HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-30, Page 10CLISTT( N NEW E4A.
.10. FRIDAY„ 4.AY 80, 1884.
REhaNBAlt the eoncert next Tuesday.
,asi-1, you want a bargain trg Cooper's
Raisins .at G c, per lb.
ka-penuine Richer Mouth, Organs ingreat
variety at Weir's New400k More; .base .balls,
etc., ere.
the light -running new Honte ,Sewing .11fachine,,
which takes the lead, fr;
EGGS.—Th subscriber, u
e a ri r, as usual, a1, willthis season
pay the highest cash price tor guyuantity of fresh
e a THHQS•COOPER, Grocer, Albert St., Clinton
T1IWAS evening in May arid, the soft zephyrs sighed.
aL Through branches ow -banding above, i
My Mary and I, as we wandered along
And whispered of beauty and levo,
We Il make us a nest like the Millings, I said,
Andnever shall part any more,
oh, yes, she: replied, and can furnish It Mice
l• Fair creature !there's many a wealthier tnat},,,,,
Would gladly have you for a bride
'Rut no one 'can love you more fondly than I,
My treasure, and beauty, and pride 1 •
CD ! had I a mansion, with carpets of gold—
And of silver—I'dcover the floor."'
But smiling, she said, "Yon can purchase the best
• "I'll spread you a couch open which to recline
When evening shall call
us to rest,
Of the fleeciest down." But she said with a sigh,.
" I likc.BEnsnTr's mattresses best.'
"Then se ahallitbe, love—and tables inlaid,
And seats from some far -distant shore,"
"Oh, po, " she exclaimed, "theyy have elegant chairs'
We went h 'Happy day ! ' Can I ever forget
The pleasure that beamed in her face,
As she gazed at the marvels of beauty displayed
In this most beautiful place. •
We tarnished puniest in en•elogaut style,
Been married a twelvethonth or more,
• And Mary is singing this song to her babe,
Of the Ran ROCKER FURNlrunt SrcnE-
WB understand that the Ontario Tem-
perance Alliance have ,asked Mr. John
McMillan, els M. Im;, Reeve of Hallett, to
speak throughout the County in the
interest of, the Scott Act, and this
gentleman has consented to do sq. He
will prove to be an excellent advocate of
the t mperence cause, as be is well in-
formed on the subject, and one of the
best platform speakers in Ontario, "John",
will make it warm:; for spy of the speakers
on the .other side,
0o1sTvE1t---A concert Will be given in
the town ball, Clinton,. on Tuesday even-
ing next, (June 3rd) when Miss Reidy,
who is so well and
favorably known here,
and has such a high. musteal reputation
she has sung, will appear,. to-
gether with several of the bestmusicians.
and singers in the province, comprising
Prof, Morriss, Miss 1Vladge Johnson, 0. L.
Lewis and Prof, Kellar. ,A rare musical
`treat is promised and as-sured._
LET IT EE ,-TRIED,-:�TheS'�directors: of
the West Riding Agricultural Society
have fixed on the 23rd. and 24th of Sept,
next, • as the days for holding the fall
show. Why could not an effort be. Made
to unite with. the Hallett Agricultural
Society, and hold the joint show here.
go -clench has` monopolized the show for
several years, notwithstanding the 'fact
that Clinton is in the west riding, has bet-
ter showfacilities
than Goderich, and
that a larger crowd could be got here.. It
L ppeaneelfish to agitate for a uulon,
u ver y one knows that there . are too
many shows in the county, and sooner or
later a change must be made. Let some
actionbe taken in the matter. ,
BxrEFS, A pure Gordon Setter dog be-
longing to Mr. W. Charlesworth died last
• week; it is supposed from the effects of
poison administered by some wretch ; it
was valued at a couple of hundred dollars.
The, weollen factory was shut down ]alit'
Friday, in order to allow of the boiler
being cleaned out. A Brantford fruit
grower claims to have discovered a reme-
dy for the borer in all kinds of trees; it is
simply flour of sulphur .placed, in a hole
in the tree; Those here who have been
troubled by this pest should try the reme-
dy." Why was not the town flag hoisted
onthe- 24tli? surely our authorities had
sufficient time to-getit up. Mr. Alex.
Weir has rented a house and moved: his
family -here. Those who 'are practising
'shooting at the Athoicott •Range should
at least be able to strike the target; the
other day a bullott struck' the.. house of
Mr. Robert Coats, on the Bayfield roads
passing in'very close• proximity to the
head of. a member of the family; if the
ahootists" cannot hit a smaller mark,
than the Side of a 13ouse, it istimethey
Mr, Theo, Jackson, jr. is getting
up. a cantata, Which will be rendered here
either on the 1st or .12th of July; he' has.
about 25 voices practising it, The trees
now look -beautiful,; sincethe leaves have•
opened out, Mr. A. Hale hasbeen en-
gaged 'by Messrs: Foster &' Bayley to
travel for them and .take orders. for their
life-size photos. Miss Laura Manning
and Miss, Gemmell, of »A.linonte, are; here.
'visiting friends. Mrs. E. Doherty, of
Galt, is here on a visit. Mr. •and Mrs.
John Jenkins, of dllinoi§, brother of the
late Wm. Jenkins, are visiting friends
here. -Mr: John Stanbury has taken the.
place of Mr. James Shepherd, in Cuning-
hame's store, for a couple of months: At
the last meeting of Fidelity Lodge 'No,
55, I. 0. O. F., Seaforth, a .resolutionof:
Condolence was- ppassed at the affliction
with which.. Bro..Geo. Hinchley had; been
visited, in the loss of his wife.. • An' emer-
gency meeting of Clinton Lodge No. 84;
A.F. and A.M., Will be held on Monday,
Juno' 2nd, •111r, Wm. Robertson .has the
sympathy .of all in the bereavement he'
has sustained in' the loss of his wife ; that
she wits held in' high esteem • was . shown
by the large number who attended het
funeral .on Sunday.. Mr.• Israel, Taylor
leaves in a'couple. of weeks for the old
country in; company with ;his .brother.
Mr. John Cumings,,;,of Mullett; passed.
through' town on Wednesday; on his way
.home. from the 'northwest; • he came' by
steamer, and said. they had a'pleasantbut
cold trip.? Mr. T. D. Morton, of Tucker -
smith, wino' has been in North Carolina
for.a couple. of .months, is home again ;
,while he'Iiked . the climate. of that • State,
'he ',did not like the ..associations, and
would'not caro to live there. .Mr.'F. W.
Whiting has -accepted the position of
travelling agent -for the Upper Canada
Furniture Co., Bowmanville;'he has been
salesman :for that company for the last
few years previous'• to that tihaving
been in . years,
time' having
in'this town, and• we
wish hint snccess•in his new occupation.'
MVlr. Robert. McCorkendale, of Afoul', .is
going to take a trip to the .old .country;
visiting friends in Glasgow and London,
The dust is getting verybad.; what about
watering.the streets? essrs. J. Thomp-
son; Deputy -Reeve, and James :Scott, bar-
rister, " The .boys'abroad," have returned
Trona their western trip; which . they en-
joyed very rnuch,.'and whish .confirmed
It opinion "there's no place like Huron."
Mrs.W. Smithson received word the other
day of the death of her father at Bradford,
Yorkshire, at the age of 7r years. The
Grand Union has withdrawn the 'bus that
has peen rtinning for some trine, as there
was not enough business to warrant its
being continued; this was a foregone con-
clusion, as no town of this Size can sup-
port three''buses. IJ. tIalei'Psq,, who has
.been .fn New York for,some tune in cone
nection'Nith the publication of a book on
the Six Nation Indiana, and other busi-
ness, has'retu'rned home. A colored man
and tinnily, known •as'Box Brown, gave an
entertainment on Monday in the town
hall, and promises to return shortly with
a troupe of' jubilee singers. A'neat model
of a new truss bridge, got up by Mr. E.
Baer, is on view in Mr., T. Cooper's win-
dow. • Mr. , A. M; Todd, of our local co -
tem porary,
o-temporary, has: joined hia fortune ;and fate
to that of Miss' Sheppard, and the NaW
ERA acknowledges with pleasure the re-
ceipt of a piece of "wedding cake. Give
tis your lt+° ; iVe hope that his 'r form"
will always be "justified," thathe will
never get " out of sorts," and while " pi"
may be a material comfort, his "case"
will always be "cleati,'l with a•"handfnl"
of "small caps." The Grangers have a
big excursion to fort Stanley on the 10th
of June; there and return, from Clinton
$1.25, At the rifle matches of-tlie 33rd
battalion, which carte ell` at Seaforth on
Monday, N. Robson took -a first and second
prize and badgge; Mr, John Johnston'a
priie of $3; Jas.Y'oung, a field glass valued
at $16, and. Mr. J. L. Cdurtice ,a small
prize. The frost done considerable dam-
age, on Wednesdaynight. An interesting
letter, and other matters crowded out' tins,
Sign of the Red Rocker, next to Harland. Bros.,
Albert street, Clinton.
; wvlt of ental, •
•• SIf ?1'ZENT OF OATTLE.—Mr. Wm. Mc-.
' Lean, of Goderich, made a shipment of
!`at Battle from -here yesterday.. Messrs.
Hearn &, Craig .mill. ship about 140 head
to -day ; both shipments for Europe, They
cost about 6i• cents per lb. .
"DE VOLUxTrERS.—Captaia. Forrester:
states that the volunteers, of town will
commence drilling at once,, preparatory to
cin into camp g on the 17th of Jane,
'.Chose parties having anything in the
shape of arms cis accoutrements, out of the
armory, will return them at once; under
penalty of being prosecuted, if they do not.
GOOD WHEAT. -George .Burnett, of the
7th -ebn. of C'oderich township, brought
in to us on Wednesday several stalks of
wheat, some of which measured 3 feet 7
inches, and allwere over three feet. Mr.
Burnettr has ten acres of, this. kind • of
wheat, all looking wel'I., Mr. Stillwell.
Phipps, of the same township, has also
itsft.with usa few stalks equally as well
grown and promises awed a yield..
A GOOD Moves—The market garden.-
era in town intend this year to stand, on
the market square. with vegetables, three
or` four days a week, lathe morning, giv-
ing the best opportunity'for•the townspeo-
ple to supply .themselves:: - Mr. Jos. Allan -
son took.his stand for the first time, with
plants' and various kinds,of vegetables, on
Wednesday, sellingout.' his stock in a
short time. We hope this maybe'tho bg-
ginning of a regular "market day," the
need of which has been frequently point-
ed out.
DROwsnito ACCIDENT:-=A.Sadaceident
happened at Galt, on Monday, by which
a daughter of Mr. Frank Paltridge,for-
merly of : Clinton, lost her. life :—Abner
• ..Davidson, aged 20; and,Minnie Paltridge,
19, were out in a row boat, in the neigh-
borhood o£'the 'dam. They were dram:
through the opening of a. broken down
sluice gate and dashed . into the seething -
waters below.. The bodies were seen once
after passing through the rapids, but sank
before anyone could reach them. ,A:dozen
boats have been; out grappling, but the
bodies have-not been recovered.
PageErTATIoN.-Last Aionday.evening.
the members of the Doherty Organ Co
Band presented their leader, Mr. Biact:
stone, with a purse containing the' pro
seeds of their late eoncert, in recognition
of his gratuitous services as leader since
the formation of the band: The following
address accompanied the .gift , ' •
• • Me. CIIAB. BLACKBTONE.—sear sir,—We the' nienn•
h ers of the Doherty Organ Co's Band, Wish • to show'
our appreciation of your service's as leader of our Baird
by requesting you to_accopt the accompanying purse,
and contents, as a slight token of the esteem in which
you are held by eaoh and every member of the band,
We wish you and your good lady, who also aided tits
in every possible way at the late concert, prosperity'
and happiness, and a long life to lead us. Signed hit
behalf of the Band, D. S. CUM,.
evening a disgraceful row took 'place in
the emigrant row, caused by a man named •
O'Halleran taking home a Woman other
than his wife, and cohabiting with her„
an insult the wife properly -resented; both.
the guilty parties were' drunk, and for
this offence, and also being disorderly,
O'Halleran was fined $2 and costs by the
Mayor. On Saturday a young man named
Coventry, the worse of liquor,' got into a
row in town and indulged in a. good deal
of unseemly conduct; when -arrested and
taken to the lockup he was covered wfth
blood, and presented a sorry looking sight;
he was tried on two charges, and fined in
all $21.50, which. included.costs. ,.
VITAL STATISTICS. _.. The report of.
births, marriages and deaths in the Pro-
vince of Ontario for the year 1882, has
just been issued. Tt seems to us that' this.
report might be compiled and issued
earlier because the facts in it loosesome
of their interest by being stale. By it We
find that the number of births -iii Huron
in that year, was 1603, a decrease of 117
aver the previous year; the marriages,
numbered 4151, a decrease of 20, and the
deaths, 685, with a decrease of 79,. 371 be,
ing males and 314 females. The rate of
marriages, 6.4 to every 1,000 population.
in the county, was the' lowest 'percentage'
of any county in the Dominion. ' Two
couple were married in the couuty in that
year, whets ages, bride and' groom, were
over 70 years. Among the deaths record-
-ed for the county, 66 are set down as by
old age, 44 by p eumonia, 25 by tlip}i•
theria, 22 by heart disease, 15 by typhoid
fever, 28 by scarlatina and 9 by diarrhoea.
There were two deaths in the county of
persons over 100 years of age, John 111e-
' Leod, of Tuckersmith, andwltobt, •Me-
Cuteheon, of Goderich. Moro marriages
take place in December than in any other
month, and the Presbyterians take the
lead by the largest number of marriages
in the eoailty, Methodists being next.,
CYerwa Novas. -4.0n Monday Messrs.
Bamford and Jackson,of the Clinton Bi-
cycle club, Cox and Asti of Goderlch,
and Xelly, of Blyth,, too part in the
tournament at Loudon, the Cinton boys
riding their wheels as far as Clandeboye,
running home front the same place. On
Monday ,evening,' R. Holmes rode from
Londesboro to Clinton In 85 minutes,'
clinibingg all hills, and, dismountin for a
team;: the distance is six miles. On Sat-
urday evening as alr. Jos. Chambers, who
was coming trona the Driving Park, ae-
cidently ran into the waggon of Mr. G.
Cockejiine Hallett who kept the whole
road, causing the team to run away, re,
suiting in a, slight damage. to the rig- .
Aiuxy NoTEs,—Services continue to be
held nightly by the Lord's Army, with
constant :accessions to their ranks. No
building in town has yet proved large
enough to accommodate the numbers who
desire to hear them, the townhall on
several occasions being packed to its ut-
most capacity, and large numbers being.
unable to gain admisslou. Several of
their recruits have been.ainong the hard
cases of the town, and their reformation.
appearing'to be genuine has gained sup-
porters for the army, who were formerly
opposed to it. Quito a, large number of
persons are wearing the small silver badge
as a token of their allegiance with the
Army. The number of boys Who parade
the streets late at night, singing snatches
of army songs, should have more respect
for religion. Some people object to the
street parade and other •means to draw at-
tention, but the Army appears to act on
the principle, the end justifies the mane.
Bev, Mt Kenner is this week away it Ilopr-
We are glad to'learn by a card from Rev.'
J'•.Philp, that he has sufficiently recovered
from, Malate illness to resume hie work.
The call. to. rev. J. A. Turnbull, of Ciode-
rich, by the people of St. Marys, hail been
suatained by the. Presbytery of Stratford,. and
his induction will take place on the second
Tuesday in July,
The Brethren held a religious convention
at the term of Mr. John Relines, last week,
h a.
the 'Sunday ervices being attended by spam,
ber from town. Next Sunday services will be
held 'n a nef barn
3. the Iia ors bar‘ Stapleton, at S
and 7 p. in.
Mr, James Young has the honor, if such it
be, of preaehing the leer sermon in what was
known as. the Clinton Bible Christian church,.
which he did en Sunday evening. Hence -
forte it will he known:an the Ontario Street. _,_,
Metbodist. Ohurch,
On•Sunday morning next Ur. A; K. Birks
will preach in the Methodist, Chnrob, and in
the evening a union service will be held is
' e intend. th
the same place, in whish the members of the the people e shall..
B. C, ohuroh. and the: Lord's Army will loin,
Those who i h toinure- seats` ah lknow where the .
e w cur. e__ en d go .. greatest
early......� . value- is to be had.
IIrii..�i:. are Still on
See the Inducements
Now Offered by us
To the -Editor of the Neto Fra. '
DEAR Sin,—lt is with pleasure we send
a for publication e k
o t t thanks of t
a . h b chert
Organ Co's Band to Mrs. Newton, Mise Phase
Miss Callander, Miss Holmes and Miss Ste-
venson, who so efficiently aided no in 'carry-
ing out the concert en the 24th inst.
CHAS. BLAcKST nE, Conduotor..
W. pommy, Pres. •
Y_ " �oo� �rroiR•M
RICHTER MOUTH« ORGANS, 10 key, brassy 25. pts..
EXI'RESS WAGGONS, Ii'o i' 'axle $2.25, also WOODEN
'axle, $1.;00•and' $1.50;
ABY CARRIAGES going very cheap:,
IRST S CLASS C ASS stock • of FRESH. INK. '•
CHEAPEST in the County of Huron•
dCrocluet and 7C.a,ci-aid e -.Stir .
7E7a/is', a sp eYldicl a,esort•me,it;
• T1ammocylks • ood a,t d cheap.
l'-3ird ("age and 'Walking ' Canes.
See 4h. t a ••
�e have D ..
Look a6 oor Parasols c� Hosiery;
Our Mantle D:epiii't!mti
x' Boy's C1+ah'ng..
y ,.
Tweeds,' Shirtings:; Cotton:
Come ;iiia see our great line of. WHITE aticl. COLORED
• SHIRTS, collars attached tnd 2 collars,.
Our Great Unlai it lli ell Shirts 750ts.
• Our cxreat lino of Working Shirts.
Our Men's Nij$ t.,S.hirts.'
W, : JACKS' r•
The E'nx io r tr -It attr ar<', . Clinton.
Cord Coats.
Alpaca and Linen. Coats
Linen dusters. etc.
hits Vests, a large stock
w tl ,be on hand this eek. •
Our Lights Tweed Suits are reduced to the
very j owest' : gure
Our . LOWpriceon, .
�. all our gooc`i.s ;
are meeting *ith approval of
all who have .favored- us -:
with an. inspection.
This is our btxl ies t week of the seal ori, we
will have xaore to spay' newt weeks than 'we
have this..