HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-08, Page 5ay.',ABOUND; TNE' ,CGUN'i"X. DON'T rowcram-•-VsoNewton'sone.uaitrata __ -: . • oothache cure. Relief at thee; of all dealers, Juhu McLere, Sheppardten, betieta of" 150B• • • a lamb dropped Jan. 19, - Ili. is" Cough Cure. It acts so,tlnicklyjaa •DI• piLJ�,� to astonish yuu. 25 Dents. 1 Stinson little. have bought the Corrie grist mill truretr. B. isllluy IT IS net x u E1OUs to wait 4or nature to throw ,.etf a Cold,. or (lough. "flub" Cough (sure t.ets quickly. 25 ueuts.l Mr. J. Essery, of Stephen, had 'one. of his horses killed by a large aplinter glltera ;urg its body. U Kte'•r Koii.--Climax cough cakes. Quick, sure our° ; of all dealers ; 15ots. - A inuvemeut is on fou; in Brussels to present Dr. Holmes with a testimonial, on hie removal to Goderioh. Messrs. VanEgmoud have bought_ the Scott tit Grey planing mill, acid are going to remove it to their own property. Mr. J. G. Intent has Reid hip tsps ache. park lot in the earth end of Brussels, on' 'lurnbeiry St., t•1 \Vet. Roderick, of Brus- sels, for *83U. NOW' TILE L.iTL.I, and every one having tt tete it r a) s, ties q'tit:kest and most complete cough eure ever nool in this town le "Hub" Cough Curr, only '-'.i cent.,. l Mr. S. Smith bought from Mr, James Beattie, of 5••sftn•th, nut 17, con. 11, • Me- 1{i!lup, eotttaii,it•g 100 acres, fur $3,900. All Lush et it h the exception of 20 acres. On Saturday, as Mrs. J. Canavan was crossing the street opposite R.Willis'store Seafoi th, bite slipped and fell,• breaking Icor right arta. Malarial poison oan be entirely remov- ed from the system by the use of Ayer'a Ague Curo, which contains a sure specifle, iu tho form of a vegetable product used in no other remedy. 'Warranted. ?\Ir. A. Charlesworth, (formerly of C1in- tou,) ham '( reiuised the business and stock ',f Mr. D. 1). Rose, grocery store, 'Sea- fe,rth, an.+l a ill hereafter carry on the same. Mr: .1. McGregor, of Kirkton, is the owner of tr 'cry prolific cow. Inside of fourteen mouths she has brought into this weary o tehi d utak! no less than four calves, all f which are unite at.d thriving liitely. , The nest medical authorities acknow- ledge the great value of Ayer's Cathartic {'Ills, and frequently -prescribe their use with the: utmost contidene` .)Tell knowing that they are the most titectual reritedy, over (ley sled for diaease•caused by dorange- itieuts vf the stomach, liver and bowels. The Royal Hotel, \Vingham, has again changed hands, Mr. St'Irdy having sold•to Messrs. ltutlierfuid. Mr. J, McDonald, Lower \Vingham, has sults his hotel to Mr, 1t. Porter, the former proprietor of the house. A largo elan tree was recently cut' down ou the fame of A. H. Naftel, Colborne. About 50 feotup the trunk a branch had sprung out, from which grew a cedar shoot about eight feet long. The sight was a re- markable one. RENEWER HAIR RENEWER is applied with a sponge or a brush, and it never fails in its good effect on the hair. Hair that has been renewed by the Cingaleso Hair Renewer never will again bootee grey. Sold at 50cts. per bottle. although there are eight persons confin- ed in the cotinty jail as vagrants, outside help has been found necessary • to saw 30 cords of wood fur the use of the building, not one of these unfortunates being able to cut a stick of wood: This state of af- fairs bas not existed here for many years, and it shows that our comity 'instinition for criminals has become prsetically an hospital and poor hunse.—Stnr. • P: A large ;proportion of the diseases which ettuNe. . human aufforing result from derangement of tit' stomach, bowels, and liver. AXEiee 0.eru tui tc 1tiiLts act directly upon these organs, and are, eapeoially designedto cure the. diseases Caused by their derangement, including ConattPatiO$t, ' Intl(reation, pyspepsia, feadacl e, DyI1en• tees, and a host of other ailments, for all of which they aro a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy, The extensive use of these. Prize by eminent je;ysteiansin regular practice, ahows umnistaltably the estimation _in which they aro J.. B I D D L E G'o 8 The Popular Dr Watch. and Clock Maker, JBWELLBR, OPPOSITE Terf►L%$$ EI'.t•i.!IV'I.ON ;Vlore he keeps a select aseertwt gz WATCHES, CLOCKS; JEW$LLER', SILVER -1 WARE, %%Web we iiti11 sell ut dasoua1•40TA ea. r:t It,l;airirg tet every description promptly M •tet: d. d 10 mud 411 weak warranted. J. ItLDD1,toom 3E, Lt14L,n, Ur Tisa. beld'by the imcdteal profeaston, . starves only, and are altsoldtely free from calomel •POR P GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, &o/ Those Pints arecompoundGoed of *egottablc gut, or any utlter injurious ingredient, A Su Ter0r from Headache writes; " AVirt'a I.'t1.Lft -are invaluable te.me, and are any constant sompauloo. i have been a severe ' bull r i r`frotu'llendaetle, aid -your Ptu-aa :tro^ttt ' onll thing I could look */ for relief. One does will gtiioitlymove my bowels and tree my head from oda. 'they the the most ell'ective and the . cosiest physic 1 have ever found.. It tea .pleasure to ore to speak to their praise(and 1. a ways•..to so 'when occasion otters, W. L. Piton,ofW. 7.: Page & Bro.' Flannels t,, 1tie1),lt1Otrtl,,Va., June 3, ldtiii,. "l; have eked AVina's Plias in ttutnberless in+ stances as recommended by yen, andltavo•uo'i•rr • ..known them to fniLto accomplish tete desired re. . suet. We constantly keep diem outland. at oto• home, and prize theta as a pleasant, safe Mutt, relie.hI familyntedietuo. FORDYSPI safe, tat• aro invaluable. J. T, III oda, Texas, Juno 17, 1862 - 'rile Itisv, l?ttsx-. u111. ifAULawt , writing from lilanbc, Pa., says; •'tor;eine years pest 1 ]rave' holm subject to constipattou, from til Itieh, in • s; its of, the use of nrediclnes of 'tartans kinds, 1 satfered inoreashtg ineonveutenoe, until some I Iregnu takiu AYER'S PILLS. They to i-iOPER'S Now TI,tT there is a tellable remedy for kidney tioublee, half the terrors attached to those complaints have been removed. hor this leb.all bo thankful, and to Dr. Valli -Mr. en's Kidney Cure award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto couaiticred fatal disease from our path. It was never known.. to fail. • A v.7 sad accident which proved fatal happened to ayoung men on Saturday last by the nethe of-WV-tn.---llrownette, oldest son of Mr. Goo. Brownt.tte, of the Goshen line, Stanley. Tho young man was in the busk chopping down trees, and while fell• ing a tree it lodged against another and flew back and struck eho young man and knocked hint senseless for a time, and through the effects died, the same-da►y.- "Hew, Cough Cure, •1 5 Cents Prescription of a Boston physician, dispens- - cd years by a Boston druggist. One dose will euro an ordinary cough. It acts almost magically. Ask any dealer to get you a e5 tent bottle of "I-Iub' Cough Cure, and don't be put off with any other. ' yr Arch. McDonald, of Grey, who recently sold his farm, intends removing to Michi- gan. Mr. McDonald is Cvell•known in this locality as ho has served 10 years in the council as councillor, deputy -reeve and reeve; been foremost in -school affairs for 13 years and been Director and sec.•treas. of the Grey cheese factory -for 11 years Ile came to the township in 1854 and has consequently put in nearly 30 years in it, He has bought 200 acres in Akron town,-, ship, Tuscola Cu., Mich. ve heau, u,5u ve entirely corrected .t a costive habil, and have vastly improved my general health." • . AVElt's0ATRARTIC MIA correct trregular'i• ties of the bowels, stimulate the appetite and digestion, and by •their prompt and the rim;h taction give tone and vigor to the tri016' 1ile'y= blit economy. • • illturnneo ilk Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co.;,Lowsll, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG, All experience the wonderful beneif MIDDLE- Ayer'S:Sarsaparilla. Children with Sore )ryes, Sore Ears, now, or any scrofulous or syphtlitie taint, may be made ltealthrand strong by its use. Sold by all Druggists; $1,Six Maus for. $7[.. Oatmeal and Cornmeal always 1.en haa- t OLD AND etas effects of MONY. TO -LOAN. 'DEIVATL AND COAIPAQtY EIJNDS, • AT' l ,lowest rates of .interest. Prlheiital 1tayablo ' as desired by borrower. • Valuator f br 1110 CANt1I LA1.0I U CREDIT. COMPANY. D. A. F4ItEhs'rER, Clinton. lace. • AL Su' ' Pctt','c celebrated oglish Inakfast toot,„1• Ojeda, Bacon, Sugar O1ii•ecal Ham, • . d lrci .No, 1 LARD, . ' At prices which cannot be beaten. to town. HIS -60-.C, TEA A SPECIALTY • SOLE; AGENT FOR DObbh1L19'-E-LECTRIC SOAK' THOMAS COOPER, • ALBERT STREET, CLINTON Es A.ND TILE subseibar desires to roturu Ids sincere thanes to his customers ailtlgtho publ;e generally far thq liberal patronage extended to hint intim past,. and b)” furnishing the best article at the lowest reran - Iterative pace, he hopes to.uterit• a continuance ante same,- He ame, Ile -would specially recommend a trier Of hes ,direct importations of the vorybost brains, oN ' • •Brandi'es,-:Part'Wines and - Holland Gin, • StirrAstz FOR MEDtct\ALPeaociSRS AND f,A ILY CSP,: BASS'' ALE AND GUINESS' PORTER, In'Botties, 1?luts and .Canetv..' , Goods ITous, .CANADIAN ALES AND POETLR, (murices acid DAVIES LAORRconist•tntly en Ju, reeeiret," a prime cunt, tit,• • OCKLTAgI: Will sell the balance of WINTER GOODS e t very .close prices to clear. - you want -'''an. aver- Coat, o and secure come ?20?��C1 - a bargain. I. - want -money, . to it ake purchases • for Spring, ' • bte,d to• me to and will'thank all who • 'are xnd.e Dc 20 185x, - t' ' 1 t t ti t . settle. thsilt; accounts by the sty ofFeb. NEW : ` "T i IV STO R h[�ltt) cal r"t)tgPlain Bode. Cedes', L i .• Sole. lt,eert. t For Oroderielt rile; frirE.SU13t'sORIl3I 1 \%HQ.WAS FOR MORE% A,- ROBSOI�. • sAt than eight years lit the employ. of Kr,.'Silas • BERT STRL'ET BRICK'O I. CLIN r0\ , • Davis, desires to inti11tte'te that he has , Opened a Tin Shop .tit ` Dods\l oI tit's Bloch IXURON STREET, C L1N'rON, . Where Iso is prepared to 110 . ' j ALL FINDS"•QF 1'IN, COPI'T;R .�rt1). Cheery Pecto• rals SHEET IRON WORK; -No other :consltlaitttsaro soin,tdionsintheirat' ; In the•best of style aunt 00 short netitt� '- ..tae{ asthosoalicetin„ the thoat and lungs nous • B OIL >;ADIPS ' (iL 1;o trilled with by the majority of sufferers. Thio ASS, &t" ill stocl• j ordinary cough orcold,•resulting l erttai,s from a A C,tla, suercrrkri, . SAMUEL' (;liutoil, Dee. Dia; trilling a/Unconscious exposure, often but the•' beginning oof a fatal sickness.' Avi n. s .Cin I IY' - l,i°t:u» it Lt,etas wall proven its'efiicaey its a tern , TEA. .AT 25 CENTS '...PER LB. TRY IT. . . veers' tight with throat and lung diseases: and • T 1,, rr , y, ���r`y BANK � '. I shoal l betaken ln.all case's without delay. , • T Ike MOD(ti�os 11J• ;U'11 • K.. . terriftle'Cough Cttrt+tl. {num wrated b Act•i P'i'arllaurpi,t ,, ,., .'. ' "fit IRr,T1 loo tt'severeeo$l, which ttilc•e1t•r 1,,Y 1 y r c , lungs I hod a -err iblo cough' and passed night ' OAPITAL, - '„ 2;000,000. • : up. I tried ' ±,\ tilt S uiva:nv I'EcTimi l„' N1'L i,•li • ruldeIUI mn longs, induced:deep, end tfi8rdtd its, .1 > t tireretuucessitvfoCthe1etoeDryofmy,tri,•ih. IkbALi o11U..L: ..,,,,...,..,'.1- ITAL tythe cnitinuciius0ofthe Pm-rot:At.1 tarok,-: THOMAS IVOI IC1f<\Jl ...:,;.,:Pre•ident..• •11"'tlter• n e ,., . feted. 'l inn now 62 yea Di tilts, i •hale t,,U Letts cy, tout' in11 satisfied your ('its al v J. IL. R• '\l01 SOV. ..\`iee•1'ro^• j•i I renis t..:rt'ed un•. 11th tet.1�Auutuo,rut t .° • \ :neves . an,t; cr• lent .ingluun, \'e., July.tx,,P•.82. Londesboro, Jon. 14, 188`4.. ookusinoloalossoamoolostuuses W. L OU METTE. +yap Groceries• after night without. sleep '1'lietiottoi' gave.) 1 Li.. IWOLt•tstts'r, , T'10t1As (1 t �[ i :kuteo discamtated, (ulleclrolts .inadr, 1.)Tait-(,roup .:1.Siothci'sTrileit,,e. is;tutll, Sterling avid `.ilsuerlrc"tic exchange, "Witin 11 . enun i t lnst'e1 n t •11„ i11', 13U e hots ht :anti so'hf cit lotfest _ I . boy, three "years eltl,etas taken ill will) croup:.it 9 i. eeillied as if liowonld die front n•luet;uhttiun, curi•eltt Tale +: l tote of the f:unil)suggested the u . o1` A 1 i t 5 ..: ' I (111111\• i't:e1•etr-t L. 1 bottle of whish uas. al-., I LTEtt1 ST Ahhow1:0 O., ifeeOS 1'S, ways kept 1n. Litt house. Thi 'w is tried( in small: • an.I frequent doses ,and to our delight in 1p,+thnn F �1IZ1tTI3,Iti�9: ei+ r+ leitn•fitt-1 tth-rraileot icer ini•athing vita Mousy advanced to fanners on their eine nota •„ujtlt Ily. he (lector said that the Cul:nor I r 1'r -i lett.l1. one or store endorsers:. No nwrttiage.rcttuiredIastie- had sat rel, Tit) darling's life, •Canon ie.o14er Ar cutit_v. our oratilude?, Si .eerely yours, IL p; B1CN'L t D1lta cr, ' Alas. 1-: IMt to irir. Januare lSSd.. • - Clinton. 15) 1\ a st Ititit1l St .Nue York, May. 1L. ler ” 1 havenit0(AYl t1 s.Cll atttV• 1 t erott.tt it, i.... ' family tt•r.eet'etnl years, •end di, we sus.;5,:-1 1'.. pronum:eoitthe :most effort ti1(1re nosdr 1• .r eh..tiltt noel i,td is 0 c bare t ever Ivied. • .t...l. t.a.t ,.s " Luke , t ry ttll.'11inn., Alar011,13 t14-2. ''1sutreredfor esglityen n•, front lii,lx4thi1,nwi..: after.rt log ion fly lent•r With I10 sate ei- 1 u•'1 cured ley the; u t of, 2;'11 t c Ut!I Ire I'll 1 oN 1 r,. • )r. , T ) ) t CLINTON r 11101'"1. 11 vl •ALUs.\.j' ltA'11?h,N13uRY S1•., G1�N • : leeks t are \pre err'•, • "1, e t net S I1 PN011 h in pl't1:e+ of A Y.—n',1 CM:Rey 11'e Colt, l.•Ile ltettri: e s 1• do Doll hal t• r Its tine 1 sbottidioug siucc lilt%e•died from kungt1atlb1e) .. 1.1111A10I) .” • • 1 aIesltuv. 'I•t e Is April 2, 1802 1a ease .of an attrectiem of thetio•i,ltt:or liuigs ARRAN' it TISi) •AI411L 9 1RANSACT A GENERAL BANKING:BUSINESS. A. Moncyadvaneed on Mortgages and Notes of hand Drafts issued payable at par, at all the aloes of the Merchant's Bank of Canada.• Now York exchange bought and 'hold. PROMPT ATTENTION PAIW To Got. LECTIQNs throughout Canada and the United States.exists lI nil li-cannot, be grt oat 11:R01411)y tlir R•te' • _.•SA.LE.-Noxes-)3.1';I m ttislotieLLrattto.,„„nti moucY of AI tors Citl tt it 1 or( l u..1n, nisi it it ill o)leose advanced tofarmers entheir own noto,foranylongth rin•t.when the d111.1 (1 is nut already beyond the of time to suit thoborrowtr..All•tuarketableaocur: ;'control ofinedicine.j . „,,, tiesboughtantt sold. rituA.' fli lin' Inv BANNERS IN NEW YORE, AOLNTa ok' Tna ., ".Dr j. O. Ayer '& Co., Lowell;:Mass a stenO10AN t t( itarx of (IANADA. • • .• Sold try all Druggists, INTEREST ALLO.W'L'L) UN IILPO•$1 W. W. FAItItAN. •J.- P.,U.SDAT., o Nine. Phys• icians Outdone. DOING.. 1'I IZI `•\\''IaI:I. Mrs, lielen Pbarviz, No. 331 I)aytou St., 0. -cage 111• is now in her sixty•eiiht year, ._ • - states that she has suffered with Con- sumhtioo for about ten yea's, was treaded -by nine physicians, all of thorn pronouncing her case hopeless. She had given up all hopes of ever reouvewing. Seven bottles of Dr. ing's New Discovery for Consumption completely cured her. Doubting ones, please drop her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Call at Watts & Co's. drug store and get a free trial bottle. Mr. Laidlaw, M. P. .P., in his recent spools in the Legislature, fitly rebuked those ConservaVivo lourualsand politicians who are ferever attacking the Model Farm. He net only demonstrated the usefullnoss of the institution, but proved that the statement that many young men got their education there and went M the States lacked reasonable ground's.In the past five years only five students at the farm have crossed the border. - About L's All Constipation makes half the people sick. Yon are dizzy, have bad breath and taste, cati't eat, can't sleep well, bead 'aches, ner- vous, irrritable. Can't work it off; can't rest it off. Well, your Livor must bo invigorated. Your fond must digest properly, Now save a doctor's bill with a bottle of-440.PIs SA, You will be surprised with a few doses. Zo• peso is a positive cure for these troubles, be. cause it nets upon the Stomach and i.iver the system and. Bowels n.net. be ,•nnnlntn,l kat. for a sample. A • TRY OUR O CENT TEA.CA•N.NOT BE BEAT.. WHITE. SUGAR, 10•.LTS:':TiOTi i:�!(). Boots & ShoeS.--Big redactions on Summer Goods. • SI QES are now complete. leVt CAN uxneaSEI,L All our Fall -lines of'' TOTS AND t7I � � p . aNveerree TUE TRADE IN •1+ALi,..,AND-W1NTL1t.Cioob,s. MEN'S' BOOTS, heavy`_: wear; :frorit S1 per. 'par, .upward.. FELT .WEAR and LONG BOOTS, Very cheap,;. -' Inspect our. stock:, - ,i ced � ,:000 ls. '�o.:4d. . ��vi;neer A`i les.• Will pay the Highest cash nrioe. Don't sell :until .you see it, (%Lr.•roN,: Sept.., 1593 . • THOMPSON. & S W iTZE- • SOAP SOAP SOAP 1. JUST NOW, . . 0 2S WISS SOArpe , \VOA'T ROT[HE* EWr1 1 cr • . s,X'O, 1' ' I1 SWISS SOAPb FOIL. A •WE1aZ OR TWO, THOMA; S'C Vh NSON, THE 1"I_`11.:ti ITUtILI .iA CLINTON, NO:2 ' 04 Santo as-tliatle-by-•tierGreitt" `.*1 Loonotny Soap Co., of {'enrich, d Switzerland, wboso trade ex• Oa tends largely throughout Eng. NI Cs [and, France, .Uertnany, Ass. tri<1 and ital; . 0' Manufactured in Canada only by the , Ca . UV A•LL It(NIiti. • H1.1111tOft • SO Ip* CO..TIITYNKVS,. AL1:S1 S, &c. UOttt',R1('11,' 4 . VIOLVertia1'. Iv'. ' viir v '....fitirOS AVOS ANTOS n cl`,l i'tClt. - • Geo. s _Z ns Victoria Street iiuffaloRobes GOAT ROBE5. —4 ^;AL, S. VOWLE1. &' SON. UES''1' STOOK. OF VIOLIN . ,__STR LNI IN TOWN. FINE PLJ L.ED WARE. \1:W1 S11 D1b i(:2 S 1N JEWELLERY: 'Repairing. done Promptly, . ; .L ter 1t) tG,Y 21111', ' 10 i, •