HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-16, Page 1'
Barristers, Solicitors,
Oerannesioners Lir Ontario and Maniteba,
•Pettioi.onal 04. other (Endo.
.1.2.1. undersigned at the Library Rome, SlititIVe
Block. 06 jA,MES SCOTT.
Insurance and General Agent. Money to loan.
OPFICE, Beam Atom, Clinton, Ont.
JAL 101)=0 on good mOrtgage eeeurity, moderate
ate of interest. H, HADA. Clinton,
1.1 Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office and readdenee
next Molson't Bank, Market square, Clinton'.
on, Ontario street, Clinton, ouposite the English
Church. Emtrance by side gatr.
ar.l. Maker. ROOMS -- CENTRE BMW" BLOM, up
• Mira, Rattenbury Street, Clinton,
•Uniwersity0) Fhoician , Surgeon, &e„ residence at
Mr, Manning's, three doors east of the Temperance
Hall, Londeeboro, Ont. • •
Univereity, Philadelphia, Member ot college or
Physicians aud Surgeons, Ontario, Mee at George
Grantham's, 'three doors north of the Post Mee,
Ms. /Iowa, Proprietor. Large and airy, cen-
trally situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot
air, large and well lighted sample rooms. Good sta.
tiling. 51 per day.
Provinclo.Land Dominion Land Surveyor,
A.rehiteet and Draughtsman, PERM BrAmt,
• for the County of Huron, Sales attended
to proraptly. Charges moderate. Residence
Albert St, Clinton.
JOTIN METCALFE, Veterinary Surgeon, front the
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons ot England,
Telegraph despatches attended to at once. OFYICE AND
Murray Block, two doors east of, Hodgens' en,
trance. Residence, opposite the Temperance Ball,
Huron Street, Clinton. Office houre, 8 a.m. to 6p.m.
.LV -IL. attended at their ewn residence,if necessary. Re-
sidence,• John Robertson'ti, Buren Street, Clinton'.
Rice's new method taught if desired. •
em,Department of VietorlaUniversity,Torento,for
merly -Cif the Hospitals and Dispenhariett New Terk
Coroner for the County of Huron,Bayfteld;Ont. • .
s Toren to University member of the Collegeof Phy
'debuts and Surgeone, Ont. OFFICE & RESIDENCE the
house formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street
Clinton. • ..
c. tomereviteGuaa 1. R. S.'
of Stratford, win t Clintue and 'be at'
1 he Grand Union Hotel every second Friday in. the
Month, where he will -be prepared to attend patients
professionally. The administration of Nitrites Oxide
Gas, or Vitalized Air, given to patients When required',
for the painless extraction of teeth,
issva as s
ifold the exclusive right for the county for the Rued
process of administering chemically pure Nitrogee
Monoxide, which is the safest and best system yet die-
' powered for the painless extritetion'of teeth. Charges
moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. . °mem, BEAVER
moce, over Thompson & Switzer'e Grocery Storer
Albert Street,Clinton.
-SolicitorSupreme COurt
• &e., &e.,
In Blyth every ThurSday. Collections and
claims promptly and. reliably attended to,- •
PRIVATE .FUNDS to lend at lowest rate of
• •
At loe est rates. All Baggage checked through
destination. :
0—Rebate Tickets Issued'
ternrchasu Tickets from the Town Agency.- .
Town Agent -
FOSri-511 & 13 AN
1,1,FE4ilZE WORK A sPECIALTV.• • :
VOL.10. No. 19.
TERAIS $1430 Per Annum
OLINTO.N1. ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 1.0,1884,
Peiblesbere. ,
, .
(1000 PASTERADE-For Berms aed Cettle,
On the rotes Farm, Maitland eencession, Gode-
rich township, Apply to THOS, 6IR. . ,
Y Cook, and good washer and ironer. Another
girl kept. Apply between 0 a.m. atd 8 p.m., to IiIRS
CRAIG, the,Reetery.
1\TEW ISIOITOE TO RENT -A. gOod, story
.1.11 and -a -half house, within five roluutes' walk
of tlie post, office, containing 6 rooms, closets,
Pantries, quarter -ore lot. with hard and soft
water. Will bd ready tor oeoUpation about the
list of July. For particularaPPlY to ISRAEL
TAXLOR, Clinton.
Eqtel is new and bat all the requirements
of is first-elaas house. Large and airy rooms,
elegant parlors, heoted with hot air, and in the
itnmetliate vicinity of the G. T. R. depot. The
bar Is well.stocked witlt the choicest brands of
liquors and eigars. The travelling. public iney
rest assured ef being well cared/met thifiliense
SAMUEL PIKE, proprietor.
Ooncert and 11,6adings,
St. Paul's Church ghee! Room,
tlentruenepg at 7,30 o'llock,
, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 19, '1fi84.
A dmisialon; Ific. Doable Tickets 25e. •
-01' 3IRLISIt'S HAIR STGREi LORTON, Wull be at. the
•Commercial Hotel, Clinton...Friday
afternoon and Saturday, May .
23rd and
With a complete line -n the latest styles of LANGTRY
WAVES, SARATOGA and other waves', FRONTLETS,
will, pleased to see his 'tumorous customers td
• ladies generally requiring anythingin this
Any address left at above hotel 'will reedy° prompt
attention, :1 • • ."
. . J. MILLER, •
•212, Dundas St., London. ,
• • • • •
Notice is hereby given that George Diehl, George L.
Diehl and Andrew James Diehl, doling business at the
town of Clinton; in the County of Huron, as “Geolge
Diehl & Sons," Furniture dealers, . Cabinet maker(
and Undertakers,having.made an.'itssignment of 411
theit•property, eetates, and °Reds to the undersigned,
Joseph, Chidley, of thesaid town of Clinton, -in trust
for the benefit of all their creditors, and that all per -
Sens having. claims against the said. George Diehl,
George L. Diehl e,ed Andrew. James Diehl, eons -
•prising tbe mid BEE of "George DIM &, Sons," are
required, on or before June 25th, 1884, to seln. by
.letter, prepared 'and addressed -to the inurersi,gned;
their names, residence, n65301116 addresses, arid par-.
tieulars of their Claims, duly verified by statutory de-
clarations, specifyieg, Gre nature• of, the security, If
any,held by them ; and take nate° that -after the said
date•pursuant to 46 Vie., Soca. Chap.9,(Ont.,) the said
trustee will proceed to distribute the assets of the
said -George Diehl, George L. Diehl, and Andrew
JameaDiehl, comprising -the said firm of 4,,0e0rge Diehl
& Sons," among the •parties entitled thereto,
having regard' only to the claims.of Which notice.
have been given, and that be will net be liable
for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to
any pereon or persons, firms or. corporations,Of whose
debt or claim heshall not have notice, •• • '
That a meeting of 'the • Creditors of the above -
named. George Diehl, George L. Diehl, and Andrew
Jamek Diehl, will be beld In their Warerooms,
ria Street, 011uton, on •Wednesdity the 21st of May
instant at 10 O'clock in the. forenoon. . • '
Dated.t, Clinton'this 12th day.of Mity, A.D.•'1884.
• • " JOSEPH t'IUDLEY, • '
' • • •• Trustee...
M .
• • Solicitors for Trustee. •
. •
Nothing so Nice an.Fmo Head.. of Nair
• • •
•• •
• 111110 .1.1DIRMBERIbat y011 RII, will have a chance to
malte yourself look .siouna• and pretty. Mr. Dor,
en wep'd, of the Parts Heir 'Works, 106;yonge St, ;Toren
to, will he at ,,the llattertbury Mute withit largo and'
fashionable stock Of met Goods. suck 1081.01ns' Wins;
* : . •
. . *s... (C.5, m • .
-...l./..00. "3:-., '''. - - ,/.1 , • ' "' cly&-)
y,......,&,.. 4C4
, ;,-,.."• ' , ri..'2 .,
.' -1
,, , ezrZI • ,
aii110‘.. ?
Ul* 1 At',
0 l'.
, i:: •
ros. Also
Ossri,Emsx's Torrssc AND Winu PI op shapes and
alges, of the Very bust kinds, '
qh arges niudoriite
Is White Bronze a Fraud
CLINTON, AprIl 28, 1884.
Bit. A. H.. LANI/oN,
11/11601TORT, CONE.
, DEAR SIR,. -D101 you give the inclosed•t.estirtioulal or
la It a fraud? Yours vary respectfullyt
W. M. OlF1.1N.
This is to certify that I saw during the, eeinhier Cf
1806, at the Schonburoll Palace Gardensat Vienna,
sushi% J
an equestrian statue of Prince oseph, and
which at that time had stood exposed in the open air
for 85years, and said statuewas east of pure gine, end
in appearance it was fresh and pet -feet. • ' •
Sup. Pembroke -Iron 1Vorks.
Bridgeport, Conn. •
Ilaimntrofir, Cr Ably 0 1884
Dena Sin, --Your enrd, April 28, et hand, the•testi-
menial 'an refer to, signed by one Ma Landon, is
genuith.Mul no fraud, the statue having been seen by
him cfs stated, and also by -thousands of other Ameri•
can Aelirists, 110 Cell be seen the 55E20 to•day.
If ynu or any of yonr customers wvish te satisfy'
themselves as to the utility and genuineness of the
work, if they will take the trouble te come te•Bridge.
port, we would be pleased to show them what is being
ilone here, and think they will veey quickly -admit It
is no humbug, and yourself MR RD agent for the goods
-Auld be greatly benefitted by the visit here. .
Tours &e. A. If. LANDON.,
. et t110 firm of Parsons & Landon.
Parties Intending to purchase -ft Molt Innen t 'Win
find It to their advantage to !IPA out` White
Bronze before bnying 6186w/tem.
erreters, PER.EIN BLOCK. Op/melte •
the Market, Clinton, •
11OPP E‘Cv
BeSides these Mr. Derenwend will have with him a
na° 419111V of Coltiell ifaii Wash, whieh; when applied
to the heir, produces that beget/01 blonde shade,so
Mach admirer.' by the ladies, The latest Invention is:
hillrOlca,la.preparation lately cliseottred by Mr. Doren -
Wend, after years of experimenting, to remora • hair
from ladies' laces and arms, without' pain or disfigure.
ntent,110 heir neverto return. Hundreds of ladles
heve been relieved of this (to 4 lady) unilateral
'growth, and they highly prize this wonderful removet'. •
This article is not for sato, but. will he applied by Mr.
Dorentvold hitoself„ in order to give perfect satisfan0
tion. yott have superfluous bier on the face 'or
arms I -can remove B. Re money.asked if not satis-
factory, , •
Will be et the inattenbury Ironed, ClInteat.
from Friday ukc to Saturday Moon; May
Bernoulli 241Lt.
, P. 8, -All trallSactlell'S lEyietly confideintlal.
and Surgeon of LoNver Canad a ,du d Pr eignelitiLl cen,
tlake and 011reIlerfer ebeCoElleydiRttrOIT. Ofilmatid
residenoe,-The building formerly ocaupied by Itr
Thwaites, Huron street. •
'al int on, Jan. 10, 187 L
s • •
Ticket Agent, Clinton.
$utllinoi Troyoi to the Old 00004.
. . BATES or VASSAtill r ROB .
Cliltitoin to tiverpeol or Glastrow,$30.50
. (Steerage accommodation) •
eltsitOcs to LIveriliool or Otitsgotv4 $49
. (Seeend Cabin accommodatton) •
CD Stoll IA IGIverliool -or GlicsigoW, $74.
.. .
. . (Pint Cabin accommodation)
Persons cohteraplating a trip te the old ointhill, will
consult their own IlltereSLS by amity ing to the sub'
wordier for all inIntinatioli. .,
t .. W. JACKSON), TM:et Agehte
, , .
Mr. Albert. Armstrong ardved home
from Muskoka last week. He has been
unable to work for over two months.-
His medical attendant holde but might
hopes of Ws being able to work any tills
summer. Ile is sqffering from spina,'
disease, and wbat makes it worse, he was
satiable to procure proper medical treat-
ment where he was.
&mouse Daaart.-Mr. Anthony Taylor,
of the llth con. of Hullett, died very sud-
denlyon Friday mornitie„ 'last, While
working in the garden the previous day
with one, of his sans, 'he. eomplained of
beingill, and fell overin a fit. Assistence
was immediately proeured and he eras
carriecl into the /rouse and medical old
was summoned. After some time Ile re.
turned to consciousness; and conversed
with members of his fannly, appearing to
be in a fair way ot recovery, Shortly
after thedoctor left he again became uus
conscious, and soon after *died, without
being able to converse with anyone, He
was an old' settler in the township, a
member a the Methodist Church, and
hada large family„ nearly ell of where
are married. He was very generally es-
teemed, and his wide* and family have
the sympathy of all' in. their' sudden afa'
fiection. . • a
atitssera. .
Mr. John Southcot, of Exeter, is at pre-
sent visiting bis son Isere,
Several delegates, of the I. 0, of G. T.,
visited Clinton en Monday.
Mr. Emigh, of the Revere, and Mr,
Robeson, of-aVawarioslia started on Wed-
nesday mording for a trip to Michigan.
Messrs. O. an 3, M. Hansiltote aa a
committee, went to Benrniller, on aloe -
day, to inalte arrangements tor a Canadian
Order of Foresters' pie-nic,
Rano 0 Pkonixes.-On Menday
chief Davis haa abeet half A dozen ped-
dlers up for breaking a County lay -laws
They Were fined $10 each. ' -
The new sidewalk, on Dinaley street, is
progressing, a number of men are daily at
svork, The rise of McTavishe's is being
relieved to Use believe on either • side, So
as to make the walk nearly level.
The annual meeting of the Blyth Me-
chanics Institute, will be held in the tem-
peaance ball, on Wednesday peening, • the
21st inst., at 8 o'clotk. Directors, mem-
bers and subscribers are requested to at-.
Abeut half a, dozen of our prominent
sports went out to 13enmiller last week,
on a fishing excursion. They tocik with
them a number of bags wherein to be-
stow their fish. When they returned eit
was found that the result of their oath
PORT amtEtre. was a total ofane "sucker:"
-• Bawer Italsrseca-Mr: Tesee Gray raased - 1
a large barn last Saturday. The excite-
tient was intense. -The yelling Of the op- Mr. J'. S. Roberts wilt leaveegain soon
posing parties could be. heard for miles, for the north west, '
Mr. Gray's Place was a wihkraesa. a few The Rev. Thos. Citinpbeld, oT Goderichs
Years ago, Ho 18 improving it rapidly, keachedtwo excellent sermons, in the Q.
in the suburbs every night. The imisic is Prof. BUelI gave a magic lantern enter.
not so vigorous as years ago, however, when tainment in St Jamtea Ce Church,
ewamps were', plentiful. Some Of' the last Sunday evening. •
oleos rendered are not kept up well.- ' Tae East Mirth Teachers 'Convention
Use bass' and elto are poor in tune and is being held here this week, a leage num-
volunie, and it has been-- remarked that ber of tethhers are present.
atuste:-.Frog eoneerts eee W heard aT,'•Cherch, last Sunday.
not even the soprano ie bolding its awe.
TheRev. Mr. Beattie, of Guelph, thee.
Aeesets.aaletearly . every one aeound pied the pulpit ofthe Presbyterian eliurch-
. .
here is anagent for something or other, last Sunday, morning and evening.
during his leisure hours, conseqwitly it The funeral of the late Me. 'Hugh
is bardto sell anything. One man with Grewe, of McKillop,which passed through
another, and having talked half an hour, here lastTuesday, :was 'very largely itta
using his choicest blandishments, finds tended, • '
the other•inen is.an agent also, and -re,- The High Scheel football club are pre -
tires in disgust. *paring themselves for -a god geasoa'a
Busteress.--The steam barge Ireland work,. apparently they are untiring in,
Was in port last Monday, taking an a load prance, '
oflumber, to be delivered at Wallaeeburg. -afessrs. N. Brett T. P. Kent and j a
, •
Pyper, attended the meeting Of the dis- •
The' fishermen bave commenced opera-
tions. One man from Rondeau has recog- triet lodge of Good Tern lars • held nt
At the last °facial Meeting of the Bay-
field Methodist churches, Rev. Mr. Baugh
was cordially and unanimously invited to
return for another year,
A concert and readings will be given in
St. Paul's Church .8thool house, next
Monday evening, for arhich it good pro-
gramme has beett arranged.
The friends of Rev. Taylor, Epi -
copal Minister at Bayfield, will be alad, to
learn that his wife, who has been ill for
some dine, is again able to bearound.
_ Mr. Taylor, of Blyth, preached in the
Presbyterian aural' on Sunday last..-.
Rev. Mr. Stewart bean Absent preaching
Rev, Mr. Lochead's poll* vacant,..-at
140eiSundayndesb9revening last Rev. Jas. Gray
preached -a sermon -bearing on the) death
of the late Silas Andrews; Next Sunday
evening he will preach the funeral sermon
of the -late -Stephen Welsh. .
Rev, N. 13. Cuyier, of the Methedise
Church, 13ayffeld circuit, hae been trans-
lerrecl from the London to the Toronto
Conference: This is done in: order that
he may be ordained at the next cortfeimme
for missionary Work in thetiorthwest
In our annouacement of the tea Meet-
ing to be held. at Alma next Monday, we
stated that it wend commence at two
o'clock, and singularly,,(?). though our
eotem. made the same lamder. We wish
our reeders to remember that the hour is tet
five o'clock, not two,. $
At the meeting.of the official 'board tee B
the Holnieville Methodist ch.arcia
Monday, a resohitlan wee passed to ask a
conference for permission to dispose()fele
the Tipperary property. A. joint meeting r
of tills and theB. C. board will be held N
next Monday evening, to .considerwhat T
ean be done towards making necessary
improvements; and also to Nee. what ara
eangementecan be made for securing a
young man op the circuit_
Hallett end Londesborough when the COIte
gregationa there are „ready teaproceed.
The proposal to unite Kippen with
Rillagreen and Berne, and Baefield with
Bayfield road and Bethany was approved
of, and arrangements were made to cite,
the congregatiou to appear for their in-
terests at the adjourned Meeting to be
belcl in Brucefield, on the 28th inst.
"roraperartee Topics,.
Tbe entertain to be green in the
temperauce ball, this' (Friday) evening
sheuld be well attended, notwithstanding
other attraction!, as the committee have ,
Secured the Bermes of several good singe
ers and have gone to considerable treuhle
in arranging A programme.
A meeting was held in the 13, 0.0hurch
last Friday evening to form a local asso-
ciation for furthenna the interests of the
Scott not. A fair- number was present,
and after several addresses bearing on the
prospective campaign bad been delivered,
the formation ofa society was proceeded
with. Rev. alio, Gray wais chosen as pre-
sident, the remaining ministers of the
town being vice presidents, and a strong
committee formed, embracing well-known
•temperance advocate Own.
• The convention to be lield bore on the
.27th hist, promises to be largely attended.
Much interest is being'taken in the mat.
ter throughout the county, and it is alto-
gether likely that the convention will be
the most enthusiastic of. its kind ever
held in Huron. Many, who hitherto •
have been opposed to temperance prin-
ciples,' are expreasing their determination
to support the Scott Act. The Lreensed
'Victuallers have not yet taken any for- •
mal melon as regards opposing- the Act
hero, but we presume they will do so, al-
though many. of thein Admit the useless -
nese of so don*. .
011 Mondeklast the -Independent Or--: e
der ofGood Templars, of this district, ore , a,
ganized a Diatriet Lodge; to be known as
West Huron District Lodge of the I. 0 'a
. T. The following thembere r were .
elected as officers €, .T, Mr. N. s
rett, ofaHuron Lodge, Seaforth ; W.' V.
., Mrs. Call, of Clinton lodge; C. Sc;
ad Treks.. Me. Metcalf of Maple Leaf
dge, Blyth. The follonang lodges were
epreeented:-Lethurti, Maitland, Here'',
orth Ster, Maple Leaf •and• '
he followinig members were elected to
represent th s a:Jorge at the convention, to •
be, held in Clinton en the 27th a:a-Megan, •
Metcalfe, Stocker, :Brett and Caaslakeaand•
Mrs. Call hed Chant. The &eject of 'this
lodge is to get a more eniform way of
• eitating the temperance question sts • aea .
to be in teadinate for the coining • Scott' •
Act campaign. The next meeting of this
ledge vill be held in Blyth on the Sled
.Monaay. in June next ' .
A Clinton coirespondenForWitr Notes
temperance paper issued at Montreal,)
says.: -Pray do not think that because the
teinpeaance peoale of Heron have not been
making a very 'great noise they have been
Idle, while se many other counties are •
I' actively etignead'in the fight for .prohibi-
e tion, for such is not the 'case. We are'
11 quiet)), working and glining' Strength 101;
0 t -he conflict, end there is now little- doubt
. thaallared ivill aeon act upon your .ad - s •
I-. vice; and "write prohtbitien on its stendard, and fail into line in the Scott Act
Campaign!? The feeling in favor of albs* -
tending:the act has becepae, -very •strorig. S • •
The glerietts victory in Oxford has limn- .
aerially ethouragedalicise who' feared to -
coinmenee a contest thrthear dread of do. .
feat, end ai f • ta e :tem pare a ce people or
1Viiddlesex, Perth; Bruce. aed Gray ton- .
feet thee epuntiee, stimultaneoolys with
Huran„te we are inibenied they are like-
ly to do, it, will (mite sweep' away the ob-
jection so o en urgeel of the Act being a
lthalslaw, for if the act is carried in all-
fige countieseetaneaneaseciinplete prohileis.•
tion fola, large district. -A County °CC -7 .
ItentiOn will beslieldatt• Clinton, on Mae-.
27th,, and from the very etrong.feellnees- •
that certainly exists the coh• nty now, it ,; •
is safe to ,hope that a campaign will then,, •
be inaugurated." • . • • • , '
West Hurod Teacher's Association...
The Exeter district Meeting'. of the -13.
0, Church, commenced its sibtingereaa
Holmesville, on Wednesday. Rev, 'Mr,
1Cenner occupied the :chair. IA the die!
friet ere eight circuits, all a which are
represented by their several reinisters,aed-
also by SiX laynien. The financial state
of the district was considered very satis-
factory. A considerable ainount of bus
nese relating, 'to church work was trait
cted. ' •
A eircula has been issued by Rey '1)
Riceat I re General Superintatrident of...th
fethodist Church of Cauade, o
he ministers and menthers of that body t
old,efietitil religious eerviees on Sunday
tine 1, -the day on Which the legal 'cot
unarnation of • the union et- the tiarion
hurebes in. that: isotly takes place 11
also recenimendathat speeial collections'
be taken in all congregations on that day -
to defray the .expenees n cent] ect i o with
the anion: ' ••
nized the advaptagest, that this place offers,
to fishermen, and purposes'staying all
summer. He will lilt* sell all the fish
he eatehes, in this vicinity, aut if he his
a surPhia he can eatily run them to Godea
rich. It is strange that other -fishermen:
from crowded ports do rot Mae sup their,
abode here: The "grounds" are near, and
the harbor le eafe.
. .I0EEBURN. •
The heavy rap of last week h•ave•stoP-•
ped seeaieg fel'. a -tithe. Those farmers
who' have high lam' Mt pretty nearly.
.threagh; whiles those on lote lahd. bave
very little Owed -yet. , .
. .
Quite a 'number of the farmers ha.ve
pt down a large number•of 'shade teees.
If fanners 'Would devote one day each
'spring to 'planting. trees hew soon the
'farms would preen tdiffe.t,nt aspect t�
,svaat they do now. . .
TEMPERANCE. -The followingofficers,
of Leeburn lodge, No. 213, were installed
at a regular meeting for the present quar-
ter by the P. D. :-Sister M. McNamee,
Wea, T; ; Sister E. Herten, IV. V., T.;
Brother S. B. Williams, W. S. ;-, lliegaltee
F. Lenfield, W. A. S.Brother W. KW,
art, W. F. S. eBrother T. Heggstedia
T.; Brother 'W. H. Oltitton, W. Mae. Sae
E. Cowan, I. G.; Broteer S. Dana, Oa at,
• • COLBORNE. • •
-David Cuningham, while harrowing up
it steep hill one day • hist Week, had his
leg broken by a horse' failing bnekwarde
over the harrow : • •
Your : correspondent on Monday last
took a trip as far north as Belfast,. Ash-
field and thinks front all appearance that
ftillewheat will not he a half crop. *
Mr. A. IC, Birks preaches next Sunday
tnoanieg; at 10 o'clock, end at Sharou at
2 o'olock. .
Holmeiville will accommodate, at least,
'thirty Of the :limb* of conference, to be
-held in Clinton, June lath. •
The kitchen, being erected lar•Mr: Pick-
iird, behind the store occupied by Mr.:
Othrtiee, will soon be enclosed. •
A teroperaece nieeting will be held in
the Methodist chureit, fie.M.A.M11111.24...11eXt
weekawhen Rev. T. J. Sabine will deliver
an address. a •
'Rev. Mr, Ayeraeof-441-itchelle-preaelte
in the Bible Christian church, on Tues.
day evening. The District meeting as-
sembled at 9 o'clock,. BeV, Mt. Kenner, of
chairman, platfothi meeting in
the evening. . . •
The quarterly meeting in the Methodist
aura wag well attended, on Sabbath
morning, although the day looked threat.,
cuing. A•gra,cious infittenceattentied the
memo. 'The business was aajoarned un-
til next Monday evenina, at 7.30, to Wind
U) the finance% of the circuit.
Mr. D. Rutherfordanear Belfast, is Maks
in a preparations for building a, BOW house
ains summer. When our bachelor frierids
-ken building there is no diffieulty in
protsheeying svaat the object in view is.
• LOriateettotta.
A correspohdent says:se-In the atases
nu of hiet week's tondeshorti brielew�
notiee that your eorrespondent thought
he bad it line thing on it trillege father
but the man that tradee tin for scrap iron • is
. .
Clintee, laset-Mondays
• s.
The opt: and six' others of the Salve: 1 4
tion Armyleft here • last Monclay moan- h
ing for•Broaklariato attend the anniver-
sary: Fullyit thousand people *ended s
the. Army's meeting, it their barracks, e
„last Stinclay evening. . • •
The Queen's birthday celearation' this
•year *ill surpass -any: of. forme '.years. -
Horse and Bicycle races, athletic games
duringthe day and a grand •display •of
areweeks in the evening wall be the main
• • . •
At' a late meeting of the- Official boarti
IS Queen's Aienne Methodist Ghurth
ondon; resolutions highly ehlogienig the
dicirs ef Rev. R. a'. Tkelearen, (Ternieriy
f Bayfield. wet° Nage& cliasine with the •
bllotving seetance i -"se eater' bearty iti-
yitation has been given to: our reverend
brother to itturn, is the: -minister :in
charge, but as be aae seen fit to decline
that • invitation; we wcittld- express . the
bripe,that the day is not faadistruit when
the conference wi a again be, pleased to
a'pp int him is the Ministerin :eharge of
tistretut. As a substantial recognition
fItersaillta Teeleaven's very valuable.eer
cesa $200 were guided to the appropaias
on previously made.' -
Now that\ the . Hallett Presbyterian.
ierca is fed °rarely. without a pastor,
any of the a h ' rents, therof Would yery
nth like, to exte d. a- call to. their . old.
queitstance ateeaelt, Y. Thomson, ef
enstgla•Who was brotight up an the town-
ip. They- would be exceeclingly fortas
ate if they .cetild secureahis serviees, but
is, we believe improbable; fair several.
asong. In the first elude the people of
.ensall would•be very .reinetaat to apart
1thbini; and • in his cleiicatea state of
aide, each a change would Mediae liar -
r 'work than ,he • could stand, Wp act
pot to see Mr:Thomson.. eebupy aquae
the most important positions in caps
ction with the chatea of his choice an
nsequently do 'not' anticipate that his
sticiatiOn with any eurar charge will
veryslOng duration, 7
The Piesbytere ef Huron met in Cita,
n Tuesday last, the Modetator, Mr,
ef Goderich presiding, De. Ure
d Mr; Stewart, with'their 'representative
lees, wereappoihted ebeimittee to take
arge of studehts, residing or !abating
thin the hennas during the college ve-
tiona '
Mr. •Steweit reported that lie had, in:
cordaiith with the insteuctians et' Pease
tery, preaehed at Hullett and Lohdes-
rea on the llth inst., and declared the
arae vthant. He also reported thetalr:
chead's stipend had been pap in full
tore his leaving foe Perkhill.
Dr, late was elected a cominissionea to:
General Assembly -16 fill the vacancy
tsed by alia Lecheed's translation,
t. telearem was received from St. Ma.
stating that a unanimOns call bad
p presented by theWidder street eotts
Ottani of that town to the Rev. S. A.
rithuIlasof Goderich, and that the call
acconapanied with the promio of
lisee $1,200 stipend, and four woke
idays each year, Mr. Pritchard was
pointed preachaet Goderich and Lees
lb on the gall beta an a to Cite' the
gregation to appea.r for their intertte
art adtottrned nieetint ofriesbyfery, to
held in Brucefield oe the •28th instant.
. Tare Wite appoieted toseite thtaesethias
congregation in Goderich townsiriakte
eat at the same ineetieg, .
I. rritehardavas appointed it Whiten.,
res ytery Homo Mission corn-
ittee for the ensiling year, Me. Stewart
s appointed to moderAte ill A call at
features of the progranime, Of proeeediegs• ri.°
sfer thealay. • , •I ae
_......._.- • • .
• • . 1 a
Easa avAavnNosti. • ,),,, 1 o
' Farmers here de net expect fall Wheat I
to tuns out much, better than last 'year.-
tatilte a large. amount hite been ploughedlip
Mr, May, of tb e township of Fitzroy; is,
visitingrelativee. i n this vicinity. He ex-
presses himself es much pleased with this
part of the country, and is anxious to se -
mire a good ferns, for, which he is on the
look put. • • . ' ' • tl
• o
Pensoisara-afliessrs. 'John McDonald,
McGowan • Dtinbar end. Wm.' Beeson left a,
this week hy hoet .from „Goderieh, for
Miehigan. The two former intend per'
stang farming, and the latter is en a visit el
te hie father. . . • ...in
Stex,-A. sou of Mr. :lames! Henry Jilts IP
been suffering of late with spileal diseasp,.
liatme are pleasedto hear he te improve ,
ing. Mrs. John.. Cowan; era bee been 8"
seriously ill lately, cave doubts are held of 1,1
her ultimate recovery, .
BUILDING NOTE8.-Mr ..done, 9th le
eon.. Completed the erection of his barn a,
on Friday last ; Mr. G. Stein was the be
framer. Mr. Henry Lawler is building a de
new brick hcese, ',Mr, la H. Taylor. pUr- ex
poses building a• now foundation under 0a.
hie steam saw and also ereeting a- eta
new barn, . • • CO
BRIEPS.-Mr, Wm. Robettson bas th- 'as
gaged with Mt; T. BrOwn, for the sum- of
mer.„ The dispute between Mr. 3'. Me -
Gowan and Messrs. Bradwork and Jacobs, '
Over the boundary 'thee of their respective •
farms, has been settled, giving gasman
advantage to the latter, aft Wre: Xing to
has planted' a young orehard. Court of Tt
Revision meets in Marnoch, on the 27th an
inst. Mr. Robe'rt Reilly fest a fine mare elc
and foal hut Week. Mr, JaPorferfield is eh
engageawitle-Mea.7-13rownefor .the wi
titer. Mr, Wm, Keeisie is now in aossea- ea
Sion of the farm he bought from Mr. R,
"rouse. Although pospects foa the at
wheat crop are generally good, a number by
'of ferment hare beenecompelled to plow bo
Up their 'fields, Mr. Ge , Quinn WAS un- eh
fortunate in losing a to on Satiday. to
Mr. Webeter, of Ingersol , as sold his be
fine farm, 10th eon., censish g of 100
acres, to Mr. T. Jamieson, 9th cona for the
the gum of 85,700, cat
• •
Rey. Mr. Smith, of Manchester, who ease
hes been dangerously ill with infiemnia-, ere
tion of the lungs, is recovering, though reel
yet unable to take his work, This ones was
pleteti his third year on the afauchestei- aka
eirceit; Where conferenth will place him eel
he as yet dote net know.
Bit terse-slaish are plentiful in the river. du
Masers. Andrew McDonald ancl William eon
Symington have received the colitract for At
filling ie. the. approach te the bridge. be
The ereetion of the new Rheas for, the Pr
Presbyterian, eliurch 18 in process, Mr; ted
la, Elkins lost a valuable mare this week, app
throtigh strangulation. Rev, .T. Pritchard. a
purchased a top buggy in taeknow, it
in all reepects beauty, the fineet of it:4 111
g cepo se an at email thietarea...... 'WA
.. • The seinieennuel meeting of the • West , • ,
Huron Teacher's AssociatiOn was hold at,
Exeter, on Thursday and"Friaays 8th and -
9th of, alay. After routine business, a• . „
thninumicatioe from the W., C. T. Union, -
with refeieneo to the introdaetion a ,
Scientific Temporeace Edacation into thd •
Public Schools,. Wilt read and referred to aa-
Resolutjoh; Committee. In the afternoOn . -
Mr. T. F. Yoneg 'tad an eisay on Teach- •
eritand Teaching. After some, aemarks
by alesete. Hendersina Brown, Gregory;
Holdbillnd Hueton a vote of th ankle/as
tendered the gehtlemen for his ablepaper.
" Miss Dickson then illustrated laer Me- .
.thod of teachiag. an "Object Lessee" with
class -subject 0 -wheat," which was well re- •
eeieed and elicited it votes ofathanks.-
liss Hendersth next took up "Printery '
Drawing" with illustrationawhieh caused
thrive:ilea discussion. The lady Was , •
ties ered it cordial Vote of thanks for' her
a6'ffniodtriett'n\lieee'leveetiliintigDrety'a Hall to listen to
a jarge and attentive . • '
local talent. A , the close a well merited.
the excel lei rendering of the various Os
lections by E Chapmaa, of Hamilton,.
, On Friday Mr:G:111:4man read a spicY a
and the very fi e music 'rendered by. the
take of thanks wa. aiyen to Prof. Chap-
man and the Musicians. .
paper on "Whither are we driftiugataeous
pled with "what can he done to give
greater permatiaacy and stability, to the :
teacher' position, a. very lengthy and
lively diecnesioe followed, and the ustma .
elf ici31 othtiiTekt!
*follewed with a ear -dully .
prepared essay on teniperance, which was
well received. Tho singing orMies Ilea,
yar's class votive(' much' Applause.
The following resolutions were passed:
-eal-That we as an association are strong-
ly of opinion that a diffusion Of leientific •
knowledge ot the effects of strong drink is
greatly in the interest of morality, that it
can be well taught init public school mid
therefore sec memerittlize the Minister of
talticatioh toTheorporate lessons on the .
subject in the New Series of Reecho. 9 '
2 -That increased legislative • aid ehould
be gratited to Public Schools, aria dis-
tributed on the pbasis of the innoitat paia .
otilre taeapernrimAnt An.
Tlessre, jattaitiller,
.P, Halls arid•If. Huston to meet With a
committee of Kest HIROO Tectelier'a is -
etiolation erient st ninon meeting', ana the
appointment of Geo. 131tird, gra its delegate •
to Provincira aisathiatioh, broneht this
pleasant and profitable meetinglo aelogfe,