HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-02-08, Page 1MANNING & SCOW
Barristers, Solicitors,
Commissioners for 4T47.ario and Manitoba,:
moNEy. IviONEY.
ergie ugorapica have made arrangentente ier the
handling of a large amount of Private end Com,
patty Funds, for loans on real estate this winter, at
iowest rates °tiptoed and, moderate ghargee.
PANS ramintr alanS.
ROUSF, _S • Ww0 1RTA olfOhEe T.
n41 •
Olgrat;0010441 'anti otbt Qtai;(10..
-41VriTatTAG.s., ,-DICENSES.'s.A.APPIX -10--THE: ir
''• . undersigned at the Library Room, Smith's
Bloch. . 30 ' JAMES SCOTT.
-1-x.. • Insurance and General Agent. Money to loan.
Ort/ok, BEAVEO. Btoes, Clinton, Ont.
41.1. sums en good mortgage security, moderate
ate of interest. Et. HALEI Clinton.
n-11. DOWSLEY, Id. D., C. S, ENGLAND
Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office and residence
next Molson'S Iiank,mezket square, Clinton.
E. on Ontario street,Olinton,oppositethe English
Church. Entrance by side gate.
• University,)Physician, Surgeon, &a., residence at
Mr. Manning', three doors eaetof the Temperance
Hall, Londeaboro, Ont.
A.A. Provincial and Dominion Land Serveyor,
Arebitect aed Draughtsuoku, Fannin BLOCK,
Clinton. .• .
• for the County of Huron, Sales attended
° to promptly,. Charges moderate. „Residence
Albert S. Clinton. • • •
&HRS. BLACKSTONE, teachers of Vocal and
%LTA. 1ntrumenta1mi1si0, Rattenbury Street, near Or-
..elp Factory. N. B -Singing- class now forming,
al Lessons given.
tsin Feb 10 1882.
jOHN METCALFE, Veterinary Surgeon, fremhthe
Royal College of Veterinary Siirgeons of England.
Telegraphviespittches attended to at onc0. connCE•Axp
. •
Murray"Blook, two doors east of, Hodgen's' •en-
trance. Residence; opposite the, Tempertince Balk
Huron Street, Clinton. Office houre;saaa. to 6 p.m..
AIL attended at their own residenee,if necessary. Re-
sidence, Johu, Robertson's,Baron Street, Clinton.
Rice's how method taugitt it desired.' •
.1./ClezDepar bunt of VictoriaLierversity,Torento,for
nierly of the*Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York
Coroner for the CountyvA Huren,Bayfield, Ont. '
w italAmsr R. A., 11: R., GRADUATE OP
-..1.11,5Toronto University ;member of the CollegdolPhy
siciansand gurgeone, Ont. °mon dRummies the
house fermerlyoocupied by Mr, Reeve, Albert street
Clinton. ' •
Aceouchenr,Lieentiateof the College ofPhysiejan'.
an d Surgeons of Lower0aned a'and ProviueialMein,
tiate and Coronorfor the Couutyo tHuroii . °Masud
residrinco,-The.building fornterly nOcupied by Mr
Thwaltes, Hilton street. , .
0liuton,Jan.10,1871. '
. .
CALLS attended to ft t allhours. Office three
doors south of tho Post Ofilcd, Victoria St:,
Clinton. • • •
• -- • • -•
of Stratford, will visit Clinton and be at
the Grand Union Hotel every second Friday in Abe
month, wherq he will be prepared to' attend patientS
professionally. The administration of .Nitrous Oxide
(las, or Vitalized .Air, given tO patients When required
for the painless, extraction of teetb. ' • '
Is prepared to take a limitednumber. of Pupils on
Piano or Organ, at her residenco;Duron St. • Having
taken a full course of instruction' in teaching and
Playing -from Dr. Carter, of Toronto, she feels confi-
dent that she ean give satisfaction' to,herpupils.
BiAtCRecuntrit Slitor to RENT -TEE
blaeksinith shop on Heron Street, Clinttin,
'<innerly occupied- by Mr. Thos. Rediliond, is
offered to rent. Two forges ana plenty ofroom
This is a lirst-elass stand, a good business being
del* here by the late William Rowell, and
• others. Will be rented for a tern1 of years, or
otherwise, , at a reasonable rate. • Apply to
. .
S 011eitOrSliPteMe: c9t#t
,Ste., Ate., • •
. .
In Blyth every Thursday. Collections and
claims promptly and reliably( attended to.-
ERIVATE FUNDS to. lend - at lowest rate of
Lot SOS, south side of Rattenbitry Street,*
the Town Of Clinton, containing 'one-quarter of
• an acre, with several bearing -trait' trees. and
cottage with six rooms.. newv °Coupled b Mr. J,
Harland, ale° hard and soft water. • .•
Also, a 'house and part of tot number' Sl; in
the first concession of Tuokersmith, (Louden
road) containing two roods and roar perches'
3 i,'with some young fruit trees and hard'and
h. V, 'water; now ()coupled by.I\Ir. Gee. West.
'Also, lot No. 724, on Spencer street, Clinton,
comprising one.quarter acre land, ,with .Honse
of eight rooms. largo stable and OW : •
Apply to '108EPH noWELL, •
At Mrs: Hodgeria'.JOkieph St4C1inton,
Ticket Agent Clinton.
vv.Hirrit X.ntA.M.
For ell 4,tri9lation apply to • • •
W. JA.CKSON, Tielret Agent.
°listen, Jao,•23, 1884.
coAv tLocit,
V0114.194 No. 6. • '
seDURS, $1.5o For AnsiroM
041NTON ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 881884.
. its 0,11naintimei& 01014
Jew Advertigenunto.
T .9T AND 131131L11111510. FOR SAL}. -Lot
.LA ate, on James street, adjoining the Mend
Trunk Railway Station, with large new frame
building, suitable for a mill or wareliourse, will
be Sold on very moderate terms. 'Apply to
• ALEX, cLtiammix, Winghttm, or to 11. ta.e.LE,
cunton. zn
HovasE AND LOT )'ORsiAt LE -A goad
cottage'.eentrally situateN on the old
"Peter Grant" property, Albert Street, near
the' re(sidenge 'of _OdifteRM, liontainin
six rooms, 'wood Shed, lard and soft water. -
There are on the property heating fruit toes.
The house is nearly new. For further pardon-
lkeirisis.apply to E. CORBETT, Clinton 'Woollen
T r TS
zruNNE. CO., of the SCTENT 1.f0 Am sitrcare. 'Con-
tinue to act as Sol:moire P, tents, Caveats„ Trade
Marks, Copyrights. for the United States, .Canada,
England, France, Germans, ate. Hand 1300k about
Patents pent f ree. Thirty-seven years' experience.
Patents obtained throuishMtINN& CO.arenoticed
In the BCD:N.31E1e Airituce.N. the largest, beat, and
most widely eirmilated scientific paper. if3.20 a year.
Weekly. orolld engravings eat interesting In-
formation. Spot:Linen e,‘py of the Scientific Amer.
feat' sent fre,. .S MUNN tn CO. SOOINITI.10
ADIERICZIOT Onloo, 2,3 Broadway, New York.
- •
The subscriber has had many years! experi-
ence. and guarantees to give the hest -of satis-
faction, •
Made arid put in QV Blatt gillie;d. All orders
by man promptly attended to. Charges rea-
'JOHN' ROSS, Clinton.
-G est
roung' Mai.-
A Meeting 'of those wishing 'to go to the west
• and northwest, will be held in the
• Clintoil,
SATURDAY, ri3. 1,6;-1884
Commencing at 1 pan; when 13eVeral Railway
• representatives will be present,
' Town Agent G.T.11. •
FORskt.E..1-s. first class ORGAN at an extra-
ordinary bargain, Apply at this OfUce.*
sTinvEwANTED 4,-80 cords of good field
stone wanted for the new Presby.tertarx Church.
Will be boughttin-quantIti . pply-mimediatelY.tm.
ILIG FOR RERvICE.-The undersigned
keeps for service on his premises, 104 11, 2nd
eon. of Hullett, a thoroughbred Durhani Bull,
of en e d pedigree. Terms, $1 at time of service.
withrivilege- of retUrnIng if necessary. GEO.
- • . . • •
Wanted; a quantity • of 'Building Stone and Sand.
All particulars will be furnished on application to the
. ,
undersigned. ' .
• ' W. C. SEAR,Lt Clintoo.
Low Von sir:EL:1316 subscriber -oilers for
sale on very reasonable teruls, a two acre
lot situated across( the ri‘..er. just outside the
corporation' of Clinton. •splendid Place .for
anirliet -garden. having ;been worked
.1, Copeland, of whom all partieulars can be
oh tained,,or to IL Me %ORME, Icippeu.
L1I3IBI 11 'WANTED at °ROAN ,racTOit.Y.
, We uJfl 'pay cdsh for
eiear,. wide hoards,. .Aigo 4 x 4
Mpia SoANTL11§0. • '
• 4 ' DOIIERTY fin 00.'
• •
Clinton, Jam 25, ;.884.. •
undersigned •offere for sale Lot 29; 911i
con. Goderich township, containing 80 acres
'on -which lii.erected abrick.house, with -stable,
orehard,.dre. The land is good ; plenty of water
Also, Lot 29, 10th eon. Goderich township, con-
taining go acres,•20 lb bill wheat. Barns, Stable
orchard, two good wella, 'soil good, ite. ' Will be
Sold singly or together. ••• • . .
„ . ROBT. COATS. Clinton.'
Wheat,'Oats & Barley.
.nave Repotea MR; THOS. WATSON; of allitton;
agent for the sale -of my.inicqualled - •
• •• -• AND- BARLEY.
And saxupiet of these grains may be ghon athis FLOUR
and FEED STORE, where ordots 'May he lent At
the Provincial and Western Fairs last fall, • &OM
grains ecrtied evdrything beforo them, and farmers'
will find them the hest for seed. in the Market, CALL
• W. TtlfilIILL, Senforth.
. ' ODD AND RELLft.B.LE.' • . ,
Specific Bieotelrio,
xerlio,untoir,Aami:Buratirdnit-I,Baott totem
litre for &ideal week
ness, Sperniatorrhen.
1mpotenOy, and all dis.
*ones thet follow as
seecence of self abinie
-Rs loss 'of memory,
pain in the beck,
ng, nese of visions proem.
Before Taki
tzeeiold graegiegd sitsinayt Agte
, lead to inontiiy Or consumption mule premature grave.. Full
poticulars In oar pamphlet, which we desire to seed free by
mail to oerf one. L -R4* The Specific medicine is cold by Mi.
druggists at i per package, oral: paOkagen for Ore dollars
or will be sent free by moil, onvecelpt of the money by ed.
dressing TIM kiltAY AIEDICINE CO.,
. Toronto, Onter10, clolauW•
. . .
The fourth lecture of the tourao will. be
given'en THURSDAY, PER.' 21et1 by •
. .
ji. 7:14GOUGH.
or (UUP.
Ilia lecture is postpoOd to abiwe date,
nwing ta the nicitings of .the Sabbath
argot ineder , School Asseciation.
Mr. 'Wm. J. Kaden, of the Mattl•and
block, brought ,the uncertainties of his
bachelor life to a elose, on he 80th: an.,
by persuading Miss May 1, Laidlaw, of
West Wawanosh, to share his fortunes,
for :better. or fel" worse. The Rev. R.
Leach of St. Helens, tied the nuptial knot.
Mr. John Cullisi of the Manchester'
mills, is busy procuring materials, for the
a foundation under Ms saw -mill as seen
as the spring opens. His business here
has increased largely of late. The pres-
ent winter's,gristing has been the largest
since the mills were erected. •
KILLED By A' L60. --It was stated in
our last issue that a soa of' Mr. Quigley,
of Manchester, had been killed near Sar-
nia, but how was not known. ' It hats since
been learned that he ancl.-a, brother were
,skidding logs, when one rolled on James
Quigley, ipjuring him to such an extent
that he died shortly after. His •remains
were interred in Hallett. ,
-Einalirs.1-Two persons residing Oise
to each other, and :suffering from similar
ailments, died within a short time of eaCh•
othet, on Saturdaymorning' last. These
were James Reynolds, second son of : Mr,
Dominick Reyriolds,•Of the fifth con., and
Robert Miller, of the sixth con., son-iri-
law of Mr. E. Tighe, Both:have been
suffering from consumption, for some time
and were comparatively young men, • the
latter' leaving a wife and • one alio. Their
remains. were interred in the R. C. burial
ground. . '
. .
• • rlicRpnlottulo. •
THS sale of Stock and faro& implements
belonging tothelate' Jonathan Carter,
•Tueltersmith, • was Wended .hy a ,very
large crowd on Tuesdav,-the largest:that'
has attended a sil.10-iti this ' '
for twine tinie. and all articles Sold well;
the proceeds moue. ; o about. $1409.•
Mr. Carter'aer'elative sire to return
their thanks to all who contributed to the
subeesS,of the sale, .
A. feW of the young incq who took the
northwest fever, ,which raged in Ontario
about :three years ago, and removed ,to
Dakota territory, hfive returned • home to
spondtheir Winter . in . a more4moderate
.cllmate Tbeyintend going back, hew -
ever, tothat•landlof atoms and blizzards,
Of Swedes and, Indians, of large.Yielde and
low ,prices„ in March. They appear to be
satisfied, With the , choice they; have
made for a home, believing it to be spe-
cially suited to•peoPle who have ft chronic
indisposition ..:to.exettion. They • claim
that • the.: Weather Whiela predominates
there is'atiperior to out Ontario . weather,
net .oinitting the whiter; ' during-. Which'
season however considerable byhernsatien
is itirinlged in. • One Of their number lias
-aiipacly succeeded in, forming • a metrimo•::
nial alliance( and we expect, the Others
will follow his doriimendabIeexaMple 1)0 -
fore they meketheir.de:parture. • . •
Y. P. L. S.. -The- Weekly -meeting of
the societywas held as Usual on Tuesday
-eVening: ;, The attendance ofmembers arid
Visitors surpasSed any previoui • megtinge
eorne cOnaing•as far as three mites • to wit-.
nese the • interesting proceedings. The
various eOlos, readings, recitations and
quartettes wereperfornted with so much
gusto as well as, pathos find humor that,
they were more.than ordinarily, 'interest,-
ing to the audience. On the preceding
Tuesday 'evening. 'the: fortnightly debate'
Wits'held, .subjeet-7-1tesolVedi that know.,
ledge is more 'conducive ti, h Obit ess- than
vvealth, After 'Strict • attention' to the
weightyargunients produced on both
sides the worthy. Chairmen :gove his .de•!:
eision•in favor'of the affirmative. • .
TheLiterary spelling Match under,' the
auspices of theY,.. P. 'L. S. Was- in evert
respeatn slime and all:present nonsider-
ed it a ,very .suitable *ay to. 'spend. an
evening. .. After the spellingpateecl a Yoke •
of thanks was tendered to Mr. •A„... Casette
ferthe worthy manner in Which he .nian-
aged the' .chiss. The spelling'. :Of Mies
Sarah•E..Townseed deserved special com-
ment as she Succeeded in. spelling down
all the other members of the class, both.
ladies and gentlemen. :
861•100.i, 'REPoir e follOWindisibe ,
.standing Ofthe pupils in oebool 'section.
No -4 for the past..nionth i --Fourth Clniui
-181. Sarah Nett, aid'. Ira Johns; Srd
Carrie Johne, Third C1ess-4st
Peacock, 2nd George Layton, 3rd Id
Crich. , Senior second eless-..1st Hannan ,
Otieh, 2'nd •Annie jelnie, 3rd ' Selena •
Crich. Junior Second. class,---lst -Nettie
Well, 2nd Fred Nett, 3rd Chas.,* Layton.
Landesbareugh teecher:' . .
. NOTAS..L.Mr. E. Turner . slowly re-:
covering; from his severe illnees,' It'
seerns to be the prevailing • Opinion: that
he will not entirely 'recover IOW sprieg.•
Since •" reeent ' thaw our roads bave
been left in a -Very rough eondition, and
sui 11 natural 'consequence business hag
been very dull.
oolDititien TovVNODIri
Mrs. Whitely intends visiting her Mo -
the -r -in Mullett this week. '
Mrs Dike fell down stairs last week,
but it was attended with no salmis restilt.
Alice, daughter &Mr. S. Phipps, of the
9th con. is suffeling very seveilely, from
inflammatory rheumatism. • •
Mr,Jos. Izeard had a horse injurdd by
a fork running into its foot, that it will.
recover in a short time is the expectation'.
Mr. John Weir purpose building a
handsome dwelling houee this. season..
This seems to be the fever on the 16tlecon.
• kr. gUrplay'siteam rait away last tveek,
.nothing more serioug-happened than that
they upset the loacl of hay they Were at.
teched to.
• NINtlituN.
QIYAitTlutt'sr Stnvices.,,Theregular
qviarterly service of the Methodist church
were held hero on Senday last, ReV.
Stolabs'preeiding, There Was antintisual-
It largo number present, The official
business meeting was'held on the follow.
ing Monday, the general firths of the
dwell being in it satisfseterv• entulition.
Saturday morning last„Mr. John gonna,
er,„ died at his son .residence, 10th cop.
Mr, Hannawa.e a native of Co.Dovvn, Ire-
land, and emigrated to Canada with his
hi a wife having died in Ireland,
in 1846, settled first in Hilton county,
and afterwards removing to Wavranos ,
ge had attained the advanced age of
yenrs,and-ineemmpn With most Dona,
generm.ns, possessed an um:lanai amount
of bodily health and vigor, scarcely ever
haying had a day's sickness. He was a
member of the •Preshyterirfn eltureb,• A
large concourse offriends followed his
mains to the Wingham Cemetery, testify-
ing to the great respect in which he was
, held by all who knew, humn.'
• -
Mr. z.,TOnathan 1VIcBrine still lies in a
very precariotia condition, but hopes are
'entertained of -his recovery. Mrs. G.
Mara is also vel! 101.
EnricAno:sraL.--The following is the;
standing of the punils of B.S. .No.4, (ode -
rich township. The report is based on dill-
gence, punctuality and demeanor, and
names ere .arranged. in nrder•Of merit :--
Fourth forrn--John Lowery, W. Murphy,
Lucy Johnston and NValgate Tebbutt.
Senior. third form -Thos. Kurnhy, Bert
Murphy, Alf Tebbutt: Senior tlaird form
-Waldron Lai thwaite and Rebecca John-
ston, Second forna-W. Sheppard, Fred
Pluminer, Wm. H. Johnston. • First form
-Ittary Johnston, Kitty Johnston, Win.
Mr. William ltletafteen. cif Michigan,
formerly of S:anley, wee last week vigiting
his friends on the second and third Con.
1 -Te seems to like his new home. . His
many , friends were: gladto hear once
.more in song the old *femilihr voice. -•
Mr, M. McEwen has been laid up with
sciatice roy five weeks, but is out again.
He had hi -A burl in Clinton for seven,
weeks,tvhiehrhe-says'is the longest pe-
riod: he ever remainedout oftown at one
time, since living in Stanley.
BALD cEVIET,,D, :• • .
Tile annual 'meeting of the patrons of
the Brucefield Cheese Factory was held
itt Turner's-,. Oil Saturday, Feb,,2nn. The
repert of the year's proceedings WaS read,
considered highly satisfactory, and adopt-
ed. The .business is to he conducted, by
the proprietor, Mr. 11, McCartney, for.
the coming season. 'He is to conduct the
business awmakeroutlesman and treasiiter,.
at- the rate of 21. cents .per lb. cheese.
Messrs. George Walker, Jos. Higgins and
Win.: Sinclair were appointed directors,
and -Geo. Baird; ,jr.'auditoi. All seemed
to be highly pleased, :and mann good lin-.
mor prevai len. •
SIOR'NESs, Mr. 'J'arne; Graham; jr„
Sheppetalton, is Verylow at pinsent,
• RemOieus. The sacrament or the
Lord's Slipper was 'administered ib. the
'Nile Methodist church Sunday -morning.
• Enuilanoxar,.-The f011owing are the
names Of the pupils of S.*F.4..,N6. 5, Cal -
borne, who,obtained the highest marks in
their respective claws for ,,Tainfary
4th diass, I D. Hetheringten,•2 .F. Bold,
Sid Sen'. 1 S. McAllister, 2 J. Leifield,
T. Boyd. 3rd jun. 1 P. Foley, 2W. Ful-
• ford, 3 D. Weise. 2 son, 1 r.lInnderson,
2 J. McAllister, a A. Burke. ' '2 jun. 1 IL
3loyd, 2 H. Horton: Part 2nd,'l ALCook,
W. Hoggarth, 3; T,Ifoggarth, ?art st;
1 I.,.braftel, 2 W.Cook, S.Strong. - • •
• mAtt,NOCit:
Albert King, son of.WP.ICitig, receiv.
ed a•Severe kick from a horse on,Tuesday:
A doctor was summoned at-ofige, and his
injuries were attended to. •
Mrs. McCourt entertained a party of
young friends at her residence on. FridaY.
evening last.' All who were present en-
joyed themeelVes. thoroughly. •
As the Rev:itEm. Anderson Was return-
ing to Whitechurch, after service in Cal-
vin church, hit Sunday last, his horse be -
dente SQ lame, owing to an accident, that
he was unable to drive " him further.
Leenting his horse in the stable of.: Mr. R.
„walked the remainder of the distance,
about .folut mile. - •
LoNn EsRo Ito. •
'Rev. gr. Stobbs will shortly commence
"epecial services in the Methodist chareh
' The .WOrk an the R.R. bridge. has again
started; and 'is expected to 1)0 finished in
about two iVeeks. '
, Mr, Chas, Meyer and J, Bell had their
annual iee hauling bee,,niad have laid in
sofficient ice for next summer's use.
• The Good Templets intend holding an
entertainment here in about two yeelts of
which •further notiee will be givert. • .
It IS stated by several that Huber's
grist mill is giving better satisfaction now
than it ever did. First-class work is done.
.A,,number of the Foresters here went to
Goderich, on Tuesday night, to a Forest-
ers' oyster supper, and spent 11 very plea-
sant night and -part of the next day, as
they returned about 8 o'clock.
Mr. George Newton h bought out, the
tin„ business froin-Kr. John' Hill; and is
getting in it large stock of all elasSes
tinware, and will run the buahiess in con-
nection with his harness Shop. See hand
bills -for partmulare. • •
.Skating here with the boys is all the
rage,, one party the other day' said he saw
more eters in the day time than he dver
saw sit night. If he -had been as well
padded ne the llutehtian at the Clinton
carnival he might hay° fared, better. "
- PO ,ffivorably impresserl with
Brandon, Manitoba,, that he has Sent for
1118 Wife and family to go as soon as _pos.
Mrs. Rose starts on Ttlesday, the
12th !net, -Mrs. S. Smith an(1' family ac-
conipanY her on the trip. Meg. Smith's
furniture will be sold by public auction 'I
01.) SatUrtlay nigh.4 in this village.
• uoLM.Rgir114144..
Mr. Cuylor, of Bayfield circuit, preach-
ed twice this week.
Mr, Holland, of the 11.th cen., intends
to put up an addition to his house this
13PRrinCTg:'34.4._0•KaY,P3449 t91,1elling' aPPeal-
on Wednesday evening, in connection
fiTith his excellent address, • •
The four days meeting eo far is increas-
• g...kuiptereet, ansLattenclalmo. The re-
ligious feeling in the rivival-Services
seems to be deepening. •
Mr, 'Pickard has drawn some ldraber
towards 'putting a kitchen at the back of
the store 'occupied by Mr. Hill, This ad-
dition goes up for the new occupant, Mr.
L. Courtice, who takes posaession ou
tbe lst cif April. Mr, Hill intends to
move to Muskeka.
The quarterly meeting in the Methodist
church was tolerably well attended, and
a Pteeious time it was, listening to such a
number testifying- to the love of the Sav-
iour, and in partaking of the pacrament.
Rev. Mr. Kenner preached an. excellent
sermon in the evening, the church being
neHarolyitscuIlyl... w
Disney, of Holinesville, sold a 3byeer-old
entire colt, from Whand Wanted, for the.
elum of$500. Mr. Parker, of Simeee, WAS
the purchaser. This colt' Was raised by
Mr. Disney, and was considered. a. very
lino one, the purchaser considering it one
of' the best bred Canadian Stallions of its
Age he bad eome aCrosS ; it tipped the
beam at 1600 lbs.' A year ago Mr. Disney
sold to Mr. Robert Taylor, of the Huron
road, a yearling colt for the,suna of $75 ;.
this' person kept it „until it aherttime
since, when lieeold it for $350. '
• n AA
Mr. Jes. Corbett's chi'ldren sIl.down
with the w 'cough.. '
-Mrs. Latlitim; mother orlf.7.=7-r NOrley,
who huri hersel r severely by it fall, is re-
covering. . • '
Mr. J. Tyner has the largest quantity
of saw lOgs in his yard he ever . had, 'and
still they come,
1.1tEr: Geo. Tyner bought a fine •voung
horse. from Geo. Rental}, ef 'East Wawa-
. nosh, for $160. • .,
Rot's. Ohowen and Span1Cn are Concliiet-
ing •reviVal 'SerVices in the ,Methecliet
Church at present.'.
Mr. R. Stifling is making it large lot
of land tellers. . At presentbe is Visiting
his relatives•near Bayfield.
Mr. Ferres, of this place, keeps 46
hens, and,it cost $28 to keep • them last
year. 'They sold $40. Worth of eggs, be-
-sides -What -were used in the house..
The younget on of Mr. McLellan,
grainmerchant, is learning telegraphing,
and railway work at thestation ; as he is
a smart youth, he is likely to do well. "..
i We are glatt to 5.=ay that'BelgraVe is not
I like Blyth, as it is growing gradually..
I There • will be. three brick bouaes and
Severalf•rame ones erected here as .soon'
as the weather ielavorible, And our mer-
thents say' they have done more -business
Omit in any other year. •Belgrave 'grows
slot, btit sure.
'Pow. Kr. Danby occupied the pulpit of
tile Presbyterian aural, on Sunday.
The annual iheeting of the c.ongregation
of Willis church will be held on theevett-
ing of the 14th inst.
Mr. W. Doherty has presented the Me-
thodist churcli choir with a number of
copies ot a new anthem book; •
,Socrarnental.eerfices were held in the
Baptist Church, on Sunday evening last,
in which a goodly numbea participated.
The Women's Foreign Mission Society
of the Presbytetian church hold a parlor
concert at the manse, on the- eventng of
the 28th inst.
The sacramental services in the Meth°.
dist church, on Sunday last were Very
largely attended, and a deep interest mane,
feted in them by all present,
OnSunday morning next Rey. Mr. Mc-
Ewen, of Toronto, will preach. in, the
Presbyterian-Chureli, and in --the- Metho-
dist inthe evening.
Rev. J. Kenner will occupy the pulpit
of the B. C. church next•Sabbath at 10,30
a.m.'and 6.30 pm. Morning subject-.
"The good of union ;" evening subject- '
" The wheel in the wheel." , • ;
DELEGATES to the Sunday School °OH.
which meets here on the' 12th,
inst., will be permitted to travel at re-
duced fares, without certificates, as the
railway agents are so instructed,
, •
kit PPEN.
Drawing ICE is the order of. the day. '
I 31m. Itobt. Doigiis very ill itt present,
'. but trust there is no causeof alarm .fin
lier'redovery. , , • - • '
• The RSV. Mm-. Henderson :will °wive'
,the pulpit in the Presbyterian' church on
the two foll.awing Sabbath S, AO and 17.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. 1. Mel -
lis hos been 'indisposed foe some:tithe. We
trust she will soon -become convalesconi.--
Cleo. Taylor; while butchering
• 00 ition-
day last, !Clio on adrne board and inirt
himeelf very badly; We .hope be vvilt.
'aeon be arotind again. • •
Some mike:own person entered 'the
stable of John Heffer•non tin'iSfitUrday
night lasI, and took- therefrom a horse and
drove it as tar as Exeter, . When it 'was
found on Sunday Morning; as yet there is
in) clue to the person..
_Business is rather dull at present, the
markerriery low, and not much, stir on
the market square the past few days,
prices for grain' being too,low and farmers
who can. 'hold their grain. are doing so
for in ad velure inprices. . • .
Weare glad tOrtioar that Mrs. Stauffer
-although-very:411- for sometime, under the
Drs, treatufent has fully recovered, and
was able to accompanyher hilshiinfl... to
Niagara Falls.. They left here on the 4.30
p.in, train on•Tuesday,
R. kettle is Wally .engeged draw-
ing brick and other material for the eree.-
tic* ofn new reidenee. en: his farm, to.
replace -the -one lately burned down, and
as Mr. Kettle is a Matt of tonna he will
erect a hancisaine edifice. , •
Miss Mellis„who is at prefient'sittending
the Alma College, St. Thomas, was pay-
ing.her friends in 'this Plade a visit on
Saturday last. The visit wee' it short' one
aa she returned again on Monday evening
but We were pleased to Beeler looking so
well; •she speaks very highly in prase. of
the institution. ,
' Mr. E. R. Stanffer, late statiert agent
at this •place, has been removed by the
eompailyto fill a much more (responsible
position ,at Niagara Falls. He takes
charge of the freight department of that
place at an increage of. eilary, and the
company c'ould not make it better .choace
for the situation as Mr. Stauffer 'is' well
upin railway business, and we are sure
1e i11 give every satisfaction to the com-
pany•in the:very responsible position they
nixie assigned iiizn.- We. wish hinasuceess.
in his new situation. •-• '
The most lively sight in town for some.
time was a wedding party passing.throUgh
on Wednesday afternoon. 'rho party
con:slated of a large nunaber Of cutters,
eaeh young gent having MS: lady by his
side and no doubt enjoying the happy
pair who led them along at quick march,
and es Wig is leap year we will not • be
surprised if an .oceurrenco of the seine'
takes phtee soon again, the groom of the '
present event was •no less than Joseph
Altinhead frOill Manitoba, the bride being
it daughter of John Roes, Esq., London
roil( .
The county Sabbath SehoO1 convention
to be held here on the 12th and 13th inst.,
promises to be one of the most successful
'yet held, a largeantinber having -signified
their intention of being present.
A mass meeting of the Sabbath School
scholars o' town will be held„ in the Me-
thodist Church next Sunday etternoen,
at 2.30 P.m., tb which the public are -.in-
vited to,be present, at 3 p, in. On Mon-
day evening Mr. 1VIcEtvan will give an ad-
dress in the Methodist Church on S
institute work. • •
At •
• nniversary serviees of the Clinton
Christian Sabbath school will beleld
on the lith and 18tb. inst. Rev..E. Ro-
berts, of' Teronte, will take the Sunday
services, and en Blonday evening.a public
.meeting will beheld', when the children
of the school,. and others, will aid in mak-
ing the, so.o.q.%ff,tp. afi instructive and enter-
taining as possible, . •
The quarterlyofticial business meeting • •
of the Methodist church was held Qn Mon-
daY ev,ening. Among the business trans-
acted was the appointment of a billetting
committee to make arrangetnents for ac-
commodatin mini IlLothera.during,
'Ilia- in" icoming meeting of the June Con-
ference. A resolution .was also passed
authorizing the board to proeecuto boys or
any parties guilty of disorderly concluct at
any of theineetin,gs of the ebureli.
SOIJTR HURON pit'obtoirmEN.
The annual in-eel:in, of the South Huron
Orange Assoeiation was held at _Exeter,
on Tuesday, there being 4 large atten-
dance front all .portiotis of the !district,
and considerable buisiness of 4inportance
transacted; The officers. were elected as
follows:--- ' • ' : • •
• • . Q. 'M. J. SCarlettilteKillop.,
• D. K. . A. Garrett', •
*Sec'y.. E. Fleetly, Clinton. • .
Treas.' 1`.. Kerney, Goderich. .
,• Lectu., S. MeMatli, -Crodericn.
Chap. W. W. Connor; Bayfield,',
' D.of0. John Dagg, "Biddulph.
It.wakilecided that the annual proces-
sion be in Clinton this.year, and an effort
will be made to induce the nrembere-pf,
the North Huron Association to come
here also. G?ants ef $25 each were made
to the, London. and Toronto Protestant
Orphan's Home. The next animal meet-
ing will be held, in Exeter. Messrs. roar.
Cantelon-and E. Fleetly were retireenta-.
tiVes Stem Clinton. ." • •
gmult, LE it, .
BeV. T. J.,;Sithine is holcliegspecial*
services itt Bethel fl. C:Ohureh.
The school,children of S. S. No. 7, are ,
iejoieing aloud over the feet that they are
'minus a school teacher.
ille. S. Vanstone, while:cheeping wood;
slipped Off the lo„,e, the edge of the. axe
turning upwards, his hand felton the edge
enttieg it badly; • -
Miss Dundass, of Cebottrg, is the guest
of Rev.T. Sanderson. The Mises Lizzie
Hartt and Clara Neil 'are 'visiting friends
in Tuckersmi-tb: •.
' The friends of Miss A. Treble will be
sorry to learn that she has it very' aevere
attack of inflammation, and slight hopes
ofber rovery are entertained. ,
• Softie time ago Prot Foote, •of •Gode-
rich, formed a singing class' at Carlow;
After giving Ave lessons he would'nt conte
The'cornmittee has sine° engaged
Mr. John.Zernieliara as leader. , s
M. Portico. ot Dashwood, has purchas- •
cd the Royal hotel in this;place,r0r which ' •
lie paid the surn:of• $1,000. • '
MAGTSTRATEs COMIJ.--Jlenryllkinker, •""
of Stephen, 'was' summoned to appear be-
fore. Sone 'McDonnell, P:, he having'
Veen charged by Sohn Spsickmee, Cana-
da. Company's agent, with cutting timber
an the Company's land, . The,charge be-
ing proven, Brinker was ordered to pay
to the company $4.50 damages, $7 for
costa, and a fine of $4 ; but in default of
paying the saline,. he was committed to, the
eounty jail for.two•menthi.
The Detroit Free Press says, John Balk -
will, who was shot and killed at Spring;
Wells Sttnday night, arrived in this city
about two weeks since, entning from To-
ronto in search Of work. He was -out of
money find sought the assistance of friends •
in this city. HO.COnies from an estimable
family, his mother living at Exeter, Eng-
land, and his uncle, John BalkWill, being
one of the pioneers Of London, Ontario.
He has relatives also in Exeter, Ontario
RonntWY.-On. Saturday night let,
Mr..Scott, of the London roadoorth, hErd
stollen from his driving house, it single .
Cutter and robe, It is firmly believed 7
that sonic parses1 wishing to "skip" the
country, had first, secured a horse, and
riding along on horseback, thought it cut-
ter would bp moro conifortable, as well its
faster, and acoordingly visited Kt. Scott's
stables and borrowed his cutter,' Getting
everything in proper shape, the PerSou
proceeded southward, -and after going
about 18 miles, entered another man's
etoble and took a horse, leaving the over.
driven animal tied to i,. pest until Morn-
intr., when it vas eased tint by tho farmer.'