HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-08, Page 8Ito Makes Your Boots RIIICKSHAN: 'THE BOOT 'MAKE R. SEALER IN AIL KINDS- ;pr Men, W°Nen and Children's Boots & Shows Spring Stock well assorted, and complete in all. departments ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP F011. CASH I C. CRUICIKSHANK, BRICK. -BLOM CLINTON TAKE NOTICE Choice new Frui A SPamcnrAI TY, At the NOTED TEA, COFFEE and SPICE HOU8-F +--d 00 S. PALLISER & HARMAN'` IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CHOICE NEW FRUIT GOOD TEAS AN'D`-CO'1f'F'E`E PURE SPICES JONAS' CELEBRATED EXTRACTS BEAUTIFUL CHINA AND GLASSWARE. SPLENDID LOT OF GIFT CUPS & FANCY ARTICLES... 0005/9. .AT SxiARMAN'S A�11-S E*Rz�I LS- • AT SHARMAN'S AT SHARMAN'S AT'. SH.A RMAN'S: AT SHARMAN'S n, ALBERT STREET CLINTON heat the Market,' Good deli�e E�, Farm Produce take f , J'CUNING Desires to call special attention t.o, his stock of China and Grailite Of all kinds, suitable for Christmas presents.' to be had, ��lso, the finest Confectionery • - Canned Goods,' &c. Fresh Fruit,' �� JOHN CUNINGHAME. •GROC.E'R,. CLINTON': A Sp�odi'iinti' GCI�l� ➢a1� £WWEB1. 000 . N r, ` PERFUMES � U r� ES1 a LOTUS O•L • THE • i� xi E C'9 I8 Pfl LA v E 11DE1a lv l i `� 1 �LLFU iJ B0QUFT, and all of Lr u • HAIR BRUSHES, CODIBS,. TOOTH ANI)'NNMI; BRUSHES. TOILET SOAPS, COSMETICS; &C. EM 1ST AND PRUCGIST. ..(rlN"TONT,. ONT. a t; L SVTs N m Alissf V rix I e 21iuradey, Feb, 7, 1884. The re alar meeting of the council was OS � Wheat. soot old - 1 00 .a.1 „ new • • 0 65 a. 1 00 White ivheat, old 100 a 1 05 a' -' • - 1 00 a 1 06 0 30 a 0 31 , • 0.45 a 055 ,. 0 65 a 0 70 5 00 i 5 50 0, 0 45 a 0 50 new . 'Spring, - Oats, - Barley, Boas, blear, Potatoes, $utter, . • Eggs, , HaY, - Sheep pelts , I,amb skins, Beef, - - Pork, 0 0 7 0 0 • 16 21 00 500 50 50.. a 0 17 m a 022 rl 8 00 a 0'75 a .0 75 7 50. a 7 50 Unlvert'. f;arbotto Cerate. Try it for chapped bands, tints, burns, bruises. It is A preparation of Vaseline, Car- bolio Acid and Cerate. It will cure any sor- where alt other preparations fail, Call at J 11. Combs's drug store and get a package. Twenty.five cents is all it costs, M 5IC■ MISS NELLIE HOLME9is prepared to give 'lessons on the. Plano or Organ to a limited number of pupils. Instruction given at the homes of pupils, if desired. CLOTH FOR. SALE.., -coats, vests, pants, (Aim caps, rocks, mitts, 4:c , to tit old age down to in- fants, I6 am home on Mondays. Any person having airs or truck ill my line can leave word at my house, and I will fetch it and give value, All debts: duo Mary Marten's estate, must be paid to save trouble. Paper - painting, and jobbing of thatsortclone by gecnnE Btst,mr sv. A good strong boy .wanted. W. MARTEN, Podier, Box 04, Clinton. +, FARM FOR SALE. LOT 18, CON. 6, HULLETT, Consisting of. 30o•a res, situate about throe miles from the rapidly growing town of Clinton, Well improved, under good cultivation, splen- did soil.. Well watered, and usual' ativitntage s Terms liberal, W. W; .FART AN, Onuton., Sent. 14,1833. „ 1�TFW B-I� T011ER SHOP i1 UIE pndersiInetl -desiresto••thanl: his nt- i- merous friends in Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage during the twoll+e years he. carried on tlto iiutciteliug_ iusiness, and would intimate to 'theta that 11e has re-oom tomcod business iu Lore's bailitur. on Huron Street, where he tvi11 be pleased to meet hie old friends and as many new ones as mar laver hini with their patronage. ROI1T: 1 I'r/.SIb10NS rLni yaIc; a�dTricyclis .'1."emier... .. Uolllttrabia. National. The CLINTON NEW ERA is the largest pa_.per.. runs, CO1iOs, SADDLE BA06,,AND FCLLLINE OF `FITTINOS.I14 STOOK. Send ' . stamp' for data ogue and lit of etv. and secnd-hand machin es in stook.• A. Ti LANE; 1410NTIIF,IL • • T'owi l 4'ounell held on Ionday evening. The Finance committee recommended payment' of the following accounts:—W. J, Paisley, charity, collecting taxes, &c, $88.20 ; W. Dennison, $67.60; fire depart- ment, $60; J. Callander'sgrs, eulary,137.- 50; J. Rider, halfsalary, $12.00 ; J. Cun- inghame, sundries, $1.75; charity account, $8. Mr.Dennison included in his account $5 extra for lighting extra lamps, and on Mellon the report was adapted, except the payment of the $5. A report wax read from the Charity committee, recom- mending the refunding of the taxes of the following pparsons, as charity. R., Mar- low, Mrs, Cantelon, E. Finch, J. Tolland,, Mrs: Anderson, Mrs, Fisher, Mrs,Gordon, Mrs, Taylor, Mrs, Poad, Geo. Nimmons, W. Wilson, Mrs. Fox, Mrs, Monahan, Mrs. Cree,:the whole amounting to $55.40. Moved by Coun, Thompson, see, •by Coun. Searle, that a by-law be prepared, regulating the taxing of dogs, by adapt- ing the tag system, which requires that every dog shall wear a tag, to be procured from the Inspector, dogs to pay$1 and bitches $2. Moved in amenment by Coun.Coats,, sec byCoun...Mc1Cenzie that- the hat the dog tax be fixed at $2 for dogs and $4 for bitches. The amendment was carried on a division by the vote of the Mayor. The By-law committee were instructed - to prepare by-laws regulating fences, pre venting. persons getting on sleighs or other vehicles while in motion, rind to prevent fowls running at: large. The Clerk was instructed 46 get cards printed Showing the various commttees. Communications from J. Oliver and A. McKown, asking for the position . of bell- ringer, and from Whitely & Todd, ask- ing -for the town printing, were read and sled• The committee on officers and salaries for the year recommended as follows J, Callander, cleric, -salary, $150; N. Rob- son, treasurer; $•100; D. R. Menzies and 11. Stevens, assessors, $50 each ; • W. a1. .Paisley, collector, etc,,, $500 ; L. Trouse, bell •ringer, -)amp lighter, etc., $250, and use of room in 'town ball, which report Was: adopted, • On motion of Coun. Coats, tee, by. Gann. Cantelon, the Mechanic's, Institute was granted $25. . Council adjourned until the'1.lth inst., at7 pan:?,. tri confer with the Fire Conic pony and transact other business.. AOLDtor the atorl.hig olaas. S01µ1•'10 cents for li postage, •and wo will mail y ou free, a reyril; valuable box of sautple•gnodsthat will put you in the, was- of making more money in a few days than you ever'thou Itt pgssiile at any 'huainc s: Capital. not repuired. • We will start you. You eon stork ail the 1 h tt •- is • universally time or in spare.time oily. The Url. o sally adapted to both sexes young -and old You can easily earn. from 50 ca nt4 toe That it all who ?i., every • y evcnht„ Wantwork may test the :business, we rnal.e this. un- paralleled A paralleled offer, tci all who are not well. satisfied we will soatd 51 act pay: fog the trouble of writing•us. Full'. bparticulars, dirtotions etc.sent free. Fortunes Will e made by those who.give 'their whole time to„ the - work,. Dyck sttccesi absolutely sure.' Nola delay. Start now.- Address Sripe.% & Co., Pottlanil, 1lah,o: .VICK'S E LORAL GUIDtr.' rax18841saa Elegant Book of 150 InV es3' Colored.bred •Plutes'of 1 lowea a and 't o 'etables and more, than.1,000 illusbratious of the c.hoisest Flowers,Plants and Vege- tables, growing. _ It i, hat dsotne tables, and ])crectiona fur glut i , enough fora, centre table or: a holiday ,1 resent,' Pond on yourn me'andlostOifiec tddton,, With 10 cents', and -Twill send yon 15 copy, hostage paid This is not is quarter etas' cost...It,r. printed fn both English and Dorman 18 yeti afterwards order seeds deduct the '10 cents.. Victt .s seeds are'ti a Hest In the world ! The •Floral f.:obla wilt-tcll,how to get mud grow them. V tea, s !lower er and Vegetable 'Carden,' 195 Pages, 0 Colored Plates, 000 Engravings For,50 seats .in pa= per covet S1:00'inelegant cinch. Iu 9erinan or English; V tow's Illustrated Monthly [aa zinc -32 - paes, as colored plate in' every number and many Ilnc 1 ngravine .' Trico 51.25 a year•; Five Copies for $G: Speelinen numbers sent' for 10 cents; a trial copies for 2.5 Cents. .1201 ES PGik; heel ester � - in the county, and makes :a specialty of home news. Send it to friends lin distant . lands. It will be sent to any 'post' epee in the' world for $1.50 a year. • MODE[-' VALVA • .GOLD MEDALS Awarded, at>.Toronto, .London -and Guelph, .in 1883, for, RLE AND OTHER NIACWNE Coli -8.. Per Palo .bp a11Pirat-C1asa DoalOrs. Every Barrel Guarantle0;d'.. SAMUEL aOGERS,: hnager,. 30 Front 3t Eaat. Toronto. • Wiidic3yott all a 8.10111' Ohrist111as, and .8ee4 Til into you all to catil and see his trawl . Bigliy of Chri:tii Oath TA PI0.ah, Tda'titral Flowcu's, 'Bibles, ,lliItograpli a(l The •action' 'to recover Erni: A H. Roe, M. P. P. for Lennox, for'.infrae- tion of the Dominion Eleetion Act,' has been dismissed .on. technical grounds: ' .. 'Dr. Lesslie; mentioned as' having been killed in the defeat of Baker Pasha, in,the Soudan, is thought to • be the son of Mr. Joseph Lesslie, cx-postmaster of Toronto.. Mr. Pope, -Minister' of ;Agriculture,, is 3 t d to have disposed of his..Interna- tional railway td the' Canadian Pacific Company for something under a million. dollars. • . ' Tiplioid fever appears to be alarmingly prevalent in 13 slant a and Cor nto 'nsf ' Defective drainage'and bad •water are the principle' causes. Nature ;will have her laws obeyed, or the' eontriveuer insist sufrer ' ' '.. • Rev. )3'atlier. Slean and Ron.thiel,. of Ottawaa, annouuoe! that there is,11tcrrible'- destitution” . %11 -that eif,y . This, too, white bread 1s taxed, !seal is taxed, and clothing is taxed, ill:•drder that Sir. Ltto= -'' glory i` t �Tus niililTilly May nas111 .It is a,.notablefact that.the.wea,thei. has . this winter bean.•nlucli milder on tire diva.- sion cif the Canadian.Pacific Railway hest .of Wuinipeg than on the eastern section. On Thu'r'sday last,while the thermometer at Calgary; Medicine 'Hat' and; Maple Creek registered from 115° to 81 ° above zero, tho .-record. at Eati1e River, 4avann - and PortArthur varied. from 8 0 to 20 below. :A.t Toronto, ori ;Wednesday, Bethune; Q C. obtained a•rule nisi for a new trial in the. sprit of Walton vs. A.pjobn, inwhiich a 'verdict was giver against'the tief ii'( sibs' •1T6O'1Ydatnager, for offences a aihst the.eleetion law at Rat.Portage while acting as returning officer in the Algoma election, 11.6 last` Aesl�es . • ' A (writ has .been issuecl`fo collect r 00. from Lane; .Methodist niin=' ister of Halifax, for marrying a soldier and a girl';without a ` license. It •seems that the groom -had neglected to, procure the license, but pro5Hised that he would secure one the following ;morning, he did not secure the license, and now i'e pudiates,.the marriage on account cf'the informality `Very. serious • floods . are. experienced along the Ohio, and in many places busi- ness has been suspended:' A Pittsburg telegram says: -A large, part' of the city. is submerged,' and -some portions are'un-.. -der 'Water • from one to ten feet.': Five. thousand families are homeless,; It is es- timated : there will be about • $1,000,000 dalna es. ' A telegram'from Cineiunatti -Business' In the lower part of•• the. city is 'co'nlpletely at standstill oft as - count of the flood. The Grand "Central Railroad depothas been abandoned. Tho warehouse "of Duckworth's distillery was undermined,and fell into the water. Loss large. Cattle pens, capable of feed= ing 1,000 cattle, were also swept;away. •. YerytbL..,g Upside Dowo Thd`,lirst test. vote Lias been -taken in the Ontario- -Legislature, giving=- the - Mowat Government a .majority of 12. Mr. Neeloh,. of Lincoln, an Independent of Reform antecedents, was absent, The.seat fo _South dxford luldjaust,. koka arc `vacant. Both• of theae.can be depended upon to sOltlrii Reformers, 1, kn, ,so that the normal Refot'rn' majority 1 il1t11r t I t1I1 , in -a full house' is 15, .Of the so- called Independents, Mr. Lees voted with the Conservatives, and Mesisr . Hart and Gillies voted for the Govern- ment. With a solid majority of 15, the Reformers in the Legislature have no' ind(teement' to listed to the wily Bunt- ing's proposal of- a coalition. Meredith may fret but be cannet frighten, 'and the welfare of the Province wilt be well looked after. The Ottawa conspiracy to dethrone lion, Oliver Mowat has t'On+llienculi1' fililo(1' • 01 Oaquistte'beauty. ;fust itgrided, some cEfitOS!O ANfi 1'FICTO rIZAML:0. due $ Ai[tft lots of other nice things suitable for Christmas .presrnts. -AT A. HAM'S CHEAP STONE, 4i,tMTON FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS. a E ARE STOCK TAKING, And sister. stook on the let of inob • . AT TIM DRY GO'ODS .PALACE -Of. Clinton Said County of I•u.ro=s, _m_:T '.. We offer some ot-the--•GRE &TEST BARGAINS es-e.offered and on the First of February .we open out ' 25 Cues and i1it of 1117/ Sprig Good 10 Bak: !HT' PIflTZ, is most hvaly pattan: CRET'ONS IN BEAUTIFUL' DESIGNTS , EMBROIDERIES, THE VERY.. NEWEST THINGS. ' 1 pieces 8 ply wool ::Carp ets, 2 ply Wo olCarpets, -Tapestry Carpets sTruselsCarlets,Unl aa1p ts, Stair Carpets, Hemp Carpets, ,Cocoa Matting, Oil Cloths, Lineoleuins Wool Mats,Cocoa ' Mats,Dea1 bats, White Counterpanes, Colored Counterpanes;• ' Lace Curtains, Curtain ."Nets, Lambretluins, &c.. Our Spring Stock willbe immense. Come an see it. Examine our -:prices, buy our goods, and you willbe pleased. We take a pleasure;in. _showing our goods. : No trouble'to do. so. W SELL W E• SEEL FOR ,-TRADE. We Sell on :Credit to good. men. We do. business 011 ,sound principles.' We bu otir creods for:' cash. We save' our..discotrnt. and' are afle t glye you . oxer prices than "houses that buy on time OUP GOODS 'ARE RIGHT. OUR PRICES ARE .RIGHT. , OUR. yERMS ' ARE 'RIG'rIT#C. Otlii•' goods. have all. been marked clowR, and • Ina1'ked, iu alliin figures. Ottr discount is 10 Per :cent until the 1.st' of February Ork MANTLE MAKE;, MISS MeiViAN US, returns an" the lst of March., .Reserve your order for her.,: She is the . only -perfect Mantle MMa,ker iii the county. You never require to come back and lave, your Mantle 'altered in any way:, She: gives you a perfect fit.. • She does her work', as, .it sho-olrl` be ' dope. She'uliderstands her •busi�iess tliorougl ly: Our MANTLE; CLOTHS 11,nd,Sil,lzs are -ordered. , They are the newest goods in • the trade: Every' dollar's worth~ ofgoods boil ht for cash, and 'solei' at the very closest price's, All goods masked In plain. figures. . Estate of John ff�dgeuB Goods Palace of Clinton and Huron.Coluity.