HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-30, Page 7111 i I A . - , - - QT9 FOR 19A�+3q .TSE UNDERSIGNED ` . ._. I! offers for #alp Mie xolta%Y!A!gN011 bra lots la the 09 E , il A 'E SASiAZCi A PD• POLITICAL" The im��i reasfan retails in: Tor circlet m.. <:. T _.... M: ToWti of Clinton ; Lot 5,88 .or`G08 Princess St,, with , p y . a large iilmber house thereon ; iCl 932 or G07, eoraer the, iiir John Macdonald ,l7re£ers to, take •if PrtltcoNs and North $ty, i lot 4810: 000, Corner of A negro is traNellinj; around Gainesville, Mr. Dalton 51004rthy,. t . Q,, into th 9 ltatte4bury and North Sts.. All quar ereacre a t ,mare 6Ga.,, representing himself ss. the Messiah. Cabi4et, and that the membar for W110tr orless,, and. wall adapted for prtv esi en es.-- 1JTe,:has made roan coiiS'erts. r North ak9 .. .termsreasonable. T, CU Sin SON, Clinton Y Srmc 0 s perSonel wishes favor thq'tngYel - YowBo� ' W . blit is d btf 1 JOHN ROSS, . PUMP MAKER, CLINTON, OINT. rho �snilsortbor has had manyy ,.oars' expert- ecce. and, guarantees to q vatiie est of satis- faction. I'.UMPS, TANKS, CISTERNS,. 'ETC., =Sadie and put in on short notice. All orders by mail atteudod to, charges x134? ,promptly sonable. , . ROSS, Clinton, T PUMP FAGTOR�Ia BLYH _ For anon' Willow's ' . PROPRIORS. I , THE SUBSCRIBERS HAYING RECENTLY started a factory in Blyth, beg to intimate to the neople of,#Iuron thar, they arp prepared to sink webs or cisterna.: and provide Pumps of the very best workmausbip. Having had con- siderable experience in. the pump -making busi- ness, they feel confident they oat give entire satisfaction. illi orders, by mail or otherwise, promptly filled, at the most Tondonabte rates. Blyth, April, 1884. 1 THE WELL-KNOWN tSTALLION , N S0A48 Will stand for mares at THEQBALD.'S 11OT4L,. (late Swarts') every SATURDAY afternoon. Terms to insure, 48. . .. . ' . 1V9..PFiRDUE,- Aw­ EAKER.". . FA% Isl�cd In lirst;class Stirlls d. IN AT+rjJSnASCE. CIFARa1:8 RED AOCKER STORE. Ii'"'_fOMBE; J. BIDDL.i , 4 ` .Watch -and Clock Maker, . � ' JEWELLER, ctc., UPPOSIT.E TISE :r1,kRXET,,Cll.li\TON Where lie keep '+ V• select assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWJFLLERY, SILVER, WARE, ` Which we will self, at raasouable rates . Repairing of every d�seription promittly -at,, tended to, and all work warranted. J. BIDDLECOX13E. Cdntou, Nov.1882. SYLVESTER'S . Coldrated' CHAMPION PLOW .THn11A.S TIPLING,. .' . BLACKSMITH, • -'- CLINTON, Ila, born appointed agent for Sylvester's Obautpiuli. I'lo*, which has recently been greatly improved, and low stand, without a rival. The mouldboard -ts made d the bost,di2mond steel, especially hardened, %par- untcd to clean in any field, and imported from ShCf-. l0d, England, purposely for these plows, intending larebasers ran have a trial of the plow, Lind on receipt'. d post card it will be delivered free in any pact of tho -aunty. 1f tboaplow can be beat by anyother.tnake, re will forfeit the .plow. A car load just received.— ^efrences from over 100 of the best fa,rmecs Heal. Minton. Ile oho ut2nufdctures the eolebrated Scotch Dbimoad Horrow, Pic raputation of which Is so well known that lio his, . _ alre:aly roceived orders for go set this scasop. , HURRAH;, FOR THE No MACRINERYTA-L-'i t Jas. D. Fisk, ex -President at theMarills r au u if his l;nanctal meads i` -" . I Dank, New York, has been arrested will'aermit the sacrifice. Mr. M'cparthy • . '�"�"-" charged with misappropriating $1,141,000 is a fairly popular. -man with. the party i 7 , he is mora] aQf the; bank's funds,' y nd,.'socially respectable,....JJ_p��!r, GOp iNl� which someof the other aspirants are riot,. .®,, -J. orfo � Fils PaJ��VII A yeuugladabqutl4 named 11lc(Zuarie while assisting in washing sheep A Dur. too elvidenceiio f abil tyarewgntt��egiTl�e �+ ham,Ant.,'on Monday, was drdggedintothe talk .of his obtainin the'rovbrsion to the THE •�O�'T �>>��Fr -. stream and drowned before any assistance leaderabi when Sir John from that 1.1 could be. rendered, p . paradise especially reserved' for Tory DEALER Iii'' ALT, �TNDS. OF L ADZ S s The Mail says Mr. Mackenzie's ppeecb politicians and contractors, looks down • at Toronto was tinged with a little vol- .upon the Pacific railroad, us, he himself garity." ,Perhaps the, diatinguiahedgen- has foretold, savors slightly of the adage �l�l' �'Qn�e>t j�(� , a p ' tleman. has been readjug our contem- that it is unwise to count your .chickens Children's S f loots � ��l ' HAl'E xovit CirTxINa l?olc>; BY �I1SS i >� . •O'BRINE.Gir \SILL FINA porar•y's editorial columns of late, Bad before they are hatched, 11Tr. 14TaQarth ' company breeds bad' manners ! ma have ambition in that direction, (a ITER yIRST^CLASS• y p r� .. Atterney-General Mowat, of Ontario, Privilege to: 4vhiph every good. Tory ip. entitled but hie. tiStock ' well assorted', arid.: And Attorney -General Miller, of Manitriba, ) possession of the ability, CO lets' I (�� d CHARGES V]+;RY MODERATE. leave 'for England Thursday, via New tack, and other recommendations to epartrn`rltS ' • •• York, to represent their respective Pro. bank it, is another matter altogether. . vinces re, the boundary award, before, the Winnipeg, May 27. -Mr, Norquay pre- ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP Z+'O)<h' CASEi _ • JOHNt cpp Privy Council,. They go by different aerated in .the legislature this afternoon the C, CRiTIC>?tiSHANPi �B1,il 1 JUN, steamers. reply of the Dominion Government. The „ , a3RICi BLOCK, C),Z jTpN. • At the instance. of the Nelson's Bank,, • control. of public lands are,, refused the '• -- Province exce tm� swain 1 '. 1 the Ontario Rolling Mills and Ozias Ship- , . p ' ¢ p ands, which, . - 1c�Ol lili Sts Vit. 4llnto» mag the goods and plant of Loudon'Steel are to ho handed over. A grant of - "' Works were on Saturday seized b the 184,000 acres is made to the University of , TON �IOB SALE OR TO•RENT-HbUSEAND y Y y ,1' .two Lots for date or to rent. A 'Humber of fruit Sheriff' and are offered for sale on June $d. Manitoba. The Province is to continue to . trees thereon and a good %roll, The house contains The claims of the above parties afnount to be pard $45,004. annually in lieu of lands. .i three rooms and a kitchen. No, of lots 7 and S, Isaac about The eahool lands.'are also refused, The street. For further particulars OOLLEN MILLS * apply to ARTHUR 4,U44, and the plant seized is said -CLIN MCRAE, Fair's rill, or to AIANNING c� SCOTT, to be worth $40,000. The firth complain Government pledge themselves to manage —" ' of lac - o them • _1; f u o st' s part.- no rictl In t t A ter- tall i he interest NOTIfO7C-ThepounoilofthoCorporation pp h . chim, y s f'1Vlanitoba, mho above ta}ills are in,full ape i n and -are prepared to do all kinds of work in the of the County, of Huron, will meet in the ney'r gone, The capital account. o£ the Province is to and manufacturing line, ROLARDING 'F r * , custom Court Roout, to tips town of Goderieh, areDAz Manitoba proposes ' he•so re -adjusted alto increase the subsidy IN in , S,.IN��I G, PEAS I G, MANU.P San of TuNn, next, All accounts against the Pop.- .. in ,provincial elec y G all its. branches done in first-class sty]e and o a , UR r ar Council must be sent In before the iirat session tion-ttvm+tkq the man who talrpa a bribe about $20.8,000, or from $227,000 at pre. trade, E reasonable terms as any,rnill. in the %XOHNB FSR .GOODS-�Ye have this sea a ver Is a stock of the second day of meeting. P. ADAMSON; sent, to435,000 to be adjusted quinquen of TWEEDS. 1'LANNELS, BLANKET y q Co.' Clerk, aqua ly guilty With the one wliq gives it. nisi% hereafter, The right of the Domin- WINGI XS UNLON FLANNEL ' rJ1ILN' S$1RTING, STOCT{ING PARKS, This is a good move and the principle y g , L N. I SHIRTl3 I11tAWERS, HORSE .DTiANBETS, oto.= - Q - REVISION.-,ld be d tended to 'this ' rovince not ion to, disallow local railway charters is re- will exchange them for tiVOQL and, allow from We` .>t,l Tn g -notice hat tale court of Revisionr should P affirmed. Tt is asserted-that•'thv-I vi ` ,PER LB. Two TO THREE CENTS tl}e village of, $ayfield will lipid itsftrst sitting •,nly in dtlection matters but also es eat nee R ABOVE THE IFI: EG_ U . . r- p 44.,R�MAR.KET -PRICE` for all:. :,, 4it'Itho Towii =Halj•r $a,fiotd; git`•iIOND. - -A"1 ••lag- liquor, selling, . In justice to ,tile li• has not sucgeoded in showing itself t'e be Wool, escl,anged, • r, for the . >u -,CO ium]ienriun laud ectiYin n' `0ensed victuallers, the' man who' buys• in- prejudicially affecteA by the tariff. - t • . Sia, •of JU. 10 g i }p D 1; , a Tho norther] extena on of.the Proamctal 'ji1 '1'p` pDT j� T . complaintsagainstorSSITOr tin iliousseaswell 'toxlpating llcluors after hours should be y r •L M'U'il7T U1L�'1�O O R, VO.1L fm� (1� T�T(� f roll ofthiapresenty0ar..AllFartlesintorestod fined as well'ae the man who Ft tempted boundariesisrefused;:WThe better terms. W AV 1,1J11\,1ON8 arc:retLuestedl to attend,: H, HUNTER; Clerlr, to sell;, ' .d offered qre upon the condition, that they Our Mill has been and is now running a " • l�Tote these facie! In 187 8 our annual Will be. accepted -by the Legislature of 0 6 you n depend g tting your wof l; well. ng O dy and y can epe d on e Manitoba as settlement of all claims put. done and on short notice; FOR': SALE. 4.1. , ea >er, llloiver unit Hay ilia ce zxi s expenditure was $23,516,000, but six' forward by the LegislaturQ.: Mnch.dissat- . � - y , hien years of Tory extrava ante, Kaye brow ht OV �t FRtCES ON GOOD di� order,, just as good as now, Will .be sold gl g iefaciioLl is expreasedl over the result: It is .. S .. L'' = • "AR cheap. it up to $31,000,004 . The annual ex - 1 - . - felt_tliati,tlie:Legislature shotiicl..uutnecept . This seasori than ever known before in this Tart of the Oount , Giv :: JOIII R7DOt T, Ctil;tou, pendiiure • er head in'the United States, 1 t� yrs A 'caLL: P terms upon the condltlons proposed. It is y ^- — is leas than5, while in Canada it is more ,pot -knower what. the ;Government will do MISS ''6REIGr than. $7 per head'! Twenty-five dollars yet, Tho will Vbto'a ai7lst'the � T t�j�r Ct )lVSIC TEACHER, CL"iNT.O' ..• are -paid in taaes.pei• family in the United terms. Opposition,.' ` �TM ME& g CORBE, Is now forming a large class, and ban take about four, States, while thlrtyfige are paid in Canada. � ' more pupils, lessons given at her residence, Huron If a workingman parns an average of $n a . '.. . what to . jbi , - - St.> or at the homes of pupils.. %lest of roferanoes as to + If troubled with an uoltealfh herabilttiosasatcachor, week the year round, be. contributes4weelda , y,sloa•hoatingsoie,¢so — labor'as :his. shape of the ,Dominion taxa- NoGrogor & Larke's Carbolio coratc.- You will find tt' . -invaluable for healing; cleansing, and completely g. • ' tion. That is the true wayi„ to look at. .t i' %coving your troubic. aY the blood is'nutof ordor'taLc �� TT , Lituiber. aiid lath. . i Indirect taxation is imperceptible, .but' it. "'it" it afe\v aoaes of 1icCrogOr's Speedy front � � J'r_a� — inches and' robe 'all the same.. $ow. Combe s drug stoic, . ' . . , rillll; SUBSCRIBER KEEL'S ON JJANU A.T'' I1i8 p .._..._ _ _- . .1L promises, Isaao street, Clinton, (near the fanning ' much longer will workingmen vote for ex- N1AR R 1 . . Mill Factory') all kinds of Pipe Lumber, Lath, tortiotfate 'taxation, and legalized..tarift E D. . ... �+ ike,. Parties reqiring'suob %rill find It to their ad- robot 'B -Ottawa Free Press ` Coo-TlrEo73Arii.'-At the, rgaidence o£,the When hound le w`dn� `d, vantage t6 coil 011111m;I. .LY .bride's father, Prinde of Wales-hritel Clinton ` ,70Sha'iI'CIiIDLFl, "` . �' { ,�j t the OAK HALL fop -one The Liberal peados contemplates vistin on the 2.$tli intlt., by tips •TQv, ldr: 1larris',, 0+ 4hem oo:lA fittin (Sults that -Uanitoba': and.: the' north west. during-Teeswdter Mr, G,,If. Coo; Jeweller; '1'eea- g g 1V�R. 1YL FISCHER, . • O `the coming summer„ when a' tour -for tn- water, to:llt'tss Sarah raue,, only daughter -of turns• out : two doolrs north' f •: t THE CLIIyTO.N HIGH SCHOOL �, ,4 he Grand Union, . . struetibn will' probably be eombined' * with Mi. Geo. Thedbald, V: ,8.. a little olitical: miseionar. work: 'There Tone=Su$Pr.+nil.-lu Godericti township; otel. - Come and ,'see my stock of ENTRA.NO L ENA.tMINATIO T - P.. y pq..the 23th Inst, ' the 1tev: It. T. hlatliewe;L. _ „ are sa many, Canadians' at St. Patti and' ,.b3 /. iIIT ES}iDLITT9TION Fglt -TETE ADBYIS Minneapohe itis proposed by the Aaieri- at the residence of tits bride's father, Mr, A, '�"�": �/�� , 1S1ON ofcandidtitestotho:ClintouHighschoot •can Canadian th t • r. Blake deliver n •Af; Todd, of the Ghnton brows 1;eoordt to 1 `Weed�7 ' orstedS T rowserigs. whl be: held 'ia the 111odo1 School, Clinton, on i add Das :'in one of triose cities. An ver n..:Miss R. J. Sheppard,' 44111'; ter of nlr. Jacob :. • !. ■ 77,itirsi3tiy sail Friiltay, Jtily, 3rQanS1 $beilp:frd; and: S`urx�r r ,Caves 4th. ISl34, beginuin ;each day at. 0 a,sn 'Tn- • aiasti0 reception is promisgd `if 'he'CgiY c gs■ coat�n` tenrtingal1:%pli,autssltould send ui 11%cit uarnea -•selits, Tltere could. not ba' bettor 'proc,f DIEL: to the undersigned, not later than 'ilio, Ist dln•y , . of Jtu14.1" :of the extent of :the' exodus £rout Canpdtt • Bli,c ry .-1'n'Hullott; on the 28th dist:; John : F'itis � r"hn � �'oikz .aSSdhi ®co 1.:. J. U,Rir'BULL, B:A.., thin tbis, ;despite the. fiefoe' denials w.bich' Bijrgin, •abed' 02 years and 8 months, , , • ' Ileadmastor: „, , _ - �G"crl Guar 1, ed. to -.._...- . __--.�-.,,-,_— .-..-.-_,-_---.--:.:,, dobe from the Conservative press. 11tu1, GoA}b,, �f �0�33. Tn.I;radford, York hire, J]ngland,: Ala 3: