The New Era, 1884-06-06, Page 10~CLINTON NEW ERA.
.FRIDAY, JANE 6, 1884.
Log41i NQTICFrS.
BR EEe. — The strums of the Army
frightened Mr.Jas.Fair's horse, on Thum -
day, andit put its foot through the dash-
board board ; its Presbyterian instincts must
have .been too strong to..quietly stand, so
much noise. The gravel being •,put on
+ri"-J.f -:low want: a #arpnis kit Cooper's , Abe streets here, froms the town pit, casts
shout $2,0 *. cord, *slivered, .which is.
over 1,25 a cord cheaper .than it was pro-
cured at last year. The St, Thomas
Journal denies the statement of the Re-
cord, that Mr, E. Andrews, of the express
$thee there, and formerly of Clinton,
woulcl assume the duties of express clerk
on the trains of the Air Line between
Buffalo and St Thomas; Mr. Andrews
will remain in the office there. Mr, John
Cdnldgham lost aliot{t $100 by the frost
last.week destroying his strawberry and
fruit crop, Bones? Campbell inflicted a very
bad cut'en bis hand last week. The pro • oard of Health which is composed of five
vate car of Mr. Edwards of the Flint and ratepayers, viz; Messrs. Forrester Joseph
Pere. Marquette Railway, stood at the. sta.Chidiey, Dr. Williams, A. S. Fisher, and
tion for a couple of days he being on a .J. Callander, town clerk, held their first'
visit to friends in this place. Mr, Thos. meeting on Wednesdayy,, fer the purpose of
R. Wright,. (formerly with. 13. Cantelon, organizing,&c. Mr„Cliidleywasappoint,
carriage maker,) is back from Minneapolis, edchairman of the Board, J. Callander
where he is employedin the coach shops being Secretary by virtue of his office.—
of the. C. E. & st. Pau1R..It; -rumor says Mr. Paisley was appointed Health In -
that when he goes back a lady will swum- specter, and is instructed to mak, a thor-
pany him as Mrs. ' Wright. Mr. James ou$h inspection of the town, and wherever
Keane has taken the position of book- nuisances exist have the same abated.—
keeper in Fair's mill. Last week Mr. W. Any ratepayer aware of the existence of
M. Giffin erected a White Bronze Menu nuisance of this nature, can notify any
anent for Mr, Thomas Town, and one for member of the `board or the inspector, and
Mr. Arthur Hiagston .at the Brussels ce- their comniunication will be considered.
metery; they were well pleased with them strictly confidential.' After discussing
and said theywere better than they had several important clauses of the act, the
expected. Mr. John Goyitt left for Eng- board' adjourned to meet at the call of the
]and . on Saturday. Mr,. Forrester, of
Mitchell, (father of Mayor Forrester,) lost •
a barn and contests last week, valued at
$800. Mr. Thes. Newmarch,,' andwife,•
have returned frost Rat Portage, and will
reside here for some time; he reports
things as very dna it the west, although
he likes the country very well.. While AT • THE
the Army meeting was progressing in • he
town hall, Sunday, one of the uplifted
many those -•� windows
with a crash that startled c =T O 0 S O R.
present,. Storekeepers prekeepers here
are irnp rting'potatoes to ,supply the le!'
cal demand. A few days ince Mr. Thos. RICHTER 1IOUTI� ORclAS S; 7.0' key, brass, '25-cts.
Gorrell, of Qu Apples N. W. T., (son of
Mr. A. Gorrell, of Clinton,) had a visit'.EXPRESS WAGGONS, Iron axle • $2.25, also WOODEN'
fromabout fifty Indians, who wanted •
,Sgj ow.,,nt c, ver
SS& FYINC • Mit CHJ2KES— W KJT'1' $elle
ticsligh&rmitning new.Home Sewing Afackine,
which gates the .lend. tl•
MOGUL—The 5uhscribes, as usual, Will this season
pay tine bigbest cash_ price for any quantity of :marias, Tm Hus. rooi, Grocer, ATcrt St., Clinton
QW1E ?spial. .
E MINATIo1�: s.—Between eighty and
ninety persons have signified their inten-
tion of writing at the Entrance examina-
tion tO Clinton High School, which takes
place op the 3rd and 4th of July. For
second -glass (Intermediate) certilcatee,
about 60 from Clinton High School''and
about a doaen more from outside, wilt
writs at the examination which • takes
place in July. •
WENT INSANE. -- The niaoy friends
here of Mr. Ales. Sterling, of Gardner,
Dais„ formerly pf Goderich »township, will
be exceeding sorry to learn that his wife
.1 has gone insane. On Friday last ,he
j' brought her to London, to place her in
the Asylum, but could not do so as the
insttiution was full. The"cause of her in-
sanity we have not learned. •She is'a
daughter of Mr. Robt. Russell, of Porter's
• V.
.. SMAsIisIIF.S=On Thursday • last Mr.
5, 7l4errill, of'Gloderich township, bought
a handsome buggy of Mr, Fred. Rumba,
And proceeded homeward with'it. Hav-
ing occasion to visit.a relative on the way
he did' so, and shortly after starting from
. there, the horse .got frightened at. some-
thing, .and became unmanageable, pitch-
ing Mr. Meerill outs dragging the buggy
.on its side for some distance, and convert-
ing what •one hour before had beett a beau-
tiful b gy. into "a sad wreck of • its for
•mer cell' .
Tu »OnTaeaE .0,4E—Miss Rates, ,the
victim of 'the recent • outrage aby'Seaforth
'roughs, has.become-violently isisaie:from
the•effects • of•her ill-treatnient; and :Tier.
parents .have found: it necessary to coin-
snit her to an asylum:: She was plaeed in
the jail on. Saturday until such 'time as
pan be adpnitted to an asylum.. Should
she not recover, it is..giuite:*possible that
some of the parties to.the outrage mayget
scot free,'ste; itiifertunately, she could -not
testify against them, and etidence.'to eon
vict will have to be found • elsewhere.
' 'Soles and Herbert have been admitted to
bail, the former in $4;000, and the • latter
in $2,000. -
RIFLE .CONTEST.—At the ...rifle toutna
went of the Western. District of Ontario,
held at London last Friday; •members of
the 33r4;.Eattalion• (Huron) -succeeded in
carrying off the cream of ;the prizes, tak-
ing no )<ees;than twefty-one. ,.The follow-,
ing person'wbn -prizes:-The three Wil-
sone of Seaforth'todk, eleven prizes, aggre-
gating..about $45; .Sergt: Munroe,,_of Sea-.
forth, took three prizes, amounting to $32.•
N.•Robson;:Clinton,.two' prizes of $5,J. -
Young, of Clinton, two 7prizes of $,5 ; T..
Coleman,' of Seaforth, a prize of $3,' and
J. Johnson, of Clinton, a prize also. •The
Seaforth Rifle .club•took 'the team -prize
for the highest aggregate score.
STOCK Nous.—On Tuesday Mr. Thos.
Shipley sold a heavy draught horse to Mr.
D. Tiplady for $190, who the same day
sold a email horde for $185. Ilfr. `Tho '
liIclllich&el, o IIu3lett bas• 'free splendid
s ring 'colts"• a11, sired b7".»J. Fisher's
prince of I'Ceir,' d'
Mr. John McMillan,
reeve of Mullett, has' on his farm over 7Q
head of cattle, 22 horses and 3. stallions,
Mr. Geo, Wheatley, of Mullet!,a former:
resident of Milton, hap on his farm+ an
eight-year-old cow, which has bad rune
calves, and all are living ; she bas bad
three pair of twins. Mr. George Cot, 'et
Detroit, is buyingh orses here, On Tues-
day .Messrs. Moohey 8i Rattenbury nue-
chased a well -matched team of dark chest-
nuts, at a good figure. Mr. Biggin, 2nd
con. Mullett, lost a good mare last week.
Bou2rn TO ng LDEA,D.—Mr. $ Phipps,
of GoderieJ township, is bound to be
ahead in the matter of long wheat this
�efwton.> 4ii » Blonday he brought as a
hagd(ul , of springwbeat atlks, pulled
from a Uniforme'ld of the same, that
measured twenty_inches long, It is of the
Lost Nation variety, and was sown on
Good Friday. Now let us hear from the
farmer who can go one better than this.
.I?EOEoSED CONCERT, --Mr, T. Jackson,
has i
jr.,n training pearl fortyvoice :for
Y $
the cantata whir he intends rendering
en - the 270. inst., entitled, "Lost and Sav-
ed," .a dramatic and musical temperance
cantata in threw acts, which he intends
bridging forward to the public by the
very best local talent, , some 01 which have
not yet apppeared before a Clinton !midi -
once, Mr, Jackson's reputation in •the.
concert line is so well established that it
is needless to say but what this one will be
asoc'id, .if not better, than previous ones.
Tnn boors.—The weather of the past
few days has been very favorable for the
crops, which, notwithstanding their in-
jury by frost, are •Iooking well. Grass
will be a very good crop. In ourrambles
about the country wehave noticed some
good pieces of fall .wheat, and some very
bad. On the Ransferd farm is a fieldthat
would elate the heart of any farmer, but
taken generally in this section the fall
wheat crop will be considerably below
the average. The prospects of.tbe spring
crops are favorable,' circumstances consid-
ered, and may do much to .make up for
the deficiency of fall wheat, in fact tae
wheatcrop may not be much below the
average, as more springwheat was .sown
than usual.
GO. OD S.!
something to eat, and he had no alterea-
tive but.:te. give them everything 'eatable
he had inthe house; as there were 900 of
them camped within a short distance: of
hie farm, rem •evidently, thought that ra
saetancetof their'deniands would be. dan-
gerous to himself. The body' of Miss
1Vlfnne, Paltridge, ,who was.'drowned:in
the Grand River at: Galt, on,the 26th
of May, was found on Sundaymorning by
a fernier 'four miles down the river. Mr.
A. Gorrell sent about two hundred willow
slips: to Manitoba, by mail,'the other day',
where their, growth will be experimented
opens Mr: Sam. Grigg, of London,. (for-
merly of Clinton. and nephew. of Mr. W.
Grigg;). evidently intends to, locate his
family in the west, as two of his. children;
Fred. and his sister; left for Brandon on
Friday to joie. their father; •. Who-- has re•
Gently erected $5,000 „Worth' of buildings
on his farm near that place ; his improve-
ments includea half mile course for speed.-
peed-ing horses. • The . Wanderers. play St:
Thomb,,cricket club» on •.Tuesday next,
The Base Ball club played Exeter, yester-
xiay (Thursday.):•' The Junior • Lacrosse
'club •play'at Lucknow .one day. next»week.
Messrs.; l%l cbiu> title and Thompson, Reeve
and Deptity respectively, are attending
the County Council meeting:at'Goderich.•
ThnEE. "Tounns."—On Monday after-' Boy's Who will, sinfully go in 'swimming on
noon.three youths from • Goderich came Sunday should gei farther away from . the,
down here in a' buggy; and behaved; in London road bridge. than theywere ion
such a- disgraceful manner that • they. Sunday'last. • ..A statement•having appear
should • •all -have been 'arrested,' »but they ed in one:or two papers to the. effect that•
kept priinci ally on the back streets and Miss Bates, df Goderich,. (the •victim in,
were thus`from under•the eye of our chief the outrage case) had been .at• the Com-
constable, who is usually: a terror to such, mercial Hotel, here, the night of the;: af-
"tougba” They were evidently all under- 'fair, Mr. Moore wishes to statetha't•such.
the influence of• liquor; and while. reek- was not the'case, as she never Was in the
lessly driving along Joseph street, all were • house tohis • knowledge. • The Licensed
thrown out of the rig, the buggy passing.. Victuallers of; the county. have called a
over two of them. They afterwards con- :meeting for the 12th. inst., totes held in
Untied driving around. utterly. regga'rdless. Clinten,•to cbnsider what action shall be
of all' consequences, but whether. they got taken with reference to the proposed sub -
home` without breaking thele necks, •inissioh.of,the Scott. Act, `Tom"::Carl-_
have not learned. ins -get breaking stones on the
street, on Tuesday •;i he -did -it, however,'; the instaneeof the authorities,• but,
for. his.own convenience: Weed thieves
have been "taking •stock" in several wood
piles.-- Record. This is just. what'a gen-
tlemaa residing on'the, Huron. road says,
too,' and,' he wants- to know if this is. i
case:where "'a guilty conscienrceneeds no
accusing," . 'Excursion to Port 'Stanley'
next Tuesday, and one to London on »the
26th, . A temperance lodge, or any: other.
mixed gathering,should know better than
`publicly discuss `'That married life is pre-.
ferrable ,to single,"., as it is not a suitable'
_subject' for discussion among young Peo
ple, .m'ucli • less • a gathering where male
and • female .are present. Dr. Worthing-
ton is at Hamiltonattending the meeting
of the Ontario Medical Association: The
NEW. En .'s report, of the Blyth tragedy
was spoken ofas the best in any of the
county papers last week, and NEW' EaAs
were consequently in' good demand. It it
a.fact Worthy of note that (nut of thirteen
men in the.employ:of Mr. D. D. Wilson,
of •Seafglrth, gathering eggs, nine of them
'are total abstainers. ' Mestrs,'G..E. Pay
and W.Coats have got sufficient subscribed
t ' 'men' o payfor
among business tstreet
watoring,,with.the atnoant granted by the
council, and the Cart will.start operations
immediately. On Wednesday V1r.Gauley
was hammering apiece of iron, when a
.piece broke from thehammer,.cutting his
hand severely. Mr. ICeenelyside, of Lon•
don, passed through on Tuesday, to Godes
THE SCOTT Acr.—On, Tuesday morn- rich, on a bicycle; he rode froth Exeter to
ing a number of Reeves and Deputies met Clinton, 10miles, in two.hours,'which is
at the station here, on the way to the fast• riding beneath a blazing sun—about
council meeting at Goderich. The pro- as fast as a.G,T,R; train: Tho wife of Mr.
posed submission of theSeott Act came in Ire ]Fisher is seriously ill; and Mr. John
for a good share of their attention. while Copeland /is also in very low health.--.
waiting for the train, and' although.. they Mr• and Miss Lyons, of Dundas, ere visit-
are not all regarded as strict temperance ing their sister, Mrs,lforace Foster, The
men, most of' them were favorable to the county Council lvero invited by the Reeve
Dict, and expressed the belief that in and Deputy -Reeve of Colborne to partake
their respective municipalities, it would of lunch at the Point Farm, on. Thursday,
receive large majorities. Mr,' Rogers, of (yesterday) in commemoration of the set
Brussels, admitted that he was amoderate 'tiementof the township, fifty years ago.
dninker, but would vote for the act, Mr. It is to be :hoped they enjoyed a "feast of
:Elliot, of Goderieli township, believed reason," and not a "flow of bowl," Mr.
that it would receive two hundred of' a, Ari us is oil a trip to the northwest: Mr,'
majority in that township, and others were C,. Sheehy, Canadian Passenger Agent of
of like opinions. - Of course these are but. the Missouri Pacific Railway, was in town
individual views, still; it must be admit• on business yesterday; he was at one time
ted that the speakers are in a good posit a , brakesman on the Northern Railroad,
tion to gauge public sentiment, Rev. and has 'worked leis WO upward, The
John Gray, who is known through the brethren hold services in the hall next.
length and »breadth of the county, as one Sunday, at 3 and 7 p,m. The Army still
of the moat earnest; advoeates of temper- " holds the fort," and increases the nuih-
nnce,has received a number $netters since ber of its adherents ; they claim to have
. the contexttig,h, llskang linm to deliver
:igreec o o soa> 'I .tiad- `s'eenied.over. twO hundred
te)i ).t0P 1411 " tie 1...111'6111 .hor
CoNCnur.-On Tuesday evening .last
one of the best concerts was given to the
most select audience that has assembled
in the town hall . for some time, the prin
cipal attractions being Miss Reidy, 'who
had previously been heard in the same
place with great pleasure, and Miss Madge
Johnson, who, - when a resident of ,the
town, was listened to with great 'satisfac-
tion ;
satisfaction; but both these ladies have much
improved under the professional training
they. -have lately received, and were rap-
turouslycheered during the evening l'ro-.
fessor orris and 0. L.. ;Lewis rendered
the pieces which they .gve and in which
they toots' part with great satisfaction,
bliss Reidy also presided at' the plaint for
a number of the selections. ,
Din SOME GOOD Ar'YSOW—There is
no doubt that the frost .of last week did a
great deal of damage• to growing.,frhite
and vegetables, .built is a,mistake:tp sup-
pose r at least • p
pose it did not cone a partially
compensating benefit, ' The low tempera-
turennights that prevaileden the nig is f o:•
nesday, Thursday and Friday is believed
to have killed myriads of insects in their
embryo state, which, when fuly•develop-
ed, would have, inflicted sad' havoc, par,
titularly ,those feeding on .fruit trees. An
examination of the apple blossom, in some
localities, has revealed the fact thatthe
small parasite which bade fairto complete-.
ly strip the apple trees, is killed beyond a
doubt. "Itb an ill wind," etc: •
axle, $i.O and' 1.50;
BABY: CARRIAGES going very. cheap...
NEW stock of : BL .NK BOOKS.
`t,,; •. CHEA.PEST iiithe County of Huron
!Croquet, and Ilotcrosse Stir ls.
Fans,. a. splendid assortmeILt.
I3•an moctlics..`aood and cheap.,
7 i x�d ('ages and Walk'i n Canes.
And in. order to do so see the grand assortm.ent of
They take the place of Muslin. ,Also, we .
show a fine range of
Q _.
AndWHITE GOODS for the •hot, weather.
A nicee range of •
Satin— De Lyon, for Mantles.
sur job line of Dress Goods
° Our job line of Hosiery.
Don't' » forget the Boys Clothing',
Ti1L' ;r.UDG.ATE.
rrhe "L T7'DG-A'Z`E" ii. thevery latest.
shape for a ° .' luininer Tie beim
au d vary ' easily .. adjusted.
W S :4010 TIE-1.3prI.N sT L4I�T
' C01.1'T X I-KWE.4... , :IST
rrictiA �EiG'TIQTIT..
THE' Wi\t11 ,; DON; a TIM ,LOV'AXi1ST.
The l �tost iii LINEN. - COLLARS'. Oin sizes ill
a shapes C(�LL
Collars run frciin 12 to 17 . • '...
rL'11c 1EN intivixro *latter/ Clinton'
To» ,those who did .. not »,purchase
their Suit before the 24th,we have
still . left a choice stook to select
fron'1, and .prices are still :lower,
y a nice, li.ght
or -hat weather.
MOTHERS, some and see us if you
want to rig 'your boy's out cheap..
We have a, large lot of Remnants
that are.. being 'cleared out at half
We are ' giving.. better bargains in
O othing than any House in thf
° West, .