HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-11, Page 9"',­­ �-­ twit I , I . . — I . I. - 11.1. .­­ 17L.W11.1irlillip I � � 6 I 11 , , ­qiv-.-� I -17.1 " , "imp, ! .--- ­ � I '. . . I -� " I � � 9 9 . Apr! I I I I � Rap* T444,lto 1. . !!Lila 117 -... ---. I . 1 .8841, 1 9 illllllliiiiiillll ��� I �� 11 !N0 —.- - ­ . "-­�,�A,,""", PA"Ini 04 ORWY . � - ! !!! � I ­ �--,,,,, , Igia to Z) , - 9. . "Arah --- --- . � .. 11 99 �� I .1 11 � . - � wax V644. 10 I JrJoix 'Weggg'" OR I ­ � I � If Grolply or 041Y of Ibis folio "q doubtful , -,.,. ,W9AAx. I I .1 . . 9 . .1 I 1 9 ' Ms. found Wive, boo I I Wing will k to 1111411111,101,11111 � , M941 9 . ,.CURRENT To 0101904irrAIN W*ft,N0#4T#II -- ."� !% Most Door 0 lry* '"'ANC00W.0 1111*0*0 --- . . 9 1 1 1 "I' be Matto dor weltio Search. Apollo . g; ANA ,44, rf Stl4k 014*4#11114 - � .. 9 �. . X T19114-Kri, 9 DAnyro who 4 Sol lag the Si 9. 0 '"o"I'd-Top" weekto VA.10.4441., 4 J.1411111111111111 W411V 9 N"NIVV*01.f X*TIt I I . Writing pp. for Former oip,,Iib- Dr. lWarx 4� 9 � : " r0roplielii"I. #SI . 1P 11111UMAxer. ' 0 pim, I,* -"� RRAIRlits, , . . irx. , I I . - . *%P441% M149t, the, public 9 8 afford, Is A, p4rof - WISS" Di agaviriiii 401 411111144 A *dwa;-ei Awtii I . 441", , 9 Z11104 0 AD have Shown . iQZ i � . MAX IfSaglai P1180Y Of 44diog 00 Many ves the Pro. 1DO090 . �i I 000 jrAvolig"I. 0 '40 0 U vor ity in 1 Xv 91V4 NX14 41 N 4 completely phrzieSl *way ­ )a a d f 9 4 i, , the vol"41 411- 140 ftwo . AtIr, . 41 - . I - � - . Wit . DiBbing the expedmoni tot 4k *it, I . . oarvice. . A J, 00490uni h �4 . ­ b Xall0dobt. Absence. 14 is. P . I 0�rsagoit 1%, OTTAWA, eir go P "'i The Imilien Q T.0 Are going 14 , The following is , 041"Of 1111111111:1,11w,10 two years. 9 . it Allen froal . 4, leaturo all ... I � AM, .9 be wisest ropoped. to for the tripygle W4 Jtl�o .delivered lot W- - I , 0601ra March 8L—TIx`D 64p Roko, "me Atroosift *611111,11W 0 Wi4ble"i, Ship to the Dan. - , Send at, advance . �. 4A ellthualmo 9 Juillpag b C , Moa PIOMentary Itloi 4*01i, Sip lob Dettlenaeat'ilpre . - :rjyd!Ek 1. CAI � Zoo 9 NVM. Reaia,64j, at, at, . Y &plain for the Jane . orerp"Ji . Zoit "V444'alos' eloquent 4144 altogether the time 4y , . yea a greatest stalpentert jia� . god f '71daef"O Andrews, the 1884, were said 04 I . r ending 30iii, 9 0 t "a It` toll%da navigator, I W I , � ral" I he �Ioi Ill gre"Oly,exclW over the 1*14'. and ec,44io Great 13ritsoi, � OiSo"i of CbAosgo, ,bag PA. , . paid Joe I Atatia ,. table � f . pedlibmilm, , *rtbe4SqSMbIf;A"0k;0b46%i� � . 0 call & livio ere, jori* 44 bright, - t Upgrjlavik� - Shott . for dooiticatirig Due. the region, ab Attention, to.; I civil Government ortitiaeo,of WIS. Ua 91, , 0 I pit of Z pp .14. Of . I ........ � ...... 1.11 ..... . � 0,011448, Moo, P0011111ity proge * f4voir4hip ,.Y hove, a wow � QUO 4PIlmb%.SiQa, which 64 Dorniniou'volico , 0 goo of o4orrapias A yptlas . Push aorthwald At itself, the is.01801 Will* AssopA t- 9 � all'$ AgrAgialourAl Fair AvNtO developlApiat, , . I JY P044outloweig ... -1-1. 11 .... -.1.:..:::;:: � ,. wealth 0 �wb 44,v . , Small in, Eft! Petrolo Wom . 048 141104 sky1d. I And )rescue 9 9 ........ ­ . ............ . tim to tb Apapity 04 It - - I Gim $A a, Do,�— I party. The r the usb8i county, III, running to W UpI IS there Legislation -::::::.,::1::::::::::: 8 IlilS Widow a , , � L019, socond ht OOMMAi Remit not late alief Grooly' They Bay tbep,rlac I AStO , the Oil Spriagg ba . jo, A 01' NOV41111080, ships Will arrive at Upor, An Rqtope, , , 9 OPP ])arm 411"tris 'Overflowed the gor(sno, Of tb rts'agriquiture a 4 , I ... I ........... 61,4k Up ...d. *lArod, Balogh � -4 to 00o. GrailiA r th Sake %ad writes it- . tovar 9 0 4tiOxinibij fog A. V, 4131,x, ,a, St 0 D c...... " . X kitatiatiOei ­ # 9 9,401y, biallie , Who kept 40i look � it Space of More than tore 040... I . ....... "".. 80, 1 944 . 0moo, by regailin 11 d as a . . 91tioptly;1I forby miles, Afilitiu ........................................... :: ...... 4.91R ,ahtdb a 9 d ber $ate siping 4 P -Egypt, W04 the viaboris, Push nort4wa, all may 15tb, ,%Ad will - dead of gift Of b 001, Ai 409 0121114fall ......... .. I ­­ V entire Property, !;I fe Ag A Soldier, who"M 4; 1,14 tia�Tmx`4 Littleton relaa�. T permits an 44ASUAgoo alog down to tbQ river the Gil is - *44 Zan' 0 . I the 4 `-11- 31,1144 we 0 Id , bar Will be Coin he astiv6i ; 11 , nOW Ober JmgbiQA to ' the likes where I carried, in to , Rktllwayoeb;�"­�1­11­ I......, 1120 of the, 9 Woman. The a V Ir . , A , is Own 48, under bomi olr,44: , Make F � in . gas 'a to QBi 9, rq like m,riay . . I i7 in . wi T At 1104to on torCO10114sl k1aliomy, ...... . tory. Ire",40 bi exposed - Are, ve bee , ,41livated , Useful thing". Will th. f reach - he Only UPS ait,pro B'Stof Wilkie CDl OtS 344,111nermi Possible An( . th a . , .so F I ........ . 734 All IMPopted. $0 Ar 9 48biala be Ae Indiana, hail - . it ]a .by 0`1100 Edward island Railway,-, ...... - 891,598 Robot Statement Of facts. , line than' -4 , �-' ABlifti -�Wulmna , 0 048 in "I'ma"OlOA obtained . aerlon. &I .9,46 . At made, of uxfDoi di4a raciiiO U411W4, "I, ... ! .... - 9 4 Die 611" wherembonts 4ug it to the do v 1 0 stictigedod sow When -the.joe UOIJ I-, ... . Owhers, bat . 11 St 0 ow III 1, Arid Using It f As"Apapy of C*'a ulloil never hurt, J4 " Of the 40 0 bQi4ote? . -- cog with th A 'I ............ AIG& Al";oUrIULO'S P%reato St. When ... I or cositiog, their cano - can -le, 'PhAIWO&W t I.V,916 fortuA0,01 SeV,er&l Willi expeditIOD9 9 I 1 14 ()Capital,-,,,-.-, ..".. .,ad they loAt beg a by the dprktb ,fixia broth ,, 90, 0, vessel; We are told ow, To the Same 00, : anasSicil"V96sibletola, 4 041- I Ai years ago, l larome a , One of th � 9. S76'666 - - Or, Q estates Worth will Push !tie 'Way ,bratigh itwhile the Lapodmem- that the WOM44 of. eat purest salt ,a, 9. regioll the g4eat and ftbile worlt" Ob4 Oni 0110, and, ai She . . 8 So. 4 You, but woula oat leave the otborwal Maliat - , 9 apa were Allot . . , .1 . throwil 9 Public works'tib,"94'Able to c4ji SQ,'214' ? 904-43, 18 years tot . I was I � , .&ray .'� ' ­ I alu* such 1% Pat CA me � ratio sPeclillY inotr4atea It * fro FgeAbto to lu,,Si ...... poo. Into poaggoBloxa - a age, she eati I ,�j;,. 20,la taking 1, I , ,Uie Mother W . , PC14itiop An the � b folliatain. it Is near M a sort of Infantry soUbl b4ilui6go at TQa ,IS '$'SOB* Instead ,of 1 9 1) we . I Am Mode of Fit jo - rear as to 60 able lag 44 P..BIbi. 1111110040%od oq jitio1q, clot to , flour and bril ly 'AS .44D as IrSt, JOUIland Vrodarlown, . . . 1 of Norfolk. apt .. rmer N 11i 9to XWU6 th""p.y_9q A 11. - . I Or lani and causing i . I . a fio in Married to a O.- 1­013OU14- ­ - ­ 119. a, , . . 0 ................. 0030fidentiS, � B - ato 11 ] , "Aghter Of �Iaa 0 b � ­ .. section, I antly white' 14 Able $Arco' Dra'�01g'J'V43ga"lly Ira ............... :. 44.0co. . be plibmiotett . -- ...... 3KArquJgTOwnA* Otii li,ltbpr 0 1P coMe, tie grief,""' Misalloloifened 7---"b � , '*and 06al, Sulp4ar, 0i ­ ....... t ....... t .................. I.,., ........... , 10 liersen a ag apbs ....... 99 100 entirely to the coutrolof MMS. . , end. . . . Vessel be arushed and ",a I A'. U., of aabiiIstop, And other Valuable mineralo. 9 A XTIJI $ . Bulaph ­* — " I Should � Itextbor suotieed J4 ooxaxa"ial,t�,g too 01040, has � b,.0 letter lost rect,lva,t f earn 9, .; Raellaneous'.... , ...­ ....... 0000 OPYOrne", a per, in 0 gramishro,iiiii,am , bor D4* BU 9 , M -801's oration at. ' 1116 0 ti ' L � Light,houBe ,aa1�::,:::::::::::::::: :: .... ...... I , . ALRY, Destj Stan) with L%dy j�r 9 g — 440 gilve"00he 9 904a, 0486 service , " .110 Angem $Ana colomence. nary lot Says'; , 4"Wo ,,AV 0 .. .....'....i 00,00 this 4 - - Th a kO4 by III - � Of Milk slid are I 0 -4boodsoce, Ishei I I Yee , ....... I . anklin 13,31400, one, It lei went of g a uai F 9 "'Plagpersorlwa. talemvaM6000 . advises so lop r . ' at' _ able avarioe. ey 0 an OBSor , SAM tlep o.3z"t that quarter dated be recommended ver and river Bar I la" 64 4. a pupile boo' t0mi to give'their Young * Shou Winter in Fr igity. 9 1 ...... ­­ ........... 8,500 With her pupil I � - full %O00 . ,Pierce llay and the other, in tile Vial Ablilla , . The old theatre building in ,few 0 AM, two Of darlooWs itsvit, 144faus­ ,:::.:::.*::::::::::: ...... , 113 order So P , W 'I auto from time to iftn� of Litibletong Island, 0 IS i by Of in Which rle "'ready calved, A�d Some- 9 X I ........ ...... 111 I " - - may great Or I Which � � . 004ur -bens of Orth West U0Qn*j1c-d ... � ...... � ..... .............. 'wo, tot eidtjr�ly fr6m. .her kratib the lot. I , We 1111ye, thirty, hAve,be . 9 liff4cellaneoui .Police . 0,90i tit - f - They, fixed 0 northward used to be given bag b000lae 96 0:4 bails Already, and g, 9.Un to, Jay " " ... , ......... . I Marked publio even ' various points a the roat the worm-famoll, qu'dr, Ano I 7q,000 air res;Stence at Rjet Y Z*W;)g place, Do that they in to 41146 are depots of provi Are ,&a be examlia , Collection rev the horlatii th - - I BY f881'thfli - I Diane left at 60r� i 64 and .colored Sla io ' 94 Uyent, for Ve US front bi X b.,eight eg Canalo" ;4�'rmIfW,�j.'.*..':.:..'.. " ....... 178,947 tQWfa, Where Mile. U � Binail pr�Viiaoimi � 9 ere of ChArjty, 1 daily, we li've free,it . 1� ....... I.,., ........... : ......... .. � , 1 ­ � 011' Alateibots is 69010011 quarters, Th, . . I . di ..1.1 11. � 41"Q00 Unknown I "ourloo W4 entire 9 lag , "11blioworici ­ ... .... I- - I I .rnnm 9 � � 9 1 . 9 customs ... ... I ...... I ... I . 31ma 33ala011 'was caret ty Arger than that -of the School fullest equi MOOOQ Meat, deerle meat, fresh �+­ . to 144bei.- i. , Ul ".1 9 to P *.0.1 1 1 at do frAnces Power Cobbs Ilea *� ducks And goose, 011291 the boats, olodo-g P lish .1 to 4-11 . . A . .....".1.1 ......... Ir KV,ground - U I 11 - 0OL"1400, OSO . .1 a a, very. . PUG. - 0003,1gionsill GuOt year'. R � ... ­­., "", ,-A . ,- a Any acquaintance r 4- .. " I veUtQre­bG.,r,OmI1;,,i,i. h' . 0 wooden AbIO work ,o y buffalo meat xCise...... ..... '-*:::::::.`:::::::::::. . :::::. , , ,p4,�,f 2r?,wo 111116 pqrwlo h9r, to receive 413Y V, . 0 nor did . .qa�qk­41,d proyJq(0Q1Qfi.­J)a Willi$ - Ill &or Is 1, It ,..Ali I ,, DAV. Also deliciou Culling tluab�i ...... - Sol to. They i?A) 130 1 As Ago . wal � -- . I , lia . 114 WhI041011 &Ad. trout,,* job - I ki ,:�.:: 16,000 only Wont --essayo Y. ri I . , ­b4d bill�of-far " .a Sundayg toii! the purpoft , 04 dead of my 0 loft-- 010411:1 . , Dries ,of it W . , out 0 M& 44 much Pat , ray hay., mended, Wid a " -originail -4 r ­ � a odd to it the Weights andin'"" : I's - , . I a small, . . and trouble co , JA- , " I'— wild fruj UP Liquor Ll 30700 Of Attemiling - ra . i avey a 0 Very preo%ut!Ou I,, to be -4be- region, ­4 to it whic ;C8118s Act ....... I. -I 40,4.00 * Aighl's tough taken to Becur 0 I I , I . ndsii -tho­7! ill 81.1. W;,i::.,-,:::::::.:::,::: :1i),WO 166i X lady w , . M" I '14"t'i 14 Lai Ad 4111 Al 1340688- The addition of ligh Magazines boo Post;,Offic' ...... 11 ...... 1.1.1.'... m8a. The youn '4' ., I . I ornl4i0ii .......... I .......... , enough. to as Possible of Jay YO44g rescue. 11006 will no ., The pros I . which oultivati n produces. 4 vogetabloa D I 1 all 0 -Ch ...... ..... .58,00 give, hor AR, I � eat unj?Si�allelo,4 industrial fruits I knowro !401) - D0401410yLe,nde-chargam 1010 0,Pit'ail - -60 ow, _ of- mitto - � . , of are naptier goo the Ul b "' _p0wor govorne4o a , Pll;-Z. in ordeithgt they Rugby - ----­Oie enhance the chance'. MQVemOUV, among ,,word - I ties, -,Vrgvidfjd lte&, al?geabl I'lley -ion mion art to I child ,. Might tolf their 4 to, 4tly a b* ' progress *in. the / On is - Making 'berries, oranber ' ra, of 1082- a to lCipome "oto party, A44 -ih -go. her. pro. r0nlm�rre . at W. ,89 ........ g . . 0 l�tter Profited 11 f So n rAOligo gooseberri ­­­. 149,09i give largo by tb to I The f tbtbV 06Y bad looked on gr�'g th 0 P0,4 of t4B expedi- SOUC:. - Five thousand Salmon berry 00, currants, Total,,, ......... , I of , 'a 11714841 In Inner tld � I PAO calculated , ,, girls earn th � a � sums In obaritY, to the pp" — tan. 'O. Ing. - pea, a W � I I., . to-, and rhabsi tu,nijg, .."...'.1.1 ... ­­... kind Abe 00hpols 10 4 the . great buk at Wall; lil be About §420, that the totea ex I ' - Sir owd living in Atlanta, 0&,, CarrOte Bud a 41bb � I � - — I . . 0001 . In factories aiid"oloewQ'S. . Agea grow. luxurlantly. At Chargeable ­­ T1,70�0227 wa, f AM- A hospital I ......., .... I ... ­�., ...... I . I tbeEV,B.Cql0.Po IMCAPITULATZ ­* ... . a built. - Th 0 . . � . . IV - ......... ............................ , . IS * , , 8t"Pb0ihherO&iadatQ .toompital . ON. a`mexx.ey WAS all giv,i . - - -- . I set 'WOO U - Sv tab is Go nearly the ga, . burch. rg . I to *13 014C ..... ­::­­­­ ...... 014310 , that of Moae. B 4zourittels I I A A.4V%U11j( � lrjft,k it 0 ­ ..... . DA. $4volt-y say , —, Librarnia at efe. Anna 0. Cook ,State 04 111 in Mile, M St 14 the BSol.tish X04jc4z 1 4GEOV. 04m 0 b - .... � ............. name, sad OAtU0kY,,Si Th; House' they raise 'Cattle In ,,,,,,,,, too parallel, U'PrOviaod it I a 90,'400 alach Was Son I *rOumal, that Among the chief. causes of, la� TorrNble RASip,lelp I of llopresexlb�jjv . � I I . eXas.l.....7 .... I ... ­.­ ......... :� : 149 11111 � I "gone of the most 0 . . I bo4y,o Mouth A An every. I jury to the hQth . - - V , Z—a Totenjo mani regret And -,& a 1013 PARB04 repolaStIOUS of supply them -with beef, butter ullumbers to . TotiLl - . :_� of W . stiriamble � from gambling ftttda to JUV4116 by Sit- 4f1rozy I 003alltbee� of A I donoticDOW it Ad milk. 1 -V . ................ ** ... ­­111.1� L'MQII� Sure Gjb , a"Iwopaw,­­ ­- , ". � - 11der the be .......... ..- 01,103'aw to � I llgrf(IO009, She Colo. Made as yet hee4- _ A of .Public -pixiii I . A'% !S' Slave, .0ased Al 1 4. Prolonged mental Strata , is the sonfiSiloa. Pointed tO/att011dher funOral, to raise wheat at Aolimbag d reather I began. . 004saary to ill I emsilItene,oce. ag. W044, charge,' Shmrae I a I WIli0b - b800mea . ;, Sockieti ladie - .1. .. 11 peace Itiver ia,;IOBO am, but th able to 110conae, Are the followin fully, kept bar in A . 04; I gfA L self-tiork. , * a 8trAtford Post. ' . . S... . 0 04 tile Clifton, poet., as M.I... .......... I ated her pnioil Sit . 'Alierrible tragedy wa,4 an - fortunes a in London, to without very Damp parellel, And we all know .. &It( otherwise Maitre garret, � !at large .,)I spend is 000 to $5,000 , by and iomi .... I'll'.."., I wretched tifel during Oxtouded'Perlotis of Toronto LanAtio Aoylana TtIaptod- at th ' Year ,for their III 11or ....... 11- consented to Potty over tO ease oz- 4191 Wbeea M esday morn, - L IS Hope Polit-oluca ...... losing her pro a . 4resses A�4 Change their, fro nent comes GAZIalaor :::::::f,--,-.---,--.--- , 'L "i'tarrIellt . I nest WbOsi growoon the coat, , I ]bar. ,this SLO � . - Reciteatbe casoot.11a AGIAO girt beat an aged patient 0081blllnes three ,lbsb tile L ...... I ... - I 1:0,T — , - . -b4d 14601Y.-rat%tri -froin dY Who to - death With_ A $lop . Be IQ all evenfil intho VAIley 46 Paude Ri or,arj.Voi Ondon dst�.Olncq Ouse ............. - 11 �366AOOrjnatja ,',lea the relatives and . _P&,,, tilt , 'a oti n 54um jai All Aw;al bare it raget be l - ..... 4,ovo I lich broken down ?a L Ai Carlo and br,si ba 0 , be ii0tim's face Mine. L L g. What' Whose Quffithat - Parlialixent Be,,, I ....... i: ...... � .......... Beni Otlor& named . al4bixxe W"' "I hoalbb, mAd - ving boo , _ROW L the .earn. diet 0 46habaeo-% Lv , . 'frozaZospowto- . B � . I we.0kened by the greatly ,and brulsad.oxxio.iof A, literally 6riagbod alle AS only trioity .......... lugs, Ighting by,;fw�: Mw I . investigate . . . * . , I . Professor Albutsky- -a RdSsiAWlKdy­rw 11n1peg-ig6--W.oW_-A,.L I urchill * thite Toronto H r m ", - sow"",- . ....... -" 7,410 ErewaB apeedily convinced at the. matter... I . severe ROB -of exii I � _- ghape; . egg abee from Cb . or _.""-.,L ­ 1 soll hour or two at the Saming am rod L. brWob-II-Awl, -Amo 1R., *'­ ... ......... �..�, .......... 40 0JQ ne was about to lit,ve ber ,,,, her guilit, . . g Ow, "" 139" ,1800114n;� . Sited, *11c ' , . I bid. raffle Of,tba ug-Akd --the -f - , , JAQ,WdifOundobaria" - .. I .1 Omid that her ability to continue. the game_ Xclibeible 4, L ­ — --" oraing harigingL . I . She ered0fa-h6rrialessbaos � Dan consid. to pronounce her Owl) name it Or. learning coUntry over. a po I To.provide the ex ol[Qwla� after Years Of Age, who has Always b y; "Out'26 Ildba8ca Would bri.' " from Which she invariably, SUED AUBt'OA -14 g6 girl I)ASax,&Valeria Mai Of'Xatbo6atics in- the P;"LL Irt , . 'The Murder Vaiveli of StGQ11i Aft , the t a � I vvas determined while th lopo ­ tit L . rtion of this to Peases of ai p. . by-. the..- -1 . . . E Mono 1116168ter trigqUariaetry And was easy to Would greagy losi ate, and tion by Water to Eluaaon Bay C6 , . I to 611110i an as I AsSiated . eok to the I'm') of 4 trod. A., . bv Ghe'OxtOUO of her IS. V1041M Wa OL "Oulde" : gist in the for . .. found in lx�a pocket . letter 'WAN . a noon SAVO in the iro *hAve J u4t read prove,) tract I F colutneroial Par O�e mylag that he . . " Prosence of 0peqmtO,g. . . I In the been h hapelegges'" Of ag$,,.!Who �h 1 m4n's Rr election 0 .............. ; ` ancamittsd Oulaide boo power Mcil I , ,C,ol, .,Higgi BOttlelizentei. 'for Which (%a the mootio , "ixte i;E7 . . a hood . �;Ob Of , indifferenoo StOpholas, 171) - a a of tile Practicability of the to . Ad -roUr"I that he'OAQQ ll� the country 1 x iii ad -Police liaj��** .... . . ouruble, Axel . . � I L %rd a knotof elderly Of. affording SuSten a capable Oprovide-rpr fl he. 630,00d an in %usebe suffered from . . r brAn a . I - . That b" . . L Sly arid -W with its.. VAOt . wealth, Will � t S raplOOL t -, I"ca Of A ated Or A d ' I but the Iditter eat was A lisrailess , b�hda ' I filter in Sin I nten. � 9 If the judge wits cleverly jualtsi , . TanaR is 66. gr — . ., out twenty.eigbo Yeats she a Olu -hadd a- 70,000, wribin 41101101Y. Tile hand, . i i for ab larnAte of the asylum 'gentlOvaen over thei made Purc ad alai ' � n Conn n otberexp uses 'do, , Sense . of relief OX, old. w . t 0 Be lai'meni that W .. MUD action wath the (3, AS thought to be So forg in society at the an, I allowed,to-rair rinto r 0013411atUblong by OMOU Would L o4 Unnoticed in . 01390 S corgianibay � . WAS generally Omsk], - and . railwa, ,4 Il'i . ...... 111I.I.....v­ ... V ...... -L . . . I .. . L a 110wo", is, not, To. moot O�q COULudi . 1000 . I . nOunoomeat the other inal . freely with tea. . . . avillkilIg groe �F, be 'dreamed of I d . urvos ....... � ....... 0136 judge to have been Murdered. OrYAIIA figg"ite 'a ]Paris thAtthe black ,wallo having benA tate' of the feW8,10-Ward, bu . . I . L . A " . I . . . . I I Ron With the I ag cla me In connee. .29" . . I , :. . - I � . 11 . I . , I -----------_ - I .- a 1. . . ------ . .-----, I ....; ... . 'Fishery - . Nobody 4U,,, . w -tail is koubled wit t Critic ana'�jb � 149orcolonial I IIA cold ille vita od Literature k , --w Exhibition - - I I . 'to be shelved. The average American bag istOlY Placed . a a hot I d, , nows a young. N9JILVIlit T rovide to, pqa ....... ; ....... .... I ... 4 .ev, , . . beele Writhingh , , .Alt room VS y who. improved . ,WAK1§V,1il,*.r;0fV. . ..1. '5000 Why grumble . . . I I L . nowni in what I -minutes'. I bar Mind durings, . OR ...'O -reception of tile r . at ever . � elple, P the refrsotor� ward, ,& Yal Society'.., . I Y Ilittlethin �0004 for a long time esly, in A' black ises. was douniatled Here, to a Lf OY At lough�' .. . A111i ... �............"t ... �­­ I body cares to kno K? No� . . Vai Mallialey, la 0, mastering the intrioate convolutions of the -to be OUPO In big soul hig to . me$�Obys'dal discussion by - 9' tor $60,000 1 P40 Iterno Of 61000 * - W anything about it. It . I . ;laded by the long. a - been rablOved front another W04 I To - - Sir Oa i railways 01131`9�abie 984 the dentist tore, it it is 8126 aring 3 �10-plftr A Two: - to . Pl4a. vote the followi You have toothache . *1 qui of bee, restlee4noss anda adage, Itith1leallbg .Oil her rivalva gow, She was $4,06 90, -44 now:.W.,ft o.Sii 1. ug.: I MOV0 it. Donlit - I � .. I 1)110 With brags butibors, And of 0 reproduce I 0 . .. � . So. '. I L .w . I ,TO got le the alai . Increase Year raise . raomory. ... L.. I . We bf Smith And �Jp. try to make Others ty and r . t. ' A "me radon . WWL reo%ll 13,01110, of the opreasilb gen 0 nleI*UOhOIY�: The'night,aurse fits III USabap * a ti Of ology class no' exactly lit a f"011iolaablo tlYtried, IA*.jIIg Ch bley� or�wOrk Ott toe Georgian about - . . , It. day. , , , . . L . ranch,of tile Canadian 81L it I Py by talking . ,,, . . 16' vv ' "'ants At balf-past 5 .0,0106smw the two I 1. . . . . I�ivlsxou of t,44 Court . Pacific . ! . E Ow stupid 4 Doi of con - . . I . as Once, e14 od�ze- ,and , in A leading I I L Of Coin 91110"ry way­�,�­ � I IRAY verflation, is an 4 . I TO t I I 1-11.1 ......... . I . . . . I I L. . 60 t a the Claims U­111*1 ... ..""" , ,000 YOU expect a aorn a I . , 4 'An magazine informs Its deept,wmi speo t y0pathy'? . I diplomatic, and then it became pr k y4aterdsy. _ b 4* Macdonald won RJOAR I obing . orourig, Mrs- Stephens, at AbAtUalie being Matters that Oueen VjotOxIq,, vs Murray, shows . Litton & Wq;;T1- $88 t two.- Can . )in dep . 11115tore L� 112 0 What ' Contractors' 'PetwOen, Ited- liver and , Patusi Painless Coin U � '00" of the earliest folk-songq of.0100910AAL ai on too hado while'valetis, WAS pacia Grace Greenwo 4 �* k4ows that Every Porso 0816brAtted it: I . . this JXA4 restleselvap . od. -Further, ,ij 'Iumiis the fible of 'tit u W'JazApeg got- at 'Gross lake . . . I . ... . '. . . " boom,j, ­"'­­­­­­ L' 117400 tractor removes them . Rxo 11, I I . .1 . 'Psist I at -she wrote 14 defendants tW.O � lots in i�b"H­a" few da , I , . , � a ion th ig'�eS* thi bad b,ugh6 fib a Tb� plaintiffe* A -Among be,.. Anoraing way IS . . R40 down the floor g 'bariortmiat inform t' i-* ... ,� without Phil, I On an Sig down,to the ,,O seen, I . half . Between ell 0 . a Y86 Inel I st*uttr. OwIl"goreart .. L � '�'ud'half.-Pastlfl O'cl?Ok t6braw !i4 viotorist One f Accrue are. . , :W`rk clusirgemble'to Then the ptoper thi I . . � England; Her Girl.';' that 9316Y,tor the SUM of 660,000 P . .1 . . I VOS it a battle, got it a . . I OUlY one 12`erb� InAttandano so. h , . . t , 109 is to., . All -libeft darkies, two by ,two , . I . Und" 'about *the I$ . a IQ this Ward 0O& and WOUx4r3hoGjJ­ Bind . . 04,00o.dawn,­Ao . , aying Montreal drill .0 I t the cot In- . rx"'ca"OAU12Y ,11JOkerin hi's lo' , � tier .. ? . dedicated it I 4ed..'..; ......... 1-1 .... I I I thing is done.- LB, - � AD, 644 the ' I boar, * - - , to be]: faithful a agreeing to Pay 627 000.in­ Port Arthur Ili grant abed ; ­* ...... Sit 1000 . I I . I I . 1119-0tiled bluij. , TaSsing along as she mas x a f6w days slid to give 0, Mor --Mullit0ba G - - " 75,0 Ara 0herA offered AS kc(hatlitates . . I L I I . . nervallt,- 4101in .- Drawn.; balance. the OvOrAOr Mid * ­'­ ....... " for .there sure YOU get Putnijbi,., . I , 'United' States S-Saitof ni g ..to ,,, ,1309041aing fox! -help. olueo, I are .. . , . . L I . NOW I ar amdhtbuildi Once"; ............. '6(j6 for the genuine. * . . . . Tax report Of � Mts- Stephens :Aihe ObrxidOli 42e 13eArd otbing Pke knovong thiggi, _ . .,Nob (gage 'for . . MorethuSia,04,00 I li 6 . . . . I ,vaince for ibw Auti. 11 W beglinning to be ,And the suit 0 Wag paid, PaYment of prince ngs at Nvinn Tog, 100,000 . ; � I . . . .. . .1 I . - -k She found it fast WAS brought to- recover .the . BOW Edward I I I . . - . . ., door' . ement of alai a an ill , . - . .. .. I � � L, . . 9rO190 Agalre Committee Hi faariag that. boinethinig. Poed, -very BU00688futly , , saxPloYed balance. .Fraud was alleged, as 1 0 slmos � . - for coAst %ii , . .. Th at q, L I litly disposes of the pr9posal to engage in In the field a bere- ari ? ­ - theatres lit .. I I Failed. assistan Was' wrong deooratiop, It ,a f firtiStio Al -viii ia in. tb 01.1c."Irl-tu 'Wbervea and PiGr ,SSrSd . of. 9 Is U at .Great Britain . exiaell L ,. I . . -cases; bai� t . . commercial retaliation I . Ail 00' and'itVA the do"! foro6a show'sipeoisi , the" natural beat. They X age Mr. Justi6 � ... . nob ... ;­�?�.i­­;,� ......... ;- .. ... ' yea Olat6ry degigning Ad 04. a re -hearing of the cases J 0 y1pintiff. . *44 a- I '"', I . .s I . . son 62806 to,the exclusion Of Araeric 'no -W `6if � a terrible, Scene, met. ,bet,!. a ormoladeoided.in j&VOfOf Oil a .� I .14 ...... . irOY-Befen are in Loodo ' , � agaiaefairalan - Mrs. StoPheng Was Llying dead oil $he View" , uph eado 'a Wall, Poineirm' ­­­�- . 53= eleven , I liver oOI,L five ill *,Ed. 11.1-- . � . . an pork. her f Ace floor .have Onfirfault h 41addisoorition., Th... - F notices Wil- . OV011 qX coucalitriii to to inburgh and . ... . . bi,iised arid diso,loi, ',"On And Galt oovAr Asi . . 16,1190,wo Blackburn INSoll. � -.Rough an C - , 'Poo" 66 S Fits' d Sto , .1 ' ON OUT 8'"for-Cougill . akton-Ou. . - Th6.whple ease is Burn d Arid clotted They are apt j. owever, an Art Writer'baye. , tried the'd6or& S IS ) I . . wed up IQ el 'Sl6gle. With' blood" while the m4eal. !is apooken,of, An Th' -oat, Hoasone Tape. Ili . harraiany at 'd -'eatirlAce M91891veriesi' s�bd serve, , . : The point 11 .. SO., roobO8,1 LI%uId,,6 ' ereare,only ton, 1110 , . , . . girl, V404d, atoold . eslgn to mird fuse . I .. . 13, Colds rre) ' t . � over her, !Qing R toost attention in donned Which de. . . P, L , I.,— I Il , ---�— . 60!. . 0 hall$.. tie lading Music ' . Sentence, 'lamely. that if foreign g � up one of the victl 0 quit, to. that u .. . . I mallts choose L ovetia- .arma,,a y � pretti- -th On. with L last .V84r,"Ouding No I I . I . to compel their people to - gleam a L 03's mass-. It is the same fault tbiy display - - this Property h �988116 glvet' hdr, �DiSpatieo.68 800 ; L vember - . higher prices for food products t Pay L had- f4l"LariesRiubeipyse, Abe deoqratixIg,tfieir person.. � -;a foliF'060,000, some two years ag Aged kind . Baden, -og . 1 ,76 A day ' ; - AD Playe w6r�R Produced in . ,. . clubbed Mrs, Sb6phe�s I purch . his JS - no With S. night. . I *xO Y . V BAVarl * , . reason why the, uni , , , ObSil, Whjeh�WoverthSi head A. Bostao i&dy ' , , L 1. to bondio wortil more' i O, wit" sworn The ,Aaousa ti give. nothin L a, 02.50, .London, and about 160 in - the Provinces. ' * , ' . went i1a the the& . hall. *§4 000�, 4t � � I � .: ­ I � . . 0't Ob6i thirty-three were P - I imitate tbeir folly ; to tit tot' .States -'shotild' WiPh blo6d,.Uuti as beliptickled - - had A cornpl�xlo tfe. '86 time of -the trial, ..,Vaiily the f�, " the- . I : ­___L_� 9. L , * .. ", . for our e true way to 0 and � then . W, I the Poor 61d, , ,Play WAS so. t, q.like' .. L I . the Gai�ey, tho f .. . � . roduced at � . Peg,apeoul&jors is bird ;- 0*0kols.1it 0JP � I I . I . avoi Inatinse bettei , I . I P Ill a -ruanimo% dull jag. h 4Redy. - Madsin I The Pope in his latest I me"OLand-otill,r agricultural ilidarg WOMAU,died, Ii1Y-&nd;,OI;e, The ' teof-Winni. rVOLM Wee, .. DAALIV,i - ber-JILUS. ferainine nature 0 displayed 1609 'the ganad all ibrOU; Q I& 11 Sii Debili kii by L ,, . *, cardinals 'dona to I the L ,. . - .Pushed L I . - weeping N0itbwesb­�-z,n,f.hJ a newer. . 01, . a la,*He&ltb .0 , ullOed the its,11 , I an restrictions Upon Or - the batty into a dark ,or mud. had aboodsi S by "401t0ha and th ty, oegroe'd ')Ygpe�V,K 'Impotence ... , tries being the removal as far aspossi ua� P ad . I . A .4 - - i Inibre. or 8 Ne I allocution hie of - drawn the .bedstead t6wards%br I Tinxes. . 11. . � L � 04e Ana tile oularge. f lit) rubbed harL By I nadial of this Market to L I OTUI mo�bariitigd,p. ,I,V a L door to al .. . I . . I . L � . I e� ,Of the rights 01. An violations , - I .lid], the door, ­ "i ."I ,ber*zxoge ' . as and, . .— I . .. I I I . . . --� I . tL 1. the Clxurch,'Aud delo4nd . . . . , �. . . , .1 I .. 'fAidler's forced open the', maid . I 'Wiped her complexion Olt. Wit, iof. She " " ---­---� � . , . . . , of the temporal , * ' ' PrO.dttOtBvlll.o-verthe.WOI:ldr'I car . I. ' With hOlfhAI3dkerch L 'X�xlgas City P�Sxked I .1 Ph& tea oration, . . ed . I gross Was-, bia, don I 1. L .1 2e"AT 0^L1L0WM1. - �. .. -, -. .55,10.00 . more , he , - UbtOrid a Strop power. .ELSS - - - � I . . : against to, and Wit ,he ad a crying 4 Wiolwd,�Bostoa pa she WAS . '. ­�. . . ainns, , 9 piotest"agiiii the itid ' I L . .. I - . an FJkW..SbS 9X '-'I , I . � I , . "'Au Cin 4 during the winter., Cincign! - moot of the libe,liell coarte, miati isi L I I . . L I'llor. Lxvr STO � I kool) the nurses I . or noise stood a . ec'N' omot jr,,Siote more he fati. ' - 1: L . I Gould apt- h aper sayj 10 had .g� . . - --­� . I ­ I I . interest OR-blUDGE advauqeo Scale Arid .......'e'd AWAY 0116, ran. to the . uO like 5 strawberry in , ­ .. . wrall.ai �ftli` , 0014rary. �, - : L Water and MUSid, though. , ,DO,* -froah, attai Upoi -the , I . Ing ideas con � W, wild dainag 00cpse 'aO*,9rdmm' NoralL. Don't. 'r a' AC&Igary desp&tch, gAyj§. - . . . . ­ . I . I a of ' 'At L . I Aeolared L be, Wool . I . Corning, the . is dew 'ti . . L L aliqu t it, at P Yo 'L ' . , a at. 114me Jose , � I � . 1. . ipainitient, bag papacy Were , . . . I lme�s laughing softly. ,WAx - b - I Ohio tho,tre,whell. . y .Was hAriged a I a �'Wil- . ,.L. r3explo, 1; Y., the"A" AS formerly hold, and' the - attOw�ted � . 1, . So t a Antigen plext .. d X .. -1-DO06.1,1879-, 11TIZIly, the righ - d' protect - I ' remove ber On. 1. - U va 14 0 UP Your card. t S'O'clook oz' 'Satur 4`4 am -Paiitor of tb,.B,Vtisr I .to Of .the. Jqol�,Sise . . . I . - Th them , 00. Sze) , � . she waived . . . . . . I gai, and au' oducate,1 phyEi , Church l;i . S. , . ,� . . � . I � . � . .�. I" ! . � . . - O., earth is , ' alming -. 44 I , 'The Oermao'or I I ,�.� ': I.. �Ozx February Sob. He rot 4110014'Ad.1,61, MOO, bUb am ray Bole fA I tally . am Aut inTfac, 194or SAIViail the ra . Views 012 that ou6jeot later- to. , A te"S � morning for fibe Aturde ,. . we' al- because She 1 ad bar ' French IaBi I . I Passed the might if, Vise in many chronic essesPhIsician, an hd-1 garrankenaeut, f., a toot ,12 Bus 1 I � ways some 10 degrees 184r.�;"'tv,d t _gedian, .. .1. , , , . 11 , rater .. than th' L�Tj I at L 00112P,%Dv with A priest, to who I vor a Year ago I ,)as toAnterioni. I . :� .", k I , ' I a. 'Poll L'being r kill Ate.'?, 9� Saab' 4 Aria.orline.. .'A , - he aik& . Y , . I : =411 would ., not fortune WiOh daisy Petiloi b "rying 4' - commended SfAlzor h . . - . I Alt- Moisture is AIW&Yg,;LgOAng', fraud the input )'or itrelxgth� LdOso - SWAY, jheiaL An reakin I In - i WIf0l Who has IS Our HOP Bitters I - .. . OP4A .to the air ' .1 djn6vbd t� Another Apart pther,. - had rO full'oonfession a * . 68n unde"edicalto "'Y"'valid - The. Owner - - I L I . .. I . , . ! This mci ,eveu'*b8,, it Is -froze- rited her, -go,� Invest be'loves . peating - he Upon. tbq�j6afr�ld just 9 110'stood Albany's 13 treatmeiat of . of , " I I . . ffi I pas - O'So Physicians Several Years, L r * * ' . at Air is Gondens - IS. UP to a late boil . rall of -b . � . . wonately; a. liatlo:. �. I before the fjk6gI Signal - b ',it, beg. Pa Iris, seeing & Some bd;UBO L Property 111 I � . . r Jaub, night- sh # as not at L Wsi vs]] be said thlig. , time 1300tu& thf)rOugulY ct:t,ed fellow Oil the'r , . . I . . . , . a could not Ban t WAS . Plidaiosd diseases I ; . Oat of one Of I . � . . 1"] .1 . d r4rieuds,,nuanj of Whom have what he Was doY,;rpquired from b, . . $Sa me it Gorage in be' SALWAIloned 00111 zlx� deep ,.a. a d 0 the ,them 1 tbo third , -of h6r various com- ,.his contact with the ,older Picture And, e'Of rad'ayet 'be' fie'd faced' man the- to- -- houses late . . t 0 street . * &bOVS it, a,n r ithwediatel SOP into which . pool , , . . death. Rei" bad. been. .a also It by tb6ir 'SaO- We . bet],. recom, 11 d it is found U j she had-fAllen. W., k, New Y. . The - �igtrl h-' man aboutt, 0x* galitle. soldier and he'did n9t. fear Be. -Iloi Of t4eir toinepea . %., . . I. Plants, and * ]Pon tho'grasia an sad hie Oi be'roarried-bAs ,., it, U M . log' * '80114 by the owner . . ' � ' : " I WO call it So dew 1, - I , L . . a . . � Y, and As A Peculiarly theme of in ex , made it the' L Made hie peace Wibb .God , ' a bad the , .. various ailtnenta bk the toot to , I I . . L . . �fliaarne the ready . , I tions have I ! avestiga, aBponsible certainly cannot be held, Wife... Ele ll,i qQ19jibi f - and , hoped . ---� �Itlri R. 14 WARFX. N. So'tbere�was & p reply. '. ' -. -, ', ., . been n3s,de lj%telyoff.tfie high _ ­ . or biaLfatiare ,n " - . . . I � ­ _ . , big I 0001ve him . L. L ­-, And far the toriib ,,,a,,,, hl� ��,aib, ,g,� to id a jab man to - --— low Alps in Switzeli I IS � dead-' Uer bad roads a large doday wit Wit )out& Strug 1. heaven.. Williatia, , , When he had A ' as r _ , I . ;Arenta reside -in diamond p,ibmIS : died . � . _and th. 0 Sarno to. . Toronto , . 11. d,w N. Y -t baAio . aiki 'of Elbe. mailed the inspection wh. , . � � o gAd Are very' basia broken' " every fourth petal having . . . OUt..'Thas' each bright, ,ear, , , bors.who were &tOlF,atgd by I . Suits Were obbed ward reached' at � XOSPeotable sorld,waribby citizens TiSi girl, , ii abige.. I . wife " cruelly The neigh." 'if an hour, And his' body wa � oat . Lied as I ; lob , Amberst; in the sp,alt6r1s, , - . , . .. . I I , I . DO Inegi the first. be Ilea. mai - , . .-. . 'when quite you I I I h , =0 his Own Proll it, * L- ' . I . I I . 0xPericneutfl mi naelalleholis WhIlif, was Ruble Will road, -he -ill I'll the 0 -__--_-_----------� to the woddi, - . . , . L few years Ago. The iplagksaumlly at toAto of . loves .: Clark in ' i I 10180 took dew.when 16 Is cloudy it,. 4 ' grow on he . , , 9121tre Of thi I., "New eh,Si or Sibe milogs A, And fait 'I, . . �brmBhOd-biMl tarred . 'Lady Brai Lot the Yacht, . . . I . I.. I., . - . . remooll Why there IS An. 'LlItitil it Wag Sit I I r L daisy is A ruby he , art. � I I ` - ­ :' ** . . � Vt.. , " " . .. .red hllp�, and seat hina hom� 0, Woman ot'i;i Sunbeam, is -- .. ; 041286 the alouds . "a Morning is be.- to tb6 4�yljlax coined advisable t6aead her 'It thd Sonde,n) W , I . . A 13i'lifax, despatch . . . . -- . I or. - . . . .bgre, there I Says;. 8011sia , :*Why Is -Mrs, Z ----- � Pt all- - - . act like a comforter or -from the,notIt. Five, tlimpa, ShOL Was tranble, the � wo . a 0 touch. beau given lit th 13 A has �dia Z­p1nhh&m,0 Vegetable berway to bgy P,,BYW�albbiss, ,While on � , I I Tellof-th6wild to E A' 0 with , * , , , ution by bar 04reinti and on - tribes. Ara casb� at the�.Queerx ,& prothy loag.Al,i a wall PrGiilent d' " ' ' blanket, and prqvent the lower obratuni of one consoi , tiken I I I O � . , . I , , , . "LIS ,,_are Always .quash a OtSAVION011,111ader-tho qn.to fl"41ing r ver moves with all IS 'by the A . ' . I ... . . gone. a ObnV6nt; She too 'Villages thb'Valleyfl �BOOSUSO­ the flonaellso volume of this tant6 of Nk and fayoritit to at 066 oo� .. ,. , " On ,a . vs. Lyons, A toot. . freshet ? * aft from dealing sufflolon the Water O%rriers . - - Oult in the Compound like the Mississippi River in , spring red pig, SIM . 11 fo, opild f4i She had beer, placed in built on, a bill , the w&t.r . I I . as my Bow 161 � . ­ I . xihobi� .' . I the InDIStUre when 'it .li fro ilsig6d to bffedi her escape below and � 130 KentVille, Riai a tt, . ot.ib it sweeps away all 0 momentum that li6ti . - . Vitriao. if"Re �48 the Lqtl&iit( � L ground. . , 1 tq , the (rob! bonito! Arid- V, I a 0 a jet . : - .1 L plianlattly M8010es 4 'diet AntY.' " Th Av CzCW 'a M*tbti t-,y.-tktLaqt1;!P -4d . 10 11&erj(Iy L. a aninial im 11 .. L . The 'visiber is . ountV , ,, T- OU I 0 . in this OA6e " . .11h. . . . I . ­ . . . I . I . Wag last i liets Made of 'Was quasildd * as via some ----,--,-Mp— . 4 I us .. . — . I the Asylum she Went -back to. brOtigbt b � bag made &way' $4 L others, an -Supreme I � I . alf& . 4ginabip,11-She ggyi , j, �Ha, I . . .. , - Coupons, dleou sjbd,the . leaves,. liquidLgght; deo ill 'I.N lithe t - A V a as disc . . . L KR- 'CHARLEB T . 'latter pl�,O; Sob , eub"to the braideq palm d� the ourt ,'as , P i6vored after .1 .. . B . ­ __Th6_ . -48telar � says , concerning -VlV1:i6pt.- 00 . I I 11 . � .. ' " i and then She W out fOurbOeU roonthe ago women � pling -a PGIO adross theireb, . 1 !9�4"Zinattii Over would I have the courage 101101� I rt I ensconced aniong . . . � que"t'44 how far it -is Worth wh1lo.ta pry, SP a really Ardent ' At each and of'which - b . , alders, Pallid not bein force Ali any coa ' si bird for aboit hat When it, to kill it a :. - h -- eAs�-abouiw-h&JiL�. �-. � L . those whoo L Soon as Dr. Clarke, the Saporta ,iful klrL As They go in jbt, L.. 18, A maket a , f water. Santis, where li Q$Y in NOVA - � F I .1 Into the private lives of nOtilled. of.thi tragagy be sent , diadelat, Was tlit I MuSoulair development. T�e , meats I -, b 11 comes to e4erj- th .. . ftl,vorfte 0 . .. - a w4v, R Oollgeg Were not 113 6.1jetenoe , L ave-nei been troubled by the r a P cot .a 1 ' Pug F lisp,, Sad I 1. . . word' -to -Dr. . '29 would not be More,66vere thso at the -t"".0 tile proolarnation slightest Scruple. -science has the righ. .. � . jugs have Arx'6018111 Attention. . antians"Who I& I . , r t , t isown.v, � . . � ration, GoItaludes thst'Of very I fit night. bold -an inquest On 1118 ligo tightly -faded 03 . a wait. : * 6mi Offset Of'tfids�deaisioa is to reAdpr Ploa ­ . I or won adaii , h rBOt Siad"PDitited-toed, ill - The I din th . --- . . . . L I I' t a body 'Sk' verdict being returned, in high-begled shoes, anyway. Prod" � , . 9 ., 0 sovereignty of . . . L � L . . few men of ' . .. 'the purposS.4 - -- I . - . L . geniUaL CAD it be said that . 4 11 I With the jai It.. L . . . I proceadings� take,, ander the - .4 1 � . I . ­­ , . . . , . . ]edge of their lives is n06 i InInuteknow. p(r."A "b Toronto 'asylum is vs . may, be to There," ifaid Mr ' 1. . Ill. Act 1je, every coil , to easift, to corivince 1 0 ..... 0 . I I. ,a%dcd,'d th,(t S-0116%, � 0 . 'Jones, 4f I'vii. found A wh . UL UtY Ili tbi Vince. fie qt ag 1 a man against big . -9 , 0. . a � . esBAry for gati I I . ry Oxman of an 4tagetit As sobu . ill I . 7 . ,t law""" %bOaaSidk, . fee r . I Vprorowded just now,- � I Much now ape * . - � . ere it'has bee � adopted. . � . . 0. - I INO , I It I r'l "AT . gri-ates S.".01 . , . .. I . . . . L z - . I 6 Ort a, thorough. trial man Ee I . � IRCIT, - -UP)Ar3kW,-L�.theJr--W.Ork .1 ' ' L* ' nave examilied it I'Shall. " . - I BOB i In .uu both � IL L' they are b I , --7- -­-----� I ' ` learned ' . I tft1VfttIond",!iS1jD,Je,,,e . . L ' �' pd.approval 'of . 2 - - — ry- 4 of men I . . �N PROZED. , I Go - .. . '. a .6 . "a in All OBS of t a li.ver. �'A r , . ., I . thin wbleh,',�� " well, .1 , .A.Vew-113ve, L e . � I ' r IS . , � 10 MObOk­:-G t - . . . 1. � L ; . . . . . - - a 0, � � . I .9 I the trial of the Caw Of UISS DI'll 0 Dean , A men took `-T----"- ' . X)009 4i4MO r--k­q;-dj�.—�-d.Q . . . - wages, their irr fevfiz - . AS'.trick. Wit oks, in hie .,Vrifei � . 4)kconn" despatch Bayj - In - . , . .. . I . - I U"i tL we kno W -iaItgAdyL that. - The disease' of . . Society With Present it,to"th , , bo dear all, UREST cult" Vic I o.world.is no Stranger knot o mi . . Jon6i to br . WE.. 11K.1*.N - li t,6 their weak th .. els i: P I;y I)ISEASES 'a . , ' . ­ I . . L I a t6n�9&110h k - ' catethatyb, 0ale 0, . Urine la,ii. . t . new opecivaon.� Ill Paid 4.2.50'for that Charles Wobstok, Obief-;af.. poll ,, eg of 'Whiskey I viotim P T W 1)0 IVOW Iii I . . I . I . . Sensuality and &e1flobileis gives actown wiler, MiGeS I . 11 jegklOUfJiea, t lbabili% their. Contentment � I I 6 visa, lodkiog With much, interest At the. Captalo of -the Skilvatioril-A 11LL , Olt' 5 ltrarrAwl�; . I . heir indolopce, or POBSW�,thqir . a fortune - jusect, I into the 31 British Col, E u0O Xidnoy-Vio ort itt age I i llas aaahod'it ;I�d, L .. I . . . ORO' umbia And . Oncep (drug. Z . go to'Weallib. fo * he Goo , Ynewbohnet'.8,ud, ibm ear on . .140,st4l'00bmrjlondit)tLudit.vMlgp,O,U 0 #j . 'Prefer li . . . 00 oil the staff. . ­ I . VOr, sometliftg- is due to writer ,, � I r , I .. `6 L ,: oomes � down to tie 'by tradition . It . I JW too - Enough of thigge as yoa'aall'ji� 1486 week it) W � riffonineiab, a ver4fdt f I to .filed dlearad,01,0 0 04MG thi'disoqaa Bud reatore h�,l . I I _a , ) Off ,W . . 11111101villest — .. . return - :* 0, USt h0e dro . irop .. an mat L for fille B � a transitory,. the I. t . WIN rendered, ' - . 0 ­ PA a "' I -in. pped , ? ­1� - . I . aw,il.xois. w0iZIN 'joklierg. " ir Ladift. "Orco-PI-Int- c. 1' ' I . . , L . ZU&Ilibi , a'2d'Wedku6nfjo,3;3�aato�f-ptti,%-aox suel � , . . L .. . " The 80,026 refinemOut tb, Uldn't be , 4 �� JaVerlsbaldixe, ., raitlegorcea , 4J Ae3­VV0XtiWiUSsUr1S grVieci W 12 . . Other perpetual. t 400 I �ckme . 16 belongs to the '. . lAmay. hichOtten, anald diffloulCies And through , 4io I 0, 'tasteless, humicas oithartia"f'r :i . . I ad d t , genus millillerse, Ana On do I , � �. - r t t hit"gS. US aeWL P.At had been. bskadf any deader I 1. . WJ.__L . worala; a 18 or A century. Bet ­ .1 "Bid M . tv Slit : .1 .- -will It, 4608 The two 1higil,prioett'joisey op . r . . are 1. coutagerneato they ha much,dia., Pleasures ex , 0 ad . at . ' ' . tioil. - use, I I . oxisapa. I.V Cmd O"ely. L . I follow-Oreatures. Dr . . Ye rondotrod i6,tih.ir I - . Peace us t W paills, . .. . Ave to got Onwj6 0 1 , - I -.-.49—. 1 � b d io*rb 11 .11-o.rotention btud, . . a . . 0 aegiftea. 11 I - �� , L * . 1. od - FL.OP6511ta, slid dull dx-4 I .Johnson put th I 12 t Sold At New -*york Ott woreoei ,X419'Hilitnberit qf ittAly sold AP60 ild to its oux4jiva - ,151 . . 2 - I . , - Whole matter iinaoinatj The.work An U . * ; ,� . . U At ?. - �Cs Alroudy Canada. Martha am. partakes , .- ----- I - J death of done is like m, . ahnown good - blim has . -1 I : . . I � Y , were. Beat from of fbod at A . 1 33 0 - . I y -vilall, 11POn the . veto Of water go .. 1� . . . 13t, :0Xt`t1rdGZSTig. . ('a'domith- he flat% 41"LOt butLit undel! ' . Wing hidden "' I 1. . Lambert,, Which much f "a likkailYtable. Hosufters , -00ft., � L . ,fraildes be remembered; a .W is ground, hearetly GladetO1113 was able to leave -L � fetobod 60,200i -and Mink, Bold for 0g,.800; row , dyspepal.4, And has the little . I great man." L . I as 14 ,very green. .. I Making the ground ,match - ondou on 'W"6 both Watera of M L I . I I . - -,'''I'll'' ..... 11,111,. * I � . . I 180h &bid go to I berts,,jhd facq6tie SirY Ann St. L%ta. tilsk he 64to-aad 'he GOOD 6aly to live - 11111 111''.... ..... . I I . I � � i I - It to estimated Sib, 1. . . . -, ,L his country,ba, speoiallY. POParod and- bOrved in his P Vats .. . AT&WArden. � met - OAN1,48 cow. L . llis.0by0icianS -.rdport -that Prince of. London, lately Sold. for OIBI�nk room - , . ri .. L , .1-�I.L...'"-, ...., . . I . " . , �, gr OxJanuxry'lat � publia'debt fOr hat the ted6otion In the allLetorie contrary, Gil ,O91PtIbg Of 4 .Sister of 5,0()O. -. I '. .� ;, .. L � ' � 11882, the Inhabit#, U h witipe Atli mil g6ni; 0 to the *1 the . - USSia latimbered 01,119 S14 livi - -3 ifStt)1311)'�' � - � ' ­-� . I .a' nts of IlOU4; . . . War. -the I .. .. . . 1; - .1 ral beal th, to U - - V Art . hire of, iliggg.Twenty , . - . . DA . . -- '�, The N: y, �r ' , . -001 IF f i .. " . though 'hill . . .. Mond --fout. beiSi dolbrs..f the ma. * . , ... . . . I I . 11 . .. . " nitapaired, A. . 80. L I sanbertai . .. ... A olill for Silk, Wc. ,1, Cottoo, ate 10 - . . yd", TRIA. . 181oriabs. , Dakii,g the Lwd� SSol�ljbut art spodiAt BELYO 0 Ilk . .. . . `10111 cents, . ' ' SIbund a. � ­ , 110"'Al oat VoIcilliag"'! . 40.1 13R. . PrOvillOod and 11 dl I . . I bg in 68 ' I yj - ­ " and , , , Ere We, � �th.l . I . . I , I .. Use With I)qffect success. ** It ; 1. I I ". L . . ? year 1881 tbere We � . I MAY. . i Miss R, . � . . � . 11 L . . .. 0 �-- , to 4,043,'e 111 SP'tO Of 4841418 prof6i- , 'L 4m, Gregot 11 i � ... 63 birilia Ana hing to. big aritboji aid 4 . . , . to I . . . . . 6.( li defeat on p1r, daughter or �the . late 1). j , . 01111 ­ I 111101ance At Arthur 'pall, . ­` ' ' 1 2,828,438 de&tha ' . . I Thie British -y' 1% Young lady Of' 17 - H64-'PrAia � I I L tdost�lioil th the Lord Us,yat IS . Gove Year" 02, age tea bonnet" are' a ag Into I � � . I . till I a growth of regolvei �SdlnnerooWaidaeadayhjg' coljaekvabiv�j met* Gregory, lott'her home vogue, we.-hopig 060e to - � At 6 it topulation being 2,217,426 jababitiat6 r a the dissolution (fi. tb� a . ting against to UtFrederl000u-N. ­ free l4addautpea ;4 rip -51 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . I , ]a L .1 . moms by -jpj�ati rtbqr delay in raj3 , I r, . 011 "' I �.� is rate the poptll%tiou would .rise t , .0,0., t" 10" pro. - on Thursday � even ing B.t Painted on Giftiaboral hato, .J :i - TAfo,tiptv tj 0 J3,11 Ini the thp -relief. of too . Her mother, g6i then hav, . ITYAANCS-F, 1,1,p, Sent 01 It'l' L - TO , to", IS I 0 1, Sild . . 100.000 000 in 1890. Atka in 60 t House Of Lords as, � 41 taxation has An source' to holi ftiagbier"s too 9 a some thing, to look at We'should JdLN OINI,k�VOVNG 0 1 M A3,01 I" '. . �­ rogsirdleag of. the .Strength thsigullIVA1200' ,,Th AS, found &,note tit Ov * IV Ji 1CRYOV Would double. 0 70 years it (if L 0, politi. that She- hNd-g a In hat' USSR did 'bide, the stagb, ­, ell it the A . I. , ISO Is or. , ce L it. Cii1f - ".J."i" WPAkNPR I 1 1(1,6 'a A of tbb Empire At 1711'08oat the Population th. Sone 100jOiltiby which, It ai pass An . 11? I the Teri . , . P4raollitea ,V . o.ted one tO-be-marriedt and Board . � OZ ... I 080 , f , . � . . . I . I . . I . . L . . I -1 --. � . lilt -1- .�. '.* � In -the theatre At"Weitnor, in G fruitlessly- It WAS Bubat ft,111"re 11 . I .. � rt'a br�attorf TO F IS .. - , 6 �ears In I a Comthons. ; K. We" at code made 'or the YounglAdy, bat Parridk - , . 1. 1� i ""' ,rl f", . I I is 94,000,000. The averag . I I ­-50NAL NATUXIE M t V of life in RaigAi - 0711.1, VUluls" , � 81 in Asia, � "d Europe An 0 Wornob have quently learned , it - 51)e M co We , . ! This ,already attal armabys however, that she had n1p.8114111i , . 017A1t&N'T1CI1% $(qi *1100D . I I ol2ortnous mortal. t is explained by th a their rights I,, the lothmag of Ilea nowe of AGO 1009 490, tbereVere only 0even p6roons Oddball Janatio bOZ driv I Whon P616011% . Do � I A Ity bf young ell . - an to Fred. , - , Nervine I for Palo.. 16 . loanApIllot &e. Ad,i a 110 a � . � children die O the street,, ova tie kt the. the ras4tarB not of . . has been anoort 0 is 9, common an Panamai It Ili the 11101080. The pit t no and had there taken a need L '', ildren. 1 stela for theta to Miserable mobil, I Oak off6a haw long Standing it way be, "I'll�ill�'ll'i'll,��llill",�����������l����l�� 11111111111111�ik �l,,, 11'', . I � ainba that 60 po flight trsi� for WOOdAtook. i Voltaip Belt ()O, 4 Alar8h"Al, � M, r can tt� of the OkingL loti walicaloag 9 of ho Performer and hissed 11- Alleut so 11ft lover E or'bow often at 0 - 11-o"to'- ich. . They 11,180 gather to det cigars; hiba 611orgetio*11Y4 wher6upau.tho, 11 .of chief an t, I 0 I her remedies have failed' to .r 0 ---------------ft--= I L. I P . —111, 1111111,� ... " ''I'll, . I ---------- _-- I . I I Which alegue Under the age Of 5 Year SAO Public allAtkolis ati brought hie earn manager rOW411110d, And wit k; 11314 Allen, "ftOvd relief, Nervallae.,lbe great pain Q�ko'-� Cr - -- . eariyatiari.0, And while gtooki " on' ibterviewed said the does its Work , I 146161bbb per Anna lid mion. oi the news of' tag exthmiagd, Out-1214sed the alulsavy Upon 'tbO 116494, and Young lady was all right. Saturday M�xcn, . , BRI K .A ' �i ill among yoUngL all,laretr . , land#, . I � promptly- -guy A 10 cent . I . .4­`0.H1NF.S . I . f zx� P&G . e no* chief Ong .110h Went I -It has FLISO been - the 1114Y, As there are tow " Th , I - 'i!�p � .- Ing KrIg, Otegoiy Bud A OSMPIO battle and try it Oat jutqrUAI or ex. 4 I . Of the ras.16 POP PfOV8d t At more than h&l' UOWAP&POrS I . . I . diation,did bold . totua, this Sauktoto up. . 1IMS01of Bridili Pa, Stooll'T'And the Young Oi ivere �Wado extraordinary pow., in talievin . the age for milit ro Attaining posta to Meet a publia want. . I is - Gap., k :to Wa6d' taknal P*'Uo' YOU"Will bb COUVinced of itjg SEND P011 DESCRIPTIVE 01A. , - - sky Service.' Olt an -,ver. TI, IS . "'nat'" JAPAU080 Mr� W. A. M%todaita, 6 alty heig 11064 in quite. siflattor Oeub battles. tit guy 9 Palo. 1ioxi Brick blachi4ea and Dripli Presses, Wo ftleo 0 ondon , zaftdet Baye th 116 hag beoa in A;�Srl,a over the Affair, .. CUNATI, Price r,jat and Tivablinobisle, of . "f4s) 4 Person is born- ir� th J 'aa At A remark. Spent Seven years in college &lid Speaks .'To make st&tch for Iluou or cot . . Ito the " lf UtOka Ortub'lled Dirldli a 4 Tg# . L Piro 0 . a Ituaki E m. able inutoob6 fourt6on y4skg, � . Large bottles g dealer ill madidinag MA& . .. I .. . .. very eight* Aebooda, and m death of so-called "healing by 610VOUL different languages, 6 4611t6o at 411 druggists, ' U40hille to forhords or Ateanx 0 , Occurs every eleven Redonda, la -St. faibb'" is reported fit Englaildo : . 0-11-1olli . . . . power, . . I � hu poterg. - Who had been 114d 46 conaer one OUSIOO Of ibb beat State , toll, our George 8 . I . . 1 4 , . I . g Away evork 15, Suffering fro; paralysis of, quAlilloatiobei enough cola got t � h Into jagg miti of Indiana Coubtyj Pa.- . . . . WOZZ6,0at. . . . . rg D'Itaine'a beiAg PM8130 . whate it girl' fli 1rolaua lid would noi'requirb r. CLOisr" & som blifluti the nook jot 6 I All these,: water to, Make I Put $15,000 in bills in a wooden 10 1 '. I . . L. . weittymObtl1s, And quablo to' . . P00, carefully A, thick dollar, 110 would 1106, true& h, about In his . . . . I , I raise bet hema from the P,116,Sol wao Bud. !Ipho P, * . Add ubwbm pill bkoakingL all � 'the lui L . . USTWULISIAtts 1866 . , I .o I -­— donly healed, ,eat up Arits Police Ara Watching 4 of boilWg Water, A 11ttl; 6 money to, . � I I af'tho Advanced god4l I ., . � 111camiiii 'tile Wai Ai0ft, toobutly assistance" and b;� , in be' laxembbrq 610sely the bankh; whet! be brought the Oheat to, OGMWe & .. . I bliaing# and 0, good gizgd" lump of p't.16"t light b, tow days aga to. count over his ­ 4G�Al,,� ow I . . � . esented to the unit6d S, 'thout ahy Nationalists. adhool h Sugar' � Bring to thebolling potiii Ana treasure, he found th%t . . I I r I I a Wl . DIU00 been dressed and .A dynamite on of Well t ibatbA by Great Able to Walk about, . This juStantandoua ,isthblisbod then an ari been ��-- -, . effeet'Wigg PtodUOS4 allt ng the pr ateritimia I dOrtbadirigot Aidiaterfor bull all 166 the Vats bad but. L 'All kindo of Irlog, 01,04,,0.1, ,. . . . . 11 I � . 11194itter, choest, ket f I .. .. - ion of zrik�h )egg time, . hOuto or boil berd for t?jwtd through And thr Ugh the chest until , g' 0 L 4014' Isooliky, 'Nil , , , � - , fits"Al thO 11041nallipig %it1s, 13 ' .. I S. Many 411moliters there Prot � , 4inlynowallfrAosion 0 Otd. pit, I Notakidleor 0 . % I I . , rit Arfloto an '4ASSQ'iIIA, I 1. . I . � I lid burning. qf the original patilt. violobat-k 14011 C wd. % (J())))O Pii 11 I . ear- imod Some 411114-ribbota jklotaxi "'i Of t'abotto,volleir,af0fINaw3�ot�alid�ch S 171i"b"61141 In'tiM "C' log 4gb of bills was All 4 hsgqtjsibleadaditloix� . L tua street O]r()n I I . I I films, ." I . Iq'tgo ' PI'Cii Pectin dust eAW tq I -1 .. I "! I . � "' -"--�'.V , - . . . I � . and t, tirrilla over " - I . . I . � . 1 boil tl,V6d fro � " L I 111. I . . Iasi 13 "Anj euki a ki &, 1. &I . ­ : I . . I . I . . I I he fire to proven lb A ISOUQ3 jr . ,to , A parkdalo� tooi hgk Well Alled tot IYOUNA MEN "fidioar loo 1 4 L 01) I . . . . . . . , . 6� I . . . bL . I 11 . . � toin r,3111g. . . - I whipping a 'Wid. . Bond your 111imA slid . I � I . I � I I . . , � L , I.,. . . . I . . 301j. sit at Pff � I .. . � I . . I I 4 I � . I 1i:xxg11laorrU�JdgOiSoSi 1, . . 1i . I . . . I . . . - I L 11 . . . 11 � . 11 . -, I . . . . I 1. . 14 ,., I L , I ­ L . . . . 1. � . .. I . I '. I . . . . . J . . I . I I � ,, . . , il it 4 -"r . 11 S 0 a 00 We I 0 1 1 1 . . I . I L . . . I I . , . f - - o,:1- . .1 . I . .11 I I V . . � I . . . � .1 . .. . . . . . I . I I . . . . . I . .. . k-, 1-1 I I �11 . ­ I I . . . . S,; , . . V , , , 1�r . . , ­ I I � I . I I . I I .1 I . I , I i. �­ �. I .1, . I L .. � , . . I . I . r . . . . I . I I . I .. � . .1 . I L I I . A' . . �"C­ - ' ' I ­ . ­­ . I 46.41- . I � .1 .. . - . r I , I , p 1. , I , I I . Awlilidw-kilp I " - , I , , I A— I . -� J� .11, ... . ­�­ ..� , 1�,--i � " ­ ­ ii , , .1 . I , " : . r.S:i , ! . - . , 1� " . VV 1 . I a . ,:ir. ii;, I " . , � , . . � . �� . . 1. . L.. I . , AilL. .1 . . . 4