HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-16, Page 10CLINTON NEW ERA.
VFPAY, MAY le, 18$i.
LoeAl., Nonce&
or If you mat barrjettri,ety 4.00.pu, 8
Raisins at 5 c. per lb.
the light•running new IIonte Sewing Machine,
which: takes the lead,
EGGS. -The subscriber, as usual, will this season
pay the highest eash price for any quantity of fresh
eggs. TILOS, NOPER, Grocer, ,Albert St., Clinton
commences a Marino Sale qf Ais took stock
on Saturday next, preparatory to winding tip
PARLOUR SUITES in endless variefy.
Also, Upholstered Goods of. all kinds, which
wit/ 'be sold cheap, at the Red Rocker Par-
viture Store, Albert Street.
,,...11WAS evening in arab Owl the soft zephyrs sighed
Through branches low-beneung above,
14y Nary p.ndj, WO wandered along
And whispered of beauty and love,
Well make us a nest like the birdlings, I said,
Arid. never shall part any more. •"
Oh, yes, she replied, and can furnish it nice
At the RED 11000010 Finan= STORK.
"Fair creature !there's many a wealthier rum
Would gladly have you for a bride,
But no one can:love you more fondly than 1,
My treasure, and beauty, and pride !
Oh ! had I a mansion with carpets of gold—
And of silver—I'd cover the floor."
But smiting, she field, "You can purchase the best
" 111 spread you a couch upon which to recline
When evening shall call -us -to rest,
01 the fleeciest down." but she said with a sigh, •
" 1 like BENNETT% mattresses best." •
"Then so shall it bo, leve—and tables
And seats from some lar -distant shore.
"Olt, no," she exclaimed, "they have elogiTt oua
lrst •
We went 1 Happy day ! Can 1 ever foiget
The pleasure that beamed in her fate,
As be gazed at the marvels of beauty displayed
In this most beautiful place.
We furnished our nest in an elegant style,
Been 'married a twelvetnonth or more,
And Mary is singing this Bong to her babe,. •
• A. . A. BENNETT,
Sign of the Red Rocker, next to garland Bros.,
Albert street, Clinton.
DR. APPLETON has returned from
his health -restoring trip, and "has •nOw
resumed his 31-edietil practice.
(Minion, April 2-8rd, 1884.
Mit. N. H. Ransford has returned fromToryland, Maine. • '
Mn. McArthur, mason, of Wiutiani.
has moved his family to town.
Ain. Jacob Taylor iias returned from
London, and resumed work here. •
THE booth privilege on the Driving
Park, will be sold by auction next 'Wes-
Iday. •
• : MA. M. HovEy,'of St. Thomas, (Wier
• ofMr. C. E. Hovey,) is visiting friends
• here.•
• A PARTY from town caught forty fish
: ria about an hour. at Trick's mill dam, one
:evening last week. • •
MR. LAIDLAW, representative of the
London Advertiser; gave us a call on
• Wednesday last.
SINCE the lat of January last Mr. Thos.
•fttevensen, undertaker, has attended no
u.lese than 31 funerals.'
WE had a call this week from Mr
Mitchell, of the Goderich Star,: and --Mr.
Woodcock, of Goderich. _
MR. D. M. Malloch, insnettor, is back
ii town, after spending two weeks among
the schoels of Howiek and Morris.• • .
'ORDER power of mortgage D. Blain -
son will sell all the effects of W; Wilson,
lot 23, con. 1, Hay, on Saturday next.
ON Sunday, while attending a fallen&
In the country, Mr. J. C. Stevenson had
the misfortune to break the tongue of the
hearse. ••
MEssns. T, Jackson & .ion, live the
job of making Suits for the Uoderich
Bicycle Club. trite boys will look nice
in their uniform.
Ain. John Conolly, (late of this town)
now of Listowell High School, has been
appointed Precentor of the Presbyterian
church in that town.
A MAN named Daley lost a ,finger at
the Organ Factory last week,- and may
possibly loose more before his • hand. re-
covers from the injuries sustained.'
NVIIILE Mrs. -Cole, who resides , on Al-
bert street, was, doing something on the
roof of her house, on Friday; she . slipped
down to the ground, injuring herself some,
what. ••
A womAx named Ferguson applied - to.
-the Reeve,'on Friday, for. $10 to her
fare to Chicago; lie told her t e charity
funds were exhausted,. but gave her a "hol-
ler out of his own pocket.. • ,. • •
NOTWITHSTANDING the fact •that the
• Queen's Birthday this year falls on Satur-
day, this will be the day .observed as a
holiday in Clinton, and for. which a good
programme of sports has been arranged.
WE have been.. getting the fain' this
month, which we should have had in
• April ,• during the past. two weeks it has..
rained almost every day; while 'the, at-
roosphere has been raw and unpleasant. -7.
SEA FORTE has,...the start of Clinton in
one respect—the Mayor, Reeve, Deputy,
.itnd six councillors are members Of the
temperance lodge. Several members of •
the Board here are 'temperance. advocates, i
ON Friday last the drum of the Lord's•
army drew a good many 'people out of
their houses,. some sneak thief. took ad-
vantage of. the occasion,,And entering a
front door on Victoria treet, tarried oir
lady's cloak.
•MbiS Udraggarti otMOOtreal,is
visiting* relatives hero.
ifow.A, 11.4k4, Prinincial Treasur-
r was in town' on Monday,
Miss .TxxXix GEA.Y. of Seafortb, was
Visiting Airs. Chant this week,
THE London Free Press has donned a
new spring suit, and its typographical
appearance is much improved thereby.
MEssns. Solea.and Herbert, came up
Tor examination before MaYor Horton, of
Gederich, in connection with the Outrage
case du Wednesday, but as the girl Bates
is still unable to appear in court, they
were a second time remanded for eight
ON WEDNESDAY afternoon Mrs. Thos,
tripling feR head -first into an open cellaf
way, falling heavily on her shoulder. It
was at first thought she had sustained fa-
tal injuries, but while she received a
pretty bad shock, no serious results are
THE SICg.—WO are sorry to hear that
no hopes whatever are entertained of the
recovery of Airs.Wna.lobertson, who has
been ill for some time, The wife ef "Mr.
A. W. Carslake is else ill yith inflam-
mation of the bowels;aard. Mrs. Hinehley
has Leen suffering frorn the same ailment,
but is recovering, Mrs. Gordon lies very
111 at the residence of Mr, Wm.- Cooper,
4, medical man in town, tieing called .out
into the country the other day. found 0,
family in which five of its members were
down with scarlet fever. Mr, Wm.. 11u
ray still continues very low with rheu.,
SPORTS.—On the Queen's birthday a
lacrosse match will be played en the show
grounds here, between the Dauntless, of
town, and Shamrocks, of Kiricardine,
commencing at 10 a. in. •A base ball
matcli will be played at the close of the
tacrosse match, between the Clinton and
Brussels clubs, and .a .cricket match be-
tween Clinton and Wingham elubs, In
the afternoon a football match will be
played between the Clinton and Brussels
town football' clubs, commencing at 3.30.
These, with the other sports of.the day,
will form a very pleasant day's .sport.
The • Doherty Organ Band pill be in • at-
langer has sold Iota and 8, Dinsley ter-
race, 31 acres, withlmall house thereon,
to Mr. A. Pinder, for the Sum of $'500.
Mr, W. 11.: Steep has sold to Mr. James
-Churchill the west half ot lot 24, Bayfielcl
concession, Goderich township, 100 acres,
for the sum of $3,400. Mr. George Swin-
bank has sold his,house and lots just be-
low the railroad, to Mr. Geo. Swallow, for
• the sum of $650. Air. Thos. .Tackson, jr.,
• has sold his quarter -acre lot on the Rat-
tenbury survey, Orange street, to Mrs..
Fulivell, late ,of England, for the sum of
$170; this lady intends to build .on .the
• lot. • Mr. 11. Elford has sold fiye acres on'
the Maitland concession,, Goderich town-
ship, to Mr: E, Levis; for the sum Of $110.
• HORSE NOTES.—Mr. RehryCarter, of
Goderich township, has sold his ehestmit
driving mare to Mr. J." Macke% V. S.
Mr,. G. Swars bought a 'chestnut pony
from Farmer Bros., Exeter, for$150.. Mr.
Davis; of Michigan, is purchasing horses
here._ Mr. Beattie has added a fine black
team to. his livery; purchased in the neigh-
borhood of ZurIch.. Messrs. 0: Mason, of
Tuckersmith,and Pat:Curtain,of Usborne,
returned. from the.old country, on Friday,
the- former bringilig seven stallions, of
various ages, and the latter ten. Mr.Geo.
0ex, and anotherbuyer, of Dptroit,Mich.,
is here buying 'lases. It is said that
more stallions are travellipg this season
than- ever before, although .nearly every
.horse on IL route is an imported one. Mr.
Thos.- Walker this -Week sold a horse for'
NOT cOnnEor.—The Toronto Mail has
issued. What it calls a Canadian newspaper
directory, but if the supposed facts.. given
in ithre no more correct for other plades
.than they are for Clinton, at is a worse
than worthless publication. 'rho. NEw
Btu is classified as a Conservative paper;
the year it Oommenced is incorrect, while
our circulation ,placed Mrbelow the
actual figures. So far as tieing h guide to
advertisers goes, the directory • isaiso
worthless; as the advertisements of many
, of the newspapers' quoted therein bear
falschoed on the face of them: Ref in-
stance, -the Guelph Herald claims the
largest circulation in Wellington, while
the Guelph Mercury claims the largest in
Central. Ontario, Now, one of these must
be lying; and the Goderich Signal, lin its
advertisement, states that "by general
admission it basil lar.ger circulation than
any other newspaper in this part of the
country," which. is another falsehood.—
We siippose the.fact that the NEw Thu
refused tolnatronize the directory • One
reason why incorrect figures are-puhliShed.
about it. • " • '
. .
TOP; LORD% .A11.1117,—On Friday the
first detatcbinent of the Lord's Arniy
came here and commenced services in the
town hall, in the evening; having a very
large crowd as an, audience. Ot course
the great majority went out of cariosity.
The army consisted of five ince and three
worsen, who come hero from Mitehell.
Re-inforcements have since been added to
their =Aber, and daily servics are being
held under. their direction. • The crowd
that assembled in the town hall on Tues-
day aliening, to bear them, was thelail_pst
that.ever gathered in that, buildi ng, almost
every foot of room being occupied. Some
hbre have already professed conversion
.throughtheir instrumentality. This coin -
puny, although similar to, the Salvatien
Army, claim to be an improvement on
them, as.they permit no foolish antics or
exclareations on the streets; ...or in ° their
Meetings, and only seek the 'religioiti in-.
threats of the community, by urging every
sinner to reform and seek conversion: Cp
to the present' time little extravagance or
unseemly conduct haataken place in their
meetings, and the worst that can be said
about them is their apparent levity in
some Utile tunes they sing, and 111 parad-
ing the streets with flag, drum, mouth
organ, etc. As their object iglu the right
direetion,°, and they/ are said to do good
among a Certain class of the community,
it is to be hoped that if they do not re,
-mite the countenance and support of all,
no obstacle will be thrown in the way to
prevent them from enjoying the utmost
degree of liberty. The youths of town,
who go along the street* ridiculing the
songs of tho army, have very little to do,
and might be engaged in something bet-
tor. If their names were given they would'
perhaps. feel a little RS -hauled of their
LIC 10)15.
Mn. Homer Cooper has returned from
the west; while he has no fault to And
with things generally as they exist in the
States, he could not tolerate the Sunday
work which is expected of those •who are
employed in stores and elsewhere.
FIRE OnAcians.—The lollowing, from
a Mitchell paper,
we commend to the
authorities of this town :—At last meeting
of council the constable was instructed to
prosecute in every case where he found
the by-law violated,in regard to the firing
off of guns or fire crackers witlibi the
limits ftho corporation. This has been
found necessary in-consequenees acti
dents likely to arise by the running Wily
of spirited horses.
•TAX4 " Clear GAM" of Exeter, play the
Clinton Base Ball Club, a snatch on the
show ground here, *next .fuesday after
I Men,
I BPILIIMG otrs.—Mr.T.Jaeksaa bas
purchased a white brow fence,,svhich be
expects to erect in a few days, Ur. Thos.
Shipley is putting a stone foundation un-
der his barn. Mr. Relit. Mason, of the
base line, is making alarge addition to
his house. • Mr. S. Fowle is raising his
house. Mr. j. T. -Harland has been mak-
ing improvements/to his property on Rat-
tenbury St. Ur. Geo. Bowers has the
foundation of his new house laid on Huron
street. Mr.Wm. Mason's house, on High
street, is in advanced stage of convletion.
Cuors.'f---Although the spring is rather
more forward than the average, and. seed-
ing generally bas been done in good order
and early, the crops that are up are look-
ing none of the best. The fall wheat
generally was of very small growth last
tall, and in many places patches were
killed by the frost, causing about one-
eighth to be plowed up and re -sown, and
its growth this spring has not been very
good, and, -therefore, not much more than
half a crop can be expected. Owing to
the cold and wet spring grains are back-
ward and sickly looking,but
itgrass -pro-
mises a large yield. As is yet early in
the season, no certain forecast can be
made of the coming crops, bilt hopes Ui'ay
be `entertained
that the farmer's returns
'for the year will be fully up to the average.
, Ma, NV71310/, of 'the Canada Souther
Railway, is home on a
041,414ANDEE, of the Model School,
takes a trip to tbe northwest during the
slimmer halklitys,
AT TUB London assizes the grand jury
brought in a true bill against Dr, Whitely
on the Mall pox case: On Wednesday
evening Messrs. A, 0. Pattison, Whitely,
and others ,were summoned to appear on
Thursday, and got as far as Stratford,
when a telegram Informed them that the
case had been postponed until the General
The annual meeting of the shareholder
of this institution was held on Thursday
evening laet, in the Council Chamber, the
President- occupying the chair. A state-
ment of receipts and expenditureS was
submitted, audited by 'Messrs. G. E. Pay
and P. W. Watts, and found correct ---
There was a balance on band of $176,
which would have paid a dividend of over
14 per cont, but by a unanimous vote it
was decided to apply this amount toward
the liquidation of the 0ebt„ on capital ac-
count. This leaves the company with a
property of $1800, and, not over MO .en-
cunibrance. The first season' has been a
highly successful one and the manage-
ment are to bo congratulated. The bal- •
lot for directors returned Messrs, M.
Taggart, Forrester Tisdall,.Cooper and
Jackson. At a sUbsequerit meeting 'the
board elected Mr, Forrestei, President;
Mr. Manning, Secretary ; and Mr, Tisdall,
:Lust Ttotteivd.
Five different kinds. of TOBACCO.
Cups and Saucers, Mugs, Knives 'Scissors.
0 Hit of the Season.
• ... •
Bought at less ,than half-pricez
•5. 00
• •
• Ask to see them and get another bargain..
• •
• • •
. • •
. • • •
• 1.• • • • • I• •
Our MANTLE...De p artm.
Th most sitegeSsful season yet. NEW ORNAmEi\itp
• • and.BurroNs just in. •••
DON i?ORGET what We said about the BOYS. last week,.
; very- cheap.
Come and;eee 'Our large Variety Of good', • which a -re, beilig sold
• • ,• ' • ht. lowest prices..
• .
dzi Wiseman,
• •
000 - • .
' • '• •
JACKSON the . Tratter :is showing the 'IargeSt il.S8611 111613 t • Of
• .111o.f.1. Tipys' apit'adris' STRAW HATSII,
. . .
F1/1:44 LINE,
risty o lis
DRAB' J1110.11.). '.
• . •
• • •
. ' • - • •
The Army of People every Saturday carrying
°• away Clothing.
• Our $24 Scotch Tweed Suits, reduced to $21
• Our $22 Scotch Tweed Suits, . reduoed to $19 •
,Our $20 .Seotch,Sy English Suits, reduced to $17
• ur $19 Scotch 8tCanadiam. Snits reduced'to $16
Our $18 Scotch Sy Canadian Suits reduced to $15.
Our $1,6 Scotch Sy -Canadian Suits rednOpd to $14
,Our $15 Seotc4 Se Canadian Suits reduced' to $12
Our. Serges. and Worsteds are also reduced in
like proportion. . •
or We show. the Largest and Finest iange; Of
FOR W8M C3rXRdi..AS-
• our "LILLIE" STRAW -DAT at 41p..cents. • • Notliiiig has
. .ever been offered like it in this seetion.
. •
.Seoing is believing, so' come and Hoe for yourselves, BMW MAN AND BOY ilia
is going to buy a Sdit, should oOtno and sep out /Inixionso Stock and Low Prices.
We are the largest dealors in Clothing in 9ho county, Wo aro °giving more direct •' A
beeefit to the people thee hard times, than any other businesshouse in town. Consult '
its when you want ClOthing: 41- DON'T POROBT TO RBA)) TlIffi filrACti RVallir %MB,
. • -