HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-29, Page 80 flakes YourBoots? ITICKSHAT THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF 1tex *omen and Children's Boots & Shoes. P , .Spring Stock well assorted. and Tete in all departments ,f„ complete p ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH 0, CRUICIKSHANK, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON • owl K E. No-rIcE: . rice new Frui A SpEC!i ►.Z•.fTTir.. At the NOTED TEA, COF EEE and SPICE HOUSE SOO •P S. PALLISER&. CO ci4nNexic.N. REMEMBER THA 17.11.A..1R)IVI IS THE PLACE TO. BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GOODS., ': • CHOICE NEW FRUIT ... GOOD TEAS AND COFFEE PURE SPICES. JONAS' CELEBRATED EXTRACTS BEAUTIFU T -CHINA AND GLASSWARE.' • . SPLENDID LOT QF GIFT CUPS '& FANCY ARTICLES.. AT SHARMAN'S •.AT SHARMAN'S. .. AT SHARMAN'S AT SHARMAN'S. •.AT SHARMAN'S . AT SHARMAN'S Gioods de ivred, Farm Produce taken AlUERTSTREET CLINTOH, near the. Market, Desires to call special attention to his stock of China• aid. Grailite Of all kinds, .suitaU1 : for Christmas present's._ Aiso, the finest Goufectionery to, be had. Fresh Fruit.; (fanned Goods, &c. JOIN 4 CUNINGHAME. GROCER, CLINTON. • QUEEN CiTYOiL Go1 GOLD MEDALS • Awarded at Toronto, London and Guelph, in 1883, for . . PEEBLES AND 07 HER, MACHINE OILS. . For Sale by all ;Fire, -Cissa Dealers. Every Barrel Guaranteed. SAMUEL ROGERS, Manager, 30 Front St. East. Toronto: ,.0 1 ARA' FOR SALE. LOT 18, CON: 6, HULLETT, Consisting of Mo acres, situate alt"out three miles from the rapidly growing town of Clinton. We11,'imitroved under good -cultivation, splen- did eon. Well watered, and usual .advantages Terms liberal. W..W,, FARRAN. •Clinton.•Sent. '14,1883. • BORN. I'tt ar xx. It Clinton, on the 2lst iaRt., SEES GRAI the ttife of 111r. Cl. I'iekett,o# ,,vin daaghtars, (Both.have since died.) SEED WHI.EA'1'. • P.tclu r.—In Clinton, ou the 18th the wire of 151r;. John Pickett, below theySEED OATS; . B., of a daughter. SEED PEAS, w'w SEED. BARLEY • SEED COR N FOR SALE IW �� rte• :F. 1'i D. T411DAItii ELEVATOR, CX,INTeL. e7LIN'Qli MA►lt,iiEJ'tri, Thursday, Feb, •28, 1884. MAREET8,—We scarcely remember 'a time, at this season of the year, when so. little farm produce. was being marketed, apparently but little more than is needed for home consumption, yet prices: are not extravagantly high, and they remain without change longer than usual. Wood. is coating in more freely and prices are sowewnat lower, but still a good price is paid for geed wood. Wheat, scot old - • $1 .00 a 1 05 " neer • • • 0 65 a 1 00 ° White wheat, old , 1 00. a 1 05 new • 1.00 a 1 05 Spring, • • • 100 " a . 1 05 Oats, • 0 31 a 0 32 Barley, - • 0 45 a 0 55 Peas, 0 65 a 0 70 Flour, • .• 5 00 . a 5 50 Potatoes, 0 45 a . 050 Butter, .0 16 a 017 Eggs, 0 21 a 0.22• Hay, , ' - 7 00 a' 8 00 Sheep pelts • •. 0'50 a 0 75. ' Lamb skins, 0 60• a. 0 75 ' Beef, .- . 6 50 a 7 50 Pork, • . 0 50 a 7 50 ° About Vs All Constipation makes half the people sink. Yon are dizzy, have bad breath and taste, ean't eat, can't sleep well; head aches, ner- vous,.irrritable. Can't work it off, can't rest it off,.. Well, your Liver.must be invigorated, Your food mutt digest property. Now save a doctor's bill with a bottle of ZO-PE-SA. r Yon will ui t be surprised riled wib f h a w doses. 6 O - e pesa is a positive cure.•for these troubles, °be- cause it acts upon the, Stomach and -Liver the • system and Bowels must be regulated. Ask for a sample 'A waiter in a Kingston hotel has fallen heir to $5,000. ' The colored people of Ohio aro organ- izing civil 'rights leagues throughout :the State. . 1'LT;AIsxEax,—On the 18th iust,, the wife of H. Plumeteel. merchant,, Clinton, of a son. MEDD.—In Hallett, on the 26th inst., the wife of Mr, ,John llfedd, of a•son, 'TIa4VtINs.--On Tuesday 19th inet, the wife of Mr. James. Timmins, post master, Blue. vale, of a daughter. BLACI[iS]llil'' SHOP To BE11TT THE ' blacksmith shop.onHitron Street, O1intop, .ormerly occupied by Mr. Thos. Redmond, is offered to rent. Two forges and plenty of room This is:a. first-class stand, a good busfnoss being done . here by the late William . Rowell,' and othens. Will bo rented for a term of years, or , otherwise; at a reasonable rate, Apply to JOHN STEPHENSON, Clinton. OLD CLOTHES FOR SALE.—Coats, vests, pants,' caps, socks, mitts, &c., to fit old age down to in- fants ' I . ani home on Mondays. Any person having rags or truck in my line, can leave word at my house, and I will fetch it aid give value. AU debts duo Mary Marten's estate, moat be paid to save trouble.. Paper- ing, painting, and jobbing of thatsort done by Gaol GE BENTLEY. .A good strong boy wanted. W. MARTEN, Pedlar, .Box C4, Clinton.. -T ;IIJIBER WA NTEp at ono1x PACTO1IY`'. 1J 1t o will pay cas1h for CHERRY, BUTTERNUT, :WHITE: • ASH AND BASSWOOp, Inch thiel' clear • Wide boards. Also 4 x 4 and 2l x 21 MAPLE. SCANTLlx0 - 1V DOHERTY`:C CO. ", Clinton, Jan. 2i,1884. . ti '- j - 'a o r JJY: .J 91ML I�,•r.- -',Yr v i.. �V x61 .I l. - , I •'1 11 I��� �,�+, FARMS FOR•SALE - X16 ; 2 iIiIIE undorsi> nod otters for sale Lnt 20, lith .':1 ' P' 1t on° Goderich township, t,ontatning 80acros .'! i;ii ', ;' en which s erected a brick House, with stables,w" t 'I�S 6 N ri ' t cos". :1 � I'11! t �t�lf) �I�I ja orchard, &e. The land 18 good; plenty,of.water A1so,Lot 2:1,.leth con, Goderich township, eon= Mining 80 acresi 2s 1n fall wheat. Earns, stable' orchard, two gond welts, ,oil good, &C. ti•.illlie sold singly or together. • ROBT: ICOA'r$, Clinton. Notice to Creditors I • PURSUANCE Os IIE ellAPR NINE, SECTION Inde, 40 Vie. Statutes of Ontario, entice Is hereby given that all creditors having clahns against the' es- tate of William Jenkins, late of the township.Of.'dodo- rieh, in the county of Huron, yeoman, who Kiied on the seventeenth day of Janua+•y, 1883, are to send by host, prepaid, or deliver to Messrs. MMANxlxo '& Scam, of the town of Clinton, solicitors Partite Executors, of estate-ef-the•said--illiam Jenkins, deceased. on ntibcforo [the 28th day of February, A. D. 1884, a statement containing their names and addresses, and full particulars of their clnlms, and of the securities iif niny) held by then, end thnt after the said 'lest mentioned date the executors of the saki :estate will, proceed to pay the said claims against the said de coasod' 10 the parties entitled thereto regaardiboing had only to the claims off• which notice- has hbet received M above required, npd that tho saidid erectt r a not bo liable f r anid n,sets Or 11tnt tl1 r o4 , 1 1t11o nfiy pOrS011 or 1 rsonsof nliosD OPIUM shall Il on of have Leen received nt the thus of such tllstribu- 11 on.: Bated February 7th, 1584. • 'MIANNI N fttSt'St1(RTPr» • Solicitors for BNestitors. TIIOMAS.TENKINS 1 lixecuinrs. iIOvLAN1) ONIONS I v, 4.4 bn tn ."T. Mcti T'N ZIP, Proprietor of the aUovo establishment, en , nov is w stepping at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Olin• ten, whore he will remain till the 6111 of Itfaroh, for the purpose of. receiving Sowing 111aehine$ for repairs, therefore those having maOhines that require repairing will 10 well byg callin on him at the above Hotel, daring this week,. and bridging their machines whit them. He has Also with him a large stock of parts of ma- chines, also Shuttles, 011 of tete• best duality, Bobbins, SOrew DrivcrO, Belts, 011 Cans, Noed- les, and attachments for all Sewing'Maehtlies Made in the world. Alirwork guaranteed, - Orders and Machines left at JAci1 SON:'4 Z'LOTHING STORE; promptly attended to. PROPERTY FOR SALE Lot 203, south side of Rattenbury Street, in, the Town of Clinton, containing one-quarter of an' acre, with several bearing fruit trees. and cottage with six rooms, nowocoupied by Mr. J, Harland, also hard and soft water. Also, a ]muse and part of Lot number 51, in the firstconcession of Tuokersmith, (London road) containing two roods and four perches of land, witlt.aome yonng fruit treesanditard and soft water ; now occupied by Mr. •Geo. West. Also; lot No: 724, on Spencer street, Clinton, comprising one-quarter acre land, with House of eight rooms, large: stable and good well. Applv'to JOSEPH ROWELL, At 11Irs. Hedgens', Joseph St.,, Clinton. MARRIED. McLtrtax—DovGALL,—Qu the Flet ins,., at the residence, of the bride's father, by the Rev. R. Y. Thomson, B.D., Mr. Robert, Mc. Laren, of Tuokersmith, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Dougall,• of Hay. MOhnon—Tuoxsox,—,A t the residence of the bride's father, on the 20th inst., by. the Rev. W, Baugh, hfr. John McLeod, to Miss Thompson, second daughter of Mr. James •Thomsonb all of Bayfield, likwx.E—CALDEN.--At the.reaidence of the bride's father, Mapleton. Lodge, Grimsby, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. George Ferguson, assisted. by the Rev. J. H, Robinson, Mr. Fred. A. Hawke, of Beaulieu, Dakota, eon of the lata Hem. 'Wm. Hawke, (formerly of Clin- ton) to 'Miss Ella Bello, only daughther of Mr. I. F. Calder. t ' LoFFT—Yovxcc.—On the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, London South,' by the Rey. George Brown, Alfred IL Lefft) merchant, of St, Mary*.(formerly of Clinton) to Kate, second daughter of Mr. Geo. Young. You ci—MCG$E.—In East Wawanosh, by the Rey. Mr. Pritchard, Presbyterian Minn. ter, Manchester, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs.. McGee, Mr.' John Yenng, of Blyth,. to Mies. Mary McGee. DIED.. Hiarr .—In St, Lgnis, on the Et11 inst., at 9.30 p.m:, infant son of J; brink. and Jose, phine' Hartt, (formerly of Clinton) born on the evening of Feb. Gth, at 5 ot,olock, DswAlt,—In ' Seaforth, •after a lingering illness, on the 26th inst., Archibald Dewar, late School Inspector for East Huron, in his 58th year. - • MoBitrnx.—In Hallett, on the 26th 'inst., Jonathan Moiirien, aged 57 years. •-- The Greatest Henling Compound Is a preparation ofcarbolic acid, vaseline and cerate called. McGregor & Parke's' Carbolic Corate,, It will cure 'any' sore, cut,burn or bruise when all other preparations fail, Call' at 3. H. Combe'p drug store and get a peek - age. ,' Twenty.flve vents is all it costs. The 'BEST.'acid AT'E T. IIANI 111A])E , .BOOTS & :S1-HOES H.. BEACO.M,-d• • , at, the Shoes of-4.11:onn make u Sails Boots ani. Sho1 ? • fo1lowlitg 10figures Min's Comm; BOOTS,. from . l . , . .........>)2,50 np .11sti's FINE Boors, eanadian Calf, iron 3.00 tip .MEN's•FaENLa KIP AND CALF BOOTS, ft'ornt•. 4.00 tip Boy's Boors, front' • 1.80 up LAn1Es Boors, •from• 1.50 'up Repairing Promptly Attended to Workntnnship Guaranteed 'SHOP 'IN THE MARKET BEILDING,, CLINTON, ti SEED Wheat,- Oats & Barley. T have appointed JIR, THOS. WATSON, of Cltuton, .11.agont for the: sale of my unequalled , NEVADA' SEED WHEAT, • MAMMOTH WHITE OATS - AND BARLEY. And osi tples of these ;rains maybe seen pt his FLOUR and „FEED STORE, where• ordt:rs mnay'be left.' At the Erovineiai and western. Fairs "last fall, these grains 'carried everything before ihcm, and farmers will nnd'thent the best for send in the market. CALL AND SEE TIIE SAMPLES..' • • W. 1i li1,l , setfortlt. voE BRONzE NUMES` tooO S eztoo ,.. 0°' c.5ob. 0 y+tlri 0. 06 _ ..•.- . ..Sale Register. FAltUI srocic,. gtc., of Mr. W. I)aer, 5 lot. 36, con. 14, Hallett, on Tuesday., March 4. 0. Hamilton, suet. . • Farm stook, &e., of Mr, A. Aruot,lot 25; con, 1!,`B nllett, on Monday; March 3rd. All without reserve. C. Hamilton, Auctioneer,, FAnai stock, dm.,' of tho late E. Cook, lob 17, con; 2, Hullott,,on Monday, March 3rd, D. Dickinson, • auet. • If feeling old—renew your youthful_ v�_iger by - eing Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I1 will'viial ze the blood, recruit`the 'wasting energies, and build up the 'system. ' - • The Quebec .Government 'imposes to increase the liquor license "fee from $200 OR SPRING. At the RY moons 1 PAiACE. 40 pieces . NEW PRINT ' lovely : patterns, 2 Cases of E M:B.11OIDE RIE s ver. y - cheap, 10 Bales ofCO'` TON . �S .and. SII1RTINGS, . The Canadian exhibit brought' back from. London is on exhibition at Ok, Atawa young ,alit• near 'Erantfoucl . took poison by mistake ;and diecl.lroin ills effects of the dose. The by-lawto separate the ' sale of groceries anal liquors in Toronto was carried by a majority of 362. The Bank of Commerce building . at Toronto• suffered serious damage on Monday, by a gess explosion. • Tlie North Victoria. Provincial elec- tion petition has been dismissed, the pe- titioner, however 'being allowed a pot• tion 'of lain costs •' It is reported :,tlist the . Iron. Air. Pope ]las, clisposecl, of his International. Bailway,'to the Qanadain Pacific , for $1,250,000. Sipt- 'M r1. , f iI 1� 4mti ii t">ie. 14. OSriiiC.Mnc �7 .44.11,; The Police •Magistrate or Moncoton, N,B,, disthissed all'the local constables . ' ancl'police officers' for unfaithfulness to the Scott Act : • ..:The Parliammentary. members . of the. Dominion 'Alliance znot._:atJ_Obtawa -on•. Monday',' to'.considu>,' peoposed •amend- - menta to the Scott Act.' ' .,,A Motion Lni 1 '1iefl:e• `Mr. Justice Rose to quash the 've`tflict . of the corn= nor's jury, in'the number railway die: II aster, was granted. A' bill to amend the ooi stitution e£ the '17ihited,States by making ,Tie Peed:- dental rexi-dental term six: years was, introduced into the Ttouse of Represetatives on A gentleman of. Port Hope, who ti- }• rived at Halifax: by. the. steamship Gir- cassioll,' on Tuesday, had. tt.'valise and intents valued at c g 000 stolon, tide i 1 Case LACE .:_CI I TAIN ,. ing the vo�,agc • • Many : friends of the ltou David • Mills accompanied him to tho railway ' depot at London on Tuesday evening, ; on the occasion of leis leaving for, Ottawa to take ilia seat for M P 'af 1Zothwon t A Thoti011.tligni,y atrikZnIllLon ov eminent to pass. the Orange incorpora- ': tidtt '11111 ',vas defeated by a largo ma -.1. . jority, in tltr, Provincial -Grand Lodge at,Ottawa on NS eilnt clay. t o l CaseµC.Q.T().g_2_ , c •w} .2; Cases Canadian for ` Spring : Suits-. New New TOWELS. WEEDS. 'WEEDS: BLE LINEN el�.socheose' wli neeesdwt peCa rt,tPEec�r dTineOs a 40pieces-n - A m , a• tt namedH:a Fo n y as a c r e s fe {I IIr sh�.re 'st'1.' et ColborfeMoudi• for mlli nirip der cotnturtted Thoroldono years (go.tIcolttdpd captor;, however; and is 'supposed to has'e escaped tothe 1 State;: • .lnclgerliis.(xrait, of avenporton'a, • President of the National 'trotting As -1 sociatiol, is authority for tie -statement that there are'in the United States 5,000 Iiorfes'trotting below 2,30. When one t stops to think. ofit thnt is a remarkable flet. 1ttldk]CilrArnim Helve. h, � lite bestsae in world for outs,4rWises '$01e8r ulcers, salt fever Sores, fetter', -., •ti,bit 'f,.t. .� - N , � chapped corns, and all s1in '"Lw .� eruptions, and positveIy cures piens, or no t '1�. pay retlalred. It. is gtiurtinteed to give ' '. 1VI. (IFFri , AGENT , gelid? etion •nr mons refunded. Price r. , - t q o porfc,et, y , + n, and Huron Cream . omen, Pr ark 11.r,OC1.. 011pn it.. 1 f7r0(Sclb ' Il1Cir;O� %1111th the ltTltrkPt, Clinton. ''.'�? cerins tier 1ov, iVutts iC C'o. ,•.,1. ,l ,• and see us. OuOurprices are right. sta�� of tIlCIate. .4hn Hodgens o .1 P