HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-25, Page 1MANNING 4s*_ SCOTT Barristers - Solicitors CONVEYANCERS 40'. ConmussionerS for Ontario end:Manitoba. OFFICE - TOWN' HALL, CLINTON MONEY. WIONEY. • TliEundersigned have made arrangemente tor the handling of a larg'e amount of Private and Com Pany Funds, for loam, on real eidate this winter, at ()west rate e of interest and moderate charges. WOO ramiroir mans, • MANNING & SCOTT TOWN HALL, dLINTON Xrattpatonal and elm eardti. AmARRIAGE LICENSES. -APPLY TO THE undersigned at the Likrary Rooms, Smith's Bleck. SG . JAMES SCOTT, - T1 A. FORRESTER, CONVEYANCER, LAND, .1J• Insurance and -General Agent. Money to loan. *mos, BaAvnit Btoos, clint,em, Ont. ite-owEir To LEND IN BARGE OR SMALL .1Y.11- sums envied mortgage secnrity, inoderate ate of interest. H. HALE,' Clinton, D U DOWSLEY, M. D., M. C. IL 121. ENGLAND Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office and reffidence next Nelson's Bank, mexket square, Clinton. • JI-fAPPLETON.-OFFICIE-AT RESIDENCE on Oritarieetreet,Clinton,opposite the English Church. Entrance by aide gate. MISS TILT, FASHIONABLE DRESS & MANTLE Jai- Maker, Booms Claim Pommes .41,00x, up stairs, Rattenhury Street, Clinton. OYOUNG, M. B., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO • University,.)Physician, Surgeon, &c., residence at Mr. Manning% three dooro east of the Temperance Hall,Londesbore, Ont. A. ROSE, M.D., GRADUATE OF MEDICAL .124• University, Philadelphia, Member of College.of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office at George Orantham's, three doors north of the Post Office, Londesboro. Aims M. TREWA.RTHA HAS AGAIN STARTED Dressmaking, on Albert Street,. Clinton, 2 doors south of Mr. W. Cantelon's residence. Apprentices wanted. rat) (IRANI) UNION HOTEL, CLINTON, ONTARIO. Mas. MoMIEY, Proprietor. Large and airy, cen- trally situated, elegantly furnished,•theated with hot large and well lighted sample rooms., Good sta- bling. V per day. "Lli" B. PROUDFOOT, CIVIL ENGINEER AA. Provincial and Dominion Land Surye,yor, Architect and Draughtsman, PERRIN BWcit, Clinton. in DICKINSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Av. for the County of Burgin, Sales attended to promptly. Charges moderate. Residenee Albert S. Cliuton. JOHN METCALFE, Veterinary Surgeon, from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons of England. Telegraph despatches attended to at once. Orme 6.,ID RESIDENCE, ONTMUO STREET, CLINTON. Dn. REEVE. -OFFICE RATTENBURY ST.- Murray Block, two 'doors east of, Hodgeno' en- tranee. Residence, opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron Street, Clinton. Office hours, 8 a.M. to 6 pan. AK RS. WHITT, TEACHER .,OF MUSIC. PUPILS attended at their own residenop,if necessary Ite- 'damn, John Robertson's, Eturon.Street,- Rice's new method taught ' if desired. , TAR. STANBIIRY, GRADUATE (18; THE MEDI •IL/cAL Department of VictoriaUtduereity,Toronto,for merly of the Hosnitals and Dispensaries, New York Coroner or the Cenlatk of Huron; Baylleld, • leo W. WILLIAMs, Lia a..,osu...33,, GRADUATE OF -1-L4Torento University; member of thaCollegeofPhy insigne and 8 urgeono, Ont. OTTICE & RESIDENCE the house f ormerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, 'Alberrstriet Clinton. DB. ORTHINGTON.•PHISICIAN, SURGE Accencheur,Lieentiateof the CollegeolPhysidan. - • -. and Surgeons of Lower(lanada,andProvirfelalLieeh, Mate and Coronerf or the Conn tyof Huron. Ofticeand residence, -Tho building formerly occupied by Mr Thwaite, Huron street. . Clintonaan.10,1871. • C. CARTWRIGHT, D. S.. , of Stratford, will visit Clinton and be at the Grand Union Hotel every second Friday in ,the ' month, where he -swill be prepared to attend patients professionally. The administration of Nitrous *Oxide Gas, or vitalized Air, -given to patients -when required. for the painless extractioi. of teeth. . , • IIIRO $1.50 Annum VOL.19. BIO, 17. TE1, II • CL1NtON, ONT., jAii1714.25; 1884. oft SON - 1 Publishers, few AdmiltitIantfi. "VIEW RILCII COWS FOR R*LE-SOME J. new Milch Cows for sale, Apply to 0, CARTER, Stapleton. illiftlICE STRAWBERRY 'MAXIM for V Sale. -Price moderate. Apply to D. 0. CARR, .Princess Street. AXTANTED.-; 11114DIATELY A.° GOOD TV experienced servant, for general work. APPIY to MRS. J. REEVE, Huron Street, BOARDER1S WANTED - The subaoriber having moved Into the house lately °eon - pied by Mrs.. Whiteman„near the Model School le prepared totako a' limited number of board- ers. MRS. KERR, Clinton. II0V.SE. TO RENT - GOOD 1...7•convenient house of nine rooms, opposite the Manse, on Ontario street., Hard and *oft water end all conveniences, Three-quarters of an acre (gland. Rentmoderate. Apply at the Nnw ERA °nice. TIOLSE TO RENT -THAT CONVENIENTLY situated cottage on the London road and bank of the Bayiteld rreer, containing nine rooms ; the lot s tbre acres of land, with good orchard, lawn and ,shruhborY, herd and soft water, stable and 'drive house, and other Conveniences, W. G. PEERIN, . Eiov WANTED rriO LEARN THE DRY GOODS TRADE - ,1., Smart, aetive and alot afraid to work; none other need apply,- • PAY & WISEMAN. 11170TICE,-ALL PARTIES REQUIRING. TO .L.N dig drains or make other excavations on the streets, must first apply to the Chairman of the Street Committee for permission, or they will he prosecuted: All parties who take sod or soil frOM the streets, will be prosecuted. By order of the Street Committee. WM. covrs, Chairman, • TXPROVE TOUR STOtR — The under - .11. 'Aimed will keep, during the present season on LOT 22, 11T11 CONCESSION OF MULLETT; TillORO.ICSED DURHAM muaa, to which a limited number of cows will be re- ceived. This bull is IS mouths old, and was bred by John s. Armstrong. ConittY of welling- ton, mad is in every respect a Bret class animal. Terms -$2 per cow with the privilege of return- ing, if necessary. ROW'. SCOTT, Londesboro. miasma's WILL BE RECEIVED 13Y THE -L uzderelgne.d Until SATIMIDa.Yy, 17Tir MAT, for the erection of a residence on Goderieh St. Seaforth, The building is to be of trick, and tenders will be received for the whole wOrk throughout, or for the mason work and plaster- ing, and carpentering work and painting, sepa- rately. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, unless otherwise satisfactory. Plans and specifications may be had at Public School,Seaforth, Tenders to be addressed to -the-undersigned: L. L. DIcFAUL, Seaforth. ARBOR DAY. WILKIE & WOOLVERT01... sTIRGEON DENTISTS.. 4. Hold the exclusive right for tho county for the, Hurd process of administer ng chernioall5 puro Nltroen Monoxide, which hi the sect& and best system yet dis- covered for the painless extraction of teeth: Charges moderate, satisfaction gttaranteed. OFYI0E, BEAVER BLOCK, over Thompson & Switzer's Grocery -Stere, - Albert Street, Clinton. . . 'WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1884' I hereby Proclaim; ;WEDNESDAY. MAY rrn, as Arbor Day for 11.10.Totin of Clinton, and trtlet that all parties wIII4O1gerye it as fully as pbssible. • • h004.4 • , D. A. FORRESTER Mayor. HOUSE AND LOT BY AUCTION. A geed sized story and half frame house, on the corner of King and Cutter Streets,' opposite the loan- dry,*(leading street to the Station) ill be sold by pub- lic, auction; At 2.30 p.m., on Nottardasy, RR). 3. It contains fif&roorns,Woodshed and washroom. The lot -is a quarter -nem. "Terms of sale made known on day of sale. Fer.furtister particulars apply on the 13re, mises, to JOHN FI HER,..preprietbk,-,:ir to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton, • ' ,D. DICKINSON,. Auctioneer. Sale of (3hurelt ri•o0erty.. tvritr. BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT VV • Public' Auction,- on MONDAY,MAY 26r1r7 next, at the hour of two °Week in the after- noon, On the premiees, Lot No. 4, in the Village. of Holinesville, containing one-quarter of an acre, more or. less. being the premises on.whieh Is situate, the building ' known as the Bible Christian -Church and shed. The purchaser will be required to pity $100 down, 'and the balance' of the purchase money viten the deed is duly executed and ready.for delivery. Particular nindeltnown at time of sale, • • , • Dated the 25th day of April, 1684: ' R. H. HOLMES, • • • Soli-cliorSuffeme Court BLYTH PIW FACTORY. • • OFFICES-WINGHAM & BLY1'4. In Blyth every Thursday,. Collection's and claims promptly and reliably attended to. - PRIVATE FUNDS to lend. at lowest' rate 'of interest. W. JACIESON, Ticket Agent, •Clinton, -Summer Travel to -the- Old Country. RATES OF PASSAGE FROM Clinton to Liverpool or Glasgow,$30.50 (Steerage accommodation). (Clinton to Liverpool or Glasgow, 1648 (Second Cabin accommodation) , Clinton to Liverpool or Olosgoti, $74 (First Cabin accommodation). • ...I-, Persons contemplating a trip to the oid country 1411 . consult their own intercslaaLanplAng,121,ha SO - scriber for all inforiniition. . • W. JACKSON,. Ticket Agent; • t 31,GZIgUS Ott 17713.110WS , • imorniSmous. • ' :rpnie'sUnscnintits• HAVING BECE'NTLY 1. started a factory in Myth,. begtaintimate to the, people of Huron that they are prepared to sink wells or cisternstand provide Pumps of the very best workmanship, Flaying had con- siderable experience_ in the purnp-Making bust - 11085, theytfeel .conlident they can; give entire .satisfaction. All orders, by tuail or otherwise, promptly filled, at the most reasonable rates. Blyth, April, 1384. • • ' • • bitch Toilet Agtcy. -- T ETS TO ALI, PolNTS fl DAKOTA Sz MANITOBA At lowest rates. All Stigma checked =through destination. vrItAbate Tickets Issued ESTPurehase Tickets from the Town Agency, • JAMES THOMPSON, . Town Agent G.T.R. pieTOGRAPTIERS, 13011° Tiogru CLINTON, LIFE•SIZE WORK A SPECIALTY, DENTIST, COATS nhoOK, • charges. Moderate CLINTON 44 j LS§ c't 'FV3 0 .1440 CG 41: 01,ne:17. J crw W gta4 4.1 0 .z4 "VIOR SALE OR TO IHENT:=HOUSE-ANEr .1.1 two Lob; for sale or to tent. A number of fruit trees thereon and a good well. The licinse contains three rooms emit% kitchen, No. of lots 7 and 8. Isaac street, For further particulars apply to AnTHIIR .SfeltAE; Fair's mill, or to MANNINO & SCOTT: , • . , . • " MISS OREM., • . nusic TEAOItElt, CLINTON. 75 now forming a biro class, and eau take about four More pupils. LOSSMIS given at her residence, Huron St., or at GM homes of miens. Best of referenos este her abilities as a teacher, ("MINTON Cionxitar AND ISIKA.T1NG lk../ RINK COMPANT.--Xotlee Is hereby given that theqiniMal Sleeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held en MOSDAY, the rim DAV OP DAY, A.D., '1884, at 8 &Clock p.m., in the Connell ChamberLin the Town of Clinton, td receive the report of, the Direetors for tho past year, to elect a Board of Director s for the • ensuing ,year, and to transact general business. By order, . D. A. rorthasren,•Proldelit • A. II. MANNING, Secretary, The ftboin meeting ftinnile adjourned' mitt I irlituasDAY. Sth of Day, At the solute 1 1 111e and place. AI • • .,s 1 CASE OF SMALLPDX. On Saturday lad, when the afternoon train game from Goderich, a man got of at the station here, whose appearance in dicated that he had some loathsomft die ease, seme alleging that it was small -port As the man was on his way to London, Mr. Pattison deemed it best to call in 8 medical man and have him examined be fore he proceeded smith on the , train Which was accordingly done, the !minion 'Wine:91'040d that there was. no fear of contagion at all:. When Conductor Bailey saw the man, he objected to taking him, but after considerable persuasion, he was • prevailed to take him, the man. being placed in oue end of the baggage car, and: lecked therein. The train Arriving in London, the G. T. R. physician was sent for. He at once pronounced the synip- toms smallpox, and that of- a dangerous type. The railway authorities concluded to keep the man in the. ear,. and were on the point of sending the man beck to Goderieh, by special train,'but deeming it to be in the interests of humanity, they concluded to send him to the smallpox bespital. • The man, whe gave his name as Little, claimed to have been sent doOn by three doctors from Goderich, . • The Lonclon,papers of -Monday contain- ed very sensational articles abont the affair, and spoke in particularly strong terms, as the following paragraph shows: "Medical men and others in this city do not hesitate in pronouncing the action of the Goderich men as inhuman -and imbe- cile in the extreme, and one which shotild eall forth the severe criticism of the press and profession. TO send a .smallpbx pa- tient from One town to -another was cruel and bad, but to send him by a public pas- senger train was infinitely worse." MANCHESTER SPRING SNOW, On the 18th inst, the first show that has eyer grimed the village of Manchester, _ occurred. The number assembled was - unparalleled in the history of the village.. The weather was all that could be desired ' for the occasion. The number of horses 1 shown was net darge,, Messrs. Fisher and Beadle being the principal exhibitors. - In bulls there was a much larger number ' shown, On the whole the show was much better than the merit sanguine °fits aye-, elites could have expected. The following as the prize list: XfonsEs-Aged heavy draught -1st H. Beadle's "Freedom," 2nd, J. P. Fisher's "Prince of the Isles," Two year Old -IL Beadle's "Honest Tom." General purpose, aged-lst, J. P. Fish- er's "Percheron." 2nd, W. Levee %Sir Arthur." Two year old-lst, Hiram Mc- Dowell's "Young Henry." 2nd, A.Glen's "'Young Waxwork." 3rd, Gen; Beadle's "Young Banker." Roadsters -1st, J. P. Fisher's "Archie Bourbon, 2nd, James Bailie's "Roan Cloud." 3rd, Joseph Carter's "Dish& The London paPers of Tuesday contain- Bazoulc." • Diploma, any age, --J. P. Fisher's "Per- cheron.". Bums. -Aged Durham, over two, fit, Joseph Mallough's "Howard Boy." • 2nd, Wm. Granger's "Lord Strathallen." Un- der .two years old, 1st, Jas. MeDonagh's "Highland Chief." 2nd, John Clark's "Time of Day." Under one year old - 1st,: Robt, Aledd's "Crown Prime . of Springwood." 2nd, James Tabb's "Star of Reelm." Ayrshire--lst, G. Youn Diploma, James McDonagh's "Highland Chief." ' • JUDGES --Hugh .Roes and Relit. Riley; East Wawanosh ; john Metcalfe, Y. S., Cli t ed the following additional particula11 rs 1- .4 EXETER SPRING SNOW. • Dr.' Moore informed the reporter mes terdity morning that at first sigbt he hed sem° little doubts .as to what ailed the man; but on closer irisPeetion round itin be a case of sintallpoX, but of a very mild type. He does not blame the Clinton doctor in mistaking the symptoms,. which he (Dr. Moore) considered, under the cll.:. cumstances,_-_were difficult to diagnose. Dr. Moore, however, does find fault with the Goderich doctors; two of whom; it appears, were decided eti to its being a case of smallpox, the other doctor holding it to be chickenpox, . The people of Goderich telegraphed the follewing particulars to the daily pit•-• Honsts..;--Aged heavy draught -6 'wi- pers, whith may be accepted es theirde- tries -1, Celquhoun • Porter & Dow. "Ma - fence of the matter ,Something over a.niontkagci Little; ac- companied by his wife, arrived in Canada :with a lot of other emigrants, and tralel- led to East Zorra township, where they obtained employment in the houiehold of 'a well-to-do farmer, Shortly after their. 'arrival, Mrs. Little,!was stricken down with smallpox, and, -after a brief illness, died. The husband also . contracted' the. :disease,and became very low in Spirits. i , While n this State hawae bathed. in .an a tieceptic solution of carbolic acid and water; a new suit of clothes was given, him, end a sum of money With whichto .pay his fare to relatives, who reside in Huron ,e(inrity. On .1Vednesdiy, the •Otli .he arrived at Seaforth, and from. thence proceeded• to near Winthrop, where an uncle resides: Fle was . there but it short time when the nature Of his disease was.dieeovered,and as happens usually in outside municipalities, it was determined te sencl him to the county town, the impression beitig that in Gode- rich he could. get , better treatmenethan out in the country. Accordingly he was brought to 'Seaforth, and ti return, ticket purchased for him, . • . Little arrived herein the early part Of the week, and shortly after took up his abode, with a Musin whq lives in .Gode- rich, Medical,attendance was .procured, and .after an examination it was proposed that he should be sent Out to an isolated. house, where smallpox patients had been treated some years ego. To this Little strenuously objected, and decided upon going -to London, where he understood a regular smallpox hospital existed. All efforts to deter him from thispurpose proved unavailing, and 'as there is at pre- sent no •Board of Health established in this corporation the medical authorities, were powerless to hinder him from Mt. - ting his plan into ;operation. Such being the case it was decided that the Medical .attendants should drive Min to the station, ratber than that his determination • of taking the 'bus should be put• into pliant - tion. No money was paid:Little in Gode- rich, and nq instructions as to his manner .• , ' • • The spring show under the' auspices of the Stephen and Usbiarne Agriculturel, Society Was held in the Agricultural Grounds in Exeter, on Friday last. The weather WAS all that could be desired,and . there was a good attendance of visitors. There was a good show of horses in eb.ch of the several -classes, but in bulls, while' there were several very good animals, the 'show Could not•be considered large. The following is a list. ef the successful _ coin- petitors:. • • A • jor;'' 2, -Innes &Hertel], "Pyince:Aratina" _„___,- 3, R.J.Turtier, "Farmer's Glory." Tiiree , EAST .,WAIVANOSit. .., Mr: 'Jacob Large cif Listowell, is viait- year,. olds -4' entrips--.-1, Jas.. Lothnan, ing friends on' the 1.2th eon. . - ' .- "Pridmer,e. Bole , 2,,,, j.,..W.Intde . Stene Arr. T. Viot hits returned 'rein Walker.- 01:Over,". Two year olds -3 enteles-.11.1. Torsyit 9; ton where' he spentinost of the•wieter, • , White, „"McGreger;". 2; Alex„, Mt.; A. Young lias returned from Perri.- "Banton .John." .Aged agriculture -4 -broke Where he has beendnring the win - entries -I, 'Stephens . & ' Fortheringiumi,, r,•taki "Champion Lord;" 2, J. Hunter„."British tefig charge of a grist.mill there. ., Oak." -,Thiee year olds-;44:entries--.1,.11. . llaiers.--Ali: Ilenry-Toll has ren ted a farm °Mg acres neer Brussels; "He re- MANUI1ESTEI. Mrs. ,A.skwith Is lying very low at pre - Arent, and her medical etkindant has very slight hopes of her recovery. The previously announced lecture, in the Methodist church, here, by Rev, Mr. Smith, of London, was delivered en the 18th inst. The attendance Was notas large as could have been expected, but the lec- ture was beyond anticipation, the subject being rather a strange one, "Bridges."-_ The reverend gentleman began by. refer- ring ton bridge as one of the first signs of he ty st ts of ze st is. e. ci e, cl n, r. O. civilization, and traced there from t primitive stepping stOnes,ta the migh structures which span some of our large rivers. 'He next referred to the incicien of the past, recalled to mind. by a sight some of the bridges. Yonder, as we go upon London bridge, we see in the far pa Queen Bess and her courtiers passing an repassing, while on the walls mould th heads of the rebels of a bygone age, • Th bridge could also relate the sad end many a suicide, if it had Only utteranc Even in the bridges of imperial Rome w can trace her Ancient greatness. Th speaker dwelt long on the Bridge of His tory, oyer which wd travel back to clay such WS Nineveh and Babylon, when the were the proud mistresses of -the earth. I even gives us a • better idea of aneien Greece and Rome than the Greeks an Romans had themselves, Personal eneirg seems to beene of the .spealrees (avant bridges-neeessary to everything, educe tion and succesOn every sphere of lif even :to which the greaall test men of age owe their success: The speaker enumer ated several of then:laments;also those modern.titnes, and the- differen t !Odes I which they achieved their suecess. H referred to the Prime Minister orEoglan as the greatest inao of the present age.- At this period he distinguished betwee intellectual power and ehristiari manhood among the former were such as LordByro and Voltaire, while such as Milton an John Bunyan were classed in the latte Redeeining lave was the last bridge refer red to, which ,spatmed from earth 1 heaven. ' • . SIDIDERRILL. " EntioAriolaea,.-The -following is the report of the ivritten examination in the. fourth 'class in No. 4, Godertch township. The nurnber of marks, attainable was 500: Gertie Plummer 606, John Shepparcl 440, , Thetnas 'flardy 423; Lucy...jell nsten 399, lda Thompson 363;• Emma Thom psen 3fl9, AIrty Baker, 33.2„. Lena Nesbitt 260; Edith Ma n ni n 204. • Metters, "Thumper Matehle.ss;" 2, john "Highland, Chief." Two yeer olds -;-.3 entries -Al, J. Armstrong, "Young,. General;" 2, L. Hunter" '‘Eord Lothian." .moved..there lately. Mr. John Black- boretigh lost a steer last week throughtlie‘ falling.of a straw stack. Taylor's mill is Aged general perpope-G,Clark, eTreach .,aao-in in operation after A tepee °fa couple Canaby." Three yearold-HY: Northey,t of weeks for,repairing.• "RO ighland iler.' Joad and carriage--; , , ,„ : MeSsrs: Coed & Pattason., cattledealera b 6 entries -t -1, -Geo. Whiteley, "Swallow;" 11"ilig etight Up almost ill theIive stock 4, J. J. McLaughlin, "Sorrel Cloud:" 8 in their 'vicinity, purpose removing liter; Years old-e-Jolin AleNevio "Young!! or...4niciwv..,, They are very enterprising. gee- apd metaphorically; .to "'pastures. e'l• Cloud."..' . • .. e ' ' re -d seryedly • successful le - ,ItInans.--Ilorses-T: Lewistlemen and a,. 'Londonnieir line et• bdm.,,e•se. They intend mak- Wm„White; Rodger Ville ; W. Siiiith',. Ala-. ifig Erna the base of their • eperationa for plc lodge. Bulls. -1-1:* Snell, .Hullett; the 8inether,. . - J. S, Smith, Maple Lod.cre • JohnT D' 1.: ' rion, Tuckersinith, -. , , • .. . .. .- --'----!--.--41-.---='L--- . ..:s ri:Aird aril . • ' • . • • • Special services are being held -in the .0. AL:Cherch. - rEAST HURON SPRING' plow. - r• .. • . A r. J . Latimer' Clyde, formerly of " • ' ' ' '--.:-,'-':-. , ' •, • this., town spent Sof aturday end 5unday spring show at Wroieter The East Ilnroti Society hem their among friends in town: , . • '`. ', - Y . , . oil •Priday labt. Thwa11. showThe,foliewing ii the prize 'list:- ere' s no service in the M. There was a Pair attendance and e geed church hist Sunday, the pastor, .Rev. W: . - • ,•SrAhniows,Imported heavy draught M. TeePle ' being at eonferen e ' •-lst, RObert McLaughlin's •Couet Mr; T. E. joslyn, who his been con - Charles ;" 2nd, Jas..Tippling's,"Garnet';,, fined to the house for some time; with an 8rd, Thomas Dustow's aTopsgallant."-- attael.c.of pleurisy, is convalescent. General purpose -1s1, Geo. E's.'Tom Tburiday, Afity lst, has been appointed Denny! Road • or carriage-Joeeph Arbor day, In former years this day Barker'a "Wildare ;" 2nd; Thornas Mos- has been well observed by the people of grove's • `‘YOung Sir ,Tattoh." Canadian this tame; and' this year is not to fell below draught-e-ast, John A. Fortune's "Prince the standard.. , Royal." . Duncan McPherson's 'heavy Lest Tuesday the . Good Templars at - draught colt, "Smuggler," was awardeda tended in a body.the funeral of their de - special prize., • • , ' pnrted sister, Miss. Kate Walker; who: Buhhs.--Durhame, over 2 years--lst, died last Sunday after a lingering disease. Devid Milne; 2mT,Geo.}I.Alelfatt & Sons; Six female members of the order acted as 3rd, Robt. Yee. , Durhams, under 2 Years. pall bearers. . -1st, Wm. Y. Ayr -shire, over .2 'years Tha e S lvation Army parade tlie streets ---lst, Stephen Brown.: nightly with drums, tambourines, triangle and the singing ofhymns, They continuo to inerease hi numbers. The hotel cep - cis are complaining of business being dull since the advent to town ' of the array,' which is evidence , of much good .heing done, of proceeding were given itim , • KIPPEN, • Kelly has leased the premises lately occupied by 0. (-, Ilattin, for a newspaper office. . Mr. John Carter's new harness shop is noiv finished, Ivith the exception of a little touching up by the painter, and will be ready for occupation in a few days,' John is n first class workman. .• Tuitions DRIVING. -Two young fellows from Rullett raised a dust on Saturday evening, by running their horse through thestreetsrand acting generally in a dis- orderly manner, Cihef Davis invited them before Mr. Yeung, J. P., where they paid for their fun pretty clearly and left town sadder and, Maybe, wiser men. The spring opening., of millinery, at McKinnon's, on Saturday, was the event of the season. The display was beautiful The wholeehop WAS in holiday attire. Dur- ing the evening it was brilliantly lighted up, and was indeed "a thing of bettuty.". The tastefully arranged mottoes, mirrors and drapery, as well as the fashionable display, reflect great credit upon Miss Kerr, the capable manager, , tumtnorT. The farmers in this vicinity are rejoio- ing.in the additions made to their fieclis dinang the past month; as one of them expressed it, he had ce shower of lambs - only ten in one (ley. • • We. regret to learn of the death -Of Mr. A. lqcKay, of Tuckerstnith, on Friday last, the funeral' took place on TvIonday, when. &large concourse of friends follow, ed his remains to their last reSting place. H. Hollingshead of Galt, paid llft it fly- ing visit on, Trichi,y,lest, his many friends were pleased to see himlookieg SO healthy.. Mrs. Sutherland, .who has For, the past two weeke been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Mellis, of- this place, returned to her 'home on Wednesday last. • MORRIS. MArcii.---;A•liyely football match took place last Saturday between the young men of the 9th line and the club in con - Motion .with Mr. Gray's school, -Mr. Gray, had the privilege of choosing four teachers, only two or whom, however, played. Notwithstanding the exceeding- ly good playing of the 911t line club, it victory was won by the 86.0°1 club, the score being one to none: - *. , COLBORNE. • ft is out painful duty to record the death of Miss Elizabeth Ilalliclay on the 16th inch,at the early ago of 19 yems, from Consumption. Her brother Sarno was kill- ed about two months ago. Deceased was interred in the cemetery at Ball's ,chnrch. Mts. Halliday has the sympathy of' the neighborhood in her sad bereavement. ' 4 • • At the 1ast4regular eneeting of Ituron. Lodgo, Independent Order ot Good Tem - piers, the follnwing'' members were ap, peinted as delegates to attend the rneetrrig to be held at Clinton, on the 2nd Monday in May, for the purpose of forming a, cdunty lodge :-Bros, R. N. Brett, N. Cluff, ' E. Kent, Pillrcian,, Frank Sinith; H. Pyper. Sisters, T,(4.ray, Stevenson; J. Murray, M. Brett X.roith , IS , Shaw. • ..BUNIIFILaililt, Quite a sensation was created in our quiet village -on Monday evening, by the appearance of a woman and two men,. one of the men having his head badly bruised. It seems that this man was a truant, and the vernal' overtook him on the road, and, with the assistance of the other ,math abused him shamefully. The injured man had a teain with him, which the wo- man claimed ; they are now in the posses- sion of our boniface. We .do not knew the real cause of the trouble, but it seeing to have originated about their property. • The Toresters of this place are talking of amalganuiting with the band boys for the picnic on the 24th, If they do, it will make the picnic more ore sticcess .than ever. 4 ammtenmosa LONORSBOKO. • Nr. John Bell has the" carpenters at work en his premises, making a lot or improvements. Mr. Relit, Scott keeps for service, at his premises, llth con. of-Iitillett, a splendid thoroughbred bull. , • The many friends of j'ebn Mason will be glad to see bina around again. Ire has been Upto the village and looks very welt for coming through such a severe itluess. Business Is improving, for the. Empori- um has on another clerk. Mr. T. Hill, shoemaker, has a first-olass light work. man on new. Farmers being busy now the village has rather a quiet appearance, except in the evening. Most of the farm- ers here say that the fall wheat has come out well this spring, considering it was BOWE so late last fall. A rather serious runaway occurred here on Tuesday last. A team belonging. to Mr. Braithwaite was tied at Ouunette's store, and got frightened at a girl 'With 8. basket, and breaking loose run, about lk - miles, breaking the rig and harness con.' siderably. One ofthe horses fell and was dragged on the road by the other •orie, hurting it pretty bad. • 4ie 40-41. WENT VVAWAN08.111- Mrs Ellen Durnin one of the oldest - persons of this township died on the-- • • inst., at the residence of her son William, at the advanced. age Of 94 years, De- ceased WAS a native of Ireland and emi- grated to this country about 40 years ago. Her mental.faeulties have been failing for the past few years, living as it were 0, re- lic of another generation, seemingly un - Conscious of those around' her. Her re- mains were interred in Thingannen ceme- tery. Our present Deputy -Reeve and Treasurer are two of her sons. Mr. John' Rutherford is busy ,making preparations for the erection of a new brick house this summer. • , . wiTsomain. The stores now elose at 7 p.m., which ' continues during the summer months. The appearance of the main street has' been very much improved, this week by • the Scraping off or the mud. ' Miss Merles, daughter of Mr: S. B. Maria, after it' lingering illness, passed away petted:illy on, Monday 'morning; the funeral, which took' pia& Wednesday. • afternoon, was largely attended, - A. concert was given by the Reward Clifton Church Choir in the Minnie St. Methodist church, on Monday evening. • ' There-was:A-very-slim attendance. Con- . certe of all kinds are "played out'there- at least -for this season. ' " There was a large list Of eases-, andeon- • sequently a protracted sitting "or the Eighth Divieion. Court hereon' Mond, lesting Until midnight; and' ayeven th,en a portion of the :business. was 'adjourned to the next court. • A large meeting of the noinerone Oredit- Ors of G: P. Mathewson &.0o.,-Moolleri Mills,' Losver Wingliarn; was held at the . Qneen's Hotel, last Tseem that a leas of over four thouirtnit dol.- . lars must have. been suffered by him with- . The creditor's appeared very much Thursday evening.- • Billed a ith the COilditiOn et affaire.- From s a statement made by the insolventriV would in tbe' lad two Yeers.' • • • Fire, fire," was the only cry ete.„ et the •beginning : -of-this Week :there were three alarms of fire here within. 24 *Mr% • The first,was fhlse Alarm, • The second... •• • which took plaeein the early morning hours di Sunday hi.st, was -the old tannery at the, south end of the town:. It was burned down, although -the fire brigade,. . With the gallant -"Joe" RS leadell; did good work in endeavoring to SaVe fiS lIkeh Of the building as was possible; considering the heaclwity the fire had obtained by the • tirne the Marin was rung. No insurance. • Lose, and •owners unknown. ' The, third • alarm occurred early in the afternoon of Sunday, betit was; found to be .orily it burning chininey-no damage: -. Still an- other fire.alarmed the citizens, Which took place on Tueedayeveningabout 9 o'clock. It was a small, unoccupied, retitle house • Up near the .railwey bridge, and was to- tally deetruyed. No insure/ice.. It: was remarked by a citizen, on seeingit; that "It is time -this game was stopped," mean- „ ing the setting fire to those old:buildings, for there appears. to bens) doubt that the last .fire alluded to and the old tannery were c-ausecl by incendiaries dr the Word kind. The chief constable of the town is busy now working up a case: against the , • suspected guilty parties.' 110 LIMES VILLE. A neVe barn is being put up by Mr. Wm. Lobb. • .Aliller has put up a new kitchen, which improves the appearance of his residence. Mr: Young preached in the B. C. and Mr. Calbecic in. the Methodist church on Sunday morhing Methodist elast. treh, o. n '. ipn the Aaron , road, is going to he re -built; not on the old site, but on the corner across from the , school house. .. ' • • . • , Mr. Charles Jervis has 'settled on the f.arni he purchased on the eut line; where, AIr. Marquis lived, who 11,as moved to his own place 'opposite. • Neia Friday evaing is the night for Ilia regainrineeting of the Foresters, an important meeting, on account of the of- fices heel ng to be, filled for the comifig tetneV, jam ray delivered an' address , • before tile Gospel Jemperance meeting at: lIoltriesville, on Tuesday evening. Ho went back to the first organczation. of teniperance secieties in this conntrk, and traced the progress that, had been made • frohi that time. to the present, showing •,• the great c'hange4 that had also. taken ' place in publie sentiment. lie showed that United, continuous and earnest work • wasUill necessary, in order to lessen as far as possible the evils of strong drink. His address lasted for nearly an honr,•ancl was very attentively listened to through- out, and At -he close a nuniber added their names to the list of total abstainers, • isionsreemr. NOVELTY co,-Thie celebrated • company are to appear In the Tetra Hall MOD. daV and Taceday next. The -Globe of Mareh ' 14th firtyii Of them: "The ,usual attraction for the present Week 'Which fopened at the Royal MSc= last night, drew ft very large audience. The programme wail niore than over entertain- ing owing to ite great variety, The well.known Skiff St Gaylord Unique. NOVelty company. don - tofu 01RO first-rate variety peoplewho neVer fail to please, and among them le Mr, W. Ga - lord, who last night gave an exhibition of feats of strength, contortion and eqUilibrium, that wore really Wonderful. He was accorded waria reeeptiOn from hie friends upon his re,-• appearance in his native (qty. Among the • other artiets were Miss Alice Gaylord, the Parialan gerio-comioNeealist, Who amused tho-----. audience with melodies in seven different Ian- glallta:0,8, Song and daneeraen, lady sharpshoot- ers. getalenum Of the order of the Mirneti cork, and vrogr,amints that eioniot to 11)11the 10 t0' No long ins the engagement of the eemany chaniplon Alec daneers,.ali.go to make up r•-• t , .