The New Era, 1884-01-18, Page 9GLINT -ON TEN; '•ri4 FRIDAY, JAN. 18, 1884. LOCAL NOTICES. lAoUS EEAPINca WANTED. --•The highest airiest paid for :any quantity of logs and Bead. i:ng, : lasses. BAnootin, Stapleton. NOTICE„ All persons indebted to Dn. A'ILurTox are particularly requested to oblige :him by promptly paying their accounts now rendered, as he wishes to go away as early to ossible to get a rest for the benefit of his health, Cllaton, January pa, Lamm. Zen aai)i Z. A „communication from Brampton re- cei^ted too late for this issue will appear next tweets. PROPERTY CHANGE. -411.0 Cep. Ted- ford has sold his property on High Street, east of Mr. Glasgow's; residence, to Mr.. Geo. E. Pay, who purposes building there this summer. Dlxrrsn.--The annualdinner of the Hallett Agricultural. Society, avid. be held at the Queen's Hotel, Clinton, on the 12th of Feb.' Several of tle!Reading ag- riculturists riculturists in the county' are expected to. be present on the Occasion.• SU DAY SCIrOOT. CONVENTION,—The• •taunual convention of the Count,/ of Mir-- on Sabbath Schools Association will be held in this place on the 12th and. 13th 'UFO. It is expected that there= willbe a large attendance of fill those interested in Sabbath school work. There will be a in mass meeting of the Sunday schools the afternoon of the Sunday previous. •'SQUA.RE'17P.—Payment of accounts for printing, and subscriptions to the NEW ERA, are now in order; • A large• aggre- athere, and• d coate in small. accounts. has, llections must be made. It would be well if the habit of paying cash for small' accounts not only in printing or advertis- ing,but in all kinds .of business were to g. ''Tis- is a add ted. h be more generally p good time to commence, And the printer is the beet possible kind of a subject to. begin With. • DEATH,—Wo are very sorry. indeed to recordthedeaf of Mrs Rumball, wife of ----Mr; Fred Rumball, which occurred early on Tuesday morning. Deceased:has-been in poor health for, years, and although her death was anticipated; it came sooner than was expected. She was of a very eui t disposition,. and her always ex- mplifiethe .Chstian graces,.. Her' long. residence in this place, and her losing' nature made her many warm, friend's, who deeply regret her death. HULLETT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.— The aijnual meeting of�the Mullett Agri-.. cultural Society was.hold-at :Kennedy's would be well for •,the council -elect to' Hotel, last Thursday. Thos; Ca rbert, take this •matter into consideration. be-; was re-elected President; John Shipley, fore appointrng. committees, for it the rice, N. Robson,: See., and T. . Cooper, tan of havrn few committee Means; Treas. The directors elected: were:—•R. greater simplicity and' • efiicienc than Cole, Hullett; T. J. Murray, Constance ;• under'the estin,system, it should cer-' 1V. Granges, Londesboro.; G. E. Pay, • tainly be adopted.. Jae. Biggins:_:ain _Tas._Moiing, Clinton• John . Aver ; - i'orters 11.11 I �Cr: rlinlcy (xotieric ; John I town natrtis Dlr'— olrn E -.c wiuta if—t-lris lett place, has bought out a -livery business at ship. Auditors—R. • M. Racey and W. U oderich. Mr. P. C..Foy, late of Clinton,. Jackson. . , and Who has been managing a business At Galt lately, iaacing extensii�ly .in to he manufacture of: soda 'drinks at Toronto.: Tho Clintoncorrespondent of the Seaforth Sun did'hiniself. credit. by his last coin- munication; if the same spirit was`shown in bis notes'gen'erally, it would be better: Tho "Naw ERA extends :its congratula: tions to Mr. Janes Mitchel1,zif the Gode-.. rich Star,,on`.the:o.tea ion of his ,joining the'°benedictinc-ranks. •Several• sleigh loads'•ofGood Templars from this place visited Seeforth.lodge on Friday evening. Sleighing -has been very geed,'exeept on back roads,: and any: branch of business ie. which teaniing is npeessary, has been cor-'• respondingly brisk,'althougb the intensity of the cold;' may have somewhat hindered: operations: roads running north and south are: pretty badly. blocked, and pitch -holes are: becoming numerous. The members of • the :Snow Shoe Club. were out a tramp " Saturday evening. Dir; ands•Mr& .1. •C. Stevenson returned front` their 'wedding tonr on Mouday ..evening, and Were wel- Corned borne by a large'nunrber.offrionds;` svho had been. halted to spend•the even-=ing with theni at the ho(ise''of. Mr. Thos. Stevenson.. •Mr. Charles Morrow, of Das' kota, formerly Of Clinton, bas shown his preference for Canadians by_m ti wins la. lad :near `t`oronto• lie returns t PRRSo:.tr,.—Mr.Ilu h McDonald, of Tuelkorasai h. wile has • been visiting his daughter in Kansas, returned- home last who. takes possession in the spring. John Jones, of British Columbia, who .has b,.en °liisiting his relatives ,hero .for Thursday; he enjoyed his trip very much. some time, returned to the 1'aerfie slope Mr. Cyrus Callander, of I irkton, bro. on 'Wednesday, leis' wife joins hili at titer of Mr. Austin Callander, Clinton, Fargo, I)ak. Tho firm of Jerry Robinson psis gone to St. Catharines Collegiate Iu. .G Co., of Emerson, has been dissolved; stitute. Mr. Geo. Tedford andwife,•leave Mr. Wm. Aikins, the partner, formerly' of this week on a visit to the former's home Seaforth, has :an idea of going to the I,'a in the vicinity of •Collingwood,. Messre. cific coast. The Grand Union 'bus was H. Foster and R. D. Bayley both attend started out on Wednesday; three busses the meeting to be held in Toronto nest will not increase the number of passerr- week, for the formation, of a Provincial gets, but should make things liyely down Photograph Association. Mr, Chris, at the station. A great many tons of ice Dickson is confined to the house by an ' will be housed this winter; Mrs. T. 0, attack of bronchitis, but we hope. to see Cooper has left with us it piece of wedding him out again in a day or two. Mr. cake four years old, which has no appear- Horace Foster is .away on a ,couple of once of taste or age. The members of .the .week's vacation. Orr A vrslT —Die Archibald WalkerMonday morning, and will bold their .a' new council take the •oath of office next of ie Mare, Iowa, formerly of •Hallett; first regular faceting on the evening of has been visiting his friends in , this neighborhood, and returns home this week. He owns 700 acres in the State, and likes living there well, although:his health has not been as good as when he resided in Huron. He states that land has increased much in value during late years, there being no land there now that can be taken up by settlers, and iso rail- way lands. Before he left home •(at. Christmas) the thermometer had • been down 39' below zero; but they had no snow. Their corn was this year slightly injured by frost, but nevertheless 801(1 at. 35c. a bushel, Mr. Walker was .a Con- servative when the lived here, but he con- firms theexodus reporta by stating. that there ,are lots of'Canadians in the ,.tato' with himself. . •A,_ DIED IN THE WEsi'.-One evening Last week the body of a young man named being Melfenny paassed up on a train, a labelled for Bluevale. He had been n a school teacher in this county, but some time agohe had gone to the northwest. Hoyle met his.death is not . known, as his relatives simply received a telegram. statingbat his bo wid . as omits Way home but it s supposed that he was killed by a falling tree, as there was a large hole in the back of his head, and a bruiseton his. face._. -His body --'had to be taken fifty mi tes by of -team to reach the nearest railway station in the northwest, and bad been placed in a•rough jaox, with no other. wrappings but some hay, a;nd was frozen solid, his boots• had.only been removed. Itis parents reside in•'1'urtiberry, where h" is remains were. burred • COUNCIL COMMITT'EEs =-The commit tees of the new couneil.will be formed .in the course of a few days. In arranging -them. Why notcopy the example of Lon - donti Where the -System of having only threecommittees has been' adopted with. very satisfactory results? Where there are only three, instead .of seven or eight ing, the first Tuesday in April next; • committees it hasbee found 1 business of the council has been disposed The•Cliuton New Mtn: watered on IN of mfrch more rapidly and efficiently. l9tli s-oleme-with tlie new gear•;'• It Is.„. a; This is accounted for•by several reason. • good localpaper, and deserves well of the people aniopg'whom .itrir•culates,--Miteli- ell Advocate. the sa no day. Remember the,lecture of Rev.. Dr. Burns this (Friday) -evening. Mrs. Mowbray left with us an apple this week which she has kept •for two years; it had been standing in the open 'air dur- ing that time, and was perfectly sound.— Mr. Ed. Newmarch is keine frons Attune, sota•on a visit. Miss McLean, of Paris, grand -daughter of Mr. W. Marten is vis- iting here, and finds her health much un- proved by this section, Aft-Geo.--West- Cott, 1frareo: ;West- cott, of Ilullett, who recently got caught M between two loss, and .was' laid up there- by, is now able •to be out. (. odericl was defeated 'by' Seaforth in a curling match at the latter place on Wednesday, by 23 shots. 'aa'. Wni: Jenkins, :of the 13uron road, is so -low that his death is expected any time • The wife of Mr. •Chas. Over- bury is visiting friendsin St. Thomas. The Holnan's had at ,fair ouse on Wed- nesday, the performance being excellent; they.return here rom 't' .. f lees cam it February. • e 1, ebrt ai5°. • Towx COUNCIL.—.1 • special ,iI eetin.g of the Council .was -held on Monday even- ing.. 'he account of .T, Callender, • $83.7;, for election expenses, cemetery deeds re- istration c�c was aid g ., s p as •teas-itlso W. J. Paisley's account of 450,:G3, being rent for Devine's_ house, wood for hall, digging grave, &e., and the fire and water COM rnittee's account • of L ;.• HeatoN M 'r)nC I Asso rroN L A, r.t the county 'Medical Association' met at, the Commercial hotel.Clinton, on .T(iesday, it being the annual Meeting: ' The gather ing was a very interesting one,•ther'ebeing several cases pre ented;•of rituch interest to the profe,t,sion. After these were gone throuh.strtlf, the election of officers took' gleet;, .1D► - Williams, pf Clinton, being chosen President;- Dr. Taylor, of Gode- rich, vice-president, and Dr. Worthington, of Glintou, "'secretary. Arrangements. were made to have anoyster supper , Which •will be" held after the next 'regular.meet- n f d that.t he • The committees being larger,. the mem- bers of the council are better 'acquainted with. the committee work,' and better. able to pass n On"it•w hen r, presented ..p ted p, to them in their collective: 'capacity. It DOES IT PAY. -ilii. W-Jlickson, hat ter -and furrier, Clinton, is a heavy adver- - • tiser, and being lately tasked if it pays to do so, he. answers as follows :- `D•Iy�-ad- vertising bill arnounts•to hundreds of dol- lars annually, and my success in business' I attribute to judicious advertising" This is the answer of every .successful business men:' A Merchant who does not' constantly keep his amine before -the klub lie in the press might ju'.st.iis well take his sign down apd discharge:.his clerks. • .. People seldom go where they are not iri, vitdd.-MitchelL Advocate ? A ()LOSE SHAVE. -=Two of the 1n11111 - grant children had a remarkably close • call for their lives on Wednesday Judg= ing by their size, th(av could not be'inord than fivd or s'ix -years of age. They had: been out with•a srnall sleigh gathering up pieces of firewood, 'mid' were exerting•all. their strength to get it across .Albert street—which. was thronged with teams—. .when one carne quickly along;:and before ° they could be pelted up, were literally on top of thb children, it being • difficult 'for'a' moment -to tell which were children• and whieh'horses' legs. Fortunately the man' had good control of his horses,. and held them,until the children extricated them-, selves without being in the slightest hurt. THE SKATING RINK.—The. opening.. evening witnessed a large crowd -present to enjoy the first skating of the season, A. goodly number canie'from Goclerich and, Seaforth, and expressed 'their.' surprise at the magnificent:rinkwhich new belongs to Clinton. ' During the evening about 200 were present. The ice was in good condition, and: in a few -day i'°itfter-it-has been several tiines flooded, will bo perfect. The management feel highly gratified at the opening success. ,(i.as• some misappre- hension exists about Saturday afternoons, wo are requested to state' that all school children will be' admitted at 5 centsand others at regular prices. ,It has also 'been decided to admit spectators at tilt uniform rate of 10 cents. The rink will be open every afternoon and evening. TEMP.EIANCE ENTERTAIN SIENT.—The first public meeting under tehe auspice's of the. Royal Templets of Temperance was ,held ixatlie •tern eraneehall,. on Tuesday evening last, the building. being filled • with a select audience. ' •Mr. R. D. Bayley . oceupied•the chair, and gave a short 're- • aurae of the object of the association, stat- ... ing..tlia.tit,was the intention to give,simi- lar free entertainments cyery month. An excellent reading' irt.Scotch was given by ° Mr./as. Scott, and recitations by Messrii. Linklater and Lough, Dr. Williams gave a sacred solo,, and a song - by' 'Miss Callender received hearty encore, which "-"was responded- to Rev. Mr.` ("rang, in • his remarks, dwelt more partictilarly upon "moderate and excessive drinking," show- ing the evils of both, from -'a scriptural. standpoint, and advised 'total tib"tinned- as•the only right_ ptinei.ple for mans wel- fare here and hereafter, - The choir et the 'Iethciclrsst eeliilt.'li :t sial d iit-1in evening's eetertainnren't. ",lathe el•t air invitation was extended to thoat. ,Who wished to silo/ the pledge to, cltr,;.1, and many e•,:ntslietl v.itl, the mews'!, - ". • The• Clinton . C of NEW ]',CtA ' has eutcrc( l upon its, 19th volume It•is an accept able weekly to .our sanctum., and • i�f the promise of inereased energy is carried out faith;illy by the •editor,.there• is' but lit_ tie,. doubt' the patropa' e•will.lie sustained. and enlarged upon.—.Blyth Review. chool Books, • There, is: going to be a chauge in the Recently •authorized, 1)o not buy any till you eonsult Chrl He is always posted or School Books. SI3ighst CBIS Stafioiiory, X18( .� JS 1 Bibies,Abl1 �lll s�cl, DI�RI� faire, s1ock of Fioc I)I( BLANK DDONJ, Ll' 1 tai aPl CIIt = S 1DICIiSQN, CLINTON: THE PR los Dakota o I akota, some time in` March. . „The Model School • has`contracted for some:shor•t:green wood at is l®w a 'figure as..$] 50 pet corci'-The friends of Mrs. Laycock, u f • 1Voodstoek; (formerly of Clinton,) will'regret to learn -that she is in very poor health, and not expected to recover. it purse and small suns. of 'money' was: found in.' tlic'B; C. .church; i n Sunday; which the'owner can have on e•pplicatioii to Mr, 'I rouse '• The. returns for out-goinas .freight at this sta- tion for the -Month of December; aro con- siderably lower,thaii `those';fbr the • same period of the previous year; this is due to AMU that Ihere is comparatively little.. grain -inr the country' for shipment ; the returns Tor' incoming freight show sena- siderable increase. All 'tlie,.machinery for afcKenzi(a'-;i new planting, minima been placed.iii position, and it 15 expected that the mill will: resume work Ain a few days Mr:.CGtitr, who has, been performing the' dutics'of baggageman here, has been,per- manently placed in charge of the switches at the diamond. Mr. East, of the brick- yard, we• understand, intends to increase very largely the aiubunt of brick turned out this year, in order to meet the demand; the avoratgo Make, for scars past has -been in the neighborhood of 500,000; this sea- son will nearly double it. Mr. II.Stovons is getting material on the ground for the erection of leis new house and planing mill. We heliet,e that it istho•intehti+in •of Ur. W. Dennison to ;tifc, tap the pre- mises he is in, and elan lira prnitfons no. der the (.ou1101, he having rented the store A•acatcd by Der. 11 eatherald. • '!'lir tliei'ni tnet'er r'e.U,lr('dl .5'' below gent here on Saturday night) which was the cnldc.+t of the itofson -there .i t nearly always a 'diftercnce of about. four denreea between this centre of the town' and this top of Ow hill on Albert. street. Mr, 'George. 1'ohn- sttut, whose lease oJ' the Ranee fii;rm ex. (orliiwfor 'bout, five so Ara yee, lr,ig 't1in 1tni• ''.1 th!' same to Mr. Adam 1;,,.''i t. CE ootlemeo Agreat _ r.�a�:�-���`�:r Caps are sold this month to shrewd people, who are aware • . that they caeffect a saving 0f twenty-five per cent on, thew •. purchases. chases. se A ' • n :CE AND SEE OtIfl TIZE Rhe rim JACK ON. r/D . +`to • 0"1151• '14' 1111d' a3;f [. PAY BARGAIN WEEK AT AN'S. Bargains in Oyercoats. * Bar , ain ' g . s In Clothing.• � . Bar _. ains in. T.Tnd. g erelothi • Bar Wo• •ol. °� � �• • Goods • galas in •Bar �-.,ains r Man . g ties w r • Barg ., ains.::n..Furs- . • Bar sins : in: Dr - . g ess Goo ds B arga.1 s Bos s Matit14.0g... �1 • 1 Bargains an; e'very de art t AT se mte a. DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, OLINTON'. • wE i1AVE THAT -MUST, BE CLEARED 0 IF YOU HAVE NOT' VET BOUGHT -NTE NOW. • ALL THESE- OVERCOATS WILL' BE•.SOLD f T T1 EMENDOUSLY-LOW ]PRICES: s:�vercaats aslair en's :Overcasts as low as $4,50... 1•• fd H• JACKSON', E NO*ED_ .L• TH$OR CLJNTON