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The New Era, 1884-04-25, Page 6
.PILIN-- and simvxmomit BOOTS SHOES • W. TAYLOR & SO 5 Jur '.stock for the Spring and Summer is now complete, and wYll be fouled on inspection, to .embrace the best makes in the Dolpii ion, at the mostreasonable rates. • TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS,' &t, on hand, and for sale at low prices. Sutter and, Eggs taken in eachaas,g®; roe per, Cent ogler casae. a .. E ' 'SkOUR, • Best Stop] r c•Ny- AT al -4. .Lowest Prices. • PLANING MILL • --ANAL- DRY°BLN! OLD CLOTHES FOR SALE. Goan., • nit•a, pa, 6s, 1 — ... Caps, socks, mitts, Ste , 10 Lt old age d,. +tn 1.., in 1• rams. am n m.my l n dnudAna llni i,, bayingse. „tit 11 tags or truch in n,1, line; eau leave wvr3 at in;. house. i ���►► JYY/++��A 41 )<I Marten'sd I esill tate, init ht liepalti Go s0%©l1 trout ••, I�pnper i"B, palntinif,otnIjubbintfafahat sort done by'GEOlta BeNrr.er, nod elronr 1501, wanted. W. adtaRTEN, realer, Box 14, .Clinton, —` IXTED ""BR'S and furnished his new .-'- - e of the latest im rev t0 attend to all orders in his line in the most promJ>t and satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates. He would also return thanks to all who patronized the old firm before they were burned out, and now being ID a hotter position to execute ordersexpeditiousiy, .feels confident he can. give satisfaction to all. FACTORY.. Near the Grand Trunk Rail way, Clinton. Ti#OMAS McBENZIE. t1, P ed patter, is now prepared. a1, the Yeah.' '�io� JOIINSTQNrS �d SARSAPARILLA ■� t OONPLA i?,` TS211S A, And•for Purifying the Flood. ' It hu been in nee for 120 years and hn<•. provedltibe the best preparation ,r tt . THE. SIDE OR BACK. LIVER I U market for SICK HEADACHE: 1 AI . its ' PLANT PIMPLES ON THE F.',4 ir. DYSPEPSIA, PILES, end •a11 lin•. x:,t• that arise frost a Disordered 1,,ve, • Impureoblood. Thousands of ow li• e• dreg Physiiccianr prescribe and It ddaily, i1Tho:Ac whose it once, recommend it to others. It ds made from Yellow Doek ,Hondu• ras Sarsaparilla,. Wild Cherry; Stipio Dandelionn,. Sassafras, Wlnte. o Other '•Welt -knows ;valuable, Ruts ,'an, Herbs. Ittestrlct table, and can- not hurt, the most. 'gelicate.constitution. it1' ooe of the best modleinet in use for tsting.ahe 8o-eb., Ilii is. saoolN by ell seepsultite druggists .at one Bolir,.tor d. tluatrII .hottiei•„or'44 bottler 'for nee &dam • Those wbo:oaano0 obtain a bottle of this medicine from ,their druggist Juan 'end us cos dollar. and we.rtgll send. I to them. J w. 1013111CON a CO., f4tofeotweb ArtnexeraCdO;, ; ori WATTO f CO.,, Agent%;'tun t•* arsaaparua . enree Rheumatism, Neuralgia,Rheumatiq Clout, general, Ilebllity, Catarrh, and all disorders caused by a thin and •impoveriebod, or, corrupted, condition of the blood; expelling the blood -poisons from the system, enriching and renewing the blood„ and restoring rte vital- ising power. During a long period of unparalleled useful - nem, AYER's SAR0ArAarLLA has proven rte • perfect 9deptation tothe cure of all diseases originating in poor blood and aweakened vitality, It is a highly concentrated extract of Sault - partite, and other blood -purifying root', . combined with Iodide of Potaaeeinm and canIronbe'ee, and dis the safest, most reliable, and most economical blood-purlaer and blood -food that Inflammatory-Rhenmati.m Cured. "Area's SAnsArABiu:,i has dared me of the inflammatory.Iihenmatism, with whish I have suffered for man years, W. H. llfoonn." Durham, Ia., March 2, 1882. itemsoset verethaticoullddnotmovefr mlthebed or dress, without help. 1 -tried several remedies without much if any relief, until I took AruIt's •BAnsareart.LA, • by the use .of two. bottles of rulwas hRheumatismlceldtobledwiith e sd. ince. Have soldlarge quantities of your SARSAPARILLA' and. it °stili retains its wonderful popularity, The many • notable ouree it has effected in. this, vicinity eon- . vince me that it Is the best blood medicine ever • offered, to the public. E:• P. Rums." • - River St., Buckland, Mass., May 1311882. "Last March I was so Weak fromgeneral de- bility that I could not walk without help. Fol- lowing the advice of a friend,:I commenced taking , AYR$ S SARSAPARILLA, and before, I had used three bottiesd--felt as well as I ever did is mylife. I have been. at work now for two months,,and think • your $An8APARXLLA the greateet••blood; medicine in the world. • JAtaxe Ai ► rARn." 620 West 424 Et., New. York,'July 19,1882, • . AYER'S SARSAPARILLA eureS aerofoils and' all Serofelone Complaint', Eryeipe54q Ec.. stand; 3tingWorm, ]Blotches, Soret, Boil's; Tumors ..and Ereptiona Of the Skt....It clears, the /dodo! all impurities; aids digastioniatitn`ti.•: latee the action of the bowels,. end thus restore' vitality and etrengthene the whole system. pietk rtED:By Dr.'1. ¢. & Co,, Lowell, Mass: Bold by all AroggAyeriste; price. f 1,:.ix locales, 06' In thisline we show the nicest .goodsever offered in Clinton. The Old: Stannd, Victoria Street, Clinton. • Eal QJJJPQJ. • 1 zer STILC WE LIVIF! And do business more ban .ever. • Better Bargains 'than ever, , •• i, Women's good Prunellas for 60 c. Women"d Lace Boots, $1, Men's Lice 'Sheee.'$2' ''Don't° buy another pair -of Boots -until you see our new Spring Stock. Come •one, come all.: No Eul - _• : trouble to show . goods. ' ral %Q 11or WANTED, A QUANTITY OF GOOD POTATOES. aonRcv.Aa 4Yto4'':',$u?I1t. Airoks r - I, w for Bargains in roots . Shocs,_Harness, AT JAM.ES TWITCHELL'S Having received my Spring an Summer stock of Boots and Shoes, 1 would call the attention ;of . the public to the sathe.. • irk"TrOMh'N'S KID B UTTONBOOT,S' Sillier *tinted Single Harness only $14. only $1.76, •MEN'S, BOY'S and CFiILy7REN'S, $ABY CARRIAGES, a large variety,' cheap accordingly. at almost hdlf�r %ce, -- 2'R UNirfS'and . VALISES; very cheap. 16,000 bunches h,iylc favid Pine itr .:Ceoon. TEAM and CARRIAGE • HARNESS "SHINGLES, for .sale cheap , cheaper than ever. •, BOOMS' .TD> LET, over ahps. BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR BOOTS & SHOTS. j. TWITeHELL,, VICTORIA 'BLOCK, CLINTON 7.rsr.A.ITur cat • 0[- :1VIi j-B&DkU'; DRUGGISTS., )1b IN1� ► tit'sopCGli;e x111 d11. The public will Ind our stock of medicines Complete, warranted genuine; and of the best quality,, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY,, SHOULDER BRACES TRUSSES SPONGES AND ALL KINDS OF'iDRI:I'GiGIST,S' SUNDRIES USUALLY NEI'?` l 4 IPIAS ' CLASS `DIUJG STORE. TUE D • QUICKEST,, IME •BEST, and THE MOST RELIABLE YEAST sin °the •markets for all kinds. of Bread :and •Cu} es, . It is used almost exclusively in •London,. T3'uinilton, and other town.. ,'talo /M:431•98 GirlteerY ALBERT OTREET ULINTON near in' !Farm. cents per :package, at cti solo 1.R t..,• • 000 3: LOTUS .OB 'TBE 'NILE, ALPINE LAVE*DEP b EdQUET,'aid all of Luer 's'ODots. '. ' N AIR 1iR• SR S, COMBS, ,TOOTFI AND NAIL BRUSHES. 3APS, 'COSMETICS, &O CTA 1,S H'. ` CIONE13 r';. CIIFAl1ST .l 1D 17113t3QI T• CLINTON,':ONT CQM;'X,ETE A5S,ORTMENT OF ft Comprising. all the -Newest- Styles in ERUNCH & •ASV ,E1RIC'AN FIATS & BONNETS. • In Chip and. Fancy Straws.':',:,' Flowers, Feathers' Tis Po •- L,aces,''Ri(ilioiis,'•Silkn aiid``Satuis Having bought Tip's, the leadin • im orteri In tlyo'•tr.kle, and att.prices'that'+we are enabled to, offerslicoial''value in .th-above linea ' 1BItOtDEIt S large stock to . choose ` troth'. DRESI ORNAMENTS,. AA$$E g1,0RILS AND ' dint. TRIMMIlias; Full line of SPRING PRINTS% and federal• assortment of DRY GOODS: Hats and Bonnets rnad'e over into .01 the Ieddtng+ styles 'App• rentices 'scanted to'lei rn'the straw work. R.li. §', .ILa4•. & SON,' BEAVER',13IJOCK.. 1 Pay a reasonable price, and go Wheeze you are.eure that you will get it well: trimmed • , y first-class workmen. 99.r And you will not be deceived, and we will not take o$' 1Q or. 20 cents on.#•he dollar li• nt frill' sell as cheap as any house in Town. • (10 TO OAK HALT. "'you want a nice and cheap OVERCOAT,— Colne • and get a SUIT cut in the latest style, and a perfect fit. If you want a good PAIR OF PANTS,y dolt to fit 'thi' ease and comfort Glo.to the OAK xrAL, youow the dl t to HALL, advantag T Citatnine' our stock before you decide elsewhere. RP',tl1 b11fZER THF •PL4;CE:,- TEXT DOOR TO THOMPSON & SWITZER'S . PIs0 ,. nv gut ~o.pnCI Z PAPER QF TRE COi7NTY FRIDAY, -APRIL 25, 1884. SIR ^JOAN MACDONALH EIVDANG1eR- INC CONFBDEIL,ATI N, • A correspondent of the Globe, in a short but pointed letter, calls attention to the continued encrdachmelits of the Donlin- ion on the Province of Ontario, and ex- presses a belief that.is becoming more of a fixed 'conviction every day, viz: that eonfesleratien ill impracticable, has prow- a failure,'and should to broken as far as Ontario: is cencerne *� 'once, :•-Reply- ing to his letter the Globe says ; " But our correspondent and those who share -his opinions and feelings should not forget that the means sufficient to take Ontario out of Confederation are quite . sufficient to obtain justice for her in Con- federation, quite sufficient to pure and purify • Government' and Parliament,. Wbenever Ontario sends to the House of Commons adecided majority resolved that right must prevail, that justice must be done, that there must bean end to corrup. tion and jobbery and bribery, that the country must be governed 'honestly, and. that legislation must be guided by princi- pie, there -will et once be an end: to the state cf things which excites the •indignn- tion oomany besides'Anglo-Saxon: ". . Tlhis•tnay be all correct, but the Globe must not expect that the people of "On- — tario•will unite as one man and •demand ,their rights. An .evidence of the truth of Alia assertion is shown in the way On. 'tarto. Tories sacrificed Ontario's interests . . during:the sitting of Parliament, and thea would sell the whole country, •if by se -de- ing they could strengthen the position of .Sir John. 'Ontario must have her rights, but rhe will never get them if dependence is placed cis the:Dominion .Premier, and. tbe'only way, in our opinion, is to with- draw at once from a union that is galling and unequal. ' 4e Ansever Wanted. .•4 • Oa' any one bring use ogee. of Kidney or Liver complaint that Electric, Bitters will not speedily cone?• We .say they can not, as thonsands of mumalready permanently ou ed...______ land'•who-are 'daily recommending.Ele nc ,Bitterer,Rill, prove. •:Bright's LMeease,: it. betsn,+weak back, orany urinary: eompiaiat . gbit'klycured. • They purify the.blood, regi. ate the bowaci,and:aot direotly'on thsidiseas. ed parte. •Every bottle guaranteed: :For. - sale at 60c. a bottle,by Watts do Co. Wilt Oren estOrn 1 IsinssCommissloner -1 efi At the meeting ;of the above Board, held at -the town of Odiierich on the• 17th and: .17th inat, applications for 1'icelrsea were eoneidered,.,and the following ap. plieanta•were:granted' licenses.. • . GobFlucx —Wm ''COX, British Ex �chantie, W McBride, Albion W Craig, , ,Huron Hotel ;,: J: A:. Doyle, Park House ; • W Bablile,'Ocean House; .tames Bailey, • Uhioo'-'I Retell. Thos.: Whitely, Western; 3. Brohman,' Maitland; J, O Martin, Col; borne;• 11; Tichborne, I' ternational,'riot granted, but extended hree•mouthe. Shops °Cooke,'W. L:Horton, G.Grant. Oii;JTtiv�Hstelii—J. iloore, Commer ' tial L Ratteiibuty, Rattenbury+ House; S. }lorley,''Grand:Union; fl:' Theobald, Prince Of ]'Pales; 'A. Kennedy; Ro�yal, Mrs. McLaren, .Qaeen's; M.`Keily;•R,ail- - tray ; C. Spooner, Farmer's, three months' extension, license to be then -issued if the re -building 'is :completed..' :S. - Pike, not, granted •Shop N Robson..., WrnertAaf Hotels• -•C Schmidt,W.F.. Dplinage, D. •Hewitt, Mt Hoe, S Merr1 field, John Dinbley. R.T. Simmons,riot' 'granted: Shops --R. McCurdy;J.-Mulleh. i3LY1Ii dtels--J. H. NYebater,.Robt: • Mitre,:' J , Emigb, R. Brownlee. , It. Pollock, not granted. .Shop—J'obn A. ' •;McDonald. , . • • - , • • . • q.. Blilt,LurT--John Bell, 'Londesioro ; J.- P. Fisher, Manchester. Ttinnni liRY';—•Richard C. Porter, - EAsT WAY/ANosit -•t. William Wiley, Whitechurch.' • . . WEST WAWANWSHH.- John Lougheed,. Belfast ; J. Nixon; :Donnybrook . DtrNoANNON• Thomas Scnilley, John Ma?rtin . • ASnr•IFL»Alex. Young, James Mc- Donald, I intail; I3. Martin, Port Albert. COLBOB;1!TB--Henrly.Martin, W.Lasham, F. Horton,Jas; McDonagh, J. Horton; J. . Miller, J. J. Wright, six menthe. . ' • Total number of licenses granted this • year,. b2; last year 53; •The 'statutory fees for license under the Crooks not are this yyear, X14 towns; $110, -in incorporated Vil- lages, .$80, in townships, $71. •• . .' , A. WORTHINGTON, Chairman. • • Jou AoltitsoN, • • • PETER FIs' 3t, • Commissioners. S. YAvEs, Board Secretary... •• About sick -headache. For years and yeas i.ot1 boon having sick or nervous headaches after ex. citetnent,'montal labor, noise or long rides. Zo.pe.ea cured ine entirely.' I 'now take about two teaspoonfulsabout twice n week enough to operate about twice,and never have aheadache.' I eat Well, sleep sound, raysystem is regular in 'every way. • Zopesa is a arand.thing for the liver, dyspepsia and general erten]. May everybody .knew • it . and try it, • 'rhe I3Ef$Z* and G.`1-EXCA;?KIST IL8ND' MADE BOOTS & SHOES, H.•BEACOM Bolls Boots and Shoes of his own matke.uji, tit rho following low figures - c.. 1 Mavis Pum SOOTS, CanadlanCa�i itonto ,,,,3.p up litEWs Mahan BOertr, from MSN a FRENCH Kir AND CAGi' SO TS, hobs , 400 • nov's Booarl, from .............. .i........ 1.50 Up. Latta Boot, from p • .,. 1,;;11 up Repairing Prompt) Attended to OAKgHAI.I, B.CAVER BLOCK, CLINTON.I SHOP IN THE 1IAROL•rrk' workmate/tip CLrtnro