HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-25, Page 7D Vi1 HURRAH FOR THE CO;vIE RIGHT ALONG. NOW 15 T.IIE. 1./ time to 6ecttre tt bargrdn, FIRsr CLASS MM RINFi*Y AT ROcx BoTTOwt PfIC1IS. WM.. STANLEY- Desiree to announce to .the public that kb has opened a shop for the convenience of his many customers, on HURON STREET, CLINTON, Nearly opposite the Coromorciai. Nate!, Where the MASSEY LOW-DOWN BINDER Can be seen at any time. Also the Massey and Toronto Mowers, Massey Harvester, also the Toronto fElevatetl f 6 foot cut Binder, With sheaf -car- rier. attached. Plows, Scufilers, Drina, and Sharpes Bakes. The shop will be atteuded to by MR. D.a,YID ELOOAT, who will bo there at all times, and will be pleased to have farme s call, ALL KINDS OE' REPAIRS KEPT ON'''HAND, Clinton. April 4, 1884, NEW TIN STORE. PRE SUBSCRIBER, WHO WAS FOR MORE than eight yours in the employ of Dir. Silas Davis, desires to intimate that he has Opened a Tin Shap in Dodswiorth's Black HURON STREET, CGINTON, , Where he is prepared to do ALIT BINDS OF TIN, COPPER AND• SHEET IRO~ WORK, in the best of style gild on sltort'notice: •FOIL, LAMPS, GLASS, &c. in stock A C.1LL, RO Lli:1'f kL. ' SAMUEL WILSON. ('Menton, Dec. 1581. NEW ERA I3AKER'Y. THOS. DUNLOP TEAS pleasure in informing the people of Clultnu.. r1. that he hux commenced business for•hhnsolf in the building adjoining the NEW ERA office, where he 1,111 ci,udttet the DARING BUSINESS in all its branch- ., and will he pleased to receive a share bf patronage, believing' that he run give 'satisfaction to all who favor hint with their custom, - DREAD DELIVERED. - OLD AND RELIABLE.•' (h'ay's 1'heci11e Medici -tie, TRADE MAR. K"TnxGREATENGI.Isrr 1Itt.7h naa•t;K, Cure for Seminal weak - • nets, Spermatorrhen -, s-„ Impotency, and all alis !r •- rases that:follow as a '" ouq.ienee of self abuse '••{ —aa loss of memory, _4-, universal lassitude.— pain in the back, dim- ` , i • '.I"ii - -�,; ▪ •1 ness.of vision, pprmna•'t'i� Befor T e Dire old'age, and many r Taking. other diseases that 'e'• lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, •whieh we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold `.by. all druggists at Si per package, or six packages for Ove tloilare or will be sent free by marl, on receipt of the money by ad. dressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., i ' Toronto, Ontario, Canada. • . YOUR FACE. Tan Frecrclea, Sanbiin, Pimples,,Black_S.pecks, Blot-' ches,.&o.. can be remoyed in- stantly by applying BELT.i'S Tan & Freckle Lotion. Safe, Sur e an d .Effectual. . PRICE 25C. PER BOTTLE.' Sold by all Druggists- • o E OZt 'i'p✓�,,��' •� M��E'N J6 mLtiwa���AY.e,Srl •*Mi n,tl •.ya z %, ,.ap,�p Parties intending to purchase a MouumentWill. find it to their advantage to see our White `' 'Bronze before buying elaowlierc, w: M. OIFFIN, A.GEN-P. oFFICR, PERRIN BLOCK, ,Opp.eite the Market, Clinton. MANITOBA. HEARD FROM HER CAPITAL ACCOUNT 'tV;ST BE RE- ' ADJUSTED. StiMMARi$ 'OP` THE PROPOSED BILL or EMITS. Winnipeg, April 22,—In the Legisla- ture e isla-ture to -day 1►fr. Norquay intfeduced the f0llowin4resolution: That it is absolu- tely bSlutely necessary for the requirements of the Province that a re -adjustment of her ca- pital account and financial status be made at once, and that a, delegation, consisting of the speaker and two members of the Executive, proceed to Ottawa and procure from the Government the rights claimed. The bill of rights presented embraced the following points : 1, The right of the Province to control'the management and sale of public landswithin the Provin- cial limits, and the mines, minerals, wood and timber. thereon, or the equivalent thereof; and to receive from the Derain - ion Government payment for the lands already old, 2. The management of the school lands vith a view to capitalize .the sum realized from the sale, the interest to be used in aid of education. 3, The ad- justment of the capital account decennial- ly according to population, the same to be computed now at 150,000 souls, to bd al- lowed till it corresponds to the amount al- lowed to Ontario onthataccount. 4. The right of the Province to charter;* lines of railway, any direction in the Province. 5. Andthat arant of 80 cents per head be not limitedto 400,000, but that the same be allowed the Province until the maximum on which said grant is allowed Ontario be reached. 6. Granting to i the Province increased branch railway I. facilities.7. Toall attention to the re- t c judicial effect of the•tariff on the Province, S. The extention of the boundaries of Manitoba. • f It you should lie so unfortunate as to Burn, Scald or Inland yourself in any y -ay the urplter thing to keep clean and hoot McGrew in i'arke's Carl olte Cerate Ipsist on laving, and be sure you et,Me6re McGregor `Pat ke's Carbolic Cer otr, Prise 25 cents.H. Comb, Druggist, has the genuine. • TIIE .CoNsniRAin. •CtSE.,• . At Toronto, on Tuesc1 y, Chief Jus- tice Hagerty, in chin -gilt ?lie grand jnr' respecting ' the conspiracy cash* have a quietus to the absurd contention On the Tart -of the' defendants that" coiispiraoy- to oust a goveriinlent by meanstof . bri- bery^'was not a punishable offence... the chief justice pointed out that. although -no precedentexisted actually covering the case, the .principles• of..thtt law were suflicientlycoml'nehensive to bring an attempt within the reach of justice:. It. ii well for political Morality and'tbe: good name of Canada • that, this : point has. . been definitely' settled and 'that the accused will be brought to .trial on the merits of the case, instead' of escaping bra technical loop=holes ' He appealed to..the jury to' ,calmly. weigh the chat* apart,froru bitter prejudice party fueling. He lamented the spirit in which . the whole.inatter. has been•discussed, in • the public, prints: In a}1 his etperienoe h - never satyr casein. .whit]?: the violence of party warfare has•,striven` so shame- fully to prejudge ti. vital,question affect ing-the'character and honer -of ciur.pub lic nien as well as. the guilt or innocence' of persons charged « t1i .attempting., by base and illegal, means to °des'troy' such 'charactor •:'rind. honor. Chief Justice Hagarty's apt9an(i. thoughtful utterances should' impress all who 'are not utterly. given .over to Partizanship with thegra- yity of the situation 'and the 'necessity of taking a, firm. s.tanil against political . corruption ar3cl party violence: - ---fast Parlor. �Nroit�rc Wareraolit, —AND. UNDERTAKiNG 'Han subscriber keeps tho finest i.liASKErl'S and COFFINS Always on hand. Funerals furnislteil at the Ahortoat notice and lowest prices. A CALL SOLICITED. —7 - REMEMBER TIM PLACE, OPPOSITE Tr[E TOWN .� THOS. STEVENSON • • • ' Nine Physicians Oittdnne. ., lira, Helen 'Pharviz; No 331 "-Dayton Chicago, Ilh, iS now in her sixty-eight year, and statbs .thab she has .suffered -With Con - OLD ENGLAND S IOOJ ED DESTRUCTIVE EARTHQUAKE IN THF,, EASTERN COUNTIES, CHIMNEYS AN 2 :O rnoH 'SPIa s THROW,? DQWN-'TRE PEOPLE Px EIC- STRI•CSEN. LONDON, April 22.—At 9,30 this 'morn- ing an earthquake shook was felt in the eastern counties, of England. At Ipswich the houses were shaken, plates were rat- tled,.and delis rung. The people were thrown into such a state of Consternation that business was suspended. The shock,. was still more severe at Colchester. Tile concussion lasted Half a minute. The first symptom Nyasa deep rumbling sound ; this was speedily followed by the quaking and shaking of all buildings and- the fall of all chimney stacks of factories.. Other lorty structures were- destroyed. The spire of one of the largest churches in the city, 150 feet high:, fell with an awful crash. In one part of tilecity fire was caused by the shock. The damage is great. In private houses, tables and chairs were. overturned, glassware shattered, pictures and other ornaments fell :to the floor, Men, women and Children rushed shrieks ing into the streets,, At Chelmsford . the shock was so severe that people -were filled with terror. At South End the earth trembled for miles kroun'l. The windows in many dwellingswere broken and chithneys were shattered. At Mal- den the Town Hall and private houses swayed, The wave passed froM•south to north. In the Strand, London, business houses were perceptibly rocked and the employees fled. The earthquake ,las caused a general feeling of alarm. Colchester was the centre of disturbance, and in some streets traffic is forbidden, as the buildings are in a dangerous condition The side walls of houses. near Colchester were shaken out. The damage at Colches- ter olches-ter' is estimated at £10,000, At Ipswich a- mtufsion was shattered and the railway depot partially destroyed. ; At Colchester a child was killed and a ivoman's skull was fractured. The woman is in a pre- carious condition. .'here were ,many narrow escapes.. The old " parishchurch at Langenhoe was demolished. The place. rooks as if it had been bombarded An invalid at Wivnndve died f'rem terror.. The damages there .was £4,000. At Cog- ge5hall a number • of school girls rushed panic stricken into .the streets—many of ',,lent were crushed. • Colchester is a city of 27,000 inhabi- tants; •a parliamentary and municipal .Borough andriver port, on the Colne, which is here crossed by several bridges. It is on. the'Eastern Uliion Railway, 51 miles nor' -nor' -east of London.' Langen- hoe is situated five miles south of 'Col- chester, ol-chester, near the sea shore. ' • TUB OREGON'S FAST` TRH'. BEATING .TUE '.VEST RECORD -'-RESULT OT 'IAN OCEAN RACE, N W Yo,RK, April 21: -The -Guion steamer Oregon, which' arrived at•this port' from Liverpool en Saturday, completed the voyage in six days,. ten hours and.30 minutes, the best on 'record,' either from' Queenstown to this city, or theother way. Her record beats that .of the steamer Alaska, of the same Wine,known as the "Greyhound of the Atlantic," by eleven hours and ten minutes for the westward .voyage and excels the;.latter's . eastward record by eight,tl•iLttra_amj sexen.minutes.. .The Cunard steamer Aurahia,''Which left Queenstown on. the same day as the. Ore- gon—Sunday last—arriyed late on. Sure- day un=day evening. ,When. the, two vessels left' Queenstown it was known that they would - race, and-muoh;inoney hail been wagered on both. vessels.: It is positively asserted by the --agents of the Oregon that she en- countered much heavy weather. `Before the season ends the vessel is expected to make the passage in sit: days at the out snmption for about ten years, was•trented• by aide•" nine physicians, allof thein pronouncing her.• case hopeless. She had given up' all ,hopes of . .OUR, LETTER- BOX. everrecovering. Seven bottles of Dr. King's -- =- New Discovery for Consumption completely' 'The hsw ERA does not Hold itaclf responsible for cured` her. Doubting ones, please drop her ]dray exprosset under ;this hooding. - a Postal;, and satisfy yourselves. Call at ' Watts & Co's. drug store and get a,free ..trial ' a'ti1PO41/1ING A- HORSE. bottle. , '1'e the•Zalitor of Walla'', llrety Dr.'Orton, 14I. P„ ▪ has been appointed D,r'AizS'Itl, res horses and horseshows surgeon. to the North American' Contract% A,re 'receiying considerable attention 'at ng Company In the Rocky Mountains, present, y consider; it•a: fayorabl-e' time to where lie will receive fees aniounting to draw the attention' of'all interested in about $2,500'a month during the working breeding good horses, in the county of season. ,As we are told that this company . Huron, to a matter that l believe tobe of 'has not the slightest connection with the, very great importance''to 'Enron. It is SianaJici Pani OEc Raitway_Cotnpany-,_ i,I•--'this,-the-assisting une'af-ollx'leadrng horse' though itis largely composed of the same, men,: in the vicinity of Clinton,: to bring men, this. of course hind nothing to do ,out a $4,000 horse, to sweep away every-, with.. the worthy doctor's vote on the . thing at our Ontario fall shows The $30,000,000 ,grab.. • way I would suggest to render assistance. ,A return -published by the. ,Ontario . would be for one hundred' farmers to. give goveeementshow that the commitmelits• $Z5 each,. and.ta receive for„this the hn. for 'drunkenness' in 1$83 'were 3,895 -est use -of the Horse, for one. mare; the next', nnainst 3;497 in 1$82 The chief in season,:. Such a herself think should be V1t.J$TOI1l. ,►1A1,1tI T$, TiItursday, ,April 24, Wheat, scot rlld - 91 00 a It new' , White wheat, old- 1 00 a new . • - 100 a - 1 :00 a - 0 34 a 0407050 5 a • 0 70 a • 5O0'a • 0 45 a - 016 a 0 14 a - S 00 .a • 050 a 0 60 a • 0 50 a Potau, rtre se, s, sf Butter, ggs,SHB(plaaortryul.y Peas, - Sheep pet;s Lamb skins, - Beef, - 180: 1 011 1 05 1 05 1 os O 31 055 0 75, 5 50 0 50 00' G O 00 0 75 0 75 7 50 "Why! What's the matter?” Lady—(with face euaeioped to of hot cloths)—"Obi I'm crazy with that Neuralgia that eont}aually troubles me." 'Weikitew foolish!' Why dent you go toContbe's Drug Store and get a bottle of 8iuid Liglttaing 1 It cured are tit less than one minute. L always keep a bottle lu my Louse. It only coats 20 cents!' EED PEAS -GOOD PEAS, PR E. FRO1111 bugs, for sale, D, SHANAHAN, 3rd eon.. of Hullett. Seed .Black Tartar Oats, •• O ,i r GEQWN Times ii EA11s. Mat one • IMPORTED 511011SCOTLAND, MBE SUBSCRIBER WOULD INTIMATE. TO .1 farmers that he has a quantity of these oats for sale, wire and free frown foul seeds, These Oats are without doubt the best yielding Oat In Canada, fro. quently giving from. 00 to,75 bushels per acre. Price per bushel, 50 cents. For sale, also, celebrated WHITE ELEPHANT and GRANGER POTATOES, suitable for seed, JAMES LANDSBOROUGiI, Lot 23', Con. 3, Huron ,load Survey, Tueltoromth, three miles east of Oratiton. - EED GRAl N SEED' WHEAT, SEED .OATS, - SEED' PEAS,! SEED : BARLEY SEED CORN ]?OR SALE BY ' l>rsoNnAnrt Ei,Evwron, CLiNxox. • Phoenix Carriawe'-Works JOHN BRUNSDON • Is prepared to manufacture all hhtds of. BUGGIES, la it;(:0Na, CAnl1A&E5,,e CrTTllts Nothing bat the very host _ tnato)iai used, and. first Blass work guaranteed. ' ;`ALL 1(11(09 or Jotnnso A SPECIALTY. Fiuished'work always on hand., Call and examine Were purchasing elaegherq. ``tPLENDIt1 I� c]fC111 1 O1R SALE,'-- TItE L7 undermentioned 'valuable preperty its offered fur sale at a bargain. 'It is situated one mils: noitit of Porter's IIlji, on the..0th. concession of Goderich town. ship, being part :of,Lets20 and 21, containing• eighty acro+, loon er lost. A spleieiid'orcltard'on tho place -ono of ilio best in this section of oountty-covering, fico aures and consisting of apples, peat,, peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, quinces, hitt nut-bcariag' trees, and grapes . and vines of various kinds. Out. buildings and fonees in good repair, 14 acres'itt fall wheat...half the farts seeded to grass, about seven Acres good hardwood bush, Good well of splendid water. Titin indisputable,. • GEO. COS; Porter'salill. - 14't •NEW BU;TO1IERSI- OP •Ti5E.. undersigned desiros.to' tliank his int. • morons friends in Cnntenland vielnity:for them illsoral patronage during' the twelve Years ire .eart'ied -on&th titrlfdrlufr5ustness, and would intimate, to • 'them that; he .lids ze-Cow.- moncocl 'business. in COre'B bpilliintltc, oh, >tlurou- wtreet:whore be ?till be pleased to• meet his old ft feuds and as many new ones as. •may ?thiol,tint with tpeir'patronage, ' - BORT. kI�I"ZSIAI crease wat; in the '1'h lndor.Bay district, • worth $40. I would• like. to know what where late bodies of men werenn' a ed • breeders Innis, ofClinton,hand. other leading g g 6 horse breeders think of -this Manner of 7u railway construction.. . importing a cap sheaf for the county. If •'l..''Vl:rtiJ8ODinSIBMULD.keep suet a thing as ninety•nin0 others will give $25 'each,; I l o-pe-sa in the hoose, abd'by regulating the Will give •$25, and try and influence ten bowels and :system, keep away headache; or twelve 14fanclrester.,farmers to eon tri- heartache; dejeotiop. %opera. invigorates' the bete, if the animal -is brought out this liver, makes tho family happy by making. cemingfall. • Gkonoi + HOARII,. health. 1lianchgstcr, April 22. . The refined and gente'nanly' editor of - 'the Mail, who once called Archbishop BORN. ' Lynch a poodle -dog, eiid :i few, daysago J.tc.ao.ox,=:In Clinton, ;on the 2401 inst., said he was a ,liar, now :calls the Globethe wife of hit'; Toasts Jackson, of a daughter. offensive itn(iil•t-bred for denying this hist ' statement:. A general summary•of the work ,of It state l in 'well info--rnetl--circles tlte' session of ' Parliament ju's't Closed is that not only will Mr Duncan McTn as follows: Bills introduced in the Son - tyre shortly retire from. the directorate ate, 14; Bills introduced in the :[louse of the Canadian Pacific irailway; but .of Commons, 1=11; total, 1.50. The num-. that J: S, Kennedy, of New York, will ber of Bina passed ?res 107, as follows: Os° resign. lita ul early date. _: . : Government Bills, 43; public. Bil , =, On :Wednesday list ,7ahn• Morit�rit :private Bills—railway companies, 33; y y nenranee companiegrfi '-banks 5 ; loan went about''Toronto, claiming to -he companies, 2 ; telegraph companies,; 2; armless—the limbs being concealed in divorce/ 1; miscellaneous, 10; total 107, his shirt. Fie dragged a few dollars t Tho number o of addresses, and orders from • .numerous sympathizers in this •.way, rrdgt day ho started out to 1ltd fresh fields, and at Cobourg was the victim of a railway accident which, singular to !elate, deprived. hint of both. ;arms. • no how log in a general ilospi* tal, believing implicitly in a Provideneo. .Trimer llrayiey, rfamtltbti, says: "r mail the tt'otiwenale for MoGregor's Speedy (lure and toned that I bad not to go to New York, Philadelphia, l omaleha or 'Pena to find tiring witnesies of its valoe we leave plontr et esono right here to prove its merits, i got n bottle and rt helped me tight. nwn5. 1 was as l,ad watt llilinun Fever and indigestion as I thin k DI 050 rnnlil he, h ea and nm nearly tiro 11mi en set any kind of food Mame it }writhe uta • t tea/ sal: that 1 am hetet thea 1 00'er i•upeeted to hr, T•ree'Irlal !lento at (:u flltt's Dreg .torr, ars to three batt} r. „ moved for was 255 atzd the number of returns brought 'down, in accordance with the same was 186. Tho returns to addresses and orders of last session wore 53, snaking n total of returns pre- sented during the sessionof 1884 of 299. Nothing sncceods like suoeeaa, is as tr>,to in medicine as in anything itiso; 13y the won• t r derf t 1 effect of Or, "Van 13ureti s KianY e (,aro in promptly alleviating the 'sufferings ex• pertained in kidney troubles and ?,)roducing a pont-went ent dire iii these distressing ailments, his fame has been eturied ever the fent guar. •tete of the (gob°. , • u 'J. ;,. B I I 'D . J'E a U M_B:E,. Watch and Clock Maker, • JBWELLE11•; &c., 0 PP 0 Sim IETLIE ,111i li ,CET, imiNTON' • Where he kgeps a select assertinent of WATCNES, CLOCKS •'JEWKLLE6Y; SILVER Which we will , selt at reasonable rates. .Repairing of; Every' description promptly at tended to, and all work warranted, - •, • - • J. BIDDLECOXBE. °Olden, Nov. 1882. SY LVESTER.'S Celeite CHAMPION PLOW . '/ID._111 :r1' Tl`7Cry BLACKSMITII, CLINTON, Ilas beer?• appointed 'agent for Sylvester's Champion Plow, which has,reco'htly boon greatly improved, and now stand•? witlieut a rival. • "rho mouldboard 18 made of the best diatnond stool,, especially hardened, war- ranted to clean in any field,and importhd from? Shot - field, England, purposely for these plows. Intending purchaSers,.ran have a trial of the tdow,}aud on receipt of post card it will be delivered free in any pact of the county'. utile plow can be beat by any other make, wewill forfeit the ,plow.”. A'car lead just received. - Iteferepcos front oyer 100 of' the best farmers boar Clinton. • ' Ile also ntacufaetures the Celebrated Scotch Dianiontl..:HIarrr w,` The repittatlon of whichis en well known that Ito has already received orders for :10 set 614 season, 'ho Makes Your Boots ? UICKSHANK, THE, BOOT MAKER. DEALERIN ALL KINDS OF >iN S Men, WOme ii and Children's Boots & Shois.. Spring Stock Well assorted,, and complete in all departments ALL GOODS SADCHEAP FOR CASH • 5frl C.'CRUICKSI]ANK; BRICK.BLOCR, CLINTON. • fARLANI'S Improved, . Milk Pao, Pat. July 17, 1883. • WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF . Farmers & Dairymen TO IIarlaud's improved Milli Pan. The latest and most convenient Cream Separator out: Call and see themt,and.leave your order early. JUST R1 OEIV'ED, A FINE STOOK 01? Ravi:t -T!1:, Bay oyt111s, Spades, Shovels, Carden . 'Rapes; Moes, cr4c. ..TOiir•etock'of BUILDER'S 'HARDWARE isp ow complete. PAINTS 3c• OIL a specialty. • • 1-146.13.1841,1110 E SI Cli„tori. TOCK OF NY W' TN' Sr 'OCIi, I nibr peing,'.all the Laa,test Stales i t, all.: elaspes of . Go.o which •will be said at the closest price i. IMPORTANT- ANNOUNCEMENT TO TUE . P4.R,>.t+MER,S OP 3URON. rl.II1L stillSCRIDERS ITAVINO.IIEEN APPOINT- S so Solo Agents for fhb well known (I TRNTIY 81A.NIt'A'AC r(1t[NG (x)MPANY, of Bowles; desire to call the esp.Li,u sttentten of farmers to their - Dundas COLA) ENDER This machine -1m been thoroughly .tested during' the past season, arid has hen u ` best ofsatisfaction,and s •c a raper an improvements have ,vett lidded for 1584, the stthserihero feel confident they have flow GOT THE BEST CORD BINDER In the: market, and its they' do not Intend to spend either time or stoney 10 travelling through the coun- try, they are .prepared to allow a discount to the pur- chaser, as an oqutvttlont for these oxiiettsas. Intend. Dig purchasers will therefore 'see it to ho to their ad• vantage, before purchasing elsewhere, to call at our shop, and see the inaehi6n uo.W set Op. l•1 nniino It at iolouro and have it explained in dotal), • R ''Al'1,111S, . MGWE1t•S, 1-14 RAKES Cm,. fromo, t , Akvays On hand; haat shakers, at lowest rate P1011t8, 1'ft1REO1VSS',CUL' 1'IJ'A7'U1ttS, ke.l of. -oar otrit make kept on hand anti made to:order. x`•A n It •. 'iii, � iT tt•x• Ad t,r lttxps i :11Arur�tc 1 a.trn , 0 1 , sattrn Weak prortl1 Ily' attended to. l iiAi 11 �,I i� & TEOFORD. Priil'etlas street, oppnsit'c l'air's ?still. Cl,itttott, April, Issi IN '' AI.LL.T • B;Fi:ATy CHES Large Stock 'o E Gent's Furnishing Goode. G-IR,ocm : mc A fresh stock of these goods at the lowest prices. COATS & SUN; Clinton. GOOD. AND *CHEAP OROO ERIES: Wo 'have opened . several new account during the past three months, and all. express thein elves , well pleased, With our Groceries. To these who wishfor further proof we Would ad- . rise them to take it out .in Groceries and they would then be convinced that the bestlace to Groceries is p buy ,. A,t the NOTED TEA, 001EEE and $4011 itOSE . • S. PALLIS1fl CO t,M..CASIT FOR EGGS. Next to Town Hall.