HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-09, Page 5PALE, POOR, PUNY Jk PALLID. Considering—all- ills;that attack little children, it is a wonder that any of the poor 'little youngsters live to grow up. There are children who are truly objects of pity They seem almost bloodless. Their cheeks are thin anti ,pinched ; their eyes are hollow ; and their skin is tightly drawn over their foreheadd. There ie`nothing hearty about them. They do not enjoy their lives. They, are suffering from the debility that leads: to marasmus, Poor thing8 .1 De a good deed for the pale, poor, puny, pal- lid child. trend its mother a, bottle of The Shaker Blood Syrup. Here is life even for the most delicate, the most debilitated ; even for the child almest given up for dead, Pure blood is what the child needs, to bring it up, The little digestive apparatus will recover. The f hle l{slhafr hoan tte chid ibe exill changed e merrrypra- tle of infantile gladness,-'Y'our druggist..will tell you what wonders the. Shaker Blood Syrup has done for very sick children. url` J0Nz VJ . AONUMENTS 'JO � x00 0 g$' Parties intending' to purchase a Monument will find it to their advantage- t0 see one White Bronze before buying elsewhere. W. H. (llFFIN; -.'AGENT.. OF'F'ICE, PERRIN BLOCK.. Opposite • the Market, Clinton. YOUR FACE. Tan Freckles, Sunburn, Pimples, Black Specks, Blot- • ches, &o., can be removed ia= stantly byapplging^'^°'"^'• Tanlz Freckle Lotion. • The Editor's Tribune. Theron I'. KeatorEditor of Ft, Wayne, Ind., "Gazette," writes : For the past five years have always used lir. King's New Dis- oovery, for coughs of mint severe character, as well as for those of a milder type. I never fails to effect a speedy cure. My friends to whom I have recommendettit speak of it in same high terms. Having been our - ed by it of every cough. 1 leave had for five years, I consider it the only reliable and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, etc." Call at Watts & Co's Drug Store and get a free trial bottle. Large•Size $1. 13neklen's Aruba >a1v,•. f 'The best save, in the world for cuts, bruises, soles, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter. chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin ernptions, and pos Lively cures piles, or no pay reti,Iired. It i. guaranteedto give perfectsa.isfaotion or money refunded. Price 23 cents per but. \\ stir, & Co. FAH RA t , TISII:t I,L BANKERS, ItAT"TENBUUY ST., CLINTON, IIIIRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Sloneyadvanced on Mortgages and Notes of hand Drafts issued payable at par,at all the ofoeesof the Merchant's Bank of Canada. New York exchange bought and sold. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO COL. LECTIONsthroughont Canada and the United States. SALE NOTES BOUGHT at close rates, and money advanced to formers on their own Dotrs,foranylength of time to snit the borrower. All marketable scour tiesbonghtand sold. BANKERS IN NEW YORK. RGENTB OF THE MERCHANT'S BANK OF CANADA. IVTERESTALLOWED ON DEPOSITS W. W. FARRAN. J. 1'. 'I'1SDALL OLD AND RELIABLE, (31 -ray's Speeifie 1Iedieine,. TRADE MARK TEECREATEN01,18H rRADL MARK. REMEDY, an 11nfn11111g cure for Seminal weak peas, Spermatorrhee, Impotency, and all dig. ease, that follow as a aeq,lence of self abuse —as loss of memory, universal lassitude,— ,pain in the buck, dlln- • ne„ of shine, preen- _ C•� • - •r. Before Taking other diseases that tore old age, and many Buffet TusIItL•_ lead to Insanity or consumption ands premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free.by mail to every nue. CrThe Specific Medicine 15 sold br nil druggists at 81 per package, or six packages for live dollars or will he sent free by mail, on receipt of the mousy by ad. dreeeug THE GRAY MEDICINE 00, • Toronto, Ontario, Canada, WINE° .A.1‘713 e 'SPIRITS rim K 'mbar 111,r ,le ire' to return his sincere , l thanks to his costume'. fwd the pnll:c generally for the liberal patronage extended to hien i,t the past, and by furnishing the hest article at the lowest remu- nerative price, be hope' to merit a continuance of the same. Ile world sperhllly reeommend a trial of his direct importations of the very best bronchi of Brandies, Port Wines and Holland Gin,• SI'ITARLl•t'Oa 11RDICINAL PURPOSES AND FAMILY USE. BASS' ALE AND GUINESS' PORTER, In Bottles, Pints and Quarts. CANADIAN ALES AND PORTER, CARuxe $ and BATIKS LAGER constantly on hand, JIM t rerei. ed, in prime condition, Mon/real Gbluer file, Champagne Cider, 1'Gtin Pnl01r' Agent f'or (.Ic,derieh Ale. N. ROBSON. I Alai}:aT STREET, 11fl('K 111.01'5. (3 INTOE. Safe, Sure and Effectual. PRICE 25C. PER BOTTLE• • Sold by all Druggist% ' SHAKER BLOOD SYRU ■ Curds Completely Scrofula; Iiyphilis, ('anter, Itlfeumaiiism,. e'atarrb. Ulcers and Skin and mood .Diseases of ewery deeerip• bion. $1000 reward to any chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottles of Shaker lilood Syrup, ono particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium, on any mineral agb- stance. SOLD 'EVERYWHERE. .; Mee, p -, 51.00 Par Bottle, or Biz for 15,00. QUEEN CITY OIL CO GOLD MEDALS JOHN IROS$, 'UMP MAKER CLINTON, ONT. The aubacriber has had many years' experi- ence.and guarantees to give the best of Sethi - foe ifort. PUMPS, TANKS, 'CISTERNS, ETC;, Made and put in on short notice. AU orders by mail promptly attended to. Charges iea- aonable. JOHN ROSS, Clinton, Phoenix Carriage:Works X.40N3OXVIiillEiORO. JOHN BRUNSDON IsWAQGONS, tCARRIAQES,e &1 CUTTERS. Nothing but the very best mate,ial used, and first-class work guaranteed. iffeALI, KINDS Or JOBa1'te'et Summar. Finished work always on hand, Cali and examine before purcha,ing elsewhere, NEW TIN STORE, THE SUBSCRIBER, WHO WAS FOR MORE than eight years iathe employ of Mr. Silas Dayte, desires to intimate that he has Opened Tin Shop in Dedswoiltli's. Block HURON STRTET, CLINTON,-. --- Where lie is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK, In the best of style and on short notice, aer9114, LAMPS, GLASS, &g. in,stoclr. A CAM. swamp.). WIVE', WILSON. Clinton, Doo: I?8a• Pictute. & Photo Frames • FROM TWENTY-FIVE,, CENTS MATS .Stamped {Teti, 111ril , Iiensts, Fish ur.i'lowers. ALL KINDS OF WALL 'POCKETS, BOOK 'AND CLOCK SHELVES, FANCY'GOOD'S,: &o,.. AT A. JIALE's''CHEAP STOI%EI • ' TJNTON the Popular Dry Goods Uowe, pring Goods to Han Two Cases Prnts, fast colors. Threes bale Greg 9?tts0-,- Two Bales Brown Duck, Two Bales Oottonades1 T irteen Cases Boots ands foes: .•.:, Balance Writer 'Goods at :Reduced • Prices,... L. 4U I•M ETTE... Go to; CQQPER's e • FOR 4HE AP GROCE IES Londesboro Crockery, 'Glassware, &c. Oa�tmea1 and Cornet al always:en hand, ALSO. reties relebra edBacon, Eisgliah Boak%at 8acoi, • Long Sugar Cured Hams, ' And .No. 1 .LARD;. - At prices which cannot be beaten in town.. Awarded at Toronto, London. and. Guelph, in 1883, few PEERLESS AND OTHER, MACHINE OILS. For Sale by all il'irat+01aa9.Dealera. Every Barrel Guaranteed. SAMUEL R,OGERS, Manager, 20 Front Stf lelaat, Toronto. . Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE, Biliousness, Headache, :Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Muttering of the Heart, And every species of disease arising from Impure P,leod, &et etc. PREPARED 11Y Ttla Climax Chernical Company, MONTREAL. • HIS 60 C.' -TE -AA SPECIALTY SALE AGENT EO Dobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP THOMAS 'ALBERT STREET, CLINTON Se FOWLER BEST STOCK OF VIOLIN :STRINGS' 'IN'TOSYN, FINE PLATED WARE.. NEWEST DESIGNS IN JE W:ELLERY !. 1' Repairing done Promptly.'' Ct . ten; MaY'.255h :1882. Cabinet -Parlor 1 11110008 \\arerooffls UNDE lli AAi The subscriber keeps the. finest CASE m S and COFFINS Aitvtys 011 Italia. • T'unclale fitrni1hati at the shortest notlee and lowest pi -loos,, A CALL SOLICITED, 1;E1IF:Mpllldll 'I'IiE PLACE,l OPPOSITE TIM' !I w — Trot,. STEVENSON ,.ai111' Feb::Ig8't ,YT7••P A.IR.13.IV'KoD • N TE -].E. MOST 1ASHIONABLE' SHADES: ANI -PATTERNS,. USUALLY FOUND ONLY SIN ' CITIES._ ,,,•, pecialLn.es n5 �C lUat. Papers. No- trouble to show, whetheryou pureha'ee or nota'. MPSON, ;Clinton Desires to cal1 special attention to his stock of tihina and Granite Of‘allkinds, suitable fol Christlno,s presents. Also,.: the .nest Confectionery. to be hacl. Fresh Fruit, Canned. Goods, &c. JOHN CUNINGHAME. GROCER, CLINTON.'. 9 • -0-0Q-Di AND- -CHEAP QG IES 'We have opened several new accounts during the past three months, and all . express themselves ve1I pleased. with our Groceries, To those who Wish for 'further proof we would ad- vise thein' to tape it out in Groceries, and they would Olen be . convinced that the` best place to -buy Groceries, is At .the NOTED' TEA, COFFEE and SPICE HOUSE -- - ado---�E Pi1r✓ FLIR CO Ot "CA.•SH . FOR, EGGS. , Next, to Town Hall. .