HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-11, Page 4•
4'w Atite4ttot)Utut$,
Show room, opcning—J. Craib.
Show room opening—Estate J. llodgens.
Spring exhibit—Foster & Bayley..
Photographers—roster & Bayley.
Timee for bargains --J. Twitchell.
Gooc Groceries—' S, Palliser & Co.
Grand display --W. Jackson.
Something of interest---T.Jackson &:Son,
'Houseto rent—W„ G. Perrin.
Grand display .Pay & Wiseman.
Norse girl wanted—,hire, Craig.
Servant and nurse wanted—Mrs. Brewer.
Servant wanted—Mrs. Dowsle .
Card of thanks --John Cuninghame•
Card of thanks—Cantelon Bros.
Hewing machines—\V, Kitt,
Silt' ei ware ---Citrin. Dickson.
'travel to the old country—W. Jackson.
Legal notice -•,-Manning & Scott,
Driving—S, Palliser & Co.
Geed delivered promptly --Palliser & Co.
(bixnton env thaL.
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1884.
TDB Itiveaas AND sTIiEAMis 111L14,
The case. of Caldwell vs McLaren, .after
a lengthy and costly litigation, passing
through all the Canadian courts, has been
finally ' disposed of by the Privy
Council in • England; which also settles
the question of who was right and who
was .wrong with reference to the disallowed
Streams Bill. It would be - supposed by,
this thne, after so many times being pro-
ved to be in the wrong, that John, A
would no longer -act the autocrat, and
pose as a great constitutional lawyer, and
thereby receive now and again a severe
slap in thctce by his superiors.. It ,is
satisfactory to know. that the question of
provincial rights, so far as this question,
is concerned, is finally disposed of, but all
the expense, bitterness of feeling, obstruc-
tion, Iumbering interests, siCc:;.might have.
been avoided if only common sense, jus-
•rice, and freedoni from, partisanship, had
been permitted liberty of action,
In every case where therehas been a
disyuto, Mowat vs. Macdonald, the latter
has come out second best, and if it was
not for.his purchased and gerrymandered
support he would no longer be in a' posi-
tion to try his strength again and put the'
country to uhnecessary expense. - No un-
prejudiced person will say otherwise than.
that the arbitration on -the boundary ques-
tion should be ratified, and that the liver
question is a m Iter purely, ;provincial;,
and should be 1 ft to their• disposal; but
because John A. has the power, he. is vin
dictivery using i to anndy and obstruct
the government f a parry who will .not
low down and s orship :litm•., It is to the
people's interes for diem to say, definite
_ly,-wwe_have ha ,enough of this..obstruc
tive and costl stubborness, and if it does
not cease at o ce, he must step downand
t'NP:i12 ' TO BEGIN: ii nTII.
• It has 1 een known for some --time that
the- G•ra'ge=Association of -Ontario were
eager td invest in a salt well, hi. order; as
wai a aimed by some, that thelmenibers.
min»got their salt at a reasonable figure,.
although" the Canada Salt Association.
Jahn that even at present prices, no mo-
i'ney is medals.' the busiaess,because labor
and fuel are now considerably -higher:
than when salt was sold. at about -80 cents
a barrel. No objection could.- be_urged
against the Grange :engaging in the -salt
manufacture, or any other business., so
long as they did so on equal terms. with
others in business, butivhen they.seek to
obtain advantages which others are not
allowed, exception •may justly be taken to
their mode of procedure.. The -Grange
.Association have' bought out the Gray
salt block at Kincardine, and ask 'the
ooitncil of that- place to give them exemp.
tion from titxation,fer ten years, 'anda
bonus. We were under the' impression
that the Grange, as a body; were opposed
to. exemptions, and have .heard- members
so express themselves On the • platform; ,
but they are .apparently actuated' by the
same motives as others. 'whoseek-like
privileges --selfishness, pure and simple.'
We suppose not even the eanada Salt As-
sociation would vraiso the slightest objee-
tion to baying the Grange its an opponent'
in business, provided both stood en. the.
same footing, but it is, to• say, the very
least,. hardly the square thing for one•to
pay taxes, and he therefore handicapped,
.tri that extent, while the other has the
advantage of paying none. If the Grange
acted consistently with its-prefessed prin•
ciples, it would be above asking forfavors,
and should pay its share .of taxes; as well
as every other portion of the coniinuniity.
A rrER Mr. Blake's s eech in the Bongo
un the Orange Society,
the Censor' t
Y vative�
paper§ stated that he therein denounced.
all secret secietics, and particularly the
t)ddfellows and Freemasons. It was
Scarcely necessary to give it denial to,
these statements, for those. who need the
speech knew they were false, -biit the
seerefary of the Grand Lodge of Oddfed
lows took the trouble to write 'to Mr.
Blake, Ivho showed by a verbatim report
that his --remarks had no reference to
these societies.
Quebec deficit for the past fiscal year IS'
sWed to amount to $847,290
Brant temperance workers are organiz-
ing• for the submission of the Scott Act.
cSIAiAE>)'l4" naD. 'i UA1s.
It will be seen by reference to" a report
elsewhere that the conspiratorsi Messrs
Bunting, Wilkinson, Meek and Kirkland
have been committed by the Police Ma.
gietrate for trial before a higher Cour
•on the charge of attempting to bribe mem-
bers of the Ontario Legislature. Bail war'
fixed at $6,000 apiece. In spite of all the
loud writing in Mr.'Bunting's newspaper)
the. Police Magistrate's judgment that a
prima facie case has been established will
be accepted es •a just one It is not in the
interest of the public that the accused niers
should escape on a technicality. The of-
f=fence of which they stand charged-4s-ar
serieus one,and if' they are convictea they
must stand the consequences, which they
.were all intelligent enough to foresee
and daring enough to risk, They collie u
for trial„ before Chief Justice Hagerty
on the 22nd, inst,. •
Town Connell,
Tlie regular meeting of the town couu-
cii was held on Monday evoning,members
all present except councillors Cantelon.
and Gibbings. •
The Finance Committee recommended
payment of the following accounts W;
J. Paisley, work'on streets, $54 13; Gee.
Rentgen, for stone hammers, $1; L,Trouse,
month's salary, $21; T. Watson, (charity
to Devine) $2.88; Jno. Oliver, watchman
at fire, $1.25; Jno. McGarva, account for
coal, $5.76; and charity to. Mrs, Welsh,
$4.951 R, Marlow, for Copp's board, $6 ;
Alf. Hayward, cleaning closet, $1 ; ..hos.
Cooper, charity account, . $1.711; W.
Gauley, work, &c., $4.63; Jno. ;Johnston,.
watching fire, $1,•, G. E. Pay,fireman,
watching fire and,filling tanks, 10,25 ; R.
Downs, .repairing engine, $6.25. The.
• vteigh scale receipts from the 15th., Feb,
to the 31st March, amounted to $38.70.
Mr. Searle thought a notice should be
put in the papers, calling' the attention of
persons having lots in the cern oter't, to
the fact that • tombstone, were tulub.ing..
downthem:; and a 1141. e: care s liould ii:a . ; iy-o:u•
Air. Doan did not think .such a notice`
was necessary; if people had riot-ufiicien
interest in decorating the graves of their.:
friends that was their lookout.
Mr. McMurchie agreed with Councillor
Dean ; the cemetery was in a measure;
private property, and people should not
need any`•notice in looking after that
which was their own. No 'action was
therefore taken. •
Mr. Thompson suggested :that some-
thingbe. done towards. extending the walk
to the cemetery, in which several others
co -infolded, and a motion to grade the walk
extending from the end of. the sidewalk,
to the cemetery, was passed., '
The Secretary of the 'High School
Board made applicationfor $500, on
:their grant of 1884,'which was. granted.
Mr. Jas. Sheppard presented a claim
against the council for' $175, for damage
.done to his building in pulling it down to
.prevent the spread of fire._ • " ..
The Mayor quoted froth the :statute to
show that theauthorities ..had powerto
destroy buildings adjacent to thoseburn-
ing,; and Harrison's -notes showed that
no claim could legally"be made on a cor-
poration for damages' thus ..caused.. He
believed the insurance company could be
compelled to pay the amount,.
iIr.'Sheppard-stated that lie had j laced
his damages at a Tow estimate, and did
not feel able to• fight an insurance com-
pany, and it was hardly fair that he •
should loose the ansount.• The council
took no actiou,in the matter. ,
A motion to pass the dog li}law, the
main points.of which have' been published
before,: was voted down, on, 'a division;_
rhe dog tax,_therefore,-remains-as before:
A by-law, making additional provisions
respecting fire Beaks, was read and passed.
The.Finance Colnmittire was instructed
to purchase a gravel pit, in some suitable
locality, for the use of the town _
The New ERA 'does •,iot.nold itself .responsible .for
ideas exrirossed under this heading;. -
7'0 lite Ld;loi of Clintons ..A -or zr Brit
DEAltSlk, -I••,am glad to see that intim
absence of correspondence on, the •ternpei-
anco question in your last,iasue, you sup-
ply interesting .matter on the eubject. in
'your editorial 'columns ;. for T believethat,
however outspoken the leading journals
may be, the discussion ofthe 'subject by
lead press will . greatly aeeelerate the .pro-
groes `of the good caute, and tend to pre-
pare the pnblic.mind for the submission
and adoption' of the Scott pet. In a pre -
*ions letter I said that there wore argu-
ments against prohibition as well as in its
favor. 1 did not the.p,.nor do I now, lee!
myself ealaedT`itpion to state -those a.rgu;
menta, filo donI,tall that cats be said on
that aide; and more too,, will be advanced
ere victory' shall' perch on the teiinporance
banner, It is. eueouraging, however, to
see that ono of the ar ilneonts that has
been made to do niost,e Tective Service in
.the past, his recently received .its cditj> do
grace. Of course every one knew that the
loss to the revenue from •the, liquor traffic,
was -incomparably greater 'than the gain.
Still, as the gain is,direct, and the loss in-
direct. tb " .
o a
e `
, has
q been .l-locd is tiro
treasury to be filled without this source of
income?" Iiut when the Minister ,of Fi-
nance at Ottawa, declares in public 'debate
that he regards such loss ad brit a feather's
weight in the argument, and would be
happy to devise meaus to Compensate for
truthless, if he bolieved`that the country
was ready for a prohibitory law, wo 'may
reasonably hope that thls pretext will no
longer be used in defence of the legalized
destruction of the property and lives, the
peace and happiness, the morals and souls•
of the community. 'And I am inclinect:to.
think, Mr,. Editor, that the vote in the
Dominion parliament; on the tesolution
expressive of the belief that the country' is
ready for a prohibitory law, is a fair indi-
cation that the country is at any rate not
far•froni ready, one.third of the house vats
ing for the resolution. May wo not then
reasonably hope that the county of.Iluron
is ready. doing, temperance men, strike
,while the iron is hot. Yours, as o'ee,
., " T. 'J. SAWN*;.
=CRY GOQCDS �.E�trAG� C1.411\7'T01\T.'
- moroomisTs.
First Grand for the' spring
ANi2. First Opening � p g season will tube place on the above date, when the display of MILLIIti•EIt\- 'MAN
ooDs v�rli- far
surpass. the attempts of any former season. p _ xl.>ss
MISS CAMPBELL, (formerly of Sarnia) has charge .of the -Millinery Eillinery De artnment.
MISS i icMANNUS, who has been with us for the last.four seasons,has invite •sett all` to come and see• ow -grand ,as charge of the Mantle �epart111el1t.
display, and: spend the evening, it will be worth 'our ti
will be immense, our prices very low, andit e willg y while. Our cusply
be pleased to show you throng il-;'ivliether you buy or not. •
Dress Goods .Department _.
a - '
�Wi11 .1)e• found .specially attractive,
-having beenselect eelwith great. care'
►1 ew Stripes, .:N esti- t pecks,mew
Soliels," New Follies, . Etc.,
• Dear Madam,;
• �
We ---will makeon,r first.. -�r•n. : �• .,
>Jy.Exhibit • ef New French and
Eizg-lish Patterns, Bonnets and .Mats, New York and English
Straw Goods,.French It a d En lisp ..Flozueys, 06. 14 Fezzthe� s,
-novelties; Ribbons, Silks, -Laces :Parasols and Sunshades, on
Staple Department.
We are showing large lines and
splendid value inCottons,Shirtings,
Cottoll.ades, Ticking,. &c. Special-
ly lowquotations In alllines bypiece
NewTable L•inens,Towels,Napkins
Clinton , ",, AJ ril 7 tris
T7113:149:7, pril 12th, 1884.
Our JWWWilline; will t e ��,%oiend u2zzis2 allattractive. ^
y and •
and tI c styles and j5yices will .conz are with : any in the trade:
IV'e solicit a Visit from all oz r atrons:
Gent's urnishings..
New -White and; ColoreclShirts,newv
Merino and CottouUndeiwear, nosy
Cotton. and Merino Sox,newCollars
and; Cuffs, new Bows, . new :Ties,
new- Gloves, • netiv. Handkerchiefs.
Tiit Expositor has along article show-
ing the • uselessness, of the Senate, The
seine :conclusion- is arrived at by taking
a short cut across` lots, and no argument
is nocessaryy:to prove to the •ee- le f'
p p o Ca=
nada'.that•itis an effete institution, and
,should have nq place' in our systeng,
of goveriunent.. :
;tt COWN ASSIZE.. - ,
7:he followin6 eases -Were- disposed of
Mlle Spring Assizes last week:---.
Dancy vs. Kidd.—Claim for $5$6 6
ance due: on log verdict forii
$350:. , plaintiff for
Tunny vs. Harrison.—Seduction ; ver.
dict for plaiiitifl' for $400 damages.
The Queen vs. McPherson -- ]3a p..
fendant acquitted, l e,
The Quoe`n vs. O. G. Martin. --Attempt-
ed counterfeiting, riot guilty.
Strettoli vs. Roe.---Olahn for damages'
hone lntel property; verdact foe plaintiff
for $15,
the Queen v§. J. T. 111iteliell,.•Lihc 1.
This is the casein which "Doe'tT li ll,
was concerned•. ('ase thrown over till
'next court. ,
Mays vs. Armstrong, ---Action arising
out of East Huron .election, in which
;Plaintiff Ives returning oilleer, was thrown
over till next court, '
The exodus of IFrench Onnadiau, to
the 'New ,i;nglend States is lltlustially
large this spring,
House Furnish'n' s
rr a ave ,imported 'a very large
stock of Brussels; Tapestry, Wool
and Hemp Carpets,. drier will.sell
thein at otii usual close prices; new
Mats,new Rugs, new Curtains,•new
Cretonnes,: new Table Covers.
' The: cost of maintaining Sir Charles' ,Caldwell v. McLaren.•
].tippers place in England will be $3,725
'cdse,has greatly.stir-
a year,atid that not include fuel, lases and 'seised and discomfited Tories here, and it
insurance. The total'cost to the. Doman is not probable that the Federal Govern-
ionwe lcertainlynotbeshort.offrom $500 ment.will again be, asked.to disallow the
to $600 n year, . Yet a 33ill.has-been pas-. , Ontario Streams Act. The decision willed'
to '$60t.tlie instance of a the Government,: bas just been given by the Privy Council
declaring that s the Minister of Railways,. makes no provision for compensating Mr.
who. has assumed the'Iligh;Commiesioner- McLaren, or persons who _groin leis pposi-
slrik receives no benefit from the :latter . tion, ler improvepiehts wade upon fioat-
position. Sir Charles 1'n :er is not that able streams, so that if the Streams Act is
land of Yuan; . • pC again diyaallowedMr. McLaren •will have.to
let his improvements be used• without
has been learned by cable thrit the eomppensntion. Mr:MeLareu has discovers
,Privy 'Council in England has given. ed that by following the adviceof Tory
j" dgme t ill the ease of McLaren vs. ,pelitioians he has ineurred an enormous
.Caldwell•. --n case whish tests the legality bill of costs and th •
'! fi y , at but for the action
of the Rivera and Streams Lill, passed by of Reformers in the Ontario Legislator ,.
the Ontario Legislature, anti disallowed he would' be deprived of all means • of dis-
hy Sir John Macdonald—in favor of the tainiug ebmpensation for the use of his
appellant, Caldwell, with full costs, This imprnwements:--•-'-----
settles the .right orthe a :Province, to legis-
late on the matter of the streams of the W 1111 1 rho last i'ew days whom has sold.
down to 81?,-, cents per bushel In Chicago.
This is said Lobe tlte.lowest touch d itt
e 80
years. The cause is The lack of demand in
Great Britain. Thus the farmer is once
more foled. Heft' told by thehigh tariff
party that if he, will only submit to plenty
of taxation, he will get a big price for his,
grain, put he discovers that whenever the
Britishdemand flattens out. ricesgo away
down, It is not possible to prices
t farmer
by a protective tarrifl; and the present ons
clition of the United h
ted Mates grain market
conclusively proves it.
it is estimated that the creditors of the
Exchange Pank will receive 60 .cents on
the dollar.
Province. McLaren, who owns titiaber
lances around A certain stream, prohibited
Caldwell,.who owns land farther up the
stream,to float timber pnstpiis property on
therond that the stream was his property
The gOntarioGovernm nt passed bill •
claring) that all streams. in the Province
were,public liighwags,and granting Cald-
well power to float timber down stream.
This bill the Dominion t'#evernment'dise,l-
An Ottawa telegram says t- the an-
]touncement that the Judicial• Committee'
of tlir Privy C.enneil has reversed thojudg-
mem of the Supremo Court and unheld
that of the Ontario Cetirt of appeal in the
''.ruekersmith Breech,at&afortti on `Tues-
day, April ]G. • '
, k u n at lira �
t.efi aids on Nerines••.
froy, April16th,
'Stephen and t7sliorne7ranch, at'Exeter, `
on -Friday, April 18. • • s..
Hallett, atplinton, on Tuesday April 15 '
Morris' 13rane i,at B1yth,onPriday;April 11,
• test 1,V.aivanosh Branch, at Belgrave, on
Thursday; April 10. '
East Rifling, et Wroxeter;, •ill • I+riday,
Aptills,.. • •,
Grey Branch, at Brussels, ' on, Thursday, ,
solute .
W.i'rmd,-h a Hamilton, on the 16th Inst.,
the wife of Mr. C. G. Watts, of a son.
PorvEIL—In:glinton, onthe'3th gnat, .the
Wife of Mr. H. Porter, of a daughter.
(Ili eAty-.-4n i)unlo s on 31st March the
wife of Mr. Rat. Bean of a daughter. , g ,
Megint sit.�In Croswell, Mich. • on the 4L11
lust., the wife of Mrs Wm. McQueen, fernier. '
ly of Stanley, of a daughter. •
—Smith. --At th0 regi
, Clinton,. ora, the Ot
Stewart, lilt. Geo;
Smith, all -of Clinton.
i .111/$tioaotrtiit.• ln,T'uokersiitith oii the
4th inst.,A uses third daughter, Sag.
of 1:1r. n ,
.l andsberrough, agotl•2I years. ,
l3sysstots donee Of the
bride's father, h 'inst. , by
the Rev, r1: Swallow, to
Sisa Lizzie S