HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-29, Page 5BOOTS & SHOES Oar .stack for the FALL ANTI WINTER TRADE is 'now compIete, . '• and will be sold at prices TO SUIT THE CLOSET BUYER, CUSTOM WORK.—We cut the best leather in the market,. and guarantee to give satistaottOu. • " TRUNKS & VALISES—A full assortment and veri cheap Eggs taken In exchange for goods. 5 :per cent discount for cash. W. TAYLOR & SON, CLINION. NOTIO331. • . The subscriber desire -Is to return his sin- cere thanks to all who aided him by their -patronage during the past year, and,hopes tO receive a (....ontinuance of the same He would .also intimate to • those indebted to him, that theymould greatly oblige him if they settled their accounte at 011ee. 1S DAVIS C inton. 9 111[111121WINII Ic 13C3C) . " We keep in stock all the ACernmon PERSONA..L AND ..oia',aa.A.T4 • In the Supreme Court, Ottawa, on Monday. judgment was given in the Both- well election case, lien. D. Mills being declared the member elect. j. J. Haw. kins will now retire into private life, • 1 where he should have been long ago, 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is the kest medicine or . .•everyone in the ppriag. Emigrants and tra- Books used in the High and 1 eruptions, boils, pimples, eczema, etc., that 1 velers will find tn it an effectual cure for the SellOols, .and A break out on the skin,the effect of disorder . ' iu the blood, caused by sea.diet and We on board ship. . . . School Stationei'y of all kinds. tionald noW considers Mr. Costigan's MO, . There is little doubt that Sir John Mac, „ . .. . fulness gone, and that he will be dismissed ,.. from the Cabinet with a petty (nee a . i some sort, at the end of the session, if not ' before, Sir Charles Tupper, who studi- BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS AND ENVELOPES, cheape.usly refrains from voting on any plea - ton, will also, it is understood, " disitp- alld of good quality.. pear." froir.i•the Ministry as soon as the Pacific Railway matters are settled, and a 1 . general shuffle of portfolios will then take W. Fl. SIMPSON, Clinton place. . . • h Pay a reasonable price, and go where you are sure that you will get it well trimmed and made by first-class workmen. GO. T° And you will not be deceived, and we will not take off 10 er .§,t) cents on the dollar, . but will sell as .cheap 'as any houso in Town, .„ onra. GO TO HALL • r Coma and gatt.o., cel)ilteflp OVERCOAT,— If, xen want a nice in the 1444 st le Y and a perfect fit. If yon want ,good PAIR or, PANTS, go to the OAK IIALL, cut to fit with ease and comfort. Go to the OAK TIALL, •you Will flint it to, your advantage to examine our, stock before you decide elsewhere. - REMIDIRER„TI-IE PLACE,—N.EXT DOOR TO TITO 1\l,PS6N M. OAK HALL, BEAVER -BLOCK,CLINTON. 1 • 157M% •MMITZLIRSUCCSIMItiallaVELMS3L27292.3MEL.112CEStraRMILEIONIZi to the future of the .„,....., country, hoW that he. .. .......,„,..„.. , . 1. : . niistilivoi 0 , • 'i: about to take the High Commissioner- ' hip permanently, and is perhapS, anxious' -, ' A i culty before retirine°. Tho LER, would, Now Tun.T there le a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to those complaint's have been removed, For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. Vail3ur• en's Xidney Cure award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path. It was never known to fail. Mr. Norquay, not being able to make any progress at Ottawa, left ier home last „ week. The latest -report.concerning Mr. , Norquay is that ho has refused to obey -Sir John's summons return tel Ottawa', , and says that the Federal Ministry must now knock at his door to obtain. a settle- ni-ent.ok,he—elsistitc-clifneulties between. • the Dominion and the'Provinceras he has •• been dancing attendance upon them long enough. ' Kraut's Fluid Lightning/ 1,8 the only instaneous relief for Neuralgia, kleadnelier4Tootheche, &c. Rubbing a fevr drops brisklyis all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one min!. ute's application removes all pain and will prove the peat 'value of Kram's Fluid 1,ightn ing, Twenty.five cents per bottle at J. M Cache's, drug store. Leading Tories' at Ottawa confess that the northwest is in a bad condition, and Sir John Will probably quit office as he did in 1878, leaving his successors to grapple with a rebellion in that country fomented by tyranny and misgov.ernment. Sir 'Charles 'Lipper is outterly indifferent . , • amen 000 . 0 to plunme the.cou try into debt and DEALER JN Harness, runt Boots and Shoes, &c. VICTOMI ELOCIE Clan\MON. WINTER,.O no 'doubt, provide hint in -any event.. 1?FRFTJA111 LOTUS Or.N.11.1 1.11.'1,WE L ir Catvert's Carbolic Certifs. • 4 -A 1 -AS.. Bo ) 1 ll f I - -1•°' • f • • • J • v. . • BRU:VIES; 60:11i3S, TOOTIP.ANI/ • .TOiLiT SOSPS. COSIlTsu, , . • , CP:111E 1ir;, • C1IE11S AND DIVITGOIST, • . CLINTON. ONT, • , . • ' • . • '77!4",F..,Firalmi!eurz=virgravoriTin..0Fm01.zzon • Try it • for chapped' hands, cuts, burns,. • -bruises:: It is a prepaVation 'a vatu;lint0.9,r1- bolic Acid and.Cortito. It will enre any sot.. where -all other preparations fail.- Call -at-Joi. Comhe's drug store and get a, package. TWenty.tive cents is all it 'costa, . • • The Ottawa Fre e Press says Otirosity• h ftS been exPreswd -as. to. th e causeof Mr.' Costigan's resignatioand.stibsequent• re- 'instatement' in. the',Cabinet. The true. • story is We believe', Oathe was 'relieved . , •• • . of his rtsumnsibilitiee, as a minister , ' •• . • througli.a personal dispute,. But he. told• • Sir John.very plainly that ir an unfair advantage were taken- of Jilin .ho would • tell all he kneW. The prelnier. • • immedi- ately repOritedi for there are some Scandals . . • • • ynt that he does not particularly.desire to •• • have unearthed.. .11e apologized'to • Mr:: • _ .'.Costigati.Withent less .or time ind sulky Achillies 'cribizented to take the field again t • ' Other2stOries have been circulated, but•„.• ' they are not credible: '•:.•.7. . "li:u109 Col/ 411 Cie, ;15 Cents,: • • • ' • Prescription'of a Bostou physician, dispens. ed. years by. a • Boston druggist.. ' One diner -- cure' ii„n ordinary cough.. .1t acts alincist .magically, ' Ask any•dealer togot you a -25. cent -bottle of "Hub" Cough quxe„..atid don't bi put.off with any other.' • ' • yr . Blankets Blankets Furs. .Furs. AND A We liaVe now. on hailit one', of the imgot. And 1 esorscgted stocks of 'StOvesin th .coun • CA AND SEE OUP - STOCK; '.• cio6 sT(YvE§,.• Anil BOX STOVES... - , . • STOVES, PARLOR HEATERS, , •, • 1.• , • , 4 " • • • r.:z7 ' • - are" selling vet:ylwA...• large supply of Rfill stoci oil 111 AAR cilfinik 'pAniiippli iiip.. pfilirufiviii CROSSCUT .SAViS, AXES, CO1P1. CHAINS, 'AC.. VERY CHEAP, I (111 1 till V Vill.41 bl./1/UU 1 Ultill l,1 In •iti t ,..ti t." V BEST NO. 1 COAL OIL 20 CTS. PER, GALL014.. . 1 i ',.:.., '2 '.• ' , .. * itii.P.ZailigIP ' 33110$,, - -.. - . . . . • : . ' *-- , • . Erick Block,'.'sign of- Tho Pactlockt-Clinton. • TA][LO. RI. .---•-,:. .-- SULt' AND IRON BITTERS will cure dyspepsia, heartburn, , !aria, kidn-ey disekse liver cont.- plaint, and bthefwast'ing•diseasea • ...i--8*-ULAP,J1UR. . . w-A..fmr-xis.. .a.t.. cc):., eariches the b10( d. ant iurides the large number of orders he has filled during the i . • systeth; cure.s vealcne*s, lack of J. C. COLE is .our Cutter for this department, and the • . . . : ', :' , . . : tneiy, &u. 'Try a 1.)q416.. IIEMISTS & DRUGGISTS9pastt ' season is . . . - , . „Albert Sitireet, Clinton; • , . • • ) • the best evidence thatcould be desired p .f his ability to suitall • ,. . -. , • • • , , .. . . . : . The public Will 'find our sank of medicines compiete,' warranted kezinineAND, and oi i • . .". parties in style andfit. , . • • -*- -1' . 9,3ftia • A full Stock of Beavers, Meltons, Heavy Worsteds, Canadian Scofch and English " Tweeds. Iter C4-ZRACDC A. fresh stoclto f these goods at the lowest prices. • • r0 • . the best quality. , . • • TOILET SOAPS, PEREUMERY, SHOULDER tRACES, TRUSSES SEONGES AND ALL KINDS OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLYKEPT -4 • . A 10111,ST CLASS DRUG). STORE 1 . ' " E. GOATS & SQN: CLINTON, OT. • IRON BITTERS •is the only iron preparation that does not color the teeth, and wilZ not CauSe headache or constipations, -other Iron preparations Will. • tior • AND . ., IRON - BITTERS. Ladies and all sufferers from nett • • ralgia, hysteria, and kindred mu. plaints will find it without ItC tqltia. WATTS ecfmo. CLINTON,';