HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-09, Page 14
gov akdvi010cmcnic
WACP040rEtT ftorvrerairtir-tnEelr
girl kept. Apply between 9 a.m. atoir$1).M.., tO MRS
OltA.10, the Rectory.
1111SNTEli - A MAN OR goer OF GOOD
VY character. to collect cream. with single
horse. W. HERBISON, Bayfield
Ged.erien township.
situated cottage en the London road end bank
of the Bayflold river, containing nine rooms ; the lot
has three agree of laud, with good orchard, lawn and
alumbbery, hard and soft -water, stable and drive
house, and other conveniences. , W. G. ennui,
metrueeer AND WAGGON FOR SALE.... -
.1 -1 For Oslo a new COVERED BUGGY, piano.
box, Walled in the latest stYle, end of the very
best material. Also. a DEMOCRAT WAGGON
new, suitable for either single home or team.
Both will besold_ata bargain, andneither have
yet been used. T. O. DOH-BATY, Clinton,
14'416° i8 IlereW &Men that the Court of
Revision for hearing appeals against And revis.
ing the Assessment Roll for the Town ot Clin-
ton, will be held on MONDAY, MAY26t,
7 3Ct sharp, in the Council chamber.
OALLAZWER, Town Clerk.
.4.-4 Take notice that the Court of Revision for
the Village of Bayfield will hold Retest sitting
in the Town Hall, Baylield, on MONDAY, and
day of JUNE, commencing at 10 o'clock.. a.
Tor the. purpose of hearing and rectifYlng all
comfilasuts against or errors on the assessment
roll of this present year. AU parties interested
are requested to attend. PI, RUNTER, Clerk.
AA Notice is hereby given that the first sitting
of the Court of Revision for the Townehip of
Hullett. will be held at the Village of Loudes-
Imre, on MONDAY. 26t11 da 01: of MAY, 1084,
commencing at the hour of ten o'clock, a: in.,
for the purpose of hearing And determining
appeals against, and revising the assessment
roll for the said township for the present year.
1 -3 Notice is hereby .given that the Court of
Bevieion for the municipality of the Towuelnp
of Stant-EC Wall be nerd In tlnyTown Hall, Varna
on TRURSDAY, ISIA.Y 15th, ,mext, at 10 O'clock
a.m., for the purpose of ravising the Asses.,
inent Roll ef the present year. All persons
having any coruplaint• to make in connection
with: tile said roll, are requested to attead said
court. Other 3i05111e45 will be trail:meted at the
close of the court. GEO. STEWART, Cleat
1. -Vhoroughbred. The following, is the pedi-
gree•ef Sir Patriek:-Calved March 17, 1882, was
h.red by Mr. Richard Jackson, Hullett. Sir Pat-
rick mas got by 2nd Crown Prince 'of Strathal-
Ian; dam Princess of Sealtam, by Prince of
Statham, 7081, 24432, g. dam Daisy Deane •by
Laudable 1643; g.g. dam °Lady Jane by, Friar
John 6th, 1424; 4th 'dam, Beauty, by Young
Prince,' 1108; 5t11 dam, Dorothy, by Ethelbert,
234, 1b16. WM. RERBISON, Baylield Conces-
sion., Goderieh township.
• '
1. of candidates to the Clinton'High School
will be held in the Model School. Clinton. on
Thursday and Friday, July ard and
4th, 1884, beginning each day at 0 pain. ,In-
tending applicants should send in their namee
to the undersigned, not later than the lst day
of Jnne.
Headmaster. •
x-rexiini:—A8 "certain emil:disposed ,Persons Ln
-IN Manchester, Londesboro, Clinton, Seafonth, Bruce -
Aoki, Exeter, and elsewhere, who are well ',known to
me, are eireelating slanderous reports about Me in
order to injure my reputation and business, end'unless
they apologize or give satisfactory explanation -for
floiaig, I will take legal proeeedings against them,
and any person or persons hereafter tirculeting•or
milking any such representations againat 'my charae-
ter they are not prepared to substantiate, will in like
manna,- be prosecuted. Certain other parties are eir-
enlating that 1 am not . a 'Licensed Auctionsei, and
that 1 was fined in Manchester last March by. Jellies
Da; is. The originators of this falsesepert arn equally
no well known to me as.those of the former, 40isc•
miently I resort to this manner of .estitbilshing any.rc-
potation as a Licensed Auctioneer, whith U101.010%14
will perfectly substantiate. DONALD A. 31cLEOD..
lirueefield, May 7th, 1884.
This is to certify that i did not hare D.: A..MeLemi
fined in Manchester last March foraelling 'without it
liense, atidi do not know personally that he ever at-
tempted to a. so. JAS: DAVIS, Constable, Blyth.
Is now forming a large class, and eau talTabOut lour
more pupils. Lessons given at her residence, Huron
or at the homes of pupils. Best of references as to
her abilities as a teacher. • .
•• • •
SolicitorSupreme Court
In Blyth every Thursday. .Collections and
claims promptly and reliably attended' to. -
PRIVATE FUNDS to lend at lowest rate of
Ticket Agent, Clinton,
. •
Summer Travel to the Old. Country -
Olin ton to Liverpool or (8asgOic,$30,00
(Steerage accommodation)
almost to Liverpobi or Glasgow, $49
(Second CAA!' accommodation) - •
Clinton to Li; erpool or Glasgow, $74
(First Cabin accommodation) , • • •
. . .
Persons contemplating a trip to the old country will
cavult their own interests by applying to the sub-
!, • riber for all information. . • '
W. JACKSON, Ticket Agent.
Malicia tilt 4ny.
TwKETs To ALL romri i.• •
At lowemt ratc%. All Baggage chocked throitgli
re-Reba.te Tickets Issued.
Le Purchase Tickets front the Town. Ageilpst.
a Agent
co A Ta BLOM
thargt.. moderate
VOL.10. Nttote.
githiso Per Asuntinit
- MANTON, ONT., - FRIDAY, NIAY 9, 1884.
,t EtHOLMEit & SON
Beteeye.-Laet Saturday was a very busy
day in town. The building of VanEg-
mond's new woollen mills is being rapidly
Pushed forward. The-offieers of the Sal-
vation Army intend going to Brooklyn
next week, to attend the fourth anniver-
sary of the army's advent to America.
Quarterly service was held in the Metho-
nit church last Sunday morning; Rev.
Mr. Gee, of Walton, occupied the pulpit
morning and evening. Rev. Thos. Camp-
bell, of Goderieh, will preach educational
sermons in the 0..M. church here next
Sunday; Mr. Andrew Love, an old resi-
dent, died last week. The Union Choral
Society gave a grand concert in Cardne'e
music hall last, Wednesday evening. t. •
The fishing season has commenced, and
the “lene fisherman" is wow "Abroad in the
land" -perhaps we should say ",ia As 'Haden"
Our worthy reeve, Mr. Wm. Elliott,• who
is 'credited with arranging Wingeam's first
Arbor day, anticipates that a great number
of trees will be planted in town on Thursday
of this week.
MT, James _jelmn, a member ot the
council is very- dangerously ill, and in fact
not.expected to recover, two paralytic strokes
have prostrated him, mid no holies are enter -
Mined of his recovery.
' Now that the election of W. J. McCutcheon,,
as councilman of 1'0. 4 ward, has beeu set
'aside with costs against him, contrary to the
prognostications of an expiring little newepa-
per, a writ of mandamus has been Netted,
corcmanding as new election to be held, and
made returnable in Toronto on .31st May, the
lest day of the Easter sittings of the Queen's
Bench division of rile High Court of Justice,.
'Mere is it tumor that Mr. Me. thinks of try-
ing the election again, but it i reported that
a ;candidate is in the field who would leave
bin only about the slime lAker'e dozen ,of
votes that the 1it1eeditor got,at the school
eleetion.. Althotieh the poet tells us that
'Sven in our ashes live, their vented arm,"
IDA new ones have ileen reported since two
orthree of the aupposed incendiaries -locally
known as "fire•buge-were arrested, and
two of them, after a kind of preliminary in.
tenviewing, were committed to the jail 'at
Goderich. Their trial( will come *ft before
the es:runty judge, on Saturday, and tit is con-
sidered there is little or no evident*against
them, •
OusixEss.--41r, H. Martin, jr., of ,Gede-
Who has rented the Royal hotel, is ,doing
a 'goodl bushier/a here. Mr. Mabaffy will
soon start his stave factory.
311timy AY DELEGAtrion.-A railway detega.
tion will likely go from here to Toronto to
advocate theextension of ' the T. G. ,rt B.
branch of the CI:P.R. to this point. !The read
must .strike .the lake some place, and there
are some men here who thiek_theyean„..con....
vinee' the authoritiee that it 'should be es:
tended tothis place.
• .
PnitSoni.s.-411r. Jae. Dianbar's little boy
is recovering frOon the severe kick he received
from a horse lately. Mr. Goh'erty, of Clin-
ton visited the Port the other day, Mr, C.
Cedonnor, his agent here, is doing consider.
able business in sewing maehines and organs.
Mr. T. F. Young, our •teacher, is attending
the West Huron Teacher's Convention 111
Exeter, this week., . •
NEW Brateerems..iter: gouda is re.buildin'g
on the7s-timetround-occtipied-by the house
lately' burned :down. Mr.. Ed. McConnell
has the contract, and is sparing no pains to
make the- banding a handsome and coolie°.
dious atructure. , Mr. David Johnston, the
late tenant,: will 4cctipy the house. Mrth.'
.Richardson is also getting her house enlarged'
by a handsome addition. Mr: G. Graham's
new building is being -carried on rapidly:
Abstract ql. the•Anclitors' Report. for the
&en cif Clinton for 1884,
: - ' • RECEIPTS
. - . . . ...
Cash enx hand ..$ 1787 46
Taxes amount • ..,........ 10297 . JO
Market 'account , . ......... 864 53
Magistrates'. fiues aecoent......',., . 05 00
License aCeount .. t - ....... 894 51
Cemetery account,:.... , , - 146 40
Streets and sidewalks aeiounte. • 25 64
Public school account 350 00
Salaries (meant • ' . 57 60
Non-resident taxes account.... 2 00
Clergy eserve account , ...... „ „ 34 00
Statute labor account . ?.....-... 72 00
Rills payable account '10000 00
Pound account • -, ... . . • 3 85
• ,
. , . .. . $24100 09
Public sehool account ' $3550 00
High school . ; .444,4 " 4 16450O
Streets and 'odewallts.;, " 1256 22
'Salaries. • . , ,.., , "1425. 65
Charity ..,,,, ,, '•813 41
Ineidental , . 44 . ` 349' 48
Railway debt 8, It .... 096 00
Division Registrar's ... .. 10 50
Election expense' , ... 76 50
'Meting . e , fi5 45
Pound .•" • . ,24 00
High sehool S. R. '::, , . 300 00
Fire And Water .. . ' .. 538 59
Stationery . 18 58
Market , 145 87
Cemetery, - . . „ . .18 47
Fire and water S.Re, .. " 420 00
Street watering ..., . "'60' 00'
County - ,... - it 725' 74-
Law eXpellse, ...., ' ' . • 2 00
Taxes " 41 46
1311N payable . , , . ' " 0500 00
L.,II.tt R. sinking fund ' ". ' • • 500 00
Cash to balance , .... 2102 17
024100 00
11, R. dote/Aurae $16500 00
KS. . , 5000 00
kt. "' 0000 00 27500 00
Sinking fund ad interest in Mol. •
sons Sauk .. „.... $8133- 04
Having examined the .13ooks and Vouchers
of the Munleipality 61 the Town of Clinton,
we beg to repOrt that we have forma the
same correct and in accordance with the fore-
going statements,
. 11,ACPI2, 1„(vieee
(linters; April 6, 189.
On the 28th of April the household of
Mr, George Youngblut, of the Maitland
block, was increased by the addition of
another daughter.
Mr. Jos. Govier has been disposing of
some of his stock, on Saturday he took a
hope to Seaforth, receiving therefor $194,
and two cows on Monday, to Mr. Joseph
Tewsley, for $100.
Lad week Mrs. John 'Murdock went to
the saw mill, where Mr. Murdock was
alone sawing. She began assisting him
in removing some edging from beside the
saw, her hand wascaught and two of her
fingers taken off. • A doctor was called in
and dressed the wound. It is doing as
well ns could -be expected.
A Goon SUBSTITUTE. --- Prof. Brown,
of the Model Farm, being absent in the
old country purchasing stock for the farm,
his plat* is being temporarily filled by
John McMillan, Esq., Reeve of Hullett,
who delivers several lectures every week
to the students,on "Practical Agricule
ture." That he s eminently well quali-
fied for this position, no one will deny,
and it is a fitting recognition of his abili-
ty that he is selected !Or the important
office. With all deference to Prof.BroWn.,
we believe he will find on his return that
the students have'. received instructions
whichhe could not impart.
• 1:laseer.,Reseuie EXPERIENCE. -At To-
r -onto last Thursday night Mr. Andrew
• Taylor, of Hullett, had rather an unplug -
ant .raperienee, while sleeping .at the Jil-
tAbhi it Hotel. thati 0810. nerteehlitx 3a:gdi :mar tni an:: ebtaber le gime! oat imgr
were& As he did not make his appear -
anise, the proprietor, Mt. llolderness,
bermaid knocked at his door and hean-
and ,himself knocked at the. door. Re-
ceiving no reply, thedooreves forced open.
Taylor was foundlyiog be bed insensible,
and mestoralives applied, hen he shortly
rallied. An in vestigaeion of the ,r00111
showed that although ,the gas had been
properly turned off, there was a leakage
soinewhme, which produced unconscious-
ness. He returned home all right:on Rat-
_prday-_ :
CAtxmL.-A meeting of Hullett Mtn:
eil was held at Londeehoro• on': the t3rd
inst:sall the naembers present. Minutes
of fonmer meeting read and confirmed.. A
bonus or twenty dents per rod for .putting
utewere fence was ganted to E. Crawford;
lot 26, on. e, A. Mille% lot 26, con. 12,
and to G. Stephenson, lot 6, con. 6; when.
completed to the satisfattion, of the coun-
cil. • Gne dollar per week froni the 1st Of
May 1884 was granted to . widow 'John"'
O'Staplee; an indigent aeon, to be Spent
.under the direction of J. Britton. e A pe-
tition from Jos. Webster and others prays.
laid -over en the ground of her -having de-
clined to accept ench aid at present. The
statute lehorlor the present year was re-
duced_esne half. Ey-law Of 1882 revised
for dividiugthatOwnship into road divi-
eione as revieed, wa.s adopted for the pre-
sent .year. :A by:law for appointing path -
masters, feneeeviewers and poundke.epere,
for the present year was passed. An ac-
count of R. H. Knetr, of $111' for plank
was pissed; Council then adjourned to
meet again at Landesboro, on the 26th
May, 1884, being the daY for holding
Court of Revision. .3:AS. BRAITHWAITE
Cone6: Review:see-The Court, Of
Revision f� r this township, will be held
on the 15th inst. •
DIEO OUT 'WEST. -On the last day of
March, there died at the residence Of his
son-in-law, Hr. David Pollock, Carrot
River Settlement, N. W. T., Ohne. Shaw,
late of Stanley, aged 61 years and 11
..months. t •
The doctor reports Rev. Mr, Smith; of
Manchester, as improving;
Nr. J. T. Mitchell, or the Wingham
Vidette, visited Blyth ,on Monday.
• Mr. Colelough has built an addition to
his house, . and otherwise improvedhis
premises.' .
Mrs. Pope and family, of itrussels,, and
Mrs. Rory Anderson took ••cars here,, 011
Monday, for. Manitoba.. . •
Our townsman, Mr. Win. Diemen, Of
the •foundry, and wife, will leave town
this Week. for 8cotlancl jo visittheie pa-
rents. : .• .•
Ithe Robt. Slater, • of this wee
called. to Platteville this 'Week, by the
death of his sister's daughter, which oc-
curred froth- infiatemetion of the hostels..
She. wag a proinisipg girl.of 14.•• •
AN OVERTURN. -Mr. hos, Canis at-
tempted 1,0 pries Mi. GeOrge.McGowen. at
the bridge, on Sunday evening; the horses
of the latter took fright ami ran over the
embankment, throwing the young peo
who were ih the :carriage into the ditch
below, ' They .fortunately escaped svith
slight injuries,
• • • '
Last week as the Rev'. Mr, Hillyard was
driving towards Blyth, his horse got
frightened and turned quickly avenue,
HpSet the buggy and threw him out. We
are glad to hear that he received no !seri-
elle injury, The horse getting from the
buggy started at full speed for the village;
Betees.-Mr. John McKay; teacher
No. 3, is recovering from a very severe at-
tack of congestion of the lungs. Miss M.
Gordon, teacher, No. 7, lvhdhas been suf.
fering froto. inflainroatio , will seen be
able to resume • her seh ol duties it Ain.
The falters are buj seeding; i the
weather continues f °table, the greater
part of the sprin'gg#nin will be in this
week. Tha tall whet looks remarkably
well at present. Owng to late owing and
irnpoveriehed soil, a few fields will require
.plowing up, Mr, John Thompson has
gold his 50 acre farm to Mr. G. Smith, and
purehased Mr. Je Durnin's farm, contain-
ing 100 aeres,
FATAL .A.CCIDEN'P.-is fatal accident
took place Saturday afternoon at Hensall
station. Xt. I1. Coonew, a young man,
etuployed breaking, was coupling Care
loaded with lumber, when he was unex-
pectly caught across the abdomen and
terribly crushed. He was lifted from the
ground, and carried to the Richardson
House, where he was shown every neces-
sary ineention,raedical and otherwise.
But all was unavailing and he expired in
a few hours. His remaine were taken to'
London, on Mouday, fer interment. He
was unmarried. The sad a,nd sudden
death is it matter of deep regret among a
large number of *Ina. and acquain-
tances. .
owned by Me Wilson, and used by Mr.
Charters, was eleitroyecl by Are on Thurs-
day evening last. It is supposed to have
caught by a spark frOrn the evening train,
although the warehouse was set fire to on
two former occasions or late. There were
200 bushels of grain. in the bending at the
time. This is the second time it has been
burned delve by the same cense.
• voixonNE.
Mr. F. Manning was offered $78 for a
two-year old steer, a few:days since, by
Mr. Rohe. McLean, but refused 11, asking
$80. It..pays to raise good sto'ck.
One 'eight last week a party broke into
Mr. Adams' tailor shop and stole goods to
the amount of $33. Mr. Adam has a sus-
picion who the party is. .
EAST wAWAI,40811.
• Mr. Chas: Roach has resumed work
again,,interrupted by him by. short visit
to his brother, Mr. • Wm. Roach, of this
Mr. -Alex: 'Yoeng, of Pembroke,- who,
has also been visiting for a short time in
this vicinity, hale returned east. He was
accompanied, .ale his return journey, by
his wire and sister, Miss Maggie Ranee,
of the 10th con. They will be ninth
missed:by a large cirele of friends and
acquaintanees. • ' •
Brief reference was last week made to
the case of the girl Rates,of -Ooderich,
whe was ravishedin this vicinity. Since
that time a number if new facts have
been developed, the most important of
which was the arrest of the parties con-
cerned in the affair.
Acting on information gleaned, Chief
Constable Paisley, accompanied by , Con -
stable Youill, proceeded to Seaforth last
Friday, end arrested three parties charg-
ed with the commissioe of' the crime.
These were W. Hunter, 'bite driver, Fred
Soles, carpenter, and Chat. Herbert, tin.'
smith. An examination before the Mayor
elicited the information that, they got the
girl into the buggy at the Grand Union,
'drove her a short distance down the Sea -
forth rciad against her will, when Hunter
lifted her from the buggy and accomplish-
ed his villainous purpose, despite the
desperate struggles and outcries of the
girl, Soles being, an eye -witness of the
whole proceeding, and offering no assis-
tance to the girl.. On this evidence the
Mayor remanded them to jail for several
As they were being taken to the station,
a large crowd followed them, and had it
yielded to the impulse of its feelirgs,
woutd have made short woi k of the trio.
Medical examination of the girl • showed
that the fight she made for her honor
must have been a fearful one,as her
limbs were black and blue, while her
neck was in ' a like condition, showing
that an attempt had been made to shut off
her outcries. Since the affair she -huts re-
mained in such a low stete of health, that
no one has been allowed to see her except
the doctor, • •
On Wednesday, 'the. prisoners were
broughtupbefore-MafeneForrester and
Horton, in Goderich, when sufficient eye,
donee was elicited to Commit Hunter for
trial; and the otherswere remanded for
eight days, in the hope that by that time
the girl will have sufficiently :recovered
'to appear againsethem. - se • '
MreGeo.Hill, of the base line, atevhose
house the,girl.turned • up on Wednesdaymorning, produced her underclothing in
court, which will be it strorig link in tho.
evidenceagainst the prisoners. • • •
There are several things corninected
with•the case that have not been publioly
explained, and cennot be until the Wei
comes'off, which may put a different com-
plexion on the case,- but in the Meantime
several persons here come in :for no mean
amount of censure for their course in con-
nection with the matter. We have no
deeire to prejudice the case, but we hope.
that no mock -sentiment will prevent the
strietesteustice being meted out to all or
SCROOL EEPORT.-The • following is
the standing of S. S. No. 4, for the month
of April :-Fourth class-lst, Sarah Nott;
2nd, John Crich, 3rd, Ira Johns. Senior
third chiss-1st, :George Crich; 2nd, G.
Laytem ; 3rd, Minnia-Nott. Junior third
class -let, Hannah E. Crich; 2nd, Annie
Johns;L. 3rd, HarveyR. Johne. Second
, class -1t, Fred•Nott ; 2nd, Chas.Layton ;
-3-rd, Gifford Crich. . •
• .
PORTERS' 116.11... • •
BefEFri,-A miinlier from this rieighbeflood
attended the wedding ' of Mr. D.• Roberts, at
Londesbeto, last Thursday, and escorted the
happy couple to 13lyth, _iv_heire they Wit the
train for Toronto, Stock farmers around here
have their fermi now well Stocked ; there. hap
beei.SOMQ .Very :high figures paid, and beef '
Will have to get un to where the cow in the
nursery rhyine ,was, to pay them for feeding.
Fall wheat here has itnpsoved beyond expec-
tations. Farmers are through spring seeding.
Orchards have been pruned and considerable
grafting,done. IL Y. Attrell And other.finny
horse raisers'are patronizing: the ,Accidentel
colt Owned by Mr. ,Rolit: Beacom, Mr. Hall
Rutledge has raised hi harp onto; it cedar.
foundation, with stable accommodation below.
John McLennan, who says, he can raise any:,
thing but a .whisker44.Lraising .Jas.
ald's barri.and.bUilding a large shed thereto.
McDorigall's had it lively brash
around his farni the other 'day, without seri.
oils den -lege: Wilson ec,,g. eackeir took 650
dozen eggs etPorteei Rai store last week,
which, were bought there in one Week. Jas.
Torrance and John McDonald, jr., are drain-
ing extensivelythis spring. It is reported
here that if •'cattle are not kept off the road
they Will be impounded -s� they should be,
as they injure trees' and do ether injury.
-see.... •
Bareyse-eit has been.reported.hy imple-
ment agents Wet Maxwell was not going to
turn out any of the.platform binders, an&
that he had abandoned the inanufactine
of the sane, but by applying to •Saintiel
Woedmare. Lendestioro, :they wil 1 learn
differently, The Paris 'Transcript con-
tains a long account of a Successful trial
of these machines. The ..creamery starts
next Monday. quoie, pitehing has tem-
menecd again. ,Tee village is %creasing
in .poptilation very fast. •Mr. R. Bruns -
don, Mrs: Gee, Brogden and., Mr. George
Hese.- started' for Manitoba last Monday;
their safe arrival is hoped to be Seen
.heard,of. •Cleerge. Newtotteentewo more
sets of hetness to the nerthwest with le. A,
Tamblyn ; Frank keows•wheee he ean get
geed work anda cheap bargain. Mr.
Wm. Welters left the village about two
weeks ago, • rather unexpectedly, and hits
eaeteyeteeterned; he was last seen on the
train hear London. Mr.. D. Roberts, has
taken the partner previously spoken of,
in the person of Miss E. Woodmen ; they
returned from.their wedding trip on Tues-
day evening,. and Were serenaded by tlie
villitge bend, which was entertainrd in a
Very hospitable emanner*.at the tesidenee
of the bride's father. One of our village
fathers is nt present trading Wheelbarrows
for pig's, he has a few in stock yet.' '
.Berses,-The prospect for the coming
year is very encouraging, the rain and
warm days having Made quite a difference
in the looks of the fall wheat.; a good
deal of the spring grain is up, end looks
well; „The seeding is done except in a
few. cases.The !quurterly meeting of the
Methodist:church will he held on Sab-
bath next, the services to commence at
10 a, in. and 7 p„, m. itt. Eriticlenap
preached in the B. C. church on Sunday
morning; he still manifests considerable
earnestness. in the good work. The
Winghane egg buyer was her, and bought
a large quantity from Mr, Courtieee Mr,
A. Re Birks is expected home this week
from 'Victoria tiniVereity, The monthly
entertainment held et Bethel church, Bey -
field circuit,_Wednesday evening, passed
off well; the attendance Was not very
:large, owing :to the wet evening. Pre-
ece& for the tanning, expinIseg or tho
• Ierbert.bomes •frotri..a veryrespectable
family at St. Merys,,fiedfeele leis position
keenly. Soles'. paroles reeide at Setererthe
and occupy t favorable position insee.'
eiety, but h0 . is it .youth who apes to be
smart, and aesiemes a biavado which is
net even skin deep.' Hunter is saideto be.
an. outcast. He conies from, Brussels,
.where his parents reside, but finding him;
ineorrigaule, they turned. him adrift. -• It
is. the Old (AMY -told every. day -e little
liquor and unbridled passions,. and calls
for. no -enlargereent oe • meralizine;:
. ...•111* '
, An unusually large number' of people
who haYe.eecupiecl somewhat preininent
pOiltithis id this neighborhood, have been
called to pale •"through•the valley ofthe
shadow ofeleath" durnig. the past three
months; and -this week Aw6eothers are
added to the long list.
• etn. w.ejerYeet WHITELY, •
Ofthe Huron:roatd; .Tudirersnitthe is the
last of the early pioneete who has passed
to' hie met in . a better world. world. Deceased
has been in poor.health for wined/lie, and
about a yeaesince got so low that his life
was deepaired.of, but heirallied.therefrons,
and enjoyed a -degree of health,, until a
few weeks eince,wheri. he was again Strick-
en down, death releasing his spirit on the.
morning of. the 6th inst. Kr., Whitely
wag born :in Enniskillen, Fermanagh
county, Ireland,. in 1813, and came to
Canada when 21 years of age. 'He came
tolheHuton tract in 1839, but not hiking
it at that thine returned to lower Canada,
Where he joined the Light Dragoons; re-
maining in the service for five pars, dur-
ing which time he associated hiniself with:
the Methodist Church and was devotedly
attached thereto the remainder of his liee.
When his five years' serviee had' expired
he got married and returned to. Huron,
seething the firth' on whichhe since re-
sided to thc. time of hig deatb. _He was
somewhat qnict ih disposition, novo
taking any active pert in :public affairs.
Hie word Was his bort& and the esteem in
which he was held was the very highest.
In politice 'he was Conservative. He
leaves a Weenie daughters and one son,
thp latter resides in Michigan., andetWo of
his daughters arerearried; one to Mr. W.
S. Lawrence, teacher,. Hohnesville, the
other to, Mr, Martin .CharleseVorth, of
Grand gorks, Detract,
ern. stee ' xr)
Of Clinton, who . died on, Tuesday last,
at the advanced age of 78 years, was well
knowa to the people of this place and
vicinity. A practical fairrierwho took -a
deep interest in all things pertaining
thereto, he Boon became prominent among
his no-labores here, , He was born in the
township of Augusta, in the united coun-
ties of Leeds and Grenville, and in early.
years Was brought into public life, being
for some time a sneak of the couaty
couneil. During the rebellion of 1837 he
officiated as captain for one of the regi-
ments then called into active service,
shortly afterwards receiving his commis-
sion tinder the seal of Lord Elgin, Por
about 22 years he followed the lumbering
business, subsequently going extensively
into real esttete; He moved tO this county
in 1867, litiyIng the farmadjoining the
town. belonging to the lete William Ship-
ley. He has always heth 1). healthy man
until quite recently, heieg vigoreue find
active until within A short tirne ef
his death. He was a member of the tonal
council for several years, and also one of
the Mem ef the Hullett Agricultural
Society. Wheii but 16 yeam of age he
I joined the Methodist Church,. and main.
tallied hie connection therewith through
life. He was twice married, and leaves a
Wik 0 sons and 2 daeghters to mourn hi$
deellSe. By his death the Conservative
party looses one of its staunchest Imp -
On Tuesday last Dr. Reeve, of Clinton,
and Dr. Whitely, of Goderiche were ar-
raigned before the Police Magistrate, at
London, on a charge instituted by the
city and the Railway authorities, for that
they did by certain acts and advice allow
one John Little suffering from small pox,
it contagious infection and dangerous
. disease,". to travel .from goderich to Lon-
don Via, Clinton. The county town at-,
torney appeared for the prosecution; her.
Manning; for Dr. Reeve, and Beecher, ge
C., for Dr. Whitely. • Theoccasion was
one of considerable importance anti
interests, from -the Met that it is •be- •
lieved to be the first case of this character
that has ever come before a cella on this
continen t,Toieeadjudication„ and the law
records contain only three calm of e Mini -
lar kind in England, •. • • ' .
The evidence briefly Went to show that
on -"Aeril 190 a man named Little, in
Goderieli was found byDr. Whitely to be
suffering , from small pox. Two other
rnedieal • gentlemen' also examined hint
with the same result, all declared, how-
ever, that the type was .e. very mild one . -
and not dangerous. The man insisted .
.fipon going•te the. HOspltal, 'at London,
and Dr. Whitely drove him nearly to the
station, rather than allow him to go in a .
crowded bus. The worst feature of the
case occurred when Little took a seat. in
a first close car where there were a large
number a others, and rode toClintoneAr. -
rived here Dr. Reeve was called in and
advised the railway company authorities -
that with certain precautions Little might t •
safely be taken to London. Dr. Moore, of
London, testified that. every precaution news- •
sary had been taken, and that there wee no'
danger, except to the patient J*119014111 the .:
mode of transfer from Clinton: Re UMW -
also with Dr. Reeve in the opinion that thji,„
ease was an exceedingly mild one, and..1,101•4'
clinel to the opinion'that at that stage it W14:".
neither • contegionaor infectious. The only ' ;W. •
other evidence taken against Dr.'Reeve Was
that * of it detective, who visited the doter
here for the pnepcnie of ensleavoring to trip
hint in conversation. ,- 110wasoontreeicted, :-
hoWever, ot ;several. points -by Mr.' Pattirion
'and. Dr.'iteeve, and so his eVideneefell to the •
. • After argument.' by Mr. Beecher, for Dr. ...1
Whitely, • and Mr. Hutchinson for the prose...
eutive, HielVorship earn:tatted Dr. Whitely
toNtand his trial' itt next coot of competeet •
ing argued ,ter Dr: ReeVe' that.
the magistrate had no jmisdiotien, io as.muoli ..
as the offence.i if there was anY, was commit,
ted in the ,colinty of Huron, and (meld - net •
be tried im Middlesex. Mr: Manning then
contended that the evidence failed to .estab-
lish •the charge madr4 and:that -Dr. Reeve '
shoiild be discharged: There was nothing. ...:
pro ed beyend the fact that Dr.lteeve; hair.
in b ..
een called in by Mr. Pattirget, had given
his Mien that the ..min could With safety
proceed to London, udder eerie% precautions. .. ;.
He had strictly instructed the Man how he '
Waa to proceed,: and every possible safeguard
hail been used 10 protect the public. No one '
had asked him if the ease 'were sinallpoeceied
he 'lied not told anyone that such was/ the •
ease, It the three, English -.-caries reported
there 'were three things which: the judges
deemed as necessaryto be 'proved against a
'medleal:praotitithier, to sustain such all ie.
dietment as this -1st, that he acted Meth.; '
tiouely; 2nd, that. sue& action was .not a ne-
cessity, and 8rd,..that . the prooeeding was A . •
.dangoroue one to the public health. ,:Ttie. '
.ature ,most in point was that Of .the.board of.'
health of TUrnbridge vs. Dr. Bishop, in whieh
the •latter had instructed a `patient suffering.
front. stuallpox to hike the. middle . of :the
'street, and without soaking to anyone pro-
ceed to tho :hospital, Upon being indicted,.
the doctor :pleaded that imbed. acted:with
all due cantion, and in the public interest,
The full court acquitted • him, in both the •
,other .- came -Lord Ellenborough maintained
that the prosecution meet prove the proceed-
ing to be an incautious . and. dam:dregs one.
Mr:: Manning itigned that in this case Dr:
Reeve.'had •exereised. all ' due cantion, and .
that it' really was inthe interests of the pub-,
lic.that this man shoulithave been sent tuts
proper hospital,tharithat he should be retain-
ed where lie (mid not be eared for... - - -
. Mr. 'llsitirtinson ;replied in a leng4hy-ar. ...'
.°HmietinVitt. orship exeres.sed the.opinhin th. at.br:. .
ReeverousV he discharged. Besides lieving .
very grave doubts about his activity in the :
'matter, • he tho,nght .no case had been; made
out. lie thought Dr..Reeve had acted with ..
all dins care, and ho. might possibly; have been " ..
mistakenin ple diagnosis. • He, therefore,'
Oistnissed thecase. • ...: . ...,... . . ..
• . : es neemisitett 1.1.. . • .
. 71:epoieroerate-eThe following is the
standing 91' the„ impels en .S. ..7.e. No.
Goderich eownehtp, for - the. month. Of
April, the eenort. is based o11 diligence,
punctuality and demeanor e-egoarth.ferna '
-Lucy Johnston, .1. Sheppard mid L.
Hardy, Ida ."Thompeone Senior, third-.
Thomile Murphy,: 13ert Murphy, ancr R.
Thompeole • Junior third -.H, Tebbutt; .
A. Ball,Emma Sprung. Second- L,
Joluistone W. A,johnston,Lizzie C1uirel.1-.
M.:. Firsts -Geo. Hill, Mary' Johnston,
Chris, Sheppard.. ,
I nitearti.r,lett. .
eTriTne.-A, grand plc-nie will be .held at
the Maitland falls. on the 241h of May.' It is '
under the anspicei of the Benmiller Silver
Cornet Band. eA largeliviliOn for dancing
will be erected' on the grounds and it firat
elass string band Will he in attendance. As
the majority of tho players are young 'Men
Who disdain the idols of carrying - a basket to .
the pic.nie, to feed their lady love from, they
have arraagetheilte made to have refroth-
Melita eerired on the groinule at A reflgOrlable
price, It was arranged to have refeithmetits
served on the grounds 'het year but as the •
band did not conclude to have it pictio until •
tithed time before the 24t1ethis part . of the.
preparation was overlooked until it was too
late and it great number of people. were . dis.
appointed thereby. The boys speak in. high •
terms Of the generosity of Mr. Saintiel Platt
to whom they aro indebted for the use et his •
grouch arid lumber; for 'which he eshe no, re.
Mtn:Wrath% Whatever; The bodiof an enor-
mous wild cat beset the bottom of Meenatt's
pond, Me Thee. le needle has retnenee
froth GOderieb, where he was visitims Mr, X-
T. Wore lesb week, • . ,