HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-15, Page 514 OOL 3E3C)C;) • stock - all the Booksused i» the High Common Schools, .and and Stationery of all kinds. COUNT BOORS AND ENVELOPES, •pb,eap. R>Yid of good` quality. I Buy a Cheip able price, and go where you are mare that you will get .it we'll trimmed and made by.firat-clams. workmen; • . 0 Zig HAL will not be. deceived, and we will riot take off 10 or 20 cents on the dollar, " but will sell as cheap as any house in Town. TO . DICK EAU If' you want a nice and cheap CrVERCOAT.— L Come and 'get a SUIT cut in .the latest style, perfect fit. If you want a good PAIR OF PANTS; go. tc the OAK HALL, fit with ease and cgmfort. Grp to the OAK HALL, you will find it to your ntage to examine our stock before you decide elsewhere, • • MEMBER THE PLACE;—NEXT DOOR TQ. TIIO.IIPSON tc4 SWITZF,ES M. 'FZ O �... 'OAK HALE.BEA. VER BLOCK; CLINTON. Krises'* MUM Llahtntugi the only oohae�rNeuralgia, Toothache, @a. Rubbing ew amps briskly is all that isueeded. No taking nauseous medioiaes for wake, but one min. ute's application .removes all pain and will pprove the great value of Krar's Fluid Li hta ing. Twenty-five cents' per battle at J. I•f. Ogmbe's,.drug store. PRRSOINTAL AND I'QLITICAL. The estimates for the Dominionwhich were laid on the •table of the douse of " Commons on. Thursday, by the Finance Minister, reveal en extraordinary state of affairs'. Thereis, in round numbers, X30,, 000,000 of an increase asked for services ;for 1884.85, when compared with 1883-84. To silk the people to pay thirty million dollars more for the present year than they'. did in»the put, with depression existing in every part of the Dominion, give, any ciaUy thing' but thae lileaaantunemployoutlooked, more espe- . Major General R. 4. A. Luard, coin- manding the militia of the Deminiop of Canada, is to be permitted t6 leave the opuntry with -hilt scilla ori; -The (,unseal is a good sample of the old school of arro. gant; over bearing, and insolent humbugs who are pitohforked into colonial peai- tions where they imagine they dan swagger and swear to their heart's content. But `the day for that sort of thing has gone by, and this man who has openly insulted our volunteers upon moat°than one occasions. will be sent home, where he can engage with other cranks • in cursing a country which would have none of his ribald be.- haviour. • The Girearest Henning Compound Is a preparation of carbolic acid, vaseline and aerate called, McGregor & Parke -',s Carbolic Comte' It will cure any sore- cut, barn or bruise when all other preparations fail. Call at j. IL Combe's drug store and get a pask. age. Tweetyfive Bents is all it costs' .It would appear, from a comparison .of the recent division in the-Legislaturewith the first party vote in the third Parliament of Ontario, on Dth December, 1876, that the Mowat Government -is as strong now as then. In. the 'vote, eight gears ago; the Ministry was.anstained.by 44 to 33-a ma- jority of 11. New there is a clear inajori.. ty of 12, with t'wo:elections to take place ; that are almost certain to reauit in favor of the Government: - ,At this rate. of, pro._ gress, Mr. Meredith will have to fret and fume, "lift -his arm to htven"•=as the Tory reporters say he poses—for a very long time before he getsany nearer office than he is now. There never.' was', stronger,"all-round Government in Canada, than that which' Mr. Meredith has just failed to dislodge '. -fromcontrol ofthe affairs of Ontario. There is not a weak Member in it. They are anything but the iinbeoiles that the Mail has tried to paint them. They. +etre as' strong es a Or averment: whole ; ea3h marl is strong in his department, and in defending. it : they are old hands atparlia-. mentary tautics ; and in• all -that is im,plied by the terrns."managing the country" and "managing. the Boise" they are at home.. Man for roan, who can the. Csnservatives 'put up against them ? Mr.• Meredith against'Mr. A'Iowat•? Mr. Lander'againat Mr. Pardee ? . Mr. Creighton .against Mr. Hardy?. What three of the remainder are equal' to Mr. Fraser ? Theyrdon't compare; —:theyOrgan only contrast. -Toronto World.~.' , Weliave now on hand .one •of the largest and lest assorted stocks of Stovesin.: the. county: • VICTORIA. I3LOCE, CLINTON. WINTER GOO Blankets _ Bianke� Fur . _ Furs. ANDA Full" siucN Of all dr. goods rcquircd for cold,00lher TAILOIET. J. 0. C0LE is our Cutter .for this department, and the large number of orders he has filled during the past: season is the 'best evidence that could be desired of his ability_to suit all parties in style and fit, ~.`. A full $tock of Beavers, Meitons,. Heavy . Worsteds, Canadian Sco+.ch and English Tweeds. ClaR,oa Mits. A fresh stock of these goods at the lowest prices. TS &-SON, Clinton, ND:.SEE.OU:R;. STOCK •PARLOR IEA.TERS,l And BOX STOVES. ASF 0 `R=CMS. Of COOKING STOVES, COAL. STOVES, . We are selling very low A. large 'supply of CROSSCUT SAWS, AXES, COW CHAINS; VERY.CHEAP. BEST.NO 1 COAL OIL 20 OTS' :PEat GALLON 1 aRzs . BIos., Brick Block, sign :of the Padiock, "Clinton., wAyintis az F MISTS 1RUG-GrISTS Albert St>r set, Clio tole• The public will find our• stock of medicines coihplete, warranted genuine, and oi • the best quality. ' TOI'LET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES ;.--..AND--ALL KINDS OF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY''REPT IN A *FIRST._ CLASS DRUG .• STORE. - FORC - ri' THAT OUR, STOCK' QF MILLINER_ YFOR TH-E WI BVT'EkT RADE •Is NOiy GO1ViPL T - Our -Fall•Trade' •aY: great success': Matitles . at , greatly reduced prices', as • we aro determined to go out, of the Mantle trade. .General assortment of Dry'Ooods. Prices-,ri;'ht. li BEES • LEX� �.. 'BEAVERBLOCKS . .1 TER & • . ' .' " Who Editor's Tribune. ' 1 neron:P. Keator, Editor of Et. Wayne, Ind, "Gazette.," writes': For the past five .years hale always used•Dr.. I(ing's New Dis- covery;for coughs of,mast severe character,' as well as for those 'of .a milder type. :T. - never fails to effect 'a speedy cure. My friends to whom I.have recommended it speak of itin same high terms. Having been our - ed by it of every cough I have had. for five years; I consider itthe-onlyreliable and sure cure for Ceeghs, Colds, etc."• Call'at Watts & Co'a Drug Store and get a free trial bottle. Large Size $1; - PHOTOGRAPIERS, CLINTON SULPHUR AND RON ETERS will cure dyspepsia, heartburn, ma: lane; .kidney disease, liver coni. plaint, and other wasting; diseases SULPHUR 111UN BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the • system; cures .weakness, lack of energy, otic. 'Pry a bottle. SULPHUR AND -IRON BITTERS ix_thonly iron•• -preparation that does not dolor the teeth, and will pot cause headache or constipate.* as other Iron preparationsWrll: inimmom IRON Laches and,nll'sufferers from tie% relgia, hysteria, and kindred cont. plaints vvill find it vvithottta t equal.' .....�OayAblid(t'�'..F-•LSM-I..•.,YC>�IW YVr� . WATTS & (CO. .CL1NTON. 1.