The New Era, 1884-05-02, Page 7• lair ACHINERY IIALL+ IIIIRRAtt- FOR, -VIE 011TH RIGHT ALONGI. NOW TS THE • time ti) soeure ,a )fargtaip. 'IIBT Q4nss DMAccuNssx AT nom Emma VBlahs. WM. STANLEY" Desires to announce to the public that he has opened a shop for the convenience et .his many customers, on $URON STREET, CLINTON, Nearly opposite the Commercial Hotel, Where the MASSEY LOW-DOWN BINDER Oen be seen at any time. Also the Massey and Toronto Mowers, ldassey Harvester, also the Toronto Elevated 5 & 6 foot ent Binder, with shea.Scar- vier attached. Proses, Scaffiers, Drills,• and Sharpes Bakes. The shop will be attended to by MR. DAVID ELCOAT, who will be there at all tines, and will be pleased to have farmers pall, ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND. Clinton, A.pri14, 1884. NEW TIN STORE. MEW SUBSCRIBER, WHO WAS FOR MORE than eight years in the employ of 111x, Silas Dav1a, desires to intimate that he has eltement,; mental labor, noise or long rides, e. • Opened tined a Tin Shop in Bodsivorth's Block about two teaspoonfulse-sa cured about twice cenaww©k, A l enough to oprate about twice; and never have a headach. I. eat well, sleep sound, 'my system is regular in every way. Zopesa is a:gttaud thing for the liver,. dyspepsia and general system. May .everybody know it. and try it. ——• ...a, - Mr, Blake has not ohly 'hilly justified the faith, of his friends; but he- has• won the respect of hisopponents, and to=day stands head and shoulders above any man in Canada in the respect and confidence of the People, ---St. John Telegraph. ' OUR LETTER, sox. Scott Act Associations have been ToKoreroA A* FEW QUERIES. '' cries. ' �•--s-- , -- 4. private famed in -counties 30,ties . imcoe and B die To the Editor of the Clinton Now Era, patch from Ottawa, received here BIR,—As citizens there are some things to -day, states. that the Ontario Act, pass- ive are ubonor bound to do by each Other, ed last session, imposing heavy fees on d to ` h should the and. a others as we would t ey u holders of Dominion :Liceltses, in' h ld addition to the usual license fees, '•'was- th li b d d f disallowed. to -day by an Order-in-ORun- garden til.. Sir Leonard Tilley will go to Eno. - laud, early in the summer—probab]y do to us. Is it right that a neighbor s okeeplarge o which,run over e newly -made e s' in the ar en o, others? Is it right that one mans chick- ens should root up the.seeds in other peo- ple's gardens?,f3sit right for one man to run the dirty water and slops from his lot about June 1st. ;His Mission is to bor- to that of his neighbor, or on the streets? Is it right that public water -courses should row money, IV ben the office of Hgh i. beso polluted with sewage as to taint the Commissioner in Brittain was established milk of cows drinking therein ? Is it we were told that he would transact all our financial business, and thus save the expense of sending the Finance Min- ister to England. is the Government afraid to trust Sir Charles, or is it to be understood that this'is only one of the many little bits of romance that were spun out in order to reconcile the coun- try to pay the big bills accumulated by that bumptious functionary. Mr. Blake's defeat en the question of the grant to Quebec has, as might, have makes thorough health inspection. 1Vith been expected, caused uproarious exulta- these few remarks, Mr. Editor, I will now tion among his victorious foes, who pur- take my seat' sae him through column after column of orrizzN, jubilant satire and invective. It was, no doubt, a signal overthrow. Yet Mr. About Sick -headache. . , Blake seems tohave made an excellent 1 speech, and unquestionably ire. had right For years and years the writer lfad been-' n his side. • Even to Sir John Mae - having sick' or nervous headaches after ex- �•d nald it mus; sometimes occur in the pensive hour of moral reflection that gov- eminent -by intrigue, corruption and gerry- mandering,, though it may be a sad ne- cessity in his case, as it was in that of Walpole, cannot elevate a nation,—T Bystander. • The notorious murderer.Rugg is being lionized by ladies hi' Long Island Jail, where he liei tinder sentence. of 'death. He, has been visited by the leading wo- men in the neighborhood and treated to bouquets and otlie.r tokens. of regard: There are men who have tel commit a murder or do. something,dreadful before they are deemed worthy of notice in some society 'circles. But is itnot a premium on .wrong -doing to pay .so much attention to and commiserate with a wretch who has forfeited his right to live? Guiteau discovered that notoriety .such as he cra'';ed would lie his if he killed • a •. President; and. Garfield's . life was taken.. When people stop this' fussing over convicted criminals and let then go to:_their just deserts 'there will be fewer tragedies. To be a'mlirderer, in some men's eyes, is nothing.if the prime is'' accomplished with :brass` band: andbouquet aocon- ,panitnient.' •'()oodcitzenswho pander to this element should consider that they r'ut a premium upon 'the cotnniiSsion. of'criine. right that cows should be permitted to run at large and befoul the sidewalks ?— Is it right that partiesshould lie their horses to trees, instead of to posts put up for the purpose ? It is said of an ancient. city that itwas kept very clean by each inhabitant sweeping their own door front. If we all did that we would have a clean town, and if parties who throw asheson thestreets would remove them elsewhere, it would look much better. I would ad- vise our city fathers to set the example le by, cleaning the lane near the town halland HURON STREET, CLINTON. Where he is prepared to do ' . ALL KINDS OF -TIN, COPPER-- AND • SHEET I1ON WORK, In the best of style and on short notice. ' LAMPS, GLASS, &c. in. stock A CALL 9Of,ICITC1,: . . SAnIiJEL WILSON'. Clinton, Deo.1883. Picture &P.ho o 1 names FROM TWENTY-FIVE CENTS UL', MATS Stam Peed With Birds, Beads, Fish •or Mowers. ALL KINDS OF WALL POCKETS, BOOK AND CLOCK SHELVES, FANCY GOODS, &o •' AT A•. HALE'S CHEAP STORE, > ;4LINTON' Go to COOPER'S FOR • CHEAP VIJ.atrl1GERD.,t+J Crockery, Glassware,' &c. Oatmeal and Cornmeal all vays on hand. •AL.S0' Pettv's celebrated' English Sroakfaat Dacca, Lortj Clear Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams, . And NO.'"i. LARD, At prices which cannot bo beaten in town. HIS °60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY• SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP TFIOMAS COOPER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON S. FOWLER . &.:$0111.!' 13EST•STOCK OF VIOLIN STRINGS IN TOWN. FINE PLATED WARE: NEWEST Dl%SK4NS II'j JE . IELLERY . Repairing done Promptly' CI ;on, May 25th, 18831 • Nothing sucee''eda:l ke s' uceess, is ltirtrue in, medicine as in anything else;' 13y the won- derful effect of Dr. Van l3uren's Kidney'Cure in promptly alleviating the 'sufferings- mc. perienced.in kidney troubles and produoing a :permanent cure in these 'distreseingailments, his fame has been carried: dyer' the four .cluer- ters of the Globe, Mr. Jacob Yates,in'the London Free • Press; advocates a more heroic measure for the repression of drunkennessthan any that has heretofore been, proposed.. Ile asks that the drinking of beer,wines and liquors be declered a crime, and• that those who drink should be placed between' 'atone walls. Itis stated in politicalcircles that Sena- tor Macpherson has got the Governorship of Ontario,. and that Speaker Kirkpatrick, his sen -in-law; will be appointed to his place in the Cabinet. There is no truth in t rumor thatSir n e o a A: C�'tl.t Will'.be hT. tr taken into the Government He knows the • condition of the' Administration ;'too well to join at a time: w hen is in -such: an unsavory state -as now. • Rev; Dr. wild predicts that the mil-• leniuni will be about the year 1953. e l octor iswise, if he is wild; e postpo'nts thecliange sufliciently,long to enable bite :: to get ont of.the ;world be- fore there is an opportunity afforded. to; club him a,- inister°ial• El 2Iandi. Wild has not studied the life of the late' Dr. Cummings: for nothing The American Old.Testanient Revi- sion. Company,, after twelve yearsof la bor, completed its work at New York on Friday, ' The last Work' was the fi- nal revision of the books of Ezekiel and Daniel. It nowt expected that the revision. of the Old. Testament, which 'reluires much time to be carefully carried' through the press; Will begiven to the public' next, fall: or the first of next year. ' 1rL' 6110; STEVENSON. Cabinet Parlor Euroi�ur� Was�rooms, U NDL�TAKI�Q, ..a The suhseriher keeps the.ilaest OA SK irs and (.':OI'S;F INS Always oN hand.. Funerals 1'11mi:411(4111 the shortest notice and lowest pru'd'e. A t`Afd, )401, (' PI?i). 11iS5ti:tii;i:li'THE 1'1,Aiu, t/PeOsIrl:TUE TON'S N TI ITT.. Orange 'Judtl,Editor, of. the American Agriculturalist for sore 30 years; but unconnected with its .business manage matt for a year or twopast, has lately retired front its ;editorial department_ and' located in the West. He, desires to gather a complete 'Postal -Card A1- bum" of his old readers and friends, and rd3quests them all to send.: him . now a: postal giving their present location and'. address, •naming also, when convenient, the years nt: Which' theywere his sub- scribers. M' Jndd's address is Chicago; Illinois.. The ranks of the prophets , whopro- fess to thtow0lWht on the dark passages. •orscripture have been reinforced m the person'of Mrs.. Ellen G. White; Who is one of the 'Seventh Day Adventists'at Battle: Creek.• She ,has been favored with speeial revelations, it appears, and. states confidently, as ono otight to do who. has -. been 7 so .singularly' favored, that the <' great , two -horned beast mentioned in;(Rovekitiot'1s is the United .States, that•'1 the mark of the beast" is the Sunday Law, land that all good Ad- ventists wf.1.,-11evo • the mark of the beast on them. An Ottawa correspondent says: -A -Messrs. Prinkwater and ;Van Horne ate hereagain;. and Persona fully conversant with railway matters' assert that the financial. position. of'the C. 'P. Rye. •• . Syndicate now is no better than before they obtained -the $30,- 000;00O"' it `The rapid decline '• in value 'of that Company's stock, and the mortgage held by the Government,.upon• .the entire .read., render it almost :impossible for' the. Comany to raise the necessary capital to -•4ftrry-on.their 'work, and now thegreat object seems to be to:Shake off from the liability to the .0 overnrnelit in respect of the loan altogether.. Mr. Stephen,^ who is now in England, has intimated that the Government loan upon such conditions has done more harm than; good, and the of ficiale of the Syndicate now state that '.but for the Government's mortgage their Coin- parry could get any` amount of money. Our readers may rest assured that imper- tant modifications in the conditions of. the. Pacific, Railway loan will be asked for when Parliament meets next -Winter.' It ispossi le that the mortgage may be• sur- rendered and; the loan transferred into a bonns or the whole road ...taken over by the' Government. The ' statement ' made sometime ago that the Syndicate had de. 'mended either a release of The mortgage, or a further advance, of $5,000,000 upon their 522,500,000 loan was strictly true as. time will show, but Sir John 1Vlscdonald felt that he dare not •yield''te •such•'a demand. BORN.. V.Rogr,—In• Stanley, on 'April 27th,. the wife -of 'J Boras Fraser, of daughter.' ' MARRIED. - 1 ehousoN—AncennsA•D.—In : jetro t, on. the 111tH April, by the Rev. Mr._ Turnbull,', 141r. Donald J. Ferguson, •of Detroit, to,Janet; ,eldest daughter: of• Mr: JamesAikenhead, of •Goderich. • DIED. The, .A1ltericans are paying ofF their national (kilt at tho rate of $14,000,000 0 month, 1 } enc but for • the influence lip iCC ' of . 1a the bondholders, s who wishprolong , ld S to 1 tolOtlb the period' during ' which they can tax the people, they could pay it off` a greet meal more rapidly:. The debt of' the Ca- nadian government ,was increased by 882,000,000 lry,tlle,villainous legislation of last session. It is impossible. that FAIR,— Tn Clinton,; on the 30th of Apii], Thomas, ' infans son of lames. Fair, aged 1 month and 24 days. WALiu —In Clinton, on Alio lst• inst., Stephen SValsh, aged GO years. • , The funeral will probably tali') place on Saturday; May 3rd, at 8,80 a.m.,to the G.T.R. station. ° Sale Iceglstea•. ' ,_ House and lot on the corner of :(stn€, and Cutter streett, on:Satutvldy May 3rd. Jtihn Fisher, proprietor. D. Dickinson, auot.• 'Sale of (ini•'el> .l'ropeli•Ty. '(]fj TLL ISR olrl EREIn FOR SALR ' AT, v t Pnbile Auction,. on MoNnAY, 11A1 211r1r, IlOXt at 'the hoer MTI' of two ft .t l dlo k In the oafter. r noon, On hl5 ,l' ! - t n P� t 11H s Lot No. 4Vfn ., r 1 N ii leVlln 'Of II0luietvllie; containing one'qttarter of an acre noror Wore less,brain 1 1' the inrnlaea on 1 ' is situate the bilding known as the Bible Christian Clin elt anti shed.. The purchaser. will be reftuired to pay $100 down, amine balanee Of the purchase Teensy when the treed Is drily exectittd,and ready for delivery., I?artfenitu•s Il'ndo•knmvn at t11uo of HltTc,,• 'Dated th.eiith.dny ofApri, ]R8d. • Sde,Trow, Board of Trustee -4 1110 Contrast should not tell' to our clis -- ---- ---- advantage abroad. l.''otoiga investors tS� L1 PUMP P M FACTORY ,-T P TORY tater settlers . of the desirable class will Hesitate before taking any -stock iii It roar r'La.;al.i rS • &,v7i1Zows country width i:t pilnl" tip-cicbl, so rapid- ly and so titmtcessal fly. ' ' r117)i 1'li:rOit0 • I1II R r,l.r,,t•Itrili k4 IfA't lNt4 BECl.N'rr,` wink Or nervous Iteaclitchisl are easily alidl I.. started: .11 factory i11 fllyllt, beg to intimate tcrilrinly nnrucl with. % t1'i:rl,t.•• 1 stimulates .o the people of litiron '1,4,1'1111.T arc prepared I?, i; t Hinitte�ll c 1 � tdrl ..Inno f i w cid err. 1 i 1. d r r'liver ail[ ° + �] I t the 1 s,�t teat I n t .t'nu Ulna t I th t t elf v- . + � rho ,[ ry heat wnr:l,m Itlal+ll+ Tlavth„ In uT e<nr- bi�l the 11d•1dl' en the same p'iaeiple it lntri- liot .tile .1)100:1 incl the urine. ,1 ;:r rent brittle of Zopesa may htv" y„tl lunch surfer• itig,alpl many dollar;,, ' • 0LINTON MAItilETi;,. . ay' 1 Wheat, 'soot Ada - • w1 'bf0GS 0 aa `Chursday, " O 1 00 a, • 0;540 1 u. a • 10 a 0a 0 70 a • 500 a 0,45 a • 010 a • 0 14 a o• 800 a -0.4Q a 0 • O5060 aa new - . White wheat, old dd new . • Spring, Oats, - Barley, - Peas, , Flour, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, 'Hay, Sheep pelts Lamb. skins, Beef, - 1884. 1 05 1 00 1 05 1 05 0 3t 0 05 0 70 G 50. 0 00 .0 17 0 15 0 75 0 75 7 50 REsrECT,.—The grey hairs of old age de. mand and shouldreceive respect -but the grey hairs of young people retinue attention —in the way of using Cingalese Hair Renew. er. Samson lost his strength with his hair. Thousands i;of men aid women lose their beauty with theirs, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time by using the fa- mous Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle. - THE MOLSONS BANK. ho Makes Your Boots CRUICKSHANK, THE BOOT MAKER,. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF .Meta, Women and. Children's hoots & Shoes. Spring g Stock well assorted, and complete in all departments p ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH ' Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1850. 'CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. . HEAD :Cron, MONTREAL,. TIIOMAS 1VORK IAM, ,,...,,President. J. 11. R. MOLSON, Viol -Pres. 1F. WOLFERSTAN,THOMAS, General Manager, Holes discounted, Collections macre, Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange •&ought and sold at lowest current rales. [NTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT:. 4. Money advanced to fitrmer., on their own notes with One or more endorsers, No. mortgage required. as -se-. Clarity. H. C. BlttlAredt 11 macer•, January 1833. • Clinton. FARRA.N & TISDA.LL 13AKKERS • RA:TTENBURV• ST,;' CLINTON,"ms TRANSAOT A Q'ENERAL"BANI{INGBIISINESS. Moneyadvanead on Mortgages and Notesofhand Drafts issued payable at par,at all the ofaoes of the Merchant's Bank of Canada. Now York exchange bought. and Sold. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID to COL-' r.EoTrotisthroughoutCanada and the -United States.. SALE NOTES BOUGHT at close rates, land money advanced to farmers on their own notos,for aaylength of time to snit the borrower. All marketable aeon; tiesboughtand sold. „ BANKIIffe IN NEN .YORK. AOENTS.OF TEE , MEno$ANT's BANK OF CANADA, INTEREST 4hLO IED. ON DEPOSITS. �V. W. FARRAN. J. P. 1,1SDALL Phoenix Carriage;Works LoisTrou xsorto.. JOHN. BRUNSDON Is prepared to manufacture all kinds'of• BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARRIAGES & 'CUTTERS, • Nothing but the very best mateiial'•used, and tl'rst-class•work, guaranteed. •&u ALl, KINDS OF Jolra,ne -A SPECIALTY. FinislieU•work always on band. ; Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. '(',1PLENDIID FARM FOR. BALE;'-•:- TH1:i.r 17 undormentioned•.valuablo property is offered'for sale at a bargain. It is -situated rote. mile north of Porter's Hill, ,on the Oth concession of Gpdorioh town.. "ship, behig part of Bets 20 and 21, containing" eighty; acres, i1iore or loss. A 81i1c11did orchard on the place, —one of the best In this section of country --covering live acres and consisting "of apples, pears, peaches, 'plums, aprioots, cherries, quinces, and nut-bear'leng trees, -and; grapes and vines of•various •hinds,. Out- , buildings :and fences in good repair,. 14 acres in fall wheat, half the farm seeded to grass, about seven acre good hardwood bush, Good 'well of splendid. water.. Title indisputable. GEO. COS, Porter's Hill. 14.'- 3.-: B'IDDDECOMBE; Watch .and: Clock • Maker, JEWELLER, 'dee., '• OPPOSITE THE allAKMET, CLINTON • Where ho keepe'a select assortmentef WATCHES,.; CLOCKS, • JEWKLLERT, SILVER- WARE.. , • Which''we will eels at reasonable rates.'. Repairing of • every desoription promptly et tended to, end all :work warranted, v .. ' • J, BIDDLEe01IBE. Clinton,Nov.1882, SYLVES'TES Celebr ated : - -CHAMPIR'ON PLOW • THOMAS TIPLING, • . IBLACKSM[TH,. - •. CLINTON.•• IIILs been appointed agent for Sylvestcr's Champion Plow, which has recently been greatly improved,and now stands without u rival.. The mouldboard is made of the best' diamond steel, especially hardened,' war-. ranted to 'cleanin. any field, andimported from Shop ,field, England, purposely for tutee plows. Intending marchaaers ran have a trial of the plow,,atid on receipt of post card 1t will be delivered free in any mut of the.. county. If the plow can be beat by any other: make, we will forfeit the plow. A car load just reecived, References- h•Om. ever 100 of the hest •farurers' neat' Clinton :Ile a1. -o Iflilufad tures the celebrated SeOtclh Diamond Hari41'v, The relfstatlon of which is 10 *ell'knmvli that he lois already rceoived orders for 30 set this season. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCN1YiENT 'ro THE FARMERS OP HUROIIT. r`1IU0 SUBSCRIIIEItii IIA1SING J)I111N. APPOINT- '. Its Sole Agents for the well known.: GURNEY MANIIFAC'1'URiNG COMPANY, of Dundas, 'desire t .cell the espeeinl attention of. farmers to their I)nnd s COD . BINDER Th10 machinei y n to been thm'ou'• t . 4i , cstd.d during the Y 1 season, eat a l9 r1r and d r has given . c1 0 T 1 hest of ant afuction sial + g 1 as several important finprovemchts have been added for'18S4, the shbscrlbors feel conlident they have how iler GOT •THE;BEST CORD- BiNDER In the market, and' no, they do 'not intend to spend either time or money In travelling through the 00011 - try, they aro prepared to a1100 it discount to the par-. , rliasor, 410101 cgnivatent for those expenses. Intend - leg purchasers will therefore sea it to be to their ndl- 1 vantage, before purchasing elsewhere, to esti st our shop, and sec the lllaehi10 now set up, hIxalulneIt at leisure and have ite'spinhrert hr detaL • • . • 1tE:\1'1':Td i, 'MOWERS, 11A V RAKES, .14e., always 011, 1111141, 11.011111{.411011:01`,, .It 10tros1111.100. L'4v liaS,- TTAIVisci 11'b',. c'(`h 77 "if TOES, kr., of tele EDIT uurko Lept 011.1141Nd lin(1411ulo to order. • de', ALL 'KIM* or MASIIINi: l:,':SINl\,4 AND Ild.:i(0. pR nnptly xf L,alded t0. aIle I hire PNporietwe In the pn100410 1 mg, .hnsi ` . ever they reel reit, trt.ili t;r,n_ itl dittlle ,MILLER' 4&'tED+ FORD, •hltl'.LIi'11OII _'A!'11'UId[1'N. hj DIM r11!?1415,„i, ,,,, .. ])•.,illi>'tli 111',•d lir t hr' 1):11..1 +r:i-al ubl,'' 1r., 1 l 10000• Street.., I..1)11nsile hair`s;Trill. 1`1.111: ,il),;i, 1;•. t, r 7.1;;.-; ; , C, CRU]CKSHANK, BRIG 'BUCK, CLINTON WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION O11 . Farmers & Dairymen To Harland's improved Milk Pan. The latest and most convenient Cream Separator out. ' Call and see them, and leave your order early. • - JUST RECEIVED, A FINE STOCK 01' Fewest Toils,- •11: Forks ScythiL Spades, . Shovels, Carden Rases, Hoes, cc ir'Our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE is is now _, }T tIILAND S • complete. PAINTS, & OM a specialty. Im ilovsd Milk Pali Il . 3ARLi°, 1 1BRIOS. Clinton. Pat. July rt, 18831 GE STOCK OF NOW IN : ST0C3Ei.,' lmbraeinc- all the I..atest Styles in •. all classes of Goods, `:which : will ' be. sold the closest prices. TN`. •,' ALL yrs $RACHES Large Stook o Cent's Furnishing Coo4r.' Afresh se�11 . . , . steel;; of'tllese`gooclS' at the lowest prices. .. covrs into GOOD' AN . C D HEAP. ROLE tIES We have opened several new at eoti*lts during the past throe n1oliths,• and tall, express themselves well famed with our Groceries. To those who. Nissl for furtherp roof we would'ail.- vise.t11e11I to take it out in Cx1°oceres, and they wci111i1' t11t:It he •. convinced that the best place to buy Groceries,. is •At 'tile NOTED TEA .CO11 FEE and SPIOE HOUSE r 000 M PALL stir cAsrih(�ri t`\i lt1 Town l 11111,