HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-29, Page 1•
24,00NATING 44 scant
tiarristers, SoliOitors,
COMMisezazierS f or OntsX10 and ManUolgt.
. . ,. _
,111114 lulderbigned /MVO Made tulangergents for the
' Ikalagng cf i IerSe leinOunt 0$ biVate and Com.
Danflit loans ou teal estate this -winter, at
o'Svidit rattle of interest and moderate eharges.
,, haeria ralonerbir
MANNING, -10 wan, lowx EALL, ciargox
itIUT otitar ettrtig.
„ ,
Aciono.at,-1,10ErTsgs,--Aprx,y tee THE
• •____,,,•• ..r. .
..i....s, undeteighed at the Library Itoemi, Smith's
M10011. . se 4,01,Es SCOTT.
litimrance and General Agent, Money to loan -
Os, /Mayan Stools, Clinton, Ont.
sums ou good mortgage security, moderate
.40 Of interest: AL
•fri R. DOWSLEY, FL D.; AL 0.1t. S. nnelasatit
filurgeou, etc,. Office and residence
• next MOItion's Penis, market Square, Clinton,
-1-,,on Ontario strost,Clinton,oppositethis English
Church. Entrance by side gate.
1....a•University,)ritysician, Snrgeani ece.,reiiirienee at
Mr. falanning% three dooresaat, of the Temperance
teen, LondesbOre, Out. •
0 PrOviliedeland Dotninten Land SurVeYor.
Architect tuld Dranghtsztan, PB/Hulf,BLooH,
Clinton, . • • • • • .•
Are for the County of Ilurcin, Sales attended
to promptly. Charges moderate. Residence
Albert filt, Clinton.
TOHN METCALF'S, Veterinary Surgeon, from the
Royal College of Veterinary 'Surgeons Of England.
Telegr3p/9 elespatcheanttended to at once,: Ohms A:vr
Murro Block, two debris east of, Ilodgens' en-
trance. Reeidence, opposite the 'Tehmerance Bell,
Mur(nt Street Clinton. °Meg hours, 8
attended at their own residenee,if neeessary.
i4dence, Xplap. Robertson's, Muron Street, Clinton.
iee'weW D1MhOd taught ii, desired.
merltr of the Hospitals and Dispenseries,•New York
Coroner for the County of Huron,Bayfiold, Ont.
AA 'Toronto University; member of the Collegeof Phy
nielans and Surgeons, (Int. OFFICE & RESIDESCS the
house formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street
Aeooneheur,Lieentiate of the College of Phyelelan-
and Surgeons of Lower Canada ,and ProvincialLicen,
Uste and Ooronorf or theComityofIluron. Ofinteand
reaidenee,-The building f Grin old o couple d by • Mr
Thwaites, Huron street.
Olirden Jerlaui ,
1-1SNCINGt IMASsEs. The dancing claases
lately formed in Clinton by Prof. Tie -plies; having
'been,neglected bytherperson, the undersigned vdshes
to state that he will continue the same, but is in no,
way oonnectiid with the Professor and will not be re-
aponsible for what he has done, Will bo at the Grand
Union every Tuesday and Wednesday. ,Classes formed
for children futile afternoon, for adults at 7.30 p. m.
R MONAS. • • *.n9
Is now forming a large class, and tan take about four
more pupils. De.ssons given at her residence, Huron
St., or at. the homes of pupils. Best of references sato
her abipties as a teacher: • .
mins NE LUZ noutIES is prepared to give
lessons on the Piano 'or Orgaia to a limited number, of
pup1ls:4 Instruction,givengt the betties of pupils; if
, of Stratford, will visit Clinton and be at
the Grand .Union • Hotel every ,second Friday in the
month, where he will be Rewired to attend patients
professionally. The,administratien of Nitrous Oxide
Gas, or Vitalized Air, given to patients when required
for the painless extraction of teeth.
Pflits a•4
Hold the exclusive right for the eounty for the Maul
• process of 'administering chemically pure Nitrogen
Monoxide, which ie the safest and best,system yet dis-
covered for the painless extraction'of teeth. Charges
moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Omit, BEAVER
BLOCK, over Thompson do Switzer's Grocery Stofe,
Albert Street, Clinton. • • ,
SolicitorSupreme Court
In Blyth every Thursday. Colleetions and
cilaime promptly and. reliably attended to. -
PRIVATE PERES to lend at lowest rata Of
interest. ,•
Parties wanting parts of cars for the Nara,
wed shouldean and seerae, Tickets, atlow-
eat rates for British Columbia, Mattitoba, Da-
kota', Nebraska, 'Kansas; and all local pinta
in Ontario and Quebec. •
$'RebateI Ticket's IssgeC
All going west yen end it werth while to call
on the undersigned: -7- - •
JABIE$ Tineateeon,
Town Agent
Ticket Agent, Clinton.
• Of .
-mt. •
•vtrarrxil saAlt
ST..TE 1.411•TID, .
.41..ISTORO tiltiN1M
For all inforinatlea apply to
W. JACKSON', Ticket Agent.
eitntonazan, 28, esee,
VOX,19. NO. 9.
Ir$143SIS ISS.4011!er *Pawns
ft* AdvgrtiotmentO,
_girIlifisnted immediately. • Apply to MRS.
P. :Fa MACPHERSON, Mary Street, ClIntom
*LTA Dressmaking, ma Albert Street, Clinton, 2.doers
south 02 Br, W. Otostelon's residence, Apprentice
wanted, me
LA MSS. Minim, Proprietor. Largo andiairy, Cen-
trally situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot
Mr, large and well lighted sample rooms. Boa sta-
bling, SI per day. 'e
Deviants 4 Glum, BLvm, have on band a Lirge
Stock of Furniture and Wish to dispose of it. A
chance for bargains for tho next 20 days. Special re-
ductions for cash. Call and tole that this is no hum-
A., on, would respectfully announce to the people
of Clinton end vleinity thathe has concluded to devote
Me whole time to the Auctioneer business, and soliefts
patronage. Having had several years' experience he
ladle confident of giving RatiefactiOn, Days of side
may he arrangedat tho New SitA ernes.
QEALED TENDERS will be receiVed by the under
t..7 signed for the rebuilding 9f RerilwEth's Banos,
over the Reynold River. Plans and speck/catkin/3/11V
be seen at Gabriel SilloWs, Bayfield COneeS5101), Gods -
rich Township, up to Saturday, 8th of ferelt, at 12
'o'clock, noon. Tenders will be opened at the Colal-
/ameba Rotel, Clinton, at 2 o'cleck, p,m., on the same
The lowest or any tender not 'necessarilytaken
* ' GABRIEL ELLIOTT,.Road Ceranns'sleher.
Executor's Mice to Creditors:.
1. Sthtiece of OnlYria, notice is hereby. given that all
creditors having. claims against the estate of Dox•iim
alcDouciaLL, late of tho township of Stanley, County
of Huron, who died at 13itylield, :on or about tho Fifth
day of February, A.Dr 1883, are to send by post pre-
paid, or delivered, to Jonn'Essoic,Sayfield post•o1114,
acting exontor, of the estate of said Donald McDougall
deceased, on or before the 25th day of March, A.D.,
1884, a statement eontainiug they names and address-
es, and full 'particulars of their clatins, and the sou -
Mid held by them, if any, Dilly verified, and after
the said last mentioned dates the said exeeutor of tho
said estate will proceed to pay ,the claims against „the
said deceased, to the parties entitle& thereto, regard
being had °idyl° the claims of whicla notice has been
received as alio.° required, and that .1 will not be li-
able for said assets, or any part thereof, to any person
or- persons,- of whose -claim notioe„hea not .been re -
Air doht(pdue mist be paid forth.
• • - • Acting Executer.
Hayfield, Feb. 20, 3889..,„
Jear mit SALE-Afirst-dhiss third of Iva acre
A lot* for sale, at a bargain. T..JACESON; jr.
store, initable fo., Dressmaking. Apply to S.
rataasen a. ea., .Cliuton.
A-4 persons wishing to mate License for the
sate of Minor:for the enStung- License year,
are aereey flouted that their application zuus
be in my hands before the lst day of April mixt.
STEPHEN' YATES, Inspector.
ooderieh, revere, 1884.
LOT Fos SALE -Tho subscriber oirera for
Sale on very reasoattele terme, 0., two acre •
lot situated across the river. just outside the
corporation of 01140n. splendid itmee for a
market garden. hating been 'worked by Mr.
J. Copeland, of whom all partibulars can be
•obtained or to E. exemoniem, xtpaten, • ern
• •
"ir.,01. AND it ul EBING FOR 'SAL. -Lot
397, on lames street, adjoining the Gratid
Trunk Bann' ay Station, with large new frame
building, .suitable for Orkdli or warehoasb, will
be' sot& on' very moderate . terms; ..Apply to
ALEx, Wingliant, ot to IL ZIALE,
' •
R% are horeby. notified that tenders will be. received'
by the undersigned, for the erection of BrieleStores in
Clinton, up to 1 p. ni. on SATURDAY, MARCH lst.
Plans and ..specifications may be seen with the-under-
signed,,of whom all, particulars may be obtained .
. • • W. C. SEARLE' Clinton
•NEW• ERA , BAli. ERY.
. THOS. 'DUN -LOP• • ` •
• , . • H. .
AS pleaturs in informing the people of Clinton
that he has commenced business for himself in
the building adjoining the Ni9w Ens 'office, where ho
will Onduct the BAKING BUSINESS'in all itTbrInarlii 1
es, and -Will be pleased to receive a Share of patronage, ,
believing that ke can give satisfaction to all yam favor
him With their custom. 'BREAD.DELMIRED.
. •syLv-EsTEws:
lias been' appointed agent for SYlvestets Chafintion
Pilaw, which has recently been. greatly improVcal; and
now amnia without.a rival. The ramildboard is made
of„the best diamond steel, aspen/ally hardened, war-
ranted to clean in any field, and imported from Shef-
field, England, purposely for these plows. Intending
purchasers ran have a trial of the plow, and On 'receipt
of post card it will be delivered free 111 any mut of the
county. If the plow can be beat by any other make,
*we will forfeit the pion'. A ear load just received. -
References front over 100 of the best farmers near
Be aka manufictures tke:Colebratcd
Scotcit Diainohd 114-r.rozw,
. .
'The reputation of which is so well known that he has
• already received ordere for 30 , set thin Season,
kateSAS eiSS S
.. • . •••
Picture SL.PhOto Frames
•1410'Al TViERTY4IVE eltiaUP.
MATS Stanippd
.With Birds, Bessts, Visti.erpioWers.
. .
. .
kEB. 29,-1884,
OBITITARY,--Auother orour old wire -
seeded residents has passed away in the
person of Mrs. McGibbon, at the age of
67 Years, A large concourse el friends
and relatives followed her remains to
their last resting piece in the Goderich
cemetery. •
PeattOetAaa-alr. Thos. Itedale WAS
absent hist week visiting friends in
cardiac) and vicinity. Miss Reggae
Campbell, of Bervie is visiting friends in
this village. Miss EL, Cole, of Holmes-
ville, is the guest of Miss Pollie Mugford.
'Mr. aila B. Potter and wife visited the
lodge • here last Tuesday evening. Mr,
Potter says 12e -is well pleased with the N.
W. T. and intends atarting to that chi:neat
no distant time, • We wish him prosperity
in his new home,
LATER Bniaas.--Quite a number of
the people of our village n.,ent to Hulled,
to attend a surprise party at the residence
of Mr. .A., Shetler, on Tuesday evening.
The -efforts-of-Rev. T, J. Sabine, at the
special seevices at Bethel B. C, church,
are meeting with marked success, Mr,
Wm, Oke and Mies Ida Walters who
have been ;visiting triends in lYiniham,
returned on Monday. Mr. A. B. otter
and wife are visiting friends in Winghara
and vicinity. Mrs, Wm. Ramsay, of
Hohnesville, is visiting her parents in
this burgh. '
LecTuatee-On Friday, evening " Ben-
gough," Grip's Cartoonist, delivered his
popular. lecture " Carleature the fenny
art,"•to a large audience in Dixen's Hall.
lits load sketches were well executed,
and highly apaleuded, and a very pleasant
time was sew,
• SEIPPED.-Mr. David Walker, of Bruce -
field machine agent and Mr S. Harvey,
of the'second con. Stanley, have abscond-
ed, leaving behind them 'unpaid debtt to
a. considerable amount. •
•Mr, Robert Stalk& is busy building a
new use at present. • •
• Mr. Nickieson, of the •Atiburn Hotel,
has disposed a his property here to Mr.
P, Fischer, who is .to get passession
about the 20th of March, • •
The Good Tempters intend having an
open -meeting this Friday evening. A
Lecture by Mr. Themes MeGillieuddy, of
the Signal, recitation; dialogues, arc. -
Atea meeting' will be held in the pres.
ayteride church; on TeesdaY evening next;
to beaddressed by Revs. Messrs, Turnbull,
MeLeare • Graz, Smith :ane Effiyaril.
Good time anticipated; • • •
; •
• 1
• • ••• cam:token,
aliat.Nora Stevens; of •Olinton, is visit-
ing blends in this vicinity. • -, • "
'Miss Cole,. 'ea was the
&dent 31r. .T.' Mugford last week. • a
1): Mer lest a fine calfa few days ago,
for which he would notahave taken twen-
ty dollars._ • •e ,*
MoMurchy started for Nebraska
last week, to see his son James,, who hae
resided there for the last two years, . .
.Adath Akan had his hand hurt by be-
ing stuck with a pitoli fork,about • the
middle of December last, mid. has not
been able to do anything since. •
The ineinbera ef the M. E. church pre-
sented Mr. Sadler with a purse, On Tues-
day, kr the' able, inann,er. in which, he
filled the pulpit caning the illness of Rev.
T. Setideesou. •
Miss Brown, we believe, :was only'
gaged conditionally, until another teacher,.
could be eeoured forthe year, . and the
trustees have engaged' Miss Radeliefe, of
Aahfleld, at $27.a per year. .
It is quite refreshing to the B.amires-
ter ahd• his fellow laborers o know' that
thetreeffetterteabringesouls to Christ are
not in vain, as several have professed have
ing found, the Saviour. -
Miss Packwood is leaving this Week to
visit friends in Montreal. We under-
stand a certain -gentleman has agreed to:
apPly to a license agentfora paperato fill
out, plio*Ing that her name is changga
when the gets back. • •
A few mornings since Mr. R. Straugame.
went to the stable to attend to hi horses,
but was- not a little ,surprised to find ene
of the horses had ben stolen, there was
the track of a cutter through the yard.
He has not heard of it since; .
While a certain perSon was at Bethel
ehurch Sunday evemeg he had the but -
tone cutothis overcoat. If the party had
only let hint know that they wantedstime
atteas, lits would have bought athein
tome itti-d sayerthein the -facet -idea The
partythat done the mischief is known, 'to
the -sorrow of nanny.'
daitat-FLE-kate •
Mrs, Alsworth, Mrs. Burke, end Mrs
Wallis, three old ladies On the Goderich
road, who have been- very sick for some
time, are not nicely to yeeover. • •
• It is teported that Rev, Mr. Denby, of
Varna, will soon remove to Bitefield, as
thea'neeessor of Ref. idr. Patteraon, and
that talaayfielei road appointment will.
be attachea to some other charge.
flooded on account of a sand bar across.
thea Verbena Diyision court thie -week-
this court is now getting ieteresting, last
time a tote Was sued, made in 1866; two
inierestingsuits this time, rattledge vs.
Stanbury end altroods vs. Rutledge.
,"Aticly " atia the doctors don't seem te
get o.lotg well this while.„•Ta Matks
has purchased the Old *reek- lying on the
beech 'smith dour harbor, He is talting`
it to pieces. Another is stranded a little
further sbuth; aul for wait .of a good liar -
leer hoe. We hope; Sir 'Richard will get
it Mender], Mrs. Doak is not Well; she is
one of the old settlers. Mr. and ham
Watson are both out again intieh im-
. • • .
. It is repeated that Me John Coad and
Mr. Wesley Pattison have formed.t part-
•nership, • for . the purpose:6f buying and
shipping cattle end ether live stock. ' •
On Faiday evening; at the residence of
Mr. John Jablisee, Rev. MraScanlan, of
Belgrave circuitrwas made the recipient
of a purse of menet? at the beads of the.
members and -adherent e of tae brick
nhurch appointment. • The:. presentation
was Made, on behalf of the congregation,
by Masses Hanna and Jackson, A. mo-
tion, that a vote Of thanks be tendered
Cainpbell Ranee, for his unsparing
efforts in. collecting; was carried •uneel.,
inously, •An impromptu debate was Ar-
ranged; Mr. T. Agnew and Mr, Robert
Reilly selected sides; Mr. Reilly receiving,
the cheirmah's decision in his fever.
0. Hanna gaye an interesting aceount of
the toils and privationieof the pioneers of
this settlement; o;nd Dlr. Reilly closed the
literarypart of the :progremme-with
few. pointed remarksen teinperance. A
repast was thee served by the ladies, and
after indelgieg in a fewpleasant pastimes,
the guests clispereed tothcir homes. a
" filiLLETT. •
Mid Westcott, who has been learning
telex parents.
• A, wood bee wits enjoyed by it number
of bashWhacker's, on the farm of Mi.
Frater, on •the 14th -cone on Feb. 15th,
but whatehey enjoyed still better was the
adence" in the eyenieg, which Was kept
un until a late hour. . •
After a somewhat lingering illuess, Mr.
jonathatiaMcBrien, of tee base line; pass-
ed away on Tuesday lase He was fine of
the early settlete of thetownsalp, and had
a large cirele of acquaintances. His. re-.
Mains were interred in the 011titori ceme-
tery on Thursday aft L• ' -
On . Thuraday evenipg, Feb, 21st, it
social was held at the residettee of Mr. 0.
Ploody, the '13th cote of Rune%
Netwithstending, the inclemency of the
weather during the day, and the •keen
• frost in the evening,' there was a good
turn out and eonsequentlY a handsome
stud was realized, which gems t� aid the
-Mettaitlitt ministry at Blyth. Mr. and
Mrs. Fleetly are real church' eupporters
await would be better for the country if
there were more of that class.
eee•• '
Miti'of Meyer, of Whighene eppeared
before the Toronto city council on Wed-
nesday, Mid *eked thele co-operation in
getting a railway line constructed from
Wingliam to the neared piarit on the T.,
G. di B., the Own being willing to con-
struct .the road, provided the ritilwity
company weula eattip and rue it. The
council pasted a reeolation cordially en -
dosing the scheme. .
zeintolatemos 4.0 SON'
•beaatelsr.. John Brooks s very siek with dia.
lataMt wr.eSekV
. V.
anNorman froze hie. big toe
The 'herself of Mr.W.Johneton, ah con,
a Morris, got kicking the other day and
OUt themselves pretty badly.
The eldest eon of ,Mr. Robt. Armstrong
alied on Thursday. His remains' Were in-
terred on Saturday, in XeCutelieen's co`
• IneNt ebh hired lk horse tO go to Blyth,
on Saturday, and it took lame coming
home, and aa it eould not travel he .was
compelled. to foot it part of the way.
Mr. Archie Taylor has rented Mrs.
Morley's store and post office, and is ie
great glee; ina little while, if he perse-
veres, he may be GoYernor General,
Mr. WeDuncan is, now agent for tile
Nor-WesternAeriaultural impliment
feundry, London, and is making sales
every day, On Saturday he sold a steam
thresher and two'self-binders. The firm
he represents is one of the best in Ontario.
The 0, Y. Britains, of Bluevale, hela a
yerystiecessful tea party on Wednesday
evening, 2011 .inst. Tea was served in
the Orange hall, after which all repaired
to the C. X. churchfor the intellectual
portion of the programme. Speeches
tvere delivered by Mt...Wilson and Rev.
J. Hartley, of this place, and Be. Mr.
Moirieee; of Wingliama A. damn' their
furnished excellent music. On the fol-
lowing Friday evening a social was given
by the same order, in their hall,. An
election cake contest resulted ha a victory
for Miss Mary Johnston, of this place,
over Miss Bella MoVete, of Morris.
afessra. Tames Chid ,. Sidney 7ohnea.nd
Samuel Landsborough intend raising their
barns "and putting .stone stabling under-
neath, 'ben spring opens.
Mr. C.. S. Dickinson, of Qu'Amielle, N.
W. T., is at .present visiting his cousiu;
Mr. Chas. laciutledge, oft this township.
He says times in the -northwest are very
• dull, a great many of the residentsare
spending the winter in Ontario.
r. L. S.„ entertainment cominita
tee introduced a new waynf entertaining
the society on Tuesday evening. Abeet
•a *eek previous to this meeting they,un-
clertook to originate a local paper, Mr. A.
Cosens being appointed editor; , it was to
be conducted similar to other 10611 sheet;
but on muph more liberal terms. Notices
of marriages, etc., and all advertieements
inserted gratis ; terms, al per year, socaety
members free. The EVthaing EcheeteVot
1, Neal, was read before the Y.P.L.S. :on
Tuesday evening, Feb, 26th. • It was read
forathe most part by the, editor, who is as-
sisted, however, .by his-assistantand the
vice presidet of the society. The edito-
aials, local news,. correspondence, and se-
leetiotie wereof a steelier order, ana were
wellereeeiaed by all 'present. The. next
/gime will appear March llth. All ore
tespondence, looal„news, ete., to be sent
to J. 1% Landsborotigh, editor, not later
than Meech -10th.
. ••
• EAsT WAivANUSIi. „ •
• 'Mr. Pickard preached a Very eosl and
practical aermon on Sunday raornmg last
in the C. X, church,
Xr. Courtiee is adding considerable to
his stock. It is reported that the post
°Mee is to be continued in the f3a1:04 store'
A united meeting of the membership of
the C. M, and B, C. eburches takes place
on Saturday night, to Make arrangements
tar the two congregations to come together
next July.
viVal services are continuing,
The e
With encouraging results; it is thought
they cannot close this week. Rey. Mr,
Kenner preachediast (Thursday) evening
lathe C.M. church. • • '
A young tiori of Mr. .1. Trewitrtha, who
resides near this place, has been very HI
-with congestion of the brain, he has re,
covered fora this, and is now suffering
from a lung ailment. • ,
.A.CCIDENT.-On Tuesday last, as Mr.
Archibald McDonald was driving up the
hill from the Maitland river to Holmes.
.ville, hiateain fell over the bank; but for-
tunately sustained no injery.
The funeral of the late Jane 'Bali took
.place en Tuesday, A good number of
neighbors and Welds gatherea at her
step -father's residence, Mr. Colborne,
Maitland concession, and followeti her re-
mains tO the tall burying ground, base
• •--,
HOUSE, BuarrED,..7.Th0 frame dwelling
house of Mr, HWcItley, near this place,
was .burned on. Tu.eaday evening; eearfy
all its contents Were Bayed. '
F.4 TH. •
Fotaorne time pest cirealars luate been
sent otit front' this place, signed, A, W.
Garland, offering to supply counterfeit
Money. Although the local authoritiee
appear :6 have known who the party was
making these offers, no action was taken
to procu're hie arrest, eaul it wa.e left for a
reporter of the Hentilton 'Spectator, Mr,
Nichol, to work up a cast against "Gar1
land” and secure his arrest. Mr, Nichol
entered into correepandence with "Gar4
land" which led to the former's visiting
Blyth on Monday, ostensibly to proem*
greenbanks, in reatity.to secure the arrest
Of 0, Et:Martin, jeweller, who. turns out
to be the party representing Garland,
Martin was tried before Messrs. Wilson
and Drummond, J. Pa; wbo found seta.
cient macletice to commit hint for trial,
and on Ttiesdey.he was taken to Goderich
jail for that purpose. It is said that
others besides . hie]. are • implicated, and
while all.coinerned treat the matter With
indifibrenee, on the ground thet no 'mousy
was ever made, the offering of such for
saaealf proved, is itself a crime punishable
by imprisonment in peniteetiary. • ,
41.4 4,0
A tee • meeting was held at Bethany
Presbyterian chifrcba on Fraley evening
last, when, considering the etiteof the
weather and aioads,-,wita financially, and
otherWise, a zeccess. After, partaking of
lacartf-sepper, providt d by the ladies,
the caitir was taken by air. Jas. Dencan,
Who, after a -few brief remarks, called on
•tlae first speaker, Mr.'D. McGillicuddy, of
Goderieh, who addressedahe audienee for
some length of time ma we hardly know
,what, but had considerable to say on
what the. ladies had providedat the be-.
gieningaof the evening, but however,,
made ans remarks to suit all the young
folks, Thenet speaker was the Rev.
Mr. Turnbull, Of Goderich, who ably. ad-
dressed the meeting:on The week each
Christian should ataa and was' attentively
listened to throughout. There were eleo
several readings and recitations by Messrs.
Straw and Swanson, and 1Vaise
of Goderich. Geed music VMS, supplied
by the Olinton.choir; whose services were
gteatly.appreciated by all present. After.
the usual voting of thanks tc, those who
had taken part, the meetingwas brought
to a eloze by the doxology.
. ,
• ;ritn LICENSE lIpoDLE,
„ Whet Davin to be the outeothe of the
',menial -huddle is hard to , say, but one
thing We are sur e of -the lawyers will
have plenty to. de. In this county there
are two sets of:commissioners and inspeeL
tors, ana allrunning up expenses, which
atlaatpotleateake eomaellecl to pay, mad
:if all the Tory paaers fate as well la% did
the one here, their hearty support of the
aleCerthy Act can -Wally be 'explained.
Two advertisements were inserted calling
'foe Iicenie applieations to be receiVed up
. ,
to the aet•of March. To be ;legal -this
required thrae insertions hi- a :paper, but
as there Would not, be three regnlar in-
sertions of the Record, two speeial.'edi-
tione , were issued. We doubt if -this
woeld deed in lawabut, .the Record has
evidently followed thstructions, and the
people willazitimately pay far these extre
editions., '_A.s the Dominion. Ad gives
Provinces the power to fix the license fee,
the Ontario governatenthas Introduced' ti
'bill fixing hotel Beetled in towns at $260,
and we knew simnel hotel keepers who
are now bitterly eursieg, the Dominion
Government for having meddlewith the
matter at all, A. deputation o' LiCeneed
ictuellers waited on M. Mowat, on
Wednesday, and,asked for advice on tak-
ing out licenses under the Dominion and
Crooks Ade., Mr. Mowat replied that
the Crooks Aceivas valid and the Domin-
ion Act wit not, and he could not help
the victuallers in the =Iterate the ceittral
Government insisteed Olt recognition of
its Act. 'So it will bo sure ahatthe whele
thing will get into a prettemuddle.
Mr. James Neaten and, Mr. G. A. Cook
received nomination on Wednesday as
candidates for the °Mario Legislature
for South Carotid. -
ltev. Mr. Thonson, of Brumfield, tok.
Changed puipita on Sunday with Rey. Mr.
hStewart.eSablattlt evening aerYiee ef the
.Baptist. chureli now commences, at 7
Rev. Xr. Gray will give a eerknan on Bab.
beet Observance,. in the aiethediatchurch,
*a -Sunday awennig.
The pulpit of the Clinton Difethodiet
Church was occupied. en Sunday -by -lair,
r. eYolAII3g,°flattfL
Rev.. W.11.onlon Oldest Sou
of Mr, J. Butt, of the base line) occupied
the pulpit of the Olieton B. O. Church on
Tan meeting of the guild was
held last Monday eafalleae Reveal/Ire .
Craig coneiderecl Mark iii. Readlim,
were given by Mrs. Hearnahare. R. Irwin,
Miss Mobiles and Mr, Craig; a song wee'
treettcle"bey-4 bir118.18Csraigh,orMniroon., redelearquaanri -
Messrs. Craig and ICeefer.
'a-Irpon this subject Rey. j. Kenner,.of
Clinton, delieered an instructive tme
teresting lecture in the Horton Street
Bible, Christian church last evening. The
lecture took the place of the accustomed
anniversary tea end platform meetieg-
Rev, Mr. Kenner, in 'discussing his theme,
traversed the realms of poetry, historre
science and 13iblical ler; and brought be-
fore his hearers with lucidness and force • .
many striking characteristies, 'achieve-
ments and possibilities of that wOnderfut
• being -man. -London •Aelvereiser, Tues-
The London Advertiser, of Monday,
contained, the following :-The anniyer-,
eery services a the Herten Street Bible
Christian Church Were largely attendeclon
all three occasions yesterday. In thee
morning Rev. J. V. Smith, of the aYelling. '
ton Street, 0.M. Church, preached an ex-
celleet and instructive sermon, Rev, J.
Kenner,. of Clinton, ofliciating in the tat- •
ter chorch in place 6"f Mr, Smith.In the
ifterrioon Rev. Mr, Kenner eencluoted the .
seivicet. • His text was taken from Colos-
sians, chapter a, .11th verse: "When there
is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision
. nor uncircumcision, barbarism, Scythian,
bend nor free; but Christ is all and in all,'
Mr.. Kenner dwelt ably on this "tote and -
illustrated the 'works of the Saviour from
the.tinte•he came on'the earthatip to the ,
preeentaaday. He showed hew Ho had
Wetted's. few Men, from out of Judea' and
had seut them forth tea -attach the Gospel
•to all men'and he illustrated the results
of this Werlc. He 'showed how men w•at
but in his infancy in this world, and what •
testate *ere- yet to be 'obtained.
.Kenner preached a second yery able see. -
„Mon to a large corieregatioe in the evening.
. SKATING_scitem.s.
Since the .epeningol the Clinton Bkpt..
ing Rank it. has been very welipatronietscl, :
the carnivalsen particular being atteilded •
.by agreat many. On Friday evening the
following parties, represented the several.'
characters meetioneda : • •, .
Miamian Bolly-Siannter*. Jackson, Will.-LTeiliSA%yeri •
11 , ur Tacksom: rtfrs. W. -Squaw •
Combo, Luck Mason, J.-.Outck ion -keeper
Combe, Hugh B.Joelcey Jackson, Aggiehish Girl
oats. M.-Peasanoy Jarvis, , •
Coats,. Carrie -Old Woman Kennedy Ia.-Policeman
wile, lived in a slum . Kennedy, Jolin-Boston dude '
Ceats,M1a-Red itulinglinod's Laing, elm -Fish Milian
• Grandinother • aleKown; Lla-Red Itflood.
Cola, Ry. -01 , 3fcGarra Apie-Red It. lieod
Cooper, Romer -Burglar• Pay,.0(10. lt.-Fat Riley
Nan, Nunit-Good Luck . Patterson: L..;-.Cliaaitv Girl
Dennion, 1/avid-Clown Reld„Jl
Dee-Gretis Widow
Fisher, A. -aurae a iloilger Reid, liate:-Switis aid
Fair, Nellie -Old Woman Bold, 020116-Ifni/se Old
For; Dottie young. High. fteDbleartths:taid,60.kacti,-Queen. OC
nderFair, Norma -Jockey Swarth, filectra-ltillan Girl •
Greig, Sadie -Duster - Vats, 0.-41acca or (route
Eva -101d Woman-
, Jdu
niai'vhiler.. Sammy, 8iinnie-4R. R. Rood
Gibson, nobt.-ffounteer Stevens. Lou -Rater
Holloway, Al liert-Jook eY liivhialikvie.1,ownsittrv,oluuliistreeerizwlu v
Ali.autt.i_e-Rjolditv 01.1E8444 mike,. pat_tirenum
Jackson, Yr:OM-Oarsman Webb, Win.-4,eo et the Alpe
The 'second contest for the threeentle
ehampionship and cup came oil' on Mon-
day evening, and was a elite° run between .•
Lie Stevens area Charlie Spooner, the
former -being staceessful. , tee' new
won the cap twiee,• and hes,yet :to Wit it '
again before: he incomes ite possessor. :It ,
is .more thee probable4hat it Will be-
come his preperty, as there is evidently ' -•
no one here • that can eked' him. ' The .
girls' race for apair skates, Wag won
:by Miss jcisie Scott ; the barrel aaee,
Alex: Buchanan„ and the pool race by 3.• •
rhe ilve-mulee. 'tinted for. $26:it Aide be*.
tween L Steveee, of Clinton, and O..
Donagie Of Goderich, came Offen. the rink
here on Tuesday evening, and was wit-
. riessed by it yery large crowd.. The Gode-
pallets had'been blowing about the •
speed of their fayorite, and the spectators
at. tbe rink expected to,itee'one who could •
skate with some degree of speed, but from
first to last Steaens siMply eleyed With
•Donagh, t tidies eyen skating backwards,
and beat hart with the greatest woe. ,
On Saturday afternpon,next a carnival
far little teakswill be given, when a great
Tbe lest carnival. for tho sewn will b
held on _Friday eVentlagnexte-aaaaola 7th.
St. Leuis lick drove
,another tinil hilts political collie yesteie •
day when: it voted $80,000,000 additional
Aebt for it railway subsidy, ited Meader, •
drove iM nail in ,liao Attlee el tut .extea. -
five-centalariff. neighbors sirealy
have not sense enough telly° ; that i all
that can be said about it, • • •
. .
• Titn votes taken iti the Douai/eon Pae-
liament show plainly that 'Sir Jobe -hid
complete control of his Miami/ars, . and
right or wrong -and more frequently "
wrongthaa aight-athey tt
If he were to bring in a bill to drill a hole
auto their skulls and scope out what little .
braies they possess, they, would vOte it
through the House. •
The Tories have again given emphasis
to their profcesions of unbetteded patriot. •
• ism by deciding by 61. majority that the
Pacific Railway Company shall make '-
Portland their Atlaiitinermieus in pre.
ferenee to any port in the Maratime Pro.,
vinces. They have also deelared by re-
jecting Mr. Watson's amescae,ciet that •
Manitoba and the North:Wed thall remain
suDject to Syndieate monopoly. ,
Chicago &WS t -Sir John Macdonald,.
the Canadian Prettier; has bought the
• support of forty-two French Canadian. re.
presentatives, ,promittieg Qatilese"
better terms." The Premier's Strait '
must laa,ve been desperate to have forded , •
him to suele an expedient, whieh was both
dishonorable and costly,