HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-30, Page 5SPRINEI •aln,44 C...T&&SHOES W. TAYLOR S4,., SON Our stock for the Spring and. Summer is now complete, and will be found oninspection, to embrace the best makes in the Dominion, at the most reasonable rates. TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS, &c. on' Band, and for sale at low prices. Butter and Eggs taken°in egeharxge - 'ive per cent . off for caeca, A • VERY COICE Pure Beaii..Hoffee At-. cents : per EIb. 'Y`RAD•E STJPPLIE. At the NOTED: TEA, COFFEE and SPICE HOUSE S.. PALLISLR.d CASH Z±'OR<EGGS: Next':to Powii HaU.. SE9c1R SO., e. k: Tliompsoii. H .STI.fLL W.E [LVE:-� And do business more 'than. ever. Better Bargains than over. 0 mbor8 Women's Good P'runellas for 60 c..' W omen's Lace Boots, $1. [..l Men's Lace Shoes, $2. . Don't buy. another pair of Boots until ,,,t . u: see• our., nen Spring 'Stock:, Come 0110, comeall.. : No trouble to CO ,.show .goods. l.+ r.' pr WANTED, 'A QUANTITY OF GOOD POTATOES. it • , aaarnpo:ai .oLLO'[T t_ vui.z .• Just received; an ilithiense; stock of &ardeff& Hars1ligvest ; ScyVias; Hors, rAlso large stock of the. CELEBRATED READY MIXED PAINTS, Suitable for fanners and others wishing to do their own-pliintinb Tnllts ock o � �d or :• hsn. �o l' ■ � nt els. l r Agent for: tho celebated ITn.WKEYL iVfi>� PAN. DAVIS, Clinton. WE WOULD CALL TDB ATTENTION OF' _Farmers &.Dairymen t/ To Ia�rlan�'s 1n proved Milk•. '.Pati* • The latest and most convenient Cream'Separator out, f. Call :and see them, and leave your order early. .. • JUST TtEC1EIVED,.'A' PINE STO0IC O]i Bunt Tools roil;Sc t oo.. pang d, ShoVelog Carden. Bakes, zoos, 4e. .A.i thsros OUr stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE' is now complete. PAINTS do OIL a Specialty. i► voy d-1VCilk IPat, July 17i 3560 i ITNT.A.Tri'S & CO., CREMISTS & DRUGGISTS Albert Street, Clinton The public will find our stoclk of medicines complete, warranted genuine, and es the best quality, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES AND ALL KINDS QF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. A S 1 i �T NEWf / HA UIIEMIST �d Airtaittof 1�LUl" U E IR BRUSHES; •' TOILET .T ]►..11 .E AND DRUGGIST. GZRMAVp . ALPINE ODORS. BRIT:$[1 • CLINTON, LAYI•;N QNr 8, • . , ONT.: 000 LOTUS of THE NITA BoQUET, and all of Luerie's 00.1II3S, TOOTH AND. NAIL SOAPS, COSMETICS, &C. II ._C01' LT3.1',:, • I1 TUE Special' .71.T15T . 1n5 . A.V.R.jV'!;+ I?'• ' • PATTERNS, or • Papers not. MOST USUALLY !'No trouble W. H. FASHIONABLE FOUND Linei to show,. SIMPSO'N, . SI1ADES AND ONLY' IN CITIES. & lOot, . • whether you purchase Clinton... n NEW • Composing FRENCFI• & In Chip 'and Fancy Straws:' Laces, Ribbons,` Silks. . in the trade, and at prices lines. 'EMBROIDERIES, PASSE\IENTRIES A;•T»'GTSIP general assortment of the .leading styles, :.R. BEESLEY COMPLETE AMERICAN Flowers, and Satins. that we large .TRIAEMINGS: DRY GOODS:'. .. Apprentices & G-oeI• •. • & BONNETS Poms, Ornaments; the leading importers i•31ue in'�.the above DRi•;ss •ORNAMENTS, PRINTS' and made . oyer into . all Alm straw• work. 3LO0I .. ' ASSORTMENT a11' .the laving are, stock SONN, OF Newest Feathers, enabled to 'Full I•Iats wanted Styles in :HATS Tips, Poni bought from to offer special choose from....•.. line of SPRING and Bonnets to learn BEAVER IttVing'3,16,ceivedniy,§pring .efirTV0,1EN'SI oil? MEN'S, cheap TTR ' r' cheaper BUTTER' Now for oots, Shoes, JAMES ' TWITCHELL'S,. and Summer the J.D P, U,7'TONBOOTS, $$1.•r ,1. . I30 Y''S': and ..C.FIILDREN'S,, accordingly..'. i7 '2 and :, VAL1 S'Lb' t e / ticeap, TEAM incl CARRIAGE HARNESS' Haan eter,`:' & EGGS TAKEN 1N J. TWITCEELL, VICTORIA Bargains Harness, AT in ::Trunks, would Call the attention of only $14. -• GES, •aa la?•qe v+ai sets/, hi;(//6. land 1'ino cf 'e�tfa 6lae617, quer shop. & STIO.1S: LINTON '- CLINTON- stock of public to • 1;NGH1NCi7 Boas and Shoes, I the same. -iS'aliw Mounted. ,Stngle'Harness, • at �l 21st I1 11RRIe1, � ,' I i',OOQ , u+¢g�tc1ies !SIiINCrLE�S, `f°1.scila Ii0011LS TO LEP, :FOR MOOTS BLOCK, - :Cabinet ` �����VUVr`-41/ fr liNgE:gpit ' the NnbaoribCr. theCASIC.TS 4-iwaya on the Shortest A. ?.etltliiig ,• • • ° ttgE1113EIt. • OriiosrTB '• THOS. h P.�a�1o>L' "• J" ao�oo��� �i1n–• ... furnish : rt finest id rf . ' limit. - . at ca• • • ' ' ....5::-' Tan ., ( YOURFACE. ` ` pimples, I31ack p' • choa, Sc,, cant s\ g ati s\ I, stoutly by M F1f Tan & F Sian sure y ,:. PRICE28C. Sold b,y , Froek•]es, Sunburn, Spocks,.131ot- bo removed in- P°OOtlOfl, an it EiP4fattia1 PER BOTTLE, all Droggifie• • , . , SHAKER, 11[0uu 'y ° ' . • Cures Completely r ,Cancer, Nyphllig]t Baae»arcof ne •tio4,4••••••" ,..too..,`.._,y- w fi$4ol rwaaryd oal0 bheetmeofheltel Hood Syrup, one partial odhde of Potassium, or any o VER WHERE.pr, .t ' Rrfa, :It COO Po Pottle, of � ' . p. . Serofihs, Lelri tldm. ,T 'kde, iaaip • of Mercury, nntteral sus. '' Mx for M.00. . x kCClls the and. COFFINS• band, T'nnerafs notice anis.lowest Z;ALL SpLZOIT;D. tnderiaker, °' I3IE PLAE, TIn, Tows STEVENSON.:.stance.*ilkO AROUND THE COUNTY, M. Hugh McKnight,'aof Tuckerautitfi, died suddenly last week. He was only 411 years of age. Mrs. ILMo4rthur, or., of Hepsall, had the misfortune a few Jaya ago to slip, and. in falling broke her wrist bone. ' '.fns Ez DANT—Little plated screw top on. 4,TrasssuX " makes it the cheapest,, most. perfect, and most Recherche of all toilet .ex, quisites, Geta sample, On Saturday evening at Seaforth, as .Mrs. Charles Davis was going to the town hall she stepped from the sidewalk and splintered the bone of her left leg - While Mr. Fisher was attending the saw in Jewell's mill, about seven miles frons Dungannon, in Ashfield township, bis hand got caught with the large saw, and the thumb and fore -finger were uearllr severed from the hand. To INCREAss THE APPETITE and strengthen Digeetion,-drive'off the Blues, and bring color to your skin and temperament, cheer up your Liver with ZQPEP.t, it regulates the system, nerves and brain, 'makes your eyes bright, your work easy. Mr. T. ,Towett, of Goderieb to.wnship,. met with an accident whioh nearly proved fatalfon Saturday last, While taking a load of lumber to Clinton the team became un- manageable and rtin away, throwing Mr. Jowett off and dialocating his shoulder and otherwise injuring him. Mr, James White, of Hay, recently dis- posed of his handsome matched span of grays, which carried off forthe past two years the first prize atall the county shows, and also at the London Esliibition, •to a Boston buygr, fonthA very haiidsemo BUM of $1,000. , To Rnsisr Malaria,' Ague, Fevers, 'Head. aohe, Colds, Kidney • Disease, Pain inthe side or back, oon`stipation or Costiveness, keep' Zorn-sA handy, and take a dose twice a week, It nets upon the. LivEr and Stomach like magic.._• On Saturday' while a on of. Mr. George Dawson, 'of Smith's Hill, was driving into Goderich with a load of wood, the front tier fell down while he was descending Smith's Hill, throwing the lad between the .horses, and onewheel of tie wagon passed overhis face, •breaking his jaw. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL.. Hon, Ld ward Blake will .be tendered a grand:public reception on the occasion of ' Ms visit to Bowmanville, where ho will address his constituents. • An exchange plaintively enquires "What is the Reform party coming ,to ?" We will whisper a secret into its ear: Tho Reform party is.coming to . office• and' that, very soon. The first prosecution under the Domin-.: • .; ion Hasse law took place at St. John, N. 11,;' on Friday, a hotel keeper pleaded' guiltyy'to selling liquor during illegal hours and was fined $20. Mr. 0...I, Townsend, at present one of •. the M.P.P.'sfor Cumberland County, has been chosen by the Tories te contest the • seat in the House of Commons rendered vacant by the resignation of ,Sir Charles •Tupper. • • To any one suffering from any form. of kid- ney disease, itthey will only try Dr. Van • B:uren's Kidney Cure, they will notonly. ex. perience a prompt alleviation of their suffer- • ings, but a speedy onre•*will be the result. Ask your druggist for Dr. Van Buren's Kid•. nay: Cure, and be' convinced. Aii Ottawa dispatoh -says the law will take its course in the, case of Luke Phipps sentenced to he hanged for wife murder: ' That's right. The best place for petitions fotthe reprieve of. murderers is in the wastepaper baoket or in the fire: • Ci Cingalese' is the .name of a widely and favorably known hair. restorer which is not recommended to do utterly impossible things, but then nothing is better for , keeping the hair in good condition, and .restoring -it -when lost, if the scalp is capable of being toned up, to exert its'proper functions.' Sold at. 50 ets per bottle. : •_. "ill well'" organized system of govern• ment by :bribery is Sir Richard's. witty' but ::truthful description of the present Dominion government First it Com - maimed by"bribing individuals, then dia.' tricts,'ilndnow whole provinces arebidden. . for onrthe promise of increased subsidies,, A correspondent of -the :Glebe makes theses suggestions:—" I hesitate to offer to the leadersof the. Liberal party, so many of them.good'men and true, and to whom tho cduntry owes . so .much, but T would suggest that the policy of . the hour to+toep the people thoroughly informed,.. of what has taken place and,of what i§ be-. ing in„ done in tho different departments of the. present Government, and to prepare the grounddfor the next 'harvest time, to perfect and keep in. order • the inochanisni of their machinery, and enroll the names•; ., of alt their friends. In two words, inform and register. The;: principles- of tho Liberal party will never' change, and Can be pro-,; claimed on the house-tops•at all times, but side opinions and lines • o£' action may as ° Well bo held in abeyance till they aro merged into one homogeneousyhoie in the ' hour of action. A party or a 1,P6Itifilinent without faith in the people means anarchy, ...and it is false to think that our past and 'present experience will teagh us no lessons for our future guidance, lessons that other- wise' we might. never have learned, and which, in tho coming reactionwill carry us forward to it higher plane of material well.being than without them woulcl have • boon • possible." Weil "Rewarded,: A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce a case of Livor, Kidney or ,Stomach complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will cost you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you willbo well rewarded for your trouble: besides, . All blood diseases, biliiouenese, jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured,. Satisfaction .guaranteed or money refunded. Price only f90 cents par bottle. For Sale by Watts & Co, ilncitidn's Arnica Salvo, The best save'in tin!' world forouts;b'ruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,. fever soros, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,, corns, anthill skin '. eruptions, and pos tivoly enrolpiles, or no pay requir'ed,• It guaraned to give perfect satisfaetion,•ormoney refunded. Prise' 26 Dente per boa;. ,,CVattti.& CO, • •