HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-11, Page 6i1 n ATIRDAYP CLINTON. SidErrsii, 50 !FhonipsSTIL LIVE� AJJ c� Switzer • And do business more than ever. Better Bargains than ever,. iii • • ', -W Women's Good Prunellas: for GO e. Women's IscoBoots $1. Men's Laoe Shoes, $$2, Don't buy another )air'bf I3oots u' til g you see. our' new Spring Stock. Comeone, come all.. No )•I ' . trouble to show .goods,. r, Kir WANTED,A ' tiANTI l.'YOF r p� , �loov •Por,A.zots ...: Veal)c).xrj.:' atto*-Mao rat, ' art[a tt !. st a Fe*:. • We have`jet on.,ltantl a few 1' it*t-+Class C400(.70 -KIN ' Si'UV:E Vhicll we .aro .se]Iin; at. ,n. h;<g:roduei;ion, ii otdet• tenitt! o, rekini for our large •stoc. k of ... SPRING ITARD ARE Which will arrive shortly ill tho :'shape of SPADES, ,SHOVELS, •I A.KES, HOES, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, WHITE LEA17'' PAINTS` OILS MACHINE OILS, dm., A,ixe 'rI P„itien tv nIU" p14' 'We wish to return our thanks. to our � numerous r Otis clastonlors for the \:eryi liberal support they have extended to nevi too pest, and will endeiivor to in the future so thatmstoonlay receive a eontinutince of tho.stane. 1-ralaXiii,NE EROS.? Brick Block, sign of~ the 1..3adloek, .Clinton. \ ws WAFTMIS az CO CHEMISTS & DRUG. - C�r2STS A,abor>t street, Clinton. The • public will find our stook of medicine's complete, warranted genuine, and ot, the best diialitl+, TOXLET SOAPS, ` 'E11 TJMEI ,'i', SHOULDER BRACES,TEUsslrs,,SPONGES _ _ i , . , , AND 1Xst4 ICIND$ OF DRUGGISTS' Su 1�.OXlI>:S US'iiALriY KY;:I' • I A PIRST mss .DRUG STORE. . Best _ Stock .and Lawest. SCROFULA. • 1 awl nil'? uefaltitgt d trtwrs, Sgrc$. 1:111.1 .1d8; k�Xrriir) ! tntullr,t 111l�t1v()l1t 21Unr,ar lar- • ldnt lea t'uiti`,'runl t 1aiiltieiuti of' the hl iia, ' tirt: tin' 4te Jot 41114'0o''. i i t, f the ' ltrunrr t'i(ce,1:siNis.R t.bcblootl tt)rst h. labra= • pod; anti ro5(rn•cd tet it,lieldthy.end natural etintli- tion., A $Elt'S SAltk.11' 1xir.L:1. has for over forty yearif beta{ rectigniie•,i by eminent; uusttir:rl roa thoritied 19 the oast poh arlul blood pitritittr lir (. isunc( It ireen,thy, troiii ail u cl hn• - ntul,:Crltieh('y had sfretigthoosthtblo01,it) tgrt"! `ttii-trite•.eir Of 1 isorttilkifthrafittolirigoti,itritroft i1• self ri aintiP t -t,• r.nt ter of all •,,erol'alurtlr tiisr:trt•s .Recent C'nrci Or Scrofulous ri°iV'r.,.. onu•.)uolrths 7,1,g0 111'as troubled with :u oft: lit sores £atom's) Mt my legs. Thai limits wet o' he i ' swollen and nt'i uned, :tad 111, v trey din to, t ed 'trl,e+ onto t tier3 of 0ite kiteHit(tor.'- . - t 1 tm 'eITt 1 rt it 1 t ,a!, nutif.1ilsu' {Prat's . • st >• i•nhri i t ,1 t bleu.here, uou'4a11 tltt-e 1 I Jt 1 1 'r, a t 1.htt.fhe soresare ileat.:+ a• 1 y .4, he1111 grr :iffyli proltd Ifeel I u ,I Mdt t 1 1 good. auto dime uirdicint hnc' • 4 r An person inters sial are fl . if, _ . 6 tti on i1 s. (.)1til irtn; also upon it i lee t . /. rice.,, --1 ice.,✓, --1:. • P. !Milts oc iii East ri t./ It Street-, et-, lir tt In a j • (i11.y, who n I71 take pleatofrit 111 testifying to the wondcrful..C•t1 c.te-y of' 1) t r'e, 5 tls.apa)•'1-. . na, ant. only in the rtnc,01 )his laity. ttut in 11 is own ('1S1•anrl nrrn;i others alv111)) iiia •knobital e. • �• a ha trrll•laiowniti c r.on {fir• Dosfini. 7!t rnlir; P: Sl BALL, of 14o J stee, Raring yntl'cred severely for some 'roars with t ft a a, alai haying fnii(d to li nl relief iron) other' • 1 eennae.e-i, I have made rise, (hiring the past t:hrort • months. d ' 1 L. (. ' 1 ulna 1Pr,.ts tnst.talt t e t a tf e 1 v1 tr h1 1 I1 a•1',1 n 1440pi'tr MT: 1 (mild v- II, ,1 71 t rq.i tent r, u„ d. ten' all 1)101.1:.ilsonses• ' . ,Kraiuts• Fluid ,Lightning. heeds -no advertising .when once introduced; Every bottle &old'selts.hundrede,of others, by. •dein; all and more than represented for Neu. ralgia; Toothache, headache, -eta'.: It removes any pain instantly, Oink ataflash: Try:it •yon will say it ie well minted Fluid L)glikt wing. Gait it twenty•five cent bottic at .1. H.6 In this line we show the .nicest goods ever, — offered in' Clinton. T}_�e . OId St' lid Victoria, Street,' -• torr USE FLEISCHNI .,A: N'S COMPRESSED TY Tan QutcxAsr, ThF Bios; and ` ni?, MosT ItPLTABLE YP.is" ` in he market,for all kinds of 13read and 'Cakes. :.. • It is used almost . exeliasiv eiy in London; Hamilton, and other Mowll.' Two d t ar t . 3.:+11• 41.:� x'16 r� ) ..S;.o, xa, aC e' to �,�:�'�?� �, ,;�..;:,,. .r►, • ;� .fie �pt: .l .. kft� ,., �;;• • S11IAIIir1tL4N'S Grocery, ALDERTSTREET, CLINTON) ne r ilia Market: SEEDS ALL. VARI E"TI'S SEEDS C1int� • Ayers. Sarsaparilla ie at 1'41es )nil regUlatQS. ihi _act ii 11 rf, t s • t;i- Pt 'tnii, anti ;issiinilntive 01 of i<,: rel t 11.s•. and st e n aliens i1r0 vital forces, luttl 1speetti t r11iv 5 T(hr.lirnatlsui, Ie'euiaiIgi:i, Itlut *inntl, •(lour, Cntiarrh, General 11)ebtlitt•, 1nt1 itrittirtg front all itnpoVerish•+t1 or cerrithtetI e„ t.t.i- tiinl of the blood, and a weeny{ ne l i .,.r •, - 'ft Is Incomparably 1116 clicape sI b' n. oil Account of its concentrate 1 st,r n,., ;. ,t r r [ power Orea1''dlseade. • . • • 1'x111 )1tl:n IiY ' Dr: 'J: C. Ayer & Coz,iLaweil, Mass. • Sold by,all 1)rtlgglsts;. prioo 1,14, sic bottle) for t5, ` get nothing; If the. Orangemen desire Combe's drug store. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. •tlex...Iohnsttin, -the• rejected• .of West Middlesex,. is still at •Ottawa, and it understood' that be is endeavoring to se- cure certain valuable timber limits said t6 bave.beelr recently surveyed to the north- ward, of Qu'Appelle. 'Th.e French` Bleus' in Parliament are becoming more reStive.every day, as they. fear Sir John is anxious to get through the session without doing anything forQuebec. Even the most, ardent supporters of the 'Government are. becoming disgusted at Sir John Macdenald's outrageous disre- gard of his pledges. • Dr..Orthn, of Centre Wellington, is .:. going back on rhe N. P. In his, memori- al . . to Sir John Macdonald en the subject. of the North-west . grieve ncea..-,Dr.:-- , M. P., declares that the high duty "'levier. .' on .agricultural. implements is a serious burden upon the farmers of the North- west, also that he was also .opposed- to the increased duty upon implement:', and hopes tile.tax may be reduced. Dr. Or- ton also points out many other hardships under whieh'the North-west settlers Ia- .bor, This is exactly What -liberal papers have been saving all along.• . There .is • no use of the Orangenlen abusing:those politicians Who declined . to vote for their bill. • The politicians have their own ganie to .play and •they do not care the snap'nf ,their fingers :about the Orangemen. It is noticeable, however, that the politicians cannot play, fast •ane loose with the Cathii res ea they do with the . Orangemen. The Catholics keep them to their"promise:s, and cin not Best` tate in the least to sho'w their teeth '"when itis necessary to bring. them to time.— The result is that the i;athalies. got n thing• thby want, while the Orau omen • • • PLANINGMILL. '-.•t-•.4tiU-•-. • :DRY E 1L'N 1 LTIE SIIL'YORIIIER TIMING .LIST COMPLETED and furnish(' his new Planing Mill with machin: Ory of tho latest improved patterns, is now -prepared to attend to all orders in his lino 111 the moat prompt and satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates.; TIo would Inds° return thanks to all who patronized the Old iIrm before they were burned Out, and note being in a bettor position to .execute, orders expodifionsly, fools confidenb ho eau give satisfaction to all. .v'ACP0:12 .'--Ndar t)te ttt'z+ilei run Eaa wady, Clinton. . • THOMAS ifc101NZIE;. ,Ni w BtiTOHER SHOP J TIE undersigned desires to thank' Ids nu- inbrbtts friends to Cilirrtbn land Vicinity for their liberal patronage Mixing the twelve years Ito carried On tho butchering business, and would intimate to them that 110 has re-eon)- rnendod businef,s in C'ore's bulldilig, On I[uiron Street, where lie will bo pleased to wee hitt Old fticndg atnl'as nubby new ones Its incorporation they inti ceitso - to lie `" a Tory brigade and he;�i)nie independent.—. It is their only way.—`i'bronto Telegram. The sympathy of the Canadian subject). with the Queen on the loss of her younjl est son will bo" hut faintly conveyed by'. the appropriate ' address of condotaitlie, voted by. the House of Commons yester- day. Tho Empire, as iPr. maze l,ei'tted Old, owes {much more ti, ;a11t • t, tti+(irr than itis aware of for the great; advance which liasbeen .lnade'during Ye" reign iu ma- terial terial and moral welfare. No portion of the Empire has. amide greater advances esliecially in the matter of constitutional freedom, than Ilas. Canada. Sir John Macclonald's tribute to the eharaeter aiul( talents of the Prince himself was not `too . Warm. • England and the , 'world 'suffered • a real loss of no ,small magnitude whelp • a p'rinee of hid tbcnghttul nature, . mid with a desire to do gond, passed' away. • Sitieklcats Jttruira itilter �" Tho best SAVE: in the world f. r eutl.,benisolir sores nloers ' g sat -rheum, r , 1 cum, foyer sores, tatter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and ail skin ernpttons, and I os lively cures piles, or no pay reryufreX It is guaranteed to give fa Vol llitn h Itlt tltelr ptlatr-0t)ltttrro�. perfect s t afAction or money refunded, Parise . •• UOI1T. rIT2sr'1Mo. s. 2ii Orn per bo 'Watts d1;Oo.1 . . ,r 7