HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-18, Page 1inANNINe & scow
134rristers, olicit(jrs-1
Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba,"
THE undersigned have made orrangernents 10r the.
handling of a large amount of Private and Coni -
Pony runes, for lona On real estate this winter,. at
oweet rates of interest eud mgderete Chargea.
',CANE rata4rM2 NAPS,
Rvottonionnt and •other enriln.
undersigned at Oil Library Rooms, Smith's
Brock. BO • ,IA.MES. SCOTT.
.1.1Alliniurance and. General Agent, Meney to leen.
AIL stuns on good mOrtge.ge Electivity, moderate
ate of interest. H, HALE,1 Clinton,
r% U. DOWSLEY, DI, D., ai. C. It, S. ENGLAND
A, Physician, Surgeon, eto. Office and reeidettee
next Molson'e Bank, market square, Clinton.
on Ontario street, Clinton,Opposite the English
Church. Entramieby side gate.
-ILL Maker, Rooms -- CzNine V.ItERIA'S BLOCK, GP
4tairs, Rattenbury Street, Clinton.
----- „. ...—
0•Univereity,}Physietan, OUNG, AI. B., (GRADUATOF TORONTO
Surgeon, &o.,xeeisience at
YE r. Manning's, three doors east of the Temperance
Hall, Londeslioro, Ont. .
1.4$ University, Philadelphia, Afember of College of
Physicians and Sur:vons, Ontario, Oflice at George
Grantham's, three doors north of the Post Office,
Dressmaking, on Albert Street, Clinton, 2 doors
south of Mr. Carlisle:1's residence. Apprentices
wanted. in9
DiORLEY, Proprietor. Large and airy cen-
trally situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot
air, large and well lighted sample rooms. Good sta.-
tiling. 61 per day. 0 1
- Provincial and Dominion Land surveyor,
Arelfittet and Draughtsman, PaRnI BLoCu,
JI.J. for the County of Huron, Sales attended
to promptly. Charges moderate; .Residence
Albert St. °warm
JOHN METCALFE, Veterinary Surgeon, from .the
eRoyal college of Veterinary Surgeons of England,
Telegraph despatches attended to at once, Oneox AND
Murray Block, two doors oast of, Hodgens' en-
trance. Residence, opposite tho Temperance Hall„
Huron Street, Clinton. Mee hours, 8 BM. to 6 p.m.
..LU.. attended at their own residence,if necessary. Re-
eidence;Jukm-Robbrbion's Innen Street, Minton.
Rice's new method taught 'if desired. - •
car. Department of Victoria 'University, Toronto,fer.
merly of the Hospitals and Dispens'
aries New York
Coroner for the County et Enron,ayileld,Ont.
.1.111•Toronto University; member of theCollegeof Phy "
sidans and a:goons, Ont. Omen & RESIDENCE the
house formerly °coupled Ir1 Dr. Reeve, Albert street
.1.1.Accoucheur ,Lieentiateof the College o fPhys Web -
a n d Surgeons of Lower Canada $and ProvinoialLioen,
tiate and Coronorior th e Conn ty o Enron. thlecand
residence, -The building f ormerly occupied by Mr
Thwaites, /Enron street.
Clinton, Jan.10,1871.*
. .
of Stratford, will visit Clinton and be at
the Grand Union Hotel every second Friday in the
month,where he will be prepared to attend patients
professionally. The administration of Nitrous Oxide
Gas, or Vitaltzed Air, given to patients when required
for the painless extraction of teeth.'
'Iola the exclusive right for the county for the Hurd
process of administering chemically. pure Nitrogen
Monoxide, which Is the safest and best systeni ,vet dis-
covered for the painless extraction of teeth. Charges
moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. OFFICE:BEAVER
BLOCH, over Thompson & Switzer's • Grocery Store,
Albert Street, Clinton. •
Solicitor Supreme Court
In Blyth every Thursday. Collections and
claims promptly and reliably attended to.-
PRIVATE FUNDS to lend at lowest rate of
interest. .
Ticket Agent, Clinton,
Summer Travel to the Old. Country,
VOL). NO. le.
- fiCl,eglper4tonala
gou Advertigenunto.,
TT Portable Saw Mill, imeiedietely. Apply to the
Net Sea office.
WW2 SAVE Olt TO 1ENT-1-10[7Sn AND
-V. two Lots Mr sale or to rent. A. number of fruit
trees thtreon and a good well. The house contains
three rooms and a kitchen. No. of lots 7 and 8, Immo
Meet, For ferther particulars aPPIY to ARTHUR
MVRA.Ep Fair's mill, or to IdANNING 82 SCOTT,
kr)RINJ CoMPANT,-Notteo is hereby given
that the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the
above Company Will bo held en Mos, the Ewen
DAY OF day, A.D. 1884, at 8 o'clock pan., in the
Connell Chamber, in the Town of Minton, to receive
the report of the J)ireetors for the past year, to elect
it Board of Directore for the ensuing year, and to
transact general business, Iiy order,
• D, A. FORRESTER, President
A. 11. 31ANNIN0; Secretary. ,
The above eneeting stands attionrued
until TIXIIESDAY. filth of May. at tine,
sarne time Mad pinee, ,
Tan Freekles$ Sunburn,
Pimples, I3laelr Specks, Blot-
ches, &c., can be tenmvedin,-
stantly by applying
Tall 4 Fre 0 kie Lotion,.
Safe, Sure an 4 Effectual.
Sold by all Druggist%
Waal 1110PD1Irt 1.
Clintonla Liverpool oriilasgow,$30. 50
(Steerage aegoraintelation)
Clinton to Liverpool or Glasgow. $49
(Second Cabin accommodation) • •
Clinton to Liverpool• or Glasgow, fi'74
(First Cabin accommcdation)
„Persons contemplatieg a trip tc. the old couptry wM
'ffonsult their own interests by applying to the sub-
scriber for all fnformatiori. • ,•
W. JACKSON, Ticket -Agent.
• Those -two very valuable ancl
On Huron Street, next to Dickeon's Book
Store,- are :offered for sale at a very love
figure.• For.furtber particulars apply to
pips. JACKSON, sr.
VY Apply .to MRS, CRAIG, the RectinT.. *
V Apply to am. DOWS LEY, • Rattenbury
Street. $
V by ist of May. Also, girl as nurse, at once
Apply. to MRS, BREWER,, the Molson,s -Bank,
(Milton.• " • ,
At lowest rates. is All Baggage checked-thraigh
• destination. • •
. sized story and half frame house, on the cdrner
Of Ring and Cutter Streets,.opposite the Foundry, is
offered for sale cheep. It contams five rooms, wood-
shed and washroom. The let is -e. quarter -aero. Ap-
•ply on the premises, to JOHN yisliErt, or to JOIN
Immix, unlade, .
di -A On the °Omer of Queen and.,Shipley streets: The
house contains nine rooms, With wash house,..wOod
shed, etc. Geocrwell, large brick and cement cistern,.
and Stable: One lot is covered With the best varieties
of pear, apple, 'plum and cherry trees. Ternis easy,
and made known on . application to the REW ERA
•-•***r** FP'. ^re
The annual spring show of entire stock
tinder the auspices of the Hullett Agri-
cultural eociety, took piece on the market
anua.re, here, on Tuesday last, and not-
withstanding the inclemency of the Wea-
ther there was a large gathering of spec-
tators, but the show •of horses was less
numerous than it would, otherwise have
been, several being in townbut the pro-
prietors not caring to bring them out,-'
lsrearly all the horses, shown have such
superior merits that it is difficult to the -
'criminate between them, and the position
Of &judge is not • an •enviable elle, The
horses that reeeived prizes were entitled
to them; but perhaps their places would
be ehtinged tinder other judges. The
Messrs, Fisher's • horses are ;certainly
splendid ones and, deserve all the credit
they ge.t. J. P. Fisher's Percheron is a
fine animal; and so is. Mr. Green's, and
some would prefer the. latter on account
of its color -black, The Messri713-Weem's
horses were highly spoken of and attract-
ed a good deal of attendee,. Messrs. Mc-
Farlane and McEwen are certainly fortu-
nate in obtaining two such fine animals,
the one that obtained 2nd prize in the 3
year olds, was pronounced by many as
the moat perfect animal they had ever.
seen. The yearlings exhibited, in con-
nection With 111r. Fisher's horse were very
fine ones, and spoke well for his • horse. -
The Messrs. Tiplady, of - the base line,
owned one each, and they, \vele beauties,
The show of hulls was a very good otie,
and should have been seen to be appre-
ciated, and the breeders and owners .or
them deserve much better prizes and
greater credit than they get, as they 'are
a pleasing sight to. see and a source of
great profit to the country.
..1-4 offers for sale the following: valuable lots in the
Town ef Clinton : Lot 433 or 508, Princess St.ovith
a large lumber house thereon ; lot 482 or 507, colter.
Princess and North:St:4 lot 431 or 508, corner"of
Rattenbury and North Sts. 'Anquarteracre lets,riaore
or less; and Well adapted for ntivate reaidenees.—
Teisns reasonable, ,r..CIIRTIS STEVENSON, Clinton,
. •
„L.'. to inform the ladies of Clinton and vicinity' that
she •
has opened out s MESS' AND MANTLE MAKING
Establishment in the ItOOMb OVER J. JACKSON'S
STOItE,• where. she will to _pleased to •executd all
Orders entrusted to her, in the meat iatisfaetory;man-
het. 'Charges- reasonable. • MISS HUNSMORE,
orRebate' Tickets Isstiea,
IffPurehase Tickets from the Town •Age:ncy.
T4Terii Af.:ent G.T.B. •
MISS.. GREW,: . ,
. . . .. . ,
I e now forming-alrge Class; and eantake about four
more, -pupils., Lessons. giVen at her residence, liurdn
St., or at the homes of pupils. Best of references el to
her.abilities as a teacher. • • - . •
coats ntocx;
. 'The following is the prize list :-,--•
J. S. Eiiiher, Prince of Keir; 2 3. P. Fish-
er, Lord of the *Isle: Foaled, in 18811
A. Tunes, Avon ; 2 ,Jas. McFarlane, Lord
of the Manor. Foaled in 1882-1 Horton
dt Iuns, .Einmount Willie; 2 none. ,
Road and Carriage, aged -1 J. Beacom,
•Tontine ; 2 J. P. Fisher, Archie Bourbon.
Foaled in. 1881-1 Robt. Beacom, Young
Accidental; 2 John T. Anderson, Acct.
• dentiil, Jr. • Best stallion of any class
With five of his colts foaled in 1883, prize
of $10 by Mr. 'sac Rattenbury-j. P.
Fisher, Lord of the Isle.
• Diploma for general purpose horse was
aviarded to 3: P. Fisher's Duke of Per-
cheron. •
years or over -1 Rithard Carter, Crirason
Duke; 2 W:J. Biggins, Duke of Elmhurst.
2 years or under -1 .A. Innen, Favorite;
2 11. Snell & Sons,. Captain Murley. .
Campbell. Stanley; John Glen.. b.:, Us,
borne ; .A. Granger, .Bayfield ; C. Girvin,
W. Wawanosli:; And. Hamilton, .White-
church, ' •
natanta r, SEW.
:The spring show in, connection with
the Belgraye Agricultural Society,, was
held in that village on--Thairaday-ot last
week. :The weather was • fine, and the
show was a success in every respect. In-
deed, we know it will' icornpare favorably
with any show which has heed held this
year. .Seme of thesanimals.shown would
hs.ve.been creditable to any show ring in
Ontario. In one particular class we no-
ticed no less than nine thciroughbred im-
ported horses. There were es Tess' than
23 entries of horees and 4 entriea of hulls.
Thelollowing is- the prize list :-
• HonsEs-heavy draught.-lst, John
McMillan, H:ullett, "Puzzler :" 2nd, -H.
Beadle,. Auburn, 'Freedom." :General
Purpose. -1st, Thomas- Calder, Grey,
"Yettng, Donald. Dinnie." Road and
Carriage.-lst, Erioeh Morris; Blyth, "Sir
Tattan Cbacliman;" 2.a, R. G.Wellwood.
Wirighem, "Ethan Allen, Jr." • Two-year-
old and under; an.y•elass.-1st, Alex.. An-
dersen, Fordyce,. 'Warrior' ;" 2nd; Harry
,Beadle, Auburn, "Honest Toni ;" 3rd, 13.
Farrir; $t Helens,"Sir Thomas Briebane."
Best horse. any aze or elass.-Diplemea,
John McMillan; Hullett, "Puizler," •
Brni,s.-Thoroughbred, 2 years old and
evre.-R. Reilly, Marnoch, "Prince Hope- •
well ;" 2nd, Thos. Wilkinson,Belgrave,
'Morris chief." Bulls under 2 years.-
Isbister, 1VIorris, "Sir leolinsford."
Diplemat lo best bull, any age or class. -
"Sir. Rolinsford." . •
JUDGE8:4. E. Miller, 'Morris ; Gee;
Hughes, 'Minimal; A: T. McDonald,
Auburn. ' • "
The undersigned oder e for sale that very eonee-
niently situated house on Victoria „Street, at present
occupied by Mr. W. Laing. It contains seven rooms,
with -stone foundation, good cellar, and has hard and
soft water close by. With the house is three lots, on
which is planted an asiortment of bearing fruit trees..
Terms reasonable. Also a vacant lot al the toot of
Isaac street, will be sold cheap. LParticulars made
known on application to the NEWREA office, er to the
undersigned, A. DODSWORTH Clinton.
Mrs. John. McPherson, of Detroit, is
visiting her brothers C. and H. Newton,
of Potter's Hill, ' . •
Mr: James Torrance own& two et the
colts sired by the Prince of' the Isle, shown.
at Hullett ehow in Clinton, on Tuesday.
A petition for a 'daily mail t� Porter's
Hill will be tient, in a few days, to the
Pestmaster-Gentral, We hope it may be
successful, • .
Our neighbor and • veteran horseman,
Robert Beaeom, took all the Prizes in the
cities he showed in in Clinton. Geed
stock telle every time.
. The rani of Tuesbay nrid Wedneiday
haegreatly improved•the fall wheat : if it
does not come cold weather new there is,
prospects of a good Gimp.
Mr. james Terrance has just returned
from Berlin, where he had underg,one a
successful 'operation en the removal of a
ewer from hialewer Up,
Mr. Wm, Elliott., of the 4th con., cap-
tured iix:yoting foxes and an old one in a
hollow log, on -T. TVL .Elliott'e farm. He
bad them ori exhibition in Godericla, on
ehrier day.
D. S. McDougall has sold no cif his
imported horses to a Mr, Turobell, for a
handsome figure, People in this neigh-
borhood are sorry to see him leave here,
AS he is a promising animal.
• It'fr. Archibald MeDongellarrived home
last Saturday from Manitoba, where he
has been all winter, as cateelaist in con-
i3ection ivith' the Presbyterian. thumb
Ile reports hard times and discontent as
felt and beard evetyWhere, an states that
the land regulations are a curse t'the
eountry, and predicts open rebellion in
the near future. •
011tgo$ modaiatt
Goaerioh township; 3. Young, ointon
Fred. Horton, Colborne, Bulle-William
Young, Colborne; Alex, Foreyth,Morris ;
Launcelot Teske; }lulled.
AtGOdbriChThUrSday week the Westatiding
Agricultural Society held the meet successful
spring show of its history. The entries in.
chided 52 herses and,12 hulls r- ten more
than at any previous Spring show, and
tbe attendauce of fanners aud general specta-
tors was such, as to crowd ttbe ground.
It goes without saying that the ani -
reales eabibited were of la high grade,
ter the' county of Huron has a provincial :re-
putation for hrst.olass stock. lhe following
is theprize Usti-
lionsts.-Heavy Draught, 4 years and over
- 1, .7, J. Fisher; 2. 3 P. Fisher; 3. Antldony
• Allan. Foaled in 1881-1; J, J. Fisher; '2,
W. V, Clark; 3, 3, oDougall. Foaled in
1882 and under -1, A,Allan; 2, David 'i -her.
, Agricaltura1,4 years and over -1 J.P.Fish-
er; 2, Alex Young; 3, Wm. llattenbury,
Foaled in 1881-1, M. McLennan. Foaled in
18S2,and under -1, 2 and 3, David Fisher.
Road and Carriage, 4 years and over -1,
'Ian Beacom; 2, J, P.Flaher; 3- Geo. Carroll,
Foaled in 1881-1, Robert Beacom; 2, A. M.
Polley; 3, A. Green.
BOLLS—thoroughbred Darhaul, over 2 years
- 1, .41ex, Bogie; 2, John'llallough ; 3, as.
Jenkins,. Under 2 years ---I, Snell ; 2,
James TRIO, le, Snell,
Judges.- John McLean, ILemaard yunter
and John Washington. „.
was held on Tuesday,. there being* a very
.good turn -out considering the Unfavorable
wiisetat.:_hen The show of horses and bulls,
was particularly good,. Below is the prize
llonsEe,-Heavy Draught, aged; 8 en -
R, J. Turner, "Farmer's Glory,"
2, Innes & }Torten, "Prince Arthur;"
P. MeTavieh, "North Star:" Three-year
old, 5 entries, -1 J.McMillan's."Puzzler."
2, Brooks lc Colquhoun, "Strauraer," 3, J.
McMillan, "Rothschild."- TWO-yent2olde;
3 entries, -4 Alex. Forsythe, "Ranting
John," 2, Thompson & Ross, "Earl of
.Marayshire, St Thompson * Ross, "Tri-
umph." General Purpose, aged, 2 entries,
1. W. Evans, "Young Perfection." Road
and carriage, aged, 8 entries, 1 a White-
ley, "Swallow," 2 -.Whitey, "Garfield!'
Blood horses, James Sutherland, "Young
Clear Grit." ,
CIATTLE-Bunien.--Aged Durhame,
H. Mundell's "Oxford Lad." Two -year-
olds, three entries, 1 D.liTilne, 2 Jas,Dick-
son. Yearlings, 3 entries; 1 Jas.pickSon.,
2 J. Staffoid... •
Jtmens.-=-Hcirses, W.Grenger, Hullett,
Mr.Moore,Vaterloo, S.Black, Turnberry.
Bulls. -Jos. Atkinson, Tuokersraitht Jno.
Govier; Hellett, John Sample, Moms.
The Morris Branch kgricultural Socie-
ty held their annualspringehw of entire
stock On Friday, the llth inst,, at Blyth,
and the day being fine and a holiday, end
reduced fares on the yailwey, there was a
large gathering ef spectators. The show
Was excellent, especially With respect to
-heavy draught borne; there being nine
imported ones in the ring, teveral of theta
having merits so equally balanced that
the judges had great difficulty in -deciding
• which should take precedence, and when
they did,entire s.atisfaction was riot giVen,
as 'Mr, .3. P. Fisher refused to take the
second prize ticket, which was awarded
hima There were but few. general pur-
pose horses shorn, but they ,were. good
ones, Mr. 'ishe's Percheron attracting
Much attention ,and praise. In the other
classes the entries were not particularly
noticeable except the heavy draught Mits,
which Were good, but too few. Although
the show of bulls was rather small it was
commendable, as but elm years have
elapsed sinew thOrouglibred cattle were
SOUTH' HtlItON. ' • •
The weather an Wednesday waibeestlY,
but there was nevertheless it large crowd
at .the Brucefield Show. The 'exhibit of
horsee,rand bulls was unusually large,ratia'
some splendid stook was on the -ground.
The prize list, given below, shows.that the
judges at different •shoves eye different
j ail gm en ts:- , •
ITORSES,-lleavY.driitight; 12 entries, 1
Cotquhouti & Brooks Giengary ; 2 Innis
& Horton, Prince'Arthure R.J.Inirrier,
Partner's Glory. 8 Year old, 12 en , 1 3.
McMillan, Puzzler; 2 McEwen 4 McFar-
lane, Lord of the Manor; 3 Colcitihomi &
BrOoks, Straw-tr.. 2 Year old, 6 entriee, 1
Innis & ,Horton, ICiinnOUnt• Willie; 2
Thempseri & 'Ross; Earl of Morayahire;
aJ;Doig,jr., .Topeman; 'Aged •tigricultu-
rid and Canadian draught, J. Willis,
Young Highland: Chief. 2 year old, 1
Sohn • Gray, British Connidander; 2 L,
Hunter, Lord ti Lothain. Aged general
:purpose,, 2 en. 1 J. P. Fisher,- Duke of
Perch ;.- 2 Wrie: Evens, Young Perfection.
'3 years old, P. Oarpenter,Young liaddoie
Carriage -1 Geo. Whitely, Swallow, 2, S.
Beacom, Tontine ; A. AnderSen, Acei-
dental, Roadsters --4, 1; J. 'McLaughlin,
'Sorrel Cloud; 2, S. P. Fisher; Anchie
Bourbon; p, J. Rettenb4y, Royal George.
Extra -Two-year ,old roadstenaj. Morn.-
'nis, Young Sorrel Cloud. ' •
BULLS. -Aged Durham, 2 entries, 1,Wee
S. Mundell, "Oxford Ladd;" 2 W. Chap-
man; ,tEarl of Huron." 2 year old, 6 eft -
tries, 1 Jes.Dickson, "4th Duke Of Kent,"
2 W. 3. Biggins, "Duke. of Elmhurst, 3
1). "1....ordlAwell.". 1 year old, 4
entries, 1 Sas.Dickson, "Meteciri" 2 Thei.,
Dinsdsle, "Whitevale," 8 A. , timat,
"Young Armstrong." • : •
JunnEs.-Light horses -G. H. White-
ley, Goderich township ;.• William White,
Rodgerville ; Sutton, Cia.ndeboye,
Heavy horses -G.. Smith,MeGillivrey ; A.,
lilonteith, Tackersmith ; Henry Medd,.
Colborne; Se's.. Westeott, Exeter Robert
Allao, Stanley. 13011e -Thos: Ceats,
Us -
borne ; J. McArthur, lionsall R. Medd
Colberne. , •
Preparatiens are being made by the
Choral Society, for a grand colleen to be
given Soon,
The Salvation Army attended the
church of Biaxial:id in a body, on Good
Friday morning.
Mr. C. F. Pashley, book-keeper of the
Salt Association, removed his twill!), to
Goderich, on Tuesday laSt.
The Rev, NIL TIMMpSon, of Brumfield,
occupied Pe pulpit of the Presbyterlan
church, last Sundav,tno_rntrtga.nd evening.
The by-law granting a• bonus to Mr.
VanEgrnond to rebuild, his woollen mill,
was 'carried On Tuesday, by a, vete or :32
against and 146 for.
Mr. Jas. Beattie attended tile annual
meeting of the Waterloo Mutual Assur-
ance Association, held at Waterloo; last
week. Ile went ;le it representative of the
inemberS of the aseeciatiotel of the Sea -
forth agency.
Good Friday iVat; 11811 al observed as a
general holiday, ail places of business be.
tng closed. In the morning, service vas
held in St. Thomas church, also mass of
the presanctified was celebrated in St.
James R:C.Chnech The Sal vationArmy
held a meeting at the barracks, but was
not largely attended, on account of the
football match tieing played at the exiii-
tion ground e in the afternoon between
the • Brantford Collegiate InstItute and
Seafortkiligh School, whieh was wen by
the latter, by two gonia to none. The
V. M. Sabbath School anniversary enter-
tainment was largely attended in the
evening, and was pronounced. by one and
all, to be the most successful entertain-
ment ever. given by the school. The Sab-
bath School anniversary services were
preached by the Rev. I -P. T. Crossley, of
Brantford, at the e. M. Church; last.Sune
day, were enjoyed by all who heard him.
Inahe morning he gave an acrostic ser-
mon, Particularly interesting -
and instructive to tile children. His song
Berrnon in the evening was really a treat;
and was listeniid to by large congregaa
tion. 'The subject was the crowns of the
Bible; and during the delivery of it; he
sang eight songs, assisted in the choruees
by the choir of the church,
'VESTRY '14,,EETING.-At the Vestry
-meeting chriet churl, -Exeter, sin
Monday evening, 'Aprill4th, John'Snack-
man, Esq. was appointedMini'ster's War -
Atm ; A., A'. C. Donovan, Esq,, (Manager
•Molsonsl Bank) was elected -People's
Warden, and B. V,. Elliott, Esq., solicitor;
Synod delegate. The incumbentt Rev. E.
I. Robinson, handed in his resignation.
The Vestry requested that it might stand
until the adjourned meeting, May 12th;
1884: The finances in all departments
presented •clear balance sheet. •
. • .
butt c n tv'N Li •
GOOD Cora.--L-Mr. P. Cole, of the Oth
con., has a colt A week' old which gifted
3 ft. 3 inehos. It was got by Samson and
a Ldrd Beddow. mare.
• Consien,.-Council Met on the 7th, pia -
silent to adjournment ; me Ethers. all present.
Minlites 01 last meeting 'read and passed.:=-'
By-laW to encourage tree plaeting read aria
passed. The court of Itevisioa for the pre-
sent year will hblitald On the 26th of May, in
Knox's hall, Holmesville, at 10 ceeleck axe,
o action Will he taken on petition for side
walk in 1101mesville from post office to aft,
Lion at preemie A bonus of 250. per rod will
be given. for getting .up wire fences where the
roads become blocked with snow, such par-
ties its are reqiiired to de so to be notified by
road commissoner. Also that on Vire fenced
already bnilt,Or such parts of the same as are
found to bo a benefit to the public, the bonus
first raised in that section. The following be 124 cents per rod. The folloviing accounts
were paide-Assesserni salary, roll 4beng
finished, 076; Wm. Collins and Jos. Miller,
indigents, one quarter's alroWante per Mrs,
0ollins,'$3/.50; Robert Bray, indigent, $10;
Star, printing, a18 ; Clerk for sending trus-
tees school seetioe comma, 61 each section ;
also for work in -eorineetiop with the extra
columns on the mete:toes roll, $5. Council
adloureed to meet again on Monday, the 21st
inst., at 2 p.m. Items PATTON, clerk,
isathe list of prize winners !-Ilorses, hea-
vy draught -9 entries: 1, 3. McMillen ;
J. P. Fisher; under two years -I, Wm.
Bell; 2, H, Beadle. General Purpose -4
entries ; I, T. P. Fisher ; Thos. Calder.
'Road and carriage -8 ettriee ; 1, J. 1%
Fisher ;',2, Jos. Carter, Bullseaged, 2 en.
tries ; 1, Rieh, Carter; 2,5. Milne, Undo
'two years, 6 entries; 1, N. earning; 2,
J. Clark, Judges, horses -John Marois,
. ,
TOWN 0/4',./13011 CHIMES
Rev. M. Thompson, of Aylmer, men -
pied. the pulpit or Willis Church, Suuday.
Rev.Mr. Birks, of Holmesville, and Rev.
Mr. Kenner exchange pulpits on Sunday
R3. Kenuer preached a Very able
Easter sermon on Tuesday night, taking
as is subject "The empty grave."
Rev. J. Walters, assistant minieter of
St.George's church, Goderich, will preach.
in. St. Paul's elurch, Clinton, on Sunday.
A- portion of $t. Paul's Chitral was very
tastily decorated with flowers for Easter
service, in accordance, with old English,
custom, the• services of Sabbath.beiag•par-
ticularly appropriate to the becasion.
A despatch. from Montreal states that
Rev. Canon caeinichael, formerly ofOlin-
tonehas been appointed Dean of Montreal.
Th1 wUl be good news to the rev. gen- .
have received such a distinguished recog-
nOman's host ot friend.s in Huron, who
will be pleased to know that his abilities
We clip the following reference to a
well-known Clintonian from the Orillia
News -Letter :-The Presbyterian student,
Mr. Drumm, whole stationed here forth •
season, arrived .on the. 1st. On Sunday
evening he preached to a large congrega-
tion in the Memorial church here, on the
text? I am not ashamed of the gospel of
Christ," and he made ir good impression.
hey. Mr. Dickson, of Exeter,'who ably
filled the pulpit'of the Methodist Church
on Sunday, is known orating his Ministe-
rial brethren by the son-m.01A hpressive
title of." Alphabetical Dickson," frotiethe
tacit that a large portion'of the alphabet
num the initials dills names, which read
0, N. A. F. T. Dickson, The only excuse
which Call be offered for atoll a load of
names is that his parents being Iris h, evie
dandy believed in unliniited plurality,
MULT,:Ern' . , •
The' atory told by Mary -Connelly, that
she was thrown down. end •hooked byMr
East's bull, is will a hoax; -:te..the. beast
. .
never touehed her.
A young man _in' this township was opt
giying . his lady -love a drive on Sunday
lest; and on their way honte. the wheel of.
the btargy refused to go around, and waa
not noticed by the ardent lover until con-
siderable *nave was done.
There. was ft public examination •of
school No. 2, lIullett, on Thursday, the
aOth inst; a number o parents andothers
were in attendance. The trustees �x -
pressed themeelveS \vett pleased. with
tbe rapid advancement of the children.
The examination was interspersed with
dialogues, recitations and singing, which
those present. Mr. Murch, the present
teacher, is going On his third year In this
'school; Anil has not whipped a popil dur-
ing that time, and .has .good circler' in
sehool, which- certainly speaks welt. for
.• • .11
McKinnon's grand miilineny_eponing
on Saturday, • .. • .
.adde• greatly te the entertainment ..of
Mrs. Foy, whe is teaching aePetersville,
spent Easter with her. Mena here:- . „
The Vidette libel snit has been 'fettled
by the editor making an apology lei Mr,
Hamiltqn. „ •
Rev, Mr. McLean is in•Seafortia attend-
ing the Synod of the yresbyterittn,chiirch,
Mr. Jas. McGowen aeCompapies him.
Winter ,wheat is said to be. in fairly
good condftion And with favorable weath-
er, it will not be a failure. this year. Still
it is too seen to forecast. •
' Seine or our, Blythpeople have been
visiting Seaforth arid took bathe grand
Synod and Salvatiort Army. The latter
are said to be „making the shots tell,al-
though their methods may not all be ap-
proved, . .
SERMON. -Rev, Mr. Smith, of. Main
chester, preached the; usual serinon on
education in the Methodist church, The
Re*, gentleman is it fluent and forcible
speaker, and succeeded in increasing the
subscription Over that of lastarear. Mr,
Smith -will be welcoina. again te Blyth,
The suakers° are at the falls bat net ae.
plentifelly as in former years; no doubt
the chilliness ef the atniosphere prevents
them running ; dame rumor' has it that
nets are set all the way aeross at the
month of the river.
We do not see why there sheitld bo
sick in this village now,, as there is
"Doctor" in our midst, He is nci less it
personage than the far-famed world re-
noWned Dr..MeLeocl, who is doctoring in
the fiunily'of one of our villagers.
The band,boys are practieing regularly
for the piertie. They have 'invested in it
set of new books'which eontain att excel.
lent assortment of music. Don't forget
the 24th, as a big time isc,expeeted,
Mr, T. E. noddle is under treatnient
for lame back. He has been' ordered to
do no work for six months,
•The annual vestry meeting of St. Paul's
church was held, on Monday, statenaent
of receipts for the past year showed the
amount to be over $1,600, ft very gratify-
ing reselt of the envelope system adopted -
some time since.. Messrs. Ferran and
Onmbe were elected chureh -wardens, and
Messrs. Sheppard and Worthington dele-
gates to dieceean Synod, Mr..1Ceefer, Ves-
try clerk. Messrs. Racey, Sheppard, W.
Jackson, Combs god Tisdall,, were
pointed a ommittee to report at the ad -
pureed ineeting as to kind, cost, etc., of
new 'church fence. The question of the
propriety.of rc-moving the doors from the
pews was brought up and diseusSed, but
no action will be taken till the adjourned
vestry meeting; several metnbere have ala •
ready reinoved the doors fro.m their own.. • •
pews, and it is • probable that all. will be'
taken oft •
• A meetipg of the Quarterly Boards -of
the 0. M. and B. 0. churches was held in •
the, B, 0, chiircb, on Monday evening.
The prineipel bneiness transacted related
to the billeting of the corning Methodist
eenference, to be held'in thie town* the
month ofjenci next. • Committees Were
appointed to make •neceslary arrange-
Ments. It is expected that 350 Ministers
and laymen will be preeent on that °epee
sion, and that the conference will remain •
in session 'nearly it week, Some of .the
most distinguished ministers of the Me ••
thodist church will' be present and.take
• art iirthe proceedinge. It will no doubt
lean occasion of unusual interest. .The
people of the town will:With their accue-
:timed liberality, be reedy to de all they ,
can toprovide homes for thiemembera '
the Conference: It is -the Jaen -time -they -
have been liquored by so large a gather-,
ing of 'distinguished aniaisters and lay-
men; but will not, we hope; be the 'last.
It is, we learn;:the intention of the Can- „
vasiti fig coin In ttees p f th e iieverar churches'
to visit townspeople eext week,. to
eseertain the number. �t guests Which
they will benble *6 entertain. The Minis- •
tcrs. of all the other derigminations ,in
town are kindly interesting theinselves
the matter, end many of their people will
no doubt be prepared to assist in making
the' members of the Conference conitert-
able <luring their stay in, Cligton,
, • - .
• Cieur Soen.--Messrs. M. 31cEsven &
S. McFarlane, of Stanley; have sold otie of •
their imported etaalions to •Donald
Donald, of Kincardine, for. $2;000. They
will towel their other one in this neigh;
berhood. The one old is certainly a very .
fine animal, as the pride • indinetes, and is
only three years old,
Mit, W. SHIER; fortherly of Hallett,
sends the following from Marlette, Mich.
Mr. Shier was a Conservative!: and that
-pertin'intrhis-lettermitaliciseria a rebuke
te timse who say there le no exodus :-
The'"past season has been very Unfavor-
able to Agriculture, in this 'parker Kiehl-
gan, wheat averaging very low, not more
than seven"to ten imshele pet acre, except,
on rolling, highland ; corn was a failure;
potatoes. very poor; oats and 'hay .fair_ •
crop. Bees did very poorly, and .are
mostlY dead this spring. ,Tia consequence :
of the unfavorable eeesore• most of our',
/Armors were fou in pretty straitened cir-
cumstances. At present the fall wheat
crop is safe, Real estate maintains its
price by rection of so many oominY front
Chian& In quest of farms. We like the
NZv 'Knit.s better ail the time; not only
because it advocates these printioles of
trade which are so essential to the pros-
perity of Canada and the United States,;'
but it also conies to the -front in denotioc-
ing ,corrtiption by all parties;
which appears to be the crying sin of our,
EDGINGS.-Basiness . getting cmil
siderable better in town since the eggs
have started to come in. Mr, Stanley, of .
this place, bought and sold between twelve
and -thirteen hundred dozen eggs last
week, he is doing quite a business 111 the
egg line, aapresent. The farmers around
here have started to do some ploughing
and seeding, but the wet thie week will
stop them tor a few days or until the
ground gets dry again. iiinirratik
who for the last three years hes been •
working at the waggon making -with Mr..
Williains--intends leaving ,shortly.
is a elever young Man and is already a •
workman of ncp mean order ; he has ,otir
bgst, wishes fo r future succees,
Wholnettle liquor dealers and elis
-tillers At Toronto have. formed an or-
ganizabiori to opposo tho Scotr.ACt
any county in which is may bo . sub.;
milted. Thirty-five thOusand, dollars
has been sobscribed,
' • •