HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-16, Page 9XR"q"W-
� 1.� I ..... . t . � I � loompo", . -Ippr -
. � 115
� I
I. .-
� — - I
, - . -
: . JK4-V 16 1884. ,Aussell, sold be,aird , - - -- -- - - . , � - . -
vqd1rOm 0,0*00.4okud 100, wilik ilia W-40rhilt - , n M � I - I . �. , . -i b I —� -1 I " ,
:7 .11 1=11 . . ,,, L W� artualr4,100. ,A gintlemapV.,haosme Oda fstorion wkren� Xropik7w4em V08041411164 11� -- — - I
.. I . ... � I . -OL 111110aillex nowo
' �
. --"-M� I'll � I—_ . — to ilia Ili 'VOW 1 Z01141014 brougbi -blm A (1W-Qt144fQP6#aftrrper0sN.) - ' AA 11118 Wedding of Elfram D. Murdock, At. It in true that ^,cold Araught IS ago ,
. . 1600'and * Photograph, 044 tola� hi I paw a young Who, In its 0 1 Ja I . I r Or* A&I
I ' ruble radio. I � Meaville, Wic" all $eon, guests OUR. .Dr. Anguo Smith, the grem ry skiff Ina stroAx
I I . of the Sigh, -air pl wag lying-
-10ext,00ose" ii6 ibb 0O1MVrY would be paid., To Smiled in Its aliep, and the mother ,knot Wareaearobadfor 000 in, gold, one of the, � I 44,13 A skM with a silkedeall - .
' -
NUMDOW. Of. MAT01060Y.4t 0 W48 t3*V IUD L Bud hissed its soft cheek Ana prsy04 00 present � Authority qu mor, Mayo' 0'14 slo,yo like & In % forest of fte the day Wma dyjl)�,
. , . a V in *1*90dw for & that, her baby, bo .
I . , , Dittial.1glilm boUs.e. � j a Of the bride, which had boo. 0, Otolon. 11WOrAl." 1�ul impure Air. is no bes�qg ; mud -A-Oddatut atirreatuagale
� a then met* Rate might IIVO tow go"od at from, bar dresser, The Mousy w ,,,If I .
, � a qua canoes pq WhPin A Mai an fair and a gallautgay ;
I I I . court, she bat A Ti -recov . # 494 If eautoadatthe Other
. .11 CO9ko,*bO was 10 -40. Itoj�,elied to, Dyeg sod Anitod, an are Into k tightly slid smile ;
.4, him � a. , 4 Ai,�Y— .
The Mo;t ExtmordinAry Case iEver Tried 4n she bad beau I the 011414VOU Daftly Whispered to. emobqbbar - 004SUMPM011- Orillging air through the rwl.oigr OX60FIlk, the purple glo,am .
. ivgm withat Mau nat . . I I , ii!;,� I
abd 1, Sao I The, angels have been t a the 004014 8013401 ,At Centreville, furnace Russ is 0611 very well, provided ' !
� .
. the Enalish Plyorco, !;ourts. ' (1048, Who wall connected with a, circus, , it 14 X0 =eon lookeq down from the vwll�vd beaurk, i
, .
I sod that be baid, been unkind to her, Wit. sod 130 is glad I it � %IMI)g to lowL IOWA, a. boy draw a revolver oil, ilia tooeber taken. from a puts Ban, I roe of oupPli. .But � ,They omil(a b
11 I .
. I � Ti _ , IAAW& 11 Yokkbft�asbo looked. longingly UP because she propoje4 Whipping hi � . Yt,bo light otiours I
I . I'll uQnsmarried bar Oritha6thot, to. Tb4 .If' as 'A =Oat eases, the cold AAr box Of the. By the mile serene of she slatere 0-1 V�Ju
kily, joils, L Young Woman. iurna.04 ends over a 4.0.14p, dirty I .Vge&, And the ruddler glow of MaTO
AN ENGLISH ZqOBXMMAN INVOLVET) � at St- X4090'i Catholic. Church. H the Path lea . it act Only took away
. I is I ding to fame o � the I ..
� I . . . I I glti,ry, revolver but alimatise Adjoining .one of car unjewept Rua filthy But the Aorm-king
I I father's usM - 1 .4 d hiat thoroughly, And voso Jit his jrUa!(.-ir,gr1W,
. : . 0 was 40114 Ashwin, There was A proki .14 $lid father's then bad him taken before Jostles, 13trooto, the 44ply to far from whplolloIne. "Atho otars ' Into the distww. -, IM,
. I I � . � and Stalth, I .4floph. I ._ a who ,. Own a
big Mother's maiden news was Lipps� - I - they tow
I - I I Re d I , t. eye As', he saw the, bOY come and go.. mud fined, him 00, . I Dr. Looniis and other ppeole)l4ts, long pitiog I . 04 Q14 the trQublvd IV4. �.vr. I
aa RstO COOke separated JU five , the mother look,ea� after low. with pw �
L months. Dating that P libart, slid wwo . -.ellil)g in interesting Cape , pointed oat 'the bad Offeds of, Xow Y V
V"9111 ir ZMato-on aribil they 414 not . . paged a prayer'to has 'is before, the Howard dust upon the h . , ark , Thetem got 00450dp and the browl, -teepriver ,
so -gal Vemplitcakfigno-AL ,IiV , YOU - I lox
; 11 I 'a happily, Bef L L . * t , Ow 04 with uAruffled
]Melnaxrks�ble Istery. I . ore going c Akkatraji, to keep her boy'4 county (WOO court&. About obtl0twILA 11111413 lungs, yet the duaty AO.Sin In high ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, breast . I
. -footsteps. from wicked air from our Otreets I _ sletare (iriver,
6� And time Thomas Welsh i4vited the, eon of au a Sucked into ton And the wIld winds siuk torest,
� . , I Now ZeakISM& j4 I.9Qvoin4er, 1964, he P040, - - . .
� TWO was P,Orh%p4, the most extraordinary last -saw Usto Cooft In' , 6 t 1 SAW A Young 144A 06010.4topped, Qverthe old friend to come Bud Spend a few days at thouband filrtiaft cold -air bc,Xepo and Thera IQ colirl below, th6ro, is, pasue above .
9 -tried, Ili the. Divan . O,�bal , I ,, Owner of threshOldandiiie$ the g;i ilawith A big house, the obl�o& being thin" chief lung g . �
0", vor , 8 P is the Ana the eyes of the m0don are full at love �
� that year. In , , ood .Of our
� . $Court. It , . or. 1871 mWo'. � 9 Clings tober happy 19VOT, I
At . r 1870 1 � t the young population. Because till Aosh
tax',. eldest mother f 0 � 11 a Air has beau I .
was a suit, by the, Earl of Rai be, wrote. to, . - hip I - � , Vora Smile of Self-reliance. mA4-,,0bOuY1 msk- love'to and. Marry his, Warmed it d .
,- son -of -the-Duke-of-Graftomi-for- Augld�nii Ili the, .
ti6n, of I - I . , , . a-declarm- owe of $,-George The father was now Wrinkled Ana .gray, d%ug ter. Us' stay , . 000 not follow* that it ji wlibie� They, bear the boom of the mighty Ocean - I
1. I ad. until A few days , , �
nullity of - . . Jobii0n."` - a b - .. � it want some., it is, perfectly Daily to prove I n I A . Sh Their blithe barque breasts, its swe5j 1.1 �.
marriage ,on the ground. When he aame home hig Utthei0wassforider fissh johisoyeas ago, WheA be told Welsh "be diall , . And westward lides with a -A'ion,
n Mother was living at he listened to. the,apPlAuee of the multi. . no I . , Ott � . �
that whe he married the respondent she , Watford, Recently , t rid asked that ilia draft by rmiejn�, . ilia o4sh a few I . has Sat But whither taflentie i
aband alive, To this her answer the "i"Ild" engagement be ,Placing a narrow board, Ink
had a bu I . , f X Cann I
� . ado 0a."lle - . I the space below, WO 4110w 10VA's Stream is not smooth lox eye;
I's went to Alle house in Which the respond. Thp mother wits - aged, Bud fee, hie, Walsh now ones for thq -cost so thairthe Oold air will .. I . Buttheaweet 11tars*hJ1Usa9th,TsaJIswg�
Wall that the Mau With Whom she had gone Oat WAS living and identified her, that being Rua te&rg CAMO to her oyiO as she war . - 99 boardi fuel and lights consumed, by the �. enter, between thb_ Ver the oiesit of life together. I I 11
I through IN care I the first Occasion on which be a .fiek mured: ',He 10 moving the young Mau. . , . . . Upper Bud lower sagh a 0 1 -,
. . . toward the coiling without
, mony of marriage before she , Aw - "bearts of I nd be defle tea -- ---
. married Lord Hastou was 4 *ad no Sines 1864. He was wer'ded to a person thoussfide by h I . 1. aing
I rr, I ., Is eloquence, but Ikray� In Trimble COU114's KY.,. Nary Stephens -Any ,& 1blittle, 91 oire Advgce to rqukirg, men.
cony sm AnOYROce to Persons in the room. -There - . I
with 0, wife Ally ' w named Katy Ann Booth, Whose f4ther,s to keep him 0 ng & Young MAU, I
0 a "' 'Mo
'when 'bat "O'er WAS "" urb of, heart supposed her husband was dead, AW area numbertif patentda. devices. f9r the . I f you Are not ric�, and sea
. Performed. and lob. there name was Johnson; cattle 26ih at June, sudIrOO from sin I" The'elbildrenWholia4, loft home Mani years. ago, &n4 ilia married same UrPOPO, but- the, ,acreage' are get OA]y A lazy and e.,xtra.vagaut wife, b9tteg,
legally Married . � him, fog" ah 'a fro not 1862.' ,Before he married � Jitate Cooke lie w r , - efore Were no longer children, AgAia -in July last. 91 . ment h ,
.r J! - a, in -I'd w t 8 to * Otephokka.mut. to hill desori 6 remairi'singto. The woman
Mariy:when all Z was 11 alga .ad can be adopted by any one a who goes into
, I 0 . . 01wo home recently, not Intending to let � , '
� b a . the wit, ord kkforme4 thab his previou� wife Wag 4 grown to man's olitste,
. Au"ton. ' . 0 . . . dead. This was from a friend of � his first , .0 j I 0 In the apploame-oome felt bimself be known. His . - I the cost Of 5 few cents. Thii, chief 4114601ty majidmony for ark easy litil of.it; who labors ..
-at, Russell, in Stating the ease for the wife In Birmingli wife immediately about ventilating Iuopt awaiting bOUSQSis
, . . - , ugham. Tills was : three d envy 0011111311114113g them to recognize only 'in Oudying places tork�qusudering
I - . d him, And throwiag her &rwo; that there are not sufficient MeaIke of carry, your I � - "
I petitioner, said that his client was. this H months before his second al ,a . , . � . � &I I . money; who Spends. her tane in wemr�
I Oil. marri,%ge. . He ., bout his neck 'and @oreaming ,,my long. Ing Off the foul and heated air; I% fine clothes' a
Jamen Henry, Fitzroy, bommonly a o did not remember the name of that friend. 'Isaw a StrOD 1. I If Provision Ind giving and recoiving
I � I .
&tied � , 9 man in his p lost husband," hissed him. This accused is supplied for - doing this, than plenty of VIOlts; WhO nihst have oneor,malle o'er,
I .1 I . rims. It ,
the Earl of Ruston. He was the 014084 son She WAS P female fribad of hie fire had fame atid. wealth, a loving Vvife,. bap 6 the jealousy of the now hilsbana,'Who, fresh air will I - the vants; who will 11ot look out f6recollonly 14
of the Puke of 1 � He separated from big first�,wjf t wife. children,,, I besot py Oak in through . I I
I . GrQ ton. In 1870, his father . .I a eighb ifol home, Men; ' "'owed otrackbernaross.the neck withadrowing window cARA1398 - and Cracks, as most I . her depart p,qv to of the
� . -
L ,d 'lea Fitzro wou'lls erriage, Ana never . U Battered him. 0 he bad in his hand, severing the a � f our - boo - not tightly built. the kitchen, and ot .
. was or Obar Y, brotbarof the t J .after their in before him. We ,,, Rig Vale holf, . bousehol4-if you marry such - A
a pat . itioner. 6 - act the Slightest ?oh�ed over the laud mud Stirred the pule a jugular Taill. Stephens draw a revolver Gremb I benefit may be obtained - Woman before .)ran haVb Bqo;lre4
then Duke of Grafton, And ill Saw h r after. Us had . gap ate
wan the Hod, Jamep Henry Fitzroy. In doubt that the Woman Bitting before him In city and hainiet. � I I as mud sbob the Wurderer, who in turn gave , Bra, Places, *his I from, Open .
that year the Petitioner made the &Kuala. in courb was the Kate Cook() whout he The father And,fm* � . h to $he a 'very large and sconce, In.
. . other were dikAd, Stephens a cub Sera Vasthetoo, are* 1,
tauca, of the respon dent, a oo Married in 1868. 1. , their I I and as-theback.of thouseli coming largely into use, All fire -boards come, . your Does will be kept to 4b� grind. .
. urteman, whose Pat Prayers had boon for him. Rd withlbe drawing hulls. Both t
, MeA Are Said should 'be ab4lisbe stone of poverty mud toll, 4
1 waidon name " CrOBS-ex&mibQd-Vben he wout to idea. stood alone, but he bad the support of a -be, fatally inju a.' , . . d. Who mrb of ventill.k. . . Imya. raw
was Welsh, 'but who at that t,f I I to . . i , - can stand, up well mud 10
. I Y 1,10 - nation. And ii . � � ng under a .
. time was kdo wife Iiii 1 X only for a , , he homage of the world. so it . . rq ...... I tion has. been called a
Wn as 11 Xate Co6ke,11 she . ooked At he .. . as of the lost arts, if ,men
. -. , indeed it 6VOr Was An entirely dsvelopea,y�olsvbry of this kind, Their. r�mbitio'a
having adopted the letter surname from a minute, 8114 not a word Was spoken ;"he seemed to him., but down in their bearts - . Juncle and ]FIS"rely. . I Art., In collapses, and !thRe .
. 1 The I ,our modern houses and flatej with _X Settle do ivii, to object,
I .
0 MAU with Whom elle.had. lived, aid who at once ideptified. her I he did not know men favired and Onvied and.hated him, ) pie4gue registered British voteroars 'tbOrmRoss"Oful?holsterings dilecoratio hoppleaEr-pah-u-ry ; OF"tEe-y"�o-ra'rai-u-o-nlb-la4;---
- ---
was connected With-& circus. 1.19,viug . thathis�addtess had been spolledforby I saw 'an old man as a Wi . - -ABAllaw - _ 6a a
I . * '
. formed relations with. her and.'visit . ad her the respandent; he did not marry a . settled gloomily down bver t Ut"'s night ,. IL �Ekiglattd,-2,618,453; ScOtla;nd, to Obstruct the Sunlight -and prevent free. or they ruii away As defakkhers� Let up, .
... I I woman he desolate 310.,441; Irela.nd, -224,018-total, 3,162,912, circuls,tidn of r .
. for Some months, thei petitioner went named'jobuBon; Mary Anne Sin land.-. - . - � I �. � I . at , and.. with� the in"y again enjoiix'you., it you can got none but m. -
I ith had. .- I I I The present kiiiinber-of members 10 -for sources of impurity, such.as. 690kipg, Wash. lazy, extravagant wifet and are fully Par_
.. through-& ceremony of Marriage witti'ller son$; hiS,f%lhdk -And' mother and himself -Ele was old and -Vdak sod. hungry arid England, 489; Sadtland, 60-; Iralandt 103- � ing and . suaded that you'can no 1pil�,(.
as apariBh oburohin Worcester on the IIVOashtokko time st,,MaryAnue Snoth,s Poor. He was t � . I I � I � plumbing a .r exist ink - .
1. . hinly clad, Bud he shivered total, -652., I .. PPlistices, -and Atilt more, ,,
. d steam besting Apparatus,. logildd, gun,�- a I you a !g
29th. of May, 1871, thowittleosesof the warm . house in alimin in the raw air. - He stood at the The, total. population . the gaslight" an , single blessadneso,". -get UvW b- '
9114,111; She bad e, little . corner, his of the B.Vitish Eta. the beososiby for Attention to ventilation Ud , 00 iu$Q- the wooder and .
, .
riage being an ofilaial.of the church, and a . property, Which by deed Was settled, on trembli6i; hand holdout in,mut eal to Piro; at'home And abroad; is $j5,000,0.60, boOOMOO daily apparent.' Thei Alailist Iml- I . . I now
. . L - about yourself., Better do this lighp .
I . I solialtor named Froggett. To , the met- II&SO4,; he IX9v6r 966 nor tried to get, auy thv Passeco-by, but no -one gwrhaip,falmo. and is indressing At the , rate"Of 50,QOO,OQO, voroal ptevalende: of catarrh, and tbe.Niora than endure tbO torment that U surely laid.
XiO900BAirloate she' described ,herself -as ,Of that PrOpefty ; be ratkithe L d from Glas- Boma bad thoii vision blinded by -,a 16 . Tho total revenue am6unts out, w6arled look of Anseri6a 6fb Her. up for you and offiera for whose Welfare.
I . Phe falling tovery 250, years
Rate Walsh 8 llake$-�-OthejaL e he whi . .
-0 , mith,widow.. Thepetitionei. : g9W to Birminillara in 1861; he did not go. -mocked at and oursed him. 00.0,000 Sterling yearly, ,And the: bar# Spencer n6tedo may be 'justly oharged, you,.,would make yourself responsible. -
was entitled on his own 'account to SlQ,0,00 to the P10608 hia"Wife boa lived in; he'did For Pb long hour he hungered and shivered external 001nmeroO of the United Riligaoin, to the bad ventilation of our boug6j, mud it 0iminnati dom�wrdal Gazette, ' . .. I
, at -thetiM0.the- ceremony was gone- no$ go becatifis he had heard in 1863 thaC and naked only for. what would bu . . . . � - .
, r .y,kqrqst With all its ool�roien or da�peiiftkidlei;49- ,in time our people should take hold of the . ..�
. . through, and that earn he settled on the she was dead; her friend, had told him of a A d his bond still ,geth .0 nearly §l,Qp0,00o,000 in annual Matter promptly. " - L; 1. I I .? � I
. � I . .. . I . .,
. - . I . I . Is
� 4. Froggettwai trustee'of the, it, ilia house at Birmingham; hie did �.Aob lower &114 dragged himself further away ,V,lu:rp t I . I. I . I Newo in, a Nul. hell. . .
. L . I .. . I ---Oho-� , , . I � L
� 4 IITPQ"den . I Peii, he 'did !"to the bibter darkness. And man called - The Awaricall � revenue statistics unmis- . ffitl�rlea . . . � . The endowment fund of'Albert Calls ,
I. ttlem"t, 'Bud he SubseqUently Made remember the name of Vike.'str,
a -way with the trust a. 120' after him in hpartlesat6nes: ,,Tba'couat . takably show that the consukuptio f. , Of lhe'111,1111le Volkx� got
money. -The petitioner nab 40 to 680 his itedeased wifels' oo'n n 0 .. .. .1 , Belleville, n w- amounts to ovcr 654.100()o - I
-sod tha respondent lived. together 'off slid had seen enough of them, -and he - hki no.' goilse is the p1wo for beggars I 11. . Y Opium is rapidly inoteisirig. in -there L . . :L An c(,1ULD . .. I I . . 'a . .
J � . . , 1876� 1 1 TELL, . . R. W. Phipps left Toro' * -for
interest in her property... - , I X BMW 5 stiff, frozen act I . . kita -,dW —
. I .
. 011 UP to 1875, when the petitioner�s Married Mr. Inderw , i6k Ii . ere m1dirmed. the 1. court I It was Pee at the Morgue, Were 225,0Worium estate in 'the, country, - Mr, Longwords.addreases the Sunday Washington to AtteL d - the , American �
life, which had ,throughout been An un. . . that of an old- man. There. were at least tvvo4hirdo belong to t -Bobool:' . . Foreotry0ongress, widen meetig tboro,thlot -,i'
. a y one, had become intolerable, mud he -DA . he better. . . � . I � . I � ' . ' I , .
that the reSPOildOut, 116'01og now had an . Ow and frost in the gray looko-the thin class of soolkity. To -day at . least half-&- , 11 It gives: me great, plepsuie-ollem-to weelr,on behalf of the Ontario' G�vatkkmentj '
L .
-resolved to Sep ate from the iespondent. . . ewitness.whollad I . . Million. persons. -USO this drug In .
ofoortimity of se6ing th Rogers Were clenoha4 thoteg.rahadfrAizen . .the L be *till you to -day, obildrt,4 ,and lainglad to Ile has been invi"ted to, deliver an address
i here was 0 iisue of the DiArriage, and just given evidence, she 'Admitted that be as,th6y.welled up.tO the Poor, old -Sy4e. VaitedSloatos. -The amount annually I t 'the CoogreBs. ,.. I
. haviag left her, he had had from �that time wall the George idsikby Smith Witli L*hoia They.h-d found him dead on paid speak a. law simple word" to you. . Igow 0 1 . . . . 1.
- 'the street- by the victims tor.tbeir indu)genie'18 &,bout 0811 any Of the" bright little boys and girls Itis reported on good ikithoriby from I
. .
1� no communication with her no to the ore- one -went' through lhegorAM64Y of I ,nor. dead and frozen. I A'shadow atood,babide 45,0001000.. , .. 11 ' I . L �. * tell'me what is the oetenoible objjsat of, Ottawa tHat the Governmea , bag detez* -
sent., On the separation she re� umed her rings L'U'T'Ulyo 1863. - � .. . -the'ruarble slab it be6fi over the dead and 'In'the United Stmtk�o thbre'is'siod'to be Sunday - School instruction 21, . . t .
. -
former life, and She. was now And had been $&tab Jane Suoth,remid She WAS 'rustrib kis . L silence.. r . .1 . . 1. 101156d.to radesm the 01 and.§0 nape's of the I
N(I L ied the cold cheek -4t sobbed mud grieved one doctor to every. 650 inhabitants. In Dead . . . .. � . . - old Domitooki:11rat' issue. Stolen from the ;
for-tome-7ears--living. witli-wbettivig-mau. -to George Maslin Smith in June, 1861.. He .0A only a mother grieveo, and we. seemed to Pe nOY)VOIS the� ratio is one. to 600 ; -In rwitt repeat'My C
. .. . . lueatioik.� "What 'is offloe-OVIXec'siver General inToronto some
The 1 etitioner, who hsd:'IoBt oaste a " D' Jakinsi � . . ..I I . . ... Pbi adelptilavue to 850. .10 Ekigland. the At
11 left home for'Plyindath. an yi let' hiker the words i I �11 the ostensible objqot of Sa
� . , Mo 9 1866,and B&Iled-`ih the Ldndon' ' ."ITInswasthe bibe Ili itif . aday' School in.. years agd mtkkl� now in o1foulaidon in the ,
hie friends, went 'to Australia after' the for Akla.'. ratio 'is one 1. L I
I SOPstation and ' tralks, 'And was. lost. She, &a his cradle --the to 1800,; Jn France dile, to struotion 214 , . . L I k Liotidition. , . . . I '!
obtained. Government Widow, Y�Utq VintIng forrekl6w.n-jile *young mail . 2;300,*, in Geii:nany and Auitrj%, ;i�kib One ]�jttl boy. L. I I - � - . Inc L. . . . . I . .
I . I . 0 u nfront-loyes,eirill. , I
I I ,P L - I An imusffi� ideub took. place -ink't)30 ' ' . .L
OmPloYinent tfiord; the, duties of which he obtainid in this court: idininist ion to. winning big fijit crovin�the Strong ran to e#ery,2,000. ID ally comMurkity, city, .1 . . � . . .
'L �.. ditiobarged in a ibrianner evaiY way credit. his esbate.' . ... 1. . Xat , W k U Att , � I L . . I .
'hoSe feet the kini" L
. .L .. I . I . ion bowed It a slavej-- town � or country district,, the Uumbe I . A PAT DZFZNITiON. I House Of Comakoni .
I . I able to himself, I thlo was my sowl ".. 1. . L I r 6L . � I :. . . , djuring, the: acents,tion.- .,
I Circumstances having - Maxy Ann Smith, 'examined by Mr. Rua. L I . . 1. I I., persons *boastmiatly- 'Temober-14 Mary, epoll And define - debate. Mr. Labouchero made �,, ok�rac� ' .
. . . . � L . I slakis found to be i . . .
arisen which put lab' 'the aleis th ' ,jvho flolksaid she -was 89' - Shewso . Rd men h 0 -as if, .22 in. -1,000. .. . . .18 I . a 'hibb, be'Aai
I . Atomi,'a-t-o.ra atom ; manna. to go and- d1bat.24wils .. . .
. I ,al, inqUitl 0138 Years old andl d the poor old body to 46 atom.". teriwild ape ob, In*
' .
'as 'PUraned . . . . L
'. -Urried to George Ashwin SmAh in 182 . . -- � . , . , . * ght.w) . r - I .1 iadiffete to him whpther ' he wus buried, ", ,
were Rating for b m .7 t Were ft faggot, 'and - they rapakingly;' I d ' 6 .. ilt L
� .Otte : , . . . . I L .
Under great diftioultles -lid - : to *. the She had six children, .6kie of whom was ta siah other:., ! . - . I ii" � . . . burue6.'Lor .
� . . I and Jaroom. * - ,, . - . . * "An %thernatized '11, m , I .
Va in .Pott I L, .. . , . ::L"OW is -that .Nary 21! 1 I 1$ I efining
I discovery that when the r George Hanby. He went t6 Australia, in , "A pine coffin -a .gra jlldt Aii. English barrister,. speaking of Lord . it, , atkatomiked." 'He '&Igo hinted that Biji. .'
. 813pondent orls.fil Why, Is what they Bay - to, dogi, - ypiR�
. went through the ceremony 'of marriage te tO.her frdm Auckland In. 7and to-MorroW r we forge Brotighem,4ecently, told a. story ZIA h now-lat'em.1,11 I . I Witham Harcourt Might be buried first Ana. .
1864. He wria . t that he ever . I k . .., .� .
with the petitioner she bid living, a hus-14 1116 news. Of . 0 , , . , . . 1. . ..I � !a , I I . burned afterwar ` in
. I .. aorge Johnson. - She now r lived -1,11 . 1, ., . ought not' t6i be lost A case w a '' �. , 46TIMB dociii � : , : in d.' The had. ember blisui
I . identified L 09. bar V ' Lie ONE. .
* ,
. 'band , who was in court to -a . son the George Manbi , - ----���: , I I 615 there, was I 1. , , - L . ., .
. BY: . it was . � ' b are him in *bioh' . his excitement sat down on his bat -
I . � . . . .
found that on the 6 th of July,,186j, She We, Smith who bad just given evidence.. � � New Pledicail lsev' . #ou Of whother,a, brougham ion into an A' In illb Ben a I
. . . I . . elaillojis., � ,- I fence. I The.doer tried to,:a ,a ' Which required to , be 'straiglitatied out. I .
married.ab Sb. Mango% Cmth6IIc Charoh, I This wait the sees for,th6 petrtiorkbr�- For . . .. 1. omidibus or the- omnibus ran into the .Scholars may define fleb.,, -� :, � , .. ...: , before be could put it -on. Duringtheprb.' .
'Glasgow, to *that insti"WILIQlte nmw6W* the r�gpoadepto Willialit Henry: Johnson The Tokeliflic states 'that, the -, Use of 1roug . ham. In miguln� the eassibecounsel, Seviii:41. hScas wmVe'oildly.' '''' ' ' ' a the House Ioared with laughte
"George Mariby -Sin th", '.go was , As 1W . as exam . ined "by Mr4 A' . paper towels in 0IOft1csiikg,,*oukida has been insisted b-p6a *calling the. .Vebi 0 W A . ?1P . I . j9efi I � r as bb' , '.
I . a Oom- . �qkktsga Will6rus. ' -- t L. .. somewhat testily. retitored the. injured '
me I . L lid I L, . ' 1.01 w * " @11 Willibi i�vhft0g, ... ' I - , . I
to and oil the marriage* he , " Plot . W . I
- louad very' � gitiatuatbry." Sponges have bru.u-sm;11 'oh , magered the Lord " .4 ilincell wath. arbible P*
. roial trn�eilb He said he hsdbs&#,B%ater whase� zitisiden , . Will I . Itlio , Mith W�li I a Ito onted-shapo. .
- 108rtifica,ts Ike Was described ag,a 11 bachelor,'! name Wei '- Mary -Anne. Johnskin.11 a WAYS Ott 'regarded. with -o I . A .. . L , `(,Pb � .. . �. . - . . . .
-she DBIt is I uspiiii6n: by' Chancellor, qult(i,1 .1 . . - L .
I WhO al*aYs. iijobed his name I I I I . . . .
, .. . . I 14- . . 1. . . . 11 .� .. .
.aurgeoho; ad diffichit to keep them to , . . I . L - . . . .
� she being described as A, Rate - Walsh, . was insLifled .to a man fiamed William in . n. But the ,,' be Pronounced f, Broom ol"very short. . .S1111 WILL VOUBTLZ6Q � . . . . X-14nd 1ICnd6 . . .. .. ;
_ .
, A perfectly Purified dobditi� If - you- were to call, that word broom, Mr.' L . , DIE 701ING. .1 Win. J. Bro, :
I Spinster.'? The respondent, having" been Smith, and they had four childt6u. Willif6m . paper toirelb aro`to:'�e used . .. L' . . .. . . . .� . wn; lno*ii so
" swed-in, a. Coulltg., COUrt,'Beemed ,to have I . uld get' � . I IY hatcher of Toronto, die . d; 6r, th t * he I Vj"I I � .
* Solith died in ,yeillboXY, 1853. `41ber that, th - " once Ainly,'aud; X,'! -iiaid his Iordship,.,L'Aw6' Allo - Little Raoloo Weeksi - Of Gray, 'oil
I . as ey''foost.only 6,1al %here. ' -,
. . Sworn that her husband, 11 George Hanby his sister came to him, Ab Holldwily, having ,. from -06 to- 17,50 per siongvery-knuch quicker." The Suggestion 7 YeArs� old, read the No* Taitamen'j ; YOOteid&Y- He got 60 day's 10,86 week*fdr ,�: *
1 ..h L, , , . throdgh'and finished it in, three days before . L
. Smith,' bad Bfti]Od'-Ib the London'. lot 'Ahree.ablidie.a.with- 1,000, Rt8:8v&iIebl6 in ilia pick roo=.Tbay I- WAS At Once taken, but when t or * ' . drunkenness. - Drink had reduce him to I a .1
- . - Or-lix-MLah"a-z -..-are from, Japan � and. the - Palo, coilbri, . he Chr�'wnagll ' . d . -
I . ,Australia and garke down in that Ship, mud, -turned tOL-Birmingliam mud lived'tbars.* )Is ' 'with came to give. his deai . .her' 7th birthday, and had kliovor attended
L � . Which they are Dion Sgaiapt the bmili� Bob mererpby6jeal -
singular to say, W04dowa, in thd Autumn of 18 . 4'ecOrat6X4rofbuadtb be bui 001, s; da;3 --loort1a7id, Me., Prea. . . . wrecli.. He was at One time , * . , �
� pn inquiry it *se foultd, 1 62 and found- Annobjedtion ble.. .� � 1. I . a be was interrupted by the aforemen- - . � .L I . �. I . I,.: looked upon as the Strongest � Mau -in the - ,
that's person- ivith' . thatsbehad.in bar bout' YL I a . . 'L.., I -� counsel, no, With bbe ' ... .... J .,.
the initisle, 11 G� M. as George �Maub' ; .. t1duad .1 I . 'flief
Bmith " had Sell Smith, who . - V strongest Mr. -A. Gregory, AssiAtabb Superintendent .qit7.- He-h6ldmaootiment certifying I
. ad and gone db*n. im that -h@6d beau* 6xii,inined. to -day. paper read before the Edinbuigh English acoe,nt,L Said, 11 I bag your ludshiple' - on one ocansion he roliod a p e 0 al . .
. ;ship.. Ili ,would be aonijIk1sI�eIy.p,6vrad, . Witness kiadw that - tho � man had At that Health Society Dr. Almond, referred to L 6e pardon, but , if your ludship would Call that Of the Atlekntio diattiob of the Grand . from the gio nil W I& . too f met . . 1
. , I U a ing:slightly6voil,l)(10 . � -
-however" that he - WAS, not the io-G ,LM . " .time.. worried'* his Sidter-L - In November, oustom of having the bond covered but of word I bkk`A I *8 should-ge'k Slangy -Trunlr, has�'ietired i from tbeotor,do.any's . % .., I . . . .
. . Smith " who had married the 1866, he.received. P, communiqi#on th dogro mud, 11110OVOlod within doors its very faster." - it in ' aTy Much; "llimployment, mud Xr..Robert H ' pounds. .' . . : L 1� . . .
. respondent, � . . I my be added f6r sake of - my oftbe . ' , —,, — , .
. .. . Lt C , 'bt � , 'L ' , " '
1. . � 41 "is iusurioull On Account of � its. making- p6ople so the uninitiated that 11 bus 10, is � the apolip Office, Mon tteal, ha'060111 I Tielo-ribcoistottige,eldes 19,ug Or of
� I . but. a 11 Mt, George Kaolin' Swith.11 More sister, ,Mro. George. Hanby 'Smith, was I 11 by Sapeiinteudent's i .
remarkable Still it his tooll discovered ddugaroasly ill"it Edgbastkin, && L seneitivetodrau isofairastodausevildia Tiondon name,lot opluilitt , . A��Oinfeaio the' oidtion. vacated. ' -
. rBliming. I . . . I a. , .. . L. P. , thOPrInce of Walqs, is just sweet 17. * �: .
that the � Georgl lkipm' Glib died on' to take :cold. . VIYOt he iiiid, who j t* . L , 'L . . . . .--- I . .. —.- . .
I . I 6 MmiibY�--Smitll, who he& I . Apner- 9tbo-'1867, Wit-. oil . 11 . , ! . , . ., .� . I.., I I � . .. . I . I — - - ... .
I aaarri6dL the respondent had Alga taken ship neab *as-preaeat;at the death, and With�loa biareboadod. Out .of Ld,Qors. could otnod` . Ike"fig man-linolepen . ". � -I .. . L I . �, . . . . —�. . I
. I . . . gr S I . C.C. . . . . I I . . . , N *-
for Australia. From letters and photographs siatsi Philli went &kid ,is I . eAteramognt 'of ventilation in Wbkt is Winti3d With in L, . . � . I �.� - , , , , ' L
I a' L gistared " the, 196061�1 1. any YOU13 . g men, , . . .. I I . ". . �, , I �� , .
in the possession of his mother behad b - artiflopot 6f wh' h L , � - , rooms and sleeping rooms,, n OBO who �:� . , I �. :1 I I ... . L I .. . I
. - .
I can I � a. , 10 :Was.now in. .jndependo'noo-,,got-uo.a�ud.-g6t.,A - HOW ... I- : - 1. .,.. I . ... � . . I I.
traced to Now, Zealabd and 'Iiroihgl��. .court.. . . . P . : .. I .. wore head qov,eringo. . I . L, . . '- I .. . - . . I . .. . I � . . . I . I
, ' I . . . 1 Many young men are 'wasting a -vigorous � , ' , , . . �� I
- . L � I . .
I home. On his return baL Went to the hoUg� Phillis'46hason, ate ' ,it- - . The:M4mpbii A- Mvdioal M4uthly,, is,y; �1'69,ahooLd,. itwou , I . . . . ' .. . .
. . tot -of the last V1 . . � Id be - bard - to tell. �Wa . .. ''I', ;- . - *� .. . . ..
I . . . . -7 . I
. I . ,
. � in which the respondent was living Anc L Uses, -corroborated the. testimony of bej� ;f.heHiaAoVri Supreme Courb hati ,a a Iney "The'y -seem to lack the WHO 10, UNACQUAINTED -WITH 7 E OCRApHy.op THlo?,-OU?4T ,
death 'thbo tha 6 is 'f r � " - A- �_ .. ,
know .a . _ ,
- , 'that, informatioi- obtained by a . bhy.' manhood . .
I there Wag dfied lier, but SWO- -&st6d that ! brother- . . : * . decided . 0 ,�o tho,world. . White.hanag . . � L ' bE I . . - R �l" 411 ILL : , " � . I
'he'W&g not the Smith to WhOM She, had The pr6sident--4t I� now admitted illat stake" from , S '' Patient, L MUSb not -m feiv stray hildro an their upper Ito, and , * � . . . . . , . 1. , SEE 13Y - tXAiMINING THIS MAPt. THAT THE .;. . I I � ..
_ . I
- .. I
. been married, but a brother'or'some other, the. 4eOvge,-MAnby Smith, whom., wa,have. . be disclosed, OnL . :the wijileas ", stand- the Make -up Of A 'dude, . Beam to .be. the . . . . . . - I I , 1. I .1 .� . . . . . 1, : . . . . .. . . . .
. . . ' ... I I
I I relative Of that person. Whether SheL would seen iwthe box,.tabhe g6jotia, Who was law. when 'theInformat! ' , A " 'height tiftheir Ambition. Young mail-ww . , t��irfheapofls. -PAIFN ChlppewaxalLt 91-- Miq
..persevere -in thatL Atiggeation h I fallY.w4rried to Mary Anne B I . I imble-the - doctor t P we necessary to � III . 1114 . �,(% k , .
I a did not with, widow, at a .proscribe as. a physi. woon't Bay Yod "g U. . . ;
, know., but at all evatits she put for, ' pro I U75rdt thb� 1166-14��fella!-.-- ,.3 . . ... . .
ward this -on June 26th, 1862. It is further vod , cian. or 0�kerate -as a surge -on. The court tioni would be more appropriate . to you" � T' -N--E L
19 , - � -mas . �
� , 'Ist'118-thatl whether or not he , was: the that he *Onb thrdu Strike out' for Yourself.' Be V, Mau., Doupt. � X ... . . . . I .
. � . It theveremonY �f mar. held that 4t would Uotdo, while the mouth V, .
George Hanby Smith With wh6m she want rkageWith the respondent oil July bth; 1863, Of A PhYsicianis closed tc'the actual spoken say, I can't, for you can. . -Then. you will'b. rr. . 1 3 . . I .. .
. 11 51 . ..
. many Of L marriage Jino " your O,V - 4"0164. G, ----- �. 0.61ik . . �
� through a core InL 186S, he not being then in v; position to edbtraot . worda* of a patient,* to opeli it as* to W. � vu master. Business men will res - A Spirit I. � % , I I I . . . �
� . . the Pers(;1c with whom she went through % lawful mairiags, becituse of Iiii *Ife.Ma,ry ledge acqui rod from his diagnobie. - . - Ppeebyou, ind. op'Por . buifities will be 00D. . . -, (ko -- - - I ..
I .
that ceremony had then "a wife living, Una IMM46.t3mithboitig alivo. Rate- ' Some of the -English "opiedical jofirnais. OtantlY offering Yont6betteryourookkaition. . EOIP��...Ii,i is Z11, I �1,1.��, T---- . � -. 1. .1 . . I
.to "' -
. then Walsh W660 This road inay appear i little cough atfirst, I L. I "�6-,6W L,
Ulat, thereforoo: it was a nullityi ,free to marry, but ohs was 0 I %; :1 �. �...
act law'. �Ika*6 ailreadly began t , _I . '' : 1. .. I
fully married to George. Hanby Smitk, importance -of not over -feeding infants w1fla but YOU will -shortly like it and wdadei Wh � I
Lord E08ton, examined by Mr., Murolkyj . 0 point- out the great �,V k I
L. Q-Cf-s4id he WAS the petitioner in. this because he bad a *its Wive. . I .. you did not stark Lou it go - .. 7 � .. W. L -%- .- �Y-1 - L � . 1:L .
. L. I . I 1, re, V. -
� . ease, mud he had made the acquaintance Of The- jury at, once'lonlid $halt George BtmrchY foods, Suall as breaq, :farnim, grael,, - I � .. Dner. , , " �, 11 , 4, 1 . I
11 Rate Cook6 11 in 1870.. 1 an y . ith -etc-, i's the warm season approaches. �- . . I , 'L . .. � 1. I .." �4 1 L . -. . I I �
-He lived with bar was lawfully i 1. Anvither 1111unla'. ol .
. I '
� before goirig through the ceremony of Mai. at Una married :po Acoording1o, dUthoritibs, like Sir James. I . I Prom Harper's-Bazir.) . I �' I 'L." L. I .. - . 1. 1. � I
. L
ith oft June 26tb, 1862,; that Jeagst, . . . . . . , k . , 1.A---- -
. rlftga� in 1871. HeWas th 2 , , its �Ish was -not lawfully "marri stioll'over-feeding is &,fruitful cause . .. W -V 7 I --i
. . ea 2,'aud Blid L . tL , Mortality,! * .. . The� smollingbottlip. craze has �beeikka� very �� '. . .� .
. ad to Of the �Iwtge infan I . 5 ov, �� I
� said, he thought,. that she was 24., .He the asid, Burgs MstilkY Smith oh.Tuly 66h, I 'Warm ., faEltionable one With young grrls in Wash,. 'A.94. �, 1`61. S� !, 1. I
setAlOCL :1310,000 on her. weather The one. - most. necessary in 'the past �. few, 0 9 I . . ,
I -said George Hanby, Smith to the.lije. of ,.a chilnrtiolff lob . I ,�- - S.�, . .
Diffarences pron, A1363; that the ; ingtdil "to � . �, a,
.4 a at All t1wOSL � . woutba. It is a I .
I 11 is water. - costly fashion. one belle *how hno'Lhor' 1.41W �A(11- '6011*1 I . I I �
, between thao�, and be w6nb to Angbralik in Was alive on May 29M, 1871,'And that too , the"" return- relm*t1va to deaths . . 0 Centr( .
1875. He filled a Government appointment i to or and the respondent were lmw� . M the .second -bottle presented, within three .. I . I
there; ud returned to't a British werobant iervJioe .for. 1882 11: gives Months, each Of WhL .. v
1 Croo a his country -Ill. 1881. , .fully, i6rriedOUKAy'29bh,187l, - - . iohqpp_ttQ9L., Tbefir.st . i-ws V. I .1 . . I .
� ,
., Mr. Ikldarwiok�He mb said this was a flu'ding. for ."011 adaths of somakon from disease outof Was oruolled under her O&trlagd Wheels in I L . I
� had -known: tho Lre iYondout six months - ---uto and he dijakieSed bild PL, a 0tal I of 4,659 deaths on the seas and earning, from a party one night, Lila . its T.0 iff 11 0 .. .. . I ' L
. . In I. . I I I
alone. I .
. . ... etl abroad; 2A1 Weis drowned by -shipwreck, gold top � with her initials on Ili ,
. before the Marriage.. She was living in tion With. o6sts.--L ndon * I
. I ? , x;meii. - - I,U;Jfj oSnerVMO than bYL . L .
. I . on.ki . .
He learkit -froin bar . . � .., � � , , wreak and 286 aboapied destruction. 'Another . T., � I I Bib . . . .
Montpelier Square. . I - - ,�,�, � I
that she had beqn. previously married ' She . . . . , . were killed by other Ai3bideDto, making carries cab at loghb.sfobbi youriglikidy - � I... . ;5 Li . . . . I
. n length, and 1`00.0 L
never informed him -that she hid. r ' L 140 ,*on Willing io ion� $50. � � : 8,453 accidental cases.- The figures nre being, a, very thi on .. I I Pra 4raw 1 ,., .... I
� . easou to . I- -Wh . mi . fikh . dk t glass" it is partioa. . . . 1. :
. . believe the MfEll Ahe W&O married to had a charge against this mail?" regarded as apprftimate. only, their value . .. ... .0.8A I .. i I
been married before, hub she said that she Asked an Arkansas 1Udg6 LAO the larly - ponderoud. ,,A bottle of, floitind, I . L — -- , -,-- I . .1 . I .
� . believed he had gone prisoner . oonslobing in the proportionate mOrtsliOY even of moderatealzo, costs.040... . . . I . I . I . . . . . .
down in the LoUdou WAioplacodbefore.hiiiL - ' It-, ... via to deaths by diodassuldLaacident. I . I . . ,. I I . - . . . . .
. Froggdtt; ,the solioitor, Made I . . At XiIIiUgL&n editor, Y I .. � 1. I !, do- . . 1. . .. � � . CHICACO.), ROCK ISLAND a P . . L ,
� Way with curlobok:A,.`-�" .. . I.. . .. .. . �..�. NOTMIn T,bft,' .1 � I . . . ACIF10 Wirj� ''. . .
the -money which Witueso had %ettled ark '.'9'M,,WAi the editor 9, rodident q, the - . JVJr ItyL 'I ' . ' Being the dreat Central Line, affordsto travel Its unrivaled 966- I
. her. He believed Ffoggett institutealsome S4ate 20.- ! I . . I ,. .. . . ,& I AD mail Vara., , . . ITO lovalAe the love,of mm'othar� -. . I- . gralihical POsit(Orit the ShopteStL ers, by rettoopt 6t, .
L I W ban trialk; athumthollring fast- � and beat route between * th a. Mist, Northeast-drid'. ,
, . inquirlea after the Marriage a 11 Yoa, your honor.ir � , . . Ail extraordinary story is told in English : '.Th6ugh follitti(f,the oaire,of a brother, . 'i Southan6t, and the West; Northwest and Southwest . I I ... .
Cooke's former bout Rate ' . . . court' circles, and has be"OU 'retailed' by the ' oil I III allattholast, L � � I It 16 liteialliand gtrldtly trust that Its oonnectid I tire pill ' . . .1.
---rWilst h4ile Y64- to o4y; priRoikeri 401V of the Principal lines I
marriage, but not before., ' Spiritualists, as to the remporks. L 11joh in. S a It 0 r I .t � SthWay'af L(JU 11113
.. He Saw 06 Certificate Of lhe.firgb Marriage of corningthia very serious charge? Atw, W I . .. I ty, of road between the Atlantic apd the 134clilco � -1 . .. . L
you duced the Qu�ea at the last in . i's tio , 43. ; �, * . ,
, . � . .. I Omani to : . . 0 � BY - Its - rnalli 'line kind . brandheb it . rimiofies L Cii leago, idliet,- Pectin, O#Awa; I � I . .
Smith; *thO date iof tha� 0ortifloate *169 the guilty Or hot guilty 2" L " &list the arrangementgforPrineateopotd,s . at a 0 g begebeauty I
I . . . . : . betrayed, loosao Fe
, fai * Speak stern and coldly
it Guilty, yourborkot,, I rautildred him Ill funeral.' It is. said that A short time be , Iffield, Oes Moines,. We t lborty" .
.. 26Ph day of June, 1862. WItheoi Wag war. 60 a I . sin 1-3. Sells,- 08"esdO, Moline and Rock, talandoL n 1111holia; DaVerilpok`t' MUScatl"t' L I
tied at Worcester. Froggetb wag pteBant, Id blood.,, . . � .. I . LVealkingtoriv Keokuk, Knoxville, d9ka 6 L . . . :
Hk believed that Froggebt Want to Virming it WO14" 064 the -judge, 14 there Ili no ' .fore his death, dancing with an Intimate . A ther mm Iowa City. Atlantic, Avoca, A4dubori, Hktilarip Outhrie Center arid. Council stuffsoi I
. f riena, a lady of Danish hirbli, of It his son tas wandered astfat, Iry Iowa; Callattin, Trontork, Carneroffand Konsas City, in MIS ourl, and Leaven- � .
filling L ,
do bub., sentence 'Bub motbor will stand forward uld)y w4orth and Atchison In itad none, and. ihcV hundreds of cities,. Ill go .
11 ham And made, iriqtziries about the prailong , ,oft for me to gie&t PON .1, 8
marriage of thereop6ndent, biitFroggeft did crime of murder in thi's State is lid fAtermedlate. The% - . I � I I
scant beauty, And the wife ofark. English ' And hall) him to 113 the lost way, V a a and towns -
I I coming poor, he wag rhIlle& by., hoc upon, hi And speak to him T, ndly, In *,arn 4g, I . I . I . .. I I . I
. srged with aftWouteatibotractioa. H106110werwakthst , I
not tell him that Smlth�a wife W" living I, much 'too common. YOU.Sio all S' -d -- -99 *
t1' ' ,nd ' tone
. . killing six Arkatigme, edit.0ro to which charge his sister Alias had. come to him I '20 did"I.4.8hildh tied's IOU .
1868 When he married the respondent' you pleaded guilty. ,. � t , A.,...:., . IfAmorkiing, CREAT:ROCK ISLAND ROUTE,," .
And t . I
go Idarnt 12 he . Air he . , , � . .
- . . I .
I I him of sa approaching ardent. 1. . .. . i . As It to fakilarly i6alisdi offers to, travelers All, the hdVantages and . coentortp. I ..
that his father bad . ,, night,whradc . 40owp-
. spoken of indicting Kate, Coolle for Yes, Ybur honor, I do � -, and I dork,j . care ityo and told him nob to troUb Abotiol herplonolovalikoamothdr,p ; 10101derittbaotndbth;tta43.k,eatebtidges,UnlonDep6tti,at Woo no . .1 �
bigWy, and it I � Is, lot all I a h oting pointo, I
sP06 to Ftaggatt About it, t cooto bib 460. I . Boaobldi forgiving and trUb " Fast express TrAinto comoosed of CoMMoDIOUSO.VaLk VENTILATED, WELL - '
would ridon be. well. TheRoyaIDdke,Jiko . We way trust to many another?$ I - '
Vlis knotoleage no letter damo to his wife "Ior"Ohort" responded the judge,A61- his mother, ilia Queen, seeing to bat . : Atiltvalue 16, that i6fe now, . " HEATED, FIN9LV UPHOLSTERED arid CLECANT OAV OOAdRft,k a Ifne bf thei
,rc A, , . ' 0
. . Ike SnAthil) repreoentlog Stickily, "YOU are fined 0200i .and otand coal. ao0eptad, supernatural visitations nil ran,, ,wb 1111d, whon lualm Dun Is Aht6tided, latest deal5ned . 1!1nd handbornest PALACE SLIREPINO CAA8, Ond bIN1INO CARS
Atid our 04thWaY Witets the globw
herself to -be George. Hanby Swith'a wife witted until the %mount is paid," Ail'd he told the -lady lie would preferi if , Their love for tis tdo, will lid dloude,"�. � that diteldd,no%jedged by pross' rind people to be the FIN9ST- RUN UPON ANY' � . .
� - He believed that George Hanby Smith wm�. . The Pcisoner titan SwO6ikba.mW%Y- - . 'anything happeuea to him, to have A mill1i � while'llorg &14wa us to the tomb," I ROAb IN THE OUNTRY, ttnd in which stiporfor m6ala are served to travaletd,at
fudoueb. The OthOtaftYbO gave the addreas .. 1. . .. ROO � . ,,, . tRI:Y funeral. . Her ladyship, the veelpient AtArdrioncor Prootor'baving re this low rats of S"IENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH . I I
. At Which be �0116ved Smith Wai; living, I coutly Ana . .
It Three fourths bf the 61(loars of the Of thbsd (16VA401100b; frVOtO A 'letter to, a pniklioly doolated3hat the ple at Scott , THREE TRAINS each way between CHICA'O' ' ' ..
was at Watford; He got that address from oarmall in Or 113 * 0 und'ths, MISsOulti,RIvER. .
. high court Offidiall telling low, the story TW43 TIZAINS such way between ONJOAGO, and -MINNEAPOLIS and sTi PAUL@ - , ,
. Ilia solicitor. � . . , Army West corsets. � ' . I ) in the tkAboltiou stato.oureatth was 84,. Vle the famous I . . .
� Re-eX0,111otiOd by, Mr. Russell -Hi PI am Inaking. both and Bull he laid hot OGMalkilklojitiOn b6foid Her 000,000 learn Ago, -is just how so little Un. . . ` I . - . . .
. a wife . 0 moo"" I's- Majeogy.'"At once the Queen ordered - � . .. �
was described in his MIiriiage -dartifionte me makkedthod6tikeyo, oil he ackatalled'hio her popular, in EnglAnd,'and it is said that bb I ' . I AIL13ERT L9A ' ..
dORd Son's defilieg, expressed In life,. to bb Ptopoo . as- to borod And roolda, pern2ahently, , ROUTZI , . .
. 66 11 wia0w.11 He fatiolid It wag afidt his 14 6 hind footc led. notes that change at thb last in this voitAry, having selected as hiii � A MOW kind bireat Liney via Saneou and Khrikak6bg has tocently b6sti oo*6,�4. .
tight oat with his f . I
marriage he got from -Frogoott ths, a The vanity of hutilka fifa is Ilk# -a river, Moment which led etweed, Newoort MeWa, Itlaftfilohdo 01holhhettv Indfannipolls otho Lai Fay6ttW � *
orti. -to . no much Perplexity roBlAenob St. 160bpbo Mo,, whoro'ba*111 find Co I .
floo,to of SmIthis first Morris S, go , had coubtalitly peabing S,wey, Ana, yet, dZ ,and intonvollibuba, , . . I uhcii Bluffat St# Paul, Mloneapolla and Intermediate points. .
'only soon Smith ones a his ifo until to. StAintly coming on. dtoot 4 c6ttoigo and tot qp his tol0000pe.
f: 7Z-Pqps� . �. , � I .All Through Pneaerigara oarrIed Ott Fast Express -Trains.
. . - 41stgo (10.411tity of bilvotplato -bad ill- . For rnoreddleffed (ni'demAtIbriltee Molibafid rdidereg which MAybebtitalheopAlk 1.
. day. That wao when be mud'Skjith Went She, encouragingly * ,,Yout siop Suite Mr. Staples, I% wealthy citizen of Wea. , . W41111 V18'71okbtst OtAll Orlddival TicketOnjo6a In the United States and Canadki,4rV
- 0 ""
16 houg .that Smith might Mille exactly, mt. Robinsou.11 110, Verv. or 6 Coon, rod. 'th - otlift day in
ondent , ., has. given big towu a 050,000 "t "a" W4 ""6'kib ce It- R. CABLEL . . ...
, . the rasp . I . olielyt #,So glad io boo YOU bay oo.� miss, bobdol buililikk beta is something Fitip) D Port [too dw. -The V L . 19. a' or. 4014m, I .
paelltif SMfilij examined by Ut. She a - I know Vw .such a bad Walt,%o re'aw ) am' 13 or I VIAce'Pr6b#t & darkol Morkagot L' .
GootgoheAritioby . .0 - aboat a - - 1 Her balloved'atti have boon t 16 opoll. of . � L I . 040"t Tficot I Pasell"As* .
I enker .
. , I r", . I . . t 61 6 I . �. . . 1 . . 0 .
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