HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-11, Page 5• ROUNO THE COUNTY., A. Bradshaw, 4th con. Morris; dtMealy last week, after a short Pev ival s.rvielis in the Goderich ist church; ;have added nearly embers to the church.. s.. Tkotnpson, of East Wawano34, fled single for 73 years,' thenhe tied it was not wise for man to ane. - freak of nature may be seen on remises of Mr. S. Wallace, lot 2, on., Tuckersmith, in the shape of with•five legs.. atilt of open air exorelse and the want of Out care in the matter' of diet, the whole cal mechanism often b000mos impaired ); the winter. Ayers Sarsaparilla is the r remedy to take in the spring o1 the to purity the blood, invigorate the system, the liver .to action, and restore the y tone and vigor. l AItDI C1IANOES.. MONET TO* ZO411 . J.RIYATE AND 'COMPANY FUNDS, AT lowest rates of interest. Rxtrieleal payable, a@'desired by borrower. Valuator for tho CANADA; Loam) Costar Cours2 . D. A. FOARATER. Clinton, Dee. 20.1883.. Etniti.N& TISIOIALL $AliltKES`S RATTENBU.F.Y ST., OLUNTOT, ¥i1RANSAOT A GENEBALBANBINOBUSINESS. 1 Moneyadvaneed oq Mortgagee and Notesofhend Drafts issued payable at par,at all the ofacesof the Merchant's Bank of Canada. New Perk exchange bought and sold. P$OSIYT ATT>tNTION rAID. To OOL• LEOTIONEthroUghwat Canada and the United States.. SALE NOTES SOUGHT at oloee rates, and mane] advanced to termite on their own notee,fer anylength of time to snit the borrower. All marketable occur . tioeboughtandsold. • McLean leas purchased the Pinlc=i n farm, consisting of 47-4 aeras on Bayfield Road near Goderich.' r. John Pickard, of Porter's Hill, purchased frorn' Mr. Cdnrtice, 40 es of hand, the front half of the Gar- er piece, for $1,500. • essrs. Joseph and Andrew Feagan eta bought lot 26, 3rd coli„ East WYa, nosh, from Mrs.: B-.nnett of Napanee. e farm contains 200 acres. Price ,800. How aro we ever going to • get through. our ring and -summer's worts l Wo aro all run we, tired oat before it bogin80 So say many farmer's family., "We answer,go to your nggist and pay five dollars Tor atx • bottles of yet a Sarsaparilla. This is just the medicine n need, and will pay %impound Interest on o investment. AIr. Wm. Aitohei'ion, of the 2nd con. McKillop, has purchased the Carter arm in Eiullott from Mr. Robert Me- ichael, for the sum of $6,300. Mr. cMichael paid X5,6'00. for it about -a ear ng0: • . Tr . A 1.1.eiltil•tuey, of the Mill Road,, 1'uckersmith, having not yet sold..his farm has decided to rent if for a tern;. of years, as he has purchased a farm in :manses and intends removing there within a month. These are Solid Facts. • ' T140 best blood Purifier and system regulator over placed Within the reach of suffering :hd- manity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Livor, Biliousness, Jaundice,, Constipa- tion, Weak Kidneys. or any disease of the urinary organs, or who ever requires Can appe- tizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find' Electric Bitters the hest and' only certain. oure known. They not surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or `money refunoded. Sold at fifty cents' a • bottle by Watts & Co. HORSE AND STOCK NOTES. AT. A • HALE'S CII1A.P STORE, , Mr. J. Torrance, Stanley, sold his year old Dolt for 1200 cash, a fe.w days. rlfo"o. �v T. McLanchlin, 13russels, has arrived S..', . FOWLER & SON. home from Scotland, with tllree.Clydes• • dale stallions. • ' ••• Mr. 11. Weston, Goderich 'township;' sold a fine team of horses to 3fr.G.Cox, of Detroit, for 4400. Baatt ns I\ NEW YORE. Atislcrs of Tun 3lehaneur'sBANK OF CANADA, TE DE -REST ALLOWED .ON DEPOSITS W. W. VARRAN. J. P, T1SDALL' THE MOLSONS BANK, Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. 0A.PIITAL, - $2,000,000: HEAD OFFICE,: •MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. 11, R. MOLSON.. .. Tice -Pres. WOL>' ERSTAN TIIOMAS, Sonoral Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. 1NTEREST'AT+LOWED ON DEPOSITS. FARME f3.. - rtoneyndvancetl to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required as 80-. .purity. • • IL C. BREWER M nager, January 1888. Clinton. Picture &Photo names FROM TWEN'&-FIVE CENTS bar. . MATS .. tamped, With Bird,,' -Boasts, Fi'irt or Flower.: ALL KINDS OF WALL POCKETS; BOOK AND CLOCK SHELVES, FANCY GOO1)S,l,.c:. cLINTQ i. BEST-STOCIt 0F., Mr. John Wallace, Goderich town-. VIOLIN STRINGS ship, purchased from Mr., Jas. Stewart, • of Colborne. a fino thoroughbred bull for 1120. . • E. Bcsman, of Morris, has purchased a.young durham bull` for the sum .of 1100. The annual is but 10 months old and tips the beam at S00 lbs.'. Mr. Wm. Dearing, of Stopheli, :sola his thoroughbred two -yr -old durham bull, "Howard Boy," to \I.. Balougli, of West Wawanosh, for $150.. Mr. J. Templeton, 10th con. of Wok-. .ersmith, has solei his splendid . Clydes- dale cult, "John A Macdonald," to Mr. :Patrick, of Pomba,. ;1•iicli.,'for 81,500. It is'cotning two. ., Mr. Thos. Kidd, of Se'aforth, sold a year old filly front; "Lady Dufferiri" • for. the sum of 1250 cash, and Mr. Thos. Lapslie, of McKillop, also sold • a. three. year old filly - for . $250. Both 'were. purchased by Mr.. W.T. l±reenn,n, of. Naahville. From the malty r.emarkal/io• cures wrought by rising McGregor's Speedy 'Cure for l)ys-.- pcpsia, Indigestion, Constipation, and Airco- - tion of the Livor, and from the immense of it without any advertising, we have - ,con• eluded to place it extensively on the market, • ro that thoso who suffer may have .0 perfect onto, rao to J. 11. Combe's drug store and get a trial bottle free, or the regular size at nifty cents and one dollar. - Thos: Russell, of Usborne, • has trade tho following •saler, of thorium;- brad bull calves during. the fail .of 1883: "Roan Priiloo" to D.Lt'.McKe11en, Jaiv- ingatcu post office; "R'iverside • Duke" to D. Mitchell, Ribbert ; "Earl of'Eser •ter" to W. Rothwell, Stanley, ; "Young Statesman" to John Cfuninring, Hullett; "Earl of Whitevalc" to Thos, Dinsdalc, f taniey. • A (:rest Discoverl • . • " Mr. Win. Thomas, of Newton, Ia., says r---"Mv wife has been seriously affected with a 'cough 'for twenty-five years and this spring there, severely than ever before. She had tised many remedies without relief, and baiag urged to try Dr. Ktug'e Now Discovery, did so,. with most . gratifying results. T1fo first, bottle ro- 7ieved her very much, and the Second bottl0 has absolutely ourOt her. Site has. not bad so good health for thirty years." Trial bOttlea roe at Watt8 & Co's.. drug store. Largo size 5t. 1'N r1'owN.'' FINE PLATED WARE. N EwIa T DESIGNS IN JEWELLERY r. Repairing done Promptly. Cl• Sou, May 25tH. 1982. Go to COOPER' S 1'ox • '.CHI;.iA1.P GROGERII'S. Crockery,: Glassware, . &c. O tin tI aid tornmaaf hot. NEW TIN STURE., WWI; sUBhCa1S.E1t,-wHO WAS' MIL IIO II J. than ei'RRin years io the employ of hit. Silas Davis, doslrea to intinlato that he ltas Opened a Tin Shop io Dodswortii's Mock TOMOS S'T'REET, CLINTON, . 'utero ho is prepared to do AtLT, 'KINDS 01? TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK, rn the beat of style and oh siert notice iia ," Ol r,, LAMPS, CLASS, &tn. In stork t r:,n1. setae -trim 1 ,w s.tllfl'tsl, at-rrsftkr,• . THE 1''1'lt'?r"`1Tili-t1 ;If A•L S'0' ' Petty's giletratsd English ,8raakfa:t Bassa, • • ',Ong Clear ttacofa Sugar Cured Naqua, • , And A'o.' 1 LARD. ' . • ' Atrricea which cannot be lieaton la .town.. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY DobbiiiirtLECTEIC SOAP THOMAS. COOPER, .tr nERT STREET, CLINTON DOING .VERY WTELL JUST- NOW, .e.nt.. WON'T BOTHER ADVI TX•3INCC- - f • FOR Ag WEEK Olt TWO. THOMAS STEVENSON,. ('linter,. Tlet 1V4:r. a• . • • llal;r'rJ`ONT BIDDLBOO, BE,. Watch alt' Clock Maar JEWELLER, dc,, OP1'U$I'r,6 TIRE 31*110AMT,CLA1t1TON • Where lie keeps &:881101 assortment of WAI'coes" nL iWR ,1 -wee 1 en sareR NEW ERABAKERY'. • THOS. DUNLOP HAS pleasure i11 tnfornting the people of Clinton• that be Ma cbmmencod business for hisi1 in; 11,0 building adjoining the Nfirw ERA office, we he,willconducttheBAKING BUSINESSIn%Mitenc•sf.esyandwill18e�i�easadtoFEdeIv achaneofpaage,l1i behoving that'hg car, f lve,yittslaction to alt who ;aeon him with their Custom, Eagan Damen. c, E,I Which w9 Will; sell at.rea6onableratsc, Repairing of every desoript;ton promptly at tended to, and all work warranted. J. B(Da LECOMBE; Odnton,Nov. 1882, • JOHN ROSSr. PUMP MAKE _ R, CLINTON, ONT. The aubscrlbdr hasfa hcoad on. manyy yeitrb' export once, and guarantees s t0 give the best of aatis- • PUMPS, 'TANKS, CISTERNS, ETC,, .Lade and put in ou short4rotico. AU orders by mall promptly attended to. Charges ren s01at11e. '. • JOIIN ROSS, Clinton', WINES AND SPIRITS Til): subsc:tbar • desires to return his. shnoore thanks to his customers and the public gen rally for the liberal patronage extended to him in tho past, and by furnishing the gest article at the lowest *omit-. nerative price, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. • He would specially recommend a trial of itis, direct Importations os the very boat brands of Brandies, Port Vines and Holland Gia, SUITABLE FOR DIEAIO1NAL'I'uRi'Oeps ANA 1' A]1Lty res.. BASS' ALE' AND OWNERS' PORTER, • InaBottles, Pints and (marts. CANADIAN ALES AND PORTER, CxnLI\0'e and DAVIES EAGERennstantly on: hand. • lust received, in prime' condition, • Afondrrdl ^!urger Ale, Chow(' (:trier, Plain Sot/a. ttilt'• .ibr (-otleriels .e11 t•, \. 1101;*0\, ' .1.1.1..41 l Sr itl,t I. lines nbov t GLI\ l' \. [QUEEN GOLD MEDALS Awarded at Toronto, London. and Guelph, in 1888, for ' PEERLE .AND OTHER MACH INE .OILS.: - For'. Kalov by' all; First -Class• • Every Barrel Guarante d. • $AMU L .• 30 Front Si. Elva, Toron.o, 1. AB.N ESS OP ALL ICINl)S. MINKS, VALISES, &c. VERY CHEAP, W. L. IsTZWToi , CLINTON. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral No otherm lainte OO p. aro so insidious iathoirut. tack. aathQseWeetingthe throat and lungs:none • 00 trifled With by the majority of sufferers. The Ordinary cough or cold,, resulting'perhaps from a trifling or unconscious exposure, is often bat t11e._ beginning of a fatal Sickness. A -i -En's CUEnRY PECTORAL has well proven its °MRoaey in a forty years' fight with throat and lung diseases;and. ahoaid bo taken in all cases without delay, A Terrible Cough Cured. "11.18571.401i a severe cold, which ufl i+tr,i my longs, I had a terrible cough, and passed sight after :night•withpnt sleep. • The doctors gave the up, I• tried Armes CHERRX' PECTUit4h.whiehi relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded tuft the rest neceSsar1 tor therecovery of rlly etrelt•,•,111. liy the continuetr 'iso of the Pr u�r on i t z lit -i o— nent euro was eVected. I am now t.' Years old, hale Conti' hearty, ,old am satisite'h , ear C;claltxv i'LO'1'o't A7.Saved1180, 1[enAOnFAilrnrlO•rHi;Ir." Ilockiugltam, Vt.,:duly 111,1;7$2. • Cdup. -A *other's Tribute. • :"1y'ilile in the Country fast winter my little boy, three years old, was. taken ill whit croup; 'f I seemed es i1' lie would ;lie fron, sttaimid:Won,' Ono of the family suggested the use of tYt;r 'e Cinlin 1'EGTOItyr, t bottle of winch Wilt al- ways kept in the ;rouse:-- This was 'tr tried in smalland. frequentdosee, and to Our delight in less than. half on hour tho ,little patient was breathing e0- fly. The doctor said that the Carr; rt it v Ii'e tdm I. bad saved my darling's life. Can you ]wonder at our gratitude! Sincerelyyours, • ' „`• Hits. 159West l2SthSt New•1ork,Ma.y id, 1-t • " novelised used AI i.r's Cl[m.1tx PECTORAL in any fancily for several years, and do not hesitate to ' pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have over tried. ,A. J CII.Iinj.". Lake Crystal, 11Iinh., March 13, 1882, • suffered for eight yearsfront Bronchi tis, and After trying manyremediestivith no:success twos eu ed.Iry rho use of ATER's QltExct t 1 EcxozA.L. ' * •JosErn. it .ILDEN.' Byhaha, bliss., April L,1882:' 91I cannot say enough 1n .praise of Ai -inn's • CITERItY. PEGTORAL,belioving as I do that but for its use I should long since nave ,lied from long troubles. E ,I1natliitl '� Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. • No case of an afl'eetign of tfie throat ethinge earistsableli cannot be greatlyi'olioved bythe, fuse of AYtn's Cumin?' PEcu'onAL, and it will «iways cure when the disease is not alteiidy beyond the . controlof'medicine. • • • •IRL1-\ik1:o nr Or..J, 0.Ayer & Co,, Lowel(,..Mass, 401d•by, all Druggists. d Splradid inorimmt o(GEflMd1 1)111D; now:Bs. • ono NEW.- yLI ) L TT1 1) : 7.orts9 Or• : 'riru `zr l Al PINE. .l,iV):NDEIt • lJ L 13o@ur•.T, ;rna all of LIT&.I .$ Qnor.t,,••, • 11�1Jt.J,RUSHES,COi113S, TOOTH AND NAIL ;13RUTS BRUSHES, • r] OILT;'t'SOAPS,. COS11IETIcs1 glib\I1ST:• ANO ;DLiJGGIS'.C,..." . °LI TON, ONj..; • i c:'O1Ll:'J,T'7TE ASSORTMENT 0 Ly :0 :ORAS TRUNKS 86 VALISES. -Eggs take= ice, a ohan.ge; Fiero per °ep,t. Off for -oasis;. ThePopular Dry • Goads Howe, 0.'' Pring Goods to Nand s . 'beautiful designs wo Oases Pr n �f�1► . t'�:. f'Ql$t'Cnl01�1 ThreeBales GreyCottons: Two �l.es Brown Duce: Two dales Cotto:q.a4es. Thirteen Cases Boots and Shins Balance Winter ' Goods at . Reduced -Prices, Londesboro, Feb. 14,' 1884. ( crt111tisinb all the Newest Styles' r' y FRENCHc AME1-tIOA-N •• HATS `& BONNI 'S In Chi) r.ind'Fancy lA tiws.Viewers beltlers, lips, Pont -Z 011etr1lueitsLaces, RibbonsSaks and Satins. H,aving , bought. from the 'leading importers. in the trade, and at prices that pro aro 'enabled to offer special. value in tho above lines. .. EMBROIDERIES, largo stock to 011008e. from. DRESS• O1t1AMENTs, PASSEMENTIiIES AND G1M? Tanou)N0s. Full line. a SPRING PRINTS aiid general assortment of lMty GOODS, lints and Bonnets made over into all the leading styles, : A.ppren.tices wanted to .learn .the ;straw bark. - BEESLEY & SON, BEAVER BLOCK: L,8 QtyIM.ETTE., • ATN" "'ME :MO,S L' FAST- UONABLE i11., ;' ':S ANI) P 1'CTJ1121\'5+,. IN' OITJFS. 'U5IJA1.,i'.i 'FOUN15 •0rr pecial Lines Pay- '11. re:Iso11ah10, price, audio where you are sure that you will get it -well trimmed , and made by first-elass.workmen. • /y To , a C...4112s..; And you will not Tic' deceived, and we will net take . off:l0. or 20 cents on it11O dollar • but will sell as cheap .as any house in Town.• • G�yy���1.. r. •' T'' .i. If 'you want ft nice and cheap OVERCOAT.--' 1Jf V OAK, . • L Colpo and get a SWT tut in "this latest style, and a perfect'ftt. Hyatt want a good PAIR Or PANTS. go to the OAKBALL, ea to At, with ease and "colitfof't, Go to .the 0AJC HALL, yrolt will find. it to your advantage to otamino oltl stork. before you .deckle' elsewhere..• . • - lili.311411tEll ¶rift - 1'kt1:01 ,-. NEXT DOOR TO 'rILOMPSON ityrzlines .dui i .►n/ -►-1 • 1, . OAK HALL;. BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. Oct, Paper -.No trouble'to;r;bow, wlletller you pttrel'litse• or -not.. SIMPS:Of,' Clinton CUNINGHA_lIE ,, Desires to 044 specialattention to his stock 'of Chiand Granite Are, Of all kinds, stiita Ie tt ' C;Ir>it st iss tprosents. Also, the finest Confectionery to be had . Fresh Fruit, Canned Goods, i o 101N.. PUNxNGH.A,11EE, GROCER, Otfl 'TON«