The New Era, 1884-03-21, Page 5''.'rho NEW ERA, yea'ca bo sent to New subsoribero frons' x QW to the" 1st of gazmatryig BOOTS TRUNKS lots.. or sees teas.°'°• .TII1` .A7R fl1'VEI WALL IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE SILDES•AD PATTERNS, USUALLY FOUND ONLY IN CITS, special Lines in. 5 8c i0c�; Papers trouble .to show, whether you purchase or not. W. H,SIMPSON, C.Iintthi otionownwaswas E-1AS S `1 Yr$, . 5o e. Thom son& ILL STWE LIVE 1! And do business more than ever. Better Bargains than ever BOTS &. ST-TOES Women's Good Prunellas for 60 c. "Womens Lace Boots .$. Men's Lace Shoes. $2. • Don't buy another' pair •of Boots until you see our newSpring Stock. Come one, come •all: No trouble to show goods,•••j jWANTED, A QUANTITYOF GOOD POTATOES• aanp.rE .xno4 �uor :.UY.ag SEEDS ALI V,A IErIE* SEEDS s. DAVIS, Clinton. TAKE NOTICE Choice new Fru At tile NOTED TEA, COF1EE and SPICE HORSE S. PALLISE1. & craNeroN, Ap1iiid £airaDZflMU BB � AROUND THE COUNTY, NEW PERFUMES, LquET, OFnd Ta1E oNLLIAx$.LA,4E1 Drn HAIR BRUSHES, 0OM13S, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, TOILET SOAPS, COSMETICS,&O. OFA,..1i1s,� 11. COMES �`~, OIIEMiST AND DRUGGIST, • OLINTON, ONT. ,C: EMISTS DRUGGISTS, .A._lbert Street, Clinton.:. •' The public will find our stock of medicines complete, warranted, genuine, and ,oI the best quality. TOILETSOAPS, PERFUMERY,, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES,S1'OSIGS AND ALL KINDS OF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY K1 PT IN A FZR T CLASS DRUG STORE. Spring and Summer 'Stock of JU�T ,AREiVEtj ALT awes • Tivitcheii's, Tobe sold at'remarrkably low prices. A call solicited; HARNESS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, GREATLY .REDUCED ' PRICES BABY • JilL lAGL ' tBRIVEII4 AAREW 1)AYSPLOrtp TO ur r gd'Cedar SHINGLES, forle Very cheap, 10,000'BBncliea of high, land Pine an sa • st a Few We have yet. on hand a few 1�'irl�'lt• -401o,cs ^ CO(.)03F1 N G-wrc,VE'S, Which we ere selling at 't big leduetion, in:Olcler to make jai Ou"r Ia. rge stock of .SPI{.LNG 'H A R; DW Which ••rvili arri<<e..shortly in,the shape. of SPADES, SHOVELS, -RAKES, HOES, •NAILS; *LACKS, HINGES,' WHITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, 3IA0IINE:OILS, die., MW PRE PRI(rS Wali 'BE it1GifT. • • We ,wish. - to rt ti n our thanks. td our numerous. enstdmers for. the ♦ very liberal support they,... have extended 'too usl.in' the past, and will endeavor to net inYthe: • future so that we play\deceive a continuance of the male. , ir.azi.LA. ' SROS 'y Brick1oc)r sign: .., sir,n. of the Pltdlocl:, ;Onto?).� 'The' SEyei7.''end (:.1414•APEMi' NAND MADE BOOTS.. Vic. SHOES. 1-1.13EA GO M Sells Boots: and Shoe9 of his own make-up; at the- • following tow figures.: - Melee MAMIE gprosMel e'CoAasa Doors; from ,.$2,50 up MIN'S 11itsBoors,.Canadian Calf, from ^ ,...8.00 u;f MaN'a reeNcn Hn' AND UAW.: IiOors,from,.. 4.00 -up' Bov's Boom, from Elio. up LAMS Booms,:from ...... ....... :. •1.50 utr Aepalalug Promptly Attended to Worltntanrihip Guaranteed SIIOP. IN _7`RE , dL1RHET BUILDIl�*t3, CLINTON, • .A Y E R''1J Cherryi Pectoral.• Igo other eoinplaints are soinsidioua in tieir at•• tacit asthose affecting the throat and longs : none So trifled with by the majority of Sufferers. 'The , ordinary Cough or Gold, resulting perhaps .from 'a trifling Or unconajcious exposure, is often but the beginning•of a fatal sickness. AYitit's,Z�ni lin • PBcxon.L has well proven' its efficacy in a forty Years! flglit with throat and lung diseases, and esou a alien n elf eases without delay. ' •' A, Terrible Cough Cured. "In 18571 took a severe coId,.wliich affected my lungs.,Thad a terrible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave 111e relieved tried iilsdncei sleep andittforde!ino the rest necessary fpr the recovery of my strength. ' 71y the continued use of the FkexonAr, poi inn Hent euro was effected. `I'lt7fl-iRSF1i`i;g"ye:`;rrs diale and hearty, and am satisfied your Ctu,ztity 1>t:e7'°RAT, saved 1110. IIORAOE FA11tntOletl 'it," Rockingham, Vt„ July 15, 1882. Croup. -A Mother's Tribute. "While in tlto country last winter my. little Loy, Hirci years old, was taken 111 with croup; It seenked its if he would die from strangulation, One of the family suggested the bee Of At. t itit's • CiIirtuti' PI;CTOIOAI,, a bottle of which was al- ' Ways and frequent in the o buur delight in less than; half an bourthe IIttle patient was breathing efts - fly. The doetorseidthat 'thoCuelutt Piirltornt, hail saved z y darling's n life, Can you sender at sincerely our gratitude? yours, Alun. E intr t Gemsei." 350 ' Vest 1228th St., New York, Diay 10, iia;.+, "I11ave used AY ER'S Curniu PE.eh oR t r, hl re v aronounce it the most Wreathe) remedy for eoulia wilily for several years, and do not hesitate to and colds we have ever tried, A.. I, (MA Nn." Lalto crystal, AIlnn,, Metall 13, 1882, "I suffered Tor eight years from Broncldtitiend after trying rnanyremodlo$wlth no Anecess, Iwalt cured liy the use of Aluxit'a CtCrintt5' ,'$exon AT., • .7ofyrril WAL,Bx y," Ilyhalle, Aline., April i5,1882. , c",11 lfitY c'ox1ei, believingp05 5 ilo tl,htrbet for its use I should long sincolinve died front lungtroubles,_, E.I31tAGnU::" -Palestine, Testis, April 22, 1882. 1Jo Oa30 of an affection of the throat or lumen °SlstswlllohOannot be greatly relieved by the use of Avxtit's Cnrnnv I'EptolOAf., and ,twill ahroys' ewe when the01fsease is not a]ready.beyond the.• centre) of medleine. ]'13101'413 il> 117T DP. J. C. Ayer & co.r Lowell, Msss, Sold bq all Druggists, sinsomminneanotes Drowsy,, dull and out ofd•: is? Are you bilious, nauseated e d ,made' sick by the thought o food? Is there is dull•, drag ging pain in your right side? 'Do your bowels suddenly get sore without anyapparent cause ? Are the whites "-of your eyes tinged, with yellow? Is your skin w11, clammy and ,copper -colones,? Does your, mouth *:taste badly ilia the morning; ? Are .you costive? 1)0 ou''hit^..ping' piles ? Are your bowels irregular? Are you cT. zy 1t iii dim -sight- ed at ti"tar. ? 7'1i.1 you gloomy- ; loomy. and rlc.11aci�'r.t? 1:1• your urine 1 '' 'T ^ i:lorcd? Are you nervi,;..., t.nd, fast of bad' feelin s- i.t : 1 lxlits of your body?. • • your case fC 1 i• cl'•e serious- before yott are soiled by some form of low l 't t. r or bacome3 otherwise hopelessly sict. Take ,St.l,Prtpr, nvtr Tgo'tir TilTz•F lay'. 11,v` tr,ul,le with you is thus -sir Eves is out of order and i c.t '" rci tliatitig t I i71n7 C , It. AND 2"xiav 13t'rrs,r s i1 help you as nothilag circ; i t t le . shape Of medicine can. Regulates,, stimulated and made to do its proper• work in ' a, proper inannci by Str,Lrxrvlt .AND I1t01.133ITTEaS the Liver will resume its natural Pune tions, and all the above symp. toms will disappear and be forgotten. But do not neglect them, I./se the remedy at once. Sold everywhere, price go tents. • • r�. WATTS & t00. MANTON. Air. Irwin, of Belfast, broke Ms anklawhile Unloading timber. An old lady named Alexander, .slipped down in Seaforth, and broke her arm, 17 JIAiI'x KoFx,- IMI.., lr coots cakes. Mr. W. J. Shannon,. secretary.. of the Mo. luiok,,sure cure ; of aU deaiere ;16ot9, llillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, has. been confined to bis residence for over a week by illness, Eorlesper•Anor„ i7oacamau. Ptico 2. cents., ttlulel( sheets, "HUS'' Couart Ccurt. We. B. "Varley, of Cbieelburat, Tneker. smith, cued on the 8th inat.`""Her health had been declining for two years, and for nine weeks: before her death she Arabconfined to bed. To concur or sotto cough is settled, at Dice With e, 25 cent bottte,ot "Hun" (,''Mugu Cling. Mr. .1. Downey, of the Huron road, four Miles oast of Seaforth, "old: his farm of 1161 acres to Mr. M. Guinane, of Ellice, for i$6,. 100This,is one: of the beet t ru:a on the .Florin roadN, l?AxSIEs-ow.a-days clot to nae „Tx:Am RY, , they new exquisite for the. Teeth and Breath, a,ttrvourues notdrtougstore, be Beoherche; take a loolr„at 1"*, A. Mei recently purobaeted a fine farm of 100 acres from Geo. Robinson. This makes, the land poseseion of Mr. Shied 350 acres. The late proprietor of his Inst. acquisition' drank the larger portion of the farm; Ctlitt tli tousle to busfuean inn ©nava gland our iiig the Wiest obstinate cough, Who would suf• fisr with a cough for 200 Tito withal meeting of the Syood of Ham• Wen and London, in connection with the._.. Presbyterian church of Canada, is to he held in ,Seafarili this year, oommeaoibg the first Monday in April. It is expecte,, there will be about two hundred ministers, besides lay 4eleentes, in'attendnnee. `Air: weget up feeling badly, didn't rest good, don't waist breakfast, no appetite, no meter;y; bad taste_.antl. breath, guess we are 131llzoua. Twa'doede 4o•rees,>-'will tone • np. Dur Livef• and our ambition, nod set us right, On lJoriday Mr, 3. Hudson, of Hills Green, and his two sons, Thos, and John, out and skidded 7,00. saw loge in the bush of Mr. Gran. Kalblleieoh, on the 7th eoit..; of.stanley. The timber wits ell out 'from, the`atutup. Mr, Hudson bkidcicd, the icgs with one horse, and the boystinttherm, They only worked about ten, Laura. They have ranged from 72. to 83 pet day during the season, but on Monday shay capped the climax, and. they would toknow who can beat it. ' Il QRS1• AND STOCK NOTES.' FtiO;U O1JIt COUNTY Ex0f16. 0.3. • Jae. Urahatii, of Ashfield,recently sold a a very fine young shorthorn bull tan gentle• man in Kiincardine:tpwnehip fax 0125. For itssoothing and grateful iufluenee on tlto• scalp, r and fur the ;wawa'? and prevention .of. 'dandruff. Ayer's Rai -ringer Rai-ringerhas no equal. .It restores faded or gray bale to its orlginel dark ' ,00lo?rsthnlalates:the growth: of the• hair; and gpoaives it aranen.beautlful., soft, glossy and ,silken no-. Mr.E. Winter, of Seafcrth, hes over two hundred cattle piirchased'forehipmont to la country: in+she.epling, tea_.•._.. Mr. T. Dickson, lot 26;-:con:13 McKillop,' sold "King John" and "Lord Huron" to an 4.nxerjean buyer for the sum of 81,400. Both animals are Llanedian bred Dontt 1111 Nies/stem 'with quinine in the of ' fort to prevent Orieure Fever and Ague;' :Ayer'e•' Ague (ure•is a far more potent preventive and remedy; witlf'the advantage .of leaving 10 the. body no poisons to:protluee diazieees,tdeafneee, headache, ane, other, Itsordere. Tho proprietors • A•arra arrant it • Ge+'. Armstrong, of• Morris, pnrchased a three year old filly from Arch McDonald wbibb weighed 1,400 ibex, • The price paid 'was if160 ,The animal ie a good one. 731SA t)TIrUr. f3Lotsr HAIR :nay beeecurod by wetting tiie•hiiir.atnlght, and every night for. two or hroe with the 010gelese Flair Renewer -a name well and favorably known. It aceein ,lltshes even better results than ,Ls advertised., .861d at 51) cOnts per bottle 151,..Jae, ?ielturd; of L+'seter, disposed of his very tine steer 'apt Week, for the, sum of. 5300. The following particulars relating to' its weight, measureuzentkt ;.,will be somie•- what interesting toetock•raiaers•=Its height was 5 feet; •8 niches. 'length ,1rofn, :Dela to root" of tail, 8.f eet,3 inches ; girth around body'im.. mediately behind fore;Yinartera, 9 feet,.,centre cif body, 10 feet 3 inches ; weight, 2.800 lbs The animal wee. three•years And 11 'mantle; told, a:rd was.oue of the linnet steiere zn:Cana•• da or United States.• An Answer Wanted Uau any One bring os a case Of Kidney or , liter cctnipinint that Electric Bitters willnot rpeedily cure ? -We say they' eau • not, as thousands of cases already permanently o.ured • Aad who are daily recommending Electric Bittera, will prove. Bright's bist;ase,, Dia-• betes,, weak back; or. any. urintxy complaint fleiekly cured. They purify the blood,. rept.," . fitelltirbewel%ctind act directly on theldiseas parts. ,Every bottle guaranteed. For e e,at bottle,by Watts & Co. • • ado Robes tAT ROBES., OF ALL I.TNDS. TRUNKS, VATITSI , :V1:ItY'CIIEA1. »r, eO.Y artre W i. OW, CLLNTaly. Skates Fsrt sn11'E'Nl D I Taff 231157 Picture & Phots Irames. • • vat:ISi T'WI:NT3.5'IVE OENTA 11P. • MATS Stamped t1 .1311•/le, Beasts, Mb or t'lotvere, 41.4 I INDS OP WALL 1 CIES, 11OOIi; AND. 0L001C SHELVES, ' AT i+AXOY GOODS, eta, AA % . T'AI:141.....CHEAP STORE) 01'.INl ON a.