HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-03-21, Page 8� - I o;_ � — -'-F- . -7 I � ,"- . I � I . �11 I . . . - -, , - , � I I I �.. � il I T . - - 11 - �� - 0 I ��, I I � I � 11 . I . � -­ , I I I , . . � I I . I � 11 ow, � . . I 0 .,� I � .� I I r�� . I 11 . 1, I I I I . k- , �, . . . . , E018LISH gossip, BY CABLE- .1 . � - r DOADIA FARLIANOT. . I . I � . , � ONTAW LEWL 11 UAL . - I ` , � , I 1. � ,arc 0l0DVAAVX FATI111111.9. I - - . I I . . � rolimossiva jr,owwrio.'s V*W111,X- ' — �' "Accent oholl1leirdifintown . m -arch sa"L ".i 884. -, I_- � - - . .., . Ey.�Goycrnsnr Allub;_d, .4 Coppecti.11111, - MY16trVA6114AUVOY - Zolatc, I - r 1, . ,�.'r �. I I I Professor Bain is Preparing 0; volume Of � r ., . PtItInkcrits ][11110 Daughtery vvbo 31mr. . � . '. � � , TNE 3OUDAN REBELLION. , essays with letters . I George Augusta; Sala has arranged I tj a a or to Mr. Holtou, . Mr- Ca lug m 'I oply actor he tol'the Icep The followitig BWR werli-read athird time: Reopfotirg . the,G,hnauoqtie & Rideau _ am tried nin 40slaChat . A New Haqen- telegram says, The late Ironk ides, the. eFqate of Mrv. Dohw Far- nell, the mother Of Charlso Stewart ' Pamell, . . L 11 da lecturing tour next auto ran In the Unite bat on the report ,bad that 'the 'Montreal post office be Risilwo, � y Compauy._�-Mr, $ills, To ponoo- I 'L � ex-Ouve,roor.hitel tbres daughters. in his r . the.ollkilogui-bed, jir�,h oplostO of, � , I � icturekque valuable in We - . a CovemmentPs Definitton of th Imperial 8 I tateo, Frank -Hugh O'Donnell, Xp', begins ,a; ordered kept open till 10 oicitjok in the arvexillig. L Sir Htctor Langevin said, in reply to Mr, lid.mte,the debt of the town of Palmerston. I � Kim. To authorize. the oorporm. . . -Mri Me" be will, just published, makes provision for two only.. Nellie Hubbard, the diHiuherited I . . the most I and environs of Borde"town, N. J., uverlook�,ag, L is does, the DelawpWip p liter, wticit. at L I L . . Policy- Iii t gy pt. . L series of lectured upon social Subjects At I C'. ey, that tlideoheme of the canal between don of the towniot StralihtoY to purchase certain le6ade therein for a public cemetery. daughter, Was a belle. in Uartfor4- ohs � %utiful. well ad nested mud, a great waa nei as I that . Point, makes a. majesfiosweep. Mrs. L . - - Boston at the amid 91 the Parliamentary . I . tae River Thames and L%ko Brie (through . . Danwicb), for which , -Ur. Roes (Kiddlesex), Respecting the - � I . I favorite in society. She was young rind � . Parnell, except in the summer months, I � . .. WILL THr,Rd BE: A-.40THEI-e BATTLE.? . � . . � I easkon. � I A wife -murderer released after twenty � the township of I Survey B were made doriog too. Pike% Born- YgrkvilleLoop Line RtbilwayCompauy.- I Mr.Ferria. Respeolingsoertataby-lawot o,uticeptible of flattery. She, 'could not I . resist the siletto pleadiogo -which daily bpends but a Small portion of her time at I tne homestead, mud leaves its management A -last (Sunday) nigbL,d London cable- � . I Says: An informal meeting of the yearai penal servitude met with an Bothnia. I . . � . antic reception from thousands at Bitmi]Dg- . mer,was within the limitew.of resebmable � . � a iditure impracticable. Xpe;ill . the own of Trenton. -Mr. Stile, To In- . Corporate the 13ilveir B,rook Tramway Coin. � scizioillated from the brigat eyes of a young . man employed by her father as� co4chmau. practically to a head farmer. The &rsa- . e estate pi ior to the begi on lug of tionof tb grain � . � Gabinet,WsabeldonFriday. Assreaultol . I the deliberations definite instructions have ham, and the St, James' Gazette ougg"to,by ad lace in leniency so. way of showing Due vO � A respecting - , orthern & North - . the N western J'unotiou R*ilway Oomparty.-Mr. � 1, I piny. -Mr. Gibson (Hamilton). The House fu Committee reported the He fell in 16ye with Nellie. He improved overy opportunity. offered for being aloup I sali4fact,6 to her, Nuvember loot was Dot' .. ky and there war's frequent changes in the I been Sent to Sir Evelyn Baring, British . 3fininter at 0airo, and UeDeral StePheSS011, ussailants of Woment that the ex-oonvist. Should receive a Fair of silver bob-nbil boo to: small. . .. , A Bill reBpeotirg the Manitoba, South., .. I following Bills : To amend the Acts respect. idg the Napanee River Improvement Coin. witliber. Nine Nellie. pitied him because he was poor. She soon, tnicame ardently of overseer. Finally ChArles POkitiOn . 8tewart Parnell sent Out to k is mother . I I the British forces in . the cominapdor otih­ 41'ey egard to e Govery Ment'S PC Willi a lauiostile int-cripoiov, .ort, Catholic circles are excited by the rep � Wcotertroolouizit,liva Railway Company.- I Mri RoBo. . Mr. Wilmot, Rospecting the St. P y� Des & wings a n - C..b ,I r Central Railway attached to him, At last h6 confessed his love. They werO married. The people � fr(m Irelatia George O'Toole to V. same charge of miffidep. Mr. O'Toole is - - .. �VITI'911YB,iputlllyn that Dr. Herbert Vaughan, Bishop of Sal- A' Bill to amend the Act incorporating I , t-be,Great Am'oriothu & I European Short I CompaDy.-Mr. NoelQn. To Amend the . I who knew Nellie. VA,bera r best were _ws;itiln I Rim . tin iatelligeiio and agreeable, person, - Lii buili in his manners. -, 11mring's scheme forfluancial i reform I eptea, though she is virtually rtj ford, has been appointed coadjutor to Car- . dinalManning with right of Succession. , Line Railway Company, and. to ObiLuge the . Act to transfer the.becuritice of the A0910- , I - Canadian Mortgage Company to the Out inept. a struck dumb with aatbuii�E -It-w sthe talk of the town f I or months. 'The blow fail and mild I . I � He i ., moreover, A pruct lost fibriner, and, is . 11 I . Government B&yB it is held for, the present in auspenpion. The French Governogent The appointment meats with general, . approval among the Catholic clergy of E ag- ' name thereof to the Montreal & European. Short Line Railway Curnpany.-Sir Oharlou . . I . Oium Securities, CompaDy.-Mr. GibBoo � (Httmiltori). Reavectiog the Homilton: & with crushing force on the ex -Governor, He was a proud max) and very jealous of his, a Dot take Lim long utter he bad settled � di I down to bi,j new bmitipsp, 0 Bee that Mrs. : � . . L . I has intimated through M. Waddington, . French Minister to England, its datermina- . land mud Ireland. th The King of Bavaria , in in trouble wi Tupper. The, a mendmento made. bv the Senate in . I Daudwe bueet Railway Company. -Mr. Awrey, To iricorporate the Toronto, family honor. He -determined to retire �Paraell from active life. The Governor remained was being robbed - by the patty I � 1. thefts of the hands employed on the farm . � I . I tion to oppose the. P] r6positlon to levy a tax . � contemplated to his Minnitero, who canDo,to give him tiny I L more money, And the work an have had to the Bill to incorporate the Provincial Bank L . ", were concurred in. Hamilton & Buffalo Railway Company.- GOU14. L I I - ' steadfast to hie rebolve for a year or more, but at last rel pled. Ile died with he L nors and aim by thtir v6 ilfal acts of negligence . I He took Iiii boaticigio quies.lyi and becoming I . , I � - I ... - upon fotaiguers, as was the Baring salleme 1. it Will Stoutly resint be discharged from the Alpine Verail6a, The debate on Mr. Charlt On's seamlation L , , ---"L-'-' ' Mr. 'The Bill to amend the Synod and Reatory I PAPAP-P .- I thick- upon. him. but even in d ath I o � """""' ' a A It t be culpr Ito, sali,fied that he bud 0 , , L . , I . also any attempt Ito interfere with the law . . of liquidation of the'Egyp , tima debt. The . ., . which was hie latest craze. Cremation, reappears as. a topic for ais. Bill, adjourned fr6m the lit lo -of March on I the Motion ct Sir John Muodmald,was . . I � ., I Sales Act, affootiog, the Diocese of Toronto, . I , was read the second %line.- . .he - oompromism .1 could" nob fo4el' the. --- g steps his -beloved daughter had' taken. L � he got somo di-icharges in the working force L - - Oftbephliti.tIOD. ThO iMPOrttLtI0n ,Of 8 'fbi�111!0111181$18 - L Italian, and German Gov6in3AelrtS,,Whi0h . axe also parties to the liquidsifiid gon-Iract, OU881011- Its advocates'are fortified bv the I 0-1 justice Stephen �hat it is l4ally Opinion , L repumed. T130 immediate question was the amend I The House went into committee and I reported the following Bills: He made no merition of. her in � the end. . ing. Nellie, b&Fpy with her husband, left head former, and biti to bin . . 1. employer, appeared to.raikie the fro of' 6er- � L give their apppor_tto the palt"', 0somed . - -- - ;;��_ar -11 ­�i 1. -t ­Ad­hb' nice. IV6 oppoi�ltlon 1p;rmisoible. ' Tile Times or Be that it is N , -di'A' �ble to'tiy the ex ant "rim . . al ra I P intnt pr6poBed by Mr. Foster making.sbe . beauction of a ]previously climate fem�le L To amend the Act to impose a tax on L L dogo,undforthe Of sheep -NE. , Hartford. She made her home here. Her so In 11 husband Iiad Saved little oney. Wit I I tain people in the, itiainity of Bordentown, 1� And they began to, display their Spleen, by . � I or , =is further given by I he Botlischilds, I . L' ` Strong Fffaits are being rn�i]6 in the 11, under 2i, under promi.e of migiriage V., mim- protection Cirisholm. To amend the Ontario Trcia ' . this he started 9, livery stable. He, pros. -e notaot annoyance t6waids Mr. O'Toole. , I . L . -who would like to see.&�06xiversiomi of the . - Daris, Tanieh preference loaus under Eng press and elsewhere to oeoure the restors. tion of Baker. Pasha to his rank -in - -the- ddrur.mrior. - � -,Objection won raised to proe6eding fur. I Planting Act. 18�3-hlr. Uook. To amend I ' Mr. ErmatiDgei. the Mechanics' Lien Act- peted. -with ti influx of dollars be, 'endeavored to Ameliorate vb� condition of Fiquilly their jealousy or veugear,ce took I . . another tutu. Miss Fancy Pargell, whoue . I I h3b guarantee into bonds. hearing 3J per -English army. Success is ifia'possible fiber by Mr. Lindr'y (Howtmagny) oii the To amend the Division Courts ALot-Ur. hiswite. He knew she had. been delicate]- aecemae occurred -Some time Since, had two I . I . cent. interest.' . . Etrl Granville, Foreign Secretary of unless' .the Queen, Who imbiated on7 the forfeiture of late commissiou, in converted. not b ground thus, the. amendment bud . eon printed and distributed, Find when Less. To amend, the Ontario Drainage Act Balfour, reared, and It "a his wish that she aboula be deliot%tely oustbined. He bouglit,ber a dogafor,peto. One wiO.,agehoiae Irish red � eatter mud thi) other an imported Sp, Bar. I State,Thaa.L�.ten to Sir Evelyn Baring, The fierce passibDel exipited by the Con, L L -The Speaker announced that it had been -Mr. Mr. Meredith introduced a Bill to amend tiogoart. Any. fine day she could have been maid. These aritnals were"great favorites , . I . first, that the Eglyiitimn frontier us main- I I taitied by Eaglibh force Shall not extend -regime,io Spain has led to, violent .servative as perfional a4tit6ka on the KID9, again distributed i &at mirnivg, . not pri, ad Mr. L%ndry objected it wa- t .1. . L � .-.�� - ; ;- the County Courts Act.. ,­� RLseem Mr. Bonn (Middlesex) -Bill to make fur. riding through the shady Streets of Elm -bordered City. Theirs ,was- a with ;tbe viaite.ra to" Iront ideal" and were . . . . . especially deem to Mrs. Parnell Do aCOOU13t . . , I �of beyond 'the first oataract ; second, that I Zobekr Pambei or some other ally of the which Castellar iii vigorously protesting. ' All Europe bag been busy with the'c6u. I . I . in French. , V6 thin Mr, Charlton replied 'that the thei provisions, bffecting public health. . I . . . I � � � .the happy life, everybody Said, and everyboCy . Sympathized with the pair that had ilc,fied , their osacci�ktion with her .deceased .1 . I daughter. Afew'weeks ago; auriag the . � -M"di L. h *11 be appointed Viceroy at Khar- he tending claims of the world and the Church in the Lenten season. The carnival has amendment was printed in votes and pro- ceedioge, both in El glish and - Frenob. - NOTICE$ I OP MOTION. . . .1 � Mr. paraee-On Thursday next -Reno, . the scorn of Society. A phort year, however, the, dream.' A'child was born , the dogs oldladylovidtto the'llormsoead . both Or&wled'into the hodse,..rB9tiv(-d, .her . . tobin, with the undereitanding that I shall file,intaimi-the - trade routes between. . Khartoum Koroskoond Saiihim ; I ,been a miserable failure.in nearly ull- the, . Continental vap� 0. social London b h4 as � . ' The objection was taken it Seemed to. him , metal t4 kill the Bill, by putting it off, 130 y . . lotions: 1. That by the Britielt North America Act the Legislature of each Pro- .emided . . Domestic infelicity followed.. The husband obtained a divorce. The wife lived in the . caregiep, and died At I bar feet. It was . � V Subsequently tiscertbined that' tboyr' had I L ,Berber. I . . : third, the Malidi dhtkll be appointed S,ultan. . . over the . h I . made a f6ol- of - it'�elf by try lug to give birth. on English Boil' to in institution which in that it-cou)d not be again considered this I . . I . ees�iun. . . VILCe has exclusive power io ranks laws in relation to 10041 w orks and undertakings I cin kn6ws city for several. months -no a L h mother, who ow. Ramorhadit thatthe beehpi,i-ioned. Soon aftertbi% the Secret - . . - Guemlea raided upon the hennery. They � of'Kordofsn,. Wit 13 overeignty . regionR of the" White Nile, Darfour, and I in the throes of death in its native land, .Sir Hectoir Laugevin strongly objected to. I othe I r then Such railways and other works . did riot"ehAre the father's feelings, in. the twisted off ohs heads of valuable Muscovy � . . L Bahr Gazelle ; fourth, that the Red Beal � littoral, from Kassair to, Atibley Bay, South- The masked bull wan an abject piece of dullness, though tbq Prince of Wales 9%v a - goling an unless the amendments were' printed in Bill form in French as well as . I I aLd undertakiigs, so crInnect the Frovihoe I with any other Provinces, or extend beyond mkLtters gave her An allowance. A short . � time before the Governor's death Mrs. duoki-i chickens and geese, and, throwitig ,� 11 L I them upon . the dooratepe,'earxied away I the . I. of Mosgowab; Shall be h dependency of it c.ou . dtonanoe. There was but one I ady English The French membere were, very I the limits Of the Province, or as are 11 do* . I - ah Nellie removed to Meriden. There a . bodies. A night or two ago a fine milol; - - , 1, - . . I England ; fifth, England will bade to to three gentlemen, and .the clitooiclers . forbearing, and in many cases did not inen,t, . 'clared by the Parliament of Canada to be . . . lived. when death turned the state into Dow was found dead in her stall.', A post'7" I - � � - Abyssinia two harborage li6its upon the . Red Sea, with a baud of territory in South ob6erve trial; the only attemptat a graceful � I observance of the washed ball ceremonial uporr their right- to have the proceedings of tue House conducted in French as Well as ' for the general advantage of Canada, or for the -Pro. thb advantage of two.�or more of . .- . for her illustrious fg.tber. - In MOUI�Zlillg . the simple, document by whibb. he, di-sposod I mortem was made upon. the cardasB, when ' it was found that death was due to mrsini. I . I *was . . - __ . 1. .. ern Soudan. . Admiral Hewitt Will 90 to 'Massowsh to � Was by some daughters Of America. ... The violent sdQchoa utter novelty give - , Eagboh. Batths right wis ther6, and if . insisted on must be, allowed. - . vinces." 2. That exclupive outhority,.in . ice in.relation the Legislature of each Provii I of all his earthly poosbeBions, there wa a not . and ill one word for her. By bar haRty . Cal P0800. . Mrs. Parnell commum. . . . , . I � cated with, slid her answer was rect ived . . L ' . - . arr � ange: a treaty 1 with King John, who _ through,his agent to place Abyssinia - -point to an article in a Conservative In zine by Lady- John Mariners, thb'wife 4!ii- If I The motion to postpone the Bill till the amendments were printed in French wait to 'Provincial railways and other local works or undertakings is an essential part . . considered action Elie lost. 075 000. . . . . � � . . - . . . yei3torday. She has determined to ptitit - I . put the Author -of the rhibehief, arid the ' I � site& under an English protectorate. - . I from Get!. , leading, Conservative statesman, on the. . cf the rich, in which an up. carried on the understanding that in the meantime the Bill kc�6pa its place go the of our federal System of goverhmatit. 3. That ever Since Confederation the Login. . . toomen men Captains. , - . I . facts will also be loll before the Prosecutor I 61 the Pleas of Burlington. County. Hr. I . The latest advices received - ...---,. he forces - Graham at Buskim report that t prodigality palling picture is -given of the amount eated . '- 1� . orderpaper. . � . . .� - - - isture' of tbi4 Province has granted Charters for the of -'a large, number of Mrs. Mary A -Miller, in not the first woman who has Served successfully as mistress of a id yesterday that be was pretty � . Ottoole',,, well satisfied in biii own mind from the . ip. The . Under Osman Digma.i6re breaking i I I uiiht's conference with . sheilihs after last and drank by the upper clagoes.. I � The 'Duke of Marlboro' has withdrawn . I . I ILORD JL&ITRAillils, IVILU&9.DEB. '. I — " construction . ,deal railways within the Provinc6, &rid has t . rs. Capt. Patten, of Batb,, Me., who while her husband was lying ill . id' ' -had obtained himself regarding N11 - . evi epee he . I , . Osman, advised. h im to go to gaskim abd Admiral Hewitt Baker Pasha. It from candid store for.admission tothe Carli . � too Club under -the -advice $but -many Of . . . A qp,i pie Tragedy -Still. a G rent 111v stery . to with the said. railways and .made such pro-' I their regulation and control. as Vision f6r irthDavigated bin ship around in his be . thegoiity'p%rty. Hevillbe hunted down, for lea, , rhemigut vittbuipt the destruction- . - � . . ,� Meet and probable tfisi there will'bij a conferenod- is . . . I 'in. the wombers-4-tige-club did, n t li, _ 'It Albert,. Nellie, who was said to have confessed knowing all about the murder of Lord the public- - interest demanded'. 4. That 1 the Legislature, Jn the session of '1882, Oape"Horn and up. to San -Francisco, , fireV officer wanted to alshough his timid - . of property'on a iirge scale. , I.. ... . .. � I . � -1- I . I . . — . , . . . , to -morrow. .. I . it seems: wel � I assured ri'0* tbf6t theri Will ,"nt . has beep disooveked',tha, in . 'besides his income of -230 000, draw 21-.100 . � ' Batt to & Leitrim as been mad house, and, _. I b _ � sy the mmosucre remains as . asserted by the unanimous voice of its stop at Valparaiso for amoistan � a; Mrs. - . I Capt. Abbis - Clifford, of the brig Abbis � 1 ., , I . . . �viijueer.Ducks.l`!, . , I . .. I . ' . . .. be no further battles, as. ifie tribes are die. . I . yearly -as Governor of Winda6r CaWe to. . , . .a% ever. The triple tragedy of Ciatlagh _ fia embers. that the beat Interests of the . ople of Ontario.. required. mud ',demanded -Clifford,.who after her husband had '-been I .- . -_ . !'.Newspaper men are queer duckB,"oodd I I L .. . . . I mg. I . Peg!n. Gordon has telegraphed to'tbe Gov- the day of hIs death.� . ., .. 1. . I . . . . .� - I - " . Wood� occurred on the 2ad . of April; - I . 187�- The Earl qf Leitrim loft his real. Pe . that the Provincial Legislature should not. I be deprive d washed overboard brought the vessel I . harbor from below , th iutO-Xa*--YOtk at I IN sloam1politiqian,who sauna of theCommit. too of Arrangements for the NEttional Be- ' I . . ernment asking for a detachment of Itidtan ­ 11101111RURY AND OUTRAGE. . .. . -, . : . deuce at 111; � iford'shortly before 8 o'clock without absolute necessity, -of- . hie Authority and control over, those equator ; Mis. Capt. Reed, of the Oak- I publicau,Convention in 1880, as,iire'torned . I . ' I . Moolem troopB( to serve. as.o, DUCIOUR for a* Soodaueme army, with not more than 5UO - The Doltijign ot a Novi, Vork,'Blaclisuard . I You . till 1, lbady Nearly - , �.the morning, accarapaniea by his' clerk, 11 � . and waia, driving on an outside Doi to DeTr ' y Irml. ways, and further insisted that where a to escape provincial 'con.. I landi of Brunawio Ir, He, who was a praoti. eat Davigator of.celeligity, and Miss Joust 11 Thew . . and walked out ok' the' theatre. I . . . remember wellwhen they want to mud-larv, - . - n . ker I m an from the Indian Service as a 0 says he Dun rally a nese forC6 of I -A' -ISufloculled ­ . - -The nouse Ransacked. arried to meet his solicitm He' always 0 J arms. It is'eupposed that the assassins company Bought trol if should be compelled to Procure from The --So, often u:ed to navigate -her rop;, W father's ship, who i 'now a oload as oysters when they. don't viant to .. ... . 1 remember. There Is one of them in -towit � .He 'Souds : . . . 10,000 men. I . .1 . . . Report describes the Mabdi as one day. . -last (Sunday) might's New York A . AeE1P1%tOb88y8': Miss Maggie Harvey,alied 6onoealed themselves behind a, low embank! . meat between-the-"romd-and-pl&u.tstion-i,� the,LegiBl�ture by which it.. was . incorpo- -rated,'Au man at, to lie . railway being dia. - . ,teaching' .school Of nsvlgstiOD in this .OitY And who Was in the author of " Thom's Navi. . , �1 . . . who played a trick on'. our committee, in ; .. 1880 that Upsets me whenever I think of I .�. � � m, andus being so' as.' . . . , advancing to Kbartow 1 . lighted With Gotdoule; of him- 18, siater.of Mrs. George Slonne','Jives with , her , I use here. On 112 .-am' Apartment be .and that having first shot the Earl of Lel- trim they � the and the driver, clared W be for the general advaillit4ge of . Canada, or shoula be required to Bhow that part 9MOr," is. . book of authority' ,among � 'Theso'casseare . I � I it4 Tickets, you know. were very scarce, . . w1a,warb driven nearly orizy by per- � , . , proclamoition I as Sultan of. Darfour si� to have resolved on . � hiis - - -.9-aitiraiy7iiv-e-6iWi-Kr,&.nd-Mrs,Sloane went out to Mike u call, leaving Miss Harvey -%t shot -clerk - no that there might be no witnesses:,, -was such aSsent had been applied for and re- fused an impr6iior or insufficient grounds - inera. allot recent mar I I &te, To thein the Loo,venworth.-(Kan4) ,and I Blatant . applications ' from .distinguished �� � , , � . . �1 The I at oiioia making &ace- , . . One day the future, of Kb6rt6um is . . I - _h ' - f-he'r, niece, aged 2J years. , home in a arge o 'with The driver shot 16 the month, the ball- rsD_gi'n9. upward,. and. the' clerk. 11 . and these views of. the Legislature were . ' . . . Parliament Canada. 5. Times - Adds the. case of Mrs'. Capt.'John -Oliver Norton, of Edgartowo, Mass. - Her vjsitoro.� man I ppeak"of made no ap- . . . ; . � I � to u rega,lin, I I I . plication for tickets. , He went . . dioAribed as the indefinite continuance, of I At 10.80 Miss Harvey retired the '. -room is a large . little child. In bar bad , behind the ear, both. probably at close Imidbetbre the .of . . - assertion -of That in disregard of this just husbaud-o4mmanded a whaling vessel-, and store arid pfir-obased tb6 most stiiking and ' . . Gordou'a rule,.and :the next: a fierce 0011- troveray rages I over ',-Gaidooli" '- iosod I supi tilosetJo4hich ohs tbdught:Bhe board & ,. � quarters. Hill Lord6hiplairalet was driving . * lug up ftboui.a mile behind, and -on cQm* - -f ,Dy cono'. Provincial iight% tod- witl2difit a .,ohs, frequently went'with him into the " ' Arctic watetio... On one of these expeditions )edge b6'.00uld .'find.* He took. - alaborate I . . . . I . this to a priatiuj affice and printed' on it I . ,q , intention't6 inake'Zowhi Pi6k.-WO, kill$ � . I Btrangi�fibisi*.� The oloutdoor opened and JOB" Williu6ai, a ae'v6­ooschman, spraug . found-1io 'Master and the plerk-lying dead munication on the aubiddVAo the Govern. , meni or Legiglaturi of the . Province, the all the boats were out, leivin on boar the" 9 A I GrandMarshal'of the Convention," one, - 1, . . I ., . , . . I I . . I . I L . of the alive dealers. his suobiiibta Stall. Grair L' has'not. larly, at Suakint. Ginerm am , . . . cat Sri .g d 'seized her. b:j the �throst 'and on the - road. The driver was not .yet dead, but unoonsoiousi and died. soon Federal Parliament in the. session of 1883 . lines captain and just enough ... Of- the crew to * manage the vessel. -A whale was noticed .b. .with that worn ponspicuously, 1 on- to cost . , - . . bd Soiled bythe door-keopeirg without .In, g . L iwheth�i he yet been 4efinitelyinBtructed threatened . to kill ar . The aroused and . was' extremely, after. .The .Earl � . --on. Posted on Ado declaring all the Main of railway ia the Province, and each and off -to the Starboard, and - the captain "mud challenged'. imdr passed and rep 9 ad, 're-, . . . . ' ' .1 0 shall make -Peace or war with .Osmah, course L . Dignis and - either will exp6se lift so- 6 Utory.. child visa . � to ory, when the negro threatened to . . . ropular with his fenantry4 arid the small farmer close - generally, because of thd I L . &,,Way every branch line or r now or here . I man were PUZ2 ;led how to get it. It was the woman who solved the and solving frOrn ushers, detectives dards , . - . tbb most r1espectful omBideration. He - * L I I . I Gladstone to fierce attack. . . . Gen. Gordon's opiibtidims in Khartoum .began, %didn't quiet it. He kill it if Miss Harvey L I IWS demanded - to know where the money Si . di . si�on . long 'manifested by him to up% stret h th6 power given him bk the ' li*- to after conneodug with orcrooBing the, said � line of railway, or &by Ono Of th6m; - to; be of problem ' tied the fate of hiewhaleship. Going Bet . er . boo, to the wheiel She h ' ' .. grewbolkr the second day and, Passed 1P'. 1 1 . probably ti dozou'people. The next day he . I . silliperplexthe public mud anilairrasothe . . and ordered bar to give up till the keys of the Brie iiiii she did not., know . the utmost limit. Numerous - -arresto of I . .. work" . for - the 11 general advantage . ' ' Canada." an&ou&etiLg that -hereafter the provailed'upon baud to leave the jhfii in', her charge, With ' � I Cl L -. .. . . tookin . ' twice as mn,nyt- and in the an '. . .. . � . I ,a to. meet almost daily a . xiniqry, who haN ­ . �ionsomi points on Which I hailstorm of queal . room@. � Where ` the money - WAS. - Hip Aragged her . 'the rBons, supposed to have besh- coudarned Pe " I.... b in'thia. crime Weis' wade, but no one, 48 - I � 'same shall be.,oubject t6the 6gislative --ii-tithority of tlie� Parliame 't'of Cauada� 11 U two, diRabled'm . or), while he and his Man L after the. whale. . He did so. Tbe' passed in to the expoisition-buildlibg probsbI4 . 'L , . n.lififidred people'. All thin wits donewi6 L I .-. . i ' . . . ,re they themB61vasm 'imperfectly informed. It.is believed that Gen. Gordonis best on from bed, -threw her violently on the , . . floor, . stuffed's handkerchief in ter mouth . . . yet heart convicted of. it; , One of those I arreated, Michael' Heisgbty by news, died I . - Tit I is whole.' . - 6. at the praosidal elfect,of th to -,went . woman .managed the - abip' all -L, clay. until , -- I nightfall, IN hen ibe boats returned,AhatAn. .. . . c6rtainty.,. Courage and ooD. . � the flourish of I - . I sn&the fun of the thing was -that '. I - � � I - - ---inaffahig-his OWL policylot-all risks, proba - - - _ - her bandit 'aud-Jeet. He.-tben. and tied , fiLneaclied thd house, mad went out, -by-the I 111t I becou donOctoberl2th .. uty jail at Liffor , , L , , sale Assumption is, if lego.4 withdra W_ the Whole subject - of riulw4Va from Pro- command of list husband having captured .vation, . -the committee.'thoogtit at the time . I I none of . . . Chdeagi, L lify eat retention of involving the perman . . . L . . I I Khartoum. I . .. : 6ding to the fire escape. Mrs. 'window lea . I of the same yes 4 � - . . , � . t L ­ . I -1 I � .. I ; I Ljo-Xioakti - 4 to the . -vi 14 -1 - q0 iind tran8fer I, it "I Th -ii iiiii the biggest *hale ev6r been in those waterp. - t When the'abip put in home the Nevi ad. of inqairiug, into the- matter;"- I � ­ I . I I 1. . . I � . I I - fie e . . 1Y r -,O e" . I .. . - GENERAL GRARAM,'TIIE�BOUD AiN HEUD.- . 43lombe-arrived--ho -at-11.30-an"ound. me . Miss Harvey in'sa- UpcousoioUs condition- - . ;'' I BE ]PILAY-Icit CVKK.. - . Ill . I . . I .. . .. . L .% Feaeral P ;riiiwme�_&7. has bea . . . granted. outof the public funds'of the Pro I . . - ford owners made the I I woman command ill . er . , ' . . . . 11 I �_ ."_ _ , _.L_ . ­­ , , . . .., I .. , (,.eullir, moring. � . ,& Montreal despatell says : General fro L She -would have died M, suff6cation.had . late 'ent L :b a.'ftnIVa1Jon . Rtm.'arkable 14 At T . . I . . � L Vince to rba unied . .rmiI`wa.yR.no.Bejzed undoes .a .bandeome present. -Har�er's lFeAly. - . .. . . . . .1 — , * . . , . _� . I . . if' , , � . , , . . he' lawn I Graham, who is distinguisbiu$. himself by L . "his victories in the Soudan,, was h rmident notas8istarroe been r6ndered­ Sheliesnow in %critical condition., LTh6 ladder of the *L * . 11 . 1 . . I Army Captain " I � �. - . . I . A Kingston despatch uay,R�:,Last night by the Feaeral Parliam6mit, to' the extent OfuVer'sil pillijone of'Ldollara, and by I - .. . - . - .. ' Enalandg. Throne.. . , L - . I . I . .. 1. pr!ng n2ower . . I S : is cuiiiim�. ' &r,L" L . . ard* . W elbowo the,. bdoe iburfier in tbia It . . in this city from 1864' to.1869, having bid 'thi ,. fire - saospe leads up to the - .window of . .Capt. . f the -London SaWation; - 'seMGih6 various of the iiia6icipalitieB of the Pro- . , Thetbrove of Englaitid, so splendid whan in fact, .1 I '. store., Truippo and beggars lurk about tb&. I I . bird -S eat e'the kitchen The k. - a Bit 3harde of the district- from . y :to on Ki".g..'ton as head of the Royal, Eugineer Gertrude Asbi the colored BervsnLM Mrs - Sloane Williskma.was f , and Under her he'd. Armyntut,d in . meethig�bere that while at Orillis he heard that a woman who. vinee tbrLth . a extent of over eight millions of dollars, by'roespe of which grants the covered with silk velvet and gold, is . . only an -1 bid oak chair," over eighi hundred allays girls. . , . " ,g.'e rather ei�jby it. Strawberries Are BtaV- �, � . L - . . He Was then looked Upon a5a An ablei 't'j0 She lo-wasarrested. . About V800 worth bad,beensickfoir fifteanyeari'dafin'g.the L . construction of huch,railways was BLCUied, . . - for th yeara.in use a name purpose. Its iot at U a quart. The coal . � . I itig in the marl - � bills . . sud rising offider in the,priny, and was very, . . . of jewelleity was found inherroom.' Wit- . . . latter two of which she *68 confined to bar . . 'bed, mud Without which' they, would not have - existence -has been traoed. back to the days in the bin is lowi - The winier'n Wilt, L .. ,. . * . ' it is ,Bad_ transition time. from ' I popular bore. Several veterans of the - ___­ ----- British army who Are retired on pensions limens is 21 ypare-of age, Gertrude 19. - - I - __ - . - � L . was coming to that town to see tbe, 'Army. lie went to the L Station .1 �to meeb . been built. 8. That'suoh aid was only granted to those railways on the -faith -and of Edward. The. wood is very hard and solid. The:bmck and sides wereform oily *seat long. the .. I I . . . French bore to chprry .poliblers, The 'we- " , I .. I � . here fought in the Crimes'n war under the . . . . . : . . Attemiued suicide by SiFirvallow. her. she wait carried inia the waiting- . . I undentanding this they would continue to 'in varioua'colore &,rid the 10 made 'of a on ,. man 0guren on the eastern. b no Th* , 7. " lake is thick amid Bolidi , Tha ice in a I WL . general. Mr. t1ames O'Mosley, ho is in ­ - ' . thd-fiffit bumine8i and L who wears' the I I - . . . , A Montreal despatch say's : A strange I I room, whore he held� a oonversailon witn her, and asked bar it she believed that God be PrOVJn dlwicyR, Under 3he control. , 0im, L re � of the J?rovlvjoa'i an'd that the assump- I roUgli -looking Sandstone 26 inches in -length, I I I -_ 17 in breadth hud, 19'4 in thickness, and in too . wind is coldi Land the lavabo are shofn mrd� - . . � . . . . I . . . L Crimean and other Meame"foUght Under c&Be'of attempted suicide by three .Woman -was had power to cure her. She said she did'. - lion thereof by the Federal. Parliament this. stone'lies the -grand peoutiaiiity of tho Ilegenas Skimmed, too.' The poker chips are tired,, L . I . Graham, who we% then Lient.-Oblonel, at -through starvation diecom6fiad here.,by . , 11 Then," said. be, $- let. up kneel and usk I Alves the P. rovince"and the, said muni. .' aij� Nutobarless are told- In. ch I There are cracks iii this oiao,�ercoat. The ­ I . . the Redam, an well as at the taking of a- detective just in time to Bain their lives, I � -Him about the matter.!' Toey knelt t(*e,- � - cipalities h just 'claim ' to.. have the . . . . connedti6n with it, the truth probably being ' 'tir)'ginally, cold'we c,Abght in'Ooto6er takes &L deape� - . . . I '' -The* I Sebastopol. He describes the general as - Somd months,hgo Mrs. 0. M. Fitted, Mind ther .and ro, l for sometime, moneys So granted' by them refunded that it was taken from 1rialNud - 'to hold in'Martib. ruan.'wha said it I , .. � .. . being i fearless. soldier', ' . who was, always. ElleaL Jones, sinters, .mud Alice Fittee, .__ US - I'— , — - __ WW11i" ­4nd.-wben they or air L as -by�flro-Dbminiop. 9. That ,the rail- Scotland and served at the coronation I - I., ":" Would be all right in the 9pring can't prove - � I , , ' conspiouous fev . r getting th the -front. The . . general is SoOtch by'pirtb, Bud was known I I daughter of the -first named, came here . Toronto. with about -6100 in -their from . - .her that she would be well ln�& raontb, go Was prompted to Make that statement to . waym,�Bo seized'and assumed 6y. tVeFeddirm . I Parliament were -and are local' And ON-, of jhe'earlyL ,Sbottio It' kingsi-Pall ijUalz .. Gaiette. � - ­' . . � 1, 1 4 � * . it, - HeAied, Winter to 4 la P . aheud of ... . .1 I eori.rig mud ban just. ,,ht his second '17J."d. . caua . I . .1 . - I . by bi , s,dotnraa�a.to be, like General Gotd)m, . � . . 11 . . I . . 0, religiops Me n.` . possessiom They took A Slash, h6U.SOA11,Ud triedtogdt smitoymenti is, dressmakers,- 1 . . rim. The her., in.fact, it.was. forced out Of k . bale tind biariyj and has woman is now viudial in their obare eter, and us, such were inEemided by the British North Amerios' Act I ­ - . . , ' ' . -!K'be Adirnianxe of Lixiag on the nbrderw- . I . . I Spring is Corning. . L . I I _ . . I ­ . I , . . . I - - — ' L � . � '. ' . - I � L , . . 11,4. rum-AINUED msyplift Pup .. But failed on acaoupt: ,of the high prices I makedforwork. Their - mobe� ran out, and �every proappot of remaining Bo. He has A letter from the *oman,whieh will bear tes. th L to be subjedt to the exclusive control (if 0 . this H ' Provincial Uegislature; and Ouse . ' At: -_ El Paso, Mixican dollars are Worth. leighty-five bents in. American coin. 'At -in-IARW t . Illix 11106her kaoit lkiren. L. I I. . � I I . .. ... I 1. Ad' extraordinary action for libel wa� - . I � - . .. . . " . . A clollette Vroleenror's Son Illeateli In RE is I 1 . ; theybepame destitute of weiiia.,- They . L . were too proud to beg, and resolved to. and- . . - timony,to,the't uth-of his remarks. The -d-9,pr,Li&-&-a­y-e-a­ ­_ ­­­_ in this same W-0116r-with's oubmiathat there is -nothing in the cir6um- I .. stances. of the case to warrant the deolaring i Paso del ..Norte, just acions the river,. American 'dolliiiis are worth eighiY-five - ... . - tied reconily stLincoln,"Eugland. UaptAip . . . . . t) I a hip_y ng,wi , � Charles Brook, havi 9 I 0 t - rQU fe . own "clsool. . . , I ng any noilrisiinicut. theii lives.by Dot takii q . I , disk Mau, but has not yet heard of the re- of the said, railways to be works for the cents in Mexican coin. One morning a our caused the followiDglines to be.insoribed on . I An Oberlin (Chid) telegram on6yh : 'Geo. They shqt up the, dwelling andwent; to tied � I ult.. During the day Steacy created. a I general advantage of Canadoi�',tbf lit such drkirnr started from the American aid a, with �1 . a black -edged memorial card !or o4rculation : . . ' Mead, a graduate of'the class of '63, son of uuld when the authorities -were n(,tified'by . :etieaiion by' danci - . few ate I ps on the ing a deolaration"is inconsistent with the facts, a Mexican dollar. On'bis arrival At the among hin friends:. . � I � ,. the late Professor Mead,,'bas been unoudi. . . I , tlin neighbors they were only hum"011ble- 1. . . � I - �. . . I stag!,__ and that the action of the Federal Parils. Mexican town he took � a arifik of chain I . :rArowelI,, dear buslittrid and baby doar .. ' � . . easefully trying to touch tire High School As i tone. The elder two women were P-6 weak . .. _. . ,. ' meat is* a violation. of the spirit and a per-- lightning, which was fifteen cents. and re.. . I love you faithful to the last; . I . . I L .. , I . The scholars did Berlin Heights. not Boom to tove him very much, arid during a little tli6y could not speak. They ware removed to the fidaiiiiaA, but it 'is doubtful if Mrs.. . �, A Winicia, ri ,eled for, Bfnapl4emy. , R c A-Moritroal despatch says: The Recorder, I version of tfi6 purpose and imnaue,96 Of the .BrItish North Amiiariam Sat.L 10. Thst.this . . dieived an American dollar in o6t%nge for his Mexican. On his retuin to thd Ameridall Cruel my inother has been to Mel . , ' ' - � Xnicheckusredhm dayasosboftwftbthee� I, d :y I May tb v, mercy on her soul, . debate with some 'of them be told. them Fittee and hbr-sister will survive. They here yeeterdayirejeateatbe' dvidence of 4 House! deems it a duty to firmly. Protest side he took a drink of equally bird liquor � . I L And change her wicked heart I . .. I I that he presumed that it throb or four li�oys are. natives of Barbidoest! W. L,, and have . � tiartar unlined Char'ette in an assault dome, . m this encroachment of the Federal � and received a Meiiamn dollar for b is Ameri. I ..The captain was sentenced by the court, it.. should attack him,together,they could not been well off, but lost their money from . I .. I On the ,ground that. seveirAl'witneBees tba. ,gainot Parliament on the rights of the PrOV606, ' can,, and sorepeatirg the arimikel at ifi6rvalo � or promulgating- thb-. pay $100 and 'costs f . . . whip him. Three or four boys at once to eccentricity and religious fanaticism. . . - ­­­ . �_ tiflid that he was notoriously prolane. The arid to assert the right of the POPPIO Of *exercise during the day and at night, he closed It . I * mother-in-law'. . I . .- , opinion of hip. . .1 . . acted on bin AUggestioD, and proceeded . . Q081ing Weir of It. . Courb,,in giving judgment, severely lectured every Province to thiough their buainessmith the Mexican dollar he startes - . I , . - I . . Unmoral. business. Toe young teacher was' I 1. . I 0haretto on the enormity of the Bin Of Legislatures exclusive jurisdiction over with the, morning. 7 Vt I Paso Herald. I . . . 1pratot Everywhere. I . fdlly trounced.' He to now at home laid up . Rev. W. S. :Rainsfordi th�'revivaliat, blaspheray.,and said thut,ocither be nor 'accept.contra. railways and Works of 6 local. arid Provincial ,in . I I .11, ­.- . . - - - I . . . -X-Ch6ehii ''. If any invalid or slel; Orson. has* the lieo,6 ,. I 'Hop for iepairs, And the school is looking for � -axquisite. another teacher'. , Gborge in an prot0hed on 1k Signs of the Timiss in Un fashionuble Life," in St. George's Church 9 any other Magistrate could dictory evidence, from a witness who was character, and.' to supervise mud regulate the conduct Of pill comp i�as, oVidug or I" Cillfar. -4 'A London cablegram. says; While the ffF, doubt -of the power and a cacy of Wttew � .1 . to cure thern, they I can find emi,Fj eiixtly like Eris attempts to Introdnod dandified die- a H 1 New York, ow Sund y. could: ' People' . proved to have'__Wt I� 'Vi 1'pP'rsr8Tei�67b1m6r-_' ­c_P-f4-14m_g­8_' . - ­­ ­­­­ - - ,Dfi­`R'�- us wor . � I anituals in Stiliger'm menagerie were being their rm neighborhood, with wn, in their ov 1 proof oloBitive that their can -bo easily and 'per. . . eipline into the Berlin, Heights School was 'trouble. are getting siok of. the Christianity ths, phowei, as a man who 113. in the habit of The House in Committee considered the . removed from,u train st the depot at a ' manently cured at a trilling CoSt__'Or.&"k Yout . wbat-caused-the- His beating shatilt up the manufactory and thrown 50' making light use of the name of our following'Bifin , The Ontario Mortgage , town in Rent two elephants, marmed sit the I . ,druggist or physician. I . 0 . . Fob. 11, 1880. , received at the hands of his pupils Wait a hungry soula, or thrice. that number, into . Saviour and couples it with' disgusting I Acti 1884,..rMr. White. To Amend the whistling of the engines, liroke loose and I ., . .GnEnxwXon, I Hop Bitter& co;-grus.-I *as given lip by tho , . I .. severe ohs, add will confine him to his apartments for some'dayi. I the - streets without work, because h balance in the ledger foots up on the wrong oaths if, not the person to be impedaBed with thia sacredness and binding character, Act r 6 ecting'pawubrokers and P%WDbrok- - I ing.- r.: Badgerow. To further amilid, ran wildly through the Streets, broiLkiog the massive gates of the depot mud Colliding doctors to die of sarofula consumption, TwO I I bottlea of your Bitters cured me. . , . . Bow 0 . owe Staflan" � I'llyk. , , I I Side this year instead of showing the big profit of the Vast .before. I don't priatend , of an oath, an oath taken on the gospel of our Saviour, Us therefore accepted the the Act respecting joint sto6k companies lot the confitruotion or parobs.90' of roads . with - three persons. - two U whom 'were seriously injured, Finally they made their, -_ � I I . I , I I. saivallonifitm An jail. I I in Syraoited (N. Y.) there is 0; house_ . oocupied by 150 Italianni; esohof Whom 'a to eat the abiolute remedy tot this 06n- Sism! The crisis demandesomething more tviaenoe of the complainant; and the other I evidoueasoibert-toon#a1a this. He -found . Bud other works.,- Mr. Balfour, ToAmenlil $be Act respecting Odttllei's iul.4000-My- way into a boase, the flooring of which gave way, precipitating the saimajo,ititli, the I I - A Briageport, Cotim, despatch as"ya. , , . .Captain Annie Dickson, Ample Mather, . I Payp 5 seats a day, or 01.56 m0fith, for than the best preniahing rind open clifirobes, the prisoner guilty un& nentarided hima to a water$. . � . . 1. � I Dollar. After an hoirls'work they were Adaie Richards, Lucia Read'and Mme, I . I I hisioaging. All boordthdareo.1ves. Atithelfutour best preachers do not reach the find of 46 or fifteen daiya. I ­ . PRIVATR'11=9- .. dra4h out by other elephants. The wildest Neilson, knelphero Of the 'Salvollion ArmV., , ... I prosant,timo they live alroost" exclusively on broad, a single lost 86,day dirtiallY suffic- people, d many . powbolders merely struggle �6911r, the possession of pews lot tbe� . . I I..E.....,... I . AlBeirlin despatch sayn'the Luker inal, I . The followin , Privske.` Bills were passed - oxcittiment prevailed on the streets. ' - - I . arrested- vogtorday for violating the o6i . ordnance by the otteets, word to. ing, for a man'. - They wrap themselves in I their blankets or 'ahaiwls, and lie down on . met ,,, o"te it gives ihera," . . _�_ � Ident has greatly exaltail Bismarok,'evei 7 Iresh his )R�Mmijtrrb of the Whole' through the l( . To incorporate village otWoodville-Kr. Siftek lilicatt by a Seats crime, . I ' pateiding , day such fined 07 and costs or fifWan dip in They refused to the. fine and the floor at flight huddled together like so many bogo. The'inores of the sleeping The Sirar.la Re - .1 - 'b"Im At inoirtinj of *the Toronto School Phase Of tba'disPute'40iolteniag ittiti;ti6-dt-"HtlrWddlf-tikUIMM,-W-Vi'rg- loot over fgr_ty poUnd a In weight In a short , Actutyra., .-To ino6rporata, the town Of, I Fort Arshu'r�bjt. Lyon. To Inoorpor6to that gree. A Ban Francisco, Cal., d myrn : I � expatch ei During a quarrel at Son Leandro last night . jail, pay � word committed. . .1 1 I - .. I I '., � . crowd Bound like' the roar of Niagath, . lug, When.thby-Up **Ad_bVaryWay_Ct4Ik P, Board last night', Mr. Lea sold that the Managamoilt bad time. This to regarded us, bad sign. The Prince's diet has been 6hangod'. the General Annual Confers noo.of Metbodist Church ,of Ontario in Caaad%? William Scolilird draw n, revolve I 9 and shot Alink, Diettibbson, a, saloon keeper# dead. . . . iompthn, hoei sold his . . J. J. Farris, of Br . fine horse Pirate th G. googol, Owen Bound, � � and gesticulating, mud the house..6.3amo to be a pandemonium. . I Committee, on School I . manded Mt. MoCausland for unishing "' "T oomplately His condition causes much anxiety. � of the and for other purpsi_es-Mr- B&dg8iO;W � Respooting,tho Union, Of cdrt'Ain Methodist .... - ­ whin Soolludli father was told of his gontli�mdt he exclaimed, i, Aty God, can this � or 01,000. - " -1, , � . . . . I im I - 1, Bathurst' Street Sohoor without a y, a Thd dhempusee main, setording to Clifirobole therein tramed�hlr. Morris, , kbe 110 &ad felidead. , . A white Marble tablet over the door of a I . . i ` . it or sparring Match at W 11111peg on using the regulation rubber strap, and had issuiWd 9, circular to the titi0116ra fib oll the PaZl Mad Gatafte, bad lately 111010 -vat wtialayei6t6onomicalfeaa f6rhoriis ba I ro road!ftl , The followifIg-PrINA110 131119 IND I the A01A iaeor- I I . 0 hiii � cottage at Clifton, S. I.. Inscribed. ,,Here I lved exile, from 1851, to 1868, the hard' Of � 8*#Ara&y Jobbstoo Used Prof. Donaldeani . and after reWvi fmhrwlltit� the rat Aoi�,�who choked hl to Off. schools atl*ting that the Board strongly die- iroves of ootpoked punishment when In- stock. The London Gentfal Othdibini Company consumed 16,419 toad Of InSiZ6 second time wo amend iiiag Victoria and Albert 0611698--mr. , Porn" F r the relief of the Venerable Forria. 0 The inati, whose soul Ili in work finds his best toward In. the 'work itself. The joy of riabieVamento in Vastly beyond th6 joy of in two worlds, Goieeppe Garibaldi," was on. . . veiled Yes terday by a deputation of Itallau'a . . . hied Ao a f: 0 star lately 87"; flolotea in any other way than by the Use of & I during the Isat half year, and obly 278 tons Alexamaor Di?kQli Ana Oth are -MO. Morrill; 11 toward.. . � � . . from Now York,- - .-f -1 - � - ­ . . A . �m .1 'Up � _._ � _! __ _ � _ �, _! ,. . . I . , L I , � , -11 Illoll #_"P., ___'. 1, ­ . " � V - ­­ 11 � . . I � I I . I 1. . I I of 641101. I I I 1. ,, I � I I . I I . . . I I . I . I i . . . I I . . . . � . . I . I . � , I . -_ � � � . . I � . 1� . . , - . I I , .: I I . .., . . . , . , �. .. " .. . . . . � .1 . . I I . � . . . I . � 1. . I .: . . . I I I .1 . I . . . I .. . I . .. I . . I L . ­ ­'W'*&�_n, .1 I : . I 1. I � -t�s - . Nl­­ ­ . � 0 � 11 I 1 " I " � .� .. I .. . � � .1 � � � I I 11 I . . 11 I I . 1. I . I I � ,, I �. . I .q 411*.' . . . I . . .. I . � I I . �b . . . I I 1. I . � I � I I . I . . I . . I , t '� . . . I . , . . � I I . � I I I � . I '. I .. I . . . . I " . I 0 � . � A � � - . 1-1 " . � . 0" . . . . I 11 . I ; i .L . - . . I I . V, . I � - - I _­­ I � . , - , I . , � I 1. , ", * I I . .0 1. ". .! kb%. ­J�1_, , , � _L, I . '. I � "A. , -, �. 11 I ;. . i . I . I -f, � " ­. , ­ I . I � i ., . . — ­ �` . I .. .1 I... � I , � I - I ­ I- ­ .. I , _� - .. ­ I . . . � - .1 I �. � I - _ 60=11,m � � I L -41- — I � . 11 . . ­ � - I . . . � 1 -le L''. .11 - . _.