HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-15, Page 7• 151 188.. a 1 05 6;t a 1 .00 00 a. 1 05 00 a 1 05 00 a 105 31 a 0 02 r 65 a 0 70 00 a 5 501 45 a o 50 10 a 017 21 a 0 22 00 a . 8 00 50 a 0 75 60 a 0 75 6.50 a 7 50. 50 a 7 60 NEW PERFUMES. 000 LOTUS OP THE MILT•., ALPINE LA\ENnEIt BOQUET, and all of I.UBIN'S -ODORS. , FIAIIL BRUSHES, COMBS, TOOTH AND NTAIL. BRUSHES; - TOILET SOAPS, COSMETICS, &C. JA1viFG 11. COMB +,, • • CLINTON, .ONT. t_'lEEM1ST AND DRUGGIST, The Popular Dry Goods House,. Spring Goods to ' t!s!'ita:1"11g*"' Two Cases Prints, . Three Bales Grey Cottons, Two Bales Brown Duck.. Tyo Bales Cottonades. irteen Cases Boots and Shoes Winter Goods at, Reduced Prices. . ' .VVI L. OUIMETTE, • Comte. a, cuts, barns,; f Vaseline, Car- d' cure any sor-. fail, Call at J, get a paoltage. oats. c,. is prepared to give a limited number .of e homes ,of pupils, if —Coats, vests, pants, lit old ago ,down to in T. ;Any person having ears word at my house, lue. All debts due Diary to Here trouble. Paper - of that sort done by GEORGE boy wanted. - N, Pedler, Box 04, Clinton.. 'OR SALE. . 6, HUL' LETT, Ores, situate about three dlbgrow�ting town of Clinton. der good cultivation, spien- ered, and usual advantaged W. W. k'AIURAN. 1883. .... NTED at 'ORGAN FACTORY, e will pay. cash for WHITE B -U 1TL' RLl IIT, {Y HI•{,E AND .BASSWOOD, •, wide boards. Also 4.x 4 and 2k x 2k 11'. DOHERTY & CO, 5, MS FOR' SALE • erelgned, offers for sale Lot 29, Oth derioh township, containing 80 acids a erected abriok house, with stables, •o. Tide land is'good; plenty of water - ,:..... '.._...,ted _•_-. .. .. 16ueklen'a Arnica i$alve. I The best Save in the world for cuts, bruises, i sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, dapped panda, chilblains, Boris, and all akin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay .required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Watts it Co. i M,Q.NNING &• SCOrT Barristers, .. Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS &c. Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba, PRICE - - TOWN-'dlyt.,, OLINTON. MoNEX. MONEY. riilIE undersigned haro'made arrangements for the 1, handling, of a largo amount of Private and Com- pany Funds, for loans on real estate this winter, at owest rates of interest and moderato. charges. LOANS rROMM'Lr ¥ADt. DIANNINO & SCOTT, TOWN BALL, CLINTON 110 V ►JE pT ply NEW ERA. SALE OR TO ce. go:1 t'010n4d moi 0#hi'i'' Crilxt4L.. MARRa,GE LICENSES.—APPLY TO THE undersigned at the Library • Rooms, Smith's Rloolc. . ,. .30. . . JAMES SCOTT. DA. FORRESTEiR, CONVEYANCER, LANA, • Insurance and Gonorai Agent.. Money to loan'. Orrice, BRAVER Bums, Clinton, Ont,. • j'tiONEI TO 'LEND IN LARGE 011 SMALL .LtL suis on good. mortgage security, naoderate ate of interest. ti, HALE,: Clinton. H. , DOWSLEY, M. D.,'M. C.R. S, ENGLAND Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office and residence next Molson's Bank, market sgpare, Clinton. DR. AI0PLETON.—QPFICF,,=-AT RESIDENCE ion Ontario street, Clinton,oppositetlio English 'Church. Entranee by side gate. oYOUNG, M.. B•, (GRADUATE OF TORONTO •Unttereity,)Pltyeioian,Surgeon, &a., residence at DIr..Manning's, throe doors east or the Temparanoe 13ali,Londesboro,Ont. ' • AAB. PROGD.FOOT, CIVIL • ENGINEER, . Provincial and ]Dominion ],ant] tiurt•eyor, Architect and Draughtsman, 1'1!unIN BL.oclt, Clinton, DDICKINSON. LICENSED ALT(:TxoNEER • for the County of. Iluran, Sales attended to promptly. Charges moderate P.esidence Albert St, Clinton. jj��� It. $Juste I`,ACI�SLON{t, teachoos of \:oral atfd 11�-Instrusnental music Ratteraburi;streot, uoarDr. gan Factory.N. 11—Singing Cl:iss non ttrmlhg, Violin Lessons g iron. • Clinton, Feb. 10;1882. t29,10th con, Goderieh'township, On; ry OHN' METC AEEE,' VetorinaryScrgoon, from the' •el .1to3 at College pf \`eterinary 9urgti ,i •o( England. Telegraphy osptttehes attended to at once. Wren ANI' RESIDENce, ONTARIO STREET,, CLINroN.. .• 0 acres, 29 in fall wheat. Barns, stable two good wells,' soil good, .Co, Will be gly. or together. ROBT, COATS, Clinton, SEED .. eat, Oats &' Bailey, re appointed D[R. THOS WATSON, of Clinton, nt for the sale of my unequalled • EVADA. SEED' WHEAT, . MAMMOTH' WHITE OATS •' • AND BARLEY. And sainples of these grains may be seen RUM; FLOUR and PEED STORE, where orders may he left'. At the Provincial' and Western Fairs last. fall, theta grains carried eycrything befero thot(t,, and fayipers will find.theist the best for seed hi the market. CALL AND,SEE THE SAMPLES, 'Stir ii L, Soafartit. A sleeting of those wishing to. go to the west andnorthwest, will be held hi the:. TEMPERANCE HALL• ,=- •, Clinton, on . 'SATURDAY, FEIi. 16; • 1884 Oointneneing at i p:ln,: whou several Railway • Iepre$.Orltatives will lie present,_ • JAMV[F]S TI1OMP50 1,. • • Town Agent G.T.R:.' .. QUEEN CITY OIL 'CO GOLD MEDALS Awarded at Toronto, London and • .. 'Guelph, in 1883, for • PEEBLES AND'OTHER MACHINE' OILS. F'or Salo by all First-0laso Dealers.. Every Barrel Guaranteed. ainTEL .R OGERS, Manager. 30Front Str East. Toronto. A , HALE Wishes youall a Merry Christailas, -and-woitttl like 1015 alt to emit and see ills grand • i:p1iy of h:Mii arg: iL Plash, Natural' 11'I iwcrs, t3 blas,' Autograph and Photo, Albums • Of eXaepnisite bountyy� Just arrived, some ting OlIROMO •AN'I) .PIiOTO.PEAIdI:S, OPAIld lots of 'other nice thiligs sintable.for Christrnaia present's, A'tt A HALE's ' O LEAP STORE/ • et` DIt.. 1SBEI t'F7=CFFiCE Ii'ATTENBUISY ,ST.—. Murray Block, twit doors oast of,. Hodgons' en- trance. Residence,' opposite the Temperance Hall, Heron Street, Clinton. Office hours, 8 a.m', to.6 p.m IT RS, W81fTT,TEACHER OF MUSIC. PUPILS lrl attended at their own residenee,ifnecessary. Re •sidenee, John Robertson's, Huron' Street, Clinton. R[co's new method taught if desired. , S'TANRURS, GRADUATE OF THE MEDI AT Dopar mU entofViotorianiversity,Toronto,for. D aR ,merly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York Coro:101er the.Cotlnty ot'Fluron,BayQeld,Ont. • hW. WSLLIAM8 B. A.,,M.B.,GRADUATE OF ,.Torouto University; member of theCollege of Phy , .elohimesuit Surgoone Ont Oe'rrcg.t Br,SSDENCE the houeeforreorlyoceupied by Dr Rede, Albert street Clinton... DP. WOl TBING'.1015, PIIFSICIAN, SURGEON l..! 4eeonaliour Licaatiatcpf tiro OollegeofPhysfoian.' and Someone of LowerOahada,atid ProviucialLicen, 'trite an'dCoronorforthe CountyoIHuron .. Ottceaad residence, Ths;.building forrner]y oaex.e1ed by Mr-• Tbwaltos, Huron"yltreot: • ' Ol tnton; Jatt.l0, 1871 : `WILKIE .:& WOOLVERTON. f1AI LS.attcneli tl to'at all hours. (1111t -c throe ki doors south of. the Post Otllee, Victoria St., Clinton. .. • • tom_ C. CAIRTWRLGJIT. 7. l) N. of Stratford, will'visit.Clintcn•and, be at -the Grand :Union Hotel erery second Friday -in the month, where be prepared to attend patients, professionally. Thohdmulistration of Nitrous Oxide'. (las or Vitalised Air, given to patients when required for tho painless extraction cif:teeth. tors—67. . MISS CREIC MUSIC TEACHER, C[ INTON. • is prepared to take e. limited number or. pupils on. Piano or Organ, at. her residence, dluron St having taken a hull course .ef- Instruction in teaching and playing from Dr, Carter; of Toronto, • she fools conii- dent that site eau give satisfaction tolhcr pupil,. uuLASI,HTII. SJIOP'T0' R7:111T 1'ii]i DCI blacksmitit shop on.1.111 i Strout Clinton;: ',bttnorly"occupied by'Mr..Thos. Reilirlbnd,is. 'offered tb rent. Two forges and plenty of room This is ft3i.rst'olass:stand, a' geed business being, done .tore by the late, William Rowan, and. othens Will be rented for a term of years; or otherwise, at. a, reasonable rate.. of, to 3011iN,:SEEPHENSON, Clinton. .' R. H. HOLMIES, SolicitorSupremo Court 40 pi CeS.:fle'W'• CARP TkCIC UI. . (AT Id ! "5—WINOHA7I &C BLYT1'I. ]n Blyth ever; ,Thursday. ('olloetionS' apt clttitns promptly and reliably attended to. PRIVATE FUNDSto lend at lowest riltii,Jsf interest. ..n ST OPENED ! FOR SPRING. At the 11-17 COODS....PA 00 ,pieces NEW PRINTS, lovely ° patterns; 2 Cases -of EMBROID .TT very cheap, 10 Bales of'[ COTTONS SHIRTINGS, �. Case COTT.O1 TT'ED f 2 Cases CanadianTW''.. EEDS for Spring Suits. ew TO �TNa�Ns.. '5 piece vnew. C.ETONS 'the loelest; patterns•we w.: ever showed, :very cheap. :Pi'1OPERTY. E()12 S &L ,• Lot 203, south side of RattO,nhnry-,$ttect, in theTown of Clinton, containing ane -quarter of an .net•e, witk savaral bearing trait trues. and cottage witll.six 100111s,. note occnliiedt' * Mr. .a. . Flarl nd, also -hard and soft water.. • ;Also, >ti 1(01180 0-W •ptert'of Lot nunib,r 51, r'n the first eenCOSSiou of 'Tttokersinitll, (London road) eontalning two roods at111 four pperclres 03' land with seine young fl int•tr ees and herd and Bolt water ; now occupied by, Mr.. Geo. west.'. ' Also, lot No. 724, on Spencer•street, Clinton; couiprising one-ryttarter note land, with House of eight r0onit, large stable•and rood well,. Aimiv to JOSEP.IT tOWJILL. At il[rh. IlodgenS', .fotOph St., Clinton. • 11iJILDIN4* MATERIAL WANTED._-_ 1Vanted, tt ryuhnti'ty or binding Stnnc and Sand,' All pal•ticula,wwill befeu nishedon applltattion'tethe Come. and see us.' Our prices: undersigned. TA ase NS. a W'. C. SEA14LE, Cllintoti. are : right. . . , 1-...01` FOlt SALE --Tho Hubseriter oii'ors for .■ • sale cn very reasonable terms, It two acre lot situated across„the, river, Inst outside tete eorporation Of Charm, Splendid viten for a market garden. having -been Worked by Mr. ,1'. Copeland, of whom all particulars can be obtainer, or to 1.1. McMORDiR. Kippen. wnt y DT. AND iRVILJ%INGi Fon SALE. --Lot L 347, on James street, adjoining .the (.rand• 'trunk Railway Station, with large new frame' building, suitable for a nulli or warehouse, Fill bo sold on very moderate terms. Apply to ATE', O.\ytrnir;r,f„ Wingifam, or to 1i. HA(E, Clinton. TOCRE AND LOT ERR RALE —A good cottage, centrally situated, 011 tiro'old "Peter Grant^ property, Alport Street, near rt1t0 rosid Ottee of lir, W. Calltelrn, eontaining Mt teems, Wend ailed, bard and soft water.— There are on the property bearing front trees. Thu 110us0 is nearly anew. I' or further particu- lars apply to 1:. ("()1'llf:1"1', Clinton, Woollen bltll9, . • Estate of 4lielao John Bodgeis Dry Goods Palaco of Clinton Blind 1-ttiron, County. d'