HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-29, Page 6ABOUND VIE COUNTY* • The expenditures of the towD8hip of 'ruok- ersnlith, last 1 ear, were $18,482. "Hoe Cough Cure. It aote so quickly as to astonish you. 25 mate. John Bew luau has purchased 100 acres front Alex. degree., Morrie, for which be paid the sum of $5,810, Dr. Retains, euinty treasurer, was present• red with a silt,er tea eel viae by his friends in Brussel., un F.iday evening. U HtN'T KOFF.— Climax Cough cakes. Quick, sure cure ; of all dealers ; l5oto. Peter Rose has moved from McKillop to the farm lately puteha••ed from T. Maxwell, of Brnestle, fur whi' h he paid $5,500. Mr. \Vm. Raabe ell, of Stanley, recently delivered in Seaturth :360 bushels of oats, the product of eight bnel els of seed sown on four acres. IT IS fANGERUt'S t•. wait for nature to throw off a Cold or Cough. "Hub" Cough Cure acts qui;LJy. 25 :wets, Mr. Jos. Pickard, of Exeter, has, in his stabler:, a steer w•hi,h weighs 2,800 pounds, and bas sold it Aar 10 cents per lb, live weight, making a total sum of $280. • The Tookersmith Branch Agrienitural Society's Spring Show will be held at Seafortli on Tuesday, the 15th April, and the Bruce - field show uu the following day. PEARL:.—(let yuur mouth ,full by using "Teaberra," the new wonder for the {Teeth and Breath. (hush vigorous y. See direc- tions. Mr. Thos. 1). Morton, of Tuckorsmith, left on Friday last for Soutn Caroliva, where he intends spending a few months, with the hope that the change will improve his -health. NOW THE LATEST, and every one having tried it says, the quickest and most complete cough cure ever sold in this town ie "Hub" Cough Cure, only 25 cents. We are pleased to state that the Rev, R.Y. Thomson, pastor of the Rodgerville congre- gation, who has been away for;aome time past on aceount of ill health, bas returned home mn.th improved. 'NE CI N(1 ALESE HAIR RENEWER is applied with a sponge or a brush, and it never fails in its good effect on the hair. Hair that has been renewed by the Cingalese Hair Renewer never will again become grey. Sold at 50ots. per bottle. Mr. Neil Brown, of the 0th cou. of Tucker - •sin tb, met with a earl accident on the even- ing of the Illth. Mr. Brown, along with others were on their way home from Egmond- ville, and when near Mr. Cowan's the latter took hold of the reins to turn the horses into bis gate; when they turned rather suddenly and rad the sleigh against a stump, crushing Mr, Brown's ankle and foot in a most fright- ful manner. A 'Rlcasina to nil Mankind. In these times when our Newspapers aro hooded with patent medicine advertisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure you. If you are Billious, blood out of order, Liver inactive, or generally debilitated, there is nothing in the world'tbat will euro you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind, and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle by Watts Bt Co. • LAND I1PROVEMENT FIND• Last week the Reeves of ten municipalities in Huron and adjoining counties met at Ger. rie and discussed the beat means of securing a settlement of the amount rightfully due the townships from the above mentioned fund. Capt. Koine was elected to the chair, and Reeve Strachau was appointed secretary. Letters were read from,, 1'. Farrow, M. P., Thos. Gibson, M. P. P. and Mr. Hasson, M. 1'. for N. Perth, to the effect that the matter of in whose hands the fund was at present was as yetundecided, but that in a short timc information concerniug it would be laid before the (rouses. It is pleasing to know that the induet:ee'of the representatives of East Huron in both Houses is being exerted in behalf of a speedy settlement. Short ad- dressee were given, after which the following resolution was drafted, and submitted:—Mov• ed by 1L•. Ileekie, sceouded by Mr.Cook, that a committee consisting of Messrs. Koine and Gibson, Huron Co.; Mr. Darrock,. Wellington Co.; Mr. Mc.lrthur, Grey Co ; Mr. Suott, Bruce Co.; and Mr. Fallis, Perth Co.; he ap- point,'(Ito ascertain the best means of obtain• ing the monies due the municipalities from the Land Improvement Fund, and which I governineet is to blame for" not paying the funds over.—Carried, Full power was given them to eat; meeting, if necessary and elect a deputation to interview the officials if requir• ed. It was stated that the' total•ameuut due this province is about $036,000.00. The eommtteee separated with the full determi nation of seeing the matter through if it cant be worked in any way. The Editor's Tribune. Theron I'. Keator, Editor of Ft. Wayne, Ind., "Gazette," writes : For the past'' live years have always used Dr. • King's New Die• covery, for coughs of most severe character, as well as for those of a milder type. I never fails to effect a speedy cure. - My friends to whom I have reootnmended it speak of it in same high terms, Having been cur- ed by it of every cough I have had for live years, I consider it the only reliable and sure' cure for Coughs, Colds, eta." Call at Watts Co'•s Drug Store and get a free trial bottle. Large Size $1. • t:OD1f1t1CI1 TOWNSHIP. Council met at IIolmeeville on the 18th, members all present; minutes of last meeting were readand passed. By-laws Nos. 1 and 2 of present year were read and passed. Alex. Chisholm was appointed pathmaster in room of Thos. Beatty, R.D. No. 5. .andrevr Duff resigL1ed tbo office of pound•keeper, and A. Knox was appointed in his place, John El- liott, lot 136, let con., was refunded $7 taxes, he being represented as in straightened cir- cumstances. Samuel Ferris was refunded $1 log tax, dog being killed by train. Auditor's report was read, passed, and `one hundred copies ordered to bo printed for distribution. The tender of the Uoderioh Star for printing, being the lowest, that office was awarded it for the year. Pathwaaters sanding men to repair sadden breaches are required to send in the price of such work and "certify to it, otherwise the amount will not be paid (the Nice still subject to the revision of the coun- cillor for the sub -division, when the work is done). Jam. Miller was refunded $2, paid by him to Dr. Worthington, for certificate for indigent. Tho following accounts were or- dered to bo paid :—Auditors, $6 each ; ,les. McMillan, work on H.R., 85 ; It. Johnston, gravel, 4th eon., $5.04; .Assessor, tin box from J. Saunders, $1.50 ; treasurer, postage end stationary, $4.05. The clerk was ordered to prepare a bylaw to encourage tree pient- ing along public bignways. The granting of a bonus for wire fence building was discussed, tont no petitions having been laid before Coun- cil in favor of the measure, its consideration was postponed until next meeting of Couneil; so that parties for or against it, may have an opportunity of getting up'potitions and laying them before camel!. It is the wialt of the council that such an expression of public •spin o 1 &all• be given as will bring the sub, feet at once to an issue. Council meets again on the i th of April. .Iamea.I'atton? olork. DON'T' P111:14IT,--Use TieWtoq'e one m1unt4, eothache flare, Relief at once,; of>tlldeatera, l5cta. AYER'S cal Vigor' restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded pr gray hair to a natural, riol;. brovftt color, or deep blank, as may be desired. By its use light or red hair maybe darkened, titin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured, 1t checks falling of the hair, and stimulatea weak and sickly growth to vigor. It proveutssnd cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every, disease peculiar to the scalp. AS a T..adieso Hain Dressing, the VleoieIs unequalled;, itconfatnt3. neither on nor dye,, renders the hair soft, glossy and silken in appeai'anee,and impede a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume;' 'r;»""`• Mit. C. P.13r.1cnEn writes from herby, 0., Juts 3, 1882: "Last fall my hair commenced falling out, and in a short time I became nearly bald. .t used part ofa bottle of Avm1Na HAIR VIGOR which stopped the tolling of the hair, and started a. new growth, 1 hgvo nowa full head of bair growing vigorously, add ate convinced that but for Mouse of your preparation I should have beeu entirely bald," J. W.-TM/WEN, proprietor of the illa4rthnr (Olde) Enquirer, says : "AYER'S HAIR VIGOR IS n most excellent preparation for the hair. I speak of it from my own exxpperiencve�@@. Its use promotes the.. growth of new liar, and'inakes it glossy and soft, rho VIGOR is also It sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." Mu. Amus FAIttnAIRN Ieader of tho.'cole- brated" Fairbairn Pandly'; of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Boston, 411088., Feb. 6, 1,880; "Ever since my hair began to give silvery evidence of the change which fleeting time procureth, I have used Avail's HAIR Vtoon, and so have been, to maintain au appearance of youthfulness mat- ter mat- ter of considerable consequence to ministers,. orators, actors, and in fact every ono who lives In the eyes of the public." .' . • MRS. 0. A. PRESCOTT, writing fretitle Eini St., Charlestown Mass., April 14, .1882 says ; "Two years ago about two-thirds of my Mair came off. It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing bald. On using AYER's I1attt VIGOR the falling stopped and a new growth commenced, and In about a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It has continued to grow, and is` now as good as before it fell. I regularly used but. one bottle of the VIGOR, but now use it occasion- ally as a dressing." We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the; efficacy of AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. It needs but a trial to convince the most skeptical of Its value. • PREPARED BY • Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.' Sold by all Druggists: MONEY TO LOAN. • PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS, AT lowest rates of interest. Principal payable as desired by borrower. t Valuator for the CANADA LANDED CiteDIT COM u'ANY- D. A. FORRESTER. Clinton. Dec. 20, 1893. NEW TIN STORE. /i\III SUBSCRIBER, Wl1O WAS FOR 11IGRE L than eight years iu:tlio employ' of Mr. Silas' Davis, desires to Intimate that he bus • Opened a Tin Slop in DodswoirfdI3s Block HURON STREET, CLINTON, Whore ho is prepared to do • ALL KINDS OF TIN, COPPER AND' • SHEET IRON WORK, • lu the best of stylo;aud on short notice, MOIL, LAMPS; GLASS,_&c. in stook A CALL SOLICITED. f' sliguff,f, WILSON, • Clinton; 1)0e. 1883. THE MOLSONS BANK. Incorporated by Act of Parliament,• i85u• CAPITAL, - 82,000,000. HEAD OirFICL _MONTREAL.: THOMAS WORKDIAM, Provident. .1. 13. R. MOLSOY. -.. Viue•Pres. , F. vor..rEItS•rAN T1(OMAS,'Gonbral Mitnaga•. 2Toles discounted, Collections made,. ,Drafts is.Yruul,8 Sterling anal A>razizcait e.'echanoc bought and sold at lowest . current rates: INTEREST AL.LOIVED• ON, DEPOSITS: • Isr,a:r;.rilaa .honey advanced to farmers =their own notes -with one or more endorsers. No storunigo.rcquiretl''as sc- curitr•. _ H. 0, BR1 W 1t 31 na,,•cr, January1833- (.u1ton. ' -1PARRAN & TINDALL BANKERS,. ItATTENBURY ST:, :CLINTON, rl\UANSACT A GENERAL BANKINGBUSINESfj. Moneyadvanced•on Mortgages and Notesofhand Drafts issued payable at par,at all the offices of the Merchant's Bank of Canada. New York (iehange bought and sold. PROMPT ATTPNTION PAID To Oot. LECTlONsChroughou t Canada and a-00Uiifted-EStaate ra • SALE .NOTES. BOUGHT at close, rates, aAd'nteriey advanced to farmers on their o'*n notes l for anytongtb oft imeto snit the borrower. All marketable ueeur tiesboughtand sold. BANNERS IN Naw YORK. AGENTS Or THE MERCHANT'S Bale or CANADA, • INTERES7.'•ALLO JVED ON.l).EPOSjT8 W. W. FARRAN, •. J. P. i'I.SDA.LL• . DOING VERY .WELL JUST B IDDIE la/OIVIB..t,t, VWatch. and Clock Malar, JEWEI4LER, At o., •..OR'4'Arl1TE 1 itab:'•r8 % tH*1", CRiltror ('Q.fY Where lie. keeps .a eeleet aaaotituent of WATCIIES, CLOCKS, ,/EWALLER f', SILVER:, WARE, Which wo,wtfl'st Ft at reaaonat.la rates. Repairing of !very dreerit,tiou proluptly as tended to, and all work warrautod. J. 331A u LE04)lf tlE. mimeo .r ov 1880, NEw LIT()FIERSHOP L \Ili undersigned tie,ites to thank his lai- c mt'ritet friends In Clinton and vicinity for v1,41.10101.0 patronage during the twelve years ho curried nu the nutehuttn5 buaineas, cud would intimate Pi' thein that he has re-eom- Mentrod busittoas in 4htr..'eibptsttltAi,;, on Humin «:rreet, where he will be pleased to tnoet his old fr icnd'i anti SIS roan;- new ones as mayfavor Irina: with their patronage. ' ROl' T FCTGSI`IONS. ^t o JOHN Ross, UMP MAKER CLINTON; •UN7,,. The subscriber has' had many years' experi- ence. and guarantees to give the, best of sada- faction. PtTSIi'S, TAN],i,,,', OI$TEIINS,.' `ETC,,, Made and put itt on short 118tico. AU orders by mail proutpt,il• attended to., Charges rea- sonable. JOHN R05S, Clinton. r0 to .000.PBR',S. CIIII' GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, &c. Oatmeal and Comical .always on hand. .. ALSO ?cttvia olaobratad English 8rla1t'ast : 8aoon, Long •Clem' •Baeon, Sugar Cared_ Hams, And ,No. '1 LARD;.; •• Atpriec .'which cannot be boater tel t,iwn. HIS.E10 C. TEA A SPECIALTY , SOLE AGENT FOit Dobbins' EL1 C': RTC SOAP. •THOAIAS; COOPER, (ARE IVY STILEET, CLINTON I NES'S M1...EE' snb.e.lbsi desiips to. return itis sincere thanks to his;uustomers and the .publ:c, generally for, the liberal patronage extended to hint in the Test, and by iuruinhmg'the best article 'at the lowest rentu'- nerative pried; he. hopes to.tnerii a conti$uanc° of the same.,, • . • Ile woeld specially reed:emend a trial -of his direct . importations of the very best brands of Brandies fort,Wmes an u i Holland' Gm. --- ea.. Gro: er e the Popular Dry Goads House, • Spring. Goods to ..Nan • Two Oases diet colors. Three Babes Grey'. Cottons. Two Ba]es Brown Duck,Two Baps' Oottonades; Thirteen Oases Boots and. Shoes Owe ••Winter' Goods at •Reduced *ices.' OU I M:ETTE Londesboro, Feb, 14, 1884. • EtameI,E vont MEIICi\AL Phoreses AND FAnIel rsi . B ORTER, Ili 13ottiee nit, and Quarts. ' CANADIAN :AL S AND -PORTER,' OAaulas's and DAVIES LADEa•t'our tantly oil haul;: • • Just received, in'pripte condition, 11loryilt°cal G'iitfger Ale.:.Cliampagfie Cider; �.Plant k7oda.,... • tSole _eeitt.for (3•ocltiricli Ale: N. •ROBSON. • . ALDERT•STRi3CT--BRICdi•;BLOcK•. CLINtov.• BASS ALE ANO •GUIMESS' P• • uOLD AND MELTABLE, • Gray's .f" Pec}Cie: Itteclicine, TRA`DE'MARK TitxGnsvTRNo>'1p't t'FADE 'MARK. REMEDY, as unfailing --' - 'sure far Seruival weak mesa. Spermntorrhea, Inlpbtcncy, and ajd is•. asea that follow as a seq„enee of pelf abuse —au 1oss of hn'einorT, universal ]nasitude,— pain in the hack, die. 11e88 cy' vision,. precut - Wail) !lire rid age, ao� roan}6,{15.!' ! other' dmeayea -that .Send to Insanity or uonauutption and a premature grave. (Till particulars in oiir panlphletorbieb we desire' to aeud•free by seen to every one.. EEt "1'he Seecifle Medicine le edld br all druggists at $1per package, or sex packages for tire dollars or w i?he Sent fres by rnaii. os receipt Of the -:honey by all. dressing 711E GRAY MEDICINE 00., . -.Teronto, Ontario, Canada. AYER'S herrp `14-0othei coitsplgtnfs-are so insidious in their at,. tack as those affecting the throitttand;lungs ; noire, . so trued with by tire majority of sufferers,. Who Ordinary cougl, or gold', resulting perhaps from.'a . 1> libng or unconscious exposure, fa often but the; beginning of a fatal sickness, AYER'S. CitEttlsY i'1:crona t.has well prds en its mile/icy hi a forty years' fight with throat. and Ring diEeaSCs, and •should be taken in all eases' without delay, ' A�crrittle Coug''lt Cured: "In 18513 took'a:severeeol(l,triyicitaffected lee lungs. 11hail a terrible conch, and. pr s ied Wield • after night tv]thout sloop.: cone, ifocta� ave ohs , 01V up. I ..tried AYER'S Onetime PkclORj-tie which f relieved rnylttnga,induced sleep, and 'al orued me the cost Necessary for the recovery of my strength,. By the continued use of the PECroitAL-a perma- nent cure was effected. I ant notV 62. years., old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your (,nisnuv • I'ECT(>It:1.i Steell tile. modem 1'.tittnitol 11.111:' :. ltooltinghain,'VL, July 15, 1882.' . • Croup, —A Mother's Tribute.: "t'hile in the• country last winter my little boy, three yetirs.olli,CWAS tult>n ill witll.eroliti it seemed as if he would die from strangulation. One of the family suggested the Also of \ 1 t:t: s Cuitnitg PEcronAL, a bottle of which Wes al- ways kept irntlfe house.. This was triad it ,mall and fr,,aquontdoses, and (00511 delight in fess than half Ha hour the little patient was breathing ea: - fly. r.-ily. TYnedoctorsaid that t180Cui;uity 1't (JunAt, lied:aved my darling's life. •Cali you wonder at Oar gratitude? Sincerely yours, • Bits. I`ar$IA Ourec:%. • 152 Nest ]°8th St, NOV York, t1ay "1 have used AitnIt's•Crtriutt5' 1. acrnl1Ai.3trIlil family for several years, rout do not hesitate tic pronounce it the Inosteffeetual remedy for roughs and coklg we have ever tried,• A. J, CRANE. Lake'Crystal;Mintn., March 13, 1882.' • "Isuifet'edfor eightyeors from UronrhifIs, an.l 'raftertryirik many refuediesWith 00 sued 8a,1.was "cured lfy the use of.A1L:rt'S (Jul tilt} 1'r'(tott• At„ Jo81s1!3J S1.t'I DfN, 13yhalia, 5118s,, .April 33, 183'1. 1i "I cannot say enough iu . tll'aise of Armee CHERRY PEOTOItAt., bo'ilovh>g as I do that but for its 'the 1 Should long Since levee died front ' lung troubles, 3'. ]i11AtIbuN," t Palestine, Texas, April 52, 1582. A'o case of au affection of the throat or lmiga e*fists which eailnot be greatly relluved by the use of Armes (menhir Peerotie , and it will a!r'1'al/i etre When the disease is not already beyond the i eont1of of medicine. • o t'ul.r.ttint) ttv • Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co, Low ll f Mass, Sold by III Druggists.. r WON'T BOTHER ADVERTInINO -FOR A WEEK OR 'TWO 0 r THOMAS STEVENSON; THE FURNITURE PIAN, CLINTON. TEA AT 2a. CENTS P1: R LB. TRY IT.. '.R3OUR 50' CENT TEA. CANNOT BE FEAT. WHITE .SUGAR, 10 LBS: FOR. $1,9O.` . BUttt iS S11U Sbm.1B1*(biCt1011S 011Good;.., All;ou1' Fall lines of BOOTS' ANI) SHOES are ittny complete. WE (1ANUNDEtt&til'. ANYTHING TN TUE 'TRADE' xY FAIT, Ave, Wlwrl.R'Goolus:, . MEN'S BOOTS,. heavy • wear,.frotn,,: I. per pair,'upward. FEL,T•'WEAR. and MEN'S LONG' BOOTS,: very - : cheap. . • .Inspect o tr• stock. anted,, 3,000 Ubls, j'ood #tli c tivnter Apples,. Will pays the Highest cash price, CLINTON; 'Sept. j 18•$3 Don't se}l iiutil yeti See it. THOMPSON. 116R!)PITZER. 2e. il'ons, Vieto za Street Clinton. uffaloRobeS GOA`[' :ROBES. A FINIS ttiP ALT. KINDS. TRUNKS, VALISES, VEItl ('13]lA.P. S. FOWLER . SON.» . BEST ,STOCK .VIOLIN STRINGS TN *TOWN, R.. . r rINL PLATED WAI%E. } Nlrwl:Sd' DE.St(i1 S°lbf • JEWELLERY ! • Ropairing one Prorripllyw 01 one Mar 2,i014 `342.