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TIAlr X1144 1101.1.110 OPPIbit.
36°01cl'haS Refrilterator, in splendid order, Am -
edam make, fee este cheap, Apply to $110,40 DAMS.
*Wm:04PP Olen), Clilitee.
SiElfASE Exes.-Came into the premises.
•ot 12 and 70,16th con. 4:i/oda-lot townehir4
about the isth of May, five pige._ being four
• white 044 one black and white, The owner is
notillesl•to• prove property, pay charges, and
.talsethein away. 'Wm. BAKER, .
• Goderieh township.
TERIetTstrairat1441.4",,,, ,OLINTON, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1884.
VIEVD tile Post' °lithe, containing 6 roonts 1110EsiE TO EEN'E-A treed, stor- •dosets,
antries,arteratere lot, iitli bardand sof•
Sitockillg Affair irci-r Blyi' not go on, and it was considered impor-
tant that he, sbonld be heard, the. inquest BRIEVS,-.R. King, the notorioua hotel
110Liatara.-Alexitiader IliteEwan, of die
township of Haar, is building.a fine brick
' W BAY.
4-, „aert•arkhlf 'muse, within dve minutes, 'walk
water. wni be readrior occupation about the was postponed until 10 a. m, yesterday keeand his brother John s erecting a
per, of Bluevale, has taken up his abode nousie
(Thursday). We ha' not learned what in tbe• adjoining tOwn, to the excessive els frame dwelling,.
it a July. For particulars apply to ISRAEL
Conclusion they arrived at, or even *he, gratification Of our 'villages,, We trust
•Fon MANY YEARS. -Mr. add Adrs:WM,
ovisAvED CALVES. -Strayed from the NIM., MAINES, OF MULLETT, KILLED. ther the inquest was concluded at the that the' new occupant u'l the perainien Logie, of this township, were married on
s - . , E
titne..of going .'ci press, .
e -
hotel will lufnaOre observant of the license the 24th of May, 1816, and consequently
een., about thni•st of Eity, four calves about s
pretinties of the subseriber, lot so, Maitland IN A FIGHT, / rsTeuvrEw WITH MRZAMISH. • law than the Pinner one.
months old. two heifers. one roan, the other red —. Thsidewalk •have lived. together 68 years. He is in
with a litttabrindie, the other two buns, one Meeting Mr. Beamieli at a hotel, he between the station and the 'village is on.
• hr 8
is 91st and she in her year. They
reap, the other red with. white alai red face. Brutal conduct of the parties implicated-, was asked if he bad any statement that he last legs. Inueyele and vicinity stand have 20 great grand children living; both
their recovery will be suitably. rewarded%
Any one giving such information as leads to A quare among ncighbors' sons remits' are In the best of health, and appear to
., rasia.xx, • Gaaarlea townsliip. izt a serious afrag - Arrest of 'three of not seem disposed to Say.very
he Weehl IfIce to allieart° Prhlt* :Ile did., • andtherillegehdt-min ed citizena are doing be good for many Years yet, Who Can
rohibitory liquor law,
. • ••the •Beantisles. •
0........,..• .• was exceedingly guarded an what little he , least •
Inu9h, an(' , their beat te obtain one for this comity at I beat it. .
Valuable FARNI FOR .SALE:' did Say, Being asked if any trouble had ::
• One of the Most. brutal, affairs. that has.. previoliely eatieted between the two fami-
ever occurred, in this county took pace lies; .he said' that there wee .about ten '
LOT 32i110 N. 6, MULLETT. .
.. . just where .the Londesboro gravel road years ago. Moines was attlhat time keep- " Bamrs.-A, good many strangers are
• merges into the Manch t d Bi h ing the toll ,gate;'' and Beitmish dimmed at present visiting in town. The Good
The pro- es er an yt
cravet Road to Clinton, 4 tense Institut.
rem contains 111 acres, of which 100 are etearedavell road, about a mile steal) west of .9,th, that unlawful toll had been collected of Templars, Reyal Templars' Canada Me-
od Monday morning •last, which resu fed him, for which he preseeuted }fairies. thodist and Presbyterian. churches sent •
/theca and underdrained. The buildings are all in . . death _ _ _ ___ Maines, _ ii
good order and commodious, including a brick dwell. in the or Mr.W. of Idu t
. •This 'tremble qtad Theca 'forgotten, be delegatei to ,the temperance convention,
lee, two large barns, large driving shed and stable, ; 7. ••3
It built on solid stoae foundations ; farm well water. An order to get as correct partioulers as. thought, long ago, since which the fami- held, at Clinton last Tuesday. On the
438, with large bearing orchard. Liberal terms, Per • ,
lossible of -the dreadful affair a NEW lies had been on -as good terms as any two Queed's. birthday, the Salvation Army
particulars apply to • EA. reportei, proceeded to Blyth, on' neighbors coulol be, They had liyed, near held knee drill on the . street near the
• 20* W. W. FARRAN, CLINTON, Wednesday, and, the result of his investi,- es.Oh • other for 17 years interchanged
i Queens hotel; they also held meetings at
, _ ___._ ___‘...1 gatmns are given _below,. To • give out work, and helped eaels other in various •the barracks afternoon and evening.; the
..... readers a d?finito idea as to location, and ways, and might have continued on inti-
, k3 other details, the following- diagram is, mate. termsibe thOught,if it bad not been( times. Last Monday two games of foot
place being crowded to the doors both
published, and the explanations given in for Afaines' violent tetnper. •- ball Were played at the Exhibition
•Wia;be held, Mai wpinc. bY •
detail below will show the nclvantage of The reporter expressiag - surprise that'•grounds, between the senior and Junior,
WM. BUCHANAN ••AND OTHERS, the'diagratn.
' • :in the • . should give,their consent to their sees seniors and juniors; of this ;place; both
! chals of Chadian; and the High School
.•= ten) old men like •Benmish and Maines • • • • •
' settling . a difficulty by, a fight as these games were won by Seaforth. 'A good
RANSFORD BARN, 'STAOLET0N,'• ovawahoo...,,..hip) evidently had done, Mr: Beamish simply- •
, . deal of Siokness prevails in town at pres-
remarked that 4' lie didn't • t tl ' r
ss an tem o -
. en .. brickwork on VanEgmond's
t The bri .
pght," and walked away. • .
, new woollen raills.is nearly completed.
IX oureinallatil 44 PON
At 3 and 7 P.m..
All M.° earnestly requested to come.
"Surely t come xxli, 20.
113illoaa to ailuichester. , howl to nlytaia"•
Beamislies are Episcopalian' s, and - Moines' '
NOTES. .1 • .11ULLETT.
, Several fine trout were cOught in the.
• [A . • ; [ =1 ' '•'' ' '• " Methodists.
Mr. Beamish is tinder arrest alio, but mill:pond at Walkerburn, on the 24th. •
• • --Pr; -•------• .• . sickly 'isnot confined in the lock-up; •
. Mar-Tamblyn 'leers "on Tnesday for
Thoilia'1.11cklt. igNicy ... ,,..., ..,„„..,„„s„,„)
i. • .. . ful pOunding he received. and that was to his
. .......,on'i When being• carried home, • .
. Mr:IS/eines only spoke, once after thediead- ' ' ' '
Mailitobe to visit her sons whe are out
Beamish, witnessecIpkt ()Nile fight, end gent
Mts. Giles Jenkins, who lives just east of
Ef;rDoMmiroar LiKE OP STEAMERS to, V .1 ' . her husband ont-tnniterfere, but he wria.too
Liverpool, and all points east -low ratet, c.' i ' • • ' 'late -to be of service.
1 Moines was buried in the Hin
Hallett °ee-
fgrTICKETS BY BEATTY' LINtp POATS .• • f.; - tery,mn Wednesday, a large number of Byrn.
to Manitoba and points west. ' •• • pithizing fiende following the remains there: '
,was 53 years old, and leaves a Wife and
iterTicKETS ALL PoINTs WEe'r, at .' i-Ilace where fight between. kmate large family. .
and Henry James Beamish tookWenos esio. laco ' '
lowest rates, . ' 2.--Piaco where fight between ,.. Mit,h,os and Thos.. Oar reportei. was told that Beamish Many
lif, teandsh (young; men) took. place, • . yearn ago got into a difficulty' east of Toren-
Elar CALL before makieg errangements 3 -Brame& hods.), iog. . . .
. . ' . tO, which necessitated' his speedy depaitiire •
to anyof these points.
cannot. vouch for the eorreetneseof
• 4. BeAGGSWS hollse,,fr4Met •
•' ...4J'AIAIES THOMPSON, . . ,
, . THE FATAL ROW. • ` • thia Statement; although, it was spoken ot es
• • TGWU Agee • t G:T4, i, To get at the real origin of the trouble comma report.. •
s to whether
was a difficult inatter,, but it appeara to •Asking the question in Blyth a
have originated' with the hpys of the•tWo
families.. . Some 14 months ego there Was.
. • trouble between George Haines andT. M.
Beamish; AO meeting in Blyth last Sat-
urday, they started • for hone together,
• on tolerably good* terms, but otd, scores
- were called up, which led to blows being
exchanged. On Sunday Moines and his
..* 80118 were out . walking, when they were
, , •-: met by the.Beamish boys, who allege that
1sni now Ili .ticketsf \Tut •Maines wanted to settle the matter there
YORle-; to 'AVER -POOL 'or GLASGOW and tben, which games” familrdeny, el-
and return for $60, • 2nd 'Cabin Accom-.though.blows- were again • exClianged.
niodatioh. . ' However, an:arrangement appears to.have
teerage .Rates'Clinton to
:been made that the. boyg ahould meet tlie
w •
via hites tar Eine,. $25.15 - next morning and settle the matter, Mon-
• . •e day'morning at 7- o'clock Mr. Maines was
Thies tne Cheapest routdev'er °gored for pas- Eland up his front fencia when Mr.. Heam,••.
sengers to the °en COUNTRY, and intending ish . ' •
passengers should apply at awe feu fall .par-•
came "(lewd and, inan apParently
• Scalars. • • - • friendly manner, asked if the trouble could
W. CKSON, et Agent;
not be nintually settled, and seise told by
JA „
. . . ,• .. sials • Maines that it could. just then Beam,
ish's to sons came- (Pier, and, So itisal.
leged,witaout saying one'wOrcl} the second:
son, Henry James, struek Old man Moines,
lonnts Grim wANTED--Oneaccustomeii; and they at, once clinched, failing on the ",
‘..s to milking and dairy work. - Liberal wages' West sine of the road; at about the same
paid. ALBERT
rich 'MAY, willow Grove Dairy, time Thos. M. 13eamish started to fight
Gode• township: '•, with Geo. Maines, - on the east side Of the
T0,DEVIT0RS-Al1 'OVERDUE ACCOUNTS l'oad. iWhle these two fights Were in pro.,
owing tee undersigned, and not settled at gress, a smaller . son. of Ileamish brought
once, -mil be: placed hi court for eollection.-., two• dicks .froin the .hotise handing one
JOHN CUNINGHAME, CilttOn. , , ' ... • g
•to his father and the other t� Thomas M.
whe struck young Mantes With it. An- "
other Ion of Moines' coining t�. the assist-
ance• of his „father was told -by old Beata -
Chem) • Excursion • tickels
to the,
G000(10011 EAsril EXiste-For Horses mid. Cattle
on the Perk.> Farm, Maitland concession; amo-
ral township. • Apt* to mos. main. .
V V Hotel is new and has all the requirements
ef a first-class house. Large and •tury roorps,
elegant parlors, heated with not air, and in Vhe
immediate vicinity o the G. T 11 depot. The ish,,that if he interfered he "would knock
bar is well stocked with the choicest -brands of
neuors and (agars. The travelling puldie may his brains out," or words to that enect, he
rest assured a being wen eared fo•r at this hojase also telling his own son to "kick the bug-
SAlituEL PIKE, proprietor.• .•ger's guts out." Who struck Maines with
-L1OR SERVICE- FINE DuRHAitt EULL the stick did not come out clear in evi-
-thoroughbred-The following is the petit- • dence but he was tinmercifully beaten
reo of Sir Patricle-Ottived March 17,1882 was
red by Mr. Richard Jackson, Hallett. Sir Pat-
riokafas got by end Crown Prince of- Strathai-
Tan; dam Princess of. Boehm, by Prince of
seanam, 7681, 24432, g. dem • Daisy Defsne by
Laudable 1643; g.g. dam Lady Jane by Friar
Iohn 6th, 1424 ;4th dam, Runny, by 'Young.
Prince. lass- 1511 dam,•DorothY, by •-,tbelbert,
and brutally kicked by his assailant, who
only desisted in his .devilish Work when
he thought he had givedlizn enough.
• Mr.' Manes was at once carried home
234, 1616. ELEBIsON, Reynold coeeeie and medical assistance summoned, but
aion. Goderich township, his ijd
s uriesa were found to .be so serious
•that nothing could be done for him.
PHOTOGRAPHERS, r out doctors were called lei who made a
• &ireful examination alum. The left
• side of his heed was beaten to a jelly,
with ridges running through it, as it in-
flicted by a heavy Stiek, two of his left
ribs broken; the second on the Tight side,
and :mother fractured, which was found
to be pressing On his lung; besides other
injuries about hie person. . When it was
found that he could hot live, Warrants
- were issued for tbe.arrest of. Henry Jemes
and Thomas Manasseh' Beamish, (young
Men) as principals, and James BeetnisIZ
the father, as an accessory:, the two Young.
inenbeieg placed in the loek-up. • A Iter
lingering in an uncoescious state all' day,
Moines died ahout"9 p. in. -
A end -modern examieation was made
by Drs. Sloan, of tlyth, and Viking, of
Londesboro, the result of which is virtual-
ly given in a preeeding 'paragraph, They
believed tke injuries would of themselves
ca,nse death, hid the immediate and ditect
cause, in their•opinion, wes the breaking
of an artery, as if dOne by a Iseatry blow,
mitnST. •
0, T. Scott, of Wingluun, eoroner, Was
summoned, and en Tuesday rcornin he
proceeded to hold an hurled. The jury
empenneled Were A., W. Sloan (foremenr,y.
D. Nichol, Geo; Stewart, John Denham,
Jas. Logan, Thos, Bandon, G. Gibson, W.
Southcott, W. a Wats04, J,Itamil.
ton, IL GeSinan, W. Sims. Diekin.
son,•of Winghain, appeared forth° ereiwn,
and Mr, Merton, of-Wingham, for the de.
fence. They sat until a late hold, taking
about forty pages of evidence, the thief
poling of Whieh'are kiven dile account
before, One Of the Maines boys fainted
while giving big evidence, and as he could
rart-sizs W01St A seEcIALTY,
AL ,
The Allan Line i8 taking Steerage passongek
from Clinton to Liverpool, Derry
and Glasgow, for $26.15,
Excursion 'rickets, good for 'six months,
at low rates. rnterniediate rams altio
technical. Accaninoeutioe good.
Sailings every SaturdaY
front' Quebec.
Passeagere, require to leave Olathe at ,4 .p,
tn., on Tiiiieseaye, making term connection
with steamers at Onebee.
Full particulars and all information on. applj-
cation to
. A. O. PATTIS01110
(.4. T. Tt.. A getit,X1In ton.
• •
BREVI5'IES.--16. Sari Carl is putting
up an addition. to his louse. Prospects
for the fruit crop are good. The scholars
of S.S. No. 10 were kindly entertained at
the residence of Mr. John ,Blackboroueli;
on the 241h, Mr. W. Robertson lost a
valuable dog recently, supposed by cramps.
We are sorry to have to announce the
eath of Mr. fohn Cowan, sr., winch took1 Mr. lioraceFoster, Clinton was appointed
place on the 15th inst. , Deceased had' •secretary of the meeting, ati'd reports frora
been suffering for a, Icing time i'ro)naoan. nemicipalities were then called for.
cer, which had been operated on, but un-
successfully. Rey. John Gray occupied neroems moat mtranetramues.
Temperance Convention •m Clintoo,
„ TUN 0.01,11ITY.
• .
The Scott Acti" be sitilitted,
en Tuesday last nearly four hundred dile,
gates assembled in the town hall, Vlinton, to
consider the advisability. of submitting the
Scott Act to a vote in the county, This was
the lam* tiouvention• ever held in Huron,
delegates being meant from all eeetione,
with theexception of Ashfield. many of them
at coneiderable inconvenience and expense,
and the trouble porno of thorn had taken to.
• get here showed their zeal lir the cause,.
Among those present were ministers repre.
senting all religions denominatiens, and at
One titne during the proceedings no less than
thirty ministers were on the platform togeth,
er, snowing not only by their presennuthat
they were in sympathy with the movement,
but expressing their entire willingness to
enter heartily into any work neceesary to ear.
ry the act,
Mr. D. D. Wilson, of Seaferth, called
to the 'chair, And in making a short address
he stated that while he had been somewhat
undecided AB to what course to take in refer-
ence' to tbe aot,' he quickly came to a favor-
able deoision when he sew the liquor dealers
contributing so largely_te. oppose the act.
Mr.:Spenee, of Toronto, nOt being able to
be prilsent, Rey. Mr. Snlith, of grskine Pres-
byterian chinch, Toronto, took his place, and
pax° an address GB to the general principles
of the act,
the pulpit of the Union chUrch
25th insti his sermon •wes very faverAhly.
doinwaitqa on, •• • •
the hakf. of Ashfiehl; 4?htl'..WattilinetoU.JorAY-.*-2-----
Dr. Worthington,' of Clinton, .spoite on
ere! Doras. hiephden dl. '
.. ; • • • moitittse , •
• 11S1r4..v7rrirt0r7o8firtoteea:
Bean, . , f , s WOO •azg • : • .
• .•
, Ford, of Woodharii,.,los..Irvine, Kirkton 'and • • • '
on Wednesday? inyitatiOns were extendea
Bitigt's....--Morrie had a 'IV' iveddincr • W. Hid, for 'Osborne ; Bey, E. Pletcher; a ••
Zurich; and A. 17. '. Parker, of Hensall; for
Only to: the aristocracy of the. place and Itiiy; Jas. Wanlese,' of Varna, .j, Miller, of •
*11 ear relatiVes. A resident keens a vicious
KiePP1314n 'r.
. a 1 lotaRwe eivl- Na nrd. OiDanby,Sne 1 fool; , ES txttleery. ;; ' '
bound on his premises, to the annoyance BV,
*Laren, -A. Elcoat, R. Barber, and
inconvenienceof the passers by. • • We Liner,. for Tackersmitki Revs. John mei . • ' • •••
gh larl ,0 and pwaes s don't 'him likeon t. hi fe. irw auye fit , o ii os ewee lo,e't rt : James and ' ' Clray W. 0 Searle, J. 0, Stevenson,
We mean tpat a ball through his Werth-
Birks r.. . or . nigton," for. Clintoa ; Ray.. Mr.
D W th' o .J. pnylcr, and J*.• Ito.wden, for Gode- . •
lesa-eranium, and rid :ourself of ft sworn rich toavnshio ; •Ilev. W. liatigh forBityfield i.
there. - . '.. • ' : ' , .
4ppeorance Of making a fair trOP, hile
Fall wheat, .that.itt. ode time had the e•nen'Y' '
his thoroughbred Durham, for old: eoun- gledliglr on.d,:w_Haeltd.a(1113e0;s•hf;orit'eCliellsa7r.trea;
try merkets,-for 0, cts„ per lb.
1.1.1r,'D, Bosnian has 'disposed of Revs. Sanderson and $abine, and Mesnre. •••
The aiti-' Auldi4' iielialo'
since been plowed up. Many:fields •pre- •
. • mat is an exceptionally nne one, and will: Whitechurch.; Mr, Bind, J. BistIon, and Bey. •
sent'a-pooraspect. • '
probably draw its o*ner $150.. ' . . Alr. McQuarriii, for. Wingliarn ; • Bev.. lir.-
Brandies Moon, who ha been sick for
• -.Fisher, Messrs, Hili,„ltoa.rson and, Jewett, .
sone time, - with alung complak irk we . '7-1'
' • •
sseeisieue. .• , • - for.Morris;, Mr Wright,.F.', ' Waif, for Blyth; •
are glad to say, able to be out again, look- : - • T., A. lleid,-,11....Thri7, odd ..OY. Mr.. Chalmees,
:. .. : . • . SIOK:NESs.,-Litliss A. Higgins • daughter.
ing'soniewhat better. .
for Blaevale ; 11. Adana • and G. Newton, for. '
of Mr. ,Ts. Higgi.ns; of the. Bay'field..road,
There is at present. a disease. raging LondeebOroT•;•'W. H. herr, Rave: Messre,,,Ttoss . . . ..
among the horses in thisneighborhood of Stanley, who during.the winter waS terieh- , and Cloppison, Brussels ; . Alessrs. ' Smith, ..... , " •
ing at,Brussels4 has been'at hoine for smite Gemin
the epizootic nature, which seems.'to baffle elloand• Itev. Mr. Hartley,
the skillof the veterinary Surgeon Ttirnlaerry;•
• *Mr: .Sharp, of Seeforth,. has purchased . ,
One, -on account of ill, health.. .Sheitair messrs. Flashenn.ai3dW
. alker, Hetrick. ; Rey. ".. ; '- •
. '. . ,,----.•
to resign lier ••sitaation on that account,. Mr. Braun, Wi4eter; John
frem. Mr. Braithwaite aline two-year. Old PElliott W. Bias; •
Mils still in a very low state.:' " • GI ey ; A:. Gotenlock , D, Moran, Campbell • Bei,
. . . ', •
'colt .for the Shin lei $171; al---Mns,grave, *Killen; RevTM
so One . from :.• ' - •
---*•. ,., ••*-4.--'7,--;•=--"; ' ' •
. j. Wilkinson, D. Wy.nn, 5. •lates; Gocletich;. • ••
'Adam Elliott for $170 ;..both tine animals': ' ' ' - .' ..:- • MALIcil-EsirElt- • ''. • •
llareaos.-.-The••24th was. eelebratest-here ....t. Beattie, M. Y. ISIaLsatir,SCriforth, • .. ..
thishea felt bad over the Clair, , our re- ' Arr. John Biggin, 2nd coli.,7 of whose... '.
in a very -,qttiet initener: A:livelr game The' verbal remits' froni each:municipality . ,
porter was teld '.that- One of their), passiag file ess.:,mention waa recently . Made,. died '
of base balloccupied a Part of the' atter- were geneeally favoiable to the patisage ofi the r' .• .
k f ,,The damned beggar didn't
clown Street before Moines was dead,.'made :On ,.Wednesday; lie bed 'resided in' this... act, and as speaker after speaker got up and
noon. Fishlng,seenis to have had the *-
neighborhood for a. good: inany•years; and
. ,
gaye••information inspeeting hia. Ideality/ the • '. ' • ; • •
get near epough." :::•, ':.." • ' ' ' ' • . . , ' was. held in much respect.: • • .. .: dominance over all• other sPO1-ts.' 1n 'fact,
- Mainea, the mnrdmed man, Was Said to be • • Mr. James Braitlityaite left on Tuesday the .river banks -.were literally alive All-• prospects .fodr the inecessful. carrying .of the
a man of hot temper, but. not given et :all tO Morning,,A.ecompenied hy his sen• Afar- dear, some hiving made a•iery good'cittett were not -Of them:oat sanguine nature, but by • ,
, ,actappeare.to be :: bright: All the repOts . .
makingtronble, and. hia• sons are. said tO be
fg uouituaily peaceable dispositioe. With the I sliall;. fin. .-Lexinktont,. IKentucky," tvhere A party of Vorestera were.out on.. *Tree.. ::far the greater majority were. , •,.. -.. , . • -
.peetinzexcursion,•trying•to• locate af,..suit.' - , • • • •• • • • • .••• • • ' .• • .
'exception of Thes..M. Beamisli, this familyl.,.... -_
are favorably speken• of, and. the objection •"•
ithey purpose purchasing a debit...farm', if
they are -•laiorably' hepreased with' the sinpirrrnio' TEN: ACT. • • . '
againet•this-one is. that he is of 'a quartelsoine ,•- :
country'and limate.- "• - • • • •• '
Mr Tnosi•e••Mai;n reeeived•it telegrain
disposition, • .. '., • ' , • • • • ,. •: • . , , , ., . ., . al
-. During: the 'inquest one of tile Beamishbeii last: Monday that. his •daughter, Sarab,
stated • that one of the sticks which he had. • Who relidea in the county 'of Sitncoe was
brought down' free, :the house, and afterwards. n ot'eXpeeterl tot liVe. • 'She has. been • slit -
handed to She corabatants, had been prepared. feting; from droia' sy,
expressly by ono of his' brothera. :. This is the, and hite, been in .a _' • ' WEST WawaEosii. • • ' '
ck wbiehis Sapposed to have inflicted Biel poet Slate of heath tbe last year., •. • : . ' • iitiEF.8.--,We record. the death of Wil,:,
... Whet might have been -a fatal accident ' •liaiii,. Zen of .= My. Wm . -Glen, On the.25th.
fatal blows, mats about two, teetliing, ful130 :inst.., ,at the early 20. of twenty 'years. De-
an inch in, thickness, and could,..be'tised with happened the ether 'day.. two young •
ceiseed:•Wae. interred in Dungannon: ceine- ,
fearful. effeet . by any one do • disposed • An boys, of tlidll•th coir,''; while. out sheeting • •
•adze handle was also,uped, -which tbe BetinV. - • •
with a. breach leaditio'-aliet (qui 0 Thu -
-, , -,
'tile Presbyterian .chneeli, et St, Helens; on
, n rs terY.'.. Contintinion !service's were. held in :
ish boys carried.home•and burned: ." •••• , •• - day, had some difficulty' in getting th,e.
It,lip 2,411 haat.. The. ReY, Mr Pritchard,
--Pmiti the evidence Mr. /30ainisli does,'•ricir• •
•-..- cartridge into the. barrel, and'underteok
ot•MinicheSter„ preached On Friday', Erol
•aPpeitith-"Talie :takea a.nv. part in the „fight; ,11.4.. . it .
to. drive Win With a Stone anti•nail, ltaii8-
Gregg; tit '.IC.nox. Cellege;: on • . Sabbath
though. o good many • Semmes : are :indulged ; to explode, • almost severing the
in not dieditable to hinii whiCh may not have thumb and finger frOni. the:bend of one of inereing; raid .Dr. Burns in the..evening.'
the : slightest 'foundation •whateVer. • Ilia the boys ,• They' now say•therprefer. the Dr. Burns is itr bu Ild,:ativoeati lig the claims:
0:mese in preventing the interference of young . .. • . . ,,• . ., . , . -
Maines to resell° Ws father ie however, Nor old. fitshlened shiit. gun,..., • : . .. , .. .
of K..rie.-Cellege. ., :. • :- ' •
. mia ciallecti ng lands for the .:ende Win Mit
. - - . . ..• , • . • •
• •
strongly .conainented Upon., and:while he •
.. .......
mak, , :' . ,•'• 0 OnEuiplui "tuntNsiii.i,.•."' ' . '
. —
le entirely free fermi 'all - active - participantyt • 'Couseit..-.- Council Met on 'Monday aa a- ' ' . . .. . ,
: e• • Inurr. ALBERT.
iti the,dreadful Affair,. he Willearry through :...
life a measure Of' responsibility foe' that act,l!iMixiteliouse's Appeal against his real,property
Court fortevising, the assessinent roll. Mr,
• keeps good. liernes. •'. Ile' has a telt iu tritin-
liOnsisreli.jies,Setitt, of this vicinity,.
if,not legally, morallY at le•ast. ' •
: ' , ' .?' -being too high.,..aviti considered andthe thine ing, • Which ',attracts , ConSiderable" otten.;
•redueed 6200. The entire roll was then care- tioc, M r. 0. •Hatyk ins has st peir of ceits
We 'have. tried' to give a true: report .of the fatly gone over and•confitraed. :Qotaidii hiliii which promise. to make' good driters, • .Mr„,
-facts of this hotrible affair,, just as we 'found 'nese was then •proceeded. with. . The amount Wm.' MCMilliin hake': nod -young • colt
them at Blyth. We hove no- desire whatever to bb eatpended, on roads and hridges in. each Which will likely take the calte,solnetime,-•
:to prejudice. US ease; tier:oust any,reileetions' . .
whatever upon• any of • the participants .' In. ,subdivision (4 and 61nSiting elle) will be ENO: as a heavy •dranglit stallion... Mr. G. Ersiiin
/n.refererice to the appointment of a board of keepi a black inttre„phieh•is a rare one to.
the interest of the public we have -placed' be. .health, • as pee statute,: jai. tr, Elliott, r41••
fore there what were given: to its as lacte, Achetiou;•' and Ina: Deacom • were appointok look at, and it .rare: one to. go.' ; mist of
and if we do an injustice, to anyone it is un the reeve and clerk being ex officio menibere ; them fled it pretty bard to pais Goinia on
. intentional, and we shall Oen, be too gltal to the road,,When he Shakes.the lines behind
oat the matter right; • • •': • -•, the board will hold its first meeting at 10 am.
on Monday, Jane O. Council then adjourned his. : dark haired totter. Mr...R. H. De-
.• ' • • .frucEEKSilliTti. - •• . - . • ., .•
Patton,...elerk. •• . • • •:' . • .'
• te nill'et On the 1st Monthly:in:July, James
is , having her Well :cared:for,' cut in the"'
Long has a3rotting.roare, also a'bek. •Re
. Alin Lia:cic.-r-A. few days Since Mr. A. . .. - . .country; Richistd ivantS to have her in
•Elcoat' hail the misfortune to lose: an ex, • ' • . noteuttnyti,r,E; 7 . •• . 7 good trim' for the rues,: when. they ne.xt
•eellent breeding ' niare; foaling was the -take placeatGoderich.: Afelf.'Greharea
• cituse• Of death :•• ..: • . - Derees.-The. B.. O. chinch Was sold on
Monday, by anotiea.Mrs. Pickard being the roadrnare,•111-Onde, has it' good many. ed-
. OTHIRCII ti,R-OPHNING..-T4e 'Methodist hayer, itt $1,025; the SMool Trusteeeinede a Miters among local horserium, who •whold
church at Turner's appointment has been. 'strong:effort to get the building... The repairs - 'like to : see her put in training. for '. the
undergoing repairs . tor a Short%titnet and to the -Methodist church are progressing well. course; Mr. ' Graham; ' -however, • lias net.
these being concluded, ' the chereh vvilibe last week, between Meesrs,
An aesault case 'occurred On the Huron road yet. deeided•io • do sO. Mr, Wm..:MCCon-•
Bobt. Mepallagh nell, jr,, Of . the 4th etni. Ashfield,.has a
re -opened .for service . osi. Sander next," and nobt. Taylor, abont the
wthen.11ev. *ladies CasWell,:er Dungannon,.. which may yet result seriously.
'former'e_aattica • lively young ' .horae, Which will -hold ite
Wall.likettcli, morning ,and evening, tollee, °Wats that Taylor first struck hid with a
Mcu'lliagn • own agaifistan0St.tintrained herses in. this
titans And .subseriptions will be taken up stone, whieli.he threivbaek, crushing in Tay'. part Of •the 6Ohntry. :Mr. Gee, .Tepsen las
at buth.setviees to meet the, 'ekpenses in- !bell slaiill,' froin the .effeets nrivhich he lies griEt a Mato" for his :bay, and he has nosy
etieeeet• - . • . , • ' ' • • . . in a. preearzons condition; McCullagli. was . ' ' • ' • . '
• -what the boys call it " Mashing " team
. • , • , ., . - • • • • . • - • • • • • 13111th:18.-A tea meeting. or Concert is.
, -..............._. . . . . . • arrested, and released on bail, himself in,. El,- - • • • -.
• . •• , • hostiEsBoito, ,0 1 .' .. • 000,, and .O 'gaiety,. for .61,000, • .The Water io VP - • : P • .
ken Of to take' lace in cAndetion with
BitiltVs•-•At the regelitemeeting de the '
• the,. river is yet .so high that .work on the t a union 5.-. S. here. Alia II. Ilawkins,,
a. O. Poresterslare, the following officers bridge has net yet •been Started., ' • • . : of Blind River.' Algorea,,is the guest of
and delegates were elected :.B..Clitirchill,, • . ' ----.---;:eest•e-e-ssimi---;-.--
,corenottene. • .:,' • • ;': •,
. . MIA -Lizzie' Rawlins Miss -Kate Hawkins
• 0, IL .1 1). Fall; "V, 0: R.; 'Geo. 'Newton,. has reterned • froei a visit , to. friendS in
: R ' -- V I P AV lk -'' '° sin'll .1 f
als.ts.-i r. . P. a er a saw . 1 e t London. . Mt 'rah Doubos has. gone to
R. See.; . A; .W.00dthan, F. Sec.; George ..S8 84
tInfoisille kat week, we believe it is his in Granthitin,? Treas..; .G. Siiell,-5. W. ,-: Wm. tention tO• return in thii fall. A ptectieal vigitillentis in•Stanier, -Air. Pillow, who
rtilley,.3.• W. • 13, Tuck, S., LI Wm. T. has been Staying with hie son, Mr, 'Wm,
Bruisdon, J. fl.; WM. StevetneChaC. and. bridge builder gave his opinion .on the plan 'T. Pillow, for. Some time,..hategone home.
!Res, A. VVoodinan and Geo,'Grinithitta ler the Hlomeiwille 'bridge arid says the bents He lives 211 Stratford, but likes to visit the
Wetas eleated•deiegates to the. High Court 3 t•
are to cleat) 'together, a large piece •of 100 will • Pert. Oiled 111 41 while. Mr. A. C. Hawkins,
e‘ce two bents mail eons° the water to . wash
_at Toronto, od the lOthof Jiine; this is. the •fotintlatiOn -Way underneathr; • the spans who hasso ably and energetically attended
one of the largest courts in existence, and should he 'one hundredIeet at the least. j. to the Government work at the. harbor
ie iti a flourialling condition. The bridge Baer, sr., :of •Witterleo,' Wee, viSiting in this t i :
here for so many.years, bee received' Offi-
.otethe railroad s now finished, exeept Nation lest week... . • • .•cm,. instruetione to 40 on with the im-
filling up the ends,.it IS a fine. plead of . ., . provetrients laid out to be done thisyear.
work, and well it might he there.was time Ilfr:: Geo. Hawkins is erecting a bariefand
13igPuah Wilkinson has been staying.iii ,; stables, The building will be a commodi-
enough event at it, Twe . parties Oil the Ottawa for the pad •few daps livilgAt the ous oue, Mr. Mahafty has, been doing 4
10th and llth con. of Ilttliett had altand Oran& Union 'Hotel. Ilis MiSelOn here good bisinesa; shipping flour,,Itiniber, Ste.,
toliandfight oti the Seed Act the•.other
day, and the SOOtt Aet Man eitirie Olt was in Connection with the conspiracY Misni lately, Thos. Richardsen his started a
ahead; right against: inight the: former arid. therefore his movements ' were of Li. shingle Mill, •and is running it steadily*,
Aridly. private charm -der, 'Ple did , not The 24th passed te rather qtfietly here,
around here to •the meeting at Clinton,
must eidapier, ,About a dozen went front register iiii "big pooh," hot yet as 'Mikity,. .Tbo' peotile manifeSted their leyeltyybow-
lion, but, copying art example -from English' eiteroufficiently well. Severe' pieces of
on, the 27th, and gave- very favorable re- ittistonritoy, le trayeling ondet the name. ..
ports,as to the probahilitiee ofthe ScottAct . of d' Maedomtld,'.' which, considering his the mothipg, The fariuerittifthe vieinity
herding Were flying. from an early hour in
Adams was appOinted ViceePro, for Elul, -
carrying by it large majority ; Mr." IS' Mint netiona„ ts. -considered highly ap- hat% taken nd*antage of the Into line wee,-
. propriate•• He 'had a lengthy. interview ther, Co got in their .seed.. The continuous
left, Mr. "IV Young has again started with Sir John on Saturday; and the ,op.' rains, however, preVented Work to eneltan
to. bring bread to the village, lad ,Ititeee
it. for sale et Newton's. tin shOP. Orations of •the,contpiratore were ditietiased' extent, filet e good deal' of it yet remailia
. . et great length; , -
Able place for their pie-nie on the Gtlf of .
June. A geed time is expected. Mr. Wen- -
After bearing tenet:fa frOM all . portions of : .• ,
the 'county, theaaboirinan asked those present•
gal is • busy. at .his new house this • weeki• -11 ;t •tv,as•their • desireAnd inteitiOn.to submit ' '• -
Last week M. r. Ai MeKe,nzie was. found the act, and. every individual in the large as ' • .
rejoicing .over the birth of a daughter, ... semblage rose to his"feet in approval thereof: . ' ? •
:' • •• El•ECTION or 0E7,1+10E11g., , .' .
,, ifb‘ing deeided to term • a Scott Aet 'SW..
eiation for the ccianty, the Work Was proceed- . ' • . ,
'Ad With througy a committee .of five,• whir:re-
ported iirfaVor of the 'following, each mune , , •
fora municipality being a yieepresident :•••7-.• ! • :.
Pretident. D. D. Wilson, Seaforth ; Secretary . . ••
Boriese • pester, . Clinton; Treasurer; '3; 0... : .... •
clinten. -.Vice•Presidents-Ash• ""---,:' '
field, .7: Stevenson,alleugh ;.Bayfield,' Jos:. • Wallace ; - , . ,.‘ • '
BlYth, LT, McQuarrie ';. Bruthela, W. 11.1Cerr ;. .. '+,'
Clinton, Dik Williams: ; Colborne, J. Stewart; . - . 1/4,• -
Exeter, 0. -Snell ; ,Goderieli, Jos; Williams ; •••-•:-
Goderioh tp, B. hfiford ;,Giey, Demean me,: ••
Donald; Hay, I, Bean ; Howick, Jog. V...
Smith ; /I ullettr_11..---A:danis ; McKillop,,And• :. '
GreVenlock;. Al orris,ISaac Rogerson ; ScafOrth,
A rm.:Beattie ; Stan leyiJas.Watiless ; Stephen;
14. Hogarth ,-. Tuckersinita B.Sivillie• 1 •Turn- •-
berry, J. P. 'Timmins.; 'Osborne, ann.. Irvioa' .; • "
E. Wawanosh,•Robt.Currie f .W.D.Watiaatiosh,..
•Jno. Washington ; .Wingbam, P. 'Pael*nati•';
Wroxeter,•Oeo, Beane, • •, . ' •
The report Was adopted, and it was deeided • . : •
that' . Clinton Would be considered as the ......_ ,. :.....
headquarters for the Executive' Com tattoo, it .
beteg the most central pined' in the cottnt ' -..
•Other details Were arranged for, such as ram- • . •
partition of netitien0,: engagement- of speakers,
ing funds re carry on the' contest,' the pre- ••• •
.Which' t,lilt•etA.O4:11ventio.n ..proper. tict.
.,- rUELII . . MEETING. ; . , .
etc.., •af tor ,
. .
journed, . : • • - • .. . .
. ,
• , - •
In ,the evening o mass meeting Waslield in ....
the. town hall, . which. Was peeked from. one •; •.
end to the other, te hear • addresses on the , • ....
tenipertince question. The, "Lord's Army" •
oecupied the platform With the speakers, and •
sang several of their, •stirring meth during . ,
khe eveding. Bev. T.M. Campbell,(Methodist) • '
rif Goderida was •th&firkt on tho programme,' •
and he set forth eleorly the reasons Why the • •
,Scott 'Set should bo eartiod In the county, ' .."1 • .
believing. it to be in the interests Of and for . •
'the:benefit of all mankind; Bev, lt,Y. • Hatt. . • '
leY,'(Peesbyterian). a Bluevate, followed, giv. • ,.
ing his experienac, and the result of his ob. . '
nervations. in Halton, to show that ' the act; - . • •
Was, working well there, not*ithataticling
What Was said to the contrary, and demon- ' -•-., . ,
striding that people were well satisfied with
its operations. - Rev.. Mr. Smith, (Presbyto• .
..rion) Toronto, followed with on:expellent:ad.. '•
• dress, is whielf was "Mingled not alittle hu-
mor . that . kept the aildience in laughter, ,
though all ine-Intinerisms were welhput illus-
trations, intended te imPreas certruntruthe '
on tho ininds el his hearers, relating to moral
reforms, and his arguments tri favor of a total
Prohibition of the H•atter traffic ,wera int.
fulable, .
A..hearty vote of thanks to the chairman,
D. D. Wilson, and. to• the speakers, brought '
the Meeting to ti -close.• • . ' :• • ,
lithe interest manifested iii. this eonven.
tionis an incliCatiOn of the feeling throtighoat
the coantyt it is . quite certain that thetAct
will be earried by a sweeping.majority. Great •- •
enthnsiainn was inanifested by the delegatoi,' •
.willing to enter, the contest, and would. do . , '
and the remark was Made by some that they
were too sanguine. However, all appeared II
their utinOst: to ferther the interests of ha,." ••••• • ,
\cause, . ,•••• ,
Inanity by energetic Work for the teinperance •. ••••*.
. I
., It iN worthy Of Mention that all the papers
ill the county, poseesting any influcince, are
favorable to tbe act, . , .
mine Lightning• . '
There are Ma te0 that havanot suffered sharait ei
tolerable pain from toothache, neuralgia, or eh° war
poin9. To them MIMI iallWant relief as Viola Light. '
ning Is an untold blessing hi tline of trouble. So
gusting offensiVoinfdleines to be taken for days. One
application of Mind Lightning cures. Sold et COMI•014 .
• , .
• to be done. ,