The New Era, 1884-01-25, Page 4gitartritornontL
Building material wanted—W.C. :Searles i
Organ. •`snls--. Thts office,.
Auction Sale 1Virs. C. Carter. ,
'1'ie .ts—«r. Jackson
On the home, stretch, ---J. Craib..
Before, stook taking --T. Jael:aon.
Two specialties Pay .es Wiseman.
Lumber wanted—W. Doherty & Co, .
•Entortaiioment—St. i au1's•Guild.
Everythuig upside down—Estate of john
!.tUitton to .:•.-11
F1tIDA', JAN. 25, ' 1884..
LE(1Tl,QN LAW ,A:roin aster$.
Mr. M. C. Canl.eron, M. P. for West
Huron, rias given notice Olds. intention
to introducean amendment to the Lies;-
tion Law, which will contain & ny impor-
tant.aid necessary provisions..He pros
poses that the evil practices which are
now so prevalent at elections shall be de-
clared corrupt practices, punishable, by
imprisonment. Erety violation of the
election law will be made a criminal of-
fence, tied the bribed as well as the briber
shall be liable to punishment:µ. Stringent
provision will be made to prevent frauds
by electors, and .care will be taken that
persons not qualified to "vote shall not be
enabled to put in. ballots under cover. ;of
•certificates of agency. frgm candidates.or
returning -officers. :The duties of all elec-
tion officials will be more clearly defined;
and the powers of 'raturning: officers will 81[OUt i AND Duo. BE
• be. declared to . be :purely, minister al, A NErepresentative,
�v ERA'. while in
For "way that are dark and tricks that
I are vaia" s&mo municipal officers can beat
all creation. Some time ago it was "an-
, flounced that Exeter would bo this year
entitled to a deputy -reeve, by virtue of an
increase in popislation, and an election fbr
this department of the municipal service
was held accordingly, Mr. T. Bissett being
the successful:candidate. No one at
the time thought anything; was•wrong, but
an investigation disclosed the fact that
xe es wasno ent t e to a epu y -reeve?
as it really did not have: the necessary
population, Tfie way the clerk had `given
in the supposed increase, was to count up
the names on the voters .list, repetitions
and all, so we are informed. It is said
that one person's, name figures oil the list
eight times, and if there are `many more
like this one, the wonds that the clerk
wasrsatisflecl• with a single. deputy.
' Mr, Bissettwent to the County Council
to take his seat on Tues'lay, but we are
informed that legal .proceedings', were
threatened if he 'took it. We have not
heard what has been the result,
We don't know whether the clerk wish-
ed to increase the number of Conserva-
tives at the county council, or Was simply
working for the presumed honor Exeter
would have 'in tivo representatives; but
it not altogether" unlikely that politics
had sometbing.todowith it, '.
and any retirning-officer - who :at=
tempts• to administer lin'improper 'oath',
to any elector shall be punishable by im-
prisonmelsts Betting at'e1.;ctions, and the
bolding out of iudueements to votersby
ilersons in authority—will be made cors,
rupt practices. Procuri u g the Withdrawal
ofolection:petitions or the retirement d
caudidates by corrupt means will be
treated in the same way, and a more of -
factual systent.oi'trying persons charged
tvith•or reported for corrupt, practices will
be provided., Mr.�i 'also proposes
that the Minister of Justice for the Do-
minien shall be represented 'at the trial
of every election petition, and,tbatit shall
be the duty of such, Minister, or iris. '.re'
conversation with several members .of the
County council one day this week; incis
dentally referred to the inconvenient lo-
cation of the County town, as on Tuesday
about three-fourths of the members .pass
ed throngli Clinton, and found that a.
strong feeling prevailed: against its con.
tinuance at Goderich. Comptiratitiely
few members.' of the council are in favor
of matters'remaining as they .are.. '.rho
only argument ; advanced by those Who
uphold the claims of Godericli is, that the
buildings are,jocated there,. and it would
cost too much bo, meve them. This ob=
jection has,, no force whatever, from. tlioJ
fact that the jail,has-been repeatedly con -
.0=1 l; ,and will probably' require to. be
presentative,' to prosecute •all persons rebuilt. The courthouse:is but bet
found guilty 9f criminal violations et the ter, and the. registry .office is' too .Small':
election law.• When pew buildings are erected; andthat
• -• Any one acgluaintedl with tl;►e manner•
in which elections have been conduoted
of late years, will admit the necessity of
such a measure, but .we are afraid 'that
' the present Dominion Goiternment :wi11-
_use its power to prevent >t becoming law'
,1 measure somewhat similar was intro-.
duced last seasiou, but voted down by the
pliant, tool$ that ocetfprtlie gevernment•
benches; They.evidently kilo,* the power,
there is in carrying on, an election: by'ques-
tionable means, and 'realise •that if they
were compelled -to tlo ail things open, and
above hoard, their ehances.Df •winningfx "' • '' •
TCiIs mic.EA.t Ititusn
a contestwould be greatly lessened. ,. •
Reformers are taunted with being ju'.ta; 13v."ref'ereo•ce to our report of the conn -
as, bad as their .opponenta 1ti:the 'Manner .4, council proGcedings,'.it•will. be seen
of conducting n electimi : That" they are that theo.:last • couuei1,"dies
as bad or, that the resor• to the same :missine. Mr.Ross from theTre.LsurershiP
means their opponents, lve deify; and rescinded, and he was' allowed to re -
the cases tried before the• election eeii.sts sign, Dr. Kolmer' being •appointed: in las'
substantiate one" denial.• But admitting, Place. This was :anticipated from, the,
for arguments sake, that they are as bad, otitset, notwithstanding .the strenuous of
the fat that a Reform iitemberintroduces forts Made to:bring. about;a different ,re -
a I3i11 such as, the' one sefeii'edto;..shows silt. The present council Were placed in
that they gra desirous of having the evil a ,Position that Made :any barer' course
remedied, because one party would .collie' than the sine..taken•: almost impossible;,
within the operations'of the acus; µe1.1 .and have no doubtdone htit they decln-
,as the othet.-. If the measure does not ed.uest under tbe_cirenlnet_ances:
pars -this session of•the Dominion :Perlia_ •
meat; we tope t wi 1 be agiteted`uhtil it tAl oft -repealed phrase"blowatmust
becoines laW'. Honest people are becom- go".floes net aPpear quiteso frequently in
ing heartily sick of;the fraudulentand dee the •columns of some of our .exchanges as
moralizing• means ofteir used to secure . it dila short trine ;into.'. The ;editors- 'of
election, its Witness the agitation: again* these napes evidently realize that their
personal -can 'sassing, and -this is'a s stem
which we. also expect'shortly ta.see'
ed illegal: The briber andcorruptionist.
of eroisv sort, must go, and the sooner the
must be before long, it will more
to erect them in Clinton. or .sortie ethos_
place, than to erect them in Goderich,
while the ,convenience of their being lo-
catedin some Moreeasilyaccessible place
can liafdly be estimated. Qne man jocu-
larly remarked that, "if Clinteu would:
take the horcle'ofleecltes that hang around
the, court'.House, also, Clinton could -hat
the eoiuty buildings in welcomer' Well;
it may -be a bad :dose to take, but we'll,
take them' and serape them fl when we
get them here.
THE 1VA tB isliflli',. ..
There was no meeting of the County
wind was spent on the desert air, as rtll
the late elections -with one exce'ntion
have -gone with increased mjorities' in
'favor of Mowat stayingwhere he'is: lir.
kowat belongs to the "sooner" tribe• -he
tvortld.sooner stay; where he is thanto goy
and the' people ire,quite satisfied that he
dial].' '
The following paragraph i4 clipped from
the mail :-m-
"tit the meeting of the Nupauee Town.
council Mr. Ira. Kimrueily etas appointed
assessor for 1884, displacing the former
assessor, who is ai+ici to have allowed par-
tizanship to intlnetice bis asdrasmeats."
A certain assessor iu this county was
charged last yesr with allowing his Con-
iiervative p trti auship to bias hie assess-
meat, but that did not prevent his re•ap-
.oigtnieut this year. That, however; is
pot the suint we wish particularly to ,call
attention to. People have the idea that
when once an appointment is made to any
municipal office, that the appointment
stands for life—or some indefinite period..
As a matter of fact, any municipal: ap-
pointment can only bemade for one year'
as one council cannot bind its successor to
the performance of any specific dutyµ'_-_- .
is right to retain good gfficiais,, as , loug as
possible, but no, one; Stich as•a collector,.
treasurer; clerk, ac."has what is called "a
vested right" to any poiitiod longer than .
the time for which he is engaged. If re-
engaged; as they often: are, by the new
council, they then have a right to perform•
their duties to the very best of their ability,
bat slrquld'they not be re-engaged, they
simply occupy the position which is com-
mon in the routine of life—of one individ-
ual being dispensed with and :another
taking his place, • •
Tim Local Legislature .. assembled on
Wednesday last. The only,seats int be
-House vacant 'are thijse of South Oxford
(Adam Crooks) incl liiuslroka, "i%Ir. Far-
quier slid not present hlrriself, to be sn%orn
in. His name iS not on the oflicial list of
members, and•uo seat lies been assigned
to hint on thefloor. Considerable inter-
est will be felt till the first division of the
House,when we predict that Mr, Mowat
Will hive at least ten of a majority,
+ ., ♦Oe1.-- ,
WE were Very sorry to hear. of the death
of Mr, W. Cameron, o1•• the London 1d
vertiser, a' gentleman held it the i igjie t
esteem by his jorirnalistic elmfretes; '
Council on Tuesday, owing tothe absence 'I `•'lera' •` '
of members trim were delayed et Seaforth • juic Is-i;'-n----"'sedVictuallers' 1"asoctition'
by tho.tiafn, sulfas tlie,party strength ol'. intend to petition the .government to• id
• the council was very' closely Ir;tlaneed-__,t_low saloons' and hotels -to be•.open.- until
largo number piu•posely absented them- 0.p• m un Saturday .evening, instead of
selves until there was alull representation compelling them to close at 7, as at pro-
of members: The; council met, however sent 'Several'of tile city papers strongly.
on Wednesday morning, the full gttotasof--condom, the pizoposed,cli Inge, believing
fifty members being present, when Mr. A. that it would be very injurions tothe class.
is Gibson°, Reeve of :1'Vroxeter, wastulani who get •Ether week's earnings ou .that
anously chosen Warden forrmsg ' ''the conight. The. Licensed Victuallers:rtre � ftp.
year. —TM— position .should have beeift pomade' not able to see the drift of public
giveu,hint yeats,ago, and the member's ' of opinion,/ or they would not propose .a
-'-•^-_ he „counciif "•h eviti til..;, shoofly thyeit••ct#aita^e-sv'hich runs Counter to the i
'willingness to remedy a wrong by unani° of the great majority, .and would be strep-
^ntously giving him• the position this, year. uously opposed by those :who have the
• He has every fr •u alifichtion for; the• position,• interests of their fellowmen at heart,' • .
'and will discharge the duties with 'ibises ',,w••--o.....-•------
to the county and Co:the satisfaction of all. The Niagara District Grange has just
parties; passed a -resolution 'against the duty ort
M+---- - wheat being, re/infect Sir Leonard or
' 11►.R. Toro), Librarian of the -House of Sir John will be placed between two stools
Commons, died this week, Among : his on this ?ittbject, • The millers ask for a re.
possible successors is mentioned the natrie Beal of the duty—the -farmers protest
of Mr.J. Griffin, editor of the Mail, against it.: Wo are disposed to' think the
Personally, lir, Griffin is a nice fellow, of . millers will gain their point. e
the dudish sort, brit his 'editorial utter -
epees have brought the government organ 'Quebec Province is� • -ac •
•co to face with asp
into.disrepute, and his friends tray take bugbear of direct taxation.`•' It is regard-
this method of gettjug rid of him, ed as the only alternative, to bankruptcy.
• U$UNTY-; tut NC1L.
�lho first mooting of thecounty council
took piace:at three.p; in. on Tuesday; but.
owing to the delay of the 'train a quorum
was not present, acid it therefore, adjourn-
ed till next day at terra. in.,,when all the.
members met; and after Bi`t'ing irk their.
Certificates and tekitisos their seats they at
once elected. Mr. A,'Gibson •Wartleo, • by
acclamation, who. briefly .thanked the.
council fore tlie Ironer conferred. The
nextbusiness was the -election of • a road,
commissioner in of'liir. Mason,
the contest .being between blr.'J. Hays,
'of McKillop, and Mr. (.r.Elliott;•of Godes
rich township, tris latter being tltefavor-
ed one:. • As a strong' feeling of dissafti-s-
61.tction-had,been created. throughout the
.county iu :consequence.of. the summary
dism=issal of-. M -r osssfrorrt-the-treasurer
ship; the, council rescinded that resolution
and consequently reinstated Mr..Boss, in. .
his farmer position, torts giving. him: • an:
opportunity of resigning: honorably, which •
he 'lid, and then illr;Hol.utes Was apitoint=
ed treasurer without opposition, after
width • a vote of tharikawas moyed by, lir.
r1, lf. Campbell, ofSttin lep, scoonde
•Mi•. 'Thompson, to Mr,A. M: Ross; far ]tis
:long and •faithful servicoe as treasurer:
'itfr,- •McMurchic is. i,.inember of. the
/toad and Bridge anti Equalization eo»tt,
inittees, and Ur. Thompson on the'hi
Vance, School, incl `Prnting;'Gno]'and
Court Housesand Salaries.coitimittces.
I lr. Root Coats is appointed trustee for.
the Clinton High School `
•The.committee.tor the:forniationof the
standing cominittce4 for,the year -;having
been 'appointed on Wednesday the busi-
ness of the.sessiou 'commenced in earnest
on Thursday.. `there is a s(rong leelin
among snetnbers .that: the salary. of the
treasurer should beredueod to. $.1,000 a.
year, it is thought that the Finance.
committee may. recommend that het..
The N1:iv ERA dqa, DIA Weld fresh rohpohtilile, fur
ldet§ expressed. ufider this-heallhi •.
Tolli S • gti1 -sty 1NA13LE .
T1tl;ASTtrstl lis, • . •
Of the most successful sale ever commenced at
he_ end will be nceessfu11E
r stock will b wn
gures .wanted,
And to make success more successful we will
inter: M 4ntl es: Mllls.n.403
Weis ace s Dress • Q ds
_ • rn - .nnd` r '. i'n _. r. n
stock of fine . Furs •an. Robes alt
To- the Naitor c,t27ini;,,, 'Yet"
see by your last issue • that the
County. 'treasurership is again an open'
question, therefore I. Wish to gii•e`itpieces
of history as to the :danger of conferring
such a position on'a tory. ,A man,,- who -I
had distinguished liiniself in the war of
'18.12, wasyewa'rded tvitli,the appointment
of treasurers •ill' this county, ' although
everybody knew lie could not keep ae'-
counts. His lack of ability, and deficien
cies were screened by the auditors and
the county council,till affairs betaine un-,
bearable, and he eras induced to resign,
bt a' present, of `, `r00—perhaps 20 years
ago, and what the loss was was never di-,
vulged. It had been arranged that an
influential tory in election contests should
become his successor. „He died last year;
with about $3,000 behinctin his aececints;
but being wealthy. there Will be no loss,
:as the estate can reimburse tbedeficit.
In . itu adjoi.•nieg town the,clerk wail
treasurer,. and he managed for •lanyyears'
to hoodwink the auditors; but a council-,
•lor;, becoming suspihious prevailed on
having a special examination; which was
. ihade, MA a deficit of about $8,000 report-
cd , but thief• not being .satisfactory, sue-
cessive :investigations Were made, the sle-
ficiteincreasing every time, slid :it last it
was declared to be $17,000; This was an
absolute less, as the treasurer was worth
nothing, and his sureties were not bound,
as they had not been called upon to renew
their guarantee every year, as they ought
to have been. . �• '
I,ast'year the clerk and treasurer of this
township was found to 'lis $1,700 behind.
He resigned; and his son was appointed
successor in the clerkship, and one of the
bondsmen treasurer ; and seeuritios given
and negotiated, by which the township
becomes inclentnified.
It is highly improper that treasurers
should ,uL• e any sPeeulative use of coon.
ty, township or town funr 'I'."1[.
January. 21,'1881, .._-
/ •
For prompt Cash, .an xopportunity never before heard
of in this count . This means positively less
- wholesale flr
gu es.
SCO_T�.�.�TT'. • _
en,� .r d • l�: .,.,
" •: , s �� each. o ar.
1V F MBER. THE TIME ,'�• u q 4
From this date until end of Feb.
To make room forthe stn, stock . est New Spring_
o f
r •
Goods ever . brought to Clinton.
C ,
-JOHN CRAIS'S; Clint�i