HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-02, Page 6SIitiThi `>r and SITIVJEIME1q13.
1.IOOTS .... SHOE$
Our stock for the 'Spring and Summer is now complete, tiiU
1 on inspection, embrace the best mak-es
will bo fdulli( to iii the
Dominion, at the most reasonable rates.
and for sale at low prices.
Futter and Eggs taken in e$ekLange;
. -,, , ]diva per, cent cif • for cash.
FT . OU"R,
'�?'OW . T
Dest. ":Stock any#.' Lowest o .
In this line we show the -nicest goods _ever
• ' • offered.in Clinton;
fife 01dl Stand :' %ricttori, Street Clinton.
• e�
w '
'.,And do business more that.' ever, Better I3tu'gains Alvin er'er,.
'E-± b
Woinen1s Good I'runellas for• 60 e 'Women's' Lao Boots; $1.
• tin's Lace .Shoes $2; 1)ori't buy another pair. of Boots until ".'
you Sco' btu • new . SpringStocl.. 'Come one, cotnt all. 'No
trouble to show goods:'
Vt ..
SFS .. n
1f a 'V \N.Fl..1)', .A:Qt NTTf71 CII` (8()0.1) J'01:1`lt►1. ,
and furnished his now Placing hill with macbbt-
ery of the latest improved patterns, is now prepared
to attend to all orders in his lino in the most prompt
and satisfactory manner. cud at reasonable rates, He
would also return tluinks to all who patronized tbo
old thin before they were burned out, and now being
in a better positleeret eseeuto orders expeditiously,
feels confident he year ise satisfaction, to all..
FACTOR 1- A'mi. the Grand Think Rail,
tray, r'titifun,
TII011.(S 1fuKENZiE.
4t+}]e Yoap
aa -
And for Purlifyfng the Blood. It`
It has been in use for 20 years; and 11..3. ty'
proved to bo the best preparation in the
DYSPEPSIA, PILES, and all 1)L,rate n:e
that arise from a Disordered I ver or ea I,
impure blood.Thousands of our 1,,, t
people take it and give it to their chit.
dren. Physicians prescribe it daily. Those
who use it once, recommend it tic others.
Itis made from Yellow Dock. Honda.
ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stillingin
Dandelion. Sassafras, wintergreen, and
other well-known valuable Hoots and
Herbs. ;t is strictly, vegetable, and can-
not hurt the most delicate constitution.
It is one of the bestmedicines in use•for
Regulating the Bowels: --
itis sold by all responsible druggists
at one dollar fora quart bottle, or six
bottles for five dollars.
Those who cannot obtain a. bottle of
this medicine• from their druggist may
send us one dollar, and we will send it.
to them:
..� W. JOBNBTON f 00•, lltwpfsctstors,
' AM11EASTEL'nl�,: ONT.•
WATT* & CO„ Agents, •tam 'ten'
OLD CLOTHES FOR SALE. -Coate, vests, pants, !1
• caps, socks, mitts, &c , to lit old age down to in. �1 • O.
talus. 1 am Rotas on Mondays. Any person baying
truck !
ragsor ek n myAloe, cv •r
, nl a s word at Y
and I will fetch it and ggive value. All debts duo Mary
Marten's estate, must be paid to save trouble. Paper-
ing, painting, and jobbing of that sort done by(Eott0E
BEsTI.EY. A good strong boy wanted,
W. MAI1TE1J, Politer, 'Sox 84, Clinton,
Sunday last Nees the 01th anntverzary of
the Oddfellows institution in. Americ't, and
the members of the Lodge in, Clinton kept
the day by attending Divine Service ht the
Baptist oburob, and listening to a serum-Ai/by'
Rev, John Gray. At 10 o'clock n larg enum-
ber o£ .the members of tile •Clinton Longo,
ether Vq'ilas � their met in.�
Itev1 and hr .. friends
. the Lodge Room and.
EXPERIENCE. shortly after walked in piooession to t•.bo
church. The membere wore
TheRev. Z. P. Wilde, wel-koown city and
white rosettes and white. gloves. The
missionary in 1'rew',cork, and brother of tho church. was well filled. The Rev. gentleman
late emineat5/nilgewilds, ofthe Massaehu. selected as his text Luker 28, 27 & 28 verses,
setts Supreme Court, writes as foliowa: and,his remarks wore an exposition o£ and ontn,
"78 .E.510 d'it 4Irew York /Are.,1s,188,2. rrienta upon the ,Tewiep Lawyer's question
1rEssus, 4.O. AlEa.& Co., Gentlemen; "what:- alt -.14.de to inherit. eternal Bre,"
Christ's answer thereto, and the parable of
thegoodSamaritan. Ire started out by af-
firming the oft•forgotten troth that all .men
were equal before God, lie pictured Paul
speaking to the polished Athenians and wind.
ing up his eloquent argument by deelaring
"God bath made of ono blood all nations of
the earth." lie thought thele was by"favtoo
much pride amongst` cbsistian people in the
ehuroh-clinging to social lines anis taste.
It was well enough to theorize and,. toll about
all glen being equal and about a common
brotherhood, lint it was a better thing to go
down amongst our fellowmen; help thein it
their troubles, lift the burden of their sor-
ever devised I tnnk it in t.nrril 41,11--s duce tows, and. seek to better theta every way.
tune ad:iy,and used, utt11,:Ass tl ii twobottfs. ,
1. pbiee these facts at your se. t ie., loping theirTaking up 'Christ, a answer, he. showed that,
publication maydo gene'. there were a the two , commands plainly laid'
Yours respeetfulty, Z. P. lits r'1( " , . down embracing man's duty to •(rod and to
Tho above instance is but one of the gouty con• his fellow man. The Jewish lawyer thought
gantry comiitgtooar ecus•+,which. provt the pet that it was quite srtfiicient. for hum to have
feet adaptability of Avnit's S tt,.t:'.tntLLl to been living a"life of morality And to love and
the career Mt Help :ltit4 own Jewish brethren, but Christ
povertohed bland, and a weakened t it:e:;te . showed him the wider sphere of a Christian's
• full duty.
Mr. (15ay, leaving that part of his dis-
course, went on to refer rnet'o especially to
man's "duty. to his, fellow man. As in the
days of old so it was now, that oftentimes the
comb the attaeltgof tell Sc,•nft,roes !)iaent o, hint,- . poor and despised ones were passed by, by
tions of'the SRitt, ;Winona nsm, Catarrh, Oenctot • • members of the same church with themselves.:
/4141u/band till disorders resulting from 1,001. oe . There were lots of church members wbo
corrupted'bl'ood and a low state of the spitra1. would make haste to Visit Mr. A. er Mr. B.
rnrrvtns» nv if be were ill, .because he -belonged to good
society- but Mr. G., who was poor, and did
Dl'.,rj, C. Ayer & Co.,. Lowell Mas$. not 'oJenpy much of a position, might be sick
Last winter I was troubled with a most nneom.
Sortable itching humor affecting moreespecially
my limbs, which itched so intolerably at night,
Ina' burned so Intensely, that 1 could scarcely bear
guy clothing over them. I was also a sufferer
front a severe catarrh and oatarrhal cough ; my
appetite was poor, and my system a good deal run
dawn: Knowing the value of AYER'S SAus4t a-
tttLLA, by observation of many other cases, and
from personal use informer years,I began taking
it for the above-named disorders. ;My appetite
unproved almost from the first dose. Atter a
short time the fever and itehingwere allayed, and
1111 signs of irritatlon'of the skin distfppeared. My
catarrh and cough. were re also eared by the sante
rneany and my genual health etcatlyimproved,
. until it is now e'rtlheut. 1 feel 1t hundred per
(.0•111 011'0144er, mut 1 attribute 1 mete n sults to t1(,•.'
iter of the S' l( .1l tn!i (1,'tt bb h I recommend
with an coomiteme. as the 1l 1(111,1 medicine
Ayer's .Sarsapardia
cleanses, enriches, anis • stfenetltinls' the blond,
st•tntula'tes the melee of tpe•;etonmeli and bowels,
and thereby enables the .,sten to resist •tad over.
,Soil by ail Druggists; price $1, six bottles f n• $ 1.
- Best Purgative Medicine-
• enroand
11.11 Bilious
.Sold evt;rywher.t Always reitalde.
and die, before they heard anything about it.
These same. parties would make a feast -and
ask the "best people, so called, of their own
grade, and forget all about those who were :
hungry and poor. ' Christ, however, the model. ' •
teacher and the great exemplar, when he • .:
made a feast, too,especial care that the'
needy'and-lowly. were the first attended to:
With kid gloved christianity he, the speaker,
had. no sympathy whatev,or. .
in dealing with the objections raised against
such organizations 11r. Gray'briefly.touched
pen the principal ones. It was said that
• Oddfellows were trying to make a, human in. ".
stitution take the •place of a divine one, but
so-iar as he could learn suck a statement was ;
nn;trae: -Th rtOdttfelkeveriverq':cYahlit; -a work k
which, he had to ' confess, • the church had
long neglected That it wrs only a human '
society Was 'no barrierr to its•aocomplishment
of good. (hod bail and was- blessing such ha-
'VIM QOc'HI:Si, '1''118 BEST find il(c)S'C .La;ft.tntl. 1.'1 tSI i.tl.tlle man institutions'as• the Suudayschool and
tl market, for ell hinds of Bread '1101 (111 es. tereperatice societies. He amid' 'bless any
society which sought, with rightt motives, to
do good in the world. He knew that every
la .is used • almost excIustvely ill London, :1taint! ion and othertntvil `l.'tvo; "week the eueation was put in the lodge room
coots lit r' package,. .ft "Is"anylirother'sick and in need?"' faittho'.
. . a prayer meeting was ]held in nearly every.
. church every t�eoli;,'•lie 'never• heard of the
S1E 21.111.AI Ai 'S :% rocej y, 'ALBERT STREET, ULINTUN, Huai rho tkei, ;area that tthit urgt aizatiou was a Scud o •
' but in some respects • the. church; and. even`: .
'" the home circle; were egnall secret, and pro• ��
:•poly so; ,b1, to was never oug it :of as an:
objection'to them• if it was found necessary •
114111i lelariallint ' alml., D I D rultigli- flint aityee. sonlwhy. anmiosttution.Qstrivins
- • : to do'k
wet for (' d should bo condemned. s
-----loo _- ., Terningfrom. these object,ions, the preacher:
entered upon the more congenial task 'of giv
�� jj1 [�T .PERFUMES
I' j �1�1 . Loyijs Q1 'rldl 111,1 , ;ALPINE', [.At T N'niar ing a description of the' good.the Order was .•
1T la's V I IiJLLLt U 111,7. " . accomplishing, . and the aitos`it had .in view.
llogirg•r, •awl• of Li^civ'' Onoas,•
• 11,1TIt i11113SHIS, C01[B5,':1't 61.1n•:it\1) NAIL •BliI"`AHI':`.
TOTL1:'1' SOAPi ;'' 101- \ilt L'[f?S, .t O. . '
Now for Bargains lin
Boots,Shoes, Harness,
Ftaving.recei ed my Spring -and 'Summer stock of Boots and Shoes, I would call the attention of
NM WOMEN'S' 1771), ?r',z',z'UN:ntlOn; • ,Sillier �TTo'rliitet�'tSirayid .IJ srncss . only
y w14.
bn�tr SIc gid, � r. , ., ,L,
1VIL'1V',S= _BOY'S : Pd.'G'12II.71RI N',S, 13.1 J3 I GAB :n. tS' is large rarirl'y,.
cheap aceordfngly, at almost half -priced.
y r it t yea *high lift Pine rk• , Qua?,
the l,itblic to the .same. , .
1,' or�u r l �l ri l ty
Tl>'T71VA',S and l'Al,I,S''!.S,_•ucl , lrrrtx>, ,5'latIral.-.El' for ,sora rdaeit
y1�4M and GYii.R.l?J'il CrE ILL nNJ SS' ' ' "
•c1eaphi• that, rrer, . „BOO,. .1fS 7'a "LET, oaer shop.
- Y • i ..ice
` _Albert Street, '• Clinton. ,
The puili,c will find our stock of. medicines complete, Warranted Pennine' unci
.1 the best duality. , g of
T ars, .''41tFtJRnnnY, SHOULDER BRACES) ` fhtjsSES, SPartdicS
In the lodge room all harsh and bitter feelings
' were subtitled, party and sectarian strifes
were liushecl, and a common fraternity reeog
sized. 'a'4erti all were 00 ,the same footing,
and all grades ,tif society were barbed out.' .
Gould that be said of the church ? 1t•was
. too often the case that oven the grace of God
did. net tone down.the pride, and remove the • '
barriers. of grades..' People wont to •chtirelt.
o for•yoars, and have: at last exclaimed "3`To .`.
one, ever recognized nfc.". In this regard the ..
el.turch could easily a. lessen frons the .
Oddfellows' institution. AIetnbers of the
Order' were also, he understood,pledged to.. ,
visit their brethren' ins distress, and sickness,,
to give hitn ehristian•burial when ho died; ts'
• educate the iiiph,tri',• to.support the ivicloivccl.
1 Here was a tie Id of practical work and charity.'
' SYnrpatlty was well enough, btrt substantial
aid in • time of heed was better, 'He was
Surprised,' .in looking over. the history of -
i0`ddfel'lowehip, • to : learn .;of. the largo'
-- amounts that had helm distributed ilk. this
tray: }fo understood that (in, years ago
that•day, in .the city of Baltimore; five men.
had lairs the foundations a the Society.. '.
Since: that time the -Order hes grown and •
A VI F S. I3 .: '�C J► E13 L4 .
(;lIpl1,2 AND nitLGGIS'r OLINTON, .O\'J':
�� aTCD.Q.
('01'11'LkTI, t1:.5S0111�.1rt i'' 0L'
('oniltr.ising till the 'Newest Stylets
I'Z E, CGI3 � AMEI I (�A1 '73x1 `L' �C 1 U 1'�T��7`1' '.rho liitico sr t`I a6e. -.' . tutedpo�i am( Ian million.
. - . ' ' _ as not opened until 'nearly a quarter of a
- ecritnry nfter,tite little tioyver of "frieul�hi r
.Iii •Uhipi and :1!'uney 'trews: 1''lowors, 'Feathers, Tips, .Pots 1a'Otns,' (411.1l1-ment . •'love•and truth" w•stx first piantt;tl ao l took
, ' ., • Satins, it n n„ t fr rn:: . ii• tors � rook iii 11'i,anuri. iii 1843 the l'riliee•of\Unlet•
Y.aceg IlrbbonS l 111•S Sufi' 1lav t • bo r 1 t t o the lend tg Indict`
in the trade, 1
ant +at prices that
are casuist to. oflbr sl)e(i1li value in the above Lodge was iil"ati(utaii in' Montreal under .the
lines. •._F1.i131�()17)E12iES, -large stock
to choose frons �)itEss (ln.vA5rrv7•s., jurtsdictionofthe .IrnitodStates (lreed Lodge,
b th t ti lodge
1' ' ` eing e• irs of ge i1,• Canada. Tho Uranyl
ASSI:1tF,NTR 1 8,, ' AND GIMP, a'llbruit rs.• 1 ull lino of; Sl l J`i� It t Lodge of Canada, and subsequently the
., '' .,
general, assortment of D.I,l (,(1OUS. 3iits'tinci 13ouciots 1ltatic over into.. T,'oilge of•lyt'itish ;North. .lmcrica, • were foi'rn.;:
the leatlini ,tyles. • Apprentice waliterl to x00111 the Strttw �Votk. oil The Grand Lodge of ()titario. was facet-
' . - eel in: Iil:rK, and nutnbors 1'3.,11 "members.
•• There is now about half itBrillion aryl] rs in- `
•�) •� ST r fir. & e -; T A t •T��7 r T ! r T •vested iii the name of the oadeir in °aerie,
.It. ' ;Ini�1+i1 LII.% L SON. L 41. VrEl B. --i �l„ry1S... t a '
• and about Sz5,0p(1•ltas ttecti'lsuid-ottt for siul:�
benefits up to the prosent'tirne, whiitt: ,r.h
___ _. .._.... _.. - - the atnount paid cut by rho t)ador for .relief
brings the amount 'u to nhnnl 1,J
a � p ,.: ',OOtI.
'Within' the past live yours the growth, of the
keno. Order in .Ontnito_' hag been ntv,t, ustunihning;
anis at. preterit 'nearly °very • town and vii-
!ago . • in the ''review boosts at least
one lodge, while wherever the (3,14r.ollov
• may ream in Canada he li is 14 lo. Leu 1 ort `
:Pay. a reasonable price, and o where You are sure that you kill gt I. jt' vti'e1T triinrt•Ctl I ever ready to: extend a helping hand to Lips.
•' and -made fast class worktnen. I IIo crnila not begin to dosCrilie tho'g earl d,+nn,
by - . � liy the visiiatior of ilio a:d,c tu,r helping; .
of those in needand teener'.'
. •-
' ,lrti Lyyltiltlese things w t speatfg tt4tlwelvOct.
GO1.c)Lzs,,..=:4A&.T �T I flume often spoke the
utb't'<t ti;trths
• .. r truthful than
d noon of his sayings wore ;Bt,r% Umtata
And yotr will not be deceived; and, we will not tale oft' fit) or 20 cents, on (.ho duple` l "t;utlwrittl'i' lfeSt i£ trtortais+*'rrr bat hind."
but will sell' as cheap .as any house 111 Town. • • In eleswg,• 11r. Gray strongly urged 'alt
• i present to retnombar that (ririlst it rias well
�(�O/� 'f i T7 '(i if you lyent a Mice and OIIC11 t OVERCOAT, . ' .`nongh to be'()ddfollotvs, it' un far better to '
171W �� �Al +s •� Colne and get a SUIT cut in the latest style, 1i 1 t Ile who built on add•
and a perfect fit. if you want a good PAIR OF PANTS go to the OAIC IIA •,X.,
cut to At with case and comfort. Go to the OAK HALL; you will find it to your
advantage to examine our'stoek before you clecde elsewhere., •
R'EMPAIRER'T1`D PLACA --' 1EX i' D0011, TO T.HSblltl?SON`''i SWXTZER'S
o o tristt fns•
fellowship , alone would not be carrying out
the injunction, 'r 'Chou shalt love the T.orcl
thy God with all thy heart,'aitd with allthy
soul, and with alt thy strength, attel whit all
thy mints; and thy neighbor as thyself," '
Mr. ‘Gray's discourse was it singularly ap•
•propriate one Ile does not .t+clievo 80 rauoh
itt loarhed dissertation as in 't sins le oxpiA'
dation and 'enforcement of fluty, and lits sor.
mons have abont them the truest` eloquence,,
nee the secure the closest attention.-
OAK BALI., •BEAVER ' BLOCit, CLINTON Trpbp their return to the hall the brethren
passed hip) tl cordial Vote o tilanhs,