HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-03-21, Page 4Sedeeelesealielels. al.e1V Pvtrtiotuttnto„ promoting -John Roberton. Wall .palereo0. •Dickeon. :Spring. Millinery-oR. Boom ley 44s on. What advertising doesooT,Jeelmon &Soo. New -otoek-Estate J, Hodgens. Spring gooels-R, Coats 4Son. . Bull for eervice-T. Cole.. Eggs—T. Cooper. - Coffin caikette-A. A. 3iionett. Furniture -4. ArEennett, Girl: •wa.ntodooltfre. W. Doherty. LeM, for ..sale-.-Curtia'Stevenion. 1Iinton a oPricE4Z PAPER OF THE COUNTY F'ISIDAY, MARCH 21, 1884. A DASTARDLY PLOT FRUSTRATER. After reading the amountsof the bribery plot, given in another part ef this issue, every honest man and lover of his country will atand aghast at the audacious rascali- ty of the parties eugaged in carrying out the scheme, and well may all utter, the ex- clamation, ‘What are we coming to ?" Ever since. the election of 1878 the pro- . grass in political depravity and corruption has been incremingly rapid and Clown - ward till it hat culminated in the attempt to eveithrow one of the best governments this country pas, ever seen, by lavish of- fers of the people's money to men elected and sworn to look after the country's best interests*. Most of the parties -a nroacIsedare men of only moderate means, and oneiu Rather financially embarrassed oircuinstances, showing that the matter had been well considered 'Mid failure scarcely thooght of. • • Te matter is more alarming when it is remembered that the guilty parties have beerokuown to be engaged for adength of 'time in corrupting the electorate in dif- • ferent constituencies With onooey that could only come from �e soorce, and that ----iouree-Ottawas,--*There is ,no use attempt- ing to disguise the fact that the Govern- ment at Ottawa are at the bottom of the whole matter, and if the people da not soon alike to this fearful .fact and root out this traitorous gang, the country will be irretrievably ruined, morally and finan- cially. The men that have brought ,about tie expooure of this nefarioue scheme deserve the commendation og the country, both . stetenrisElt otatiOWAY. The Goderich people waut another rafl- road. They have the fever bad -it is of the intermittent fool -breaks out c.c. 'citsionally-then the , patient becomes wild on railroads'. What they would use it for after they got it, no one under the suo knows. They have not general traf- fic enough MOW to keep elm line reason- ably lousy. But they think if they got another some system of evolution, or something else, would create traffic. And they are bound to have another line, don't you forget it, e'en if the company has to build it without assistance. The old town is going to the doge, evidently. Nothing will save it but another railroad. If a few rails were laid down at Goderich and pointed into Colborhe, they would regard it as a God send, And they would Whoop arid howl -and get drunk,. and insagine tho whole town was a city. And do an imroense business -in their minds eye -for about a week, And then they would be as old -fogy es ever, And would club themselves for being so foolish as to think that anything could hying back the dead to life, The Goderichites imagine that they Can secure -connection with the_C.P.R., which they suppose Will make a connection at Winilians. The cost of building a road from Wingham to Goderich would be op great that •tio 'company would undertake „ftounlesostfiere-was-a-prospect of the busi.. nes being unusually good. The O. P, B. hos announced its intention Of making Collingwood or Owen Sound its lake ter- minus. Why then should it want to go to GOderich ? Lake traffic has been so greatly reduced by low railway ratea. that there .is comparatively little shipping done in • even good seasons. There is certainly no local trade from Goderich that necessi- tates another line, ' Ask any of he con- ductors on the Grand Trunk how . many cars of freighetliey bring out qf Ctoderich in tlaelousieet mason, and they will ensile at the simplicity of the question.. Why Me number could almost be counted on the:fingers Of• your hands. Then again, where is the money to comefrem to build this line. The Government certainly will' _ not make a grant, liberal as theY are tO the C.P.R., because Goderichsends es member "of tbe Opposition ' to Ottawa. "Under existing eircimistances- no -twins_ 'ship in Ontario would grant' a bonus' to- a _for their honesty in rejecthig the bribe, railroad, unless there was the very beitt:b1. and for their cleverness in entrapping the. sCheiners. As Men , eleoted te•look after. proefthat such it line was necessary. It the country's interests, they Would .have - is. the Purest non -sense to talk of building' been wanting injudgment and faithfulnetis not to hiee,followed Op the clue given them of detecting one of the -most heinous of crimes --one that.raight havegesiilted in erushing out all political honesty. . There iiarcely [-forme but must feel deeply the imminent danger the country • ' might have been in it' Mr. Mowat -had , Tka NEW Eno, ,aiwaYs • desirous of. another road to Goderich, from, the north at least. The.people of Goderich knewthisperfectly well; and that is why the double -distilled htinder of the Signal mid Star falls so flat: It -is sound -only that '-and notbing,more, • been surrounsled by • 'such e Mercenory. somas 'Joly was, for it i3•now:knoWn' that that gentle:nem-Was overthrown -by similar corrupt nieine as tailed iri. tbe- ease ofthe former... So soon as 'the ..eino ruptionists got .the reins Of power in Quebec the.Northshore•railivay, that -cost the province $15,000,000; was passed Over into the hands Of Chaplean; Seneca &Go., and OntimerOus .financial .scandele• ,were perpetrated; till Me:Province is • nearly bankrupt.. 'In the case 'of sOntaido there is a cash shrplus Of near .$5,000,000, and then land and tiesheilimits of • oVer lOQ • 000 square Miles.- If theY. had puce.eetleid in their bribery plot there.would•lieve been a perfect carnival of plunder: *'Nothing• stating the truth, :rpust correct an error 'whieb appeared leas week. it )vas stated that no Tory in the Dominion House, had spunk enough to refuse to swallow Tup:. pees Whitewaals bill. This, it appears, , was a presnatiire:Opinion, but ao it Was based ontheir previous actions, Was ex- cusable, • Knowing that the vote was to be taken, .oveo thirty supporters of the ' - government purposely abseoted Memo selves from the Brie, and copsecipently did net vote • even the Finance :Minister was riot present to signify by his vote his apmr val of the course of his doutile-hae- yelled col league. --mar • lb. - IT is reported that Gladstone wilrdi s- ouu, LETTER 130X4 solve tPe present Imperial Parliament, and ask the opinion ef the country in re. gard to the Egyptian policy. It is altos gether likely that Me policy will be ap- proved of by the people. TUE Tory papers which claim that the country io too much governed -were sincere in desiring expenses to be cut down, they would tuna their attention to the Dominion House, the metnbela of which receive nearly double the salary which those of the Local Mouse do? TME election in East Gray for the On- tario Legislature to supply the place of A. W. Lauder, deceased, took place on Tues- day. The result gives Mr. McColinan, Conservative, a majority of 500. The Tid- ing has returneda Conservative for years, and no ether -result than thio was antici- pated. • • oe..s. Trio Orange Incorporation bill has again been defeated in the House of Com- mons. Fifty-six Tories and eight:Liberals voted for tbe Bill, and fifty-three Liberals and fifty-two Conservatives voted against it. When it was up for discussion Sir John never operied his mouth, but Mr.' Blake spoke against it. Referripg to hie speech, the Toronto :News saysi- • "‘No summory.can give the faintest idea of either the matter or the manner of Mr. Blake'e speech, which is generally con- sidered about theHouse te be the greatest oratorical effort of his life" • • EA$T HURON DEFOMIRERS, , — 413" kit' •11014 Mat l'OIP011alble for er t s beading. [To the Editor of the Minton. Aret0 Fora. k PEAR, STR,—I wish, for some reasons, to say that I AM neither the author nor the prompter of the various letters which linOo appeared hi reference to prohibition, skating, etc. It is a matter of no muse- goenee to any one what my opinion of these letters may be. Yours very truly, WM. IUMA.IG. The annual meeting of the East Huron Reform Association was held at Brussels on Saturday, in response to the call. of the President, Thos. Strachan, Reeve of Grey township. After-rontinebusinees thefol- leering offieers were elected for the ensu- ing -year: -President, • Thom as oStrahan ; vice-president, A, Gotrenlocks .Secretary and treasareo W. H. Kerr, editor of the Post. The 'following een lemeo, were •an- po nted chairmen of t he various in icipa- lities in the ridinpoo-Howick, Jas. Edgar; Turnberry, Geo. Fortune ; Wroxeter, as. Paulin; Morris, George Hood; Grey, A; Reymann OOleKillop,- W, Cash •, John McMillan; Brussels, EE. Wade; Blyth; Of Young. Rousingospeeches were Made by •Messrs. Strachan, Hood, Wade, Dr. Sloan, A. L. Gibson, A. M. Taylor and others On the questions of the •day. The meeting was very enthusiaStid, andthe reports presented testify that the riding:is in good:order. ' ,• :Before the meeting was dismiseed it was 'Moved by Mr. A. Teyloonndoecondedloy- Mr. E. E. Wade, and carried' unanimous- ly, That this Association desires to ex- presi its cordial satisfaction With and en - donation of the 'policy presented by the Hon: Mr. Mowat and ;his colleagues, in maintaining the inalienable rights of this Proyinee to the exclusive eontrol. Of its own local affairs, and resjiting the persis- tent and unwarrantable encroachmeuts of the Federal Government upon our Provino. bial autonomy, and we herby Pledge our • selves to support the present Administra- tion in the • exertions 'they are now. so: strenuously and ably making to niihold the riglitieend privileges ,of the Province' of Ontario.- . • •. TEE C. J. it. CoNCESSIoNs, It was also Moved and earried by George Rood seconded by Mr 2. Tlionr sop. "That this association begs to express its sincere approval of.the course pursued by the Hon. Eclwa,rd Blike,aed.the mein: • beroof Her-Mojesty's loyal OppositiOn in opposingthe granting to a railway mono- -poly of -a Om of thirty million • dellars without reason or consideratiob, and In endeavoring to wrest from the Province •their oighta and privileges, and We beg as an Associatiint_to express our siecere thenks'to TIoo. Mr. Blake for his • able and stirring efforts.'" • ' , A telegram Ovies • read from the repro- sentative of the ridi,ng, Mr. Thos: Giboon, .M.P.P., frops•Torento; expressing his re- gret at notbeipg,oble to be. present at the nicotine' ef the fissodiation. could have stopped,thein for -they coold . 2 \ TirE Ldudon.Free 1 Less, oirectsatien:. . • repeat the -tactics that hive succeeded_ ao well in. Dominicin Mattersoogerryin ander the confitituencietand Where that means - would riot suceeed, 'scatter liberally.the. peopi-e3S-money-and bribe' and' .bull -doze without any ;qualms .9f conscienee. We appeal to every elector; ne matter whit his political complexion may be,. to sig- nify his utter detestation andooppOsition to such nefarious transactions; if they do • not, neither their property nor libetty in this country WouldsbeSworth a year's purchas,e; tion to what it considers the great aervieets • rendered by Sir Charles Tepper, as lrigh Commissioner, and .considers :am'sthese should be sufficient to silence all ono ment a» his conrse. ' The opposition have nothing to Say against tbe, value of his services, but they very properly object to hinsoccupYil4 the position: and also that of a Minister the House, at the same .tifne, as it is already a- vielatioo of the Iftio. If it ii•ere not•why the necessity for a bill of indeinnification A'ud, if the oenerpers iverrinItslest-to every part It is to be hoped that deserved punish- .ele of vietee ' and pripoiplo, they would Ment will'be inflicted upon the actors never try to defend N proeeeding.eb scan - this scendalouo traiisection. No. ?rimy' d ttions -in• the ex treie e. should le shown them whatever. They have been howling that '"Mewat Must go," and by the most unblush log: bribery attempting to "realisdihe cry. :Now "the ,corraptionist mast go," and that to ,jail, nntilsuch*titne as will put a stop to 'pro- t.eedings w1iih have been allowed to go 00 100 long. • • The ()liege Bill • The Tories ; •I'lleo vote it down again once lubre. Orangemen. slill, Sir Joint A, will Support him as they did befOre. :- BB; Government have repeatedly '• *boasted, of how quickly theYswere settling up Me northwest, but a report just issued is far from supporting these assertions. The period covered by the report is 18 months, but, the sate of lands was leek by about one half than .cluring the 32 ninths immediately preceding! no homestead fees fell off during the 18 Months $42,145, 'Had the amount for the year been given the comparison would be still more strik- ing. In twelve menthe oif 18k the cash sales wore $1,228,424;87. In eighteen months; ending Deeember 81s1, 1888seash sales fell to $119,947,70, Here we have members of the Local Government postive Proof that the policy of the, goy- ernntent, is retarding settlement in the North-west, would be doing a graceful, set and one that would certainly be approved of by the people, if they wore to the sa- loon -or bar -from the House ultoiother. itemise such no institutioo is permiCted 10 relotin within the parlionient buildings at Ottawa is no excuse for its contintutece ftt Toronto. No one expects temperance referms it Ottawa, while the present par. ty is„ in power, but they do expeet them from the .g0V0Plinterit at Toronto. A nokrotw report states thitt Mr, Meredithl ftv ing.. Vac -beets" oh Sir John on the license question, will he supplant- ed by sonic one else as leader of the Local Opposition. This is hardly probable, 11Iereditit is as good rnmi as the Censer - valves have in the House, and as leader of the f‘forlornShope" there ia no one buts ter qualified, • PERSONA ANT/ POUT] CA Is • ,The•Forniess' AdvoCate hiabceh th3. vehicle or several attacks ontlie Agrieul- tu.,ral College. Now a graduate of the . College bee:been eleCted•tO edit the Ad- vocate. ., Actions, it has been sagely re- marked, speak louder. then wird, • The bill white*aohing. Sir Charles Tupper has been passed. As whitewash - only covers .the outside, Will seine one • rinstance, the o 1 wages, especially /or skilled labor, which May meatiest here; carpenters irons $3 to $O, por day ; blacksiniths the same; bricklayers Osi $4.50 to S5 r printers c per .11 .; cabinet makers $3-tostl4. aud other tradm propor- tionately. Would pet advise any who are doing seen, and are in any way, satisfied, to Jalcive, but to those wishing to change, and • wIte have some moneyi 1 heliejertiiii‘to he a desirable , Tsouthern SKATING. To the 24ilor of Clinton New Era. Doon Srills-•I wish to endorse the lien- tiMeatS expressed in the letter of itev. James Gray, which appeared in your pa- per last week. I am a eltater, fond of skating, but conscience urges me to ap- prove of very Mich in that letter. think it is a manly and frank expression of opinion, perhaps slightly etramed, but in general true and right. I do not agree with him, however, in classing anony- mous writers as cowards, and as I wish simply •to testify approval of his letter, without being known ,to the public, I hope you will, publish this without using any name which lowever, I append.• , ,Yours, i A SCANDALOITS 11' :To Me Editor of the Clinton Nezo Ora. Iltgoa Su,. -Under ...covet of a pretence to .discuss yarioue tOpies, a correspondent signing , himself Citizen,. in - this week'a. News -Record; takes occasion to make- a mestOncalled-for and ungentlenoa-n loons - tack upon our respected toWnsmansW,W. Forrael. Esq. I do • not :see, Mr.. Editor, that it is aoyooe's business how many po.- sitions a men oecupies, the .midu question bele& dem. ho fill Mein With ..eatiathetion. to thespublic, - During. along official ca- reer complainthas boa made against Mr. Ferran,- but time. andegain he has receivol • the highest •corapiiments from berich :tad, bar, • • -He is an enterprising citizen, anxious' to extend the business .ot the town, • willing • to invest his inoney, and do his best for. the town'sgood. If,. combined with this spirit of .enterprise, he ..has faculty7of inaking money for himself,"who Imo the right • to complain? It looks :very much like Mi impudent in trusion openprivete minters, to give such •.a paragraph to the public. It woidel be. a good thingibr the Own i Welled a goodly number. of equally liberel, ebliging, and esoithead citizens. • 'Yours- • , •Asseroton • CITIZEN.: CALIFORNIA CORRESPONDENCE.: "To tho Ealtor of the:Clinton Nwto Era. no.144 OAICLAND, March, 101 1884.- DUAll SIR,-Acoording to prembie; I will telt you something about this far-off beautiful country and climate. I have been here since the beginning Of last October, consequently have seen some of the finest, also some of the .woret weather this coast. ever •has. . • Up to Chtistmaa it was all that heart could wish, or capricione human nature desire,. coming from blriiost barren Colorado, through worse, desolate Utaharicl Nevada, into this glory of climates and lands, no wonder people think it a paradise of loveliness. The vine aud fig CONSIPER WELL. There are three things of very great importance to' all who intend buying Dry Goode this season. FIRST. That all residents within a realienable radius should see the meridian dieplay of . NEW SPRING GOODS at the GREAT DAY GOODS PALACE of Olinton, and uuron Qounty. ESTATE OF THE, LATE JOHN HODGENS. SECOND. That all Goods are bought for cash, and in the best markets, and will be sold at the very lowest remunerative prices, at the DRY GOODS PALACE. ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN HOD?ENS THIRD. • It is of the most paramount importance that all should realize and be convinced that the shop where the small profit and quick return principle is in 1011 optimal" 18 THE DRY GOODS PALACE, and the right place to lay out your money profitably ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN HODGENS. OUR SPRING STOOK f . ' . rs almost complete ili•every departtnent, and we shoW sonie of the nicest goods ever ehown in Clinton, or the County ot Huron. • We ocenpy the whole of the Murray Block,. every corner of which is filled with the choicest goods that ortr Foreign and Canadian Markets can supply. We are prepared to t4fer great inducements to tho . . • , 0 public, 1• 111 ER .,,,,lehoharlaes,ffibi geaer (.1i servicesnth4rnaft)r otteDks&ti sCe.tv.lefuresEeLar, N g sons) to tali° charge of the iNtillinery Department She conies' highly recommended, ond We believe, fromswhat sve know of her, she will be able to cater to the tastes of the most fastidious, Our display in this department ' will be far ahead of an • revions season. Otrn &WM.:. OPENING Will be annoUuced in due time. In t e mean tuts itliy orders entrusted toois wilt be proniptly and . . . carefully executed. . Pt• • MISS *McilIAN'US is 'our Mantle Maker - itilt16 D• epartmente Her ability as such needs no comment f ' a up. Her record in the past speaks for itself, She is second to none in the Dominio . Our steel: of MANTLE SILKS AND CLOTHS axe of the finest drades of geode in Cho market. No AlisPrrs. No ALTMIATION io Ea '31ATiE7-WG GITARANTEE EVIpt14" $TITO1I. ' - , .. ^ . We have gone extensively TalT011.11 CP & Genf§ Furni$hinois in A hito this lino. • We aro -showing . splendid ranges of WHITE ,S11RTS - REGATTA-, &LIM'S, LINES -SIIIIITS, ,DRA.WERS, WIEN, SCARVB, LINEN AND PAI'ER 'COI;LARS, &C. Also, the finest range of SOFT AND STIFF- FELT BATS, in all tho leading Styles. Give, 7 a look through. -Yow-can .buy theaper and more stylish goods from us than any one else. SPRING SUITINGS of every description. CANAOIAN''TWE.E.DS, SCOTCH' TWEEDe, FRENCH WOESTEDS, ,III.AOK ASO COLORED. " • We' have one large room beibe fitted „ Carpets and House 'Formslinas. expressly for Carpets 413d Oil Cloths. show the, finest rapge-inothe,coitiaty, oThreo-Ply Wool Carpets.,, Two-ply Wool Coro pets, BrusSels Carpets, Tapestry Carrell,--fferney Carpets, Stair-Flooro011 Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths, Coatis Metting and Rugs,. LacfS Curtains. Cretons end, less variety. and wenderful designs. White Counterpanes,,,Colored Counterpanes and Toilet Covers, Table Linees, To wellings and Tewels. • , • • • • We have a full 'stock of Groceries, TES, SUGARS, • • It OC1ERIES• ; RAISINS, CURRANTS, , TOBACCOS,,..and, goners,' • with the perfume of grange blossom, violet, shelf. goods. • • tree laden with their fruit ; the air fragrant magnolia, rose, • and a thousand other beatiti- We Sell /or Ccieh,` We Sell for Trade. %We Sell on .77ine to [IOW mOrks, Our winter, except the fruit on trees." Then the • .Goods are all Inorked.fa plop?. figures. jul flowers to charm the' senses, this alt '*islied.for rains coming tee, 'to assure abun- dant harvest; •Is it any Wonder it is consider- ed ruch.a. desirable place to live? SO many 'who have lost their health Conte and get a new leas.e of life, hope, joy and gladness. •-• lieviever, -to -coma te realit'is, I he. lieve tbe preseht year will witness the great- est influx of emigrants the state has .ever known smee•the gold excitement. There are several causes to bring about this state of things„foreroost may be mentioned the visit of the KnighteTemplars to thiscoast last fill. •They were.froni all parts. of .the Union, and were:strongly impressed with.the•desirability of this country as a niece of alibtle, ;then the •fruits that ' the people -Sent to Chicago waa more convincsing than thoutiands•of newspaper artieles.conld be. • Another reason is, so many of the. large farm Or ranches are being cut ,up into small places, froin.ten to forty attree, ter' Emit...growing, end relling at what' are etnisidered.reasonable pripes for this State. A person having :a fruit feral nf ever so 'small • dimensions is assured a geed incomeof trent O2.00 to $10O per Ocre;•aiter mining into full bearings Thenthe epen, mildwinters are A strong attraction the cheap living and good here are di•awbasik. ef Estate .of jo.liti:.171Odgens . • prylGoOdg Isaace. Of Clinton, . . . , 'COMPLETE' ASSORTMENT 'OF .• • • "-" Coaprising. all the: .No west Styles. in ,., • FRENCH XIIE.RICAN HATS..k.,BONITE17,54 chip and Vapay tra ws. Flo w ers, teathers, ;Tips!, Peer Po ins so0 rim-mentios- Laces; Ribbons, Silks aod Having .bought from the leading importers in the trade,' and at prices that we aro enabled tOroffer special :value the above Hoes, • EIP MBROERIES, large stock to cheese from. Dams Onsioire:sors, PASSFM ENTRIES AND GIMP Minnows. Fall line of SPRING PRINTS and, gencrel assertment 'Of DR.Y GOODS. Bate and Bonnets Made ovee into alt- piease invent a, proce • tsfor whitewashing ciers°, for part 3.(1 State 1385had snore flood this tinter, dot i stroyiug copaiderahle propertyosometimes a i . . - . • • o. • . ' • ' the teadilio styles • A pprentices ' wanted to lefts% the strew wollo,- , the inside of the Minister of Railvolys and Canals ? It•cannot be done.witIr a, white - rake cif tightninO-and a lour 1 of chloride. pariially. destroy grain and fruit, brit tatting I • • -A. . tat other tinms a hot north %villa in June may , R• BEEt.4. LEY. k.t.:. SC)N,..•13EA:VER BtOC.I. i... of lime inieht sweete i IV 1 . Fitt • . 0 ' • 1 '" " ' '---`. (1. ti. all in a' II,' the .clutilees. are hs good as auy-1 • rout° ;biews. . • trany, but,,a Lpartial dhiught diaappOints the huibandmen, • ..•. , wash brush 'ind a solotion c., -• • • where else,- and the climate much ' hotter.. .• :Father Labelle, one 'of theOttoilgeot and So minty netr tOWns• Are ttp Mt over most PoPular CotiOrtativos igf Q aehuos ' the $trite, end so many maim focicfring indus- tries aprin.gina up,• the outlook. very •en• courriging. Shoehloco3r wih sto hcar' any. thing. very spociat,. I will answer all •let, terceoclosing orstairtp, doubt a few in. dy the evil. Nu alma' statement.receo-- 'Clinton will retnembar ; .kind regards to ed'froin 'Won ashingtshOws that during Another time will Soy something about t k t • ote 8- 4-s a. n i 111issotiri and other places and scener,y, • • writee to the:Min iSater orItailwilyst.;scallIng his attention to the -feet" •that.500,000 Cas isedians have sottled io. the:Flitted Strites,' audoeggeOto thaostepe•be takeu to. rate - have 6413ii'rrIltgel tO 1.11.0 United Stat,es. _ ' 1"ours, WATSOM. 0 Seine Tories have lately beeti agitating. :-, • - --- • ------ss.7-s-sisssss.....„... ' ,' • . for thoeration•of it monument to the late I Itei. T. 8:Chamberlain,. for =by year :Hen. Ao-11,--F-oeter; of (Ile eastern town- Clerk of the Kingston Presbytery, and for / ships. As soon as their attention woea quarter of a century•pastor of Starring - called to the fart Ohnt it was through the' ton, Pittsburg,, :and Glenburnio, has re - instrumentality of Mr, roster that the aigned. ' He purpmes going to Scotland particulars of tho Paeilie Scandal of 1873 • on May tst, . - .. , • •• • were bsOnght to light, their ardor eooled A coloured men died at •Niagara on somewhat, and when Sir John nacilon- Mendav 121 years of ago. ' ald.'s advice was sought sites was. greatly A plot to seize,Ilie royal palace is tro- ooraged, and.promptly sat iipou the whole drid has been discovered. - . pro ed. Boy thieves 'at Kington, toe young to im prison,. were whipped, ,, Au Melt whiskey still haa „ been dis- covered near the village of Aneaster, A box of powder ,witb fuse attached pend peadities under the Act, pendsug a, was discov'sred in Birmitigham postoffice, references to the Supreme Court on the ss : ' ir John Mitedoeald has not yet come to the lite of humility that • he must reach to consent to repeal the Dominion Lioense Act. The House decided to sus .questioe of validity, All the liquor deal- . ; Don't allow preiudice to steedliu tha way • or yoerjudgmeut.. ft vett need invigorating, if year system needs brttoing up, if yeti 'aro .100- etipated, yontll vet sluggish, yotMliontlachesh if You aro wnhject to sick or nett/ells headaolte.s, if you Melt energy' in the moraine, and want manakin at noon, go to work and stir your Liver and Digestion with 'Ect-rit-zA, sxtegutate ,vour Bowels ana generalsysteal With this sure. speedy and pleasant•artote to an troubles arising rrOm the T.I,ver. ind Stothtieb. 'rry a simple, a y way, • • • era need eare about fins new dodge AO to ktiow that they do not require to take Mit 1)00310100 itemises, They can conduct business, as heretofore, with Provineial licenses and not without them. The lack of a Deminiotklicentto eannot be punished. The Dominica Comtnissioners and tn- srpoitoas had better pay back, the $1n ts) each tavernolteeper. YAW • • - ' ' • (10'161/409E AN» sarrs,, rtitt sa.ran.- 1-1..The timisrsignoi »tiers tar sale that very once- liAttRIAL/CTISDAI 'IL nientiv•aituatod honAe on Sictotia Street, at .present • .. .. A , occupied by Mr, W. Laing, It eentains sevenooths; Witil 5.10111 lOWidartiO, good 'dollar, and has hard and soft water Close by, With tlichoustriti three lots, on .WhIelt ii- planted an assortineht of hearmg frat trees. TO.dhl. toosOnabltrA-RO a laeant lot 'at the foot of • %It ) pi idle» 1) 0 Ei , fSte st;rir'at; %ivEtti 11° ht 4tj) tTtlit°, oride.rAtrned, A. MODswoleru, canton. • • • PROPERTY FOR SALE. • tot 201, south aide or Rattenburk gtretd, 11, the Town. or annum containing one-noartor or an acre, with sever/al hearing fruit trees: and t•ottage with sik.1•00EIA, 11(i pecupled.by Marland, also hard and soft water. •-• • Also, a house mild part of Lot numlier 21, jfi the tlest concession of Tuelterinnith, (London road) containing' two roods anclafour pert:dies or land, With memo yortng fruit trees nailer(' and soft water ; now oceupled by Mr. Geo. Wqst. Also. lot No, 1111, tsfiencer street. Clinton, compriaing one.outtrter acro land, with Reuss 'rstingluffeerrtusflargo•stabltrim:77.6r--..:1:1114. ton. At Mrs. notions', Jo Apply -to .TOSEPIT BOIL. ! • SEED• Wheat Oats Barley. Ii.„:. appointed Ma. TIMS. WATSON', of Minton, soot for the sale Of my 0(11(11111'0d '..i.41P,VA I /A: SEIM, WHEAT . OATS AND BARLEY'. And sampleof theNetgralw. may bo.seeri at his and rilEft wrottn,. where orders thep. so left, St the Provincial anti 'Western Pairs last fall, thew grains'cat•riod everything before, them, and.yanner.. will ithd thort•the beat 1..1:0ol 111 the inarlad. CALL ANT) SEE 'ME sAMPT.E.s. W. seatorth. BANKERS, • RA.TTIINBUity ST.,, •C wroN:. rrtuANSACT OnNEBAL 13A151(15 (1 EGSINEW=1. bloneyadvaneed on uortsaaes and liotersof hand Drafts loaned payable at par, at all tho elbow) of the Morohe:nes Think of Canada. How Turk exchange • bought and gold. IntOall,T ATTENTION PAID To, 001.- • tEOTIONgehrOligbOlit Oausitu and the T./tilted States. . ' 'BALE NOTES BOUGHT 01 close rates, atul money .. advanced to f armee.° n their ovi otoi, for an ylongth of time to *ilia the hot -miter. •All,nrarketabie secur ticoonahtana sobt. SANKT:ES IN New Vous,. AOUNTH OE Tim up.nonAwr's lulu; (1'oaxADA,' • I A' T :ER q' A1;1,00110 DEPOSIZSt Ny. ISAItItAN, .T. 3;;-118175=7"4----• . . 1110.NEV" 'TO LOAN.. ftl-VitTior;'•nifir-!•e0B1-PitaNV--1.03-NO.S, v. A. T • loWetit rates of intarcat. Prineipal payable as desired by borrower. - •Valitator for the, CA.NADA 1.1xplin Casuri ComPA.Nr. „ A.."POItligtOleti.• ClintOn, Dee. 20.14m, • NEW ERA. 1 -3.1 -1. -ERY. THOS. DUNLOP . HA' nlea,atre • infortning,_ the people of Chats» that be ha.s combienecd busineis for blinscif i» 'the building adjoining the Naw taA office, whoa he . will conduct the BAKING J1IJSTh11S8 in ell It branch. es, aod will he pleased to receive It share or patronage, Shat he VIM EfCe waist:1010n to ell who favor. bibi with thor etv.tom. Mtn 1