HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-08, Page 3J*WAtIv.ertionnvni$.
Pumps—John Ross.
The iur trade—W. Jitson.
Patents—Munn 440o.
Lot for sale—A. Campbell.
_lime% and lot far sale—E. Corbttt,
(io west—James Thompson.
1nton tiv
FEB. 8,)884.
Writs have heeh served on several
members of the Ontario Minietry, claim -
Ing damages to the extent of $2,000 from
eaele for alleged violation of the laiv in
oiinection with the recent Algoma, elee-
' tion. The Mail grows hysterical over the
Matter, and assuming that all are guilty
of the charges made against *them, pro-
eteds after usual fashion, to denounce
them -RS Viliiiins" Of the 'darkest. dye.- It
will be time enough to do that after ..they
are tried. The parties against whom .the
suits have been eutered, express their en-
tire willingneaa to have the whole matter
ventilated in court, and do not appear at
all alarmed as to the result. :It is quite
evident that the Conservatives, chagrined
att their defeat at the polls, will stop at
nothing which they think will in auy way
• militate against the members of the Re,
term, party, and while we have no .d,esire
to sec wrong• -doers atiiny ttiescape the
just punishment of their deeds, we believe
• there is more vindictiveness manifested in
these prosecutions than desire on the part
• -of-eonservatives74O ,punish wrong -dein.
• The Reformers have displayel.:a° great
• dent of charity towards their opponents,
bet if the motto is henceforth to be "let
no one escape»itwi.11 be.their duty, as,..a
tnatter of self 'defence, to push to 'the bit-
ter end, every Violation of the elebtion
law, There have •beee.a.good many 'epen
. •
viblationg of the law gone unpunished in
the past, and it is a Waste 'of sympathy on
au unappreciating; oppon'ent to extend
courtsiets, of Which lie Will. take avail tage
on the first.opportnnity. • .•
PAOH.11.1317014. •
It is mere than probable that this Sul:ri-
mer will witness a temperance campaiga
from one •end of the Donainiob to the
ether, the Dominion Alliance having dor-,
aided to inangerate meetings ' in every
county where a canapaign-is pot11e. In
the County of. Halton, where ;the Scott
Act has been in force for some time, those
who are in, a position to knewassert • that
it has none very Much to decrease the.
amount of drinking ancl criminaliti, and
are enthusiastic in its praiie. The mein
objection , Urged' against a temperance
measure, is that people ' are not
educated as to its.advantages. , • Tbis is
true•to a certain, extent,'but there htio
better waytheY enti,be..cdutititea; thinby,
in experience Of the benefits 'of prohibi-
tion.. No -place that has.ever ietroataced
temperance principles has gone 'hack ti
the licensing system, showing61E1TV thp"
the advantages, of the fernier are posttive.
in their nature.
• • •-•: ''' ' • •
'r fix WIs311
The Tuesday afternoon session of the
Local House Produced au incident Out ' �f
the usual run of, affairs. The Mail that
•morning hed.a, paragraph as follows:. "A
rumor has been current for 'several ,days,
and not without fonedatime that
• •
MoWitt Una expresged it desire to retire
• from thecabinet. • The matter has been
' under the consideration of his colleagues.
Mr. Pardee has been nanled,,aa his suo
' .
Mr, Mowat said there were Probably as
many Misrepresentations in the riarigraph
• as there Were seetenees. He had never
expressed a desire to withdrifiv from tho
• Cabinet, as the Writer said, antl he had'
no Such desire. He had reaSon to know
that there was never a time when he en.
joyed,the confidence of his colleagues, end
•_L__'__the Liberal party in the House and- out
• of the House, more completelY than he
did et -the present time. • As long as he
' continued to enjoy that confidence, SO
• long would he continue to bold the. poSi-
Con. The Paragraph went bn tOsaZ that
•the matter has been "undhr. the consider,
' ation elf hiseolleagnee This was en" tire.,
• ly false; 'Mr, Pardee was • named as his
suceessor, which was also false. -He hoped:
that Mr; Parade would one: day Occupy
the place lie Occupied,. -and 'that the
'other membersof the Cabinet might also
advance to . the first poeition but. at the
present time neithet Ilr. Pardee nor any
Oat* person lad been earned as a eftudi-
• - date for the first position in the Cabinet,
. The paragraph proeeeds : "The.remor has
been cerrent for several days." He never
„heard of reach a raatoe, and he had been
unable to discover any perk:M..0n thisaide
of the Muse who, bad heard of sech•a
rumor; Ile had no doubt that it existed
'only in the mouths of those who had
prOnipted and painted the paragraph.
The denialwas received with loud and
prolonged cheets,
Wt rally thought that. John Jay
irivikunZird mari WbO narayliainctit
• as the rejected eancliciate of aeonstittien-
"ey, had lost all sense of honor, but it ap.
pears we were mistaken. It seems ,that
• when a vote was taken in the Hose the
other, niglx4,- John Jay's aonseienee trou-
• bled hire, and he slid oetpossibly to
avoid the vote, probablyto get a drink
Jolitilerlets-heen 'returned to his origi
nal standing in society,
sed since (Lomita I -THE first divksion in tiJe Lower Uouse,
Wolin a raore 'critical clonditiou than it taken. ati, Tuesday, f,,fave Mr. Mowat a
ras. .
is today, for no one,nomatter wintvonly tar majority otwelve. This is 1
be his political' leanings, ,but must ac- large a majority a.4 any government needs,
knowledge that a, stop roust be put V.! the and ahows,leiw &leo evere the predictions
enerranut expenditure and: increase or of the '16:7 pliPers, That claimed he would
debt, if the country is to continue a cou. be le- in a 1__„*„..)11.o.ohtY..
federation, and unitod as it now is All onservative papers are .continually
will admit that there irs en increased Ant. arping upon the fact that the present
ing of opposition gad dissatiofitetioe t 9 - government here got a large surplus
wards further gran ' 41
ts to the Canada . reventio:•,4ust as if that wits something to
cifiollailwa.y—a railway that will m nore -
bOast of when it is quite the contrary, ae
belong to Canada or Canadians than the it is evidence of a lack of abtlity to ad -
Northern Pacific does, and Km that if i't le just the income to expenditure, and also
permittedf to goon purchasing and annex. shows that. the people have had extorted
ing other roads,will become moreda»gerous
cram them nurse than ,vas. neeessary. The
to the: prosperity of the country, mid Illo.re .
taxatiosince 187$ is • 0
exacting in it e demands . than the .old A
lye, ettse. in tariff' n
Family Compact, per cont, while the. inereifse duties on
reads is 43 per cent. ' But this is not all
The position of Matters governmental the exactions the people have bad to
• Many yelp% hays pas
are tio critical that every one is celled up- . .
groan s nce the revision of the ta-
e Last Alt:DWI.
. •
est successful sale ever commenced, at
as -
suredl meet with, deserved r t •13 t'
The rfsw. Ens does not nold itself responslble for
ed in a proper spirit:--, thought when the hatch -
The debt of the United State a was once et waS buried. under the floor of COX'S
over 82,700,000,000. To day itis less than dining reom, at the treasurer's supper,
$1,800,000,000 , . . last week, in Gielerich, that we were to
During the same time in which Amid. have no more of the row about the tree-
surershiP of the county, but it appears I .•
. •
cans have been paying off - ene-third of am mistaken, The Reform pipers of last
their debt, Canada has more than ;doubled •
he „ . week dia not. se far as I have seen,,mak•
e - • K
. '
Thenet debt -of -Canada which was $75,- any allusion to the matter ; the Conserve -
728,641 in 1867, was $158,466,714 in 1883. tive paper's have not seen fit to take the _
. od,li
And now it same course.The Gerie
is proposed, in one job and: roust have what he calls w 'Parting
manng word."
foronti-purpose, to add forty millions to
our already huge debt. I did think that, one so honest as he al:-
The Ameriertndebt18nowonly 0 per pears to he, and who was anxious about
_ ,. $3
head and•is rapidly decreasing. the welfare of the count, more especially.
The Canadian debt, when this Cana -
after beieg present at the supper, and
dian Cacific job is Completed, will be $30 hearing the flatSering.. Speeches or ?the
worthy reeves of Seaforth and Greyorould
per head, and the interest charges will be
have avoided ally reference to the matter.
so heavy that any. attemet to reduce it will
be hopeless. •. ••- • The *Star man knows very well that it
The taxation o
f the United States. last was entirely owing to the action of the
• '
Reform members Of the jefiunty council,
year amounted to $7.90 'per head of popu- .
lotion, and might have been .,less than $5 that the amicable arrangements made
had no debt been.paid_offi. • were obtained, and A.had no right, in
The taxation levied in Canada jest year tElY oPlnian, to Main oP.M.111.0....k-LeA, tiP-11.,
was $8.80 per head, and not only debt did we by trying even Of get a parting slap at
pay no debt but we ran into new
the 'Grits; tvlio,sta vacant chairs lie so con-
the extent of $5,000 000 • ' ° spicuously set's before the I .1 1 h tO
. v.oi c,anue •
, Let the farmers atidproduceri•of Cana- the ainusernent of said members. Pelitios,
(lb: donsider a little. Let them think what sir,,w4.14e buried 'by the Tories, when
is involved hi the imposition Of an addi- they et,everything in.their own way rind
farms andindustries.' . • oner: , Then that noble -minded :01 pa-
er their own control, and not one liour
genet mortgage of $0,000,000 upon the'ir
The real taxpayers of Canada, those ti triot, rho publishes the • News-Bei:3°rd in
OE whom this, burden will fall, are b a yourlown„ must have a parting word too:
4,ndful pf people. . Why should * pay He says, "The late council appointed Dr.
this money? -What good can t rey pos. Minxes—the new council have made good
sibly get•froin the payment? ' , . : : . .that appointment, We do not wish to
The $40,090,000 , new M-
tgaie 40:11 rip up .old sores, hitt atibmit" that the
Canadian industry,if
course of the ohP council, in this. niatter,
none but' American contractorg anted,benefit S and a few has been endorsed by the new:" .0W•
capitalists, .wholhaee/alreadYbeen made thewriter •knows as well as:I do - that the
millionaires out of/Canadian tax money, new council did nothite: of the kind, but
• The new 840 G0,000 mortgage will not proved to the world that every act of the
add anythin„erth our. producing strength; old council, (having a Tory majority). se
it will do prfthitig: tciwarttroPenint,o' up the far as the treasurership was. concerned,
--fityrhvettl-. it -wilt lae- Scr maty dollarwaswrong, and that the Dr. Holrnea apr
talroin the nookets.of the peeple -and Pointment by the canting vote of the war -
lost /. • . :. , • . ,, „ den (the reeve of Exeter) Was illegal,. ;ADO
z . . 2 had to be set aside by the new colleen,
/ mc„ NegeoN, LocalLegialative mein- Again lie says "The insult offered. to the
ber for Lincoln, was elected as an inde- old council by Col. Ross has been avenged.
bythe new eoencilr. yes sir, it has been
pendent, and in the course ot his speech avenged, (in a ivay not pleasant to Seine
during the debate an the addresaln answer old members, if we may be permitted to
to the speech, said trio. or three*, thin judge by the Rations, of the reeves of Me-
• , P 1Cillop Goderich and. Blyth) by cl eClad Ili
that were agreeable to thooppositiMi, and that COI. A. M. Ross was treaSurer of thei
which they cheered' hini, One , wai •eounty of Htirou'iffitirthe afternoon :of
that he disegzeecl with the 0-1- '
, vernment in, the. 23r4.'January. lest, that :lie-•then--re—
signed his office of his own free will, that
heir intention. •
to submit the bbtandary his resignation was accepted by the coma -
Council, asserting cil; and a unanimous vote raf thanks.ten-
question to the Privy
that •they aliniald:•liaye motet -allied their dered him for his long.. and faithful ser -
ices )i.: Holmes s ..
right to the_ territory aecording. to the evessM! intlie usual wasway... appointed•rh0 salary
aht yi sucvote,
award 'without furthreferencei, 1 11 "1,1 d i ta k f
collie.' Ontario certain/
. er o any he ca s ie. v nr, e o an impotent.
hay aitis-f, right minority." I think the less he says about
o it; but the question now 18,Whichi : this the better. Numerieally tile—%
s _plexibe of the county council are equal—;
he hesktyity of getting peaceable posses- they stand a tie—and a better lot of then
ion, by sphinitting it teethe Privy. Couu,.
. •
. •
•than the Reform members of the present
council never sat at that board.•.Ynert
cil, or taking passessiOn and . defying all •' • • : . jusricE,
trespass rs? The overtime t ley 'ield- . .
• g
ng the point and submitting it,show their
confidence in the justness of their clidin,
and also manifest conciliatory spirit
that they ought to receive the approbation
(if the OpPositiOn, and not rejoice because
Mr„,Neelort liapeeria tO differ with theni ti
this respebt. Another matter that Mr,
Neelon broached,andtlitOpposition loud-
ly eheered,4as bis belief in Pretectitn-7
a qeeition, with which the. Local Leeisla,
ture has nothing to do' --but as he it a, pUb-
lie aharrecter; and his :sayings considered
worth notieing by sonae people, we make
g few Coremeets uponthetii, He especial-
ly said that the duty' on wheat was a ben-
efit to the farmer, but 'complained -of tha
duty on n• barrel of flour arlitirlitity
equal to the duty paid on the quantity • of
wheat to make that barrel.; and he; there-
fore wanted a re -adjustment. • That lijust
where the shoe pinches—it interferes with
his business -anti profits. he would only
think 'a re‘y.mometits he 'would be cern-
pelied to acknowldclge that the duty on
whatand flour is not a blessing to Cana-
da, but a curse, at the duty tins to be paid
by those who eohsume these articles, as it
is not of the slightest consequence to the
United Statefarmer and miller whether
' Canaila or Great Britain shall be the pur-
chaser, If there was no duty this year,
• wheat and flour would be a trifle lower,
therefo.re the laborer and mechanic have
t� pay their share of the duty wtthont any
corresponding benefit.
Vont years ago Monday the -Donnelly
family were mtirdered in • Bidtrulph, but
• up bat now ho definite clue hits been ob-
tained t the perpetrators of the massacre,
Castii.-.1d Clinton, on the 0.l idet., the
wife of Mr. Peter Craib, of a on •
e,eiid will be successfully
...•• . ... •
r stock will be down to
figures wanted.
And to make success more successful we will
Winter Mantles Millinery FancST Wool-
ns, Flannels, Win.ceys, • Dress C+onds,
Yarns, Underclothing, and our entire
stock of fine' Furs and Robes at
F• or prompt Cash, an. opportun.ity never before•heard •
of in this county. This means positively less than
- wholesale figures.
. Nfellexesr..--1;ater,aw.4- At the ' residence
of the bride's father,' on January 30th, by . ', ' . •
tho Itev. RobertLeask,; tit. Helens, 'William .,
John AleBrien, liullett,.to Mary Jane Laid ' •,••
law, daughter of James Laidlaw, Esq., West.
Wairanosh, • , . '. ,
Eorratt-41.r.anittAt the, residence: of. 'REMEMBER THE DISCOUNT ., .
the•bricles father, Bemniller, hy the tee. Mr, - ,, '
Sanderson, Mr, B....Potter, of Whitewood, ' • - . . • . • : , . ,• ' ' - • ' , ' .
N. 'W. T., to Maria, eldest,datighter ef Mr. ' - • . , . ... ..
. • ,
JOS° Gledhill. • ',• 25 cents o each dollar.
•Box -11A i•svit&n.--A t the residence of :the •
bride's father; near ollelmesville, by Rei. .1. • .,. , ,..•
. !
Kenner, on the 25th ult., Mr. Wtm.,Dox,, of
Es:titer, to fdxas Hannah Mand Ihlstead.
Core--Sretsp--At tho Bible Christian par.
onage,,Slinton, by Rev. J, Kenrier, on th
18th tilt, Mr.' Charles Copp,to Miss Elizaboth . "' ' , . • . ''
cheep, both of Clinton.
WAt.aca---Pmansot4.—At the residence a
the bride's father, by Rev.J. Kenner, on Voir.
1, Mr. ltebert Walker,,to Mise egarie Pear.
son, of the 2nd eon,, Stanley.
AracandAn:=T1os,•4.—At ithe Jecidnuce of
• the bride's father, ,London read, on the 6th
inst., Mr. Jos, Aikenhead, of Big Plaine,
Manitoba; to Mary, third daughter of. Mr.
John :Ross, of Stanley.
•'DIED. '
Cht.tin.-,In Clinton, on the 4th init., the
infant son ,of Mr. Peter Craib,
Mfaxa.--40 Hallett, on the 2pd inst,
Robert Mitier, aged 31 years and 0 menthe.
Parant.—In Hallett, on Jan., th, John
Petrie, aged 68 years. A native of Dundee,
• time Register. •
r Arm itbolt, &e nt Nti 1i IX, URI, Tot 37,
• con, 11, litillett, on rriday, Feb. 22. 0.
Hamilton, auctioneer. •
• Eaim Stock, xtc,, on Wochatiiiday, :Fob. 27,
of Mr. Goo. Johnston,.. gravel road, • near
Clinton, D. Dickinson, auctioneer,
, • •
• Froth'. this date etd. 0± Feb
• 1 !
OBJQT, • .•
•.,•-•••• . •
• • To make roomlot•the knest Stocl. of New Spring
Goods ever 'Orptigiit .t0 Cliuton..•.. • -
. .
" *
' . •