HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-09, Page 7,t. _ _ _-� _� ,_ _._,,.__.- - , -- _ - _, _ _ _ .. _ , � . F .__ . _ _ w _ � __�_ .. .. ,__ --. . . T OTS FOR 19�LF. - ''1fIJ. 'UNUERSIGNE'1) 'own 'couite)), . CUNTQlf. YUKI i` SCNQQ�a LJ offers for sale the fPUPwing Valunb)P lotB 1n •tire _ Town al Cltgton : Lot 43:1 Cr 608 Viinoess St„ li'itil The re j; The following • is a statementgf the ry■ ,�-/1n �' • � m A larrgge lumber house thereonl lot 48 i,r 6q7, corner solar meetin Ot the CORknCll W. m Y./ •,f Princess sad NP t'h Sts. ?Pt 481 Pr 600, corner PI , _ held on Monday .evening. I j,ke x Rattoubury and North Sts. All4uarteracre Iots,morP , bCD Of puuils eur011a(i,. and average. attend. BQU'S 0 or less, Slid well. adapted for rlvfte residences.-- REPORT OF THE STREET COMMITTEE, ance In each room diirin; the XnOpth of ' Terms reasonable. J. CURTIS S EVENSON, Clioton The report qt the Street committee, In April :- ^- substance, as follows, was read :-It re- Mits,oa. + 9Y. ou rola, Arg. 4tteadince. . cpinmended, the re hIr. Lough e, � 63 42 F1 Sale o� Churg P>!•operty repairing ofd number of Mr. Linklater's, iib 4G , culverts and crossings at diflerent places KS �I4L BE OFFERER FOR GALE AT in town, The cleaning out of the water I i'i1lTiss Q;Ne�ll'Q, G1 47 ANK Public Auction, on KONDAY. WAT.26TH, p 1 UIt GUAraojood ' r M eji Field!a, 6( 46, - nest, at the hour, of two o'clock in the after. .'�r f eQurges and: ditches. The fixing of the . , 4, in the Village, ditch on Orange street, The building of Mtse FoOjiiltoft s atuemoreorle6e,beinQtheprem es on Which _ ! P eC ,. �1 52 ,' 59 4G THR B00T 1'V AKER, Of e, more or e, oontwgthe premilses, Lot prom ue ontov of an several small ie es of sidewalk, and other Miae Call nder'e,. 96 58 . is situate the building known ,as the Bible - work, In reference L41 the urChaBe Of a 60 _- .. be Christian. to paand i op d wn, and the belanole Grave *pit, the committee recommended DEALER IN ALL KINDS or - that acharge of 3 cents a load bo made The result of a wriite)1 examination is Of the purchase Iz?.dy when the deed iq duly Ii � � � $' S e for sand and 10 cents. per load for grovel given veli below. Six of the highest in, a ch 11 eoated and ready for delivery. Particulars MQQr made known at time of sale. section are to have their names egtered on MG Dated the 26th day of A ril, 1884, and, that gravel be sold at that rate only WOICII. and C11�PCIIaS@.QHS l�, Shpts., SAYE YOUR C1rTTING DONE *BY MISS t0 resldeIIts Of the municipality, And 1n the honor roll. . .0 PICIIARD, farmers 9 :SIR. LOUGH'SDIVISXON, n . • Seo. -Tress. BPardof Trustees. O'BRINE'. YOU .WILL. •FINA View Of the fact that q shade HER Filter-sLAss, trees by tying theft horses, to them, #hes Senior section, marks attainable, 780:- r .. n Stock We'�.� assorted, BI,YTH PUMP FACTORY. would recommend that sign boards be Ida Johns 499, Minnie Cantelon.490, Nel• . �f ant:, posted at the entrance .to the town, on the Ile Fair 466, Eva Croll454, Maggie Paisley : CtDm j'� ere i n al: �: W. Verguson & WillOW'1 leading roads, caut]oning;farmers against 463, Aggfe Mcilarva 446, Katie Read and . . rtments CHARGES- VERY MObERATF,: so"doing. As the work outlined by the Jemima Holmes, equal, 436, Al. Williams. e PROPIIIETOaa. - ' committee would cost much more than and Arthur- Jackson, equal, 429, Tames ALL GOODS SOLDCHEAP FOR CASH rVHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING} REOENTLY the amount At the disposal of the com- Gordon 424, ��K•.• started a factory in Blyth, beg to intimate mittee a lively disoussi0n arose in refer.. dupior Section, marks attainable 70Q, -' C+ CRUICIKSHANK, BRICK BLOCK,, CLINTON JOHN ROPER ' y so rate people of Huron that they •are pre pared 1 ence to week in different parts of the Eva. Spooner 401, Robert Gauley 388, . -- to sink wells or Cisterns, and rovide Pnm o; p town and after some amendments.the re: Harr She herd 337, , the veryy best workmanship. Having had con- + y p Harriet Holmes 334 e - , eiderable experience iu the Rump -making bus!- . YllctQra<a ►S'$ . eat 'Clinton. port was adopted, D611a Cree $27, Maggie Jackson 320, Jen. WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION Ol? nese, they feel confident they can givelentire . _ Mf,. -Thos. Jackson, 4ccompanied by nie Cruickshank 31ii, Hattie Walker 308, ' satisfaction. Ali gr¢ers, st mail: or le rarw tes. B?essrs, Fisher, Irwin and Matheaon, np- Willie Fisher 360,. James NoMurchie 296, ' e . promptly filled, at Lite most reasonable rates. - Ely h, April, les4 peered as a delegation to ask that some T�'a�'me?�s �c Da rn en VAL, I B .. PROP�RT improvements b@ made on High street; AIR., 3Th'IiLATFIt'S DIYI4XON, THE WELL-KNOWN STALLION w n0 street improvemen#s bad been made Senior section, marks. attainable�520 :- - SAMSON FOR 'there ofany.moment, although that por- Alfred Rance 346, Wm, Cole $86, Hardy . . ' • tio1.n�of the street, from Victoria street Evans 354, Annie. Moore 32$, Wm; Bpry- —� 11 eastward, represented a large proportion ere 324, James Stanbury 315, Bessie Pat" ' Harland's 1n1pX'pV�t� �l�k Mils. of the assessment,' and• they believed it •terson.299, Geo. Barge 297, Luoy Keane . Will stand for mares at V afternoon. HOTELrms (late Those two. ver valuable land vi'ouldonl be matter of 'Series if borne 295, Nelly Keane 288. Swarta') BVCr)' aATrRDAr Rfternoou. Terms - to y j y . Tho latest and most col>venient Cream, Separator out. insure, $s. -- was ops t ere,. A motion referring Jun f qr, section, markk attainable 62O .- Call and see' them, and leave yotir order. early;. wnt, PERDUE, ' P act Malcolm McTaggart 362, Gertie Fremlin • CI`sloice Eu3ldnD+ Lotst committee ti thereon, xwAhcll COMMITTEE REPORT,'O - 344, Aggie Jackson 342, Sydney Smith •. _- 327, Dan Buchanan 303, Tana Specht 302, - . •i A. A. SENNETT, On Huron, Street, nett to Dickson's Book ' f Anna Irwin 301, •Richard Eianlon 284, JUST RECEIVED, A FINE STOCK OF. ' v The finance' -committee-' recommended M Store, are ,offered for ease at 'a very low • - Mary Twitohell 282, Lizzie Walker 281. figure. For further particulars apply Payment of the following accOnnts c- •L.' _ UNDERTAKER. Trouse,,salary, $21; fixing ladder rigs, $1; -IHSS O'NEILL'S DIVISION. . . C. Dickson,',sundries, $22 ; 1V A; For- ' Senior section marks attainable 348 luvis, Tools 117Nit,Sc rhesTHOS. JACI�WN Sl': rester, account for gravel ppit, fixing title, Minnie Cooper 289, Mary Shepherd 280,■ Funerals Furnished in first-class Stylo survey, 8ce., $158,40; I.T. Secord; lumber, Johu Dunlop 277, 4daArcher 271; Hattie ' . J. , Dodd 263, Maud Fremlin 262, Joseph' ' -. f ad T -$121.70'J. Callilnder salary,'csrc:, $x,50; GOOD - MODERATE. I\ ATTENDANCE. ORE.CHARf+.a -, JA:CIiSON'S CLOTHING HOUSE W, J,,'Palslev, work on streets, frei ht, J'arvis:260,-Harprd Whitt 251..- I I _ MoaRRATR. REll HOOKER STORE. • . ISh els, r p es, oar a dna gg Ra3�es ales, $1G9.85 ;�'W, Steed, ttnloadingl'umher, Junior section; marks attainable:300 :- v068� C�14C. ; .I. 1) to THE Sn(I yBE$ BEGS $�; J, Rowell, rent for Devine, k5; the'. Bessie Robb 21'9; May Robb, 213, Millie. ' . ' to inform the.ladies of Clintonn anti vtc[nity that report was Adopted. ADdr iva 211, Calvena McDonald '211 BUILDER'S J. B I D. D �, E t', U 1VY B Li' site has opened .Put a OM S AIVb M. ti'rs �fArirn P. P I"Oar stack of BUILDER S HA1tDWARE is now' Esyabliahmaut in the ROOIiib OVER J, JACKSON'S - Wesl� Moore 211, Fred JOitl@i 197, Josie ' HA RLAND'S COm lets. f STORE, where she will be' pleased to execute all DECLARATION' UE OFFICE.— Y p PAINTS &.OLL a' Specialty, orders entrusted to her, in the most satisfactory Man 14Ir.Searle.ob'ected tbat.the chief eonat' Reeve 1$5, Ed. Waterson 1$4; Tena Coop- Im roved Moll Pani''. ' ` . ton. IISS DUNSIIORF, titin- J 6 er '182 1Vitlie Robertson 1"r4 Rachel '� Watch and Clock Maker, 11.4x b'le, weigh clerk, and treasurer, had'°not Waldron 173, Johh Scott 173, . Pat, Jn1y17, 1883. tA.RLBN� BRtdS CliatOar ' . l Ser. Charges reasonable, S taken the oath Of,oflice, and believed. the g JEWELLER, c�c., ALE.: Aualtors rEport.sbould• appear earlier than MISS •FIELD'S I)IVISIOX., . .•4 . —� . 1. OPPOSITE TIKE nA1&KET, CLKNTON ea er, Mower annd may Mixte, to a lien it did, which, was.in the month of May. ' Senior section, marks attainable 350: ; . s'o did order, Just -',Is good as now. will beSoldThe officers' Shortly after made thoir de- LillYMcKowen 316,. Hattie Patterson 302' - ' VERS CHOICE Whore he keeps A select Assortment of s heap. ClaratlOn'bf Ofi]C@. Fred Brown 2 6 FFed Peoktt 267 1Vtin+ 70NIi. BIDOUT, .Clinton, COURT'op' REVISIOm., , nie Thompson 266, James, Shepherd 262,P , ' WATCHES, CLOCXS, JEWELLERY, savER_ LUMBER. LUMBER. (3 WARE, On motion the .following poisons: will Olbert K tt 219'Amos Castle 3Ann eter Hilleni2118..* 246, Which we will sell at reasonable rates. -'- .. form the Court of Revision.—The Reeve, '' J 8. HE SC1BSr(f111B"GR k EEPS ON HAND AT HIS De ut And Councillors .Cantelein, :Searle Imior section, marks attainable 320.:- Be. � . R.. - - _ '' ,- C T promises, Isaac street: Clinton, (Bear Etre Funpinet y Hattie Rnmba11317, •Nettle Combe .315r0 a a O Mill Factor y)all kinds Pf K'Iue 'Lam an Coats; and that thesai court , V Repairingof ever description ber, Lat6,. • d 1 be held -Minnie .Rn.mbail 3011,. Carrie Copper 304, ' n, p promptly at fee. Parties requiring such wfl] find it to t elr ad- :on Monday, 26th day' of fay. " tended to, nd all wort warranted. vantage. to call on him: § Dolly Fair 303,. ;Nellie- Jarvis 293, Eva J. BIbDLE00118E, ,JOSEPH CHIME THE THE CEMETERY. Chldley.291, Libbie Cruickeharik,28r, Efit- Cdnton, Nov. 18821. . - LD CLOTHES FOR SALE,rI talo all sorts oY Mr. Searle ask@a.if'the cemetery com- ma l'Vebb 284, Jennie Webb 278. At 3;0. Ce�1 `s ' e:r ,��• ' SYLVESTER'S 0 itiIIS . p. rags, clothes, carpets, and hope'my'old friends miftee intended tor. survey. , the lots, as S• FOXTON'S DIVISION... ' m 'willsavethem for•n,e. Ialso ,take.hrass;loadand,,manyofthe old, stakes -bad rotted, -and, �� T . Celebrated C I Plir I ant home on Mondays. Ahy'persoi h¢ving Senior section, marks attainable 240 :- TRADE S lJ PPy-All- ", * HAMPI ON PLOW rags or truck in my line, can leave word, at my house, the eXaCt location Of luta Naa not known .. . • and I wilifetohitandgtvovalue; .'Papering,painting, The conimittte stated that they would o Robert Downs 224; AdaJoiiea 215, Louisa • a%d jobbing of thatsort done by GRoacr. BR5TLRY. A g • Worthington 216, Percy Hoimes'213;' Hat- S .irons' boy wanted. . out,. and have the matter attended to:.' , tie.Fgrden'205 Theo. S of 1'2 Hattie rx(� ►rA 7IPLING, W. MARTEN, Pelle�r, 13ox 64, Clintotl.. p, At the NOTED .TEA CSF FEE and SFICE 'H - HEA'LTH CO3L)LIITEE. .Erwin -192, Robert Ggrdlner'191, Aggie OUSE " BLACI{S11IITH;' I signs /V ll YOUR NTUtcKI=�'hif`Y11tdGr.` . Hint 190, Min•nie.Youbg 184; Grace Bas- - CLINTUN, 1 000 s1,Lned will during tlie`preseut soasou; The report of the committee onofl]cers,..tiah 1.84 Ma 1[a, hero appohnted a oat fur S)9vester's Chnmptot, on'ZOT 22, iiia CONCESS'LON OF IIULLETT; 'tQy' , Maggie Keane' 1"%5. �Vflinie' A THORO-BREW: •IlURHAM BULL; tp, . C., recon :mended 'th'e �.appofntment. of tile' ' ' floe•, which nus recently been greatly tmprovoa,'aha IYew health bOard �t v'� .Shepherd' OF now stands without u rival, The mouldboard ismnde which a limiteii nuiltber _Of ,CowB wail -b0 re- , , O 'Coli let Of 1}ZesarB. " ' of the best dian lid creel, especially liaraonoa, war- cowed. ,This bull' is is inonths' old. and was Jos.- C idl � r" - Junior section; marks attainable 240 �•�' Pt�tL�ISER � 1 - & C P bred b John S. Armstrong; y.' g.. h ey,'A. S. I fisher: and" vr, Wil-. t 2 ranted to clean many -Bela, and imported Shot- y l;; f)ottnt of tVeltin ]ia)ns. � OTpha; Miller 10,.. Flora Ray'son 203"0. i. � .1 .. .. ` field England, purposely for these plows, Intending ton, and is' in every respect.a first elites animal Sadie, Reeve . purchasers eat have a trial of the plow, and on receipt Term"2 per cow with the rlvil0 e o - THE PbUND 107, Lucy ' •Shepherd ' M 1t°K,. , of.po it card it will be delivered free in an • ,art P Ing, if necessary. Rp T .S g Y return- David e" elt>t9 17 Fr . � OTT I,ondosboro. I 5, ed .Collier 172, >C CASH l'OR.. EGGS Nesta Town II�11 or the _y DIr. Searle objecEed to'the pound' }iei'ng Frank U shall• 170 Anna Irv` 'I eounty. If the plow can be belt by any other male's, - p , _ , ing '166,• rte will forfeit the plow. A carloAd just received. whCre.it was,-a8lt Was6ften a`.nui'sanbLi; Willie W u Refercuces from over 100 of the best farmers Hoar TENDEBSS IVILL BE R10EIYEI),IIY THE , 1 B alarOo 161,. Tommie Diehl 760. . Clinton. underslkned until S:ITURD,11•; 17Ta Ialtir;I such a stench arising from it that to, pass ",[Is's r ' . 'MAMIYM T ' for the erection-Af a residence on Goderich St. it was almost impossible; it slioiild be o I nn S 'DIvi,IO i, 0I. H lie atm utanufautures the celebrated Seafortb, The., building is,to be of. bricle, and somewhere else. r' D r Savior section mark tenders will ire 'received for the whole' work M can• d> l not . , s attaivable. 270 Scotch Diamond Harrow, throwghont.,orfor 'the. asonworkand plaeter the pound; Was" much Of.,a nulsanee, he ' Edith .Robb 253 Bert Collier 242 John ��. w ' in;, and oarpontprin'g>tvprkapdpaintiug, cepa• 1VaS-110AVever, i[1,iavOP Of Pettis on@ else= Moffett 239, Earnest Blacker 2 9 E The reputation of which is so well known that he lras , iavely. Tho;lPwest of any tender not hccesr • ' b '. P +? , Emilia .. 6 Edith Pa son . 29 'Annie STD TIN:: 1' already received orders for 30 set this seasutr.', sarily accepted, uulCss otherwia4 sutisfaptory, wbeC@, 1f we . Could. get ground.:, Mr, ;Smith .2. , „ y ' 2-0 1 t . _ Plans and s�peCilfcations may be; had at Public ' Cana lOti agreed with: 11IT. Searle slid. Warner ?13,' .Ernie Davis 21'3 Fr; d S ar-' . -School, SOAXIbIrth.:. Tenders. to be addressed. to ' lin 209 James Hanlo. ': P HURRAH FOR THF, the undersigned. L. 1,. McFAUL; SeaYgrth, ...-did not -think the.pound by-lalvs were en, g ,, n 200.. ' forced as.tbey sbonld be. A resolution Janlgr section- marks attainable 2:.)5 : _ . ' MONEY TO, - LOAN ' was passed to notify . Mr.' Kennedy. that' Dolly Spooner 214, Susy.Cook 295, •Carrie' cTi1St'L'I�Ce VBd 'till RO] RIVATE AND GOMPANX "> UN )S p the pound heretofore used would not- be Walker. 207, Flosay'pa'ttison 206, Ernes"t ;,, Now MACRINERY- . , , . immense stock o Plowestrntes'of interest. 'Prtn¢inbIi,ayablo .required', an(1 the proper committee in- Cooper:. 'Emilia, Tlpling 203, Jaities - as dpsired,by borroei'. structed to look up a piece of.groulld.: iVtlson 1,r99, ILobt..fiaylor 199 ,'Slis'. Ginn Valuator for thq •Ck\AI?a > y l:Avbr O C.eeOtm RIZCOGNITION.. DESIItEn,. :' . 199, Lmtua. Thompson 10. 01II; RIGHT ALON(l. CorirANY. ; . NOW IS .THP D. A.' ,O REST , vI1SS HOI"i1IF.S. D ,: ar1611. ars. 0 � oo s ops Sc ie WE- 1/1�{�t1iT�JJ;C time to secure st b U R I R,: IlISIO'T. ll ' . .WIJ atgr,in. FIRH! CI,AaS Clinton. Dec. 20,18x1. 1Tr. 5h.eppard:.asked_she-.c0uncil,a-5e - �. / . �' ' 1 Irl ArIlI ERY AT.FLOCK BOTTOAl PRICES. . ' cond time,, it,••tliey could recognize his ` Third dAes :--1st• Annie :;Cruickshank + - - claiin for - fhe buildin pulled 2nd ,aura Thom son ' 3rd•Robt T ' n i ' Als : a lar t;' R d down ,at P witchell l'VI. W31 -STANLEY .NEW E3AK�RY. time of fire. Insurancocompany had re- 4th Li11y, Johnston,, 5th.Mary, Matheson, r °�,0 StQGli'O t�le. — fused.to recognize his. claim ]n any way; 6th Nettie:McRae, 7th Hattie Davis,. 8th ; I)eshe. to aunnauce to the public that he ]las THOS.• DUNLOP �; .. .. ' opened a shop for the convenience of his roan AS tlensnre fu inforiiibs the ,' Ilk. Paisley had made: a close• estimate of ole 'Crosse, 9th .John Joy, 19th James �1 y H 1' Pp,e of C,,,ttPn CELEBRATED Ii �,I) Y P Fortune ' '' I• Customers, an HURON -STREET, CLINTON, that. he has com,neli6e business for himself fn the p'robAbl.e-cost. of repairing��. the build- --' WEAD � PAINTS" - ' Elie fll,lldmg adjoining the Nv%v ERA office, whero lie ` 'Ing, and thought it' would 'take' ..it least -Second class :--1st Robt. ,Kenne .'2hd 9 1 I will conduct the. BAKING BUSINESS hl all Its yi e p j1�1'�,,, Amelia Fitcslmcns 3rd Birdie He wood '`c. Neatly opposite t11p as, and willbe pleased to Feet;ito a sh¢rc ofpatron¢ne, 100 t'o - put it in a,nytbing-like shape. . j , y , p • • • y pp Comm�reial Hotel, holieving that ho stili give satisfaction to, all who favor. �'l1e• Il1a�'Ox stated that the council was 4•th Harry Marten, 5tli FVii]ie Slnith: Salta )le fol f<li m@t and ot]lets wislnng to do tli@Yr own painting. hbnwitb then cuatinn. BRRIn 1)sGivisnEn. placed in'.a" ery alvkward'predicamet}t; First class lst'I(la Holmes -2nd Tda ' Where the they '•were (only trustees for. , the taw% McLennan, •3rd N''ellie Patterson, 4th Ma- 1 1 - r +; ' ``-11"LENDIIb F11kM F011t SALE. - T1 1' funds, and if, tha-councillors individuall bel- Doliert ; . 5th. Charles Illi Mh QQuI �7• undernnoutionod vidnablo lttPporty is Plforad for y Y W oma, 6111 r 111II1JAJJ 11 JJO 11 DOWN .BINDER solo at a tiarg¢in. Tt fa situated Guo Stile noith of felt like meeting the claim, th@ rdtepayers Berber: 1lluir,. r th C,herlotte.Everett,��� .M�OCk 144131" dwa .re, :Mhsne &.T.Ald Osla. Porter's IIill, on the 0th eoncassinn of-Goderich town- could properly object "t0 then` in011ey ' , Call be seen tit any time. Also tilts „flip, being part of Lots,20 and 21, contafnin); eight) bCin aS a r r I . )IYS.4 (,ALLA\DEIC'S •DIVIbI.ON, j ` acres,more,orless. Aaploudutoiclrardonthe place g e . 1he.mayoradmitted''it;was +. .. .... AIaK.yey anti 'I ormtl.n )?lower I -one of'the best fn this soction of ;country-eovorin • a hArashlp CO ; l.[r. • S1YC lard , :that .could First clA s t ' - - ^�,� Mowers Massey b r, . Pl + s 1st James ISriscoll; ,2lid k9A.b' ' ,', five 'acres and consisting , of apples, pears, peaches, not -be gvercotne, the reeve- stated that , ' ,. " e ellt for the Celebr' flied ITA\VIayEi 1VLtLI ' Mamto Lowers, „rd rr. 9rde' .Davis'4th b I]�T1r .$ t i fool.eair+o the Toronto Inevated 6�rc+ess''nn'iriwas, chrni *oy . business, anii nnt.beari)ng f he had takeTi leryal advice On the matter, ' . cut Binder, wll•it rtlrcafcitlt+ g P a 1lleaPfvarious binds: Out•, p.. F , Frank Gray. „. ,... ' . . l tier atlacited. Plows Sc� n buildinfN and forium nn good repair. 14 aures fir full• =anLl'IYaS 1nf01'[fled Eliot h0 COLinCll COnl(1 . tl ors, Drills, reheat, hnif tho,farni seeded to grass, about seven acres .Second Cl ss'= 9 • and Sitarpci,< Ralcea, good irnrda•Pnd•huHh, ,Good well .gf ,splendid wafer, iio L pay the fLtflOntltt . A8 the indtvldual.... a let Florence Collier, 2nd > members of the council could be held .re-` Charlie Httayardl 3M,Jehnie Broffiittj 4th S Title lildisputttlilo. GE,O. LO i, '1 error's I[fiL 14" ' i • ' DAVE Is <"(c .-strop will be attended to h • MR. DAVID ___ , 'Malcolm McCuairy Willie Bi aaT • -• � ' 0 ponslble for the amount. No'aCti) novas 84. t, 6th . 11`.1,1 011: 1,l.Conr, who will be there ;it nn times, acct , therefore taken; . , Richard Worthington. 7th tYillie Hunt.. - COUNTY O1'_ IIUROIY--Jul 1 �ataniatious ,, • - k.Ill he pleased to have farmers call, y '.-.' - - 1889 -1st c1Asa non-professional) anti lutermciti' ;Third class :=1st Alice "witchell Willies The auditors report Ives. Iecervea lr "°.�'� At;i, KiNDK Of-' F.7sPAiR-S KEPT ON HAND, ate will be held fit .the iiigltSDhoolsofth0couiity. P • ; and ,Moffat 3rd' Lester 1Vhitel 4th'. I ertie hsgiunnr(l•, At o; a.ui. llo�bar 7TH Jnrn: Znct c1 the abstract ordered to be rented in fife, ' y�' ('Muton, April 4, 198.1. (non -pro dt the High'Sohool's, begi�nnh, *ant abers' 50 ctl itis of t le I? Hovey ' �)tlt ?J'erne.I'itzsimons,..6th' 14lat,fl- 1 P > P 1 abstract t0 be �} -----. _-_-- 11 a.m., /Vlcnxns»vv, n'rn.han. 1st elms grnte(; .. da Ginn. . (nen•professionnl), IL the Nn,niai Schools L n . ire teff• l��d�d So of � 1IMPORTANT A , i;innhi 1A;pibr �12 i �D��RNNOUNCEIYI�NT ¢t2,,.,»., 'rnl:� I61.11,rn9,, Irofcisional exani- 1101.C,TR,'r- -AT LARGI• .: . • '- . . - nntlou, )fosnAv, 2(ar Jnbv, is t Class, grades 11. aI1'l Tbp $teAtn8tll ', It, i im-.Army, 231tti Jut)•. All candidates Inrlat fol'-. ` p 1 okaa line been. lost with, ' TU 7'tIl•: ward to the �3ecretti`y, on or before Jnine'1sI, notice ; ,� by•1fLw reStrlCtin 'jl0ultl:y, iPcC:, rttn- .1$J passengers ori, boaid- f 1,f the school where aud.tho,•Piaay or eertiflOAtc for ning at large, was read .and. passed , IE, ' ' r r)n)-- FARkER.S .or HURON. which he dosires to write earef:Jly naming then)- lirov)desj_hllt..-11Cr$OI1S allowin 511011 t0, -A-' list of 'about 50f) l)e1:SOnB tV110 �� Du �j Tr�'�j O , LOUC� 'OL' CII: ijILE tonna ho wishes to foto, nntl thD corttitentes ho nlroatiy NRu W d' En L' -lJ 1111jIJ r Alli tit'itS('ItIBF,i S 1iA1'IYG BEEN AT'I'OINT- bolds, finny. 7'lnis notice niuyf. also )ie accompanied, 1iresilasS after. they Kaye ,lreg'n notified len• Sent cl0Mses of wreaths on th:e occas* I I30aiT)3C, 1Lriil all Of LLfD'tY'S OiIOIty. . LAy� f,' . . . M, Hole Agents for the well Icnown OURNEY 1iY a :ortilleata of character ani} ft foo of N1,,. or $21f ,writing ,to the,COntrary, maybesunlnio'ned Of the funeral Of 0 e'Duke of Albany IS bSA\i'I'ACTi'IiING COMPANY, of Dundas,dcairoto the oanaidatoRppliesfnracoon(lay Iccll :ts third•ctass 'j)@ft)re•tlie ina`istr t f y .Comml Wtr nslrocinl attention of farmers to filch exammnti0n. )V/ untae will be fnrrr:udetl to the de• g a @ ati(l ltle(l.ltblislle(1 lit, tile. 1;Oridotl.,.nOw3 ).a 10t'S 1IAI12 BRUSHES, r,()�1I15, 'roof II 1�i�D lllYa 1 i11�1r,511;5. partment unloss•tho fae'aecompany it: vor•tiia lir ap• , - •1 rr b •'a1lthOrit ." ] } rTOILE,,T SOAil CO,.:, 'TICS &C ` . ),licatinn may ho had frond the Seeretarv. 3rd class STlthre WA'11,RI\(i, y y + _ ,�1 y� �+ D rf reaehe'rs desiring nii exteiisfon :mist write at'thp Jufy x • � ' lAL d(1ts CO R,D BINDER, exannluntion; nthervvige the \iinistet of Edncntion will It was moved by councillor Coater se , It 1S not pt GbablO, that mOrO tllatt 50 J-�•1••T•B••'IDS . - U..- V"1, is �(, refuse oxtouainna; ux0ept in Dxceptfnnal slices. 1'. COnded 1)y the' Reeve, that the `bO11110t1 m'ilitS Of railr0 (tV'1 ' rl,i. a l will, b0 bullt.lu. Alan! , , nlehbo ,,its been thoronghly tested during thog ADAMSON, socrotary, J•, .R. 31ILLEi1, i'residing rant the sum of $25 ler m Iltl t r a (lri;\115T AND 7)ltUGG1ST, C (,IrINT N �l'1r, 1'%�•t .,•a,nh, and has givt:n rho bast of wUishIctlou, ai,W I:x:nninor mid ttilmtrcinar of ni,.trd. g . l . 0 1 Uwit ds robs this yoal'.lOthltib ?,V111 .be (10110 . •. -- _. ...._ :is ,rkual Inivorta,t in,provenia„ is have hoau added _ watering the AreCts. Lost on a division. t , _., __.... _ n oil the Lanadian Pacific brallclics, ailcl - . _' - I r 1-4, the snhsorlbers feel confident they have »ow .._-, � �_�- - - d,. �.) .. .._..... -.. ._ ._ _..�. \i 0111, J- `PAR IIs 1' ' (UI$IN(4 TU A motion, n10VeU -by T. ' McXen7,te, and . , NL dig drains or urako other oxoavatiolm oil tile. SOut•Is tC loolt Alotintaill lino is . , va the streets, uilt4t drat apply to thr, Chairman of sOcondcd by A. McI .enzle, was atterwards y . [�. GOT THE BAST CORD BINDER the'Prrcet r..orinl)itLcc.ror l,rl'lnisaieh, or'thev passednlattivn the amount $s0 for- the ilt,a atlllidatil 'rtl(s.liialiLtoba�,.Nort;h-:. at,KrIVVON mLAj;1rLX'r'ss. NjrWM)[L"`1"`O%V`5""s >ar.-5o ria. will be ,ioaccntt•d, All parties wife taloa anti Season,' now Dli101t Cows for Halo, .Apply to "I ills narkct, nnrl :a, they do not Intend to sinntrl „r anll fi'otn thn HtrPeta will ho l'nat : ; OOn11Clt thCn a(�)01tTIICd. Western lilay 11 ,all .ad(lltiOrial 40 Qr r C, 0ARTER, Stapleton. . . it6 •r tn»e »r nin»r)' in lravoung through' the vol.- . I 1 (lit(il, V. L k - fill tlllleli Added t i' % TL1urH(1ay, May i3, 18S,f.. - . . nrdr.r of till, .�truet uoinlnitt(•e, Win, I OwN, ------ -- •• _� o t, s but , Hb far its - Irk, ihrp are rc,nred to n.lh»t n disemrot to the oir• 1IKOICIF: NTItAviror' nitY P11ANTN for ha,. r, ns an oyt`?:valent for those expenses. lnfunri- fi11,irnlafl, .. To'. tiro' raidles. Manitoba, _ is• concet'll(xl tilis� will '4'�`Il a act old � � �•/ fyti,le.'-..-YllCn rne'lt'ratC, � 11 a D. ). I�itn hnvcrs will thcrc•Poty sac It t» bo to thrbr lid• '' , • ' r- : e t, 0 . ld • --r $1 00 a 1 10 w - , , .: Apply t, C 1fr.Cfrrunr & r:,rke's C.trbnilr (.r+air, .sill euro airy edea of . be a .cllt[l , Dastlll in 1'atlwa COLIStrili - -" ttew 0 r a ,1 C,AR11 I'rinncss Street. ,»h,_v, heforo pnrchaslijv elsewhere, w call lit onl �I1 Itlohard 0arttVA lit has Consento(I Phu Its the me+, or ilnugh Me on storm lanNls or Pile" y = G 00 ' shop, .,lid •.ry the rnavhinr• lime set n , ' . • r,.., and 4care.titetn rynft ns sS1k'. It rvpl Sinn hent any sora rr•hril r-.....,-.--.-•.....,'•-'--•---'••-W.-,...r Tnnmineif of ; t0 (lolivol•-a S)ecell .ill. Iovollto 011 MA alinthar rC keit,% fall.1"It%Vilnnd.bore tested ` Ask, Lion; th0. �yn(lieatc',Cott,)all 'c011fillill : White wheat, .01(l .. 1 00 •a 1 05 i-cre Ind have It explr,in(d fu deta�l. i „ Wntll at .i )l }t1'C i rr yonr tlrny(�isifi,t tilvtirvuC.r Fatk'I Cnrbnfie Qrentr. Asd IES att0nt101T t0 : SVUrk Ii y , 1, " ne1V . 1 00 a 1. 05 WANV1311--• INAILI)IATLUX ••••• it (4001) ] 1 I T1COtlily t0 bo 1101C1 111 ,Ioront bnpc?rguNlril,to take nngtbiru else rlauned tP tit! as L tilt Rocky' )Tin OXpCI'iCI1Ce(l aervatlt, for q' .Ittttl work, -. 1,1,.11 i i.� AI(11VI;11 �, ti wd. Tt fabat 24 to tae ytf lit - elpirla aha fvre, S1 gi 1-00 a 1-0 t Alipl3r t0 11IILti, J. Itl:IBVI±, Huron Street. I'IA1' ItAl:l.. , , trw Oralul O )orf:, house utidr.`r the a' 1 ',ltonhtaips'atid.- iii tho Lako Sil )erfor 5 . -k%.,r • ,n� lmnd. front b�',t nut6rr•, al'iPr(iwt tante, t'.. i ' ` „' -' ' .r r • , ' __ i pats, ` • ' " . , 0 n 0 3G -� _W .,._„•__.�.....-. ._:.._w . �_. .1t1a111CCa O{' t1lA TOi`ori.ta Ir;ott01'ttl 1�::iSO• 'i'hG 1.01.1(lUl1 aIi(1 li1VCi'1)OOl IiVL StOCti iC„10t1. (110 iVlnnipt! -Soli tltitiks 1t Barley, • 0 l„ a d GG oAAtnIEItR. NAv'TI1 —'> hn sulrse(il,er P1.r, 11',x•, 1AR1?.o lI% , ('('1, 1.11',1 7'() ,Y 1:IatiOh. a 4"ol1lmiSsi0l1 1n01'CltaTlt+, ,Jaines I'ItClial'(1 .1Vilt bo it lack.. nf•lvls(lam If the C. I'. It. •.Poa8, • 0 70 a 0 7.5 Navin;; moved I'ntq the house lalniy Oren- o»r oa„ »take I;v ,t ou ha , ' • + + r , (111°eCtOtS do n 0 1,`lour; • V •.' • ii' 00 a 5 GQ Miall by birs. Wiriten)air, ilelal, thl, :1l0clei -School I it l Sid ina,ly to nr.lrt•. A Pt)nilyyl%-,ttti;t fllilltl(,r l)ttS, It i'4 said, & Co,, Write, fitating' that ttho l)108[iP,Ct5 .� . , .. not � t c!ItC11(l t}t0 bl at1C11 , 1>'Otatoeii , • 0 Ori a 0 60 ie prellitrPA tC talte a litllited i,lunl)er of board- t os )11 Southern Manitoba, r' If .they , Sts. Aps, I{ERR,. cllintolr. - o+• .\t,c, Kine „r ilntn,�r Itartraixo rrn It1.%,rt. <l4HCOV'el'C(171l>L'OCCSs' fur tITCSO11.i1111Cati0n 'f.Orth0cattl0 tl.'i1d0 (tr0 v(.1'y sociis trans- l ,r , - flutter, '• .... • 0 10 a 0 17. _ _-.:` _.-...._ W�,__,_, .....,,,_._ -.,.... It .d,r, protnptl} atiehde�l to. . of �vhisl:ry: This tttOrtlstitil 1tCnT will (1i1, 1s fast bl!Cvltling ,It ,hlCitt CattlO•rtlls- ' 1•'�%ft180 t0 (10 SO raltll110tT81y atl(1S Oql' I 7;ggS, r Q l•k Tt 0 1C . , . ,. MILLER ,I� p�• r,� OX 'tO, ICSrY (11th1tS1aS1Y1 71Y Canada 1111 C0111Yt1'V, x11(1' all advanco of prices, COntcllllill'-nivy, c' tlrnre wilt i)e ileo alarm• i llay, . • - 8 00 a 9 00 lir > Ar;, `uA oKor �rer;e�,nxitriiirer tf rule - Di-dR6.Ys `t da thail b: i'rincess street, 1 i t C r -.. �� tr r ing ex0(111: