HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-06-06, Page 2•
t r 41, . : •t7,47 -!,•"r : 1:". • -.." ' ^.3 . , 4
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.T. Z••• lid. '6. I 6)104.
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.. ..,
. . '
door things_ ' edger luneltion. MO Wittruer
forth alledu.mareh of ...good splrits end
10=0. ',Mind so .tiltagether ..gadient '"
own 13, ip ms to opturar -foto tow
evening. At 04 ogookiRiweAti,i rtll r
mY Mete I. am by no means otertedu . et I
Wive found Anything beyond, A lir' limit
. 'crops tho threthold atod move tewarde
the staircam with the landeble intentinn
did wobiognaYleli for oonelliest befote ebeir
.00niiiigii4then to my consternation' r MU
ROOT 3pottlagliAtler, WittliIMARAPPV,
iiitill genoe that ' Sir James and ,Lady
Mimeo* end,Miep BeetaitobeyeAlteittly
• Stri'Velil 4' 4 44'51-1 ''-. 'id 4 "4" ' ' .
• AitYff,,eiiiiidLtaiiiterit with DO hest's.
. to twelve them. or . id them welothi. 1
Whatageii they ',Oink ? gow ,AWkWait, t
, lies, Komi ,•: my-gteng tor'that otupi.a wit1 )
; . xremother igrceo.n.fibigraylred at Tyuon,
.and .jri t ag I am With my'. hair slightly.
,a- • 1. ' r •
ur ge ,,enterPthe drawins.reoro. '
• ' ti ' 6' 'upper end Mende klartnedulte,
, laughing andlalking gayly to a faWhaired,
' un a Boo. omen
.1M° 3'' IT° - 7 . 9. tvh° IP a !ewer
°MOB of Mietenott, might be termed ' buss
• out." To Ray she le inclining towards
egateapoint will, liowever,sound leta shook.
lag to eme polite. 1 hem heard -front My
hueband that one is about thirty yeerctef
•;:age, nut hi the. gulf* glance I take at her 1
:decide she might botany age under thatrehe
is 00 white and isdrand goy. .. ,. '
• " Ch I bere ehe ni," Boys 'Duke shialy
I .. 1
se 1 enter,
i, / am. so sorry pi 1 murninr„with a
, rising color, coming-qmokly forward ; 01m
. we did not exoect soma til.ficeolocilt.A ' .
As T advance, e'd doesuilie, and'wlien we
• meet*he toys twtt email plump, jewelled
hands upon my.thoulders: • ' '''
• , . ,
veiry wroth) young meA. as 0.0.4 °hitter the
.0111dretk " hie. let , befog ,, al pefullerly
. stud inoffeisei, clerwynaan, residing_
ii northern vgaelg • , . , •,!' ,:',
' What did L A say lip yonr
d %Won. and Ms. ie 0 n, and.fiernei
'en the mat of .• ur fri ds so :-..... .
" Oh, A •StaY, nOW," eaye Master Chips,
with an tngenuotte blueh, " it isn't fair to
sheer Me tlp In this' light -its itl-audbefore,
Vire (dritringlni too..•• She ,p/111. !have no
,•npinion am i bhe listenwto. All you' say."'
•-: ''.! t;14•114,4 P4,4044,t4Inat OW.X0ilteett.
,YOuresit awey-frorn their leminetIons."
"Yee, 404- ue, ,1Vir, Thornton," 'says I.
." WO pig, aira0 'that yon have morinoed
• . . . .. .... . .
purse f to ob Age tie." . . . ',
";DO.e't yen believe & word 114iirmaduke
SaYei Mrs. (Arrington :' he ili 0,11Ways repee-;
sensing ma talisely. ' I shalt- betteheepy,.
'fee'aver it you, won3 ituderatand bow pre*"
and*Ohermed I ivateto„reoeiiti your invite.
lion. JOBS to 'how yeti how he exaggerate's,
the Carry and Mond he spoke of are my
=thins, and thet's the ammo ae asters, you
knevl." •
• " 001Y far Mora daligettens," I returp„
"muslin*. . ••
a Well, at. ell eventh,lbey have every one
gene off tO G.OrMailtY or 001114trrDOLIBeel BO
they intuit do, without. me. I couldn't go
trottleg 'after Sini• everywheret you know ;
do slunigh of_that in the opting to lam' the
year. And; ,besidet, I don'e miniii.care for,
allY ef that lot now."
• , . . , . .
"No?, Tired of them already? • What a
desperate Don' Juan 1 Really, Obipe, I
shudder to think where you will encl. And
- whoiethe idol at the present hour ?-soine.
'thittg more exonisite etill ?" • .. •
, " Not to be nomad in- the eame day.,"
.000's Mr.( ThornteP, 004fidlnitlY. "Fact is;
sbe is a Bert Of eglimeettion of Your own,
lieCher Met .season ie town, you know,
and.,-er---,-"s.dtn eloquent sigh-." I mean
Rise Beathun," • • - . r , .
• Marmadtike buret out leughing, itha en
do I. - , ., • •
"'Then,' Yonatre all • right,"," says 'Duke.
.f.4 With yoer ususl luok you neve. Milan.
laPowY0PrIeet• -, At this instant the same -
root covers.yoitand your inamorata." '
:. . Ps No'l!' ones Ohips,.eager1y. " You don't
Mean it? i ,01,' course You Are Only jokiug.
You're not in earnest, now, Marmadulless.
aro-you ?" .. ,-.--. • -•
,, , ,,,
. ,
Xery suggestion. wouldsdiave • ought Om
:Untold wrath ;ion my. poor : ead, T ' k
trrMisakin to is *letter to a g le n
• ,eht..horenent:,.
t„' ;"•Andyettayouldnot-batntboll ,n * ou
uld, WV arle ,i4n Maik rtsth,„ _er n, n . ,,,,,,,I,'
And, then I glenae, idi LadY Hand000k,
end she glatiees. et Me. Sir Mark shwa to
the door and I emile and nod. ayly at
open , g .
4114,10. ; °Miff Of ilitrohow 04 poim into
the, lightedball.' ' '
• ..,-,Wri, are all...beginning to.ltnase mech.:303er
Well, and to be mutuelly pleased with each
other, wherielantakdi the close of the weak,
LOY Blanche Gailig j°i°18 DaY PDOP She te
Woking go-neiderebly handsomer than when
41011 OW. heti illieVM, and 48,aPPereutlY.in
good ininier,with hereell and &lithe rept of
lade. w, orld. Ifoyr letig . this. 09. rnfetta. ble..
•Ittede Pi effeire Meg istt, boWeVeri remaio0
'a MYsterY.. She bringe with ber a home, 0
pet..110. Oh, On4. a IWO ?Molt Meld, who
raehee herself "eatresSelY troilbleserae, and
oausea Muth' dimension in the earyants'
sir Mask Gore and her ladyship are evi,
cloudy old 'friiiiide, and capriole: a well.
bred anfount 01;pleasure CD again meeting.
POrhale her ladSelair'e exPressione are by -0
shade the warmest.
"1 bed no idea. I ahonld meet yon here,"
she wiods up, sweetly, when. the eubjeotof
' her eatiefaction le exhausted. " Mrs, Oar.
rington; when alluding 0 hOD other glieste,
•neVer 'mentieued your name' ' - - • - •-.
"No? ' Mrs. Carrington. how unkind of
yott to dismise me ors ooMpletelY hem:Your
thoughts! 4 Never M mention my natie.1'
It is' horrible to ,piolitire mem)/ so totally
forgoteen,"' . . • .
' " Yen Gould not surely hope to be always
in my thoughts?" I answ.er lightly. .
''. .Her ladyship flashes a then) Shoos- at na
from her long dark -eyes. • • : . •
' U I might not eepeet it, certainly .; but I
ant nob to babied:lied if I'munoth.elp hoping
• for.Ftything so desirable." . : .
"Yeti hope 1" return . I PallailY• " end a
foolish one besides. Have you never heard
(het 6 familiarity • breedi contempt?' and.
1.4 • 4. - I,
.t...at ten muo.. of anything te goed.for
nothing?' Were. I to" keep you PerpetuallY
. .
In myytund I might. perhape end by hating,
you." . • • • , ' , .. - • ' • . .
._.L. 1-!Wheli .Azt_ appalling idea 1" ',Mlirmitrs.
-Lady 131aholie, 'sof tly, .epeeking• in • that
peculiar tete 'of half.suppreased ironY I so
greatly detest." Should antithing eti dreed.,
ful ever mut I -doubt ie -Sir blerk wOnld
recover it." . . . • . • : •
' "I don't sUppose I should," replies Bin
•Merk, rather bluntly, se it seethe to Me,
withott turning hie head in -her direation, . •
• There ie it moment's. rather awkward
psuee, and then lier ladyship laughs lightly,
and, crossing the•roont, sitadewn by Bebe
Iteatoun. . . " ' . • .
' Her laugh is on unpleasant one, sea lairs
upoti me. paiolotly. Tier very mammy of.
rising and leaving me alone with Bir Mark
• has somethiug in it so full Of' insolent-
meaning that ..for the inetant I 'hate ber.
She' makes Ma feel I have 'Did iioniethiek
'foolieli-soinethinglietter left uessid,though
thorooghly nz4neant- I 'color. bite my Im,
and! without another. ward to mY tioni.
'painon, 'mho is•looking. black as night, Igo
out through the open Window. • . . - •
' •• So for. the second 'time ...the: little thorn
enters into my heart and 'prithe Me:gently.
A nod is eown that. bears me bitter Mgt. '. .
• ••: , .. Imams apt. . : ,.
. Nobody IMAMS to mind „me in the. least.
(as a hindrance to ' their rather open thrta
Immo,. though, with the wreeptitin of Lsdy
Blanche, all my gciests appear prepobiessed
In my favor: • • ' ' I-, ' • ..
Lam no good at ,allia a chaperon:-Iook.
log at the neoeseary mvil in the light of a
•guardian at ., morale -..aa no • one I feel
' •
utterly positive, 'Would. listen WS .a_wora 4
'advice given by me. &Jen had 1 the,oeurage
to speak that word,-whiahl feel Ore I. have'
not . ., • , . • .• • : ' ' • . . ; ,. . ' :
" Telt you whyl like you M ranch," se,ye.
Bebe to me, one day, with oharming.eandor.
(we ' have become . great- friends . by this.
'time); o you ..haVe- so little of the married
*mum about you.. Yondonttlook the'thing.
at ill. Nobody .would feel in the least put
out if.:you oaught , them doitg anything,
even a little .bit, OZ.. You'd be afraid to
•tioole, and Yon. ' ale.. too good-netured--to
.epettoh.' .Novi:Ihere'd-mmxime,' hit . eyes,'
.atrike toner tetheheirts of the giric idle
thaPerons. Only,' -let her catch you- with
your handin the pOseession et 11.14.Dat,ri
mental, hoivever• der htt 1' d 't i 'all
ig n „an .1 a up
with yen half' an hour later. a , ...
u suppriee your ino, tir ni. rig ..
- " B t I ' • •• • ' ' th • - • ht I
shim remember what you. say,.and take her.
as a' modelfroni this dayforth."., • ' .. ..
:".11 isn'rist Yon. • r Oa would niake a her.
rible"mees . of '..itt'ind : Tod areinfinitely
nicer ati: you are. • A street Dere iennecisii•
aterYingredient, arikyou'donli pewees that
You should' be able to wither 'with a stare."
•, e Yon don't seem anY the ..better forp,11
•tho imiAlgo*tioo;,, . . • . , .. .• • •
- P No, that., iet.' Arid it That thews the
folly of wasting, ho much Valuable breath,'
irt,. an %sue o e.,
I sm abort. ii• d aa . h I h p I'll
die. • There! that is- extre,'riaughty; is io
not ?:. go ' - .• f f .I 'II
' , out o teepee% or yap, wi
nesay it, and,' hope . instead I may 'depart
this life a *otdm and deluge= Matron."
" Do you .knovi I never* had a flirtation
in nay life?" 1..say elmom regretfully. • .
"No? really 1 How absurd'!" Stye Bebe,
eliursthig into a ninehoimusediaugh. nTliat
is juss-what eataies. Yen the earisins„deay
darling, little child you &ie. But Yon nee •
not be.M poveity-Aricket any longer unless
you pleeee. es any , one • can ties hOse ex&
'with7.you il; Sir mirk Clere.e • • ;
••.Noneense l'-' cry I, blughing furiously:
" How can you say anythine tio untrue? 1
have known' him thieever lititing ; he is.
quite an old friend:, , - , . ,... •
. e And a fast friend." eay'Bebe, laughing
again at her own Wit.„ e.Maying 'waited gio
1- -ti i bt to. b • ' ' ti : ai '
ong yon o r g awn yo y camp go
*Rho ileasoried•Veteran.' • . .
." You must nob say • ouch ttfegi g. it you
;do I Isbell MAO myself • end meet; my
. ,
authority as every dragon among chaperons' , i .
and 'then where - wili you . and °epode
lenkins and master °Woe be le, . •
• 4( Ns, don'to 'entreats Bebe, pretending.
to be frightened. "As you nOW are you
are . perfection ; were you to change - you
would eot be Phyllis Carrington at ii'll.
When I marry I intend taklogiou ai, an
°Kemple. and so nutke royeelf deer to the
--lieetrts,•Of all thysepinster Wendt." '
. " And when Will that be, Bebe ?" • '
A shade aromas and (Wheats her facie.
Por a moment she looks Bad then it dew-
• - 4
pate, and the laughs gayly. .
. " Never probably, ,I don't get - the
'chanties. G-Lerally, when I pay my aUtumn
Visite, I live In a state of conetant dread of
heiog °uncut u On. by" °Melons Mekong!,
'' li PI • . ' 1 Pi . f' r ' II' ur of' thorough
itte ali am go sig n o eii, o
eejoyinett with onto Wird bed not a penny
on eatth besides hie pay.. Bat hem. it us
different. • You would never potituter, my
ph iii la • V- y. - aia make a
y 0, Wee you ou wo
delightful olittereilatter, ,With thoee little
high,beeled elioes of your., long before you
• tio • ' - • • -'-
tinned the. rner ; there is nothing nulan
Or proWling about. you. -Phyllis, iti ail that
. , ,, . _ _ ,,,. .. ..
heir really your • own 7 .1. won a mueve It
till I flee it. Let Me pull it dawn, and do
it up egain.for you in entity, titylti, will you?
/ atri tretaetideUely good, at hairalreesieg,
etially, Harry Rays I ani better than her
Reenoh Maia When all Undo Mil and I
- - — - ' - • • ' .
ain 0 lonely old Maid. I shall bind revolt
. , .
tO a barber ''• •
IP , ,,11 ,, .1",i 4
' ' ,‘ Mere. .:',1' %ekes e endure untold
. 4,5. • to".4' t leil t estoditere of en,
h. , -- . . 4,
... 1111t101..4. 0 ore is i eviug the shitieg
het': B WWI', 1 zr •Geor .eseurst,
ionic nut 7itarY,ft:rolaesooti r tod._,It 001.3'13 trIonenLitn,:4Sti.briisheli
its goal. '
Aa for her violim, be haw neither eyes
nor ion ile Mkt ears for any hut Dora And
8 1 -‘z," v
etssebss hinds •etionliargss.„1-4 0., .my. anner 0
-pit teene'ad1,)14rof:tit:.4ealtlitelnalfenliP:6iintrrobi 04'1:glob/a
an iodination bitherte unknown, and that
additemetderehly teller onartne,
1 exPerlenoe little throa'of satiefeetion
and delight as. X oontemplete-thie promising,
dictation ; thoegh as Yet• I do not dare to
tbiuk of marriage as its probable terrains.
WM I IODII intenselY tO ditleelsitthasubteot.
with Dotal to leant hew far 1 maY beguile
reYeelf •With hoPe t bnil end dal, having
touched. ii.Pon it VerY d..elleatelY. I ttra Met
withal:nib On atiloulni.of innooelittlenkitess
• as effeettiallY .deteee me. from making anY
further attempt,
NeVertheleseN speak it I must; or die; and,
-mining upon blarmaduke-suddenly,direotly
after reeelyhig, Dore's rebuff, X Primed
-with D20040 tendon to etituid him abolat the
' As I enter hb is bending Wier BOMB new
faSorite ainoug the. guns. end its endeavor*
Mg with the assistance ot the lergeot pin I
ever -sow, to pieli dust hem Rome Intruiate
' orevice.--Heis crimson. either fram.etoonicg-
or auxiety-I 'delft ktiow which, thoogiiI
inoline'towards the latter OPinien-ae en
aseiog me he insyei irritably- .. _.,
' " Phyllie, have "you A small•pin ?' I can.
not think, ' flinging the large ono angrily
from him, " why they °boom to make
them this Ride ; they ate not of the email-
:eet Me tO any fellow Who wants to clean a
.11141." • • , , , • •
" They may _have been designed for some
other purpose," I suggest, meeklY, erode°
ing a wore reasonablY. hind 'Pio. Which he
Mites with avidtty mid rehire!' to hie task.
. ,• x seat myeele . near him, and for a few
• minutes owitent.myeelt with watohine 'the
loving care he bestoWs •uPon hia work. No
oarelees Pervant's hands should south
. .
. those new and sniping barren".
44 MarMadritki49 I 04 at length,'" I don't
• think Sir George so very stimid:", . . _ , „...,
• 1' Don't 3/ on,. darlitig V' • abeetitly. . '
• ,.. "No. Why did you eaYhe Wail r'. - • ..
• "Did I say. it ?". Avideotly every idee
he possmsee is centered hithat absurd gum
• " Dear Me, 'Duke, of milme Yon did." I
.oiy, impatiently, " You told me he Wae
not brilliant, and that means the eaMe
tniug. Don't you remenaner?" ,, .., „ .
1' Well, is he brilliant?" ' •
"•No; but heroonverses Very nicely, a.nd
ietnuite. as agreeable As anY oT the other
men, in a geueral sort of way," .. :
" I ant vory glad yott think 000.4 ' Re ia a '
. great frienol of mine ; and; after all,_Idetalt.
Buppose it matters M 'the Meet e. man's not.
being oble to maater his 'Greek and Latin.,
er failiug to toke his clegree.".. •
- . " Ot course •not. ' I dare:say' ha aid not
put his mind to it. I. ani ootivumed.had he•
' done to he Would have diatioguishedhieaself
ee-as =eh BB .adybodY." -. ' ' .
o awn sa," ' . • • ' : • • ,
• "I thiele=aVith 'heeitationee" he •woeld
suit Dein very w.eli," • ..,, • • - • '. . - .
'• " I agree with . you teem.; Mote Fatten-
larlY.at Dore•is nOtelever either," • • ..•
" Yes,', the "'kV.' I cry hotIY ; "she is
exceedingly, oleVer. She win do a 'great.
'deal moretheuerceist Rule ; she Cando. lots
Of thingi that I ouit,'t,:dch."' .. ' ''t ' '• ,• '
. . • ; (To ea eontinued • .'" . ' • • • .
Ito tom ftesnli Oki WAD,' -.4 Illattlessneare.
. steieara;Aiisia and •
DOOM a .e be• Wort ' "I Wee not drank, I
woo to * party, nod, be- di fro
A onMe est' m
4414.04g* TtI re .were ten girle to ot
fellow ' and yen can imagine 'Met my lot
rolrehne'riltedVor'.90PdethAd.4,54196d[aj;ir wrohenat
,woree fot,x,. for bie gromeo,ourn4y. vino to.
ham hint ge to a. pito,/ . where. there were
ten. girle to One felliaw.', Thie ',young mitive•
e.xperienoe• suoigeets. sewn feote. ab.00t the
history of naikung and *n 0040de ' that
ended more disastronely then • ble. The
stole/its held. the donee in th wgh t
e verY i es
esteem, for was it not invented, hy , gm
Godde_m Rhea. , who prMeryed jupwer
frorn ;oakum.? while Homer and Etesoid,
sang,ite praises. !inmates, himsett,. who h,
eupposed to have realised. the vanity of all
things save the immortality of the soul,
went to the trouble of"learning danoing.
when an.old man, and pernapitreceived the
invitation Of Home ,antiane edition or mrs„
Rollaway de Tompking or Ruh Leo
Houten eager for .hus entrance. But. them
it must be borne in mind that the chow°
dente) was more severe in character, Ite the.
martial Pyrrhic. dome, performed by
, %reek on Roman erased oap.e.pie, 'Weapon,'
• torch oi,-- wand in hand,_amply teetifies.
The ancient ruetio, was, however,. partied.
larly pertial to a ouricentdance, which oon,
. stetacI Of 'jumping with one fobt only on a,
bladder • iudated with air , Or filled with
wine and rubbed on. the. outside with Oil ;
end he who did this slippery exercise. well
received the wine.ekin for bis . palm
Tpe dance of the Romenadee, or Enetea,
in the theatre • at Athens, • ie said
;to • have • produeed snob, an effeot
. .
ou.the enectators that they were totally
unable to"controitheir excited feelings, ono
the direst result often happened. Dancing
now remains among alteavage nations the .
„eutward'and visible slated their einotions,
Berbers the most curious onstem in the.;•
history of dancing is that wlikh is said to
have taken plase at Limoges ;apt long ego,
where tbe inhebitants, 1' danbed the round,"
in. the choir of the church, invoking. their'
patron saint, St Memel, saying, instal Of
Gloria Pail, "t3o, Mona, pray for nu, and
we will daucein honor of you; - •
• Witty .ii Beritrissi"lin " plugh-Ado Ahout.
Nothiug," gives a , graphic, • review of 'the,.
demon et Shakspeare's time, where,speak.
.. . .. .
,ing te 'Hero, tate says; " Wooing, wedding
at& -repeuting ni a Scotch jig. a measure
,and a claque pace ; the fleet suit is hot and
hasty, like a sooten jig, omit:In as %lotus.
goat; the weddieg mannerly modest as a '
measure, tell of state and 'anoientry ; and
„then' obines repentance and, .with.. his 'mg;
Jags, fella into the oloque • lame fester and
.faster, till be sink Into' hie gtave„" In such
high repute was miming held in .the reign
of James T. that the benohere of Linooln's
Int issued on order thot ,,, uuder.barristera'
'were, hy thielmation,..put. out of oommens.
because' the.Wheie bar • Offended by. not •
•.dttnoing en Candlemas Day preceding, 'Oc-
°broil*, tothe atioient order s/ the 'eooiety;
When the.judges werepresent, and that if
the fault . were •eepeated they, abOtild . be
fined oe disberred., . Later: ou, down 'to
• Queen Anne's Vine, When. ladies in: heap
ond ferthingale, crested with „imarVellons
edifices ., 'of .. rximatunied ' hair ...Mid;
poWder, contrived to- dmtint:.:...;•-the'
stately . minuet . and . , graceful gavotte,
".danonig Was dewing' in those days," and
it was, also. • through . the *.reigus :of" tha
George's, when nien had their Mg° encased
imn,;sptiidiniikluaglIryee. atibgiihteffpeano4te.olotoonshintiktinugp.fna
osooien4, or '.,,hapstii . °att... TjAi.; present •
genere,tieWhits- &planet kite -thankful that
the wheel of faebion has resoned the dancer
•fkom this end inVented 'the tioinier.• 'The
country . dewlap deiriVed merely: from a
oorriiptionof contee•danie-s•that is,. it num-
ber of persons plmed opposite 'each 'other
.to begin a figure -became, by thie confusion
-of ideas, rowed, in rustics fsvor naturally
because these daces: ititreducied greater
personal •famtliarity between the partnere,
•and were' more or leetfof a toiniting:order..
The introduction of these dances even. Of
'the .glerious• Bir Roger de Ccorerly, , tnto,
-select-circles was'at lint Delegated by 'the
ma; bnt ahoy Jolty oremilece. ... . .,.... _ ! ,
. •, . ..
, ' . rioserr.inny iteisilitie-iity; •
Whenweerinwe witli Me niVepltit ens,
...": When ,deee disgeet Ooneelixel'Aie ',nth ray hit,
I Arim elenie gene er maiden:tram the ills ,
Abevine's Set- • •r ; ,. ., • .
/band that forum° at yone'oeraine'diee,
To be booklept in beanhtie rem% hIparef4. ' .'
ls be4 enoogb ; bee, T philemohiSe.
'It 'Meld be worse. . : .. „ ,
Duressanny wo meim agreatad6, . •
: The tnowb. of•stiscry la wide agave ; . . ,,,
ffa........t.ilaPP104 ae,' I °nu' ii•Welth". '''' :, '''` ".
vr.,4anulfo wane. .. . • , .
—• •
The common Imo?. of life hulled °none%
, _atistortuce i tau es way asane 'dtiw, . ,
swami for ev.ry morning eteak mare tough,• •
There might be tea. • • . „;
• . , ,,-„,
l'higione is facet; 141,• walwardrate 136400 • „" "
Ageing; tiro iee,si, the estomel,the bed, .; t -
D:tpoonsiderate re,,,,,o, cease to.tiout- ......
-roo might be ohs.; i " • '
• „ '
&rid this was bath Lilo 1110001:1i he luul W00% ;••• ,.
. vainly,Alack,his iviroinaltheaslied., , • '
Well- wren iti this there'd comfort, rightly
viewed- • . .
Be infitht he wed 1. • • " . , , ..
byd here is oiro'veso whines; life air is swept
Awarin panic :` Wilma had to "faii.s . !
Ige should, A thielf,nemeerno, that he's kept .
Sate old oi jail- , . ' .
But late t lost a twenty -dollar bill,' .• • • •
And did i wring illy hands that I hed Mute
de ad?
Not i, Judaea t-seia very thenkfut still
"Twas not a nuoorea. .
Bean, eiiould t e'er capsize when walks are bad,
BilnrelemlyY, nhaiptirs.ak'yl-ehinevwnilieertrowmiacea '
to not my peek. . -
. .
. . •
Cr trust nie-bcti.vr ei,t te, roake ado
At Melee? tuiseriee or our common lot,
There's Minima, er'eres-itwe only knew 1".- •
Wehaven't got, . , ; , .
. ,
oLl wes all my fault," she tale 'Milling.
wWben you kite* MO better You will under.
etitud that I Cannot help being in a hurry,
k . 4
•Howeveraou must forgive me; tun; time,
p f g at .thie hour is.in itseit a:
rallyroV,Piirervinng" , how impatient .1. wail tO
see Yon"'. Tneni rega.rOing ele'ettchtiVelt.
" Why, what a (Mild!" .ehts mkt; 1' Whers:
' baby!. and what' delicioull °yet I " neallY.
• Marmaduke, I timidlo 'know whethet moot.
to Conortaiilate 0; • nityrYon." ' ; • '. : •
... a . ... a , , , .
She speaks with a oarioasily PrettYaMent,
piatting an emphasis on • every . third or
fourth word-thet laminates: and pleaiseeihe-
listener. • . 1 ' .,. , '' .. ' : . ' !
. .‘ Pfty Pt return I, itnazedly,• Making an
.unsumissful effort te elude her tion,gralip,
while.the' indignant color flames into my
• cheeks. "You weak as if -why should you
pity hint V' . ' . '. • •
" Bootee; cannot yen .fanoy what a life
you, are going to lead:hire," sari her lady.
ship, with %little arch latish %at *Hakim
up her ,Greoian 'now. " Child, I toe have
eyes and I otin.see mischief written% every
line of yOurs-tug/y little fete." • • .
X try to feel 'angry,,but cane. 'Xt. ii in
ber Power to mithe eTerY word she utters
au undeveloped compliment I succumb
aronee"and foreveri and give .myself upio
her merry true -hearted iniinenee- Putting
my . frowns in my pocket. I laugh. . .
• ' "If YOU' keep on saying these tbinge
•before 'Puke,"..." sayi n liewill flod me out,
.and perhaps In time repent his bargain."
•.' Here I make a little euiue at my knisband,
who is stalking ratifee ballad hirsiater,
whir& he returns with interest. ' • •••• .'
. • a Howdo you know I have not found you
put long . ago? It is my ballet Imarried
4,ou for my gins, Harriet, I leaveher now
in your hands.; reform hee-Lif Yoncan." ..
"Go and Mob alter, Jemes,! says Lady
tEttidid000k, " He always gets iiito mischief
When leftty.liimself.• I want to inake friends
with Phyllis."...'• - • , • . ,
Brand bY MIBB'Beatoun ealeS in, and I'
get through another introduction. ' 4* ' '
- 'She M hardly 'as tall as I ane.and Won.,
derfidly pretty: No'need to •diebelieve tbe
mewl, that last Dimon all men raved of liee.
.B.. er.eyes'are. large • and- dark arid Soft; her
hale.a very.veeY light brewin, theughbardly
golden, and guiltiesest• dye. '' A tiny bleak
inolocatireewhot like a Queen Anne's patoh,
grows close isi her left ear.: . • . • , : •
. ...A.s I look at her, r -decide hastily she is
-more. than pretty -she , hi attractive,' filer
wholeface is full of lightg. the Very Metiers
;of beg . mouth .Oxpreee-unuttered laughter f
it ie altogether ' the : most ricitua,lissable,
loveable face...'imiaceivable.'„ • Her handisaind •
feet Otelidey:like in their proportioes.: .
Nevertheless;. her' eyee,..tholigh, *Maly
eon,. betray tke • coquette • they cannot
entirel oono a the misehiev'onalOndeg f •
nisaterY thatelu k ' • - — --
r e in their velvet deDthe:
., "Is 'Yale not '' B b 2,, ' k Lod ••
yam*, e e as a y
o , n mating me. - . .. , •
Hondo° k i d` " ' • ' '' ' -
.• " Very ' . Much younger fihat I dared to
hope. Of tiouree"--4o •me •-•;-" we altheard •
.• you. were qtrite• a ;girl ; . yet ;that. did ,not
reasthre me, as . it eau . be • said' ef mciat
..bridea,. mules a ride they 'see a disagreeable
lot. Dut yon .have forgotten to give yOur-,
self airs, and that is so novelAnd•delightful
_ do manyyming .wcimen wi// go in for that
sort Pf• thieg. II feel," pays Miss Beatoun,.
gayly; "I • • ' to h d li "
, , am going , aye a. • e mous
autnina, &nate be Very happy o •
.. tl ' D
it.ih e r '
. . . ope so, answer, earnea y. •'" 0
' • .,
YOU !MOW Lady Honda °kJ I a 't d • 1 d
- • t 2 - • te -11 a rea -
your. coming -it kep me e,wake •several
night% tidal** perhaps you would be cola
and dif6tuft, and would torlike. me ,.. and
, now L ard-wirelleved-7-yen cannot fancy '
whnt a Weight it off 'in'y mind." - , • ' '
I say thie 'With suoh evident feeling that
• their Mirlatigh heartily, and. Bebe gives
it as her opinion' that I ean a." -regular tar.'
line . . . - . . . . - .. „
, o•Btit you miter net; ciallite'LadiEland.
oeek,o, ecrreete th cgstc,inicw - ,, AN;
'. , • la 3' ' ' --- - - ' • • ' ' .
liftman arnets-or Ilarty ler . themost
part.. I do not want to• be made an old '
, woman jot yet, though Bebe WU/ tell everki
one / am her aunt • i id ad f S .
e o oiling ames
is her • • ' n •
nale.". • .
.. Itle the inily hold Ilia a over. her •,•„„
aaa 44 examen Bebe e .dvi k • •s• ,..J..c..."
eeP 1: '-'---
theleat. Bub tor kniiwing I. have it in my
•patver to say that, she would be underno
ciontrol..:Aud. ,with marame so given to
itinerant . habits turd Harr b i
how ' Y e Dg n'Y
ral ohaperont. I .11ave to protium) myself,
. ea beet I mai."' "7- • • . • :
13y dinner hoinou • t ' IL ' '
r pax yas ati further
enlarged.by' Dore,. Mark Gine- and • Si
George •Atiburst, tt v r fair ' ' ' 'r'.
with oh .1. . " e y _ young man,
. aqui me tom, plump faoe,. and a
• long white monate.the. He at enoe.impresses
the with the belief that he is thorOtighly
eood.tatured, Ind altogether incapable of
all-teinper of any -kind. rerhape, indeed,
if he Were to mile a little 108A freonentl,„
and show some svmptore .df lia- "fie '''
°which of hi - t - • lash - vi' - '''''
`. • - 8 .0WII, I WOU A en improve-
mei*. But what will you ? Oae oannot
‘ bar . b • '-'. -
e everyt ing. And he is chatty and
egret,' ble A - d I • aa' 0 ta.sneiid me-,„,„„,
, - - 66 ' n i man - • - ----;-.'-' - 7-"'
• legs very conn ortably in his sowety •
The -next day ceetain J'enkinti and Mr.
Pewell from the Berrasike at Chill'n t
• ' , . , 1 8 °Pt
.Pnt in on aPPearatiodf and' e very youtn,
' ful gettleineki, with h &UM and eherublo
Wlinteliill be4 artives ii°r° rj°13d°°' "tThi°
latter iti in the Huseara" and A fell of
, - ----, - a
niodeet delf-appreeiation. Very mileb. to be
: admired: ' ,
'1 Well, Chip*, eo Yon have Witte in' it '
of tal ' 6 - - • - • ht e • iit ' J'Ph °
y urengageme ii, says turn u e,
nlepping Mit fair-liairdd warrior affeotion-
'tinily upon the -shoulder. (rue correct mime
is John Ohippitighall Thernten ; but7his
. friends and, brother ofililerti having Ideated
.to call him " Chips" 11 Chi' " h • ' • 11
Pt e nano Y
oes :by that appellation. ThoUgh why.1
have never been able to fath ni, a' it w la
hei b. fAn, thalneiit. .11.44..4 °.Y. . . 8 2 88
tv .aw iewAn ve-- .1.
, --...,......---.-....
. . • *
'.. -'. •
P 1.1 Y LL I S.
, , ,
DY izrz .noonsas.
, '------.-4'4.-7 ' - ' ' '' ' -
kurior of "molly Bowe,' " MI Baby," "Aire
Folly Lamm," eto , eta. ' • .
• ,,
. 7 -r:•' -'s••••'•"' . .
" .a. VeritaliWIfitiliViotte: -No,..nrit.,per.;--
*tient .1 1200B.t4". BE'4010$ Me Porlt. . Then
iuddeuly puttmg bts .arine round:me and .
hawing me down to him, he whispers, with
IMPleeling, .." Phtllid, my darling, darling
girl, don't you huoer it ? . Must I,tell it to
rem over and over again ? °moot you see
ivory boor of your life. hots fondly I love
fon', pisilfee what you are?. And you;
Phyllie, , tell me -do •Vott=••-" He 'stops
ibruptly and regarde nie with a 'curious
immestneas for a minute...then, laughing
Didier constrainedlyeputs Me gently.baok
kom 'him and 'goes on ; ., " What . other.
guests shall we t arae.? . Mark Gore.; Would
fon ooze . for hira 2" • -• ••• • . .
." Yee.; I liked what r saw of him; 'And
Dora, Marraiduka." - '. • ' ',
" Dora, of course. , And some ono to
neat her, I suppose 2 Whom shall We 84 2 •
t 'dunk George Asharat la an eligible who
would just suit her. He hi not fixedly brit.
tant; but he is thoroughly good.heartiid.
and a baronet, witli-unlimited'ooni." . ,.,
" I don't think Dora would like him if he
a stupid."' I 84, doubtfully. • . . .
" Oh, he le ho., a tool..rf you mean that.;
Ind he has no Mtmy gOlden (Sharma ati *Wild
nake a duller man clever."• ' I '. ' •
" Ahl who ..is metheirary nOW 2" I say,
Mad a finger of ,conviotion. ::.• .. ' • ,
11 Arai? YOti see whatoomed 9f twiny.
ng e man of the woeld: Now!..had•yon seen
is minili life as I have you Might he equallY
utpleasant." • . • • . ,
.44 But i'• don't think ',You 'Aoplessint;
Duke." .. - .., . ,, . ,...; .
"Don't you? There is•oonsolation to be
'mud in that. Aridnow -whom wonld yoW
ike to invite, darling?" . . . • • • .-
: " I would like Buly,", I eay, diseonsio.
Moly ; ." but lie is never, in the eray when.
ranted, like other' Imre,. And :Roltis. in
keland, by•epeoial desige,,:of bourse. And I
mild like. neither, .only-"• • - : . •
.1' Perhaps you would like the 'whole •
!mita 2", Eittyll my husband, mildly... "';
'1 Yes, I would," I rettirn with alaerity;
' overe-I Wes going te pay s, man jack of-
hem," but thinkio.0 this-4hough i• purest
•Inglish to Billy's- ears -may be sonaidered
galgee,by mere enteiderte, check myself in
Itee; and 'substitute the Words " every o .0
d them," rather, tamely, ." All, Abet. i•
troept papit; I doubt it hi) coidd be amiabe
iir two hours together.. But where is the;
.. .
ise in wishing Mr what I minuet h,ave 9
-" '
" We could pOi; Billy for O week; I dere •
lay, later on, ' says. nIttrinaduke„ kindly,:
' while the raBt ar°•her°, if onlY In 'keeP
fon. from despair. Is there anyone else ?"
" No ; papa looked upen friends es night-
naree, so we nave none. Besides, I :Isbell
aye 'quite enough. to• del .rettking myself.
igreeable to thou° you have' named; I only
lope they will not worry me into, Mt built
grave." • • ' - •
"J91111, then, I suppose, with two or three
'pare men. this list will do V' • . ,
" Donit you think you are asking itgreati
.. ,
natty ?" - • • -, -
" No ; very few,.it'seems to ma ; ,t1t- least
'isrely enough -to --make the house warm..
Zero us 6 tIp /or you, Phyllis; ,when makiug
ip your mmd tri' iuvitoi .penplci to stay with
ten, always esk --a good mitty together, as
he more there rite theetosier it will be te
imuse thetn,,and.tnuoh trouble 13 taken oft
ihe shwilders • et the poor little' 'hostas...
Bebe- yoti tvill like, elle ittsci gay Anq bright ; •
ivory one is fond of her." ' • '' , • • ' ' •
sa Row cid ju:sher,..., • . . , .. , , , , '
" Very yeuttg,-•not more. that nineteen
ir twenth and elm . looks .ittmorat us young
mu. Site will suit yontand•help you to'do
he honors. „Tne_p_olyp g thatoan be said
hit ' . ' '
teatnet Sae My Rho is Mich .atinoorrigible
nth) flirt. Do nob learn that accomplish-
tent from her." .'' . • .
11 How than t .be able to belp it, if. you
Wow nie iti th i '
e way ,,of . t ? 1 think yoti •
ire acting foolishly," with a. wiee shake of
ny head. " What if ' Ono of those .' spare
nen' should theme to • fall int love with'
lie ?" ' • ,• • ,._ ' ' '
4° That would be a mere bagged° sP Your
!ening hi love .with one of the. f Einar,
men." . •
.. ' • • :
'I I tee pothing to prevent that either."' •
"pen% -you ?" ..Then, half earneetly,,
',eking my face Weir -eon his halide, "You
could not do that, Phylliti, wduld you ?"
"No, I think ubt•" • I'06,N 0 . lightlYt lettibg.
gni have hip kiwi withoth rebuke ; o I few
lo desire to be a flirt It MUst•ha an awful
, • •
hing, as it .Heeind . to roll„to, have two or
dime men hi love with you at the same
ime. I firid•orie had bliongh",-ree.lioionely
-11 and that iti vihet it ownee to, is it not le,
4, 1 'Avon Ho, it ohs- is 0, ettecceem
icitinette."- •
" Well," t say spcingieg to my 'feet, 401
nay hope Dors, wilt get a good husband out
it fill this tiirmOiliff Only to etteginipeneefin)
'or the misery I ain going te endure."
. - •
. •:- i ...-•
. - ", Seeing . ie. belleeitig," rettirns 'Make;
"Butif yea: don'r.go . sqd • dress yOurself
thie Very • toinntor,•yetn.will get no. dinner,'
and lose eileand"obithce „of, exereising your.
faminationanpon Mita Becitonn." ..
. latter on he takea her in. te dinner and is
thpremely hapPy; while Messieurs Jenkins
andPoWell,. whohave readied their thirty,
third year, 1001, : ou.,,,,goost st the young
.0IM'a ' cheek." They are *Minable men,.
•and Useful in their •Own way, but refine to
thine it .00nVersadion. • • '• . . • ,
At my right hand sits Sir James,.e, tali,'
distinguithed.looking MAD, with hair -•of
iron -gray And deep-set eyes. Ee is grave
;.and remarkably silent -such au utter con.
'trot to hie 'laughter -10'40g wife, of -whom
he never appeare to take, tile smallest
'notice, But . fog. Marms,dukeSt assertiot
that they. adore each.. other . I would be
inclined' to think them et -daggers drawo„
or at least .indifferent. , .- . .• . . . '
. Not .eo his wife • alone, however, is he
Murtha ; 'all thereat Of the world he treats
in o. similar meaner, and r. come f tir the
conolusionte 'abhors talking, and ie a than
with nit eettled taste or• pursnite. Hearing,
indeed.that his ,one.,poiseion• is hunting, I
'broach the subjetit oautiouslycindi•feeling•
•certain of Making A more, express myself
detirous of being informed MI to the express
nature of the "bullfinch:" .' . . • • • , •
', "Explanations alwityli fall shott," bible'
rePlY. ' ." Some day whet we•are out Iwill
serne.Yonone. . That will be best". •• . .• . .
, Go iny ignorance remains unenlightened.
,_. Vora is doing.the amimble to Sir George
Aehurst. • LeFthingte 'simple or innticent
as Dorn in her White drese and cured yils.
bons . Could "bliedly be conceived. I em
admiring lier , myelin' with .all my heart,',
and wandering how it is ihe does it ; and I
filmy , Sir Mark GAM is doing the . same.-
Onee, as she' raises tne childish Finestiolidi
blue . eyee tc; her . 0031pAMOU'll facschnd
raurmuM - eonie pretty speech in her soft
treble, X geo.Bir Mark smile:openly: : It is.
'only Onenateitary 'inereitnent, howeVer; es.
'directly' 'al terwerde-he turns. to me, .auave •
and charming as ever.. - .. - . - ' . • • ,
:'" How beeomilig white We your. sister 1".
he bays. • n It •suits her eipression so viiih,
derfully. I don't kite* how it DI, but the
word Ingenue alwiYe .otunee le me.Whet I
moll. at ter '• • ' . • ' ' - •• ' •
- • , .
' . 1' She is .toirtt. Pretty," .I•return, wildly.
.I have not yet quite decided on- the•netnre
ei•that smile' ' . '. ,.. • . , ' • ' • '
"You dii heran injUstioe. 'Sure* she is'
•more than' . prettyli'wOrd that Means ea
hole in.these degenerate daye. It Lwere-
sin artist I :should dike• to paint. her as
' gOOnlighti:. , with' a .buneh ot lilies in •her
hands, toad. just . that dress she linos, wear-
Jog• 'without the ribbens-and .a little
stream runnipg at her feet. ' X have golden]
seen so . tWeet au expressiOn. ., One-sould
hardly. lanciy an unkind- word ootnin.g from.
theist, lips, or a bidden-liiiitive. In her ,
,_ , •
ueart'' • .
•L think. of our : " Moonlight's" designs'
upon Ilarmeduke and the •man who is noW
ett lould in her 'praise. ' -I think of the many
and energetiefrecatbetween he* and Billy,
and am 'silent. I don't know, Why, but I
01 poettive Sir 'Mark 'it amused.: looter'
And loek uts..' - ,' . ' • . • .' ' •
" What ages_ ego it seems since lase:vie
met 1" 'lays he, peomptly. • :. ' : .,
' ' "'Ages'? Nte'lleonthe. 'It was het in June
• , . . . ,. . ,, - ,
.Vremeta thtnk -end here. . . ,
' ' " Ohrthot 'Wag the, barest,glimpse ; one
could. hardly' calk it a meeting. I was refer-
. ,. . „
ring eo my visit to.lhe Leashes. tWo years
ago. ' Yeti remember that little scene in .
the High eked, at Ce,rston rt. • , .. .
I lkughed merrily,. ' .. ' ' •
. .
. . .
"I do indeed. But for .yell the finaie
would IMO been tOO ignoniimous. And then.
we inetagam, and--- Shell . I ;peel one of.
thee f . ?" •
e or yeti .
• , "Pleose•n• '' * • I., '• ' • ' • ' .. -
_ " And X fititteited ifyielf-you treated me
with eome degree of gtitoiousneeitt,fiattered
•Myself sci ter thatl prestinied to send yeti •
A little Velure° of poettie I had heard yen
svish for. and Which you returned, that Was
rather eruel,i,was it not?" • . '
• ." I have alwayi Irk heti Did. you must ,
have thought me 'on that 000asion.-
reply, blushing hotly. _, "i -did so long to
tell you all obentit,-bilt imuld not. Ib Was
not inY fah% 'howeeer ; r OIMM0g1 I Would
a 0„. ep • . poen e , I was papa. e
h v • k t it if 11 • 1 • ' . Et
eidd " /on ehtalld 'MA haVe sent it, and
• iodated on fai being rettittied."- ' • '
• . t Per
" Well • heilis he wee right. TM it Wea
every harndeas and innooent•liale volume .
after all contai in' o .11, th in'Icl is . • ti:
, n g n e 1 es iten
Matti. (is ttiat a gOba one 2).1 '. •
, it (very g000,, thank you), It was Wen-.
• nison'a .4 LIYIB°.....1 reinonthet 'Perfeetly ;
and it was filled with the prettiest illtietra:
gone. Oh' I. was old sorry to patt with that
• • •
l'ttl' I; it t D- h . I 11
neat i 0 oo . o you now was ei y
- b ' ' 'e ' ..1) • to
On ugh. to ory the day ; post d it tusk
You ?" . • ' '
Sir Mark regarded me eon ,.,. . , _
°MY,. alMoet,
/ -
' linriourilyi On latighiug at my own past
folly, bins, he does•not evini 'BMW) in ern,
1Sn.11134 ' '
° I ti,M.eorey any toteof mine ihould have
cros6 yeti a tear." he gays ailoWly " but
1,,, di'll • 1 . i # • ' ' •
ma% vou not wr to a I no to, explain, all
,•-• tsC4 MO YInen eenathg,it VI- - ' '
. . .
, , , we ht. - • i•on .. ,
.. , ...met ng to rave . .
,- .o'cood.4)y.... l'24; 80•11,,, .804; a. :.lobite.hairea'
old gentlemen. 'to ei bright -lathing' young
•Men et the station. "Ionefather hates, to
,see yet go, hecieuge I may•not livetill you:
• retina.. ,Buy, you ere just - starting out on
Ye" .eWn ' ilea; You are going West tit
seek yOur fortune: Nowlisten to the voice
rd'your old; father, Who' has seen n great
deal of this. world and whose fights .,with
treuble end,temptittion nave 'not beist&w:•
Listen to 'thW . boy, this, partitg ropilite:
You want te be euecesaftil,. not only fil
accinineg money, but in building up your
• reputation . and .charanter.. . ckaa- knows I
'Want you•to'be.'., And .nOW I- Went to give
yen my golden-•-:••yee,' toy diemond rule. • DIY
son,..when. ,..1 Weed your iee I was nokits
' geod e . boy as yea are. I wail going
to the -.had in •fitot, . ' Mit. .my. precious-
. t • . . . .
rule of :life saved me.. Iteeme 'to nie,. boy,
' from tro.ur "tether, .Who 'gay°. her life •for
, - , ...... . . . • .. . • . . .
'You're.. =miry, take this motto of mine to:
. your heart 'Believe in ip, adhere to it; live
up to it, andyou will find reason for loving
iti tie :your. lather :does.' It will , make a
good:man bf yen ; it Will be &lithe. religion
•yonwilt ever. need:e-it's all ever had; and'
I'm ready to • diii!.'When my . hour : eomes.
This is it, eon ; now lieteri, beottnee I' want
to burn it into your.brain so it cannot. get
'out while life :remains in your. body,
kr My piirpose or upon any prate
;siev°e' l'i•
perform an set:which ttou would tigit be-
wining.the whole world to knot, all ablaut.'
le will unfailingly' gnide 'you' aright.. ' It
wilt keep you always on a,•lovel with your.
!best self. Reflect - on this, bey; and 'you,
'. will Bee how simple and yet how perfect it
I% Make it •yout rowaitor in little and.
great things .alike, on&-therir, your • Dein .
is etarting... Good.by. my son, and may
God bless yeur--" Tr.ain Talk,", .elhicayb
.. Iterakt,,. ' - • '. ' . .. ' '.' ' . •
's • . .• • • • • :
' . , • ,• . . .
, . .. ..la Word to, ntotmers. . ;
. • Wte.t , the' mothers'ot teolay teed .10 in.: '
. , .
;dependence and otnnecien *lenses • Is •thetie -
Ave of fashion Many a ivontan , Wean out ,
hcchn„ !the. is desired, her children ahem
..have as many, Oslo, fleiinoes, plaite: and
frills Ms her .neiglaior'S. ohildree. Or she
heats hei blood. until she. iti tired and °roes, •
°Imo eookitig range that otie May prepare. •
food to eqnel or excel • her near neighbors. •
,k1lie, moybe, betongs to thet ,nnfortiniate
class when better hen judges' her frani the
ateountof 'labor which she perfoinis. - . -• •
14 ss- .
,y Wife ia the 'smartest. woman .in
•ievin. -She will do more work than a man.
any, ae-,,, • . - : • . - . .
' y
Haile. you not heard sueh rem irks? • . •
• Beware, hintliand 1 Nature Win have her .
revenge, and' if you 'Went.: that "smart"
. woman to pare f iryon in ,your old age ilave
, the strength,`-ittai the Overwcirking of them
etrained nerves, „unless yon,deeire to have
di:other to 1111 Het place. . ' . • .. •
••' ::;bibtbere, Wee' yotir obildreneeenrpg,
de Itinr.,minine. • &cid...ability. , .1/., , ur ,
mein 2,
d's • s-Yiliwold • apiti. , is. "'So eWeet
and • pretty in• t her embroidiared.. ' White '
.dresees," don't fey to exoel, but let . you*
2.yearaild Flossie wear her • warm, dark '
Woollen dress* and liar health. will be
eared fer, `and she ' will, bemire a more
sensible weinian thanSusie, whose mother'e '
aim is for her babe to be•silinired. .We do
net discard fathion ' wki• tax pruperly tmed..•
CoPy that happv medium wbioh balls for
no remarks, . .
. -If yea smutted'. demi :as -your neighbor
withont working into the smell hours of the
morning, wearing out brain And body, for
Your ltieband's take, make your dress with
less bands. lima oiiirriuge,. and save your
strength. • " As yon commente, so you
'mint go 'on," is au old eaying. • Make your.
self a. slave to. fashion for a child, and *
,aesuredly•by the timashe iet16, your hence,
Will 'ache aud• yOur spirit qualm over the
°edifies worle•of. her witrcliorie..--Cincintaciti •
Saturday Night. • • . . • , • .
: ' • • • • •• ' '
'1' ..,,,, " — • ' •
. • :( l' "°1v Itifo,to !bit Disagreeable..
• ".HoW. do you mane:get°
'daps of all' th'e young peoele
Venideoeiety ?"'I asked' a friend
'no longer. yopng; but a great
heir Own, and also with. 'the
*friendship that seemed always-
. ".I do net know of any secret
liaid "only that I am a good
, ,
X oan manifest, an interest and
: in convereation. .•.To ,be' an
toner, it ie n'ecessary totalk
to look the speaker m, the eye,
interrupt. 1 try 'not to show
•knewledge, for there M. nothing
agreeable. than to have . peoplu
time settiriA • you- straight.
Ilke it niyselft so, when
telle me ts etory that X have
even if it Is a, little different
it page se • son:MU:dog ..X am hearing
fleet time. I think if any
witurally, isPeakitet with Oyer(
lips, andwitbout affectation;
•fear .britieiena., Mamie the oonversittion
t ' b ' •
.toade . pereontt y ones own
seffeirs. VI were to give rules'
Mg a good conversetionailist
avoid slang. grammatical errors
probuticietion; lid de retitled
end let . thot Very eefinement
natttral self. Be tehirteotie
revere mood subjects, never
lightly, event° a joke ; a.dhere
the truth and Hetet intelligently,-...eloota
Jade, itt' Philadelphia Clall. .'
. .
Win .tho coed.,
who meet
-favorite with
opposite, sex,
sincere: •
in it," ehe
listener, ad
agreeable ha.
now and_then„
and •-not to
more 'die
all : the
I do not
sortie . dne
heard before,
in Acta% I let
for the
one will talk
as well- as
they needeiot
' " b ,
or neigh ore
for beeora.
X Rhould say,
and bad
es poasible,
be your
and dieereet,
treat . thein ,
**strictly to
• ,/,
. . . , ... .
' • , • ' • • ' • ' •
. core oi•siic voice. . • .
. , • , . ....
As a role, stigma give toelittlo attention
to the general health, ecethe eagle, sellers ;
they tab, drink and ploy with:Mae on-
stitutione without any thouKlit i of what ia - .
good far them or their voime The Donee.
qiienoe is teat when the health falls the
voice gees to• MY' advice le to eat in .
moderittlati. and of the best, little and•good
Drink ofter, Meals • and avoid tips and
glaRBAS of spirits -Which destrOy the Spite
'‘t at all times and masons. Hove regular
meals, well masticate' the feed take pl ty
f t d • - - ' 0 ' ' en
o. on • oor exerms , noW , an.d then have
femme and other athletic prectioe .,- and
leave 'the throat uneover d 11 1
a the year
round. -Zondoti Muticat Steandoil.
. ..
• • 011Arthe itpt. . ,, •
During this morning of the day tin Which
Xiady'Haeabotik ie expected to &meet I feel
strangely nervous tuid unsettled. BMWS*
Illy she will he cold and haUghty and Mail.
tenni, like tffo generality of grand dawns,
re, Worse tittle atiperoilliints aua filled With
it Well-bred tiloeUery only half cioneeiled,
like Lady Blanche Going. ' - ' .
As she hail written to -My they Will not
waive MAU 'IBA O'OlOOk'. X eittil on bit, tint.
• . . . ... ,
. • a •
V mole of the Austrian Lloyde, although
engaged in ootilin• roe tire elo '1 • n ilt. a
e , se Y eon e e
with the imperial mature, Atoning in its
reseree tui ,tranimorte, .despateh ' vessels,
tont lightairmed Cruisers.. The oftleers•all
wear nelform.
,, • • . .. ,
Goon. nature. in the very' air ot a good
mind' the etgu of a large and g
, . 0110MUA
Pottle and the peculiar soil in . which virtee
' •
'Tie the property of all true knowledge
eoplioisil A tr tnai to on ' - '
• y p i , , • large the soul by
filling rt, to *thirsts it Without stvelling it -
to Make it more Capable and's ' '
tore seined
, 14
e ° en° t s Shope my air a u
g re nows.