATinstimay Sr:: Cilimort-7.30 p.to.,.DonferenocUresien•
(my tmeeting, Oddresecti by Revs. Geo. Alma, W. netudge and
Thema .
ii pros .• 15 i'ritlayi .hine 2011i. ; • :. -
' It.tt2suinufrv Si.; OUtittoit.-4.30 p.m. Conference Etillerl.,...
Donal meetintr. Aderesoeu . by' W. C. Henderson pf A 'pr•
1.1111.1111t111, S.T;D., anti Geo.. Dottglasi„L141).
, 'Saturday, .Inue218. . . •
unroll ' utreet Citurch,-2.30 p. in., A ineetitt2-' ott-the.stib.
.. A to,t uf r. ersonal Religion, conducted by Rev. 4,S. Report,.
Silly1113i, t'une 22n5. '
. ,
RferipteUmtv Sr. Oticit6tt.-9 aan„CO'niereace lore•I'eant,
'conducted br Rev, T. K. Campbell; 11 !tam, preaching by
Rev.Geo. Douglas, LL.V.; 210 p.W., Sunday school addresses
by the Itees L G. Scott and c„ v.,Lake; 7 p,in.,.ney, W. s.
Griffin, to be followed by sacramental serriee by the Fresi-
Zt 1 y ch a s y e e • . W. addell and
"gra Sr (0):11-int4tegrIliwtli 111Mt.liti;tvrte ' 436 '''
ilIno'entlItyllisnacekille nPi tilt fleRry.61VCelityEalle °S'evuerleLtaBtry...A'' ro be fol-
parisavrantarr carencia-11 ital., Rev.
. 'rfrTeLrirs,c0,Rrez..-';;. .. ,f.ne•,
1)4.1„.R7r• 1a7CSno1op11s;ocin;,.10a0am.1c.J.sahine; II*gyW'Nil'
TR;k'sOtgon$46.14 p.m., Rev.
W.; M. Teeple: .1:: .
'Ixegto(13tultItill!-getcV.Litvp.:13t;:,W1ieSvLtil.e!'E,°Iin'ill.,.. '
uorzassvitta cavacs.-40 11.111.', Ater.' win., Ayers t 'TAO
PlitItzgin0r; Ixier:101!!1-t10.n.1 ,,Ite ,,..,w.ii,...iii'.1, ii,o. • .•
semen.; -Oes.sztlir..2.SDp.m.n,...aecr.v.e. W. ocantre I.
Monday, June 23n1. : '
plan. he removed by the proper authorities fr
limits or this Conference-, and others appoint tftigt
son, and Gee. Richardson.
-N. B....Should any of the =busters mentionedhl the above
Tri'„villn. .
Itattoubury Street Church.— .30 pan., Conferenc,4thhuth.
wheal meeting, addresses by evs. A. Andrews, Geo. atria
win be expected to take the appointments acaoraing to the
above pion. - 1
.1(111N KERNE
WM. 8/1803.
Warna weather.
A. quiet day here lst ofjuly.
, A. big crowd hem on the 12th Of July.
• A. thrilling cantata. ih thithe town hall)
on the 271h., •
The new Beard of Reath to sweep
elean-for a time. °
A ,presentof strawberries from SOME ftp-.
ibe fol., of soott A 06 and
Anti -Scott Act speakers.
Plenty. of white chokers and black eaa.ts
to be visible next vteolr.. •
To hear the nto4 doleful accounts about
the crops, until a bountiful harvest is
reaped, .
• Every sinall boy to join some Sunday
School and be a good boY---till after the
picnie seinen.
The juvenile Base Bell Chlb went over to
Bstylield to flay yesterday.
The Rioter Zoe Ball Club is expected to
play here lthel2t1°afjulY:O. /141Or and enloLacMIse Oahe
played a tie nuhthe°b°rdaYresulting ahatg°negia1.
Tbe Witderorom0Ciinlon.
went. to St. .
Thome on'Triesday, to play with, the Orio16
eters of that eity, but aa At rained all day,
wickets were not even pitched.
The Dauntless Lacrosse Club Will play the
ArniOre, of }Kincardine, here on the 181It inst.
There will be some lively stepping on both
aides and a good, game may be anticipated,
.The Base Ball and "Opt Ball Clubs expect
to go to Brussels to play on the Ist of July.
We hope the former may give a better record
of themselves than they lad in their last con-
teet with Brussels. Go in to win boys -
end win, even if yon-hae get to do like.
13russels players did hen they came here -
have an umpire whom you aro perfectly sa-
Ogled will d,a his best for you.
The 'Clinton Base Ball Club was beaten in
its match with the Exeter latit Thursday,
but tido was not to be wondered at as the
places of the Clinton's hest players Was taken
by Wirier ones, and daring the game, Stret.
tea, catch, for Clinton, had his thecib dia.
limited, and retired from the held. The
Own boys *not either net into better pracitize,
take out a stonger team, or make no outside
matches whatever, a they (r0 110t.wanb their
reputation to stiffer.
Who Clinton Foot Ball Club, held its annual t
Meeting 110 Thursday evening. The score. •
tares report showed the club to be in a good
position financially, With a strong and ener-
getianiemberehip. In the *Variontl matohes
played throughout the year the dub has held,
its own:with credit, with a alight advantage
over its opponents, and promisee for the oom,
ing. year to do good battle to any Worthy of
their steel. It was decided to change the
name of the dub to that of Lorne. The fol.
lowing offieere'VereAeleotecl for the ensuing
year :-..Pree., T. jacikaon, jr.; Vice -Pres., F.'
Corbett; Capt., W. Ross, re-elected; See, -
Trona, J. lifeL. Campbell, re -pleated.; Coat-
mittee, R. Gibson, W. D. StatiOrt, 0. Hart. •
• At the recent meeting of the: Methodist
Conference Bev, Jae: Gray, of Clinton,,was
re-eleoted chairman of Goderieh distria'
Rev. 1.1. Hough, who has been _appointed
by the Conference to the Methodist- Mar&
at liendeshoroi WAS, if we mistake, not,•the
'drat young Man that labored in connection •
with the Clinton ,Cirenit many Years, ago.
, Any's. • Messrs. Stewal0, Kenner,' and. joules
Gray, who were absent from town list Sab-
bath, Will take their accustomed places next
Sabbetb, Rev, Mr, Craig Ins been attend.
the Synod niemingent.Loncioni. andie also eir-
pected home for Sunday..
. 111. Rev. Bishop. Weigh confirmed 52 eie-
didates at St. Peters Church,Altnieritik-011 •
Friday last,- 125 et Ashfleld on .Wedneaday,
and a large nnraher at Iriebtown On Sunday.
He visited Seaforth on Tuesday where a num-
ber were also confirined. , • • ' ••
In the blemoriat Church.. Lcinden,, on Sun-
day,- Rev. T. W. Cluff, of Walkerville, and
Rev. .1. 1? Parke,. of Blyth, were advanced to
the order ot the PresthoOd in connection with
the Episcopal. church; Both are young men
well known here, having at one time resided
in this vietuity.• • •
Mr. Murk Ruinball who oceupied the .Entl- •
Pit of the Clinton Methodist Churah, on Sun-
day, gave two whims that Would be a credit
tb any young man, and showed that 'he pee -
emelt rpialities which vrill make hiM a -useful
minister of the gospel.. And what is of, .par--,- -
.amount iniportanoe, he is entirely frea•from
the affeetatiori which triO often is tho .bane,of
youligeten'studYing for the Ministry.
• .
On Thursday, 5t11 June,. "nt. Nem; .and
Anthony Allan, Reeve and Deputy, gee
Colborne, . entertained a large-•eathering , of
gentlemen at the Point Farm, among whom
were Mayor Horton, .' Sheriff Gibbons, Dr.
Holmes,County Treasurer, .Peter Ad,anzeon,t.
'County Clerk, M. C. Cameron., M. P.,.D. NI0e
Donald,Clerk County Court; &Gibson,. Wer4
den, most of the members of the county aetin-
oil,- and a number:of citizens Of Godericb: An
ancient rockaWay coaCh, sparge Omnibite, ank,
a number of buggies were brought,: into .
Odisitioxi to conveythe guesti to the farm,
and after A.delightfuldrivit Offive miles along
the northern gravel road, we came to •ri gate,
wait aporter'S lodge close by, which -was the
entrance to a private road that led to the
Summer II0tel Of Mr, J,. J. Wright, *Wok is
haiW on a. cliff :overlooking.' the waters of
linron, and *rut 100 feet Above theme and
which can be retiehed by walks and Carriage-
way-A.:tier the party had taken a Walk down to
tho'hiach, and viewed the surrounding bean,:
ties, they Were called' to partake of alioluf-
Will spread of refreshments, after which votes
of thanks were tendered to the. Reeve, Wpn.
ty-Ree:vo and Mr. Wright and lady, through
the Warden; who briefly exptemed hiaarleaS,
are and thanks for the honor and haPpinesi
bestowed upon bim and his fellowguests'pthe
Reeve, Depnty.'ReeVe and Mr. Wright briefly
responding, shortly after • which.' the,' gftestil
returned to town. •• '
Timis summer hotel is a.very large building;
.whieli our readers will believe wheiithey• are
told that over 500,000 'feet, Of lutriber0..230
kegs of nails 500 bunches of Shingles, 800,
panes of glass, oke., were Used in its constrilc
tion, and thatofthe outbuildings on
tlio herder of the lake, a rebidened there dur-
ing the ihotlieremerniontlis .is delightful, as
the breezeia generally off tho lake and. Make
the atmosphere mil and pleasant, Tifebeatth
is sleeily .reached, and bathing, at any time
maybe enjoyed. ' •
• •
'..``They Were all of One Mind."
li pretty, eliek little town is • Olinlion,g.
; •
Said a colliitY couneillgr Of; Salm-day, tb
a number of his associates, as they stood
in front of the town hall. •
"Yes, it is," said another front hp north.,
Long time since I've been in 4plinton
for any length of tine; .used to clo all 'my
business hero years ago. My, how it's
grownsince then. Remember when Bill
Rattenbury'used tei• keep the Hate leg
tavern down at the corner there, and
what a time we'd have when a few of Us
would Mile in together with our grain.
It was pretty lively evert then,"
" Ws pretty lively now," eltimefin an-
otheemeraber of the board.
0 Well, it is to," said a fourth; "and
you'd, have to go a good way to And
better. I've been over the country a good ,
deal and couldn't My. any finger on a pkee
to -day I like better. It has all the ad-
vantages it place wo could wall, and looks
'as if it Were going ahead at
X do not wonder at Many of the board
thinking the county buildings Shank' be
ere, and I9-130--ontrit Witeli5Fli, too."
etatentent the others apioarently
Mcd with, and they replaced:their pipear;
. their mouth, and 'passed alonfr.tikt4
reet, making farther c'omplimen,taryik:
GiOnk to the litib of the county,
.4 A
„ •, e
At the meeting of the High Court of in
Foresters Mr. 11, Elliott, of the'Llstowel ,st
Banner, Was eTeeted High Chief Ranger, li
• •