HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-25, Page 5AROUND THE COUNTY! The barns at tubed to Hawkins' motel, Port. Alliert, where distroyed by are last' week, &nLE AM) Sumo --But see to itA that your teeth are as wlate, as only 't'1'eaberry" will make them. Tor a sample, What does Mark Twain say, • Owen f ones has purchased the Tarn of R. Blow ou the 1Qth •con. Colborne, eon.' raining 75 acres, for $4,202, 4ntllony Allan,, deputy Reeve of Colborne, had a couple of his ribs brok- en by his horses running away, f Dir, O. G. AIartin, of Blyth who was recently discharged from custody on the counterfeiting charge, moved- to Tauck• now. SALLOW =ES S and shiu, restless .sleep, want of appetite, headache, drowsiness, denote >i sluggish liver. Use Zo,11E's i 'at once aim - save a doctor's bill. Open the pores and f bosuns, invigorate the liver and digestion. i 'lopesa comets . the system through the stomach and liver•. Mr. John Ward's horse "Mohawk 1 Chief " is reached to trot against Mr. Ractenbury's horse"Dexter','" on the Seri- " forth track, the first week in September, for $100 a side. • Wm.Gigglar, of Grey, ;net with a painful accident a few days ago by be- ing thrown from a horse, falling on his back across a ibg, front' tine effects of which he new lies in a' very critical condition. • • : ""How aro we over goiug'to get through our •F > spring and suinmer'a work 1 . We -are 'ail rue • Money advanced' to farmers on their own notes with down, tired out before it begins." So'sa inany Goo or More endorsors. No lncgtme required as Re- a ptrunor's e-al;trinor'a family. Wo answer, . go to your •ctirity.�glyEll na�cr drug••Ist and pay tivo dollars for .six bottle$ of , - • II. Q, , Ayer iie• atroapalillit Tltisis just the medicine Jformate.lbC+1 . Durston, you tined; auil,will vit.y. compound interest on - MVS=Cr. MONEY Ta? LOAN:. MOW 111E�Lllltl 1i111,!!ftIR+i i� ere pared to ive 'DB WATT': AND CO1tPANY FUNDS SAT he 1 lowestrates of Inteet. Prinal itayablo eraP.oDuiar .� oo sH:ouse desired. lustruetion given at the tiu4ei of ?oleins, if FARRAVO & ` 'IS1ALL BAItK R..Sra BATT EYBtT Y ST., CLINTON, r TtANS AC7A OitINE1iAL'BANKING BUSil\'ES'I.. Meiteyadvanced on ifortgage and Noteaorhand ?rami totaled payable at par, at all the otaees or the Merchant's Bank of Canada, how 14rkeltchsenge bought and field. ?Rome/ A'rTEN7to`i ?AUi TO qoz. 1.abfinabthrougheutoanada10be the railed Sfeta a. SALE NOTES BOUGHT at close ratee, and moues' • imhrtheir �t •uh f' nrtrs•it te to rorel.Almarketableseor tiatshaught*nd sold, " I$ %EAS Iowa. AGE../.41 +T_T4l. .Mr,n7liA.NT'8 13 AIM or CA\AAA. . IN 7'1,11 S'l'ATi +QiirEJ1)•'Q37 pL1p(mlTfi W, 11', TARRAN; J. 1'. TISDALE= EE MOLSONS BANK, Valuator for •tile CANADA. L•ASO D Cohen . - ._ .. - 411uton, Pec. O. TKO • limorporated by Act of .Parlianment, nil 3. i CAPITAL, - $2,090,000. lLz An OFFICE •. 11I0 \'iREAL.: THIOMA5 5t uI illi AAI, . ,... I resident. J. if, It. MOLu0, Vice•Pre , IVOLFE1t6T.lN THOMA$, Generalblauagcr. Neites discounted, .Collections 'made, Drafts issued, Rierling ,arid American exchange bought allil•sold at (caeee$ • • eZ4ireltt rn.litn, - - INTE1tFST ALLOWED. ON DEPOSITS.' the investinunt. • • - A soli of J olui Jardine, of the 4th .ton. of }low ick, ..had the nlisfortilne .to .get kicked iii the :face on,Saturday,breaking both upper and lower jaw. bones. 'arid bruising the tipper pitrt of , the' mout,lt' badly. 13y lack of open air excrete),and tho 'Want of tuttIctcitt earn w the matter oidiet,. the wholes physical mechanism often becomes unpaired %turbo: tho winter. Ayers Sarsaparilla la the. prtper remedy to take in tho spring of the year to purify the blood, invigorate the system, excite tho liver to action, and restore the hoaliliy tone and vigor. • • C. E. Staifod,Oof Forest, former - of IIollnesyille'and .Brussels in this county, was`receutly . presented With a purse of $100, and Mrs'. Stafford .with a purse of $20, by the Uttoxetel cong'regn- tion, as a mark of affection. Sick or nervous headaches. are easily and certainly cured with 'Gol'ESA. It •stimulates the liver and -Stomach to'action; thtts reliev- ing the head ; on the same' principle - it .puri - ries the blood and the urine. A -l:. -cent bottle of /.otiesa may, save' you mach 'suffer ing and many dollars.... .At tl meeting of the Huron Presby- tery, held at Seaforth, last -week;'the Rev. Mr. Lochead, -of "Loadesboro' and Hallett congregations,- accepted. the 'call extended to frim by: 'the- Parl�ll%11 Cotl- groaation.. lir. Locheaa' •,vyas,, niuch. endeared to bis conmregat;ions• iii this county, and they will t'egyet. tis remoA Al front among thein.. • .' The old adage that luisfottunes"';el- doin -come singly has been exemplified in the case of Isaac Currie, '13th, con. Gray. Two weeks ,ago he had • a horse; valued at :150, die of inflamination, and it few niornirigs. ago. on ,going - to •thh. stable he found a mare;' Also a valuable animal. dead in herstall, lfliti ula stralig led herself during the night. • R1ssrEe•T.—The grey hairs of old, age de- mand and should receive. respect bet the grey hairs of young people require' attention —in the way of using Cingaleso Hair Renew er. Samson lost'his strength with his hair. Thousands of then and women lose their beauty with theirs, and Very large'ndtnbers rattere the ravages of time by usmg!the fa. thous Cingalese Hair. Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle • . • There -appears to be ;.i. keen: contest Picture &P.hoto Frames r.50l 1wlsNTA errs CENTS CP. • MATS . S ramped With 1iire1', Beards, eloi ALL KINDS. OF \V.Ld..i'Ul BoOTC- AND CLOCK SIIE[XES, FANCY .GOODS, AT A. AL•l",' t'l1FAi'1.STORE}. S: ,FOW.LEIt & $OI.. I3T:ST' S OC k 'OF P. A. FORS ESTER,. ''JOHN ROSS, PUMP: 'MAKER, CI.I\TU;ti, U.T., Tbc slibselibe' 11:18 Ti,ttl elan3 years' experi- ence. and guarantee' ii i' give iva the hest Of sails• I'U,LP4, TANKS, CISTIRNS, ETC., Aiello mail tt'iit in on t.t tided tt o. Charges orders amiable. promptly >" V101.IN ;STRINGS; J.V .Ti5W i. eta ;.. FINE PLATED WARE: 'NEWEST fESitt 1S WVELLE•R, Repairing done Promptly. JOHN BOSS, Clinton, INESs PIBITS .A.:Id* L'..) ' W111; bnbse:tozr desires to return his 'sincere A. thanks to his customers and the public generally for the tiileral patronage extended to bion in the past, and by f urnishing the best article at the lowest remu- nerative price, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. IIe Would specially recommend a trial of hie direct Importations dew very best brands of Brandies, Port:lines and Holland Bin, SWUM FOR ytsuterx,rt 1'enrosxe MVO FAAII14C•t'8$. BASS' ALE AND , gUINESS' PORTER, l Bottles, Tint; and quarts. CANADIAN ALES AND POItTElt, C4ui,rso's and Emilio Emma constantly on howl. Jura; recelvedj•iu prime condition, Montreal Ginger Ale,,,'Clmaumpague' Cider,Plain: Soda. Sole Agent for Gf>der,,lelt Ale. ,N. ROESON. ALBERT STREET, BRICK "BLOCK CLINTON. .•" Goods to Hand beautiful desigi<is; �y . Prints ,s Wo .Cases f�stcoloi . Three bales Grey Cottons: Two Bales Brown Duck, S Two Bales Cottonades. [ Thirteen Cases' Boots and Shoes TRUNK". VALISES .&c. f.111 -t r • . W..L. NEWTON,: QUEEN CITY OIL CO. Balance Winter Goods a : Reduced Prick n..OUIME'a-EN-.: ondesboro, Feb. 14, 1854. rti!3T .ARR1 1tff1V GOLD.MEDAL& -----•Awatrded-at-to,-onto;- Lonchin._aad: Guelph,1111883, 'for • AND OTHER CI,;.lu. 'Dray neth., instil • MACH_iN:E OILS. For' Safi) by all First -Maas Moilors.•: Ever erten Guaranteed , o•..o 000PER'S y � � • CII ;CHEAP GI OCE1t x,5.• S, dUEL ,OGERS,: allager ° SO treat 14t. if lint, Torelito Crockery,• Glassware'; l , • OafineaaCoinmal ahvays han i AyEn5s for the lieutenant -Governorship of New, Brunswick. The teras of the present' incumbent expires about - 'the end of the present year, and Wis- stated thin, ,Si' Leonard Tilley is thinking seriously of. taking asecond terpi of ofFce.:• Gover- nor Wilmot, is also said to be endeavor -ing to secure from Sir Folin Maodona.ld a promise of re -appointment, wh'il'e . Mr. Costi;an,thinks that .if ho must Iso 'ex - pelted, from the Federal . Ministry he ntiAht• lib given' a trial as Lieut.-Govcr• nor. -- Raclilou'N •Arolea littive.. The best savt. in the world for euts,bl'ftises, soros,, ulcers, salt rheum; fever sores, totter. chapped hands, chilblains, corms, andall skin. ornptlons; alsd pos tively cores piles, .or.no pay required. .11 .-is gitar'auteed to give. perfectsa,isfactien. orinouey refunded. Price ^5 cents per bor. \,attb di Co. The Torx party of the Dotuitlion ap.- parcntly on the eve efl.realei.eg'up. `'T'her'e is 110 coherence itutong' the different see - tion;; of whieli it is -coillposed- ou thb. ground of principle. They haye for many years been kept from drifting apart by the policy of wholesale bribery, as exem- plified in:the railway subsidy resolutions, and that policy has about runt the length of its tether, together with its originator, Sir Sohn Macdonald is the only loan , who, by his personal influence; cert}d .Onbt have united the:rio Thrice` in sup- port of a systom 3111d'er wilier their prey.- ince 1t'ev.ince is systematically despoiled tri con- ciliate the other members of the union. He is the sole remaining link which holds tog ether the sundering :elements. All. the !repos and prospect of Toryism,: as parties are at present constituted, hang upon his continued .point}cal mcifir- ence. , Ater him the deluge... Toronto IL 5O' tt'': calbatd Enlih Bakat: Ban,-(•tuy Cram )3tclin, ,Sii,7arearrc•'.Llam,And,No..1 LARD. ;At prices isInch4auuot6e beaten sit towht,HIS60 C:. ;TEAASPECIALTY50I.Fi AGENT ion Dobbins' ELECTR .:P e TEZOMAS CQOPlaCI,' ' ,1LBEIt'r STRe:t', ('r.,lN'r0N•. Health & Happiness for all. WILL -CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, • Atr(l•, every specitS of disease arising from Impure Blood; -8:c, Se. • ret*PAittifi tit rug Climax Chemical Company, MIONTREAL. • • • iIafrVigor: 'restore., 'filth °the gloss lied rreshness. of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, Or deep black,asmay;bedesired. By its use light br red hair maybe darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though pot ah ays,vured. It cheeks falling of ttie hair, and stimulates a weakund sickly growth to vigor. ltprevcnts and cures scurf and dandruff; and heals nearly every 'diseasepcouliar to the setUp AsaLatlles'iiair ])leasing, the Viuolt• is unequalled; it contains • neither oil tidy dye, rehders•the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, unit imparts te delicate,. agreeable, and lasting perfume.• itlL C. 1' 'lel:icons write strom-A'ii by, i,18$2: " Lest, 'fall my hag commenced falling• out, and sit a short thee 1 because hearty bald., i used .part of a brittle- of •ilr>•;lt's'liAih'Video which stopped the,falling of -the hair, and Started. a new growth. 1 Lave now a full head of. Lair growing vigorouslly, and ant convincedthat but you for the use of r prcltltr'.atiod T Should tlavc been entirely bald 7"'" - • t: W,'BO1vrY,i oprietorofthe dlilrlethin•( kto 1-ialji:ircr, says: ''AYEk'S)IAtit t7ro0uiliPst toot' !.Seel lent preparation fol` the hie; 1 spook of 14 from my own expericiute. .its use promotes the growth of new haul, and makes it glossy and soft., The Vino is also ammo mire for dandruff. Tot, within my knowledge Iias the ttroirn.rat(mA ever. Sailed to give entire satisfaction." tri i s '1 Autudlria leader of the! cele orated"Fatrim it'nl igluy"of.,4cottishV''ocalistsi writes from • )toil:,:. Mn,cs heti. ti,.1$80•: "Ever shiem ray heir began to givosl It ory eyldenco of the r ba ngo whleh •fleetltrg thtutproeureth,1 have used K.Yhn's RAD!. Whitt, anti so naive been able to maintain alt alIpprareboo or, ycntlifalum =-it mat - tor of rontsi:let•,ttAt• (mime/pioneer Cn iniuistet:t,. orators,:actors,nntl is fats fivery one who lives itc the -,,,,yes Of ilio ltublke." 11 us. 0. A. rtenseti'rr,writ lnu from is biro/. S/." .1'lietrItAnne,t, Ante,. �ijoit 1.1, ffiR2, "says: "'Two vara ago aboto, iwo•thirds of iny hair mime o11', 11 Thinned very ropidliy, and 1 'WAS fast ¢rowing bald, On using A A lilt. $ DAME 1 rce0lt the falling stopped and st, now growth coirifiieueed, and to rile in4 a month let ]lead Warr completely covered wit 1, short hair. t 'haseont biurrl tit grow, and id DOW AS Rood sns beforts it ibiL 1 regularly used but one bottle or the Vtoon,. MI now iIn It necaa:on- ally as a dreaming." Welfare l:unt'tre&of similar fes'. oninittr, the r e rtRiiaey of Avf:rt °t ItArrc1 iei ire. ! C,da lint it trial to i•ouvtnte the •snort skeptical of *alae. " • PR):DARne ny Dr. J. 0. Ayer & (Q., Lowell, Ma*s I Salts Vail ilrnggiacs y • • S'FASHIONA3Llt'. S}IAI)ES' AN I) 'PA'T'r ilF• [TS1:1A: f,Gly;- ]OUND 1�Ni1 TN, C'TTTH'S Spec��,l Lines in 5 8c 1Qct.: P��e�� No .tronule to s'bow, •whether•you purchase or •1101. S1MPSON,�Clinto-n Desires tb •Gall special attention to' his stock' o£ ins an Of all k ncls, suitable for Christmas. presents. Also, the:.fixest Confectionery to be. had.. * ':Fresh.. Fruit, :Canned Goods; &C. JOHN . CUNINGHAME. GROCER, cLINTC N ' . SEE D WALL . )'ARIETIES ,SEEDS .ClintOrket Agent• for the (roderich. Plow Castings. .