The New Era, 1884-05-16, Page 5s11 oitlgi (- and MIETWIME1z • WTAYLO.R & �a 1r stt5011 for` the. Spring aid Shimmy is new coin' 1et,I and iwllZ'' bo: f . �4t a}n; li:,ls yectio11 to embrace'' : , •, , � � ,r •L�3EQ'lJeht.'lnLltBbi. 111 the' DQminlon, at the most •reasonable rates. TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS, &c..on band, and for sale at lops prices. Butter and ,rags : amen jo, exchange; - , vele •A� W rJr%kr.?i• i_ad •c w. a.a E �• 1rri F OT' itr ka!N .. 1 i....v .:1►.. ♦7+;'mow, e • 0.. •O aft Thornps�n ` Z.. 8.witzer+a, .,. .., w _ -.. $Ti.LL WELIVE! civ 0 And. do 'busine rr more than ever.: 'better bargains than/7�. tE.o . �, ever. • 1Y. f , t4 MOOTS $z .5:, '0E•S' • etPo W Women's Gond .Pralnellas'for`(iO ti. Women's; Lace Boots 3l% floe's Lace Shoes, $2. , Don't buy another pair of Boots; Until d. you see one rikw Spring Stock. Come,one, mine all.No r Etrouble to shitty .goods. : M,a, ,(ting 'WANTED, •4 Q(LO.. ry OF 000'D poTA1'OES. q$OTL I)a►awl .. 1101: . •;uo('!i .main . LARGE S..TOCk 8 . ..„,„. . N€)frW :luxT4ri, Emibralfc.liste tlil i;ILo' •Stlet. i:H ill r-Rasto:ie of •t-r'oc>r(clE�, Nvhi+ i>r. 'c�vll.tl l� 'iQ1d rl,t, the ,elocet; pi•ice ,,. 1 IN ht 7 . ?' IV*4 13 •lit, � ,]N,` C1 ,Lp t; Large Stook of Cent's lf" iArnirs isi n.' �`riOods. `A fresh stock of tll(;gc, goo(t:4 e:t•;:t:Ile lowest price:. e. R. 00A18 Clinton. • C E MISTS . Rt G T sr, extort;. Street, t, lin inn. 'The public will find our rstoek .)t medicine' ei3ihplete Warranted Keno in and >a r• the best quality. .• TD1ti.r SOAPS, PErainunv, SlloULDElt 7B1t41,G11';3t tR%"SSI+;s2StjfJNo S. AND A 1.1, KINDS 01'x' DRUGGISTS' Strw1),I.'.IES i7t11;1AL1,Y :1Cxf1'T ° lily A FIRST MASS J)ittJcT faTOILh. • f ' A Sleida% to alt,*aikIeg,, In thesis ol.r when our Newspapers nitre needed with Waist medicine advertisement., it is gratifying .toknew what•to procure thea will certainly cue yyou. 1 F otq ars Billieus, those; out Of ntddrr, T+tveki>,ttt ire,'e debilitated, thire le nothitt int the world thin will sure you so quickly as Blectrio Bittelfr: They area, hies''srg tool mankind, and ea!e be had for only fifty emits a bottle by Wette dr Co;' DID AND BEI,L4BLE. Gray/aa S1Deoiito Medicine.. venial •Matte irHO oaahxRxeLta .TRA0114 . Ki Ramses aq enfailSns emir 1'or Seminal weak veer, Sperinatorrhea, Impotency, end andfp• term Histfollow as a sequence of self Anse, as loss -of memory, tralrersal•iaraitpde,-•• pals fa the back, diet• fleeter 'Joon, promo.,&fe eTuba tareoldase,andman otter dtaeaaea tli;{4+tOa 11nR load toinenaltr oR consumption and a preattsrd•grava Pall partleplgre hi our pamphlet, wbleb we desire pod tree• by dustl to eyery one.. ' The Species Iodide° y sold•hr all dega•rsts at f101 per package, or alp, ackagea for Are dollar or roll, be sent free by marl. on receipt of tho money' by ad. dressing THE GRAY MEDICINE Co. Toronto, Opted:), Canada. a OF ALI,, RINDS. TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. VERY. CHEAP::• r . . W". L.:NEWTON, CLINTON. - ,N1 DRY' RI`Lrl°!' L fitH5.lyUBSORISEk HAVINO JUST COMPLETED IL' and funnelled his new Plating Mill, with machin.. ere of the latest improved: patterns, 0 now prepared to attend to all orders in his line In the most prompt uad eattsfaatory manner, and at reasonable rates. 1!e would also return thanks to all who patronized the oldlir,n b,,torethey were.burned out;"and now being in a .hotter position to execute orders expeditiously, feels confident he can give satlstaction to all..• PACT012Y-fixe,• tiie t7rtand Trod!Rail•' Naqt Wilton. 1,.. t.• TO BE HOPED NOT. 114110 TIfEsi ' ' ThsToron�te Mail aril (1%6.11 tits inthat is a. law op tho,.tateto,book provi . tore prar't1114 We treat note. A fear g at any sue found Rainy of the Immo of of` them•cops •ii a - rape obeli be banged. It ie a Jost and right, ed gest Mr.' Mowat eons onset/neat. The ravisher is es worthy fund blue c.11eagues, but ao far wit)out. of death a. tbe. mur¢e ere If thsre is any Itnuclt puoeeae A;1arger and imore nine• Iase in whtch'mandltn.ae.tin a ttslity and the ct fill corebtnatign may be found et, usual.p�1leeI fox tnitipation. of the penalty of Ottawa, -but they'bava far fo capitalTpinaiitltpa lit' are Int of toe' 4uestton it held le in destitai i► tit h 1 cony their have In defiance the h iii .&erne atk'the'lie petrattore whish coal• Judicirl Commitee uatllitMs°,itself ttrsi>}ti test#1 sen " i such Ler me as' Ilia horrible ce cheek iT tile'Pt'iRy, Col#nem Re=' Clialod o f , The.ouly`dleposal of suoll, .,tl , thea P cit ntidertsk5t6 . y Co n�t'�mmdnfty to to ate>id tlimtn to. • � �. I>tnsttJ'pa+ d o mesa amnee and t ee'itit fodefe2 ori with' a �v view swit Afoueboupr4 woultll be sutler t l n Ut3n the' Ito of an 11?tatiOtien'q aeii i6" Y en(j surely send*Y bis aikeer their In referoricel gaflt�is"once•eatlabltahed; 11. stir laws were tll� ' focal Legielafiure . to. the'11cnf Et l$tICy aria th� frarlied fln''aecor ' with' c ti`Qni�° tilts atot�ck aa�tatril jertloe; es they should bo. �iuetead of tion, tide.. attempt 'toper!: h sl sestet-' bait* ti urptberaotne and'oontradic gory muddle i o A un1. - neryr,.not is zug Q a @ n llm of'ren iiiln the;pttwer of lacul • warn; 'Boli t>te villirp$16tid been fogad guilty Ment in 0iltaric •the l.fa 1. juhtifie'b and ore theirltfolese ,6dilo were clang nig in the denounces as • traitors. those, who are: • '[refraidtititrilyy, there is no prospect that seeking to, uphold althea epeedyor blgw.footed' justice will ever overtake the 'hellions; if' the Pree+•dcete by which 'one •ruleie•obdefdee tlieloselt es bound as' mnohebyeoteal legiirenactinent^ are fol. lowed:+ Alt nogg tate law dectaresra Obi a motto Orli e'14i 'death penalty' la -never • anttfetell, Thejitdge'ggees'thron lrtheaol'emn faroenf'jiuttha'g•oltablack 'cap 'antdj` eateiioiag' ~*. ahe?seiiineledaivisher to he hangged by the meek ltd h4'iit dead; dead, dead, and' .ask. ingthH. ' .mrd td° ave' mercy on his alleged eeu1,,'Wbile heard the prisoner and the ape?. tatorat•kttow perfictly well that the prisoner's lifOl inine'da' et, as 'the' sentence will be Iotin ited i►i'kt' .atter bf . course, ' Lon$ • ens. tali bat eanieaftetl the•law.by, whish ` rape is, plabedaiti th8 iii ' cite gory of ofi nes asmur. der, ,ilio a'iiettp= ter The pptieOner is emit td tbep►begtillterjt nnuiibiily for lite ora long term o€ydbiW an if be'flia've' a influential irileidg re potty? sdre'to he zeeto ed to society. .after b'few yyeatiihave'01 psedf lurid the. •her- 4ror wiled by'hie ori'nie is forgotten 'people :alien . not tolerate any `such • "fatliil'e bf jnetkce',fit the Clinton case. 'Who- : eveitthe 'wleteliat 'are who eommttted', this' 'crimitbeyderet,e death;, The plain: •letter. elite ] * bifidBYitn$ then.;& die,`. When the eritee`le brought home to than is the. court ;this Adgrii will pronounce -their lives forfeited; .Iite"an outrage that a•mere tradition . of 'the , Deparament•of Justice "which renders' ib ons• tomary to extend the clemency `of the govern. . went to pritonere convicted of this moat Twin. out crime should be; allowed: to outweigh a ' poetise legal enactment and Irob the: gallows of its due; and the law. of its terrors.:. • The crimes Of rape and' indecent asaiaulb are alarmingly on the increaser, of late, Mia laxity in the administration of the law and the seleniu 'foolery of death sentences. pro. nodticod Gut never executed have, prodialed their mantel i•ema)lts. The present would be an a eell"eht'ttmrfof Sir'Johio" .Macdonald ;lo bre,ak':through` thea'ptecbdetit':Hader whish ilio tleaeh eet)tenfse ie hlwajgi cnieialuted, and to estatdisk a Haff rule•of',inexoraible justice. L-nt:the.ttillians die ! The" entifre country 'would applaud the set 'were •the' Premier• to re+nae^the interfeienaii hod to let the latv.take its course,. Im atiy event;'howgtter,' the prisoners; when . encs oonvtcted; 91adn1d ` he. pmt' beyond' the' g 1 the constitution and maintain the deciaitin of the court of last resort The hail nndertakee to discuss the views of Mr. Brawn and Mr. Mac- kenzie at the time the i•egoletiond of the Quebec convention were .carried through the Canadian Parliament. The Mail has all atonce exhibited anj extraor- dinary admiration for the views of Mr. Mackenzie and Mr. Brown, When Mr. Brow was living the Mail de- nounced him from day to day, ridiculed.' his opinions andsought to hold biro up before the country as -an object of contempt. , It was equally tinscrupu- lone in its attacks upon'ilr Mackenzie,' but now thinks it can' make use of the'' viewsexpressed by either of these gentle= sae l to joie* the 'assaults that Sir Job* Macclotiald'and his colleagues are makes ing upon the constitution, The. Bttforrn Iiarty.in C)anada.do mit* abandon their right to reason, and !they 'do pot subse( flits the authority of a great' name f0r'.t1`e elcorcise'of'thei-'iridivifl al)udg: metitr,arid'the'Mail will the views of Mr. Brown' and Mr. Mackenzie to. no.purpose,--London Advertiser. *NI .•-e* ' Yes, lire • one can't ripe t tr e,.ereed in business ea. i,le.heure tither, for li" tf matt Jr, unless one feels an right in he.rltt un,1 spirits. • This is, the Baet,'tairsal)ru{illn Now; it*, a' mai);matter when this void sly, Z ipeea, is ter ohl mended po highiv, ebengnaranteed to 'renew one's energy and spirits by invij;r.raa.tng th Liver and aiding t)ig. shoe. by clearing the Brain, opening the sere,,• Alf the akin, +,•I;uldt. ing the Rowels and syfderu; tb go' to the drug• store and get a single battle of Zot►i;r,a od . n trial:. 1t is a Jute every one Oren to buns( b?.. Try a bottle. then, '. 7I.A. wt 3 T►r. t Ei • TIN :Jost 1 ecceiy€'il,.anl immense ktock of • att.lo 1'tIs, orli� l Abb+o a iarg'f; :stock of'`tlle reach of earthly pardon, or the chances of es. caping with lighter, pii10011:6otill' than: the - ' law provides , Lynnh Jaw often oomtnits ivauetice It is Untie to teaks mistakes and hang the matt ' But in the 'male .ef men'trie9``b„yaAlnry., I found guilty and'eu ntence, to d`ei►tt1 in, due 'formot 14w, the penple.Irate a right •tb:nee. that sentence duly carried .out._ The mega execution. of legally convicted ariipinb1 its ' order.,triwield a misea►rriarre of justice'is .a widely different tiling to stringing up' a:`_eup. , 'HAM ivrong•dcrr who hen never undergone a . trteh a •. eM1 lire once the judge has fixed the date of •tho fnnerel, the citire.is'sbould make it their - duty to vire that the corpses are realy; so as to ',invent any iudeauite:postponement of the.' • ceremony. —Toronto News. .BIBLE, STOR1EIL---- • E,/Srpb Ilernld,Aptil loth,184J.l`l11..R'41,�I� RA■)i �Al�tisCe All who have the care or training of children know how fond they :are of ie- .. tures and how pleased with stories' when :adapted to their*under'standing, aild there' are no stories that charm them mb}•e thalr e wonderful ones of the Bible, The • - eteriev.-of Joseph, bioses, David, .Daniel • nd Josiah oy K'i1g,.and;the best:of • 1 c,t Jeans ' and' his `diedipl"ert, properly illustrated with suitable engravitnga are the delight of childhood.. Never before • bave'these stotlee been told iii Mich aaiin- I pie:`connected:; and excellent :'.say , as in. Charles.Foster's Bibler'Stdries now' being publisd by the; World Publishing Co of • Guelph; Ontario.The book contains ery •story, front Genesi 'to; Revelations, ,ustrated by•ober 13O engravings so' ar= nged that the story comes on a page op- sate the picture lilllstrating it, thus sking it an object ta'achin r work . and • any maps are: an additional help.. No Suitaable t'ot i'.tro,Crs. rtpd. others tiislfin. to, do .t}lelr'o2f►.}latnting', g�dars'�asd��rc� Mar�i�c &• Pas� •Oils.; a, • '.� 1g'e�nt fog''till,• celebrated J t. WKE11. `ETLr. ,1'AN. ��9 Ip1iiid £i:riit0I IRMA)1 DSI :tv • ill •I'ra •I IIu:�11 t1 pe mother with it family of elifidren can af- I L ' of 1�fTli,� :.Dl'1)j 1��(T1'r}i ' , 7,u�'ue oi=-•'rrir: N*n t, ;ti,a•�tx.e;' f)1�•t. 'nr: of 11. Ll L [.T.JL 11L • :Jk Qun'r, ,:lid, all of f.rint\'9Onolts. tti rd to be without Ulla book ; to her it is more vrine. than it tvhelo library of her hooks ; it meet* unit o,nenera the otasalitl and one gpections the children' • ask her, •tul'iltcaelleS them' -the best 'of • knowledge: The following spoilt -s for itself; Tho blishers are authorised touse.tlie 5lanie;a the following clergymen trho.eordially- IF X111, fib lJSIll S, CI)t[BB; TOOTH kNli•t•NA1.[L BWAD ES. • 'TOILET SOAPS, bOSl{Li'IC 4, xStO A .N r�•ar • i�r . c.. cbl r:r t;l1.14M1$'1; ANI) I)1i13G4(11ST, . . i'f !::miss lin recommend the work of those who desire ,• g primary knowledge .of the Sacred Scriptures Right Rev. 'Arthur Sweadman,. D. D.,. Lord bishop of Torolit . - Vet? Rev. 11;; J Grft'actt, Dell , • late • 'Bean of Toronto. • Nev. W t .•Rainsford, Z3 A,,1'ew•Turk • late of St, James' Cath.,drill, Toronto. f. Rev. Ales., Sanson, lrc*c'or Trinity church, Toronto, • • Rev. IV (taTRn, D.D.,'Pr indprrl KIiOi' Col }ege, . Tnroo to. • ' RLet W. for egg, Da)" i'rafesrser C11 l prion t', tMlu, t COI le gin, , 1Lev,H.1I Parsons,Pui:ter:Knox (:hare! Toronto. ' ' :it,0v, A. Sutherlland,D,T)., Se rotary 0s' dem prit+lilt` all the; Newnst, !ttylos iii • the Methodist Missionary Society, Rev. John Potts, ) D,, Cell* 1letho ` FRENCH. 'iglu AMERICAN 3 r� ` ! i$• BONNE T dist R Church. Montreal. thistle ii; A,, .}�rinerltal: lift ()h11)Itud .I OYlcy t tru%vs, Lr'lo�vet'c; Feathers, Tips; ;!Pont.;i , l , I7 ll Lagos, Rtbbol s, $like and Satins.' Ruing bought :It ore the leadiil'g itnportels amhe book is nolo only 1hy • sublteription, in the trade, and at prices that we aro enabled to oilers special 'vale&in the above thole wishing an agency shoulrl..o _.l to lines.FMB :ft1 �$, large stock to choose from. Dimes Ortv<ttrtn rs, the publisbora. pp y P4ssesteNT'Itltts AND Gate 'I1ll lfoltht. ffu11 line of S1mT'P.I't:1' *IC blm,* ono ° UN'l'..• their families to of a clour • 0(3141.1', ,1:T + A SS(Y:131`NI. !: N'1' 01 e • ilaptrtt (:allege '.lorontrf 'Olnir ,(jr)ittiti'ents Rev, Powis, Pasttd Zion ('nllgre. • • general assoitrlieltt of DRQ( (.0014 flats and Bnnnets Mate 'Over into 01;1. Plaid L'ightnlnp,.t Meld lidbtning to the o'ntg cure:ri Taolinialin. Ilaadobe. t1i0 letuling fitiyho. Apprentices wanted to lei 1n tile.. tatraw' Work.. tiaras he and rieurni tae. It dots „n• ta,a,i day, or nn tar to pore it, Let la Inas llama Aminute ell pain tokens. Th ubanda •� time Mated itt inertia Wittig the Int rent. Meld lightning It: BEESLEY •,gip -•SON, BEAVER r , A t •,-o trarteoi.pestienenrafoosihonmettrrh. 'i he word, eselhlo' 1. l 1, x:11 'SON, �/ fij�j; jij� snneaAavdhrpaliair,anrnilynareditione week l'rire 3: t:. li (nimbi a drragttnre.