HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-22, Page 5I •-••••••,••••••rpet ho Makes Your Boots? CRUICHANK., THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS. OF Men, Women and Children's Boots & Shoes. Spring Stock well assorted, and complete in all departrpents I4L GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CAKill • C. CRUICKSTIA.NK, BRICK BLOCK CLINTON • • • . • • TAKE NOTICE. 0100 new,. Fr 6 • At the NOTED PIU, COATE and Sl'ICF?1:10ITSF 000 S. PALLISER • • Ci...43111N9E7C),IN., . , e MFM 1R 31.z.4,7r IVI IS THE PLACE TO BUY yOTJB. CHRISTMAS GOODS. CHOICE NEW FRUIT . . • . . ' .AT SHARMAN'S' GOOD TEAS AND COFFEE,. AT SHARMAN'S- • PURE SPICES . • .. •.1 , .AT SHARMAN'S- JONAS" CELEBRATED EXTRACTS ... AT SHARMAN'S BEAUTIFUL CHINA AND G-LASSWARE..: AT SHARM.A.N'S SPLENDID LOT OF GIFT CUPS & FANCYARTIOLES AT SHARMAN'S Goode ddvred, Farm Pro ace taken. :'ALOERTSTRItT LINTOit Hoar the Market • 1.7 Desires to call special attention to ,his stock of China and *Granite Of all kinds, suitable for Christmas, presents. • • • are, Also, the finest Confectionery to be had, Fresh Fruit; Canned . Goods, • JOHN CUATINGHADIE. GROCER,' CLINTON.- . QUEEN CITY 'OIL COI .... zuim FOR gALE. • LOT 18, CON. 6,HIULLETt Condisting of 100 acres, situate abont three Miles from the rapidly grOirbig town of Clinton. Well inaPreved, under good cultivation, splen- did soil. Well watered, and usual advantages Terms liberal. W. W. PARRAN. Clinton, Sent. 11, 1883, 1' • -i' '1 1_ ? 1 1 /1,7 1 'f, GOLD MEDALS • Awarded at Toronto, London „and Guelph, in 1883, for. • • EERLE &HER MACHINE. OILS., • "kr Salp b all Plrat-qtaarZealima. Every BarrerGuarantead. • ,t SAMUEL ROGERSiager, • vial . . SO Front St, East. Toronto:. • Par. FARMS FOR SALE • THE undei:signed offers for sale Let 29, Rh von. Code/deli tONVISki p, epritnnying 10 acres ott which 15 erected a brink hoUse. with stables, orchard, &c. The land is good PletitY of lvater Also,Lot 20, 100 Cott. Goderich tOwnship, eo11. titining aeres, 20 in fall Wheat. Ilarns. stable erchard, two good wellS, 6011: gond, ..fte. Wil1 be Sold singly or together. •• ROBT: COIN. Clinton; LIMBO:1k WANTED at: ORGAN, PACTORY. • We will pay cash for '• BUTTERNUT,. WItITE-: • ••ASH AND BA-swrotrp-,--,, Inch thick; clear, WI;10 boards. Also 4 x x2 • MAttias Sertrertrxm • . .• DOHERTY-4r, (1). Clinton; .but. 23,.1S14.' .• • • • a"' adapted to both sexes, young and old.--Irou can °redly' earn front 50 cents. to SA every evening. That ail who want WOrk may test the bosIttess, we snake this ttii ^45 paralleled offer; to elLivhe are hot. well:stitisfieti. 174;3,:cor.641117$:=1r4:-'''''":2-...E" • se • will nninl$1. to pay for the tniblo.of. writing us, Pull. ' • , IDLINTOX 1111AlttliiElrei . Thursday, Feb. 22, 1884. Wheat, scot old . ..81 00 a 1 05 " iiew . - - 0 65 a 1 00 White wheat, old . 1 00 a i 05 " new . ,,, .- 1 00 a 1 00 - 100 a 105 0 n a 0 52 13arley, . - 0 45 a 0 50 Peas, - . .'. 0 65 a 0 70 Flour, . - 4 00 a 5 50 Potatoes, .. . 0 45 a 0 50 Butter, . . • 0 16 a 0 17 Eggs, - . 0 21 a 0 22 700 a 800 - 050 a 075 Sprixst, Ray* - - Sheep pelts . Lambskins, 0 60 a .0 75 Beef, - 50 a 7 50 Pak, . 6 50 a 7 50 • About Us Ali Constipation makes half the people sick. Yon are dizzy, have bad breath, and taste, _can't eat, can't sleep well, head, aches, ner- vous'irrritable. Can't work it off, can't rest it off. Well, your Liver must be invigorated. Your food must digest properly. Now save. a doctor's bill with a bottle of ZO-BE-SA, Yen will be surprised with a few doses Ze- pesa is a positive care for theee troubles, be - ;cause it acts upon the $tomach and Liver the system and Bowels Mustobe regulated. Aide for a movie. • MTYSIO. MS NELLIE 1110.1.141ES is 'prepared to gto lossons on the Piano or Organ to a limited number of pupils. insfruCtien given at the homes of pupils, if desired. ' LxCENSE INSPECTOR'S NOTICE—ALL persons wishing to obtain License for the sale of Liquor for the ensuing License year, are buoy notified that their application must. be in My hands before the lst day of April next, STEPHEN1 YATES, Inspector. Goclerloh, Feb. 13, Mt • 4T OT FOR SALE—The Subseriber offers for sale on very reasonable terms, a two acre lot situated across the fiver, Just outside the Corporation of Clinton. • Splendid -place for a Market .4-,arden. having .been worked by Mr. J,„ Copeland; of Whom all particulars can be • obtainea, or to R. MeMORDIE, Kippen. LOT AND 1B1UILDING FOR SALE.—Lot 847, on James street, akeining the Grand Trunk Railway Station, withiarge new Album building, suitable for a mill or ,warebease, will bo sold on very moderate terms., Apply to ALEX, CAtintRI,L, winghtun,..er to in. HALE, Clinton. , NOTICE—At a meeting of tile Directors of. the Londesboro Butter and Cheese Manu- facturing Co., to be held at BELL'S HOTELerin MO,NDA.Y, FEB..25th, -at 3 part.. the contracts for hauling eream on the several routes will be • let. Owing to•the success attending last year's operations, the Directors- are confident of a." largely increased business during the present • W. L. OUIMElTE,. Some _ . b.LACRISSIITIP SHOP TO RIENT—THE 1-1 blacksmith shop on Huron Street, Clinton, ormerly occupied sby Mr, Thos. Redmond, is -offered' to rent. Two forges and -plenty of roora This 18 11 first-class stand, ejgoed business being de/Where by the late wunam Rowell, and ethers. Will bo rented for a.term of years, Or otherwise, at a reasonable rate. .Apply to • JOHN STEPHENSON, Clinton, • • OLD.CLOT'HES FOB SALE.—Coats, vests, pants,- caps, socks, mitts,*,c ,•to Rt old age down to in- fants. I. ant home on Mondays. Any person having rags or truck in my line, can leave word a my house, and twill fetch it and give valuo.• All debts due Mary Marton's estate,- must be paid to save trouble. Paper- ing, painting, and jobbing of that sort done by GEORGE 'BENTLES. A ood strong boy wanted. • V, ?gang N , Pedler, Box 04, Clinton. .• :PROPERTY FOR.SALE. Lot 203, 'south' side of Rattenbury Street, in the Town of Clinton, containing one-tplarter of an .acre, with several bearing fruit trees; and cottage with six rooms. now occupied by Mr. Harland, 11180 hard and soft water. '. Also; a house awl part of Lot 'number '51, in the. first, eoneession• of *Tuckersmith,, (Loudon road). containing two roods and four perches of land, with smiteyonng fruit. trees and hard and soft water ; no*: (Neu -pied by Mr. Geo. West. . Also, lot .No, 724, a Spencer street, Clinton, cotapilsing.onequarter acre land, with House of eight rooms.large stable Ana good well. ' to JOSEPH ROWELL, *, At Mrs. Hodcens,, Joseph St., Clinton. Wheat; Oats' k' Barley. Ita-e apiminted•MB. waTsox, oI onutoil, agent ior the sale -of in unequalled • ' 'NEVADA SEED; 'WHEAT,- MAIIIMOTIrWHITE'o.bas.. ..•. AND BARLEY. . . And samples of thee grains may be seett 11.14 FLOUR and PEEDSTORE, where orders tray be left.- At the Provincial and Western Fairs 'last fall, these ,grains carried everything- before them, and farmers. will find them the hest for seed In the market. 'CALL PM SEE THE SAMP.LES.• • . , W. RERILL ' fo rill. 117110: •Inatilq01/1 Premier', • - • . . 1,AMPS,IIQNGS,•SAGGLE BAGS, AND FULLLINE OP FITTINGS IN STOOK. Send 3e. stamp for catalogue and list Of ew and linettlen's Arnica Salve. The best save in tbe world for outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tatter, chapped hande, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, Or no pay required. It* IS guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction'or money refunded. Price 25 mats per box. Watts de Co, Sale Register. Barra Stook, &e., en Wedneeday, tFeb. 27, of Mr. Geo. Johnston, gravel road, near Clinton. D. Dieltinson. auctioneer. FARM, farm stook, me., of T. Biclby, lot 24, von. 7,Hallett, on the 20th inst. The farm contains 96 acres, 85 cleared, has good frame buildings, and only 31 miles from Clin- ton. auet, 'ARM noes, etc, of Mr. W. Deer, 5 & let 86, con, 14, Hallett, on Tuesday, Mare4 4, 0. Hamilton, mot. Berm stook, &o., of Mr. A. Arnot, lot 25, Con. 12, Hallett, on Monday, March ard. All withoutreeerre. C. Hamilton, Auetioneer, FAnx stock, cte. of the late B. Cook, lot 17, eon. 2, Hallett; ou Monday, March 3rd, D. Dickinoon, auct. If feeling old—renew your youthful vigor by using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It will vitalize the blood, recinit the wasting energiee, and build up Mit, system. ° • Mr. Bradlaugh has beeu again elected for Nortbainpton.: • , • There are '7,000 millers on strike in• • the Pittsburg region. , • • A terrible storm swept over the State of Georgia on tiesday., • 'The.Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario •West is in session at Alliston. • • Th -Prince of Witlea has made a•per, senntintlieUtibif of the poorer quartets of.London. A. Philadelphia ilxol was fined $100 for publishing: an: advertisement Similar to a postage stamp. A, W. Lauder, the Conservative member for EMI; Gray; in the Local, died suddenly at Toronto, -Wednesday. The Mail charges Mr. • `Blake with' attempting to buy lip tile Conservatives, of. Quebec, . and support him in the HOuse, Irk the Om* is absurd on the fabe of it, and has been: flatly denied in -the :House, which • was hardly •iie7 emery.. . • . A petition in favor of ,tlie Rivers and Streams Bill has been signed by niariy prominent . Conservatives as •well as ,Liberals in the neighborhood of Carle- ton where the necessity for such. 11 measure 'is adrnitted ;on all hands. ed at the present session :of tlie The bill will undoubtedly be aemin pass- 1 GAO' OCITTON TAVEEDS. lature. • • ' .• - Winnipeggera are holding up 'their. and, slibiiting."prodigious" at the Wonderful growth of their school yopti- • • _ lation. Less than four years ago one school with- some. half dozen. teachers 2 Cdses. Cana sufficed fur ell purpoSes, 'but notv 111 spite of the dozen schools or thereabouts. and the half hundred teachers, all the class. minis aro ciowcled to their utmost Capacity, and. many 'children have to be turned away feti-want of room. .•This t, evicleUee of substantial :growth which. canuot be eoutrovertea. Southern California is suffering 116avi-. 1E3 'VT ly.from Iliods. The lower portion of Los Angelos is: completely intindated, hundrees of families being.compelled to : . • seek the hilla.• The, Southern PaCific. ' . California. Southern R. fl 's are . waAed out, and travel all.direction • a San Jo'quin valley, the flomls are the ew .TOWELS.: is suspended; In the southern portion heaviest 'ever known.: . • . • , SPRING. the .•-GPODS PALAcsi ; • . 400 piecesNEW PRINTS, lovely patterns, 2 Cases of EMBROIDERIES very cheap, • 10 Bales of COTTONS and SHIRTINGS, • • Thousands of our young men are con- tent to live in the lane towns and cities earning enough Money to.permit them to exist just comfortably, when if they owned, and would work,,a few tiaras of land, they would soon be independent. When land is as chew) as it is now in the south and westevery 'marl who knows he has not the ability to riSe high in Inninesi or professions, should make a strong effort to ownerioug of it to make a comfortable home.---ItTorth.• western Lumberman. • Thomas Drake,.3vho absconded .from St. Thomas, •IS87, after uttering, forged paper to the:amount of $20,000, has 'nen trace4 to Indiana and will be "extraflited for the old.•ofilinee. 75 pieces new CRETONS the loveliest patterns we ever showed, very ell -bap. 0 pieces new CARPETS. a • • scconiNimitt niachinesin stock • •• ' •• ' •-• • -A Tt LAN' E • MONT1IF • . . GO, rifor.the working, class: Send 10 cents •for L jY0stage, and we willtnailyoh free, a royal, - valuable box of sample goods that will put you in the way of making more' money in a few. days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. . We will start yon. You eau work ell .the time or in spare time only. The work is university • f.•••• particulars, diteetions„et,ent free, Vorttnien will r .C1 F"•-.4,9' C'd r• r•••• 4.1 . • — *;,;('r 1,,r1 ho - = _Notice to Creditors! TN PURSUANCE OF onAvrtit NINE, SEGTIoN -Lone, 40Vie. Statutes of Oftttitio,:nOtien itis hereby given that all creditors having claims against ,•the es- tate of William .10»kins, litte of the township of °ode - rich, in the coupty.of Guren, yeoman, itrho --died on the seventeenth day of Irannow 1884, are to send try post, prepaid, or deliver to lif„„ears, .1.totito & Scott, of the town of Clinton. solicitlYnt for/the Executors:, or no estate, of the said Willlarn.Jenkins, deceased, on ..tatoin.: containing their ',AMOS and inItliessed.-and or beforithe 20th day of Vein -nary A, D. 1884," a till parti /tars of their claims, and of the securities (11any) held by them, and that, after the said last • mentioned date 0°1/neuters of the sidif estate -will proceed to pay the said elAnns agniikt, t he satd (10 ceased.to the parties entitled thereto regartLbeitig lioti only to the claims of which notice Itas limit,. reed vdd 114 above required, and that the sold execute's will not be•liablesaitIassets or any )art tliereof, to any person or persons of 'whose elainis initiee shall riot have keit received at the title of stud, distribti- lion.. Dated February 70, 1804. • • NNINCI & SCOTT, • Solicitors for 14.8emtors. 'PUMAS IIOWLANDIENNINS I • z, a.. MelEit]lONZIJB VrOprietor of the above establishment. IS now ' stOppitig at the COMMERCiAL HOTEL, son, wliot-o he will remain till tlie stall of RM.,' for the purposeof reeelving-suirlawmaohnies- for repaits, therefore those having machines that require repairing, will do wo I by calling on hint at 'the above Hotel, daring MIS week, rind twinging their intichines With them. Me bits also with Min 31 largo Stock of path Of ma- chines, also Slitittles, Olt of tho boat Bobbins, serow Drivers, Del tst 011 Cans, Need- les, and attachments for •all hewing Machines made is the WOr141. All work guatanteed. Worders and Machines left at JACIRSON'il MOTTLING 81'01111 prohipily attended tO. 19: tLe `'"JOHINSTON'S SARSAPAMLL'ii* NUR CO10141111 117:: n' or Fur yang Lao . It ha's been la use for 20 yr , • Proved to be the: best 31i': inarket for Milt 1b 4t.0 _ THE SIDE OIL IIA.C1-f. PLAINT, PLUM'S ON Yi IA • , DYSPEPSIA, PILES, that Arise from a ,DItord. rod I.', • impure blood, Thousands ot 1: • people tato it and give it to • dren. Physlolans prescribe it di.,-. '3. • who tate Bono°. recommeml it to ohm r. 11 15 Made from Yellow I 'oak. Windy. P,;• ras SOSaparilla, Wild Chetry, Dandelkin, Sassafras, motel. liven. and 7,: other Well-known valuable RootR out tY Herbs. It is strictly vegetable, and can. net hurt the most delicate cOostitution. 111s One of the best medicines 1n use Cur Regulating the Bowels. —Itis 60141 by all responsible drttgoit'o at Cute dollar for a quart bottle, ee rix bottles for five dollars. Those who cannot Obtain a hallo of this medicine !'Om their druttitio may Send 319 one dollar, and We will sent: It to thole. 97. :10UN0T,Og.k 00,, Untaotatoo, Attrtmtwrio-nei, WATItst1 4.*., A gottis,, UiaHt� • bo made by those who give their. whole time to the; wok. .0reat success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. , Address 8m:sox d: Co„ l'Ortland, Maine, VICK'S FLORAL Per 1884 is an Elegant Book Of 110 i'ag,c1:;, 0 Colored • Plates of Flowers and Vegetables, end more than 1000 illustrations efthe ohoisist Mowers, Plants and A- ego - tables, and Directions for growing, It is handsome enough for a. centre table or a holiday Present. -Send en your nalne and Post 1,11100 tuldresst with 10 eents, ' and I wilt send yen n. Copy., postage paid. This is" not *quarto' of 11,4 sot 11 1* printei in both English and German. Ryon afterwards ' order seeds deduct the 10 -cents, Vielt's S4Cilflaro tho-hest in the world 1 The Floral Outdo will tell how to got and grow them. V1014,.}'lOw011 mut Vegetable Darden, 1715 Pages, 0 Colored Plates„ 500 Dogravings, For ;A cents In pa- per covers ; 3.1.00 In elegant cloth. in Dorman or L • VIck's Illustrated Itontiliv 31agaslite-32 pages, a colored plate in 014103?number atultuntiv fine mgrot ngs. rico t,1i ti, ;tear , hive ( oples Specimen n timbers sent, for 10 cents ; Viol copies for • 9.1 cents, .. • f• MX, Rochester, N. Y. . • : . i Oase LACE CURTAINS. _ • '; •. • p • • . , • ome and see us. Our prices are right.11 Diana r Before you place a dealer's i worth of Newspaper havertle- „ free upon application. o.oitratot pavers oheerffilly furaishedo state of the late John flodgens fug, got bttr prices. The °luta cost of any paper, or list of tgr'settit for Now Catalogue. ' . '41a C. HOUGH; Advertising .Agent, ' Dry GrOOd Pittuce of C•lintox And IIttroli County, ROMS 11140011, Detroit, Mich. •,.• • •