HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-11, Page 3April 11 1$84.
lamp. find Peeve.
Yd.' thin ludge I rasa frOM ramniers ?
Whe abet know hint by WS dress?
Painpere may bp fit for princes,
Princes flt for somethiug less;
.efeempled shirt and dirty Janke;
May beelotlae.the golden ore
Of the depeatthought and fooling—
tin pests eoeld do no more.
Mere are springs of crystal nectar "
'IlIfer welling out of tone;s
There ere purple buds and golden,
Hidden'cruithed and overgrow°,
GO& whocoupts by mule, not dresses
Loves end prospere you and me,
Wile He values thrones the highest
lint as pebbles iu the sea. '
Man, upraised above his fel1oW(3,
Oft forgets his fellows then;
Masters, rulers, lortts, remember
Tbat your meanest hindii are ,non;
MAO by honor, men by feeling,
- Men by theueht and menby tem°,
Claiming equal rights ta sunshine,
In a matre ennobling name.
---,There are foam embroicered oceans,
There are tittle weed -clad rills ;
There are feeble Ind. -high saplings,
'Poem are cedars on the bilis
God, who counta by souls, uot stations,
Levee and prospers you and IflU;
For to Him all famed distinetions
Are AB pebblee in the sea.
Telling Undo alone are builders
Of a nation's weelth or fame ;
Titled laziness is peneioned, .
Fed and fattened on the same ;
By the sweat of otbers' foreheads
— '
While the poor me.p's cntiraged freedoin
Vainly lifteth up its
Truth and justipe ere eternal,
'Born with lovelinese aud light ;
Secret wrong e shall.never proaper •
• While there is a sunny right;
God, wh.qte wor.d.heard voice is singing
Boundless love to you and me,
131pkii oppression with ita titled,
As tIze pebbles in the aim.
Tie Veda et the Great Metropolis.
The presence of the Duke of Connaught,
Prince Arthur, at an elephant fight given
by the Rajah of Bburtpore, India, will be
made the subject .of a goestioa in Parlia-
ment. -Elephants are made to fight by
giving them copious draughts of rum. Some
become go &unit that they owe soaroela
inland, while canoe are rendered turioue. •
The correspondente of society journals
rave about Mrs. Mitford, an American
belle in Farah and Mile. Nevada'a tasteless
dames are explained by the fact,that she
*Mild not get any dreesmaker to work in
Mi Oreme season, and had to make her
dressea berself, and. was to engaged uptil
half -past 7 on the night of her appearance,
The worrf-of the dressmaking had a greet
deal to do with the nervousness which
paralyzed her in the fleet few moments of
her appearance.
Three Lordzi have figured largely during
the week. Lord Celia Campbell's divorce
owe had to be heard with closed doors' and
thadethile cannot be even hinted. Itwas
decided in favor of hie wife, a celebrated
Landon beauty. Lord ailea has returned
from Asia Mibor, having killed thirty boars
and two Panthers. Lord Scarsdale, folio*.
ing the example of Lord Vernon, ja going to
set up a large butter -factory.
., %
Dome Notable ligleanteiskiles la nee Birittelit
A .et gays : peak ie
Len* l
busy with thee :lady killers Who went
on Tuesday eo the Haymarket, Theatre to
meet an anonymous correspondent, Eatth
believed himeelf the favored man, end one
was fatuous enough to advotive his good
forklift) in the Times. The WW1] 14 now
laughitig t there oJl."
-Mr.-Lebow:beret elaughterellies Fertell-
one and Mr. Gilbert—out) for ehowing her-
aelf es tt ,curiosity, the other for makieg
money oat ot the egenclal. Ha thiuks that
the jilted fairy has pot lostemuth bY a doer -
tion whiob has nosed her eatery :torn £3 a
week So 215 a week.
Iri the ourreue number of the Monthly
Magazine. Inibliehed et Windsor, the editor
thud conch:Reit a panegyrio of the hew
apparent " The Fathom, with all hia
experience, would nevo have written, Put
not your trim in primula' had he ever known
the Prince of Wales."
Five (Moak tea tables in Belgravia have
been thrown into consternation by the
news, reported by Mr. Labouohere, that the
maid of "one ot our best kuown peeresses,"
smarting from a blow and a dienneeel, tied
the peeress' hair -to the back of a eheir,
:slapped the peerese in the face and departed
in a cab which awaited her at the door.
_..2rnt7i lute. this note: "There is to be a
lawsuit between the executors of the
Dowager Duchess of Cleveland, as they
cannot agree on the construction which
thould be placed upan one of the clauses an
her will. Mr. William Lowther takes one
aide and the, other is represented by his
colleagues, Mr. catuirlee Fano and Mr.
Cavendish Bentinok."
Another obaritable entertainment was
the veglione of the Italian Club, given at
Freemasous' Tavern, for the benefit of the
Italian oor in Lo don. It
The grotesque items of the week are the
enunciation by a olergy,man of a recita-
tion at the Young Men's Christian ABBOOi&-
Mon by a professional actress as a too
worldly entertainment. The alleged forma-
tion in a London suburb of a boys' il
league, bound by oaths, fines and rewards;
and employed in stealing and torturing
este, and the suggestion by the cremationiste that they ahead bave at the forth-
coming National Health Exhibition a,
crematorium in full working order. , •
A London cablegram jays: The officials
of the British Association for the A.dvance-
mot of Science are • already' making sr.;
rengements with the steamship companies
for the conveyance' of members to attend
Allan Line will send a special steamer from
Liverpool August 61h. The lino running
to New York are arrangirg facilities to
take puttee by way of the States.
In the Ennio of Lord:: Friday oight the
Earl of Derby, Colonial Secretary of
State, in assenting to the motion of the
Earl of Carnarvon, oallieg for the Latham).
Don of papers upon the eubject ot State -
sided emigration to Canada, said " in view
of the present large outflow of immigrants,
and the likelihood of itei increase, the Gov-
ernment do not thiok itneeeesary to in-
troduce a scheme to stimulate emigration."
The Spectator refers to Miss Anderson as
an actress who draws crowds mainly by
the fame of her beauty, and says the Arch-
bishop of Canterbury is fortunately mar-
ried, but for that protection be would,
under the new degradation of the public
mind, be given away twice it week to some
American. The Topical Times pays: "The
reports are untvorthy advertising tricks.
Nobody three it cent 'whether Miss
daemon espouses oount or a meter-
Late Heortisis News,
p n , was a very gay
ball, the only discord being caused by the
Italian Ambaseador, who, thinkiug more ot
his dignity than ofthe needs of his country-
men, refused either to go or to make his
Several leaders of fashion and artists of
note gave a series of tableaux vivants last
night, arranged from Tennyson's " DMIIM„
ot Fair WOM6111." Mut* praise was
awarded to Mr. Long's setting of the story
of Jephtha's daughter, .Lord Tennyson
slept on a back seat during the exhibition.
The Court is hearing privately the Boit
of Lady Colin Campbell for divorce. •Lord
Campbell is a brother of the Marquis of
Lorne. 41
It halt bean dield:14 to hold tbe Art
tsreuo. et the Methadist March tar
ki Torch* 00 the osetavi WodneMINt
Anita not at Photon as formerly arnellg
the latter ploy not being able to effordthe
requisite athommodation.
The Bishop of Lahore stated at East-
bourne reoently that, trove what he knew
of India and Persia personally, the learned
13thdoom and Persian pbilosophets were
now more than ever'etueents of the bible,
and full of thoughtful inquiry aa to the
doctrine* of Christianity.
Rev. Dr. Cochrane will go t° Japan in a
few months as miesionary of the Methodist
Church. He formerly worked in that coma
try as a mieeionary for six yeare, and
acquired oonaiderable fluency in the native
tongue. Five years ago be was bompelled
to return, owiug to tbe ill•bealth ot Um.
Cochrane. •
Rev. D. Ventre Chancellor of Victoria
College, and Rev. Ayleswortb, of the
Methodiet Episcopal Church, have been
appointed as delegates to the General Con.
• ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church
ot the United States, to be held at -Phila-
• delphia. in May next. The 18111 of tht
month hat been fixed for receiving delegates
from outside Churches.
The Baptist Weekly thinks wotnen oapable
of taking part ia the bueitiess meetings.of
the churches, and says: 'The eignal
and sticciess with which they conduct their
home and foreign missionary societies have
opened multitudes of eyes, adto what they
are oapahle of doing. The Christian womeu
of toality are not the sort of women that ao
:meat a man as PBAll would heve kept silent
in the ohurches."
For some time peat it • has been in con-
templation to -adopt some more effective
mans for the 'Christianization of the
Arabs of Um desert. They have been ap-
proached sucoesefullyin the towns, but not
mon inapreeston has yet been made upon
those woo dwell in tents. A bazaar has
juet been held in Edinburgh in aid of a
mission to the Bedouin, Arab tribes in the
region about Dammam.
The Pope has given orders for the re -
mown of the body of Innocent III. from
PerdgiaTio Rome, where a splendid monu-
ment will be ereeted to han. The remains
of Gregory VII. will also be brought from
Salerno aud buried next to Alexander III.,
the author of the Lombard League. So
the three Popes who have fought most for
the Church will all be buried together in the
grand Bonin. • .
, TheOntario Court of Appeal yeeteknay
gave judgment in the suit of the Rev. L. T.
Wrigttt agelnet the Synod of the Diocese of
Huron, reversing the decision of the Chan-
cery Court, thereby dismissing . the
plaintiff's bill with code. The plaintiff
filed a -bill on behalf of himeelt and other
clergymen, declaring that they were en-
titled to rank upon the commutation fund
of the Diocese to the extent of $2,000 a
How to Moil Water.
I must tell you the old story of how the
late Charlee Delmonioo ueed to talk about
the new hot 'retire' cure. He said the Del-
mbnioos were the first to recommend it to
game who oomplamed of haviog no appe-
tite. " Take a cup of hot water and lemon
• and you will feel better" was the formula
adopted, and the cup of hot water and
lemon was simply a little hot water with a
dropni lemon juice in it to take away the
insipidity: For this antibiliouereinedy the
caterers ()barged the price of their best
liquors -25 cents or more—and it certainly
was a wiser way to spend small change than
in alcohol. • "Few people know how to cook
water," Clharlee used to affirm. " The secret
is in putting good, fresh water into it neat
kettle, alreadY quite•warro, and setting the
water it. boiling quickly, and then taking ib
right off foe use in tea, coffee or other
drinks, before it is spoiled. To let it 'steam
and simmer and evaporate until the good
water is in the atmosphere, and the lime
and iron and dregs Only left in the kettle—
bah 1 that is what makes it great many
peole sick and is worse than no, water at
all."• Every lady who tea& this reoipe of
the great .and careful opok should never for-
get how to, cook water.—New Yorld Times. '
Mr. Lawrence Drew, of Merryton, tbe
well•known breeder of Clydeedale borstal,
died at his residence an Friday naidnigl ti
after a brief Illuese. 'Dr. Drewwas in his
50tb year, and was witnerried. •••
The Smatter of Aberdeen .1.7nivereity on
Saturday conferredthe honorary degree of
LL.D. on Mr. Archibald Forbes, journaliet
and war correspondent; Mr. R. G. Hamil-
ton, Linder•f3eoretary for Ireland; Dr.
George, King, Director of the Botanical
Gardens, Calcutta i'Sberiff Dove Wilson,
Aberdeen, and Mr. Charles Lspworth, Pro-
fessor of Geology, Birmingham. . -
At the ,High Court of Juatioiary, Edin-
burgb, last week, 'Robert Flookhart Vickers
and William, Intim were charged with the
murder of two gamekeeper's on -Lord Rona-
bery'e etitate near Gorebrid.ge on the -15th
of December last. Both pthioners pleaded
not guilty,and the ovinence on their
behalf .was directed to prove an alibi in each
instance. The jury by it majority returned
it verdict of guilty against both prisoners,
and they %vete sentenced to death. •
A queer Parrot., 4
Parrots are queer Creatures, and,• e
monkeys, sometimes seem like a very
burlesque upon humanity, One South
American bird had unfortunately learned
on shipboard the habit of profane language.
The Mate, it little aehataed of the creature's
profanity,undertook a care by dousing it
with it buoket of water at each offence.
Polly evidently imbibed the keproof, for
during a gale, when a heavy sea broke over
it beie.coop and delugedhens and woke
pretty thoroughly, she marched up to the
dripping fowler And screamed out, Been
swearing again, WIWI ye?" •
Stealing a Rlde in England.
A man wiabing to travel free from, Wol-
verhampton, England, to Liverpool, pro.
cured two stout pieces of' rope, which be
fastened tinthe axles of a railway cart lige,
leaving a noose at the end of each. Into
orre'noose he put his lege while be inserted
his shoulders mac the other. In tbia poet -
tion he hung when the train etartect. The
train was au express and aid not stop until
Crewe was reached, which is about 70 miles
from Liverpool. He was rather uncom-
fortable when the train began .to move, but
when it got into full swing he had real
torture, and when be reached Crewe hawse
nearly dead with fright. Here he was taken
into bustody. To the magistrate who adju-
dicated on the cue be explained that ma
• •
eensatione when Belaying to and fro,.were
something awful, and the effect of . the
sleepers as they rushed paeit him nearly
robbed him of reason, and be "was afraid
that every moment the rope would slip
from his shoulders and hang bith." The
magistrate decided that be had had enough
punishment, and, remarking that he was
not likely to repeat the experiment, sent
him about his business. Thai must be a
good deal worth than riding on a truck„
which American tramps sometimes do.
• - - •
i nigh Prices am Jersey..
•T. Cooper, Coopersburg, Pa., sold teat
week to Mr, Snoemaker, of Baltimore, the
Jersey•bull Black' • Prince of Linden, by
Darling's Black Prince of Hanover, eut of
Marjoram 2n0, full' sister 'te Stoke rogie
3rd, for $15,000. Mk. Shoemaker is the
owner of Princes 2od, that recently; aston-
ished the dairy world with a yield of over
106 pounds of butter in 28 days, ... .
•• The product of the sale of imported Jet -
Heys to Mr. Cooper, nuinbering 84," was
$49 560. .The .lughese price • paid was for
the 4 year-old cow Moth of St. Lanaberte
Skiff was sold to H. L. Pierce, of Boston, for
$6,200. Nextto her "name Nina of St. Lam-
bert, for which 'Mr. Pierce Paid $3,800.
Nina Pogis, heifer calf, was sold to Charles
Van Nese, of Boston, for 01,500. The 7 -
year -old 130W Gold Mark went to Moulton -
Bros., of Vermont, for 01,150. Fantine, a
6-year•old cow' sired by Brownie, went to
W. H. Cunyhgbam, of Wilkesborough, for.
$1,100. Goid Mine cow, 7-yeare•old, sold
for $1,100 to H. M. Shoemaker)of Baltimore,
who MHO psid 81,000 for the 4 -year-old cow
Westphalia. The sale took plane at New
York on Thursday., • ' ••. •
Tits Latest Wailes Ilia LWOW on4 Gook.
sailtie• Weer.
All thei wad* hateredasheitr have MYR
men m full linea engenders:mine- furnish -
nag goods for Opting and early bummer
Wear. There is probably no one article of
wearing apparel Whith in its different titylem
goes further towarde establishing the
boundsaitie of the seams than does 41bo
glove. For gentlemen's west -the darker
eerraeretta shades prevail for the street
and Ordinary use. They are still made
with heavy embroidered ' becks '4 in
fancy einem Ntitobee, and contain from one
to three.buttone. For evening and dress
lighter weight and lighter ebades are the
ruie. LIMOD aud vanilla shades are the
most popular, with plain, unembroidered
Where gentlemen's pries are concerned
the dude qu.estion has to be largely
otinbidered. The dude likes to be well
gloved at all times, no matter what the
weather is; but in the case of gentlemen
not quite so fastidious us to dose, when
the weather becomes sufficiently warm
gloves are discarded except for evening and
dress othasionst The styles in lathes'
gloves aid-fietiirelly more varied. There
is, however, very listle change from the
favorite shapes and shades which prevailed
during the winter. The many -buttoned
glove ni a thing of the past. s It ie entirely
euperceded by the Mousquetaire and the
Camille. The former reaches nearly or
quite to the elbow, but is only fastened at
we wrist with four or five buttons. The
Camille is laced and is several inches
shorter. The favorite shades are different
tints of tan and a new shade of gray, which
could properly be termed triouequetaire.
These 7 two styles—Mousquetaire and
Ca.mille—in every imaginable shade, from
terra cotta through different tints. ot tan
down to pure white, are the proper -thing
in gloves, and the assortment, eo fan as
color is concerned, is'varied enough ;to guit
the re-qtarements of the most exacting pur-
chaser. *
A Queer Case.-
• A story of domestio trouble WWI • told at
theWoolivieh Police Cdurt yenterday which'
tetiched a useful moral. A wife desired to
have her husband bound over to keep the
peacee, But how had the pone been die.
turbed The, husband: had a .simple eX-
• planation to offer. His wife neglected lier
household 'duties in order to go to hear
Moody and Sankey; and the admitted facts
certathly itidicated that they must neon-
earily heve been neglected. For 550 wife
went on.Wedneeday arid on Thursday and
on Friday. "Three times in three days.
Be reationable," was Mr. Palm's _slanted,
gong preoept. Something, perhaps, may
be added. Emotional religion seems Mi.
ously apt to people for the plain
duties of life. Oaly the' other days soldier
of 550 Salvation Army was Zionvicited of
having paid hie subscriptions- out of stolen
tundra And inmate:lee of the same kind
aro too common.—St. James' Gazette.
A MAU wakes up in • the morning and
, finds hie trusted friend it meal and it
fugitive item justice, The trouble moms
to be" that too many men live id $5,000
style on 'a $1,500 salary. To ot) en they
:deal. Once stealing, they never quit until
sonie train of eirourciethnoes expoth
American. Jou, wit.
neennio-oer nontaeoes.
An Baikal oorreepondent writes that
Queen /Margherita grows handsomer, and
kora a Psycho is beconaing a jape.. ,
• --It's a fortunate thing for the male sex
that Malaria is prevalent about the time
that sprog house cleaning arrivee. It
enables man tO protein(' that he is very
sick, to mope the torture Of putting down
the earpets.
Irregularitiets are alleged in conneetion
With the Montreal pay -lists of oorporation
eat•tere and labMire.
A Aloe who Had Rim Thread Vitt and was
Usage* Now Visiting Niantirtt.
A. physiological phenomenon in the pee.
son. tit Louie Loudbaki, it Polish Jew, who
hew served the double operation Of having
his throse out and hanging, visited the
Gazette office on Mooney. He it rather
muck set, uader•the Average height and 29
planing his !lager on the Per ,tubealmierted
YearS 410., He liPeeka very: fairaEognsh by
his Dreamt and intending to hie lungs,
end gale he Gen tionverse iu lave differene
larigueetes. As a ripe:ammo of .aurgicei akin
be has already attracted theattention of
ecientists and medicial aohools in Vienna,
Paris and London. Since he arrived in
this country Loudeuki bee been subplot to
the most; ctities1 examinations :a New
York, Albany and Inattiburg. The
story of Me exposures would be in-
credible, but for the fao that they
are substantiated by the police . records
of Austria and the medical records. of
Vienne., is wheels school be was Inc it long
tune it living ourusety. When Louderiki
attained his majority, some meet years
ago, he inherited oy the death of an uncle
quite a large fortune. His business fre-
quently called himi to Austria, Italy aud
other places. In the month of. February,
1807, he, with five others, were crossing the
momitaine at BOOMA1O1A, when they were
attacked by it piny of gypey robbers. The
travellers were knocked down, and dis-
patched by drawing the short sword across , ' zateez mew. Mater.
the throat. In Leudenkre case cinly the The tWO new basins on- the Lachine
windpipe' and esophagus or food pipe were
uevered, the, jugular vem - remaining on. Canal are to be completed in- Seetember
next at it coot of 8150,000.
• harmed. 'Pile roobers finding Londenki the •Exceptionally wet weather in South Ans-
wealthiest, took extra measures to eneure trulia
duriug the latter pare f tne harvest
has c
his death. Tying it rope around his oautomeed SOg damage to the wheat
A COOLER WF011ii TUE 0017T111,
A hate, Bronglat, by liebin, From *
• soma Carolina *Uri.
On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Geo. W
johnison, while in his garden on A.uguelie,
street, saw A bird ilutterieg about, evidently
disabled th 601130 way. he at once pro-
ceeded to investigate, and discovered It to
it splendid opeoinaeu ot the mina, the
legs ot which were entangled in it piece Of
oord, tied to 0110 of tbe wimp. A email
cod, doubled up end sewed tC4 the edges,
was ateeched to Otte end of the ming. On
opening the card Mr. Johnson :read :
Beautiful robin,'
Wby will yen ge
To the bleak, cruel north,
Thetbome of .now,
Wlaile•we ip the ouch
are ever warm,
And alwaye prepared ,
To protect you from berm ?
Farther penman:gem the card stated that
the writer, 1.4ly Ettneou, of Meadvule,
South Caroline, had the bird caged for two
weeks prior to the 14th of February, but:, on
that date ehe wae tonetramed to let him
free, hie °Worts to gas away being imoh as
touohed her pity. • It Lily lite:. this pare.
graph ebb will be dedentea te hear that her
pet is being properly cored for in the "cruel
north," and that mini he prepared to
journey back to hie Southern home he will
be in every way " protected from harm."
' An Inaccessible Editor. •
The newspapers of Scotland are far 'be-
hind tie in enterprise aud news; their forte
• is beavy leaders and long speeches. Tbe
officee are conducted in mann'er which is
novel to an American. Having occasion to
visit the office of the Scotsman, I was root
by le female dragon, who guarded the ap-
proach to the sanctum. Her brilliancy
startled me from my usual composure.
have not been aeoutitomed to see in news-
paper -offices women at all, but more
especially one wearing• diamonds in her
Lars and pearls around her neck, with- an
eye -glass tipped gracefully on her ROM Out
of which—the eye -glasses; not the nose-
-the viewed me suspiciously. In a voioe
not sweet but strong she demanded my
L want to see the editor," I answered.
"Tho editor is never •seen," wan the
reply, •
a Never then !" I exclaimed.
• "Never seen except by those who know
him," was the answer.
" What's hie name ?" asked.
• His name is never given to people who
don't knowat," she said,
•44How can I communicate with him?"
" By letter," replied the fair Cerberue
Snob was my experience in the office of tbe
Edinburgh Scotsman.—Edinburgh Letter to
Philadelphia Press. • • •
.6 Mem in *Horse
There was diquire in a oertatn English
'perish. where tne Vicar was anxious to
abolish the pew system. . The *hole parith
was lin favor of the step, with the exception
of the Pquire, who surd they might do as
they liked,' but he should keep. hie pew.
The requisite'alteratione were made, and
on the re -opening day we marched the
squire into hie pew and the service Pro-
oeeded, The next day goieg down to the
village, the equire ..met 'l'
met the
butcher, anti .aelied him how he looked in
his pew, and what people said of him.
'After thine' pressing Tomkins replied.
" Well, Roo, they do say as now you do
look loik a hags in it nirstabox." T136 squire
felt that he was in....e_svrona.position and
went home and wrote to the Vasa to get
rid of his pew, and enclosed it cheque for
2500 for thearestoration of the cherish.
Very lilsird *mei: '
neck they hung •him to a treeand
left . him for dead. But through the
aperture, i
his windpipe the njii•e
man etill continued to breathe, wed
after forty-eight hour zi was .reecued by a
latted'of Roumanian p.easants, and taken to
it Warm, cabin: While making preparatione
iorbukiat he ebowed 'awns of life. Ten
days after the , injury the 'sufferer teethed
Vienne. while he was placed under the
euro of a -skilful surgeon. For tweney•six
days be was ubitble to swallowand for 186
was unoonecieue. . His food duriug that •
time vies entirely of it liquid character,
ponsisting of wine, milk and extract of beef
administered by injection. It is believed
that Loudenki is the only person who has
the features of his throat out in this way.
The tube aperture is permanently located
under that part ef the throat known as
Adam's Apple," and is held in position by
is band of cloth tied around his neck. 'He
converses freely about the wound, and dur-
ing bit call this morning was visited by 1/r.
Howes.—Niagara Gazette.
Antogrimili-nuntere. .
When the autograph oreze fleet beget), the
.dieease wee of a mild type. The colleotor
'was, modestly content with a signature.
That no longer satisfies. He wants it letter
addressed to him personally -" on any
object you please:" as a youthful fiend
'wrote to me the other day He wishes to
flourieh this letter itt the faces of his bap -
boss acquaint:noes, in order to prove that
he is on familiar teems with the celebrated
So•and-So. The ' devices he employe
to athielve-thie end are ingenious and
inexhaustible. For example, he .drops
yout. line to inquire in ,what year you
first, printed your beautiful poem en;
'titled "A Psalm oi Life." If you areit
simple eoul, you beaten to aaeure 'him thee
you are not the author Of that poem, which
he moot have confused with your Rime of
the Ancient Mariner—and there you are!
The ineirlious rogue knew very well that
you didn't write the Psalm of Lite.
Another trick -isto inquire of you if your
father's middle name was not Hierophilus.
Now; your father has probably been dead
many years, a'nd as perhaps he was net a
distinguished man in his day,you are
naturally touched that any one ehould have
interest in him after ibis lapse of time. In
the innocence of your heart you reply by
the next mail that yonr 'father's middle
name was. not Hierophilus, but liiiiuiuott.
dee—and there you ' are again 1—April
Attestaa, '
A new steel is old to have been•pro-
timed at Sheffield, Er:gland, which is -ex-
pected to be of inoalaulable value to the
manufaoturing and railroad world. It is
said tp be made "-by addirg from 7 to 20
per cent.•of the ordinary ierrcemanganese
of commerce toiron either Wholly or to a
.gged extent decarbonized and -refined and
treated by any of the ordinary processes,'
or to steel produced by such proem:see."
It is etated that it small test' bar -contain-
ing 12 per cent. of manganeze was bent
double when ciold, and was iiiiffieiently
hard to turn iron ; that an axe tiontaining
the same per outage, and which had never
been hardened or tempered, out in' two a
bar of iron half an inch square.A cones -
pendent ot The American, Manufacturer:
giving these facto, says that the meet is
• capable of being hammered or rolled the
eame as ordinary steel, and showed no
Magnetic qualified. If thews aceounte are
in any measure correct, the diecovery is
likely to prove of great ecionbmie import-.
Where I gained it you may seek it,.
Where I told It300may epeak it—
Love that dares both wind 5)1.1 weather
Draws the maid and man together,.
Reetincilee te'April shower
Hastening May (and orange) flowers— •
Love and I and Annabelle •
all were under an umbrella! '
Little hands that held fast to Mc,
Eyes Whose glances shot straight through me,
Lips that murmured thanks for kb:idea-8, '
Cheeks that mocked my faint resignednese.
Dainty feet•thet, when they stumbled, •
Touened my heart (which never grurabled)—
, Love and I and Annabelle
All were under an umbrella.,
Walkedpe, talked, till Cupid, weary,
Made her ansWer thus my query:,
" Why I like the rainy reason?
Oh, beCausel" She gavel the seinen, . •
Then a bluah her dimples hollowed.
You may never know what followed—
ice an d 1 and Annabelle,
All 'Were under an tumorous!
—Be cheerful. You cannot always feel
so, but keep up it cheerful appearance and
make others about You happy. It may be
hard to do it at all times, but it ie the
better way to euro the blues.
--'1 have heard a great deal at the
movemont cure," said it mother to it play.
sialan ; "bow is it applied to children 2".
" Oh," replied the physiCian, "you jest
tell them to sit etill for five minutes."
— It may be a little late in the season,
but we want to give our gardening friends
a brand bew and strictly reliable method of
making a hot bed in4 short sperm of time.
This is thekay : Apply it lighted match
to the steinzkticking.
—Vat men Are at a discount in Philadel-
phia. That is, the Street oar companies
have decided that all fat conductors must
go. They take up too Muth room in pan-
ing through it oar to Collect fare, There
was a time ono° when all men wanted to
be fat, but now that is a crime thin men
will be tbe attraotinb • that is on Philft.
delphia street oars. Hien is a change for
the living skeletons to get it job when the
museum business plays out.
contrary human nature le any..
way. LaSt week the deo:pannier told of four
men in different parte of the country who
committed suicide because they could not
get married and this week several Men
killed themselves because they had got mar -
We are gradually learning something
about tornadoes. The one which has just
devastate d it larieepot of Ohio followed the
track occupied by its predecessor two years
ago. If the pathe Of theta+ tornadoes could
be thee establighed, , the communities
affected could reeve out of them and devete
the exposed territory to tithe which 'violent
winds would net materially interim) with;
Ouch, for instance, ea potato oulturea—N. Y.
-Sportsmen Who havisbeen.unfortunate in
being their right eye, and who ara Unable
to shoot left.handed, oan oboe more have
the pleasure of .going hunting. A gun,
Smith in North Carolina 'has invented' it
gun with the' stook Curved iri such' a ixotn-
her thin: it can be held at the right
eheulder and aimed with the 'eft eye.
Ibilibig it Sister From Her Demb-Bed to
• nob Her ot,U800-
• August Sebluetter, of 503 North Halsted
street, Chicago, was robbedof about $800
in oash recently by his brotheran•law, a.
young fellow known in this- country as
Fritz Frenk, :although life tea name is
Frederieli. Kleinert. The robbery was one
both bold, daring and reckless. His sister
was lying on it sick bed from which it was
thought she would ne,ver rise. The money
wazikept in a small box m the mattress,
the location being - known to Frank, who
has boarded there tor Size or six •• months.
He raised his dyitig eister, them the bed,
tookthe box:from beneath her pillow and
then !mired all the eaeh'in tbe box, the
'amount being but little short of 0800. Al.
though there was some valuable jewellery
in the box, he took nothing but the money.
The matter was promptly 'reported to the
police, but no trace. of Frank had been
found by tbe force, although Sohluetter
'claims that Frank wail seen on the North
Side Tuesday night.—Chicago Herald.
• The suit 'of Walton vs. Meoclonald has
been diemidsed bessause of the failure ot the
plaintiff to give security for coats. This is
one ot the butts against the returniug-
officers in the Algoma election.
John Bell, Q. C., solicitor to tbe Grand
,Trunk Railway Company, wits married
yesterday morning 10 St Thomas' (Thumb,
Belleville; to Mies Stewart, daughter of
Dr. R. Stewart, of that city.
The Niagara Annuid Cot:femme of the
Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada.
will hold its fotty -first seesion itt the
church at Strathroy, to eonameuce on Wed-
nesday, 16th APHI, at 730 p.m.
The Grand Trunk -Railway Company has
made arrangements with the owners of -the
Empress of Italia te run the steamer bee
Sween 'Toronto and Port Dalhousie in oon-
neotion With the Weliand Railway and the
Toronto lines.
• A special meeting of the Toronto Pies-
bytery was hew yeeterdity, when calls by
•the congregation ot, f3treeteville to Rev. A.
P. Cotter, of Thornby, and by the csongregae
tion of Orangeville to Rev. A. Hunter, of
Farkdale, were sustained. ,
• 15 appears probable that London avid
have no free library after all. Thea City
Solioitor, Mr..W. R. Meredith, has given it
as hie opinion that the city cannot, issue- ,
the required 830,000 debentures tinder the
Free Library Aot of 1882, on account of the
Legislative Act reetnoting tbe ism:to of de-
benturee by the city. The Library Board
met last ,evenibg to discuss the •situation,
and the feeling mewed to prevail that the
scheme must lapse. It was resolved to ask
the Council to grant e25,000 for library-
.purpoees,'but at the same 'time it was be-
lieved the request would not be granted.
• , Paper with the largest circulation—Bank
istrtsck it Rick.
Some prospeotore in the mountains have
struck." ile." At Quartz Creek, whioh Hee
about f orty miles north of Kicking Horse
River, in British Columbia, have been dis-
oovered placer diggings, which, it is antici-
pated, will pay frem 010 to $20 a day.
They at first imagined they were the find
diegoverere, but further observation proved
that this was one •ot several, rothes which
had been worked some tteenty years ago,
but had to be •abandimed-on—apoount of
the one of transporting provisions and
Ober necessaries, The approaoh of the
Canadian Paoilla Railway will, however,
put au end to this difficulty, and there is.
little doubt that there will be a pretty
lively stampede in,that direction AB soon as
spring opene up. The excitement attiring
minora is intense, and all of them are long-
ing for the disappettranee of • the snow,
which now impedes their passage.—Calgary,
*W.2%, Herald.
A plaitsible Nickname.
" !Stet Collar Button' rather an odd
niothiame to give your boy ?" asked a gen-
tleman of a Mind, who had hale addressed
his eon by that title. .
'$ Well, I don't know," replied the father,
laughingly. "15 may Bound a little curlew,
but it suite the boy first rate." •
"Why do you think the nickname
Collar Button ' euite the boy."
" Because," was the reply, " When he
slips out in the evening I ant never Able to
find hieLtu-Phifertelphia Call. •
" Better lay -it theta neer," bookies the
industrione ben.
• teundaY in
Calgary Herald : "We arrived in Cal-
gary -early in August last. On the folloyr-
ing Sunday there were a horse race,tWo font
• raoes, a baseball mateh aud two auction
,sales. Besidee these, the billiard saloons
were open and the stores doing a rushing
business. Being fresh from, the orderly
decorum of an Eitetern Sabbath,it jarred
upon our feelings to find people desecrating
the Lord's day in suoh a manner. What a
ohmage has taken plemel Lad Sunday
there were seven services held in Calgeay,
besides Sabbath tiohool. The sound of
. the ehuroh-going bell! was heard pealing
fc•rth its •sweet•ringing notes, aud a quiet, •
subdued manner was observed everywhere.'
A mieti•allianee—A young ladies' debat-. •
lee club. •' • •
. 1 '
_ ,z. -.4(se,n •
_ • .
• •
Being the Creat Central Line, affords to travelers,by reason of its unrivaled geo-
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