HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-16, Page 7-_. - _-
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OT9 FOR NALE -,• THO UNDERSIGNED T T T� - ' -` � ` •
. etTersfar,ale the fonawiyg valuable idle ui thy' In DO Romelnb1roce of Ilcnnlo Slllnploq Reports from nine ,hundred difl'erent -
TaWn of Cltntori : Lot to or 408 Princess St., Mlth i` J r polo#s in the {West, from many iu •Illi r - �� ._ - N
ltrrgola>idt@r hgneo theLeOn; !01482 or 407, corner DR- „ "'"""- „ nO1Si,iChigaii "1;. of Prtn .. and North ares ;lot. 481 or 6p8, corger of : i1L>ASssn Attr. T T 'motto vin 1� Tiir I,oll�p. b - , ndlana ,and .Ohio. are - auartaracso lots,morLi I Wh
or lease and \Voll adapted far rivals reside_ eo _'- 1. TLY youthful llfo la ended, , And indicate A shol't CCOp' Front :0Mak, —
RattenburyandNorthSt@. Atlq dismal'oo
TkLoti art safeou filory a btiRht share, About a hundred and very promising,
y pound of
T1ty stPugdlCs hero are 0'et'; Kansas, accounts are ver . romisin ,
Tortes reasonable. J. CURTIS S EVEtISON, Clinton Th a 140 Las taken colts happ3' flight-
Sale of Church ,Property. � � - Ahl the IOved ones, they s1r0 ivatehlp glyCexine in �lr, Dilnbar's Magazine at
. dustbt or to golden bar; Fort Colborne ex lode' 4nday even-
Waiting there to bearthy splriG
�� duet w1t111n rho (later ajar. logs It was caries' by the building UICKSHANIX.
1v CR
rublio Auotton, On AONAAY 'MAY 26TTi,
• neat,' at the hour o! tqa o'clock in: the after• She called us closer to Lar,
noon, on the� p.. remises, :f+ot,No. t,,in the yivago Per��Ct 'I 11.1 /1-II�Y,r And l/ado tie ail f;oad:by; , tol, n ,'' fife. Th'e shook, was felt for , . 'oY $olm13uue, containln`g one• natter o$'aIi v 11liiL GIRWI W11�D1/1/ <t Then Ler words paws soft dull gentle miles. No oDe was injured.
0 }, aero more or fess, beingthe prem see oh which : I am not afraid to die. a THE 1300T MAKER,
:. , is situate the building known as the Bible ^ ^ • hot afraid to cross the rive , TO Rsslsr Malaria, Ague, Fevers, Head, •
. Christian Church and shed,. Tile purchaser wilt Not afraid of death's cold gloom; aoha, Colds,, Kidney Di ase, ,Vain in the aide
i oY thpnppurohase ones when the dead i ly FTLrou�4 t1%vnHllewaliidgtile uiide mlu , , or back, oonetipattoq br Costiveness, keep DI'+'ALBU IN ALL KINDS OF
executed and ready>or delivery. Vartiguldre ., T.1 .A �' _ •S . . She was trusting, sVeetly trusting; Go PE SA handy, -and take a doge twice a week;
made known at time of sale. 11 On the blessed promise given. P
It . dots u on the. Liver and Stomach like I�
Dated the2Bt11dagotApr10.ir, PIOKARD, Wills YoumeetmeallwinLeavoills, �ef magic. !, if eliq women. kind 'Ch ldreli's ]toots ►St�10!eso
Saa Trilas. $card of Trustees, HAVE. TOUR ,,CUTTING DONE By 1kXISs Yee, dear Jenny, we,willgreet you, The Country, says the St., John
In_ -'—I _1 O'BRINE. YQU WILL FIND Ohn ltha awed tw lll�'ft mepain; Globe, oris well rid of Tupper •= His N ,.
ITEA FIRST-CLASS. , - Nevernrorotopartagain• railwa schemes out of which it is be' StoC�( WeI. assorted, °�
S h+ r�
OUR ?.ETTER. BOX -� lieved he has ieuriched himself have ,
' y p departments
Ferguzon � Willow's left on the county buxden , that will com, ete 1'n a'
rnOPniATORS. CHARGES VERY .MODERATE. oppress the people. to the third and I ' ' u -
_ To the Editor of flee Clinton New E)•a- fourth generation." ALL: GOODS SOLI? CH AP IF CASH
HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RECENTLY _ SzR,-Ina late issue of your paper you '
►l1 v
- 1 atarted a factory in Blyth, beg to intimate make apple ro nsitiOq 're 'regarding the re= It is Of11Cta}I stated the tilt 1e Orls• r
'o the poo )le of Huron that they are prepared 'JOHN • ROBERTSON P p ' g g t • t C. CRUxCKSHANK BRICK BLOCK CLINTON1 'notion of.the number of Count Councillors of Queen Victoria's indisposition. are. , ,
•' to sink wells or oistarn9, and provide Pumps of y ,
the very beet workmanship. Having had con- And like many others. in the world' you want totAlly without foundatign, The Queeri `-p � '
aidorable experience in the pump -making boat• �' /� -to be in with the, smallest munlei atity, leave has bCen ^
nese they !eel confident they can give, entire Victoria Stt est.. •u�){1 l�Qn. g p p out every day, bu is
satisfaction. All orders, by mail or otherwise, the villa es entirely . unre resented, and let ' g .
1'1 Ipromptly tilted, at the most reasonable rates. theft interests, i diet h ; tie dna wortlb being still unable to walk much out of doors,
.� BOY LO'
Iliytb, April, 1884. tQkelt italics of, be reprgsented by the town- or stand for any length of tulle, in con- '
� Y� strips, from which they Were formed; noly air, se' uence of iter accident a ear a oTFIE WELL-KNOtiVN STALLION VA
17 PRO���� ' if this was the case most of them would have 9 .g ' '
.# " ■ ■, two representatives instead of one, as at pre .It seems that tbe.Queen has managed to —�r ,
AMSON . pent Mid if FOl� SALE for their own interests ad that at .the villa es,marriagep• f Hesse's -Morganatic when found - he was 'at the. OAK HALL for ane why not for tliehe o towns?R�Vhy do y eeves are oonot rilP nce Louis o} and has eYt{aGted a
g in the bird of them good kttan Sut><is. that M X FISCHER
will stand for mares at THEOBALD'S I1OTEL, (late commence at home, and let the 'township PrOAliso fienit the aged scapegrace that he g , X. -
S sure, Query SATURDAY afternoon. Terms - to Those two ver valuable 4d Reeves govern the - towns. I um sore ,yon will indulge in no more nonselise of tbat tL11k'nS, out two char Ilorth
insure, $S. y , -. s of the Grand- Unxon
WK. PERDUE, - wool' not suffer In such Bands as the worthy Sort. It is likely tPtat h1s proposed
irgpartial Reeves of Huilett,rCuckeremith pd marriugo with . Piinoess • Beatrice will, Hotel. ' Come and see' my stocl �o#'
Clhozoe 33ui1di= LCitZ Goderich township, and Clinton would have
take place after all 'r vide'' of oouxse
three representativ4s in place of two as now. p • F , i _- 9
, A. A. $ENNETT, . r Sir, you most see that plan Would not do, no that the deceased wife's sister b111 passes s I
Weed Worsteds Trowsenn&s
,1 Oa Rur¢n Sheet, r�,eet tD D,Jekson s I;9o1� nteiliggnt ratepayer livtnR rn any of rheas.' tiro House of 'Lords, , , �.
Store, are offered • for sAle at a very low ' places Would submit to it,. Why have villages: ' 10ingalese is the, name of a widely ands and S U m m er oV
UNDERTAKER. figure• For. further parEicnlars'3pply be nformed. aitnply'tobenefitthemselvesand favorabfy known hair .restorer wliioh is ".not ercoCat�ng -. .
get lair play at the hands of the townships,, recommended to do utterly, impossible things, gi'ts
p from whence the s ran . It is a well known ��1iC
1 t •��- y P g an .. 'error mai�;�i3hi �seco=sd. to 'ao; e+,
F�i�rials Furnished in first`elass Styl- f�Ir ` �'t bat then nothing is better for keeping' the p
ON, ,51. fact that towns and dillages.pays.the greater hair 11
good Condition and restoring it 'when - $Zj, , '
TI.. . t1 C . • part of the taxes, and where would the town lost, I# the Goal is capable of tern toned'up, wo'r'k - Gu'a'ran'teed`
GOOD HE.4R8RN IN ATTENDANCP,. C)IAR01M :ships be if not for'the•,towns: and villages? p • 8 g pi .
MoDEaxTE. FEU 1{UCKEIi STORE. TAtiICSGN'S .CL¢Ti1YNG HOUSI: Again, sty, I Bold the villages decd ns intellr.. to exert its•proper fulrotions. Sold at 50 ores ga,Y't1eS harvi their own . soarer •ail
Ln><nbet ;tri' Stith.1. I • per bottle . - ]
gent and honest mento the coolly oouneilae -
_ o,
,r - ' r, . tiny township municipality, and as unselfish. gg, ;•Gd, t mlde' ,andtrlmmeC on
T "Y — Ia not the present...wardon of •Rurou the re- At Ko to s spring T sale ' of Jersey -n ti
�]� �ya'ye �..
.4w . J. _ B I D D JJ E %-r U M B E, TitE. SUBSCRIBER KEEPS ON HANbD AT tits presentative of the smallest municipality in '.cattle, held in New S...ork. on. May: ,the I short , n - t:1:C+1�:. � . � '
promtsos, Iaang street, Clinton, ($ear the Fanning a CI
1fi11 Factory) til] 'kinds,oY Pine Lumber, Lath:, thb county . Is not your .:ex -warden Elle ro- l th, 8th,9th, ]Qui, at'.whch 400 animals PE lE A TIiZAL.. 'CHAR
dee, Parties requiring such, will find It to their ad- presentative of a villa +. have they not Milers disposed. of, ton head contributed TE,
� 4�=- Watch and Clock Maker, vantage to Call oil him. .. both Leen the unanimous choice of the noun• 1
- 1 JOSEPH (lI11DL 1'. by 4r. ' Valancey E• Fuller, of Hamil- •
1 JEWELLER, &c,, more scent menoil -for yia as ds t n t at thatrlioatd, aand nd ton; inGludmg calves; realized $24,000, .,Ever,,•. F=8CH�R.
OLD CLOTHES FOR SALE. -i' talo all sorts of ' .. .
OPPOSITE TIRE RIARKET, (II,IIYTON'. racs,'clothea, carpets, and ho o my old friouds- yet,yon say, tier iiia villagei; be , left out in Five'head brought the ,highest 'average' Q r
R ...
j will save •cloni`tor ino• I also take bass, lean and . rite cold. No. you moat try some other plan'. .ever made by any Jersey breeder -in air: OAK HALL, SNiiTH S BLOCK, CLINTON.-
Where he keeps a select assortment of capper. lam loins on Mondays; Any person having VILLAG>r. STJrP0I2TEl„
rags or truck in my line, can Idave word at my house, ' ai1Ct10t1 tale] end 111 COnsecltlenCO 1VIr;. a
WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEW�tLERY, SILYER- and I wili fetch it and give value, ands also beg to say Fuller tales to Canada the -Cham ion - '
I have no business connection with , a man. 1lnmed � . BORN.. � P .
WARE, • IIessin. Paporing,painting, and lobbing of that sort cup.awarded to the breeder who obtains WE WOULD CALL TUB ATTENTION OF1.
Which we will sell at reasonable rates. dono`by =OR BENTLEY. • HBnniDT r:-ln Clinton, , on rho' 5th anst., . .
. W. MARTEN, Pedlor, Box:04,.Olinton. the wife, of Dir. R. Herriott; of a trail, . ' . the larbest average. on bis consignment. .. . -
- e Tho five dava sAlo'brou ht 195 000• '
+ Swi�1iATIi -At Rat 'Portage, on the.' ..4th ,, g , '
' Repairing of every. deeoriptiat Promptly ae THE CLINTON HIGH SCHOOLIbf�Aprll,;the wife of Mr. 1V, SairibariL,, for•
r ---
t tended W, and all work warranted.
1IiO3HIl..A1V�S CltOil'S.'
�. . ... _F ar�e�s � .L�az��nie
J. DIUDLI;¢01![nTL, - _ - -. :' merly of Clinton, of a daughter.. - _
Criaton,No�.,lea2. T L. �_ ENT,,RANCE' EXAMINATION, •" * "iIrscti%,�-:In.London, .on the'.fith' ifist.i the ' ; . � _ ,,I L' , " • . To ' .
-Dt troit,•MAy l ., ,: (,colt. returns have
s wife of Mr. Ge T;.$iscos, of n son.
SY LV ES1t-S- ii1I�1; rAMIrTATIox > ozz :,Tz;E Az?nlls- been received front:: 739. correspondents, sl ''� 1 i Milk 'r Patio,
L Sl'Ox ofranditlates to the Clintali High' Schaal i " Haaf lands 1. .Ito . ed Milk P4atio
�. - will be bold in the Model Sohool; Cl, nton. on DIED. representing 628 townships, •. The whedt ' � ,
Ce a rated CHAMPION PI,O ! Thursday and Friday; July. Src1 hil COTTLli.-- In Clinton, on the 13th Inst:, Ori 9AnG1 : S¢ looks fairly On' Cla :land L.-
! - 4th, 1.Ss1, beginning each day .at A a.m. IA• y: M y', y Tl1C 1 ite4t'Atid in convenient'Crealn Separator put.
. Viva G•, daughter of (leo.. and Jane Clottle,
Eendinga iplicantsshould sond.uf their i1alues aged7 muaths and 22 days. and n bills, especially:on the northern. Call'and•see them, tend leave youv.order early.
to the nu(�erslgned', not later that; 'LIivo lstday slo )es the Gro s .are ball in tired. `Che
I to I'IPLING, of June. ... .. l p pj .
I. J, T.GRNB (1LL, B. A„ ' estimt�tes o£corres iondenis s1toW. the con ----=- "
BLACKSMITH, . CLTNTO\. _ -_ I . Hoadiiinst- e�.� ANeEnr it .15IO�N for BOY OFGOOD
FOOD a1t1Di1 .O£ COnritles t0 be 5'7 5 l '8t't T ' F , i
_' cLaracta ;too leb c e 1 e c i ,, ,I [,ET .RFCEI{ EI), A..•VINE .STOCK OF
1 el •cssion •
been appointed ngont fry tiyivestor's Cb»n)]}tun fr\EIVDEF1t5' 1L'ILi' BE RECEIVED BY, ♦TFIE � �IroreO, W...III,RBtSON, .IIuJ'flCh C ?t ! anal til �. the' counties Of -'rite north OE � � � - -,
Plo\f, whish has recently bean greatly improved, and 1 nnilersigried until .SATUni).\Y, , 17TIC ATAl•, G Oderleli tOwn'ahlp.' s ''
nut+ stands without a rival. The mouldboard is made the S¢lltllerri : four tiers 97, 'per cent - '
fur thO•Crect,ion of.a' residenetl on Llodeiirlt tit• , P ,
f the best dinnunul steel, espccinlly hardened, war- Seafarth. Tho building 19 to bO'tlY liriclr and oUI�E'I'Q RENT T1fAT,C0NI 713NIE\TLl" r, r \ ,
' rentrd to clean in rule ttcld and wt gyred from shef• t situated oil ;ttrtf Loitdmt rDn(1 and.bnplt Ot the, COndlt10t1 tt y sal .AL,O, I Ro l)el
i . _• teudvr8 will, be reooived Yor tiro nitole tv.orl[ , ; .
IIeId, l to cl a, in ,uscl a fur these Moan. lntoudnr•
1 1 T g throughout, or-fdrthemasoowork-andpiaster4 gfrhoL':LyficictYlvoi, contauung nota toouls; the lot„Cent: Of..the average' seeded to :,wheat !. k
purchasers run have a triol of the plow, and on receipt inn an L' t nt rinM work dud'taint u•r a .tr has throe acres of ingot, tvitli"goad nrch« id; i«wn and a��st-loll. 9 Forks., Sche�
C cu s e n 1 i g, s P t� ill be lotus', • ill) ..because winter
, '
„ f InFt acrd it \viii be delh•ered fres hr auv tat t of rho "' - sltrtibUer • ?lord mid soft a'atcr; .stable (aril drive I .. ' ..
. 1 . 1 rately.' 'Pile' Im+est or any tender not neees-: � . 3, . p
11111t%. , if the plow can be bolt by any Other tttake, sai•il •nese )ted, unless otberwisa. eati8fat,xory, house, apd other •conwiticticcs. • 1t . G, 1 LRBIIt,, all@(j. Or Ot•11erW1Se'•d Stl' -
wa Hill forfeit the ,b,x. 1 tar loud nst.recei\'Cd.-- 1 i e Dye(l:-.' ''11. consl l
1 . I III nnri sltccittcatiohs nutty tie had tit -Public . g • OyadeS ' Shov'els Gordon,.I 11
teferenees from ti%o 1Q0 of the hest farmer. nen+ Nrliool, SCLI'Drtli: TEdtlerti`to Ito adtlfCsBed ti) detable 1ctCtt a thought io be In uteri i + !
( lite llntlal'Hlnneti. I, L. DIcPCittIC, SCafoit11 �OU� NI> \VACi(iON.FOi{ .FAi.Ii.- a -
. oklitun. _ , `. B v - ` I 1 11. ' -• - Raikes, Hoes, �c
_ _ _.. .
1cyesis :t new COVERED, BUG -Pinna Will ' ttot'..be. )lowed ' . because: • the
, Iic• al -o n anufacturc, the celebrated , .... , t -"-” �,:" 1)0"v' ilnisiledin.tlie lateatsgylo olid of t11o1•ery r ;bun 1 has been SQede(1' t0• Clover Or I '
. HONEY ra'O LOAN. host material. Also; it DEl♦10LRAT WA(9GlON a 5...
'cotelt D1a111011(1 iLi'row no.w,;snitttblo for either �ingleiorbe or grass,; 'Che total.; uuniber' oR .bttsliels � a r' +'. � '
H - rm'AT.li AND MPANY- FUNDI: AT . Bout will'be sold ata bargain, and neither have � � � On stock of i3UII:17ER S HAr]1 WAR1; 1s'noty
'tar 1'e'nit1tb111 Of a'hlah Is ar, well kyles"II filar he Iles .1- lowest rates of 'lei. , !yet•' I'rifl(�1'pal has'tll)ie' yet;l)eCn used. "T. C.. DOII•ERTY, Ulintau: reporte(i' nlaiike'te<l is Nino months from , 'c(itli lege.-' PAINTS & OIL' . t. ieeialty, . .
' nlrcwl} received order.rartto set thissarson, asrlCsirCQ1)y bpL'1'OISC ��- Aligil5tto t{nril = 8 34� 319:. 'In con- t )'
` -- �' Llriater Yor 'thy i Y VT6N•• QAUIf•1. OF. ILEVIRIUN -- ' ' • ., , , A�
lmplo�cd Itilk 1 tti��, rAs�a1 r 33 ZZLOS -cl 3atoa.
COaiPaNv. t apt I"txnrU Cttr:ul7 c •rattle is 1wreby.given tLat LLo Court af- • (11tion 1]Ot;ses .are J3 cattle 89, sheep 85,. Pat.'Jti]y17, 1688,
HURRAH 1L1LAtI TOIL rI3I: D. A. i oI.PI:sTEIt. .l;ev.;sron sur Laailufi apppeals against and -i evis• 'or scvinQ 85 I00 re �i seen#ing sto k'iil '
t lintun. 1?ea. 20, 139:1 . ; ' Ing I. CISSesanient Ro I for the .town of Clip- , I, a � .-------•'
' .5:
-. '. ton; will_be heltl,on-ALONDAY, but, 20th,, it good healthy• and thrifty. condition ,
i 1� K 7.30 pito, .�{ttp,tll 1t1i1 CO. . l Ghawber,, J :,Che IDss of sheep soli lambs' (bit;, spring .
1' �j u N� W LSA $ABLE R Y.. aALLAND R, T w C t _ PVUIV M�ffll
Lb� !L ii ii t ,: s o" .t, ttnil is attributQ tC o`rile pool •
LL wa AVERY CCH O I c 1 .7E ,
T13OS.;1)UNLOP AYFIEi,n, COURT iia•'' BEV_19iwv.- 'nttal.ty of Tia feel clurilim hinter And .
-- A" . Measure in; biformbig the eo tltt of.Clnitmr T,ako ;notice Lot the Court of .itevislou fUi y., ab. •
MIA. lie has totnmeneed bnsiiles8�for himself ]u. the V]Iln�o of Iia' ilold.'will hold Its Ascii of rain, T'he: irobable �yool`,I- -
' " n 1 '..Ba flekh On 31 NDAY 114U
y 1. pp
/ 1U5I1: lt[OI[T ALONG. NOIv In THE the building adlofuinn.tl;o Ea ERAOiNCC eherch in Hal y, r2
�N\T > ed. ter hemi. -hill .be; much. below the
C time to secure a bargain: FirisT Ct.Ass 'w4ll'aGitductthaBAlifNC3 Bn7S1NESSinallitsbranch-, day of JUNE,Commendngat Sdo'elool[,ti.nt., .., l
PRicEs, es, and.tvill'Ifc ploasod to recoh'o a sharo:of patronage, � for- the purpose' oY, hearing. and rectifying all tlsltal average. . Ap Ii ' . ' remise-' to •
bolIeving that ho carr give sdtisfaettop to all.who favor complaints against or errors on the asseAamdnt ,y t p p
. .
'+ hiiitwith that eustotn. ,BREAD Dstl3tstiEli: rOIT:oY tiffs lhosent.year. All partacsinterestcd A i ct TtaG J 11iec "ci lid. dull pooches 50 per
yV111. , 17� AlV LlI` ti62 re nested to attend: • IT, -HITNTER, Clerk. 'p 11r6 ean.. P% '
a CDnt.
l ryPLENAI'l/. 11"'imll:PO4 SAI,E, -T[IE ___,,..._._ . ___...___._ .__..f,-_;, _ , . : . ..
ltasires to ttriueuncu to the public that ho has 1J undormenttonett vahrable property, is offered for 'LT tdGLETTI DOUR' OI'' REVISION•. — .. �- . .
,�peoed a shop for life convenience of his man stile at a bar *min. Itis situated'one toile nortlt:of. TI Nbtl a is-hereb lift that the firer sittingL L.
ustotnem, on HURON STREET CLINTON y Portor':i Bill on the dth i:olipossion of Oodm•ich town- t h Court of R vision 'for the'ToWnshi of To any. one. lett%ring :ffom any form of lid-
o l o, e s P he, disease ii•the
ship;, being port Df Lots 2a -and 21, couEninfrig eighty bore, Ltt, wilt lir, held at the Village of L, of I: Dudes•' V , , , Y will only try Dr. Yan p pI lb
' , acres; morn or less, A splendid orchard Gii. Uho place bolo on =NDAY, loth (las Of MAY, 1884, I1iuren s 1t rdney Gu1'b, they, Will not• only ex. ( �t .• O cents j��/, �,L1' a.
-one of the best'Ili this;section of. country --:covering ,commencing :at, tho 'hour Of ten 0!660k, h. m'.. perienee a prompt alleviation of their' Buffer- - •
Nearly oppositE rho Commercial Hotel F ,
1, five acre(; and tonsist,ng.of apples; items, peaci)as, for the .purpoeo of hearing and, determining
phars, apricots, diorriM, quinces, and nut-beFtriug appeals against,. and revising' the ar,sessdient toga, but a_ speedy care' will be the 'result.: .
troes; and grapes and vines of various kinds. Ott,- roll for the said township for the,preseilt,year• Ask,yolar drn$gistfoe,Dr. Van Biirea's I4iil TRADE ' SITP.PLI E1D. .
Where the I"1.
brididinfs and fencogin•good repair 1.1 acres nl fell JAMES .BRAITHWAITE, Clerk ney.Curo,.and be convinced,1. '
t whoat, tinlf Clio' farm seo4od to grass, about seven acres. , - _1. _- . . .
goo(1llardwnoa 4usii, (loo<l tivCti of s]itancil<i water. . IIPROVE. YOUR t5T(/CIS-'rho ander- ' 8r.r Charles will be' ini:ssed by the +
MASSEY LOW-DOWN BINDER Title tndispritab c. • 01;0. COSI, 11ortor's.Iiill. lq i 1 signed ivlli keep; tliirin> ,tLa jrrc+ Th under- tart Xis sonorous defence of"the At the NOTED TEA,•.�COFFEE * �;nd SPICE HOUSE
I � on LO'r .22, 11Th CONCESSION' OF AU.LLETT; l f � • .
( ret ir� ficcn at any tilnc. Also the �yOUNlYytl'l` HURON --Jut' Examifiati, m, A TIIUltllt-BUND DUBIIAX BULLY tD Stt1pe11(lOt. f,Allacy that dole f. .fns- the 000
G 1334 -tat class (non-pmfc4simlal and Intcrnledi ivh[eh a ltmitetl nntilbet oY cows 1v111 bo'ro =_
111,11tsey dna Toronto Pfoivers, ]►Massey ate will be holt; at the iii h Schools of the ou(filty, ceiced. This Utiill is 1tl months old . and ��i18 stocl. In t1A(le . Of .G.OnselvittlsTC1 .often.
I; . be im)ing'at 0'. (tau.; Iito nor, Tru ,Tutu: 2nd'elaas btedt)yJa]iuS';'Strtustrpng, County. of tveitiirg- f1aved the MiniArv.frotn retreat,if not
S .. . . ,
arvester, also i►tc Toronto Elevated g
(non -pro at trio Iligh Schools, hcginnin at .torr, dad is iu evoryreFnoot a'ilrat class animal. PAL � � C0 ,
n d (L foot O.nt Binder, with sheafear• 11 ants, 'Wil)NNOWv, '.eTIf JI1Dr. 18t 'Class; gr da'C; Term8-$2 per cow with theprivilego of return- '.d1SASter, 1x11110. the y�asoale. that fo1101v, - • . ,
i9er atluched. flows 6enfiltli s Drill's (nett•pioft sinnnl), nt•tLLte Normal. Schools, beg; tnh, ing, if naoessary'. RtlBT, S¢OTT, Londeai)oro. :tile cam alwa .s looked to hint : when
` and SL a t ' '• at2p.m., Tt;98Dny,•1GT1r.Jr;ly. ProfcssIopal oxavli- .- - �.W: _ p y 4' .
)J rl cs Rahea. flip wCt C lOUnd Out a:5 the11 : shield slid .. l '% a SH I'QR EG'iGS: X6,kt t0 To5v1t' YT,,i1l.
_ natlwr,, lllrnuxv, .15r.7ui.V., 1t claw, gradoSA. lits 7�{{LyR 'FTERi'ICE=E1NE DURHADk'I3ULL y . .
The short will b attcudeQ to b 311'. llAV R, WeDNEsn. , .33nh Juts. A11 enndiclatoi ututit for• .y�-thoroughhrod. • nib following is the pedi• buokjor. It is evident .hOWever' that .. . .
F.LCOAT, Witt) will be there ntYtll tm s iD war&to the Secretary, on of before June 1s6, ilotfw T;rao of Sir, Patriek:-Calved':Dlarell 17, 1882, was : r ' ' "
will ho dOlLend LO 11aP(t Ywrm at ell e , anti- of the school where and the dlass• of oortiltcate for '.l,red 11 flit: Irick&rd Jackson, Hullett. tilt Pat- Sir Ghal'le3' Cettl(1' not lla�e duel?tC(� the ," , --
I e Y C which he dcsitos to write, Carefully-namhf r the o! ' y , •
6 rialr1%as'go't by 2nd Crown Prince of Strathal• ruin .that already threatens the Govern- 1.
tions hit wishos to tate and the certilicntes he all Istn ; data Princess of Seaham, by Prince of - `--
AW, I: i\ DS OF R1:PATR� liEl'T ON IfA.dD. holds, If any.- •TMs notice must also ba awompaniod, SCahatn, 7081, 24432, '•:' dant Daisy Deane ltq nlent, and :must ' destroy - it when the w d .. T L� y� c "+ . -
Clinton, Alit+l •1, llis4. by n aort,Wcato of eharacOr,and a fee of Fel, ,or �$ if ICatldabl0 1843; g,g. elite Lady Jai �y Friar n � ►S�i a� L r IIi� MAN ►�
_____ _ . -_- .___ ...__ the candttl„te applies for scoond as wall as third;•elass ,' 7ohu • Oth., 1424; 41L tiatti, Beauty, by YOtfug, u11E3aS111CSs nOt9' CX1Stlila tel{es rile fol.tn ..
gtihniuiattuff, irr, ratnta will he forwarded to thQ de. l,rince, 1003'; .5th' dans, Dorothy, by I�:thelbort, of Settled gloom and he 'is but follow-
pnrtmont unlc•!s the. fee necGiu]>any It, Forms aP• 234, 1&10. NDL IiERBTSON. ItiLyflold •ConeeB- • � g . � '1 '
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT plication mat be ],ad from tile 3rd ciiiss in a Lattiral law in. leokin after his - -
1 Y• Ston•Goderiehtownship g a )
Teadhors de„rin!; anextonsion mu't write at theJuly .-- ___ . 'Own life. It n1a u0t''be a e111, rOns.
I•n 'fill: �x:LDlhlatinD, utliortriso rho tiiuistcr of Education Will comp , , S ,ASTI.4 _
1 . rofctsc c>,ttnsiorts,. moept. In txepptiollal oaseg, Irc MISS GRE)CAO.'. .' • course, but Sir Charles is'A po11tl allies--.. ..
'.�' S O HU' ADAafal)N, l ccretAry: . •1, A.-ALLLLEIt, t'Milidhag. - , ,'t ., .. ...., �.,, t i �� ..,� t .
FARMERS F ]fi.QN. I,!X%ulhI and Cliatrmau of BuArfl,1. , . .', � L Sb w , , ' !E 1VfosT 1. L)"lA'BhE-YEr15'I' in tli(i
1IUbIC CL'A<JIIE[i CLl1tTUA. Winnipeg , Il. 1 [il, QUC(.'1CT.87. .III}. I3E8T alill .l�I
_-..._ -� xyl,utvformin� g , i aruarkot, for all 1.1rids of 73read'anti C,al:es.
\Lit SUBSCRIBERS HAVING REI:k APPOINT- 6 a lar o (lass and oalt'tal O nb>ut faun +
JLWTVII? marc nils. p 1�A�ion OhIG May 3, -i�Zt. �Vilham . .
PP solo Afggnts for the well known OURNEY P P' Less n given rg8laence Ifuron :. .. ,
tTAYiTPACTURfNOCOMPANY,ofDundas,desireto . .,oratthehomesofpuplls., (lestof'reforencogfistr _1
All the especial attention of formers to their , 14 S
... 1. L SPIRIT S'
-her al llitillg'as a toachor. II•. 'Vanderbilt passed. tllroI . hero iii-
_ _. ; __ .___._._._ w day, oil rouse i'or Cineilinat, in a 'spa- l:t is rise' alttlost blcetitslvely it>` T�onaon; 114milbnri' and othi:r tows.. T'ivO
Dubs COD BINDER ( _ tial conch makinrr t}lc fastest time •ort .. cents"Pat,
Pl acl:a e, at'' .. ..
ar S FOR SALE. t a p
f `till Rubselib5r (tcslres to rottntf •tris . s ucore t•a tOr, Iilowrer.:Au111I1►y itulc.e, lu Fp1m,- record. The 'train Consisted of two, '
' P g:
9 � • . •'
I dl( order . t t
Just Its t 'Cb s- n Li 1
SII'AI�I�iN. tice>t :.
Th;s machine has boon tllmmlgbly fasted 'during the (hunks to lin cnstetrtors uhd the plfl)l;e l;mtDrally. . ,, I t„t g(•gd t,q- watt•.. will lea.said 'coA e , tt ld came from , int, adie- 't (� AtnERi.STREET CLINTON clear the -�
pn. t seasnn, and has given the best of sntisfnatian, and for the liboral patronage extender] to Ilam intho past, 1 • . - D ,l, - , ' ttil5ee' 0£ seventy-four irlilesi In , sixty- �' ”" ' 1 ' . i . ,aitr
s t ltea ,
as several important Improvements have been added and by futfdshing the best article at the lowast.rchna IONII RT OU, , (lltttoh. ,. - . :. ' I _ -
,,,r 1884, the subseribors feel eonfident they have )law Ileratisr prIO6, liv hopes to inerit a ,onthtitail6trof Elle " -•- ," - four minutes. It went frons Mire• t0 `
Molle., . - ,. - . ... .. I. . _ _ .. ... ......._...._ .--.--__
» . - ... -... .--...r...-.-:
i I[ek'ouid s tbilLiOy radcirnmMul it of fits direct �t� a , r Hamilton, according to -tel( ra hic In
' _..,._ -- S
importations of t.ha Vary (fest inrnnds of + I , -.. . structlons. from there, a distaon 0£ 35 u IakN fO11T iuAiltLIE'iCN . �Rw DLilelt .COwR , Yoc solo; Aliply t6
rr C.
C TER, Still)lotou
to u• innTkot., end, a, they du not •rntond to spond , • ) L lniles, in cis minutes, The train start-' a LO,hnrsday, allay lei, 1884. •.I
'Ithottimo or money in travelling through the conn 1 a A �1. IC R R S y . "' '- `":L".�"'' • •
i tr)•, the)• me prepared to nllmv a discount to th( per. Brandies Port _Winos and Holland 6 n i ed froth Detroit, making the entire .trig 3'Vheat,'scot old . '.. $1.00 a 1, 10 " ylinIpE STRA\VIIERRY 1 I1A NTtt1-role
laser, as an equivalent for those expenses. integd• I I .. ; , 1 r r errs. j. yet t t �, p rl y klale.- PricO inoilorate. «Kjfply to l). C;
inti purchasers will thercfine prep it to he fo their a*"': 813TARtti Pon Alt:giPiNApPt•ailosk3 AND PANIMY t'Rh. t 1t t�..1.T1+ilv I,, u 11X .$'I%$ �i I ON., t0 Cincinnati., bmilton Anil' Dayton � now.' 0,or) :L 1 '06 CARR,_ rArleaq Street.,,
\dotage, before purebasing Clsewherei to .lull at Gilt Lines:, in 5 hotirg` i!n(1 30 Ii1i1111tbS; an White wheat, old 100 a 1 Or..
.v. „ . , _ .._.L -. -._. .
,.hop, and sop tdte'Innrhino now sat n t, lienmhu: it «t I 'L l 1RANSACT A (1'EXERALBANXINGBt1S1NLSS. c new • • • ` - 1 00' a I: 05' ._.. .. ,, _.. _
ti i
I lop,
and have it Aef line n In et it , - ( BASS ALE AND G INESS Pd IMI I'.I.Dlenc ,navnnood on hart a es•and Noteeofband nvelage Of G0.7 tulles an llollr. A tarn l •, � AWIV An I5L9tM)TA'xL'1.'ft -- A GOOD
Tit Tiottlos, lint+ nnri �inmts. nraftti0AnedIVfitk e'at ilk,atalTth6 oftiooedithe ' Spring, t 00' a 1 Ut5 yv, exti(trlenerrt RCrvantt far general hark,
.. p bei' o£ stops-.weto tuo,(le and engines• Oats, 0 Iii a Q:3r ,t
R1e,lPF.Ft� l'[O�VEiLS TiAk lt.{Itl:ti'' 1SfI 111 t'fi Slunk et 'analis. Nowydrkdxohango - „ . I pl y to DIR3 T. Rl DVI.,ILuloriStl'sbt.
' 1?). "V AI,rN AND POI'>,1TEh ffatil;ht aha sola. PRostrr A'tTritvTlon PAID •i'O COL• hole Changed three times at ..loledo, )Barley, •, -. ,. 04.5 a 0 55 , -- -• --..- _- ----•
C111`Tr 1�1� VEgTlotrsthroageouteanaaaandthaUnitesStates. `
A,-.. nAca) c on hluul from bCst rnnkc•cs, at IDttest races I 5 Yeas ' '
' t•ArtttNO'nan(1 1)A1tEF I;AUY.aCrn)Ftalttly Olt 110.1td. I Ltnla, Arid •;L>aytetl. P,lle 1'1111 between � 3 ` - ` 0 (0 a '0 7G �•' (►ARDEtt9 �VXN!>r"k;I► �-•• The 8tlbsCrthc>v-
Pf 0 iP,1 IIARRO I f'S CU1.7'11'A " 0RA' i 1 ' SAL NOTES 60UGH7 at close rates, tinct mot;oy iters silo CinCi tlatl WaS :giallo lri X }101 r ' P 1�r, r , 5 00 a 5 50 J -P having moved Into the house Intel oecu-
' 1 r advane f sonth irorn notes loran •lon'tir 1 n 1 Isbtatbesf . 0 4u' a 0:50 ltiotl by fits. Whltornitn bwat thb Dindr[,,rhaal
V .Test racatve4, ht Irin)c contrition' adto nrmor o of , 1 t Ia pro hied to tafte Ii linifted iinulbor of board•
i nor rten mnko {rpt nn bond and made to mdrr. doll riltnutes, �'lle train Was trio Rnttbr . '0.1G a C) •17: 4 ICE oaoetlY - • 1+,.I;fiR, ClItttan,
r+t ,ter, KINps n, )f.\rntNr; llxrnmtxn \vn Tn,t+'n. 1lfnrslp�ttl idi�rr IIP,' lir%I([N1J)Ct�leP Z i(IPr, Et tpLo 1 taiga sn] Irctnrr.'Alt inarkotabl tbronlgh'till bitieS abf rut 0£ 11)Ogd cOTll� `g s, r ' . 0 111 a, O 14. ars
Plain, Soda, , •4A I ' in ' "th-tordinancesof tl o cit . :Iia 3 00 a i) 00
I1,trltci rr8 ix XP'w Yani[ Ant tiTs nP Tura plying wi . It(' . n y Yr aRII iSA1,10 Olt TO It1:NW-•11
•.tiro N'onR ]n•nmptiv att.rndcd to.T� OT SW j1,j`l'p"
. It is• estimated that in some places the 9h P P - 0 50 a, d 76 .L ttve 1.Dts for sale or to rent, n. numbor of tr1&
_I011l�,.d...9li;;'- &'Tr_- [)rORD. *1<alrt .a �pr'nt 1110 CSrtrlr t lr•li r 1r,a 1<isRon:cxr s l,xttt. nt cAN4n.t, m oln
r ,,, ; 't,,, r, •. , , , , ', ,' ,. • Iamb aktris, fl GO a 0 'lir 'tress tldroort and a gam well. 1'he iiousNcauta]ns
p , .� e - ti. 1.()l1ti()N,'-ix. f).,• ,/)iwo,S17,t1. train :Llriileit> from 40"to' fil a 1 r � threoroontsaridakItchen. No,ofloN7nnd�8;IRaa.o,
f rine eRR aryl et, opposite 1 ttrt'a mill. Reef, - ii li0' a r .t0 r
I, sti •.. i m,l[ ire 41%1R, 1% 10"It'li 111.`ttt'Ii. ct,TN'rt)�. IV, W. l�AIMI N,' ,I. 1•,'1'iSPAIJ, l•(pCO108. •tl ltr111i)" FalrVor ivfn1111' her PM1to11'�%;:il�TilY�,LS('OTT. lilt'
!inhor. A 1'il. 1 1 + r
- .. I .
. - , � • .. .
I . ., . I
. I
. I .
C W . ... .
. �
I 11
L . L I
L . .
. .
.. . .
" . T" `,!�t -, 1, I
I �
.. I I L.., . . .. 7 I I
I I . . , I �. .. I . . I . . .1 . . I . L . .,..
I . 4' I . � . . � . . .
I . . . .� 1. I
• ea -,
. � . . I