The New Era, 1884-06-06, Page 6West Huron Reformers. The West Huron Reform Convention was held in Dugannon, on May 28th, in Martin Hall. There was a good represen- tation from every polling snb•diviaion, making altogether a very large attendance. In the absence of the President of the As• bociatiou, Mr.W.Young, Reeve of Celbone township, was called to the chair. The Secretary, Mr. Robt. Harrison, of Ash- field, explained the object of the meeting. The following executive offices were elect- ed for the ensuing year :—President, Mr. Chas. Girvin, Reeve of West Wawanoah ; 1st Vice -President, Mr. Wm. Mallough, _Ashfield ; 2nd Vice -President, Mr. Chas. Seager, Goderich ; Treasurer, Mr. J. F. Andrew, Ashfield ; Secretary, Mr. Robt. Harrison, Ashfield. The work of town- ship organization was then proceeded with, and good working committees were ap- pointed—one for each polling subdivision in the riding. After this a number of stir- ring addresses were delivered. Hon. A. M. Ross, the firat speaker, op coming forward was received with loud and prolonged cheers. He said he was pleased to meet so many of his constitu- ents and so representative a body of men on this occasion. Soule two years had elapsed since the time when he last appear- ed at a convention in Dungannon, and on that occasion the organization had been so perfect that they had been enabled to carry successfully the two elections that after- ward followed. It was to be hbped that this cunventon would be equally fruitful of good results. One of the delegates pre- sent to -day had mentioned the fact that no member of Parliament had been pre- sent at the temperance eonventi,o1 held yesterday at Clinton. In reply he would state that upon one thing the temperance people could depend, and that was that the Reform members of the Local House -were almost a unit in favor of the tem- perance cause. One of the har,leet things the Mowat Government had to'li ;ht in the last election was the bitter spirit which had been engendered against u. by the liquor interest, urged on by the leaders of Tory sentiment. The Crooks Act had provided a good law for the aim of temper- ance, and the labsrs of the Local Govern- ment had been, and would continue to be, to promote the improved working of tem- perance legislation. To -day a goer' deal of time had been taken up iu the wurk of organization, but he looked upon that as being thee well spent, for after all was said and Clone elections were carried by urganicttion. In the last Dominion elec- tion held in West Huron, the loss of one vote in each of the polling sub -divisions would have caused the defeat of Mr. Camerou, who now so ably represents the county. hour or five votes neglected in each polling stab -division would have re: duced (Mr. R ss =own majority of 167 to a minority. ge number of members in the Local House had majorities under cn0, and a very small change would have sufficed to render them minorities, hence necessity for thorough organization. He then went on to discuss the improper manner in which the Conservative readers and their hired press had endeavored to make a dead set upon Ontario. He urged them to remain -loyal to Liberal interests and the rights of Ontario, and to be true to themselves and their country. He closed a brilliant address of over an hones duration amidst loud and prolonged ap• plause. Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, was the next speak- er. 10 opening ha paid a high tribute to the sterliug abilities and political worth of Hon. A. M. ltoss. Tho Liberal party had atone much for Ontario, although the work had beset militated against to a great ex- tent by the actions of Sir John Macdonald and his satelites. Sir John had said he eould veto every Act passed by the Legis- lature. if this were so, Ontario certainly was not a gainer by Confederation. But, it. had been proven in these iostauces be- fore the Privy Council that Sir John's opinion on Constitutional -law was not the hest, and it was probable that before long he would learn that the rights of our Pro- }ince•were not to be tampered with with itnputiity. The speaker then referred in fitting terms to the ability and political standing of MIs. M. C. Cameron, and named him as a coming titan in the Liberal Cabinet that would, ere long, be formed under the able leadership of Hon. Edward' Blake. Mr. M. C. Cameron, M. P., on coming forward was greeted with a tumult of app plause. He said that owing to the late- ness of the hour it would be impossible for him to give even a brief outline of the faults and rascalities that had been perpe- trated by the Dominion Government dur-- ing its last session. Fault had been found by previous 'speakers because attempts had been made to buy up people in the Legislature, with small sums of money, hot that fact should not startle any of them, when it was known that in tke Do- minion Parliament the bribery was dune with millions. 11e did not believe there was a euuutry iu the world, except Cana- da, that would not have been driven to rebellion by the high-handed and reckless manner in which the Government • acted last setsioo. .Revolutions had been start- ed and thrones had been overturned in ether -countroei for less cruises. Tho Syn- dicate deal, the whitewashing of Sir Chas. Tupper, the election by Act of•Parliament of meutt.ers of Parliament who hail' obtain- ed a minority vote, the veto of the Streams Bill, the paRsing of the McCarthy Act, the non-ralificat'ion of the Boundary Award, and the init]. uitiocs land lawe in the north-west, were taken up and their enormity exposed. However, he looked for tho dawning of a blighter day, when the nun of Liberalism would pierce the dark clouds which at present hid its rays, and when truth, honor, and integrity would take tho place of the falsehood, oer- ruption, and dtahonesty that at present held sway in high places. For himself he had no aspirations for a Cabinet position, but ho had an ambition to see the reins of power once more in the hands of an honest Liberal Government. As he concluded his able speech loud, applause was given by the large gethering. TNR CONVENTION'S VIEWS; It was then moved, seconded and unani- mously carried, "That we, the Reformers of the West Priding of Huron in conven- tion assembled, desire to place on record an expression of our confidence in the pre - Bent Government of the Province of On- tario, led by the Hon. Oliver Mowat, and our unqualified condemnationof the die, honest and corrupt, and scandalously ex- travagant regime at present in )dower at Ottawa. We'alao hereby express Mir ad- miration of the patriotic course so ener- getically pursued by the talented, though nuiiperically weak, Opposition in the Fede,,, ral Parliament, led by-#fon. Ddwarsl Blake) in fighting dishonesty and corruption in high places, in battling for the rights of the people, and in resisting the creation of gigantic monopolies that are rapidly fastening themselves. with even- tightening grip upon our fair young country. Wo desire further to extend our heartiest con- gratulations to our worthy local represen- tative, Hen. A. M. Ross, on .his appoint+ ment to the high and honorable position of Treasurer of this Province;; and t ' r ' as press our unbounded confidence • both in him and. our talented ilcpre entative in the Dominion Parliament, Mr. M. C. Cameron, who haa,so diligently and ably discharged his duty during the late sea. Sinn." Speeches in support of the resolution , were made by Messrs. Cameron: and Me. Gillicuddy, and . the meeting was brought to a close. What to do If troubled with an unhealthy, slow••hcaliti Coro use McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. You will find it i Invaluable for healing, cleansing, and completely re- moving your trouble. If tho blood 1% out et order take , with it a few doses of McGregor', Speedy from Cumbe's drug store. They sail the ocean blue, those who are to present the case of Ontario tb the Privy ' Council, and those who are opposed. There is every reason to hope that the ad- vocates of Ontario will carry the day. A singular fact is the reluctance of the Do- minion Counsel to accept; 11'1r Christoper Robinson threw up hill brief, and it is said. Mr. Dalton McCarthy refused. This re- fusal might be the result ol`persolal pique, because he was Rot selected in the first, . but, coupled with Mr. Robinson's action, we are led to ooncludethat it is owing to`.a belief in the weakness of the case of the Dominion and an opinion that juetice and equity lies on the aide. of the Province.. In a few days Hon. Mr. Mowat and Mr. Mills for Ontario, and Attorney -General gHAia#.t WE #.ET THE CHILD DIE. A hard hearted political economist, looking at pale and puny child feebly rasping as it lies upon the pillow, says that the child alight as well die. It is so weak and poor that its life will never be -worth much anyhow. There aro already' a good.many people in the world who are Or not much account anyhow, And what's the use of addingto their/aumber another weakling, who has blit •slender, chance cf over, amoupting to anything? a Now aschild'irenotho what she thinks about letting her 5ltiff1 die, About this time the hardpoliticaleconomist had better get out of the way.. "LET MY CHILD DIE ? NO 1 ANO' As LONG AS THERE ISA EEM, :DY TO PE FOUND THAT WILL SAVE THAT CHILD), THE CHILD SHALL NOT DIE i' I'LL SPENI) MY LAST DOLLAR To SAVE rot camp 1 " Well, try a bottle of Shaker Blood Syrup on that child. See the poor- little fellowick up strength. He revives, He will live. Hosts of other children have been brought almost from death to healthy life by The Shak- er'Blood'Syrup. , Your druggist sells it. Health & happiness• for fiyl. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE.' Biliousness, Headache; Dys• pepsic, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And every species of disease arising from Impure Blood, &c. &c:jr PRIPARRl NV THE . •Clima•x .Chemical Company,• . .'.MONTREAL. • Miller for Manitoba will have arrived in i lONEY. TO' LOAN. England, and the summer will not be far { — advanced till the merits of the ease ii ;If° T311IYAW: AND COMPANY T'UNDS, AT 'lowest mites of interest. Principal 'payable been laid before the Privy Council, as desired by borrcwer. A Startling Diecovory. - Valuator ,for the CANADA. LANDED CII$DIT' Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Huron, bah., writes I f131PAL'r, •• that his wife had been troubled with acute , D `A., PORRESTER. Bronchitis for many years, and that all renin Qiluton, Dec 2u Issa . dies tried gave no permanent relief, until. he-' NEW e�oTIN STOR:E1, procured a bottlf.Dr. King's New Discovery 1 ,. for Consumption, Coughs; an'd Colds, which.! - - had a magical effect, and produced a perm- r rr.g SUBSCRIBER. WHO WAS - OR MORE nent cure. ' It is guaranteed to Cure: all .Dia than eight,year's in the employ of Mr:"Silas eases of Throat; Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes, Dater, desres to intimate that he has Trialbttl f at Watts dC"' drugstore. pone( n 1 bottles r°° a it e e raga °' 0 on d Ti SI r in Dodswerth's Block' Large size $1. _ ^�'LI) CLOTHES FOR SALE•.•–I'•take all sort; of '. .' V raps, clothes carpets, and -hope my old friends., .• _• HERON STREET, CLINTON. • will save them .for mo. 1 also tako brass, lead and ' copper. 1 am home on Mondays. Any persoh having rags or truck in my 'Met can leave Word at my house, and I will fetch it and give value, and I also beg to say I have no business couneetion with a man named Husain. Papering, painting, and jobbing of that sort dune by GEORGE BRNTLRY. W. 1tIARTEN, Pettier, Bilk 64, Clinton, OLD AND RI f IABLI:. ;4 . Gray's Specific Medicnr, - • TRADE MARK THE GREAT1iNorts' .cuUE .mAR,K. RRMRDr; an natal sure for Seminal weak' mess, Spermatvrrhea; Iutpoteucytinnd alldis• renes thattullow as ii- seRaence of self abuse —ns loos of memory, u at vernal ideal tudn,— pain in the -hack, dim- ness of vision, prelim - Before 'Ta tore old alae, and mama J, t Takiab , other diseases that load to insanity or consumption and a pretnnture ;;rave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, wide]) we desire t, -send free bv' mail to every cue. C6,' The Specific Medicine is sold btu nil - drug_ists at.1 1 per package, or nix packages for live dollars ra' or will he nt free by mail, on receipt Money er ad• .])rune, 1'11'E (TRAP MEbICINE Co.,' - Toronto, Ontario, Canada, • • IDVERTISF 1 !liege fle, is .prepared to do .. ALL KINDS .OF TIN, .COPPER' AND SHEET IRON WORK, t,, In the best of style and on short notice o °OIL, `i.. ;ArS, GLtSS, &c. in stock • t.•11A-i,t_ sOLIGATED, ' 4AI.IIUEL :;WILSON. Clinton, Dee. 1:8$:1. TiIh1 1 iOLS ONS -BANK, y.Ac Incorporated. ift of Parliament, 1135a. . GAPI'1`AL, - - ;2,000,0Q0. ZIEAD Ui�i''ICL, MONTREAL. Tl toms., '1YOIi.K3IAll, ; , ..., ,. President. 1'. IT. it. hfOLSON • . . Vice -Pres d LP, WULt`ERSTAN TfIO)L1S, General Mena er, .fates tlzst'ounted,.: Collections made, .,Drafts issue.tl, • Sterling 'axdl' utter ttan, excl tinge bougltt...mai sold at loreest.• . current rates - • - is,L'FT5CST ALLOWED,ON DEPOSITS. 1F'2A_FaME R is • . tf(ittcy adsanced to farmors on their own notes ~vitro One or more endorsers.' No =Amp required hs se,, curltn :It. C. Il.ltFai Ell ;Inger, RIt i ry 1 cit . Clinton a �•t: Before you /dace a; "dollars worth. of Newspaper advertis-, Ing, get our prices. The exact cost of way paper, or list•of papers cheerfully furnished, free upon application.. , 1 ""Send for New',.catalogae. J. C. HOUGH; . Adr;ertistag Agent, � ('� n`� 0 1foua flLCCE, Detnilt,ltiichi Go tit', t1 g! g:F'• FARRA% & TISDAHf 13 'A ft KERS, 1RA1'TENBURY ST.,. CIA NT( , llIANSACT A GENERAL UANKTNGI)tISINESS. Monoyadvonced on Mortgages and Notesofhand Drafts issued payable at par,at all the offices of the Merchant's Bank of Canada. New fork exchange bought and Rold.' Pagans ATTENTION PATO 'ro CnL- T itcrroNs throughout Oannda aai1 the Uuttel stats a SALE NOTES BOUGHT at -close rates, and titonny, l advanced tofarmers ontheir own uutes ;for a m ye oath oftime to snit tine borrower. All marketable woeur tiesboughtand sold. • GARNERS IN NEW Yonx. AO1O1TS of TRE AiattoliA\T's Bane '0P CANADA, • • poll. CHL4P GI OCEItILS Crockery,` GIa'ssware, &o Oatmeal and Cornmeal .l ys, a and, A If .S 0 . . LARGE STOCK NEW SPRING GOODS ! NOW IN E]ln,braeing- all the Latest Style` in all elalsises of 'roods, -which wiIll ' e' cold at the elosest prices. ' IST ALL IrUS T•al:..Na• Large Stock o E'' Cast's : Furriisb.isig Coo es.. GR-OCER,= S.• ' A: fr'esli' stock of these goods at the lowest :prices. N, - Clinton. s11 the Yea? 4'' J0HNSTON'S i .. SARSAPARILLA RSAPAS lLLA LIVER COMPLAINT;. DYSPEPSIA, . And for Purifying the Blood. t . It has been hi use for 20 years; and has market for bthe e best P 3INthe THE SIDE' OR BACK,..•LIVER COM- PLAINT. PIMPLES ON THE FACE, DYSPEPSIA, PILES. and all Diseases that arise from a Disordered L.tver or an impure blood. • ' Th ousands ..Of our best people.tako it and give it to. their ehiG dren, Physicians prescribe it daily. Those. who use it once,, recommend it to others:. • Itis made from Yellow Dock Hondo - res Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stillingia Dandelion. Sassafras,.• Wintergreen, allot other-well•known valuable Roots and Herbs. It is strictly, vegetable, and can- not hurt the moat delicate constitution, Itis one of the best medicines, in use, for RegulatingtheBowels '''' Its sold by all responslble drugg.la,9 at one dollar for a quart bottle, or, itz bottles -for five dollars. • • • • Those who'cannot obtain a bottle of this medicine from their druggist may send us one dollar, and we will. send it to them: 1: W. JCHIIBTCN k CC, Visaffttntert, ' ' AstnEttsrnr_nc, _ CYNT. rt WATTS .CO.• , .A,gentr, ttatnton Pettv':< celebrated English Breakfaat'Baconj' • Long Clear Bacons Sugar Cured Mints Mints, UEEN:CITY. oii: "t , xas �v • And Po 1' .%aI RTJ At • price; which cannnt Ile beaten, in town. CfIALLEtlG f�C[f?L 5 l GLYCERINE 1!. 'MIS 60'C TEA .A SPECIALTY ti LCD AC}IIA "" CAPITAL � • W. W.'FARbiAJ . 3, P. T1SOALl. Dt ►With ELECTRIC SOAI) /4V ?.RESP A l JJn l•4'ED ON AEI't°)sll's.• WINE:S �Isubsclbr desires S1PIRITS to return his sincere tluurks to his uuatolttei's and the pubtte generalty. . for•the liberal patronage extended to him in tho past, apd by furnishing the lest article at the lowest roam-,• iterative pries, Ito hopes to merit cut)tinitanee of the • 13I:i:7. ti l•'QC1 I)1, Ila would specially recommond.a trial of his drroct ::? importations of the very hast brands of. •• -• Brandies, . Port Winos and • Holland °•din, TOWN! 6 SUlTAM P015 MRDIUINAL PUa'Oatie AND. AI ff4;Va 1, pYslNncn SYLVESTER'S ' Celebrated :CHAIIIPION PLOW HoiVIAS .TIPL1 NG', • BLACKS11iITH, CLINTON, Iles been appointed agent for.Sylvestor's Champion Plow, which has recently been greatly improved, ani' now stand's without' a rival. The mouldboard is made of the best diamond steel,'especially. hardened, war.' ranted to cloan.in any field, and imported from ,Shef- Hold, England, purposely for.thoso plows. Intending purchasers can have a trial of tho.plow. and on receipt of post card it will bo delivered -free in any mit of the . county. .If the pioW:can be beat by any other make,. we' will forfeit the plow.. A car load just .received.: - Eef'ereaces from.` over 100 of; the best fanners near ire also manufactures the celebrated • Scotch 'Diamond, IInrrow, The reputation of which Is so well known that ho has'..t already received orders for 30 set this sen%on OLTNTCUN . ;• PLANING MILL bitYlLN: MIME. SIIBSORTRER..ITAVL\G JUST cot1Pf ET1:D .aL. tort furbished his •new .planing, Mill with marlin - Cry .of -ilio latch -improved 'patterns, is now, prepared to attend to all, orders in Ins lite tu,the most prompt and satisfactory, manner; all at' reasonable rates. Ho i would also return thank% to all who patronized the j old dim before they were burned. out, at 1l t ow being 1 iu n. better ',mitten to- execute-ortlors,cxpeditiously, feel% confident he can give satisfaction to, all. i • 7,?4fcTo. l2 \'e n'tlir• f laud; l'rtn:k,ltaal ping, C(c,1/01i• I I e .1 YllOylas. ATnitsant • .+ ^QSGULFVI•. jticogADa CYLINDER 1 ENGltirs/ T[ f)11.A.S .COOPER.,,. — — � lclip R'i' STlll•!li'p, t;1.iNT(.):i- GOLD MEUACs. Awarded at Toronto,' London -and S. 1'Owx,r RR. it, S411111. sane BASS' ALE AND GUINESS' PORTER, In Ilotties, Pints and Quarts. • CANADIAN ALES AND PORTER; auu.wo's and DAvIES I.AOLn constantlyell hand. Just received, in prime etiallitlon, . Montreal Ginger Ale, ('Jta)1tpuguc Rolm >sbfru. Mule t%.gont rot* (.40d014iell .A.10. N. 11013SOi`T. ' - 1LitEn'r STitIIET, BRICK Ii1)ftC1i. CLINteig. NNE PLATED WARE. • • arltIWIIST rii;aft N'S'4 4.. JEWELLERY Repairing done Promptly.' tt`aq ''t182.. Guelph, in 1883, for. PEERL AND toHSIY - 11d1ACHtPar, . OIL&. t ox Salo b- ail I"irat-Clasp Sioalor 3. . Every Saerei Guarante'.d. SAMUEL 11C .". imtnagtl'. 80 Profs ht, bast, Toronto.: fl.,• A.: BESThTBT To UNDERTAKER. ?nnerals riirnis10. inalirst-class style (1001, VEARRSa t. ArTCNnANCE; GIIAROSM . DIODIMATFi. TIED ROCKER, STORE. • Phoenix Carriage.Works . . T.,01%,-DiE1.s.i °I:U. • JOHN; I3] UNSI)ON Is proptn'ed to manufaetnro 011 hinds of il( OG1JtS.,. 1VAtSGONS, CARRIAGES ,C CUTTEIty. Tothrng.-• - het the very best matenafnhed, and first-class work aranteed. 6'•ti"Att. Oita, OF •omit n A i1'IEntAI•rv. Finisbtd work ninny, on hand.. Call soul. oaaniiue before purcha:•ring elsewhere. , 01''ALT, f:T41)S. • • • ,0,.. .TRUNKS, VA:GZSES, &c, ' VEEN MEAL,. "Ott. L. xsTEWTON, . 'CLINTON, •