HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-16, Page 6ON THE WING. NOTES BY THE WAY. , (Written for the Naw Eaa, by a Cliutonian.) The Scotohman's advice to his son was, " Sandy, when ye're no daein' neethin' be steckin' in a tree, it will be growin' when ye'ro aleepin'." Profiting by this sage advice we take advantage of a lull in the tornado of, wandering aud sight seeing in which we tind ourselves if not to furnish you with a tree, to pick up for you a few sticks with which your typos may amuse themselves ; as for your readers, you will be expected to run all risks. The amusement of travelling by rail is never very violent, but if there is any time when such travelling is oppressive it is during the night, when prevented by the dim light from enjbyiug a read, also from studying the scenery of the land through whioh one may be passing, one is abut up to the very inte- resting employment of studying the harmony of voices proceeding from the eleeping passen- gers, and the beautiful lines which faces ea - some in a state of railway car repose. But this unhealthy state of affaire, we are thankful to gay, is often broken by a gleam of pare delight, and we were fortunate in that our lines fell in pleasant places, during. our tiret night's journey towards the west. There was on board one genius upon whom you will pardon tis for dwelling. He was an old gen tleman, who bad Been 65 Christmases, was . over six. feet high, as straight as a rail, he had served 35 years in the British army. haviue been in the Home Guards, had been but a tow mouths in this country, and was on his way to Verdon, Manitoba, to see his eon. - It was a moat interesting thing to see this all but hairless and toothless old man jump around, sing and crack jokes with all the fire and vim of a youth of 20 summers. The old gentleman ,had once been on the stage in London, and seemed to be filled with drama and comedy to the brim, and allowed it to flow reit without restraint, except when an occasional poke in the ribs from his guid wife made him subside for a short time. And the man appbared to be philosophical in his antics, telling us in one of his quiet momenta that he had been Faced mach poetise in medicine by keeping up his boyish tricks. When asked if he liked this country better than Eugland, he said that he wtudtlu't live England, again, on any consideration, that the—Ornate was too snit and foegy. He said that, owing to hie hair being short and his teeth curly, the nasty fog got in his throat and stayed there,. which gave him asthma, but he had been in-Muttb better health since coming to this country. When light returned we d ourselves surrounded by the prairie lands o ' 'chigan, which was not relieved by anything • ill, mention until we reached Chicago, an im- mense pile of brink, stone and mortar, with a never ending stream of men, women, ugly boys, girls, horses, dogs and dudes, the latter being very prevalent and dangerous. We only had time to take a run down Canal street to Madison street, along the same to Clark street, and back to the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Pani 11. R. One of the strongest impressions we gather- ed from our observations in the great city is that there trade and commerce have gone mad, that tbe people aro neither happy nor contented, and that they have sacrificed these and are daily sacrificing them to mane. mon. Not content with groat stores, the sidewalks are being invaded by vendors of goods, and passers-by are button-ltoledeby the eager merchants. We can see banging over the city the curse that surely -awaits those who hasten to be rich. Our journey from Chicago is tjirongh a pleasant country, rising gradually from tbe lake, the land ap- pearing to be well tilled, and the farmers to be in very comfortable circumstances. It' was noticeable that there is a large acreage; sown with fall wheat, which appealed to be in excellent shape. .After reaching \lilwau- kee, celebrated for lager beer, and the batt boy and his pa, We strike a country beautiful and pictureegtie.. There stands, just outside of the city, a very pleasant looking mansion surrounded by parks, gravel walks and gar- dens—the soldier's home. It was at ouce sad and inspiring to see the soldiers in their uniform, one minus an arm, another a leg, and so on, crippled in every conceivable way for their country, cared for in such a inagnili• cent manner by the people. '('here are at the home 500 soldiers. A few miles out of Mil- ' waukee we pass a most picturesque scene, . known by the euphoneons name of the Ocou- omewoc Lakes, in the fore ground a well or-• dered building, with grounds Laid out with great taste, beyond lay a chain of lakes of clear blue water, and beyond that the horizon line is broken by,gentle eminences, whose brows and tops are clad with clumps of trees, the whole making a sight far more than pleas. ing, and a great relief, after the eye bad boon. resting so long upon the tame, flat land further east. We struck St. Paul, the rival of Chicago. at 7.20 a.m., a few impressions of which we will reserve for our next. THE'BOY3 ABSOAD. The Editor's Tribune. Theron 1'. Keator, Editor of Ft. Wayne, Ind., "Gazette," writes.: For the past live years have always used Dr. King's New .Die. covery, for coughs of most severe character, as well as for those of a milder type. I never fails to effect a speedy sure. My friends to whom I have recommended it speak I ©f it in same high terma. Having been cur- ed by it of every cough I have had for five Scars, I consider it the only reliable and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, etc." Call at Watts & Co's Drug Store and get a free trial""bottle. Large Size .$I. ' nuctclen�e Arnica Salve. The best save. in the world foreuts,lrruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sored; tetter. chapped hands, cI.ilblaius, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos tively cures piles, or no tray ruluired. 11 ,ie guaranteed to give 1 perfect sa,isfaction or money refunded. Price 27) cents per box. \'vatta ez Co. PALE, PQOIR, PUNY .& PALLID.. Considering all the ills that attach little children, it is a wonder that any of the poor little youngsters live to grow up. There are children who are truly objects of pity. They seem almost bloodless, Their cheeks are thin and pinched ; their eyes are hollow;, and their shin is tightly drawn over their foreheads.. There is nothing hearty about them. They do not enjoy their lives, They are suffering from the debility that leads to marasmus, Poor things ! Do a good deed for the pale, poor; puny, •ppal- lid obild. Hand its mother a bottle of The Shaker Blood Syrup. Here is lifeeven, for the most delicate, the most debilitated ; even for, the child almost given up for dead. Pure blood is what the -child needs, to bring it up: The little digestive apparatus will recover. The pale cheeks will fill out. The weary groan of the child will be exchanged for the merry prat- tle of infantile gladness. Your druggist will tell you what wonders the Shaker Blood Syrup has'ilone fee Very.sick-childreit. Health & Happiness for alt. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE '01 Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Diziiness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, -- 't And every species of disease arising from Impure Illood, &c. &c., rear/auto to JY T115 Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL. It is reported from Ottawa that the Government has determned to redcoat tiro * 1 and $2 notes of the old Dotni- ' niolt first isspo stored from the office of the Receiver -General in Toronto ,cine years ago, and now in circura- siOA. --The Journal of Ilealtlt says the worst cold may cured if the patient will soon after taking it, keep warm in bed and eat nothing for a day or two, Geo. Daniel, Saugeen lino, Huron township, owns a cow less than two yours old has never had a calf, and has given milk for over twelve months. Cruelly Murdered. Int be Province of Ontario every year thousands are being .lowly murdered by taking unsuitable, untried nostrums for ,och compmints as Costiveness Indigestion, Liver complaint. Kidney Troubles, etc.. who nitght easiyyly regain lost strength +hnein that d snbob using the M c ewe swill give Cure.' em To free it ce of bottle at eomhe's drug store, Price hoc. nod one dollar. See t'.tbnnnia I, from 7,1 . 1 4.4 vnnr uw•p Om 0. t i; _ '-ear. VtJOHN TS ON'S Q' SARSAPARILLA -FOR-- LIVER COMPLAINT, EYSPI S.et IS1 And for Purifying the Bleed. It has been in use for 20 years, and I. •.n. proved to be the best preparation in tho market for SICK HEA DACHE. PAIN IN THE , SIDE OR BACK. LIVER . COM. PLAINT,' PIMPLES ON THE FACE, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, and .all Diseases that arise from a Disordered Lyer or an Impure blood. Thousands of our brat people .take it and give it to their chit Area. Physicians prescribe it daily. Those who use it once, recommend it to others. It Is made from Yellow Dock, Hondo; ras Sarsaparilla, Wildhenry, Stilliagia Dandelion, Sassafras, . ergreen.tand other well-known value Roots and Herbs. It is strictly vegetable, and can- not 'hurt the most delicate constitution. It is one of the best medicines in use for Regulating the Bowels. It is sold by all responsible druggists at one dollar for a quart bottle, or six, bottles for five dollars. Those who cannot obtain a bottle of this medicine from their drugprist may send us one dollar, and we will send it to them. ,; W. JOHNSTON k CO.,IJattfsetnrsre, : ' AMHERETBtRO, ONT. WATTS & CO., Agents, amnion YOUR FACE. Tan Freckles, Sunburn, Pimples, Black Specks,' Blot- ches, etc.. can bo removed in- stantly by applying =" ]'�=.i'S Tan & Freckle Lotion. Safe, Sure and Effectual. PRICE25C. PER BOTTLE Sold by all Druggists. SHAKER BLOOD Cures Completely Scrofula, i11ruarrli Illi CraeirinndhSnk Skin Blond Diseases of every. deserip• Cleo. 1100( reward to env chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottles of Shaker , Itlond Syrup, ono particle of, Mereuri', Istanceodide. of Potassium, or any mineral sub - SOLD .EVERYW HERE. ub•SOLD.EVERYWHERE. Prion 11.00 Per Bottle, sr Sit' for =5.00. QUEEN CITY 011 CO GOLD MEDALS Awarded at Toronto, London and Guelph, in 1883, for PEERLESS AND 014105 mA,.CHIlln OiLS, For Salo by all : irst-Chas Doalers. Every Barrel Guaranfefld. SAMUEL :ROGE ',S. I n ger. .".0 Front St. East, Toronto, JOHN ROSS, PUMP MAKER CLINTON, ONT, The subscriber has had many years' cape* ence, andguarantees to give the best of natia- factlon. PUMPS, TANKS, CISTERNS, ETC., Made and put in on short notice.:All orders. by mail promptly attended" to. Charges rea- sonable. JOHN ROSS. Clinton, Phoenix Carriage, .Works • £ :wmasnORO. JOIIN :BRTJNSDON Is prepared to manufacture all kinds of BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARRIAGES 14. CUTTERS. Nothing but the very belt matotlaf used, and first-class work guaranteed. ,t0fALL.KINDS of JOBBING.A SPaetALTY. Fiitished work altvays.on hand. Call and examine before purchasing olsewhere. NEW TIN STORE. I_ THE S!ISSCISTEEE, WHO WAS FOR MORE. than eight years in the employ of Mr. Silas Davis, desires to intimate that he has ' • Opened a l'in Shop in Dodswortllls BCool HURON STREET, CLINTON, Wltoi'o he is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK, ' In the beat of style and on short notice. g a 'OIL,. LAbTPS, GLASSf &c. in stock • A CALL 90r.IC1TEn. Clinton, Uee,1888. 'SAMUEL WILSON. • •THE ' MOLSONS BANK., • Incorporated by Act of Pa' liament, 1855.V CAPITAL, _ $2,000,000. • HEAD . OFFICE, . MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKDIAM, P'resident. J. H. R. MOLSON Vice -Pres • IF. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General -Manager. Notes discounted, Collections ?Lade, Draft,v • ietned, Sterling and'•America+>. c;rle/+a>rge bought and solid at lowest ` current•.Fates. INTEttII$T ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT'S. Money advanced to fanners_ on their own notes with one or mordendorsers. No mortgage required as se- curity. ' 'H. C. BREWER nagor, • '•' January 1853: . • D1hhtfii' • • Go to OOQPka'S ' FOR CHEAP, GROCERIES Crockery, Waste/are, plc.. - Oatinoal and Coriio cal always on .haoi ' ALSO Pottv's • calibrated Eng1ssh 8roakfatt Egon, Long Clear Bacon; Sugar Cure<l bums,. And No. 1 LARD, - • ' At prices •which cannot be beaten in town. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY SOLE ACrENTrFOB Dobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP. THO1OEAS COOPER, - ALI3a1{T STREET, CLiNTON 7+`..O LER & .• SON. The, Papular Dr DEIST s'i'ocii '010 VIOLi 1N •:STRINGS JN TOWN. FINE PLATED- WARE. NEWEST DESI. N» IN JEW.EL.LERY Repairing. done ,Promptly. 01 an. May 25511. 1852. -Cabthet 1 ; Illarorooms, UNORT:AKJ.G, this tubseribir heehs ow' bassi GASK1 TS anil..V.VQ1r.laiN'S A1w4e on hand. minerals Tarnished at the shortest netlen and lnwrht prie(e.' A CALL SOLTCJTTFD,. . • itLJIE\intit iritis PLACE, O1..Resle11 TUE ,TOWN il'AI.L. THOS. STEVENSON. foods. House, Pring Goods to Hand beautiful designs, Two Cases Prints, >t'�stolo>hs. Three bates Grey Oott�ns3 two Bales Brown Duck; Two Bales Oottonades1Thirteen Cases Boots and Shoes' Balairce Whiter Goords:. at Reduced Prices. L. OUIMETTE. Londeaboro, Feb. 14, 1884. .TtTS'I` IN THE MOST#FASHIONAABLE STADES. AND PATTERNS, ITS ]'TALLY FOUND- ONLY •IN CITIES. peciaiLines th5:& lOct.Papers' p' N o ti'oirble to show; whether you :pitt'chase. or. not. SIMPSON,. Clinton. NINGHAME Desires to call special attention to his stock. of ChYna aid Granite. Ward, Of'all kinds; suitable for C;IirisLmas presents. Also, the finest Confectionery to be had, Fresh Fruit, Canned Cloods, &c. • JOHN CUNINGHAME. GROCER;,;; 'oLINTON. Now for Bargains' in Boots, Shoes; Harnoss, 'Trunks; JAMES: TW1TCHELL'S, gIA I.i ]laving received my Spring and Slimmer stock of Boots and filmes, I wonl,l all the attention of tint public to the same.. . tar BT0.ill N'xS' K..TD 13 U'I.r.7t0,tV .l10021q,. , Balli. ,JTounletl Single Ilr,r+leat only $14. /f only $1.7 tl. r r ME" BOY'S • , 1318 ;i GARRIA,G1 ,S, lards s aria, r7F,1Vyd, n,t+l G1TT/,r�Itls�V',s, al almost hay -price. • • (kea)) according, y, ' •TETT V S and VALISES; ver,l decal..• I ,000 G>enclees Iiiglii land .1'illc :,' Ctcaar T.EA11t and CAERIel CY.i: I ;f PNESS 'STIINC Ties, for sale all l>, cheaper than et'er, POONA' TO LET, over shop, 13tI T.T:It, &'EGCiti '1"Ak 1%,i\1 CN 'EXCHANGE FOR BOOTS & SHOES, .T, TWfl1CItELT,, V:CC11O:IRTA BLOCK,.CLINTON