HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-16, Page 3_
• -
. .
‘sxv,v, 101884.:
, .
diookof 40,264000 metal' elif e MAY
tt*titftnianikl -111
• ' •\ ' '
• /
' 'ty
. siognes wiwiL .
., -A, • r
*be. WOO 'WWII- *key *CI dm
Tam DIMAXIME 010010,0, 4
The Antipodes.
Big nugget are ritell Met with In New
South Wain, as at Temora, Where 011e
Wee reoentl found Weighing 173 ounce°.
' • • ' - ' 7 - • ' • • ..• •
The PrfeeiPla edible 'fish of NeW,- South
Widee are the bream, ringlet, iew-llelit
hing.tleht whlticigy OeheaPPert tare'fihei
II th ad k 1 ' deb 4 ster.
aThee, t,omialito lear:g1:70,1 , atirTetnotyu.no. and
roads. in the Municipality of f3ydney ,
which bears the eame •relation to its
snbighe ae- does the city of London to the
relit of the English metropelie, is over 100
nouw4 • ' - •
ornalnent, , • ' ' )
Inximaxorotn. and bodily sett 46r -
. . -
The limnall le Nebel*
` AbiOng the .' 10-0alled, .Poreltioe in
. , _
mey be 1400140d robot] of imitation lace
in hie* white, pink, We, lilaeireto., to be
• • ' '
rarely found in Men of great age • but vrben
so combined add to 'the 'obance; of ' pro-
1 4 .1.1 In th .
wage A 0. i nem ree men have
" ittirtiettee rot ilailniarisy, .
. . - ' ' - 1- '
Mrs. Helen "4"n (EL'UlWritee le the
11Isy 0 OotiterY" or " The women of the
centers* •1 Toe er sho. ieeirtrishres laws
linger Ithe "44* alarttilaMeat lireXee* '
. ..
' . .
• ami on for a olorucitt, toachel!!
You had bottotto pro filo role,
, Than punish that little urchin ,
who Asa leo, laugned oet. in mbool.
Bartle done it out of mallet', '
it would.be a dinerent thinr
But ho could Liu more help it ' • .
Than ale* can help to sing,
worn in the neck of .dreatiee of Oelitrasting
oolor. .
Set of every kind iti noed for their trim-
ming, and for trinitolOg in eenerel of
dree0110 end Millinery. 4:Otted latia arid. •
emhrelderlea of elegant design are Used .ee'
&MI &Vet" 'tea "t-tiVi P. "11'1'4 the wera
and who oombine these rare gifts or riatnre
itua will the Earl of shaft eh th t
.e etY• 0 great
hurouttran.e.n, 04rdinsi Newman and the
Ploiperor William. - - ,
• ' • •
Bee-Bive," and saps in part: The doctrine,
to he comPletillY studied, n3nat be we"'
tired both from the man point of view and
• - - - - •
the wornasee the two being for many rea-
Boo, -not Went 6104 Bat Wu' the weineve
view oriklier belief and position biregard
t•-•-,--ae--,•-•• :
• - • • - • '
. • z • • st,• tn... ,.• -94.
Mr. , 'll. , Stitittle or h :real,
ehereiet, ban jot popitileted ;we Ilk ed to_
the Attorney -General' the. report of - big
i knoW try hie eioutta Saovt,
And hie shoes tied with a cord,
That a laugh le the only Limy
Of obildhood. ho eau afford: .
and he tioon't rouell Mum ICU, lxiM
..„ Vow elven mattriviai joy, •
ror he IlnaVe tii eitru isii living '
While be it y4.4 a hey.
Ten alai why 1 L. '.L boo :
Well, the fact I., vr,t4riliglit
rfound a dog•tuti ea primer•''',.•
That Luso when but itailite ;
•And, in imagieatete ,
As I turnea its pages Litt'', ,
i saw some wouderiiil
trimminge for the bandeOlnest "blaek %like
und satins. •
lovtlyPrlotY. 7. onan°vgellittYrifif..47,bionann2:4014rastietlir a, ,00.-.2„1„,,,,
hand embroidered in delieete Vine Pattern*
lanualretrLdmelie0datigettlitto imotetnoe•rioaabein, awbootolohrisa,
. . ..._. „, „ „,, , ,
an eirg,1411311b0 =nu Cm '.1.1ilrenon, •
The now style of head is several
hundred years old. "Mme. &Egmont,
duke of Richelieu% daughter, wore on lier
head a little diamond fortress, with Moving
• —,.
TEM series'. of epeechee Mr. Gladstone lien
- • - • - . . . - -
delivered in the •present session is dee-
Di egyief to anything he hue ever. ririWhose
' ' " 'eXeent
dertel and he ee" more qteede out i bold
reedgurnaapeptrbo.eaostapbr..leein. relief from mhiaTutie;09:oft.
the Row a commono. where hee been
it iS said a etranr revival in him of the
leve -of t,o'cer.. 'Re .. oe net and nev. er 011
the remotest intention of ffronning m' tothe
R„,,,• ,,,„tp„,„, • • • -* • .P' - -1.- •
. •Y-- "-- - • " • • ,
tole which ere most misrepresented and
• ' - • •
weeledereteed hY theimia• Itr the 4.-ath
AKera known, there. 'would .be few preens
Milik would be any sentiment
proround pity for the Mormon wo.
man-pLte,,niereover, iateesifieff by admir.
ation. ...i.nere has never been a oleos. or
soot of Women eine° the' world began who
at li ve endured. for. religion'a sake a. tithe ot
what whet has been, and is, and forever tenet ,
be endured by the women Of the 'Mormon
' - - • •
CITOrOb• It higl. become_ cuatomery to bola '
them as disreputable. women, light • and
analYele OtOh'e Ortheotaridgefiloiind Under
th° ' rarliatlieht h011allh• .8% Itaar rePqrt° te
Premier MoWat asfelloWai ' '
.13nte-r-Iii.obedienee to yOurieetirrietion ,s
they° examined the cartridge banded to
me by'Deteotdv Ne hall end he to sub-
t tf 11 ' 41 vi t ' ISTh g t- 'd
ow . he 0 owing repot, ; ' , .. ii' cartridge
was marked in. printed oharaoters " %Etna
No. 2, manufactured. by the24tnii Powder
Company! Chicago, Ill.; 40 per Gent." It
also bore in ink the initiate ";* 1.," and
• - -' - • ' ' • •
sOme markings. in penoilthat were illegible.
The cartridge was wrapped in stout brown
4** * *--`'* * * * It'-' •
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- * * * *' * * . - ..1. s se-,
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* * .„..-.. , fos.t.. ;yip *
*„„ " ., ,p ' V. *
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* . i
** _ • *,
LYDIA E. PirilirliAWS
. ' • . • . • . . . • '4, .4
• s.-- ' • ' 4 '1... - '7 •
* *. * * * IS A POSITIVE CORE * scA?*;*,
pictures ,
That I never found hel.:;:e.
x alma pertain urchin I- ,
Walled Oiaroute by the hoys) •
Go toddling into the wheel roma :
Making his shale at noir,. ; -- - .
. And I saw him WO lig wheel t bile
PhtY Vratihs liven- the sly
With the rosy littl,•• AguOG • '
TM she laughed as she wetild die.
And I think wo r 11 are hotter
When WO grov, up to ih, men,
U we have sometime.; to Mal:41 PR ,
. . Atratebreelokrwetnis'L'‘i.•cfrut"." ' •
You had better ignore the rule
Than that little fellow
eentinels, after her father bad taken ,Port
Afehone. end the paellas of come wore ,
a little nursery, with cradle, baby and toys •PhYsiOiell'•.,ot
ooniPlete, after the birth of her son."
The -bridal veil of tullo Met now be
gathered in a Me* On the top of the head
and fall from . thence in graceful, told%
•Illany ladies, however, will °till • prefer to
havelt thrown over the bead, falling over
the face below the waist in •front and
oeoured by silver or jewelled pine to the
coiffureror .ft half coronet or .oluster of
flowers, 'Orange blossoms are no longer
obligatory, snowdrops, azalea?) lily.of-the.
' . . .
Da. Del:Moe, the faMoull honiceopateue21
;London, recalla •the fact-
. . • f • • • •
apropos of Kooh. a investigation into, the
nature of the Cholerain
. ger--that Hahne,
mann, in I831,euggeatedthat the contagions
matter of °bolero. coosieted of s' exoeffeively.
minute•invieible living creatures." and aa -
ciordingly advised the 'free use of camphor,
which' he held to be .a potent cholera.
bacillicidelLto .theet3loacy of which treat-
mein,. adds Dr. Dudgeon the statistics of '
• • ,
every epidemic in Europa testify. •
- -
Rene, unfit to associate with the virtuous,.
undeaerving of • any esteem. .-s Never was •a
greater injustice committed. This has
been partly due, however, to. a mistake
Many enthusiastic Mormon• women have
thennelves committed, in trying .to .uphold
the plural nterriage syetera..-yeerhaps to
tOrtilytheir own power!) or. Oildtwance .9t
it -by deolaripg that they were happy in
it, by not adraitting that it entailed aut. ,
fering-a pathetic! and . bootlees. ' deceit!
The moot intelligent among them nowmake
no such pretence. Said one or them te me,
" I implored ray own daughters, and I do
paper, .coated with paraffin, and the beide .4.
Was lightly packed With a yellowish -brown
oonipound, through which projected at the
upper end two °Omer detonating tubes,
Tho Mesa weight of ' the,whole was seven
onnees and three hundred and seventY-
eight grams/ • Having poked out the de-
tonators, I removed the entire contents or
the. cartridge, which weighed seven ounpee
and A .hundred. and tWentpeight grains.
(shout 7.08) which on proximate Analysis
1 Wild to be or the following percentage
composition: . .
• •
NitmalYaerine .. • • ....., .
Who has just laughed out ill 11 11001 '
• -Plyt tad, 12thia alma,
valle3fr",-Whitia lilacs Or roses being.quite as
frequently chosen.. '%
. . .
.. —. • .
IT looks as though there were going to be
•• - •
another "Pikes Peak exeitement In
the paree to all young women over whom I
have. any influence, I Do not marry into
i • ' •
Saltpetre and. Other matters schene in
- watio. 44,25
Vegetable flbre 1725.
imin ALiv ort•roi.
. If you're waking, call no early-
Canine early, bledmild dear.
For st hoilf-pasteight, as sure ari fato,
The furniture co.r'il he bero. . • . ,
I have got be carp. ; .• nicely cleaned,the
• And the crockery st..wild aiveY-- -
I ean hardly welt tem ree'ioyous (late
When l'hito be Queea c.., the MitV• * -
I never have movo,I before, hualtaud-
And I never may move again ;
But around VII stited, 'with a bru•ani in my.
, hand,
• And boss those mover -men ;
And they'll have tio follow rtti ()very whim,
Or else not get their imi; 1 •
Squares or brocaded. silk are Seen On
Many of the parasolo. They co.ver
•alintSit the entire top, the corners reaching
to the very edge of the entire !rem& A
ruche ct 'plain silk • borders the centre
square, from under which Ms a deep ruffle
'el the Immo or a a lace. A handsome '
parapet Ot."White „ Oatin ie. Veiled.. under a, ,ofgold
square of rioh black Esotiriarlikee, bordered
With IS ruching of 'black And white silk and .
edged with a double' raffle of black and
*White lace. ' The liuing is of .00ft white silk
and the handle is of bleak wood, beautifully,
Another odd in
,— . .
1858, the reported dile:300g of gold in that
region created an bit n / . 11 r tk
e 1313 Were It over 111
, • . '
d thousands of eo le igC. tied
azatatrh•an - . • .. P P
- - re - a- '
to that section, for •the uniat park to meek
with disappointnient„ and Many of them to
iind'death.. Now 'there ie another report
dint/aria in • they 'vicinity Of . that
famous and'istefur mountain, and - all. the
Colorado mining camps are excited by the
news. Itis to be •boped. that this will not
bring a repetition, of the.' fernier days of
raiefertunes and disaster. ' ••
vo.yommy ;.. !never thnik or . one
nioment Of marrying into polygamy,
unless you are Sure that religion
. .
ia more Yeti than all aloe in this world.
Nothing else can enableawoman to endure
tort Ft t • 1' ' t th
ure o 1 I .or o . we up• o ti pre,
wets of the ohurch..''-• One a my' dtleght er0
elipeeiallyI wept and prayed -over to keep
her out of it . I feared that it vies beyond
the power of 'grace to SO MOdifY her. natural
. tem erament aa tomakethe life endurable
,e 8 •
tO OM 0/ 001ine it 1800 thing but a Ill h
nese in us Which makes this torture. And
if We . Were wholly. Christians and good
.„ .. . , „ . 199".
Thi 'WWI the compound to be anaregous
tb that knownite 11 dualin," differing only
kern , dYviamite. in Containing nOrtain•
nitrates • an .ealtpetre and having for. its
. . • . . , ...
basis an itheorbont poWder, as • sawdust,
litifitead, or infUtorial,eartb. It is considerea
,to be more . powerful than dynamite. X
tested one of the detonators, and it exploded
with - treat force, blowing a . large hole
throligh the afoot Wirenetting on which. it
rooted, being itielf torn into ' such email
' '
fragments that one small. Arad Of the
. .., . frt.
. , .
For all of those. Palled Complaints atid,„'.
*.* *reakneenee so common to 011? bee; ie.*
*.* 4e• *4FFIIIALE r oPtflaa,„TiON.* * '*
• • • - • *,.' l*t
. IT svit.t. erns ENTrItallt• THE WORST FOIMI OF Pal
ai,tie 00nEPLAINTS,' ALL Omura; Nitorfamisiikr-
ei.Acemeirrs, arm nos cornet:re:iv SPINAL
14,.,B811., 41.1r) 10 P411V14171•41"44-ADA•TT
, ma TO TIVI,
LAIANCIII ov.Iars. • * * * • * z4,„:
*.,. '. • ' •
, • .
TENDENOS. TOOANOEROUS Ilexonszursmurzettari
piffiT iiiPEEDILY BF ITS MIE., * ' • * • * '. ,
411T limiofts v.""'
- —TIMIS, FLATULENCE,' ruismurre
urn Kimura's:re AN HELLEFEs W,NAE•
ACME, VEIIITOPS PitesrnArioN, German Desmnor; -
Deenession Ann lamersrrox; * '''..'• ,* * *
•*froAvrrsiajo or Ego,g.To palm, cavsmierpArtr,
Wgitarr Arm BAegracini,M AINA-rs risitmAggimr'
4°1•11kiaD BIC. , IVB, ;OE. .1*. 8 4..Aa‘T: .* - * *• . 411. 41.' .
r trim Al' 411, T EL , mama ALL. tram=
ACT IN nanstonv wiru THE LAWS T 'PAIIA.
"AN° ._ ., .. - * * •
GOVERN THE FEMALE 01 !STEN. * , • * • . *
4t• • PlEF—I ' Mt is SOIII.Y ' •
* • *,
LAMES CAN (MAIM: . TESTIpF• "131, , * . .* a
* * yoo. THE 0IHM OF Klein= Cetterantss tit
EIMER SEX. THIS - REMEDY is ussurmAsstii. * *
* LYIEA. E.• PrtimilAEIS VEGETA= couPobsb, is
prepared at Liam, Mass. 'Price in: six battles Lor V.
sow ku ail druggist's, sent hymns, postage paid,inrorm
• -.gyms or Lozaiages on receipt of prim PIAP0:40.' .24IX
emahanes emus° to Health?, will be mailed irecte ear
fitd,vse._,..naingiltam..,..v... rtttr,..b011,ildeiLblitlx.ozasetreit.*
Torpidity or the Live:. pewits por hos * •- 4 * •
- • ..
Mid they daren' t he eroed to thrill. female boss
When I ara Qutou oi the liny.
" " * • . . . ,
You may get your 11:4a9,!B down. WWII, husband(
And sleep down.towa at nii;:a-.- •
To the thrifty wife, when inevita‘is rife, •
A husband's au iiii•,olue algal.
BQ BUM tO Call we early, 4
On this great tiveLtitl ,lay. • - '
When I reign supremo ov,••• lui,./ and team,
As the mover's Que,n cif Wu Allay. ,
—.. ..... -- --...-. — • • -
' ''' •
carved. ,new parasol, very
°treat, is hidden under very full ruffles with
pinked edges of soft silk or changeable
Imeri. ' :Rows cif fringe ia vedette colon: are
seen en other new etylee. . •
glints to, -111onselteeiters. • .
.. .. .
coal should be sprinkled ai it is pat into
the cellar,to avoid as Mitch dirt as poesible.
- . • ' ••folk
The wash boiler should always he are
fully dried, and if there is thelenst tendency
to hist rub the blade with a.. little lard. '
., .. . .
. . ...---,;., . . ., •
'IT... may' he neWe to some that .the re. ,
ligione observance of . lapod'PridaY, no* so
general, ia „molt. the continuation' of en
ancient oustem • so Mach • se a reYiYal of
. • . . .
modern times.' In, the earlier Part of the
r ' ' f • Gs ' III ' h li ' ' ' •b
alga o • orge • =MY 0 um -going
took no notice of:the day; and in . hie
" Restitute. " Sir Egerton Brydgee .epeaks
of the ". clarnor, uproar and rege " with.'
'whioh .an, order of Archbishop CornWallief
Mormons we 'should rise `above the sellieli.
nee Bond ;ever have 0410010w, or •prain ;
but•it is born in all of us, and there is no
getle free from it. We know that we are
ee itting sin °veil, time we have .an
unkindfeeling toward anYbody-how roil&
more toward our htisbahdei other wiveit
.who ought to 0 Mit like. sisters to ue . 0
• ' 1 W '
are no good Mori:nom if we do not lite on
good and friendly :tales with them ; butES
anybody that pays it•isn't terrible suffering
'doesn't !MOW Molten weimen-nor hUmall
liken °aping could be found. Taking the
relative ex. .plo.sive strength of gunpowder
and nitro•glycerine as. being I...M. /0, 'the!_•..r.f
cartridge Would *anal abent 1e, pounds.. of
gnnpowder, but from the rapidity , of • ex•
!Immo of nitro-glycerine; .an ,the fact that
Wdoes not require to be oonflinid, the effect
produced would be'muCh greate_ethen that
resulting. from this amount of gunpoWder.•
I have the honor to be, sir, your, obedient
Bervant, • . • . s• E. 13: langterawoefn. .
- • • • • . - . ,, . .
' • MoikillfelgieS1.04ioleil shotddhosaturated.
"to observe decently Good Friday"•was
I ehould' think.. Thereare
. . .
Good eid story Mild 'Again.
• ' ..
. - . . •
Isiovelties in Do, -. HoinseItril.d._
Decor talon. ' - •'* * •
- ,
* •
id naphtha or benzine. • It iiijUree nothing,
and.kille the destroyer. ' '
* It soothes.and cools a feverishpatiant to
bathe him with warm. water in which a.
little saleratus Mei been dissolved. • •
• fanions •lawyer .uoed to Bey that , a
received by persona of a -different. Way or
thinking from His Grace. Bilk the at&
Meaty of what Sir Egerton • Brydges calls.
" the Preebyterian • newspapers " •seems to.
have been Ohiefly directed against Porteue,
afterward Bishop of 'London, who was
nature, either,
vpry•few who ate lit to live in polygamy! i
- .The two &atrium! which. most hate the.
Merthea'weieen to endure the Buffett" 'et
• ,-.
'living in " plural Marriage are . the doc-
trifled of pre.existenoe and of the - eternal.
continuance -of the patriarchal cirder: The
.. -A
• .. .:. •
Among the stories told at the '25.th ra,
the following :. good
UniOn yeeteiday Waft 'one i .0ne of the •druniThiere,.. •While the
regiment was on the ixiove, had a penchant
ter foraging on hie own account. and .the-
'ohieltens had to roost high to efioane his
. _ .
Recipes ler thm Boudoir mad kir the
.•,O. .
woman who could - boil. potatoes .and' melt
•britter Well was a good cook, end he 'neVet.
supposed to' h. aye .13es_a the pr*ate,s
at/taller in this matter • ' ' • ' '
' • • • ' • ' ' • '
••----, '
mere recantinn•drein j•eelob,s.reitb. te the:
ff '
es eat that polygamy was to, be permitted
fat-reaohing halide; .Wh'eneverinigh't over--
teak them this &Unto:tee had itgood MI ' or
. (Aaint Hate.: Otstributions.) '
• requiredanyother proof of hee capabilitia*
. A Good•Fever Litink.-Put a large speed-
fold blaek-ourrant -jelly inn) a tumbler
and,MI it tip with _boiling water.' Whein
. • • - 0 . • .'
. TRIM are. a hundred' students in the
Irish - College of. Paris,' all ...of ..whom are
Irish by birth,'end are 'etudying fOr .the
and was praiseworthy andidesitable, would
never, shine, • have .bronght the .Mornion.
women. to. hearty acceptance of the jinni;
total. They are ta,ught, and most mi.
believe, that the•nniveme is
. .
provided:for himself, On -ono: mission. e
d ' 1 ' f turkeys, 'niid had
, ph:: :eon% iniatoa.aux,„ern° for ocnivoidenee hi.
carrying.. When the regiment was halted'
• • D. 0 IC .1.: 20: 1!44. - .- • '
• .,--
' . EVE.
.7:: -
• '
i , •
• •°.'
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- • ..,.•
N 18
' H. I.
E ST ,
• , .;
a .
. -, ,...,,:„o - ••
• •
• • A Paris 'Diluter press,
1 '
The following. ia it .4. arIS pattern of it
dinner dresa, a chef-, .1' atm re ici its 'way. '. It,
is of Ottoman silk, aud of the color knoWn
as old brown pink,perhape the most become..
ing of all carnation tints, inclining as it
does to -the yellow mess- of the oomplexion.
Rose leaves iu the ,vatious shades of green
and reddish brown are embrii.,rea.. upon'
the pink ground, end with @Ashur -Ault that-
the whole looks like a piece of well' pr.e.
nerved medireval ueedlevvorli; The dresele
- without train, the rotind -skirt bailie trim-
me d with 'floneces ot ecru. Mee: -The same
lace borders the oorrowhat empla tunic,
'.00ld it is ready to drink. *. • ' e : -
- • If abedstead creaks atneah movement of
the Bleeper, iemoVe the slats and wrap the
end of . esoh in ' 'old newspaper: This
yrilferove s cOmpleteeileneer7. '''"'"---'' '• -....
, . -
Calisthenic exercises are calculated to
'cure deformities Of the .figuripeepeCially of •
the•theet; to itivigorate the System and con-
.duoe to elegant de ortment and symmetry
P, :
... ' ' • .._: :, •- - „ •
&rrewRoofr•Slano •Mangee-ttaif it Pint
of milk; One tableaPoonfut ot arrow root,' a'
one a espOon u 0 •
.apeck of *1t,one t bl f st ' f •sugar.'
.Cook am fOr gruel. ' - .• . •
, , The b.est way ef rernovingthe• stain 01 106
Oriain from •• a pale blue eilk draws ie to
priesthood .i various slioeeeee in 'Wand.
The Superiors of the. inetitittione• ate. also
rtieh by birth, but the Profess little Byrn.
.pathy with the presentYndevethent heed d
b M I' 11 Th " . ' ' • - -
; 3,-- e;-- sem ,, . 0 .. alug003, :however,
, preeidents .•
are. au pareenites. • itsri
XsoNamara is of the _game ' wheel of
not ti 8 a' L' d O'H ' -. d If .E , ..
i .°Ths. - agan an- r' .• r.re3g•
In seminary of ;1St. •Sulpioe con-
t°.is- • tleral ;hundred ettidents ihe
Majority of whom ' are ' of 'Fienoli
nationality • * lint •Ireland le represented.
' •'" ii - '• —
there also. . y en • Irish professor, Path.er
Raoul, anda ntimber 'of • young:000180as.
tics, wh *all f d - d Irish " - •
o are 0 a Wince •vie**.
• ' , - • ., • • • •-• • • • • •
. . •
ltill' OT,Isplritaw'aitieg, and ' waiting lova,.
•fiently 'to be' barn on this . earth: These
t. . .
spiritkhave already paned •thrOugh one.
stage of diecipline • and probation,and aro
t ' t up n a second one tt 're The Bev..
o en er o , . e ..
Edward 'Beecher once published . a. book,
setting forth a eimilar doptrine. The faor.i
mon, doctrine . goes . farther tiler' Mr.
-.... • : ... , • h• s it' teashe' ' th t '
• awner' 8* Ana°mu a ' -- ° . a . a
them spirits may 'select of their 'own free
'will • where arid. how they *ill 'be Urn in
their. .. ear tidy' -.probation, . and ' • that-
. - • • to
th • ' ' aro, • d . • 11
eY 0, _one 041 • a P .a4X10U8- :
.be horn - in- the •• Morinen ., Chtiroh., • as
the one true Zion -where &MO are to be
• ' •
fonnd•eafety and ealvation. . They also be
.1" the right the .e°1°T161 immethatelY• or -
...era dress parade,•• and ..tlie drummers
Were . expected •to • beat' 'up... The foritger•
b b' the • molt-
Made his druicaitioke go; n , q
d th t h • t d la
eyed colonel notice a . e, was ne r ra-
... hjii- tent.," sa:rvidithe eo10kne1.,....,".tha0.ina'4.
'ea m "rw?ana'ag' ""Y tun 1"el4L"Invaing ‘
-• The adjiita.ut etepped up te bini, .saying,:
"Why ain't you drumming?" .' - -
,. „ , : . . . - :. • •
' ' !Because, . stud the quicklvitted drum.
we; 0 I•ha,ve get two turkeys in rey drtim,7
and onent 'eat is for the'oolopeL" . .' •
' The adjiitant.went hitok and the colonel
" h • 181 t ?" • . • . • •, ' • • •
asked,;W y. . . , .•
Why he $ays he has* got two • turkeys
. .. ' ---- f-. - - • ' •1 • • -
his and
which is draped high at the sides and
arranged en ;pouf behind, A:a:bile a tiehtt of,
lace gradefully drapes the bodice open eS
crew. ... . , • . . . .
A Pretty. 'Window laseapilig; • •
One of the newest arrangements for
draping a w.indow, and wonderfully .pretty,'
effective and inexpensive it in, in made 'of •
deep port -wine crimson,. or olive green bit
saturate it with perfeinly _pure. cola .water,
mad lora. the 'edges of the Mark niade by
. the Water with flannel, so - that it does not
. ..
,leave a -stain.. • • . • . :. . . • •
• - ' ' • - . •
Arrow Root Gruel. -One pint of milk, one
teagpoorifut.cif -argon, rcpt.; salt to &ode.
Let the milk antes to . a bell. -reserving a
little cold to Mix witlithe arrow root Eder
into the Wiling Milk With the salt and cook
_,.__ .
A cam- irk* 'wan "r tik . ' pe '
. • • . eoen per trated,
with great imoces8 on the inhabitants. Of.
, . . . . . .
Pau.. and its neighborhood. • .', The,. entire
• . , • • • • . •
issue of -the -Memorial de's P forthe
yrenees .
let Of April was.'devotedAiy ita -facetious
• • • • -. • . . • . • •
.• editor to a • eiroumstantial account Of the
•allesged restoration a ;the neonarahy in
. . . . . . • "
• Have thitt•the time ni limited during which
these spirits oan "avail theinsetves of tills
priv e e
' il g ' of being born into Zion. .They
look for the return . of •Jeaus Christ to the
earth 'before long, and :for ..the establish:...
. - , . .. . . • . . .
merit: then Of the millennial dispensation;
after whiiiii. no. more 'Of the spirits' can be
:reborn. and replaimed. .Hence the oblige.
Oen resting upon, every faithful Mofnion
in drum, one of . em is for the
1 1 ''' • ' .' '
co one .
' 'UP 0 this Point 'the oenVereation had'
been carried on .- sotto. epee • but when the
• . • ' . • 1,, e I ••,• a i„,-•
adjutant-reportedt e co °tie - raise i8
- .,......."". . `,. • ' r., "..
voice • so that . alt. conid gear . - vif net 1
• Sick is hel Why.4idtet'he say so before ?
Send him to his 'tent • at onoe."-41,arVOrd
„„,„„.... . . . -
''"7." • .•
. 1
e „
, -
, . • ..
• • .,
... • , -
- .,
. .. , .
' ••• - •
• • - ,
or Morris cloth, in two stripe 'embroidered
in crewel shades ; brotifn tightened .veith
pale green and greenish yellOw; for in-
stance, nasturtium end their /eavae, dentin
ing the outline of the etriper, whieli about&
be edged -lin -the lower end of .one 'side with
oream.00lored laoe-tho . antiqiie does
• admirably. The two strips, width 'should
be out so that they lit, to the size of the
window and au Ina beynod the frame,
should be lined with satinet or.gocia aem-
brio of the same mar. The drips' depend,
from. a slender broths rod •by means of' 'a
braes ring just fitting 0 it; s, pretty. e ad
ten minutes. .. . , . • . ', ,.
It -.Yein 'Would. proierie ' your child froth.
Creep, pneumonia,. and a -more •-ef. other
.grave affectione, you should keep. its.arnia
•wartm..f.&-thich.vroollen .isleeve, •which Ate
:the little dimpled arindown lo. the hand„.
jellify true expedient. ' • : • • -•' . .. - •
. . Take a vessel that will hold exactly IOd
Pou nds of pure Water, and fill it With pure
. .
milk of average TWAY. and.the Weight Will.
be found to be about no pounds. In other
words milk ie 3 pey . cent. heavier than
. . .,
water, , . . .. „
' To make 'Aunt Pieties's apouge mike take
Franceby 41 vote of the National &amiably,
'On thealet ult., whose, primeedings on the.
catession were. reported in .exrenao, toadther
with the proolareation'of the Count of Paris
as Philip VII. , The leading-artiolergetieral-
news,. raoney•artiole, fugitive •items and all
were given. -np' to ' the elaboration. .of- this
hoax, while a' very shed paiitseeip, uniab-
served by meet readers, explained .that the e
whole affair agea simply' a poisson• d'iliiiii,'
The•raystifleation Was rendered more cow.
plete bY an'ode"eli the Itopotled coronation
of the new xiiikof France atRheinie„ signed
" Victor Hugo." . '. - .
' '
women to bring into the World, in the
course of her life„ att Marty children save.
Bible: Not only does elle • oontribute.to the
braiding .up and-etrengthening of, the true '
--Chinch, but elle reseuee .soule already' ex-
•luting and -in danger of eternal death.. 'It
is easy t0. en.eer at -this doptrine. *2 100011
_ ceisable inohish.; and, in truth, it must be
e,dmitted that it le hard. to -ooneeive_:of.--an
educated mind. receiving' it, lint lit is lie.
., more absurd, or unprovable than hundreds
Otkindred'epeculations and notiOns-which
.hs,vo been devieed, preaohed and paSsion•
• • • - ' • • •
ately believed in, times past. ' Neither has
. . -
•• ' ' Painleeg nnd Prompt. . ..
, . „ ,
• • • • • '
•Puresn's. PAINLESS. CORN Exessofoit, ;the
great remedy far oorne, is absolutely sate
and.pitinlese, dam' its work promptly, With.
but in• the least interfering- with 'the .cotn,...
Cot of patients, and is •abeolutely alone se.
a Bate, painiees remedy fee corns. DO not-
be impoeed upon by counterfeits.
flee . only Putnani's ..Corn Extraotor. ' Ple.
wined base substitutes: Sold evetywheie
by druggists and dealers, hi medioine; Take
only Putnam's Painleas Extractor. N. C.
Poison cfs Co.; preprietors, Singeton. .„ •
, ., ,,,,.._.,,,,,,,, ,..,, „., . . ,c,, ...kik,,,•• . .
- .. . .., e 1.,, .,,.,
. . .
DO" I SI' EL : .f ,
• ' ' • , .
::..if Daif i's;S
• 0101:sx,A.ZattEtlala •
. .
'' : , .
- ' - • •
X , .
. . , .
w Hai stood_theleat:for FinTqllitEE
. ,
YEAEs, and has eroved itself•the.best
remedy ' known for -the cure. Of
> - • ' • - • ..... .. '
0 uonsumpnon, uougns
0 ., • „..„_ . , . V
140104091m irmoping Cou.gh
and a ll :LUng.Disoasesin
, ., . . ,
',bent; -or old. ' .Sc)Ln• EVervewnEits.
• Mee 2Er!, OM a 01.per Bottle,.
tiOWNS, ELIX1Roweimptil,
border is Made by teasels of the alike and:
wools eniployed. in tho • embroidery, and
these are made to dip -oVer the brass rings,
seven well -beaten eggs, grated rind of a
lemon, two cups of sugar, ons. oup'of mild
water, three . ceps of /tour. and three 'Mee..
spoonfuleofRoyal baking ' ' .
• - - , • •
. IN-aprivate'convereation with a meniber
of the . German Parliament; Bien:tarok re,
.. • • • • "•• • • ''
the abstirdity or . non.absnrdity, falsity or
. truth. of the belief, anything to• do' with
.our judgment of its believere.' -
, .. ..---..---.-- .• : - .
- It is said that Dr. :Hammond has the
finest relent:line tuar Athena that • 00 be
whioh are placed in alternating 1;.paces 1/I a
row of three, faetened tb the cloth of the
drapeby strands of tbe went awl. Pilk artis
tioally shaded. Th..: late border. of °IMMO,
the centreth
when) e two
. '
. ' Tepid water with a little borax dissolved
in it is good to wash colored table linen in.
Nide talle.oloths - and n apkins should, not•
be allowed to . become reallyBoiled,
candy explained his reasons for • with•
f._,,,,,,,,,•___, i
Mg from 'the 'direction of Pineeian
u!.!•‘" .,.. , .. . . ,
ff 're. " I am .70 eats old. •My nerves
a, al • y .
are bad, andI have mot time to
• - • '
!Rim' Atistrelinikaninuire. '
, or •perso
F ' ta Withweak ohests I think tbe
eliniate of•MeIbourne••ninst be one of the
found in Georgia.. Nearly "ell of it will
square 6 inches and that to 10 inches.
Dr. Hammond Will tem:imam work on it
- • • - • • •
only extends up
stripe meet 'and alone the levier'. en.e.
These curtains are Repro firiate only for
windows that do uo... (ix tf•;,••,fl W the floor,
eo that thev WM rotate vigoroue tubbing
- • •,. • -.- . , 7
. with pap or in hot. vratet, •
. ,be
nuoturnis:( Irmo:. can I 'think of ruffled
feeling's and small particularist .jesioneies
most trying in the. world. Moth gs of
bright, hot sunshine; with scorching wind ,
change within a very few hours . to :after,
• • . al. . low- .. I
. • ,. • It Saved -7' - Itegi .16-10*
- - • '
This is the report • of n Prim:sees fared
and may, if preferred, have lace undoing:.
beneath. •
. Feminine -Ntatittime, • ..
Fanoy hair pins etili tees. . • .
The latest mecum le..ve a frieze of netted
cord with ravelled el KW. . •
Dark bamboo tablee; With unpainted tops,
. ,
have brass rods now sup9orting the legs. •
The arrow is the popular fent/ ornament
,, . .,
' .1119".eve IR. ihe ,A,Telii loom. ,
• - • • •
&tithe Malted States observation station
in the Arctic sea, ilowere blow:iambi:4g the.
altnosq perpetual SnOws.. .Ono of the party
writee I Thy -old-fashioned. .dandelion was
found here.in abundance,. about the. same
• in size and as strong in gtowth as in the
- ' , . ,,
roistern States.. Several species • or toe
• • . , . .
saantfrage grow in that region, and the little
hut is • - thing.Th latter
when .obliged to ;watch '' events going'on
everywhere? - Telegraphy fearfully multi-
I. : ti t.' '• t h Oh 11 ' ' G.
. p ies ray u les a t e am erie. er.
niany is intereeted in 'what happens at
, a ri , • ienna, es , . e ere.
Borne Id a .a v• p th S0''II t
burg Parie, Loudon, New York, Washing.
ton Rue T t Orlb SYdzi
,, ems see, e ourne, eY,
a . . . .• • r • •
airo. and Rhartourn. . I must egard the
a - • h .
World ea • a diesel) ard, and see ow an
event' havvenine no matter where can be
- - -' s•
teens of really. biting cold, when • the
. etrOngest are thankful for •ulaters or ,seal.
k' ' k t il th h tt t d 't '
a law e s. poll e. o es ay ,i, is a
• •
to e people dart' inheavy
common thing. se .. .Y g
oasts dr. rugs, in anticipation of the sudden
.„_ n
a ee that may mime. The whole of the•
"". - . d °A
southern Ootiet of Australia an a 0011134gen•••,
able margin of eonntry inland ie 'so far as
A WOO able to learn subjeot to lik' 3341ltenia.
. ' -- , ., , ....,. ..„..,
&tons of temperature. very num is known
.. '
in England, even among Medical. men, of
gentleman who the opportunity a *few
nightessince of testing 'Poison's Neumann
' ' • • -
the geese •pain cure.' Be prepared, ,for AMY
• • . * g - • • '
einergenoy by having a :bo bottle of Nerviline
at hand. It only costs 10- oente to, teat it,
• a - buyleet-bottlesat-e1F-truVr Nis-
" you ° a . - - -4 •
Get *10 or 25 bent bottle to day ' .Sute in
rheumatism, neuralgia, oral:rips, colic, head.
h N • -i• .th " re pop pow 'core
so e. erVi ine, e en . .
At 11 a i t • 25. istil ' b ttl •
e rugg s s,, cm a • o e... i: .
- • •• - 4---,a,..--• . ' .1 •
• -..—.. . ,.. . • ------.
• 4 •
. • •
4,6 ''''''' .'N''°'Sr.iiii
ft ,L, •
-, 1 . ft er.t
YF19C —c"... .
- . c•-•..., • •
A b..21
• '
Insitoes,) . . ' • ,,,11•1,111 ••
"riLEcaso.voLTAIC BETZ rova (1,,..:,, Lx,ftcrrno •
ii; , , ,,,
apptineoes .o.re sent on •AO. blIa S i• 1. fro
awn youno on oto, who are miser.
te from NESVOVig ptrsxtiTY, LOST .VJTALITT• „
weAltNeSSES, a lid all 3,00 1.
.Periscear, NATURE, restiltieg irom Aetna and
°TILER MOSES. SPeedy relief toad tomplete
restoration te 'FritArair, VIGOR .and lumetopee
••OVAnAhritzu. Seed fit once for illustrated
Vaniphlet fret. Addrosii • '
Voltaic Belt Co. Marshall,..Mloh; -.
. ' " '
just now. . ,
The hair is now• lrequontly Seat in the.:
Iosephine and Recatui, r styles.
?" Steel diadems for the h tir haVe oome .in
. . • •
mop a co m n e .
p 0
• hoe been found in bloom in early •epriiig,the
plant being in eonie favored place' whete•
.the Min repelled it and where a projeetion
.. e
Of snow protected 1 e old wind.
t from th c ' &
blueholl_Similat to 60 the.
made indireotly or directly to offect•Ger.
man interesta. • Formerly a Chancellor
just mode& to be familiar With the dominant
r ii s i the ciente of Europe.. Re.must
fie B n RI
, • • •
a - . 1 • • •
now understari as we Ipartiee, wirepullers,
14 • •
t co' clime e o t eAustralian co cones, r
- t f li 1 -* 0
rather, I should say, of their Many different
eliraates. Persons coming out. tor their
health seem.very generally tinder the im-
mese on. t a 4 Lbe ave • u to , e
t ht h• bt hth-
• .
Mere I sent 03 to this taa .
-ii, for an wan
ble reMedy for my red nom, and he Writee
.. drink
mg go on drinking until -it turns purple
_Toner, :
- --'` - •-' -__,_,.._.• • ''- • ' '
again. •
Belts, neeklacee and eh:dotal/le pookete,
for ball dresses are made.ol oetural flowers
Pretty colored. &wee th 'sleek are very
,stytish tor the atreet. . .
'• •
Mosquetaire 00V08 are e,till. worn, though
not as much Wrinkled lie formeriy, sedthey
'are again drawn (Ater the 1.1enve. .
- .
. our own groove
hAv lande, while eeveral speoies of • poppie8
. are found, the 'most prominent of .whieh le
ellow Varlet Thisbles-
s sinall y . .. y. . ,•
' poppy.
rionis and fadee citliekly, • and Venue the,
:flower is. passing' away . a small,. yellow'
butterfly. frequents the bloom and feede
thereon. The Indians believe the poppy
ohangee into the butterfly, and home both
'are "Luoky.tucky-Jackson."
firtanolere, . and currents or piiblio feeling,.
and acit rapidly on information. telegraphed
to him in haste. To generalist rapidly,
his oyes • be • everywhere and hie
knowledge mostextensive and exact, The
Chancellorphip is no sinecure., Its dutiee
mieht ov rtax a young -et ' Man. It ,the
E - • lira • 1 - • ,.. / . d
mperor 1 nOt,fu ly oupport; me. cool
not get through them."
- •
. ' .
shores of Australia to find a (Almelo ready .
ra de Co suit 'their 'particular ailments.
18 le 'toes Miti a e, so roger s =imp.
TItit* ' t ' t k - ' •• A • do •
tive mitients* and I will go so far au to 1110'
-• '. • .
f th 111 d.
that, zu the majority o emus, ey wi n
themBelyee, On Ant landing, in a. olimate
bee suitable -to them •thau-tlsatot thaeouth
oast of Eaglet:O.-4f aemillan for' April.
. .
• - i ••• ''
The niediaal lprofelleion are, slow (end
rightly.e0) to endoAe'every new. medicine
. . . .. ,. , . , , .
that is advertised • ,and Reid , . but honest
merit 'cotivinees the. fait -minded after a
reatodable time. 'Physic:fate in good BUM&
, ingoften prescribe Mrs. Pinkhamai'Vege.
1 0 . d ' for th ' f fe. 1
•tab. e ompoune ourii 0 mit e
,_ ,„„,. .
weaanc****e . ..• . . . ' . . •
. ., i .
, .,
. • . • --- .
Tlit. ia; EL BTERSON,.11, B. O. P. h
I. 8.11. Lecturer on the Itye, Ear and Throat
Trinity•PIedical College; Toronto. . Oculist and
+wrist to the Toronto General Hospital, late
eitnichtl afeistatit, ROjtai liotidOn OphtbadMiti
Hospital, /loopiest:Vs' and central . 'London
Throat and Ear HosMtal. siv. charoli sweet
w(!malla3. . . , ..„ .
•Sheing doors are in ell neiv balms to ob.
°ailed . A
. . :
. .
• A. Orient Contirriltrib.in•
.:. .
"---7-- 4 '• •
,viate the„ neeessity of 1.1,,bingrag thein. to
hang portieres. .
A small paintinV of a yOUVg IRVO head
.on plush framed in white bid,itpainted
with metallic colors. •
smallAretio willow grows under the aurfnee
of the moss, and one Willi!, will sometimes
cover an meg, of eevekof rode. No grass can
be found, except along the seashore, where
a °null, aaarts• virY 81)60108 is 1"ilet:.
• . •
. . t . •
s . .
. , . eine Tarty (Volts. • . .
, A few hothOuse pettehes 'are on mile in
...":* York; price, 75 deneaoh. •
...ew v. ts
The early Irishret9t0 crop Pierian le
. . •,
. . On TneeilaY> APril gbh, MAO Peet* are
said -to have been id St. Patil% Cathedral
tondori. At the midday lecture there *tn.°.
present 4;000. In the evem'ng Whion. ach'e•
"P41813100 Maio of S. Matthew" was
_ , . .
. The rainsitins will Win have An °epee.
timity Of witnessiog a bull'fight at a charity
fete to be held at the. Hippodrome. Praia.
Outdo, 'the world.renowned toreador, him.
seit, will take' pa' rt i• t'. 4.• Ho refused at
fleet, the having
. Esfriaat,xsa-mri 1869is,
' • ' • •
(41311 SzG,..AIAIIOW
, * • '"-- * : 4/
.8.11 ;hob of, Hog Prodlnentlimitilod also
Butter, ClIttose• . Us. rek 170 ....
etc,. pot, Egg ()eerier'? supplied, emus
Menge eolicited. 93 Colborne street 'reroute
• ' - ' '
Ladies are buying cottage furniture before
:it it• paibted • to cover with eratoune or de.
•eore.te as they4 fancy- • '
Butterflies and birdearenow embroidered
.in Russian and Cross stitch on Oantoo ilau•
nel for bed spreads and shame. .
Novel Montle Are painted ofi brown gio.00,
..linetkrith satin, and bound With whit& eilk
like Christmas nude. • -
• • Belief in an Datil. .
001. Hrthine, the father of the celebrated
laWyer, and the grandfather of Dr. Abu
Erskine, of Toronto, tel lees . celebrated as
a divine, Wilifilatilto a thareeterin his clay.
ro Wait of a very cholerio temper. He had
an old eertant'al` the trite caste. On one-
oceasiont% had done seirtething that. very
heitig rapidly harvested the yield is very
, , •
good. . . .... .,
' oda et• Parkin, ••Kingston, 0,6
e ion.er of h
•reediyed front the West Tridiee fOnn 0'9'
'apple. Planta with the fruit oh,
Bliteliberkiee are plentiftil in jachsonville,
.eilb. whey bring 5 tO 6 clouts per gnarl at
wholesale; Lima retail. _ftt troo;!. o to 12i tenth
per quart.. • .
• formed the iimilense buildin Was 'full
Per ,, g .
n hoer bet re serene was connnettceu.
a 0 . - .
The scene from tho western gallery • Wtte
something magnificent almost. • beyond
dedeription, It Was •ootnptited that there
must have been preset)* not Name than
16,000 persone.. The' Bishop of London
gave the blessing frointhe throim.
promotere of •the .feetivall •
, • • 6• i •
retailed to petini the usualtrag a denoue.
- . o . • • - . .
ment. Frew elo, though aganiat lue
- rinciplea, finally Waived the point. It the
wevero ry, e w p o , 3, or-
Cull, ho 'aile h 'ill r beht f •
get 'this ' ,
.. . •
i•• I suppose itirtat means that be hired
Nutt Otit,".wite the reply of a Stinday School
- a whei sow who. who meant by the
' • • - •
rho* a positive rernedy Mr the slim
see thee Made Weems of the Went hind
tvgiortewhowylrat nli'Afillcatialnra"
gather with a VALtimax TREA MR ea this
tiny zeithrori Olvelianressaddress,
. en 1:. A. ei.oeuit, en road ei.,
. , .. . . ,
mid of lOsit
it g.to•
.1110310 (0
. . .
• 'cord, •
A bulteli of pond !idea on a iar‘te bow or
light green Chine. silk look's well ini the
upper left' artier of a eilvered. kiiiiatu to
itch displensed hi@ master Tho oolonel'a
m - •
h beoarne uite uncoutrollable,. his'
Intl- . q p_ ... . . . •
litterallee betiame ohoireurana me counte•
n ' b 0 111 ' 1 ' e denth. 'Th set t
once e a e palo a e van
grew eomewhat ilimasy, .and at lent eaid. :
. ,Pineapple cutting *ill begirion the Pier.
' t •
iao, keys about Kay 1st. The geason las la
for Six Monthil. TheY all go to northern
. . , •
markets. .
. . .. ,.. .._„ 4. , - - - . * •
' ' • ' .,
Cation Knot Little recently preadhed In
6 P l's London and hie • ea:Iliad . re.
S . On i .. ) • A a b Y
vivalist style.Was ranch criticise afore a
high eclillesiastio. "Vox et pi rebores, WWI _,"
said ate of tho party. "011,. tf,O," 001164
oxpression, "And -the `n- tenth's clothes"
0 P r.4.1 g
• 1 eor os ' udent mats with a oi h
t Po . g •
"Are. there. [MY kind • of pants that wil
last a lifetime ?" Certainly -the aeon..
-. r
YOUNG MEN ieartr Rt"m. *Pgin' mkt"
abet earia 0100 Per In*Oth
Seed yourne.me and MO, in statettatitit 11. 1121'??
Engineer, BridgePort, Ob
• •
• Some Bombe are read° with the lower
half painted or embroidered, ma tbo upper
with enttaine, hang With
., gh, nit I maybe an aith Wonla relieVb
coltu .
, • ••
0 • city with a, •population- of
, Macon, A.. a . .
his expended $o 000 000 in building:
hi ' to be ohm:Wed " XtiOX
the Bishop affeet g , *
t Littl "
e Protorea
ri , il. •• d - • - • • •
lobo Duffy's ho I:acne:kr/1i epentlelme,
la,. was burned yesterday. Ilie 18•yearrOkt
OS di CU 'to eetn**0 a:Maine*
Edimattod or Spettotorian Fen
Matishipt* , 'the SPNNORII
tetra won oitttikitil ttee. .
portion plush
.small rings ou braes wires.
One of the prettiest hand.bags is meats Of
.seal, a doll shade of °imbed strawberry,
' A Dill will beintrodneed in the .Quebao
. .. . .
Legislatere • this idtern0On limiting •the
number of licenses for Montreal to .150.
.28,000, . , ,
:Upward of il2,000;000 of this sum Was
- . • . . • .. .
expended in it Sittgle year, and most of it
. . ,
or etoree and warehouser. . .
., ,
.'T'allow diva long reigned enplane ill,
I oil 'wee sold et
'Winnipeg, and the first WA . . ,
from 1413. V) 1.64. per gallon. '
daughter was burned , to , death. Another
child is not e (Med to *Warier. The
Xti .•'bbed
part/lite Were also badly tir .