HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-04-04, Page 41141011441M
o:7" • -1 C":
Otw AAvertiottngnio.
airts-vir.,Jaelcson, '
Farm A:wattle-Geo, Cox.
Card, of thanks -C. Spornier.
Out' motto -T. Jackoon & Son,
Card of thanka-W. C. Searle.
Re-upholsteringe-A. A. Bennett.
Eggs wanted -W, Taylor & Sant
Plane•for eile-Nnw ERA office;
Reuse and tot for eale--John Ember,
Netv Machinery hell -Wm. Stanley.
Operatic company' -.Howard Clifton. -
White bronze monument-W.M. Giffin. •
Concert postponed --Willis church choir.
Amnia Carriage Works -John Brunsdon
anion gut 64,.
FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1884,
THAT ttannwax TO eastatuallnia.
A little plain language addressed to the
peeple of Gaderich, by an outsider, is like
shaking a reg flag before a bull, In both
cases "they get their mad up." For some
time past the newspapers of that place
have been agitating or additional 'rail-
way accommodation, to which no objec-
tion could be'raised if there were any run
cessity for it, bit beeause the NEW En&
has pricked their little bubble and let:the
wind out, welaye aroused their indigo&
don, as the following .extract from the
Signal will show • •
'The Clinton New Etta, published in"Mnd-
ville," throw dirt at the people of .Goderich
for daring to think of a competitive railway.
This abuse by the NEW ERA will only• teed
to joiti the people. of Gollerieh more strongly
together, eu far as the .proposed fleheille 1I3
conceived. The wrathful language comes
with a bail grace from thedlEw „ERA. Gode-
rich owes nothing to Chilton, while Clinton,
on the other hand, owes its present prespen.
ty, if not its being, to Goderich. When Olin -
ton was only a "four corners' Ooderich push.
ecl forward the Buffald de, Lake Huron Rail-
way wtthout any aid Irma the former place. ;
tioderich gave a bonus to that project, mut 1
when additional aid Was required, a number I
of Goderichites purchased stook in the ,cont
cern. Clinton never paid a niokle towald the
building of the 13. & L. 11. R. R., altholigh
that line was the Making of that place, and.
rather to the. detriment of Goderich. Gode.
rich was the principal factor in building the.
B. & L. H. through the Huron traot without
any assistance from Clintou, and is ..able to
build another line at any time and front • any
Place, if united action be talon by ifs people."
We really did not think our friend of
tthe Signal could deatend to stich.rot and
nonsense; but he is evidently able to do
so as well as many .others. The idea el
Clinton owing iti existence to Goderichis
too absurd for anything, and • the •Sigoal
states what is false in sayiilg that Clinton
-did not pay a nickle towards the buildiog
of the Buffalo & rake HuroninIt. Olio -
ton paid its share toward huilding-the
road, as well as every Other .municipality
of Huron, and:if we are not enietalten the
assistance given, by Goderibli , was after-
wards lifted bythe Gevefirrneet.
Will the SigpaIpleese tell us how•inuelo
nearer they are towards havieg a second .
road than they were two years ago. )Vil
it tell us. what birsieesS it can off ' an-
other line. .• We would like toalt ow what
special inducements a• , pl 56" that is 1.1p -
creasing. in pOpulation nd where - proper-
ty .can be bought toenearaeoge.quatter of
ite cost, can -extencl to a new line of rail-
way. ' We de_ not Want generalities as
answers, but siieeific ferns. 'The Signet
knows perfectly well. theta line ef railway.
La the moon is just as likely to be built as
another line to Godealchablin as the peo-
ple have a "railway mania,' they pander
to the weakness without the•remetest idea
of any behefitnxising therefrom.
- Cioderich is not alone in its decadence;
nearly all the small harbors on. the 'shores
ef lakes Huron,. Erie and Ontario, are
gradually declining, in conseattence bf the
growing facilities and cheapness ef rail,
way traffic, and such places being oaly
halt encircled by a lprochteing territory;
•it -is not possible that they will have the
amonot of traffictlat inlend tents have.
There -is no blair(4 attaehed to any one for
the decay of Gotierich, it is the effect of
eausee over which no one has any ccintrei;
and tbere is no use wasting rimeeyin try -a
ing to prevent What is a foregone, concha -
biota .
TUE netiont carraiOriting.
inie of the -most satisfactory features in.
the report of the Donapion minister of
egrieulturens the very large increase noted
in the export cattle Wide. The shipments
of 1883 were 55,6213cettle and 114,352ifteep,
as ageing 35,378 cattle and 73,00Sshecpin
tho previous year. As the remit tritly
mays; the Canadian cattle trade ba.s ceased
to be a,n exporiinent and become one of
the greatest lines of, trade of the eountraal
'Taking the last two years as a basis, the
value of our cattle -eaports is $3,560,006,
.while six years ago it Amounted only to a,
littte oyer 636,000.
Perhaps tho county diet has derived its
tinuedi benefi as any by the opening of the
English markets, is the county of Aaron.
Our farrnere Were quick to grasp the op.
portunities thus presented, end,of course,
profited therelry.. We hey° before adilin
ed farmers Lo give irior° attention to stock -
^piling, and we beltete that it will he in
their interest to act en the advice to as
large tui extent as possihle. Cattle may
aot always be what is tentridered a high
price, but they will always fetal a pitying
figure. The &Wald 'toe fresh meat An
England ie Molest nitlimited, futd the ex-
perience the past show 8 that it will be
Ron4lantly getting' greater.As prairie
eouittrie,satan raise wheat and other graine
much easier than can be done here, farm-
ers in Canada will be compelled to tuns
their attention from grain, and the not
best thing known at present is the raising
of Awls of all kinds,
114 ;organ ,
We believe there never was e period in
the history of Canada when the liberties
of the people and the security cd property
Steed in greater jeopardy than it does to-
day, fdr, notwithstanding the extent of the
franehise, and its use, the destructive Prin-
ciple:of bribery which has Men int greatly
practised during the past few years, has
not only frustrated the righteous labors
and intentions of the honest men of the
country, but it corrupting influence has
so debauched many of the thoughtless
and light -thinking people, that they give
way to the oft -repeated, but false assertion,
that all politicians are actuated by the
same selfieh principle -the posiression of
pelf and power. If that was the -Case, how
comes it that so many reforms were
brought about in Canada during the last
forty yearist-,---'
That security to property is greatlyjeo-
pardized by the relationship at present
existing between the Dominion govern-
ment and the C.P.R. Syndicate, is beyond
denial, for it is no longer a secret thitt a
large amount of tlae thirty million dollars
which has just been loaned to that Com-
pany, is being used. in the purchase of
eastern railways, wrilalially means that
individual members of the company are
becoming owners of the stock of these
roads, and thereby enriching themselves
at the. expense "of•the country.
So longas this country' has credit and
keeps borrowing, the thoughtless and ig-
norant will never realize that -they are
being robbed of their property, but as oer-
" tain as a bank suffers loss by a successful
huilgiary, 'et, certain does Canada sufrer
loss by voting rni11ion, to it cotnpany that
never will no; never ean repay it..,„Tbe
.pretense ofpushing fervrard the comple-
tion ofthe road in 'a elea-ter period, is only
a subterfuge to get bokt it the money be-
fore the'people fully realize the -fraud that
is being -practiced upon them by the collu-
Bien' of the government and the syndicate.
The people Will no doirbt wake up some
day, when taxetionalsceemes more opPres-
Sive; but; unfortunately,A nay take seine
time, ainsuch a large number are itpawitre
of the heavy taxation imposed upon them
by a tariff -they know not that when they
spend a.dollar in the Store, one quarter of
it or Mere goes toward paying the debts
the government has incurred'. '
'..,TIVIITENANCE • F7e1...
Ona tortospondensese amns hanelete-
ly been. occunledni-vith interesting :letters
_ _ _ • ,. , • ,-
-eivene-yeryamperatent subject of -Tea -Tea r-
e, and further information than was
thereby supplied on the .subject, Indy not
be ainis. Tbe Canada Temperaride'Acn
el 1878, better kpown as the Scott Act, is
attracting much attention iraWestern Ca-
nada, and:will probaby he submittecl'te the
people- of several counties in this diCteict
,before long. The large inejorian by *Itch
it was caeried in OXford has grven great
, ,
eucou ragenient to. temperanee ' workers itt
other, counties and increased activity hae
been the result.. %Menet is to be submit-
ted in Notfolk this ear, and probably in.
Kent. With such. -a strong , agitation,.
Huron is not . likely •te remain unmoved,
and a' Ireada the • nrobabilitv of dairying
• • . -
the Se,ott Act; in this ecenttY, is hang.
canvassed. What the Scott Act is, may
be given in brief. It is 'Virtual prohibition,
to individual .conneies. No, ie.
tOxicatieg liquor is to be seld wthiiftAie
municipality. in which the aet is in force):
unlessit be foreacinsively
sacramental or. . mariufecturing purposes,
and then only by such, vendors as may ,be
licensed by the.I.Aeutenant-Governor, the
nutither notto•enteed one. 'in ea& tawn-
. • • •
ehip . or . parish, . nor two hi each town,
These vendors can only disprise of Minor
in quantities:of not less than tine pint,on
1,he certificate of a doctor if the Winer' be
for medical purposes. Distillers or brew-
ers may sell such liquors as they-triannfite.
aure, but in quantitici ofanoniess than
eight gellcies of beer or ale, oateu gallons
of spiritootielirinars, mid only to heel:Med'
vendors or to Bubb poi -sone' as intend tak-
ing the limier out of the coanty,
Whether the at cart be catriea in this
. • •
county or ti
ot, s, of course,. 11. nlatlerOr
4‘opitiion, 'Iany claim that :It can,.. while'
others assernthat incannot, lloweier, it
is likelyatoalte....tried; anti no doubt despers
ate -efforts will be put forth by those in-
terested on both sides•of the question. To
Anything which will lessen the evils of
iptemperruicee-•wilt melte it more difficult
for the confirmed toper to obtain his daily
Ileaerageaanclawili ke.ep-theare,
the temptations they are now Subject te-
te auything whieli, will do this, every
right-thinking man will san, Anten.
CLINTON 11011t,M. SCHOOL, I ProwN cHunbtf cHimEs.
Special services will • be held in St.
Paul's church every day next Week.
The sacramental service at the Bible
Christian church was postponed bust lihibs
bath, and will be (D,V.) next Sab-
bath morning iostead. •
The following is a statement of the
number of ptipile enrolled, and average
attendance in each town during the
Month of March: -
No. on Avg. at.
Division. roll, teudance.
Lougla, 56 46 Instead of preaching educationaf ser -
Mr. Linklater,
Miss O'Neill, 49 44 MOM next Sunday, in the Methodist
89 • church, as WAS announced, thej_ Will be
Miss Field, 46
40 given on the 18th inst. by Rev. Mr. Dick
Miss Foxton, 69 54e
son, of Exeter, Rev, Mr. Graypreaching
Miss Oliver, 66 55 similar mamma in that place en that den.
Miss Holmes, 69
Mies Callender, 99
The result ale written exatilthatiOrt,.1
given below. Six of the highest it,i4a011
te e Coiht Oonn areorr at ou. have theirnantes entered on
• P
Senior section, tnarks attainahle; 780: -
Minnie Cantelon, 549, Maggio Paisley 538, The Synod of Hamilton and London in
James Gordon 585, Ida johns, 527, Thos; connection with the Presbyterian church
Gray 513, Jemima Holmes 478, Al. •Wil- of Canada Meets in Seaforth, on the 14th
liams 464) Eva Cron 452, Minnie Leslie of April. There will likely be about two
hundred Ministers and elders present.
The meetings will be open to the public.
The Rev. Mr, McDonald, of Seaforth, is
James Gray, J. Kenner, W. Birks and T,
Stobbs met at the Methodist parsonage on
this town,. on luesday aftereeon, to ar.
nage a programme of religious sersice
for the commg.conference, to commence
in Clinton, (D.V.) op the 18th of June.
The -regular meeting of St. Paul's guild
'was held on Monday;!Rev. Mr. Craig
took up passage of scripture for consider-
ation, and readings were given by Mrs.
Irwin, Miss H. Holmes, Ur. Lough' and
Mr, Scott. Mrs, R. Irwin gave a eolo,
"Robin Adair."
443, Kate Read 437.. -
Junior section, marks attainable, 750:-
Earnest Hovey 409, Har!y Shepherd 891,
James liall-390, Harriet Holmes 387,
Robert Gauley 386, Muriel Redmond 381.
Eva Spooner, 358, Lewis .Trouse .348,
Wm. Fisher 343, James Medurchie 387.
atettar,aman's DrinifOlsT. •
Senior section, marks attainable, 750:-
James Martin 662, George Barge 425,
JamCruickshank Patterson 421, Jennie
421, Alfred Rance 421, Bessie Patterson We understand the programme is. not
quite complete, but hope to be able to
give it to our reacieraehortly.
Our readers will remember that the ten
cent • entertainment announced for this
(Friday) evening has .been postponed. un-
til Tuesday, -April 8th,owing to some
the' best talent being indisposed, and by
Favitignirtia Tuesday- the choir tvia be
able t� -give a better programme than if
they were to hold .Friday. HOW.
eeer, the choir are Sere to have atilt hall,
as we have not seen an entertainment yet,•
where there are children taking, part, but
what draws a crowd, and on this. occasion
:there tiro over 75 practising a number of
pieces. •
.Ftlx.tatAL $13/V;trI04.A. service With a
view tO improving the sudden and unex-
pected death Of Alra John Shipley was •
held in the bible Christian church, on
Sabbath meeting last. The pulpit, plat-
forni tied trent of gallery were draped in
deep mourning. As all the leading spirits
of the chair were More 'orless related to,
the deceased, and ,as by reason of deep
emotien they were unprepared, for the
. service :of, song. members. ,from Other
choirs kiodlylent their aid on the pace -
Bien; Long before ,the. time Of Service
people crowded in; and continued to do,
so ti tiVitil seat Was peaked; forms -were
bofight- into the .aisles, which Werealso
ccapied, and the deep seriousness • ex-
pressed on the countenances of the assem-
bly, told how deeply they avere-moved.by
the solemn, :event. The pester, Rev. J.
Kenner: eecupied the pulpit; and after
singing the hymn Commencing, "Thee we
adore, eternal name," called on Rev. Jobe
Gray to lead in prayer: • After prayer the,
choir gave with' impressiVe effect the an-
them ." Go to the grati;" the pastor reed
the I.9thaPsalin, followed by the hymn,.
"Hark, a. voice divides the sky." The
text was -taken from. Phil. i, 21, '.And to
die is gain." The -pastor remarked that
so far as the black draping of the chnreh-
couldinaicate reset -for the departed he
was in fall sympathy.' As the work of.
lOviag hands in testifyingtheir respect he
was in full. aecord, but"eitherivise it wai
out .of hannOny with his nieWe and feel-
ings. When e person antssed out into the
great beyond, whose life had been wasted
itt Cinfelfells-rand in whose. derttlathere
was no hope, we Inight _wig' to veil the.,
anti 'and- drape the universe in black te.
telrof the -great disaster; but when phris-
tital Men and wornen pass from -earth's
toils and pains ta•the mansines of. the
-111aStor, he 'preferred' tlie-lilY:to atlincy.
press,. and had, •therefore„ selected a text
which spokeof the advantage of dying..:
Haleld that to alio was gain, :tilt secured
-to the clirietian:peifect reit, heavenly. se-
curity, tlie presence:. of the Xing, aud
'eyerlasting. assOciatimi with the most ex-
alted and illustrious soeiety. As be illus-
trated end enforced these points in oiler,
the deepest interest' prevailed, and -many
were, ,moned to tears. Rev. John Gray
followed with a few -select aird appkoprie
ato words; containing a find -tribute to the:
moral 'Worth. Of the deceased, whom he
had known for over twenty -years. While:
the collection • WaS being • taken up the
choir :rendered • "Gathering homeward
onc by one;" this was followed by :the
hymn."' How blest the righteous. when he
dies," and the benediction. • While the
eongregfition wile; retiring Mr. Henderson,
from Goderich, who possesses an excellent
Voice, •rendered the 'pike "Ever remem-
bered," and thus closed. one of the most
2nd'elass-lat Willie Binged 2ta1
impressive serVices it has -been °are to
. ,
412, Annie Moore 400, James Stanbury
394, Felix Ets.nlon 387, Fred. Davis, 357.
Junior section, marks attainable, 710:-
Wm. Cole 381, Lila Powell 371, Maggie
Muir 359,. Chas, Cooper 843,: Harry Read
824, Clara Swarts 320,- Clara Switzer 320,
Nellie Walker 306, Eva !Sperling 203,
Sydney Smith 283. •
Senier section, marks attainable 825:-
1ichar4 Hanlon 398, John Gardner 269,
John Dunlap 259, Norman Fair 256, Tena
Specht 254, 'Willie Holloway 252; Mary
Twitchell 250, Sadie Greig 247, Anna
Irwin 21.8, Louisa Denison 216.
Junior sention, marks attainable,'320:-
Albert Elliott 243, -Emma Moore 242,
Mary Teasley 213, Mary Juliet 212, Ada
Archer- 208, Albert, Moore 203, Alice
Kenbev 107, Minnie Cooper 196, Arthur
MoKae 10(1, Hattie: Dodds 134, Sydney
Jackson 104.
ntves. vIE :D'S DIVISION. •
't•1enior section, marks attainable., 313: -
Mi I ly Andrews 263, May Robb 2$1, Bessie
Robb 276, Calvena McDonald 271. Josie
Reeve 267, Fred, Joiner 263, Herbert
Switzer 257, Charlie Bezzo 254. Eddie
OaiiThThii 250,. Raphel -Walden 246.
Junior f,:ectfon, marks attainable, 8113:
Stewart Lavin 248, Tena Cooper 237, An-
nie Hillen 222, Anos Castle 221, James'
Shepherd 217, John Hunt 215, Lillie Mc-
Kowen 211, Minhie Joy 203, Fred. Brovfi
192, \Vitae Bezzo 187. •
suss roxaina's invisaloa.
,Senior section, marks attainable,
Nettie • Crimbe 250,- Carie Cooper 248,
Emma IVebb,:g.46;Libbie Cruickshank
245, Dollia-Fair 244; Eva Chidley 242,
AliageStiphenson 241, Lottie Berge 238,
;Frank Boles 286, Pheinie Buchanan 284;
Marshall alorrish 230, Herbert Johns 223,
Eddie Twitchell 223. • • .
Ju dor aectiononarki aitainable, 260:-
TCate•Taylor 237, Nellie Jarvis 233, Dottie
Faie 229,:Adrian Milter 227, Hattie Rum -
224,' Grace Bastian 222, Ada Jones
221', Alice Cottle 206, Etta Andrews 198,
Aft nine Rumball:104.
Senior section,Tharks attainable. 250: -
Eva Hessiati, 235; George liodgens 233,
Itiarv-rarden 231;:Harvey Read 223
Hannah McKdtizie 222 I -Neje Wheat'ey
220, Lechart Cree 220, Annie -Irving 219,
Tommie nICCueias 218.
junior section, Fiera Rayson 217, Tom.
mie Diehl 213, Pheinie Ore ° 215, Sadie
Reeve 211, Orphe Miller- 205, Jennie
Hamner 199, Lucy Shepherd 197, 'Fred.
Straining 189, Earnest Blacker 187, Lily
henner 1S7. , • ' •
, MISS TitiLluES) niarston.
3rd elass-Llet Soiy Cook, 2ad
Moore, 3rd•Casne NVelker, 4th Jessie
,Donald.:, Sth Ianies Wilson, 6th Dolly
Snootier, 7th Jetties Dunlop:. • '
' 2nd•clase -1staanninCruickehaiik, 2'4d
Lay johestoti, 3r4 George Cooper, 4th
Hattie Davis.,
is class -1st Birdie . Heywood, 2tni
. Marion- krarlanil, gra Willie Smith.
- 4th class -lit Ida Holmes, 2nd Ida Mc-
Lellan, .3rd Charlie Williams, 4th 'Tom-
mie Wheatley, 5th Charlotte. Eierett, Gth
Geo. Herriott, 7th Amelia Malaita, 8tla
Howard Ilolines,, 91h Mande Reeyes, 1 (Ith
Harry Reeves. '
3rd -class --1 s 'Tester Whiteln, 2nd Alice
Twitchell, Sra Lottie Can felon, 4thtertie
Fitzsimons. .
-sie Gardner, 11M- Malcolm MeCtialg. • . w4tues'
lit'elass-let George °Davis; :26d Lily
Thrower, Znal Sans Cottle.
CLAs FitOmo+En. ' • •• 811E01E11 IL,: Oa the .',...13rd .01 Morel ii:thewife
This is the, only class' promoted, bei Ilk • ef Mr, James Shepherd, Clintoil, of a aim.
from Miss Oallatideine rooia, the others • Mnw.n-At ineburti, Marh 21.st,. tli'e wile
were enly removed th Make room. of Mr. I '
sr.nlaw of a • son. • •
.nteorge Lterriott, Frank Stanbury, Chas. el -ay. -in Godericla townsbilli01'.1Eardit 28,
Arrielia Harlund, Nellie Patten,
the wife of Mr. Albert Mae, of e daughter.
COrt; Maude Iteevee, Mabel Doherty, Edith
Cerra Iloward Hotines, Herbert Muie; , .11/1ARRIE'D. •
Thos.Wheatley,Greee Webb, Ida:Holmes, et vultu- MBET1‘..,v-4,1 t 1 re o 1 2: 1:6
Everett, 'taste. Kinenum, Lily Whiteman,. rit"..4146:40;ariras-4tregne to Lizzie,
Alien Cudtnetej- Ida McLellan, T glie n !.'
Geititeea Harry Reeves, Richard rinch. . ..:'f ,TgEohbliirif: •
Ti.oili est de hter of the late W. U, Nesbitt '
- , ,
. OUR LETVIER BOX. . - tht: rrv-VvrAit--By the:Rev. John Mille, it I , & aat allA
esideece of the bvidon mother, ott the , adtSfan . .
' - - - - - ---•-7-------"---* 208h alateli, Mr. Charing GleW, of Honda
'Ii, New ERA doss net void itself rosponsIlile for to Miss Rebecea Wise, of Tnelsersmith. ' , 1 •"- „tea tau
iseilli ONPril4Stiti VTIld41. this heading..
. . 1111RNETT-MonorAm2-On March .201h, *'01.11 •
LANG3'ItY ..._,,..vs. DelttOtlf,IN; 17111, but novi of Gardner, Cass county., Data, 0
to Isabella, eldest. daughter,ofeapfant Ida
fne th, ledude ri fflintoioNcio Rem In:Donald, a Porter's niita
in last week'it Nnw Peak, has been BO hasty - 41a/heats-sea-In (11)111110EnDa: the, B, (1. P.,arson- asetni0
Dean Sztt,-I regret that "1:Inquirer,"
iti judging Mr. Difitleulin. 'If the news- age, °AVM 31s8 March,' rranceis .7, Shipley,
paper eeporie.ere coined, Mr. DultIoutie third daughter of the late Jolla Shipley, aged
calla the jedgmeet of Mr. Juatiee rergu. 18 years, 0 inonths raid 7 daye. '
son' a rigliteous judgment," and be :ox- Itowtaaaa-tti Clinton, on Mar& 29th,
presses himself es It treligla Opposed to an jesepheft. Itowoll, second son of the late
appeal, Yours truly; • . Powell, aged 27 years an& 11 trouthir. •
Attie Pratt„, Dolly Berinett; Charlotte ,tbn .bed°11: Ingeition,
There are three "thinge of very greet importance to all who intend buying Dry •
goods this season.
• 1,,
That all residents within a reasonable radius sheuld see the meridian dieplay of
NEW SPRING' GOODS at the eitEAT DUY (400D3 PALACE of Clinton and
Huron 001111ty.
That all Goode are bought for casb, and in the best markets, tied will be soldat
the very lowest remunerative prices, at the DRY GOODS PALACE.
• .
It is of the most paramount importance that all ehould realize and be convinced
that the shop where the small profit and quick return principle is in full operktien, is
THE DRY GOODS PAIAACE, and the right place to ley out your money profitably
Is almost complete in every department, and we show some of the nieest goods ever
shown in Clinton, or the County ot Huron. We occupy the whole of the Murray
Block, every corner of whieh' is filled with the choicest goods that our Foreign and
Canadian -markets can supply. We, are prepared to offes great inducements to the
pubEc. • . .......m. vare,...-....,...0441,........0*.1W, •,,, 4... 07.4.
. • .4
. . 1 .• We have engaged the- services of Mass Cassesear,
I (*no has been in i'mrina for the last seven sea-
sons) to take charge of the nillinery Department
She comes highly recommended, and We believe, frein what we knocaof her, she will
be able to cater to the tastes'ef the most fastidious. Our display in this 'department
will be far ahead of any previous season. OUR SPRINO OPENING Will be announced
in duo time. In the meantime any orders entrustedto ifs will be promptly and
carefully executed. . ..
• . '
. . • MISS MoMANVS: is our Mantle
'I ti :Department. Her ability as such needs no comment from
us. Her record in thepast speaks for itaelf. She is immoral to none in the Dominion.,
Our stook of MANTLE SILKS AND CLOTHS are of the finest grades of gooda
sintiTiominark. et. Ns o Mist -are. No Ala enaTiox TO RE 31,11M.,. ;WE OIYARA:NTEE EyERY
, ‘irff havigone extensively
Tailoring''. Si G ' , F ' I'
. ' ent s iuniS. 1ngS. into
.. this line, We are
showing splendid ranges of WHITE SHIRTS REGATTA SHIRT:4, LINEN .SIIIATia
Denwees, Tins, Selma Lases axe' Plieu boinans, &ea Also, the finest range
of SOFT AND STIFF TELT BATS, in all the leading Otyles. Give us a 1001C
through, Yoh can buy cheaper and more stylish gods frem us. than any one else:
FRENOH WORSTEDS, BLACK. .i.i,N1? VOLORED.- • 1- ' .• .'
• , . . . • .
We have one large. room 1.e' g '
in fitted up
Carpets and ,lloase Furnishings. expressly for Carpets and Oil Cloths, We ; •
show the finest range in the county. Threeply Wool Carpets, Two-ply Wool Car -
Clothe, Stair Oil -Cloths, Cocoa Matting 'anti 'Rugs.- Lace Curtains. Cretons in eed- •
,pets, ., Bros:I:41s, Carpets, -Tapestry Carpets, Hemp Carpets, Stair Carpets, Fleet Oil
less variety and wonderful designs.- White Counterpanes, Colored Counterpanes and
Toilet Covers Table Lineas Toweilings and, Towelan •
. _ . •
. • . .
G It OCE RIES.. , .
we heyo' a' full steel; of Geiteeiies, TEAS, SUGARS,
e I • ,
shelf goods.
S'e// Cdsh.„. &11,for Prode. TVe Sell on Time to vooil ngtri.?, Our
Glin?,418 'qv?, niceeked plain. •
state of the -late John .11001gell.S
Dry Goods Palace of Clinton and Huron County.
1.3 bugs, for sale. D. PFIANAIIAN; srd min. or
Hullett. . • ' • • -
11laker.. .Rooms Opfolth Plomix's 1.1p:
Stairs, Rattonbnry Strect;Olinton. . •
'17( Ty v bythes t -o(-31.
to lulls. B. hi. =CRY, Clinton.
'doing a' Splendid business and one of the best 4tands
in the county, is offered for sale pr to rent on reason-
abitrterms. The house is In good shape, and will be a
decided bargain to good nom. Satisfactory reasons
for selling out GuongE'.SWARTS, Proprietor.
.TIOR.SALE OR TO. RENT -Fourteen acres
../2 of goOd land, with a comfortable !louse, good out-
btiildings, a gond orchard of choice fruit trees, situ-
ated in the Third COTICCSSIOTI of the Township of Hul-
lett, being part of. Lot 10. PosSession gene on the
lot of April .next. For further partieulars apply to.
.j.J The partnership heretofore existing between
'WHATAIt 0001‘414,of the toWn of, canton, and TIMMAii
MCKsgtm, of the same place, doing -business under the
41amo, style and firm, of Cooper 65.151eXonzle, es build-
ers and contractors, lies this day. been dissolved by
nultual con,sent. All debts due the said firm:nay be
be paid to, oitlicr. and a reechittaten for sante shall be
valid. Any claims against thosaid flrmare requested
tube handed in at once, and an accounts due them
not settled by.the 16th dot& April:mkt, win be put
loci:coat far col!eetion, after ,glittc,liaitgi coorEii. :
Clinton, Marclizi, iss.i.
On Saturdity• April 5tit, I expect to Open
a White Bronze, Ifonument for Mr. Armstreag, of
Sarneattstogjeo, Perrin Block. Vow and see it.
It. will only he .hore tor a few weeks, and gods to
tioderich Cemetery.
The Canadian Pacific Syndicate is re.
ported to be once More out offtincli. The
Globe'orre,spondent at Ottawa says aft
Application for an advance of $5,000,000
has beat made, wItich the Governeaeat is
?IOW considering, if the Syndicate would
specify some oho valuable thiug, belong -
frig to the people. of Canada it does not
want, the publie minct woald be relieved.
More than a whole year's Domilrion reve-
nite given already thie session, and back
for another haul before the membere of
Parliament can get ewriVrele, Ottawa.
Mr. Thomas Burnett, formerly of Porteret
WIC. CRAIG. • • ItOWET,t, --Noir Port Hope, °tithe ldt ilnit.y .
niZaboth :Ethel)' daughter of 'Mr. filanteel
The use of False Italy hy ladles Is a most ills- Rowell, aged 6 months,
agreenbie practlYst, tor tiot only Is. it linpossiblo ... ,,. . •
constantly chow -Ting wth
hile e dead hair re- 'Elfish, son of
_ itort3,1.:N. - An Clintota ori March 2011a
Joseph Itoffinan', :aged 2 yost.s.,.
to trace Its origin. but Mee 1110 natural hair is
Mins its color. 'Winn. WO of eingalese Hair
is rendered:natural ;tint always bran ti MI ,g110513'• 1).t vtsms. I bt Itlarelh 20th, 11/11liairt, yonug- '
seamy, ea, „am. nr tun bait. ,
:Renewer. on the
and 0 verlbible Crown of glory. avers -lady
should use. 11, mid to gentleman.' whose iinir is
gpreortIvilontgtietl,ilo, it Is a noressity, Sold at 50 Penis
.cit 44V,
w48424. *
• le
Pelootteli. roo
• „
k 31,1:
and 1 months.
-0.410 :A
vbes0 gp.
irm laTABIAS
lioarvnterliot 0(404artelrnie:i; 1 ovpT( i,
v.outtiN. nT O0. rtosi victoria.st
townsliip, aged 1 year.; 1 went s, a days. I the Marlfet, (Aimee.
O(ALE cLOTRES FOR SALE.---oonts, vests, pants, •
caps, socks, mitts, &o:, to fit ow age down,to in-
fants, I am home on Mondays. Any person having
rags or truck in my line, can word at my house,
and I will fetch, it -and give value. AU debts out Mary
Marten's estate, must be paid to save trouble. Paper-
ing,. painting, and jobbing of that sort done by GEORON
Bss.rtav. A good. strong boy wanted. •
W. 3fARTEN, PedierrRox Clinten.
Reed Black Tartar Oats,,,
'Ogir GROW;4Tunen Yeas yaost SEM') •
• ' lmrincrEti raOsi SconAND:
farmers that ho has .aquantity of these °eta for
sale, sure and free- from foul seeds. 'These Oats aro
witiumt'doubt UM best yielding Oat ,in Canada, ire-
quehtly givItigfrom 00 to 75 bushels, Tar ears. Price
per bushel,•50 Dents. . •
• Also, PURE LOST NATION WHEAT, free ftom
foul $L20 per bushel.
Al :0, GOOD paean RIMLESS PEAS, 85e.per Wash
Pox sale, also, celebrated WHITE ELEPHANT and
(MANGER POTATOES, suitable for seed, '
Lot 23, Cen. 3, lInron Road Survey, Tuelfersteith,
• three miles. east of. Granton. .
L.N -
tpitk 8638011'11En 1.1A.VIN6 JUST COMPLETED
J.: and furnished his new Planing Min with machin-
ery of the latest Improved patterns, 19 now prepared
to attond to all. orders in.his line 01 thamost prompt
and satisfattory Manner, and at reasonable ratesno
would also return'. thanks to all -who patronized the
old firm before they were burned ont, and now being
in a better position to execute orders expeditiously,
feels confident he eau give satisfaction Walt.
070.fe Y.-- Near the brand 27runl.
l83Uj/, Clinton.- •
T.II0StAS hicKENEffe.
et. Clinton.