HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-05-02, Page 5AROUND THE• COUNTY,' Mrti• E. 11Iofitt mother of D, Moffat, 1st con. of Tt rebeii;y, 4icd last week at the ripe age (4 81, years. J, E. Miller has been appointed cense dnspeetor for East Huron itt place Ronald Scott, deceased. The mail, will be carried from Godezich to 13enLniller three times a week, instead of twice after the lst of May. . Shuts aN1) Szilt•lw-•-But see to it that your teeth are as white as only, “Teaberry" will make them. Try a sample. What does Mark Twain say. - IF IT WERE POSSIBLE to get the testimony of the multitude who have: need The Shaker Blood Syrup for ppriug debility, languor: lassitude, and that general feeling of stupidity, , weariness end •ex. ''amnion which everyone feels during thio season, we should be able to present to our. readers such an overwhelming mass of 'cont. men storymessygdes,o. so at oboe, It is e that the few who have • it poeitive fact, and has been.so effectually de• monetrated that no one today denies it, :that The Shaker Blood Syrup contains more real }medicinal value than any article now before the public. Hundreds, in spite of their pre- judices, are tailing The Shaker, Blood. Syrup, •and now honestly declare it to be the best medicine ever offered to the pubhe ; and they While Freddie, soil of A„ Iuilter, are quite right, and this 'Sentiment must and was playing in a buggie with solve other children, he fell out and • broke' his right at fn. . offered $1,500• for the Swallow colt one often humbugged by the week. decootions n tried z d wou l d will extend Just as far all people will allow themselves to be influenced by facts and by the testimony of those people. who have tried. it and know whereof they speak. fa pre- senting Tbe. Shaker Blood Sprnp to the pub Mr. Geo.. Whiteiv;: of Seaforth, . was lin we suffer, because peoplehave been .so. day this week, but refused. to part. with. with which the,00untry is filled, It is often him at that fi ure, difiionit to make people believe what an ad- vertisemeut says, because of the evil influence . EVERYBODY SHOULD keep -such a. thing as produced by those unreliable, 'worthless pre- Zo•pe•sa in the house, and by regulating the parations. It is true that honest people ,are. bowels and system, . keep, away headache, constantly suffering from the effects of die. heartache, dejection, Zopesa invigorates the honesty, and thio will probably always. be so, Jiver, makes the fhapp ' lot making but it does not require any remarkable ability IL iltI. hank to see how the real worth of The Shaker Mr. J. MoCutcbeon, Winghamt barn Blood Syrup impresses itself upon people.. been unseated from the council owing One reputation rests upon the . value ut this medicine, and we aro proud of the record it to his not having' eufficient property is making. qualification. Mr. Charles Mason, the well-known horseman, has purchased a. magnificent vercheron stallion in Fiance,, and ex- pects to arrive homewith hin- about the first of May. SAr,tow EYES and akin, restless sleep, want. of appetite, headache, drowsiness, denote a sluggish liver. Use 'Lo rz•an at once and save a doctor's bill. Open the° pores and bowels, invigorate the liver and digestion, Zopgsa corrects the system through the stomach and liver. - Mr. Henry Swolrn, of Hay, liar chased from. Mr. Thomas Itiissel I,. Us- boll:ie, a' thirteen months old thorough- bred bull, for which he paid'$170 Mr.' John Carlin has sold his flu by in McKilloo, 160 acres, to Mr:.Thns. Burns, for the snit' of $6,50,0. This is .tmt ex- cellent film' having tt brick there- on, and other .buildings Peter Mitchell, a workman at Mr. Kidd's salt works, Seafor'th,'met•with a Severe. accident ,while attempting to 'put,. the chain on the :bull , wheel of a log ear riage, his hand. got caught ,and badly' torn; the bones in some places being. laid bare. • ' Mrs. W. Wright, of Windham; has just completed a beautiful patch•".quilt which contains no. less than twelve thousand one hundred and twenty pieces, Mrs. Wright is a lady in ,her 63 year,: and is now working upon another,quilt which she says is half- completed and now contains ever nine thousal;ld.. pieces. • • These. are Solid Facts., The -best blood puritletrand System regulator ever placed. within the moltbf..sufl'crl'ng hu; manity. truly, le Electric. Bitters, inactivity Of the Llvnr,••73iliuugticss, Jttnudit;c. C.inisttipa. Mon, Weak Kidneys,. or ivy dtsease rue the urinary organs, or who. ever 'requires- tin t ltpe- tizer, tonic, or mild stimulant, -wilt always titld Electric 1y31tters the beet and nary est toff cure known. They act 'Surely' sad tluitlkiy every bottle gnnranteed.to give entire $ittieta+ t ion nr rnoney retaiitrlet). Sold at fifty testi, a bottle by R•ittts .l. ( I LIQCH'It LIC:ENSEel.. 1',`,,r Ili —'1he. Liemitse C.uipriis ,• sioner of East '11ur,•n, under the Local •1 ,:. Act, were in session a' ''.rose'+, t1'>iulay and Ttt••s'h'y t•P' I tet sweek.,n1)011.0(1 fol ', 4.., lowing licenses were i! rail rya. • - l,' a st IS-- 1 --•'' E. Frey, . Mrs. T. O'Neal, .!t-. W,. '1 belt.. 1 Koenig &Goble: • Shop—Jatiles I):ruue -- I-[owick.—A. McIntosh, .Alex. Orr, James.I Derr, I'. Bnshart, J.. It. Kennedy.' .L - OA, Campbell, Lawless &..Wiggins, D.D. Gee i-� Su;,. 'P urn berry—J. Patterson,. John Passmore t Morris—C, rlbrownlee, Jos.Wheatley.'. MoI llep I :,,YgQy;(l"``\t ri —T. Crawford, .latues Pillion; L -bleNa .....l.,7- - mara. • Grey^ -\Ven. Dahlias; 0. Delman, J. J. '+ruck, John Robertson', 1). Millard, '' et ' .1;„. 1'atbers, T. i\IcEwau. Licerises •rofus C� o ed—T. I1al1, Brussels.; W. Bollard; :Me• ty -0•‘• •%06 Killo1) : 11. \V. penny, 'iurnberry. Laid ..-p4 ,00"•, filar) over for further cunsidertatio► -John 0'af a+.e- ton, C. 1/. i,urke, Win. Johnston, •1Vrox-. eter.. ' Sours IlcnoN.- -The Lica'nnse colnniis-- aioners under' the Ontario klct love -;rant• - yi Pit aper following parties' in,' the, district.ef i,''. OLD AND RELIABLE. Gray's tigpeoific Medicine, pot. TRADr MARK. TTesOREai INt'ling ,N^011 M ones for Seminal weak ' nese, 'Spermatorrbea, impotency, and all dls• eases that follow as a saq.,ence of self abuse —as loss of memory, universal lassitndd, pain in the back, dim• nese of vision, prem. Before Taking, turn old aQe,anQmany &£tet .Taking. lea/ to insanity or consumption and a premature grave. Full. pnnienlars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free b mail to every one. 10' The Specific Medicine ie sold by all druggists at $1 per package, or alx packngel for five denary or will be sent free by moil. on receipt of the money by ad. dressing TUE GRAY IasDICINB •Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SHAKER BLOOD SYRUP. Cures Completely,...Serurpi:,a.Cancer, Rheumatism.' elatarrlt, Ulcers and '.Mein Blood Diseases of every descrip• ,tion. $1000 reward to anychemist who will rind, on a.naly'sis. of 100 bottles of Shaker Blood Syrup, one particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium,. or any tnineral,aub .. stance. • SOLD: EVERYWHERE. ' Irks, la; $1.00 Ter Bottle, or Six for UAL - YOUR.;:•FACE.• 1 1VIOXt--V- -TO 140.40.N. Beth+ ATD AND CON110Al' X'IUNDs. A".1' :l;' lowest rates of interest. Principal payable tea desired by borrower. - <' Valuator for the i.:1N.kUA .f.tNi)liU t:'Itr;PI'r Co3I PAI' Y. D. A. FOItt-:E=TEI;. (Riute% Dec. °-o, 189:1 JOHN: -.ROSS, . PUMP MAKER • CLINTON, ONT. • The subseribor has bad tnanY years' expert- eltuo,and guarantee$ to give the beet .ol 8atts- ruction. PUMPS, TANKS, CISTERNS, ETC:,. Made and put in on short nottee, An orders by mail promptly attended to. Charges ren sunahle. ,7011N ROSS. Clinton. r M -IE subscab.ir desires to return his sincere 1 thanks to his customers and tho public generally for the liberal patronage extended to hint in the past, and, by furnishing the best article at the lowest remu• nerati\'c price, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Ho would specially recommend a trial of his direct Importations of the very best brands of . Brandies, Port Wines and Holland bin, f111trAIIL11 POR Mo 0101$AL Penmen Aim FA311LY 58,lr, BASS' ALE'AND GUINESS' PORTER,. 10 Bothell, 'Pints and Quarts.: CANADIAN. ALES AND PORTER, - CAi,neo'a and D:tvise •bees& eonatantly on hand, Just received, 1n prime condition, llloiifreal Ginger .ole, Clrftnipagne Cider+, PlainSoda. • Sole event for G•oderieltAle.. N. ROBSON, • • ALBERT STR$ET, BRICE 'BLOCK CLINTON. A� 61; .\I.1, i:INl ', 1.1. U Ks, \:\ i.1tiI 5; .&c. Tan Freckles ,Sunburn . 1 Pimples, Black Specks, Blot-• '1 elms, kc., can bo reihovodiu- staidly by applying "., �ti�ZS Tail & Freo kle Lotion. izitfe; Sure aii.d Effectual PRICE 25C. PER BOTTLE Seidl byall Tirnggistrs' y • 1 6>,e91 UNE fA:.tr' l a U NEWTON,. CLINTON. CITY .:Q1l CO3 e Popular Dry Goods Howe, Pring Goods to Hand Inut21,,deslg")wo Cases Prints,� hree# bales Grey CottQ�s. wo Bales- Brow. Dick _ Two Bales Cottonades. `Thirteen Oases Boots • and Shoes Balance Winter -Goods. '.ti Itedneedi Prices. lV.• L. Londesboro, Feb. 14, 1884. • ai.Rl2.. 'g:''), CAPITAL CYLINDER GOLD MEDALS Awarded at Toronto, .London and Guelph, in' 1883, for.. • AND CTHER MACHINE OILu For .:Sale .bp all First -Class ]3ealors. • • Every, Barrel Guaranteed I SA.MUEL ROGERS, Manager:.: so Fiont St. East, Toronto. r • 'and licenses :• Huron tavern South U ur shop � . Seidel:+ t .- Taverns •-- James Ven, John l Pitrties inteullul to intro t tsu n \l ouunnlnt will ii'uii it to their advantage to sue our• White Campbell, «'m. 1-fawkshaw,. Jones & Son, Bronze before buylore elsewltere May i:enu.edy, . Dennis Brothers, J. W.' ` t� �i r IV. NI UIQ FiN Carrell. shops Winnifrerl Killoran end tri 11C.•7,. I'1.r.:IiiN fir,Clt;l:, ftp'>eclh i,ouis 'Ciuirne. ' Exeter—fi Rverus-«J'uhit ii tlrta .'tint t.:et, t buten. Ilea Wow, N. White, 'Mary L. Chet L. I ._ V. Ludwig, Wm.. Reynolds. Shops ---ti ,,.• , V • t1, 1Ic 1-&r ,• 1 srtnut I3rothei'e: tephen• I . .. t•, -" yam. 'Taverns \V..1. Moffatt, Thos. Hodt�ins,' _ • +i""=(. t'ilark tire:+., ()rant lyras:,: Wm. holt,. ; , �..,; t • Wm. Cunningham. John Whelan,. .1, II. ; '• ityan, liartieil) (7.,‘ ii(, Joseph • Brenner.' ,,. Gab,>rnc 'l'arerna '+rhos. ":ltacoy, Jolllt ! � . ate atrAt� r...k.lk l,ankin. . ,iia 'i'avares•-' Wei, Ciakei' {I tai *a;; '; Grape fir Smithy, Nicholas Beichert, Ali'. I1,: 1 • } SULII!ii ti° r �` Ilodgius, Richard ltoynoldH, y;lames •(:ox• 1 . �.0 N ; worth. Stanley---Tavern::.•--i� ikon (soot-, `, it. J. 'Termer, Henry Shaffer, J 13rosson. ; ��'�r �1y1^anti .tiau+it (..ocicrielt Townspip •'Ta\ern -.\.t titer Kao.. ilayfichl Paverns lohn Morgan, J ulluPollock ,Shop—T, ' J p f,+i,11 $l r i :Marti R. Tuciceesrnith 'P tvorris--'1V .-rn '1 `i ; i A. II t i, a •1„r Dixon, John Kyle, JMin AO Min • r4 K nus. Shop. --1I. IL Jackson, r`'( • ,a 'I l .O ou ""'s _._.---, w 1,x,1 ijllil7E - .. 1— ea.r- r L • 5PoNt • Ir:., t. t r,rent Dtst&over • 1t'r. Wm Thomas, of Newton, Sa says ' My 4 wide has been scricusly aflcettrd frith :a trough ,t' i.twenty-flee years and this spring more severely thee over before. Shelled used many eutedies•Without relief,, and beim urged to tryy Dr. MDR% New Discovery. did so, With most gratify fig results. The first bottle re. Mored her very much, and the second bottle has rtbsolntely curet' her, she hes not had so good health for thirty years." Trial bottles `i'rn nt Watts ,t Do's. Drug store. •l1argE' size Ai tiacleicti+s Arnica i ntve. '1'11(0,l:est save, in the World for euts,brltisos, sures. ulcers. salt rheum, fever sorer,, tetter. •iiiappatt handal s. cl;llhlaina, cos; and all skht eruptions, and pos Lively cure'' piles, or no.pay raquued, it • is guaranteed to give pnrfectba tafadtInn 01'TYtorrrty *'0 03trli'rt, I rice ••25Peat•., net Health .& Happiness for gill. WILL. CURE Oil, RELIEVE 444410' Biliousness, Head.,<rhe, Dys- pepsia, indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, • 1i to ever specie. of disease arising from i111pure'A1eeo ood,' 1 fxeC'C, dtrst;•"Wiit',l{y Clitrlax Chamtral. Company, }J;(iIa h h1CF;L, - ER'S plus A large proportion of the diseases which cause inotiu• 1t s'it'u in„ result Trout derangement o1 tlto etrnnn111 faiwels, and liver. A t Pais CJA:MA:1.r1u at•L dire.ctiy uhou, these organs, and aro 'especially designed to cure tlto diseases causer' by their dernugenient; including Constipation,, fttdigestion Dyspepsia Itead»lite, Dlstn- ..tety,.aitei• t hirst nl othtl tilntrttts, fol ell of. whi(it the tri i safe, sur, lrrolnpt;Shit Pict.§ iiia ' reme i(•, '1'hh exteusivo Ire of -.these, 1• 11,1,ti by eminent ph in regal it practice Slums I .� ltignistttkitbh the c8tinuttitpt in misfeh the v ort• t .held medical' by tilt etlical'1>rofession liu:se-P11.1.ti are compounded of vegetable egietablt 'sii1 13113i ((s only, niid arc free trnn thio n(d - • ., u1 any other Injurious ingredient. ► $iiil'erer 6'0)4 headache write8 4 t i luras 1.'111 r,4 urn ilRalnahl0 to, me, andinto, my eot(ilSwt->l(. L halo boon t severe ' lull ever t001 I ltrxdittlt.; and lone TILLS are the • ortt% thliii i (.0ntld look to for relief. One dolts Will quickly 11108{; my bowels and free my Lead froth pain Theo rhomost cli'ective and flu onshstl;lsy�ir lnave ever found.. .ltisa pleasure 1" lou to seeak•111 their prttisi ,slid 1 :dwaVs dose whim 08elefion niter • �• i_iriilf1it1 St., IjirinnQ tllf,,Val, ,Tune ell have used \v t.r , lyttas itr.,umberhos in 1 \ '1' F%1+ MOS'J' F Ski l f)NABLF' SHADE' AND 'USUALLY � LL Ii'OL'ND ONLY: IN 'CITIES. ; ec�al, L roes in 5 8c �O�t� Papers° u ti onble. to show, slit filet 1ott lntte1utse .or not SIMP.S:O`N, --li'ito . ' \ . I.: 1•t( ti; ut: 1\ I I agt• C Tiro," t, I tutu.., as twotfalrtAdrtl 1)) vin, arid have 11418111 known item tr pin to tr4'mtpiish the desired .rr . reit. \V5 constantly kt .: tithe m on Maud'tit out; borne.. ands-marrlie Chem as a pleasant, safe mai reliable fatally Medicine, 1 Ol l)Y5rl.i't;I,\ .'' die E • the I are roes l ,1, e.1ta\v t SE 1lcaut, leensst, 1., 'std I tie ltrt l r ir•( t, 13, 11A lti oWr„ 'WO tinr4, front •', Recut laiaa., iO Lty 11; tconstipation, Trent wlurl,Iin I • apito of. the uso. of medielties of tilai'ioct kats, 1 • 1 selfered increasing incontenleutle,until some 1, merle ago l began taking A\ J.Jt s'l'it L9. They • have entirely eorreetcd the Costive habit, and. i _ Intro vastly improved tnygeneral health;' . i . AYSti a. (•.tTrtAlt l,C l'ir.r 9 correct irreguhtr i• 1. - ' Ile8 of the'bgo'els, stimulate lite appetite and i digestion. null by thou prompt 'and therou: h acllon give true and vigor tit the whole phi lh-at i Pmt PAnen Itr . . Dr. J. 0. Ayer & CO,lLowell; Mass.-. Sold by All Druggists. YOUNG. . All tirperience the vvondei•ial •benetl- 0 tux c ,ll sl)•ccial attention tt)' 135 stack 'of iiina -. - .,1Granite � J Of all'.l.zltc , 'Snitable.for CIhristnts:s t)1'(`i4Cnt --.. Also, the finest Confectionery to bo hat Fresh Fruit, Canner . iloods,' Ze4 TORN CUNINGHA1VIE. GROCER, CLINTON.. .till effects o1 ' • OLD, AND Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ghlldrotttvith�,orels`ytirR IterolAra. 4UL Ja oer,f oi' any soroittlons or syphilitic 101111, may be made healthy and strong by its use. Sold hy.rrn'tiolitet VI, t11( von1.•A f0r$sr ALL VARIETIES d SEEDS DAVIS, Clinton. '1;gi°Pit for liar Go(lt'r ich Plow Castings, ' : •